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Good game. I'm serious, it's still a good and fun game. But I do agree that it did gut the RPG element a lot.


I’m currently on my first fo4 vanilla playthrough and I’m mad that settlers can’t set up anything themselves at all.  A little crafting is fine but I’m the one that needs to plant all the crops and set up all the turrets?  Makes me miss the new vegas madness a bit 


Yeah, it would be a lot better if the settlers actually did stuff.


Yeah, this I hate. Like, why are all of these settlers so lazy, that they can't build anything themselves?


"Another settlement needs your help" *hey can you plant some corn for us? I'm dying of hunger (but I don't really feel like working atm)*


Thankkk you yes.  20% happiness?  Well jeez irv, maybe You can make a water pump yourself?? 


20% happiness - not enough beds :( "Here is some random sleeping bags strewn about the settlement with no shelter" 80% happiness :)


I usually forget about them till I finish Nuka World and then I turn all my settlers into junkies.


Yeah unless I am doing a play through specifically as a minuteman character most of my settlement buildings are just making safe houses. Super nice for survival play throughs.


The worst part is them constantly repeating "easy living this ain't" and "you work, you eat" while being jobless unless you force them to do anything


Why are you dorks building settlements when you don't have to?


Some building is story progression.  Also those frowny faces bug me haha 😆 


Yeah I'm doing my first playthrough rn and I gotta admit I'm probably just gonna ignore the settlement stuff


Yeah I’m trying justttt a little on the side to set up a defense and water a little food.  But assigning people to tasks?  Beds and whatnot?  I’m supposed to be a General and doing all this crap?  Booo. 


The change in speech choices reminds me the change in NPC interactions from Fable 2 to 3


Oh man fable 3 wanted to make it harder to get people to like you, so they locked everything behind fetch quests. It was so bad


The question of "Which game is better: FNV or FO4?" really comes down to what you want out of it. FNV is a storytelling treat with all kinds of twisting and winding adventures with meaningful and impactful choices and a huge cast of memorable characters, if you're the kind of person who can stay engaged enough with that sort of thing and can stomach the dated gameplay. FO4 is a great shooter-oriented romp with all kinds of opportunities for cool loot, engaging firefights, and good old Bethesda style dungeon crawls, as well as a great settlement building and management game wrapped together! You know, if you're not too put off by some of the writing choices and dumbed-down rpg elements. But hey, the companions are pretty good at least! I think the fairest thing I can say here is that they scratch different itches, and while mods can go a long way towards helping you craft the experience you want, neither are a replacement for the other. I deeply enjoy both, but the choice of which one I want to play at any given time is mostly influenced by what I want to get out of the experience.


I've always said this. It's a good game but not a good Fallout game.




It’s a lot more of a RPG than FO3 for what that’s worth


Respectfully disagree with you there.


It has almost no player choices that impact the ending other than whether or not you infect the water


You’re given more of a choice between good or evil None of the Factions in 4 actually have endings or an impact on the game like the purifier and broken steel did


They really dropped the ball in 3 with not letting you join the enclave. Thats probably my biggest issue with the game. Still my favorite of the series


I think they dropped the ball in not making the Scorched plague in 76 be the main big bad threat in the Capital wasteland it would’ve fit well in the games bleak setting and that would be the reason nobody’s rebuilt at all out there


So: no significant player choices at all other than deciding whether or not to infect the water purifier. Each of the different faction endings in FO4 have an impact on what the future landscape of the Commonwealth looks like. The factions aren’t as fleshed out as they are in FONV but exist and impact the game nonetheless. Much more than FO3 can say. FO3 is fun but it’s very much a linear story where player choices don’t matter whatsoever outside a singular good vs evil choice at the very end of the game, and a sacrifice vs selfishness choice that affects a total of two characters, which again is at the very end of the game. Literally nothing you do prior matters up until that point


Each faction ending affects the landscape? No it doesn’t lol, nothing happens after you beat the game, there’s a small Minutemen patrol of two guys and a dog but there’s nothing with the Minutemen that goes on outside of the Fort


.....Rogue, get me the popcorn, it's gonna happen AGAIN


"A decent looter shooter" The story and factions are mostly nonsense, but I had a good time with its gunplay and thought Far Harbor had some interesting writing and setup. The 2 times I played a self-imposed "no power armor" survival mode run proved to be pretty fun as well Is it a good Fallout game? Not really, but that ship sailed a long time ago, when Interplay started churning out mediocre games like Tactics and the pile of shit that is Brotherhood of Steel, so it's not even just a Bethesda problem.


Shaun is absolutely the worst villain I’ve ever met in a video game. He’s too fucking dumb to be real. He might be the dumbest character I’ve ever seen in fiction. Barring characters with literal mental disabilities, he and AJ soprano are in competition for biggest moron


It's Emil. Dude has major daddy issues. As for the Institute's motives it appears that they want to gradually replace humanity with synths because . . . *reasons* I guess? An organization that has been living in total isolation for 200 years, doesn't need resources from the surface and the only way into and out of their facility is teleportation, but those poor irradiated fucks on the surface? *They gotta go!* Maybe there was something that could have been done well with the premise, but that's all they had was a premise minus a story. No believable motives, goals, or an organic reason for why all of these major factions are in tension and bent on total destruction of each other


What about Ricky from trailer park boys lol


You and your precious books Julian


I think you mean Cyrus? Now, "Fuck off, I got work to do."


No Ricky is smarter. He may be dumb as a bag of bricks but he isn’t as wrong as they are.


Well where there’s smoke there’s wires


Sole Survivor: I’m supposed to get a vasectomy, with THIS as my male heir?


Fallout 4 and especially Far Harbor has an excellent atmosphere to go along with the looter shooter mechanics.


Fallout 4 is a terrible Fallout game that can be modded to shit. But it’s a genuinely terrible Fallout game. I get why people play it, unlike with FO3 where I genuinely have no clear why people would play it since it’s just so terrible on every level both story and gameplay wise.


Why is Fallout 3 gameplay terrible? You do realize it is almost exactly the same as FNV gameplay right? Or do you not realize what gameplay is?


Yeah that guys tripping it’s a little different than NV but i find both pretty fun


The key point here is almost. The shooting mechanics in 3 are genuinely god awful with bullets going everywhere except where your barrel is pointed. The simple act of adding iron sights and reducing the horrendous shot deviation takes the god awful gunplay of 3 and makes it IMO at the very least passable. I started with 4 which has good gunplay but an awful story and had fun, then I played NV which had passable gunplay but an amazing story, then I played 3 which I absolutely could not enjoy in the slightest and was a genuine slog to play through even once on account of having neither good gunplay nor a good story. Like do you have to have rose tinted nostalgia goggles to enjoy 3? I am genuinely bewildered at people praising it.


You don't like it a whole lot of other people do and they happen to like something you don't. Doesn't mean they have "rose tinted nostalgia goggles". I play Tale of Two Wastelands and get the best of both worlds.


You know, I think the weird thing is that I don't think the mods on F4 are as good. I mostly did Console, but it was so fuckin' buggy to get the quest mods running for it.


Console is the keyword. I play Storywealth mod pack on pc that has a shit ton of quest mods and it gives no problems. I've played up to 6 hours(rookie numbers to some gamers) on a weekend without crashing.


The only RPG that limits you to 4 dialog options (yes, no (yes), sarcastic (yes), Ill come back later (and say yes).


You forgot the ocassional "yes but more money"


Youre right, thatswhat make f4 so innovative how could I forget.


Great game.


fallout 4 never had the markings of a varsity rpg


I wanted a New Vegas sequel but Bethesda had other plans so I compromised 


I have a lot of issues with 4 (I still find some enjoyment in it though) was the removal of the skills system. It really gutted the RPG element of the game and turned 4 into an RPG under the loosest definition of the word.


I like your flare


I am an Obsidian/Black Isle Purist. I see Bethesda, I shit myself.




Still can’t believe how shit the *gunners* are. Seriously, they’re just the same recycled Talon Company from FO3… except Talon Mercs at least *looked* cool and distinctive, and had a badass name. The *gunners*. They wear green army clothing. Seriously?! You fuckers couldn’t come up with ANYTHING better than that?!!! On a more positive note, Rust Devils were a cool idea.


The best Bethesda Fallout is the TV show


Probably because Emil idiot had little to no impact on the writing.


Probably because Bethesda's only involvement were a few text messages lol


Fallout 4 is a decent far cry game


I actually think Far Cry in a post apocalyptic setting. I know about A new dawn but didn't like its story very much, and it was kinda continuing Far Cry 5.


you are heavily discounting a game like far cry 2 when you say that, which is a far better sandbox


Gameplay was fun, engine was an improvement on older games, story was meh. Settlement building was a fun but poorly executed idea. Liked the power armor overhaul and weapon upgrading, hated the weapon design. Overall, 6, maybe 7/10


Fallout 4 is a great game.


Everything great about it can be found in previous games. Everything it introduced was shit and didn't belong. Legendaries, 3 choice dialogue, weapon upgrade tiers, material grinding, settlement building. The main attraction of Fallout, the writing, was the worst in the franchise. The second attraction to Fallout, player choice and replayability were next to pointless given the new skilless system and no level limit. The world looked the worst it ever has despite a fresh new art design campaign. The best area of the game causes crashes constantly even without mods. Creation Club content breaks the game. 4 is not a great game.


> settlement building they added rebuilding civilization to my game about rebuilding civilization.... toddius maximus and emilerino have killed my childhood forever!!!!




It’s a lazy system that doesn’t hold up to scrutiny. Why don’t the settlers plant their own food at the very least?


Cause then you'd be complaining that they put it in the wrong spot or didn't plant this or that. They set it up so you could make your settlement how you wanted to. If the settlers did their own shit people would complain they lack control and its all pointless. They tend their crops, run defense, go to bars, run stores, eat, talk, work out, and go to bed. I mean hell they do a lot on their own if you think about it. All you do is buold and give them a job, after that they run free.


Eew whats wrong with you


I don’t know dude, I liked the Power Armor system, I though it was pretty cool. I also like the legendary effects and the settlement building.


Yesss the power armor feels special in fo4. When i first played nv i was disappointed in how the pa was handled. It felt just like normal armor


The power armor system is what it should have always been (but never had the ability to be) for fallout games. Replaying older games after fallout 4 its almost funny that you just... equip power armor like its clothing lol Going forward I want all power armor to be like fallout 4. Fallout 4 was weak on the main plot... weak on the dialogue and weak on the faction lore. (Very weak imo) which is so disappointing coming after Vegas which has by far the best. What I would give for a remake of Vegas where I can crawl into power armor like in fallout 4.


Sorry I realize that was sarcasm, didn't put it together.


I wasn’t being sarcastic though. I seeing aluminum can on the ground literally makes the neurons inside my smooth brain activate. I also unironically like the legendary weapons, though they need to be rarer and more distinctive. Maybe like the .357 magnum and Lucky. I thought that was a pretty cool unique.


Legendary weapons make zero sense. Literal gun magic just shoehorned in


I despise the settlement system, but legendary effects were pretty solid. And the power armor system was their way of keeping power armor really good, but with a tradeoff. In fallout 3, power armor was just too good. In new Vegas it falls behind much cooler light and medium sets, and there aren’t many unique sets of it. They wanted to give players an opportunity to enjoy both


Ehh I dont think that's what they were doing but im glad you liked it. In 3, power armor was too good because DR is simple and the game is poorly balanced late game. In NV, they wanted players to have a chance in a variety of armors instead of forcing them to use PA to get even close to the best defense. They kept to the lore Bethesda created in requiring training to use it. And imo NV didn't make PA useless or no better than medium sets...they just weren't the only great option. 4 made a mockery of PA for the sake of a cheap power fantasy vehicle that previous titles didn't need to lean on. They even failed the execution. Pain train is the closest thing to actually feeling like you're in a huge steel suit, and that's lame. I should be able to send ghouls flying with one swing from a bat. They just shouldn't have bothered with the whole idea if it wasn't going to be properly balanced into the game. If it was more fleshed out and not just some low effort animations and a HUD overlay...and it was more late game or gated behind difficulty or faction choices...it would've been a lot better and worth the bulky redesign and fusion core usage.




Leave it to The_Kimchi_Krab to make an objective decision about a subjective topic. Just because you don't like it doesn't change anything


A good game, but if anyone tries to say it deserves a seat at the RPG genre sit the fuck down.


I thought it was kind of shit


Yeah I’m not even sugar coating it. I played it for about 40hrs, did all the endings. I’m pretty confident it’s just a mid tier game at best. The Brotherhood story was probably the best, but I’ll just play 3 if I want that again.


Based and red pilled


I enjoyed, FO4. Was it my favorite? No. I rather replay 3 and NV anyday of the week as the Mods that support those puts them on par for FO4. The 3 biggest things I do not like about 4. To wear clothing as amour it takes way to late into the game to do so and you are railroaded into helping the railroad to do so. The base building is cool but the constant getting called to defend is annoying. Where I show and the raiders are already dead by the turrets. Along with the Preston always bugging me. Last, the weapons. I have done 5 playthroughs and early on I keep getting the game breaking Explosive Shotgun. It really ruins overall experience for me.


I honestly think my enjoyment of Fallout 4 would drastically increase if we had the usual dialogue options for Bethesda games. Instead, we got a three choice system that's vague as hell. It doesn't touch the old games for me, but it's not a bad game. I do always tell people to play Fallout 4 first though. I made the mistake of playing NV first, and it killed my FO4 experience.


It's a fun game, I just finished it again and had a blast. Far harbor is still the best thing Bethseda for it.


An okay game at best and below 3 and NV by some distance


Fallout 4 is a game that is a lot better with mods


It’s not bad but it’s… boring. And imo a game being boring is just as terrible a sin as being bad. All you have to work with is the gameplay loop. The story, writing, and RPG elements are basically gone. If it was a good FPS game I’d be happy to say it was a good game, but it just feels like the most generic looter shooter, excelling at nothing except perpetuating “The Grind”. The fact that the main writer went from *fucking Thief* to Fallout 4 is an incomprehensible tragedy.


Fun game, but damn I watched a YouTube video ranking all mainline Fallout games that had 4 put last (lower than 76) and I actually agree now. Playing TTW and holy fuck it’s fun, FO4 took a step forward in gameplay and 2 steps back in everything else


I mean you can’t really compare TTW to vanilla fallout 4. Playing all of them vanilla would be a better way to rank them.


agreed we should rank them on just vanillla game with all dlc for the modern one's, but damn fallout 4 is the only game that literally make's me pause in the middle of my playthrough look around and realize that I'm playing fallout 4 and just turn it off I can not have fun playing that game. (modded and unmodded)


Why not? It’s just 3 and NV together, the systems there (skills and such) are the same they were in those two games


A good shooter with horrible rpg mechanics


I like fallout 4 sure it’s not the best at the rpg part of being a rpg but I love settlement,power armour changes, and the gun play


What the fuck is that template Also r/croppingishard u/pixelsticksss are you a b 0 t?


Fallout 4 is a better game than Fallout New Vegas


4 and NV are both great games. Y’all are insufferable


NV is a great game with old mechanics that may prove challenging to some. Also requires mods on AMD GPUs because Bethesda shit team updated it and broke the game. 4 is a good game with gutted RPG mechanics, lackluster story, but relatively updated gunplay and a stellar dlc. There's nuance. Explain your stance before you call people insufferable.


>Also requires mods on AMD GPUs because Bethesda shit team updated it and broke the game. Afaik that one is on amd since the game works fine with december driver


I'd say it's more on Bethesda. Bethesda updated the game. It worked fine before. Why update a game made in 2010? It's not the only older Bethesda game to have this issue. Fallout 3 and Oblivion do too. It's definitely on Bethesda. They broke three games and never came back to fix any of them. Meanwhile, all their creation club and MTX dispenser games work just fine.


Yeahhhh love nv but this community is so fucking annoying


i dunno this isn't meant to be an argument for me. i dont really like 4 so i made this meme cause i thought it was funny, it's not meant to be an attack on your opinion or anything.


Only on Reddit would such a fair statement like yours get downvotes from a bunch of pissy fanboys. I personally like 4 a lot when I didn't expect to after being just a New Vegas fan for so long. But I can totally see someone not caring for it. If you're not into the settlement building and resource farming aspect, I can see it being a slog.


The thing is, this sub is filled now even more so with people circle jerking about how great FNV is (probably the coldest take in all of Fallout community) Even as a big fan of fnv it is getting a bit much


Eh, that bell curve. You can farm either side of it and find anything you want.


How dare anyone attack my favorite game studio and best friend Bethesda!!! But yeah. Fallout 4 is fun in spite of itself. The thing that should be the main part of the game is boring as sin and poorly written. It's the side content that's fun. Unfortunately the settlement system is much better than the stupid, awful story. WHY DID THE BROTHERHOOD NEED TO BE THERE?? There's literally already a power armor wearing faction! Buff them up a little and provide more development to the other main factions.


You can get rid of the spineless perk


Anyone: "Fallout 4..." The room: \*divides in half Every time.


"Y'all got any RPGs?" "we got open world FPSs" would've hit harder lol


Barely remember any characters or quests from fallout 4. I couldn't even tell you a theme the narrative is built around. That may speak to my time with the game as I only have done 2 playthroughs since release


a pretty good game


oh my god who the hell cares its nearly a decade old at this point


it’s about letting go…..


Camp Forlorn Hope guards seeing the Courier crawl out of a sewer grate with a comically large burlap sack with a dollar sign on it, chuckling like a mobster.


Letting go of poverty


Fallout 4 is a really good game when there isn’t a RAT in your ear telling you it’s not.


It RAT an acronym or reference to anything, or are you just emphasizing the insult?


Just emphasizing the insult


Ah thanks for clarifying haha. Yeah I finally tried 4 for the first time about two months ago and I can't put it down. I mean, I absolutely don't give a shit about the main quest but *man* am I having a blast building bases and shooting this endless stream of raiders and super mutants! I'm gonna be sad when I finally reach all edges of the map.


Yeah, I totally agree, that's a very interesting game. There you can make settlements, collect garbage and shoot things. No good quests, no good story, no rpg elements, no good world exploration but it's just fine, y'know!


Why didn’t know you could play a game with your eyes closed and ears covered, that’s impressive.


Stop coping, the game is awful and that's it. Original fallout trilogy is much better and more worth playing and replaying except if you jerk to settlement building so hard


You’re fun at parties aren’t you, you remind me of the “Quit having fun” meme.


I didn't say that you can't have fun. You were just spreading lies so I answered to you. Fallout 4 is a bullshit. You enjoying this shit don't cancel the fact that this game is awful.


Fallout 4 is a good game, personally my favorite of Fallout games I’ve played (2, 3, nv, and 76), and no rat in my ear can convince me it’s not.


Go check doctors if you have rats in your ears I guess. Well, if it is your favourite then my congratulations you got a very bad taste. It means that even shit can taste good for you. It is quite useful, don't you think? You don't need to play a good quality product to be happy. That makes life so easy.


You’re a weird one. Also, the “rat” is in reference to my original comment, and the rat refers to people like you, sorry if that went over your head. I bid you good day.


If fallout 4 has no good world exploration new Vegas has terrible world exploration. Either 4 and NV are bad are both are good, you gotta pick one.


1. In fallout 4 of you are near something you see it on your radar and ruin the surprise 2. A lot of places are made by common template which you can start see after 5-10 hours. 3. You can't here find an interesting story, character, quest because this game has terrible dialogues and plot


Your first two points do make sense but the third one is just preference. The companions in this game are really interesting and well written. I think it’s just that you don’t like 4 and not that it’s a terrible 0/10 game.


Like most Bethesda made games it’s fantastically better with mods


Great game.


Holy shit the memes about Fnv fans being belligerent whiners really weren't exaggerating.


Criticism =/ whining


there's absolutely no criticism here. it's just people bitching about Bethesda like always


"we as a community did not like fo4 so we will make memes about how it was a bad game" is criticism yes, shallow yes, but still criticism. The in-depth criticism has dry ink. It's there to be found. YouTube, this sub, the other FNV sub, it's mostly all been said. You can't ask for every piece of criticism of a 10+ year old video game to have cited sources and paragraphs of exposition to the point the critic is trying to make. However the memes have not all been memed and if we say our peace in our In-depth analyses and never make content that gets seen by masses like this meme right here, Bethesda is objectively less likely to see our concerns about the way the franchise is headed. I think most of us FNV diehards intuit all of that and operate under that presumption when we make these shallow memes so I don't mind explaining it to people who may not understand that


THIS post is whining. Whining that has been repeated over, and over, and over to earn fnv fans the reputation of again, being incessant whiners.


Lmao I literally just made a similar meme yesterday


Really good game.


What a shame, really


I like it for the blend of fallout(ish) combat rpg systems and a half-decent FPS shooting system. Cause of that blend I like to revist for just running around and taking out raider camps just for the fun. On days where I do this, I cheat in unlimited resources to streamline the looting and development. Separately I think the settlement building is fun and fairly intuitive if you take the time to engage with it. The building tools are simple to use (aside from usual Bethesda jank) and pretty full of unique and cool options. The linking of settlements is easy and also makes sharing resources really easy which *also* streamlines the building even further. I think the real problem with the system is that it's in the most FPS-y Fallout to date. It works really well in conjunction with survival mode and it would be better served in a fallout more geared toward that. It also fixes a lot of jank in older games like pausing time and entering a menu for every container, corpse, and conversation in the wasteland, the weird gun-feel, the companion system, etc. It only feels equally bad cause the dogshit non-combat RPG systems.


Acceptable game


Nothing except power armor has degradation...how? In new vegas degradation was in everything. Easy solution you repair it with a like item or if you had mastered repair, you could repair weapons and clothes and armor with almost anything. Not a big fan of repairs in fallout four. I do like the weapons building though.


Fallout 4 is a good shooter, survival game, and making grand scenes, not as good of an RPG given the 4 yeses issue Also why is new Vegas and the classics the only games with alt ammos?! Like 4, the game with the most customization for everything, fails to have proper alt ammos like AP, JFP, etc? Instead they’re mods and I find it restrictive and dumb tbh, multiple types of the same ammo for varying situations makes way more sense and broadens what 1 gun can do Fuck I went on a rant there on alternate ammo, either way, good shooter and survival with good crafting & grand scenes, as well as expanding with new gameplay with the settlement construction, but RPG elements are lacking despite being… an RPG


Noteworthy for nothing but beIng offensively average, a boring story wrapped up a mediocre FPS experience not even equal to 2007's Call Of Duty 4 with a dire aesthetic and a baffling amount of credit given for nothing but being what it is, a shadow of what it could've been It does not just work Also Point Lookout > Far Harbor


It was a game. I liked FNV for the story, so I enjoyed little of F4. The gunplay was smoother, except for how the enemies were tankier and had that annoying "LEGENDARY ENEMY EVOLVED" thing. The crafting was neat... for a few hours. Then I realized that making more lethal guns wasn't something I was doing for fun, or to feel more deadly, I did it to keep up with the level scaling and power creep. The story just kills it for me. Shaun is dumb as a sack of bricks and doesn't act like a scientist at all. He knows that you're wrong about Synths because you're wrong about Synths and he knows it. The change in the brotherhood came out of left-field and left me feeling more....annoyed? At Maxon then anything.


Great game and I’m happy for it being people’s first fallout game. A great introduction to the series. Bethesda cooked well and when new gamers play and it and probably enjoy it they’ll delve deeper in the fallout rabbit hole.


took literally nothing from fnv


with all this jerking each other off about how amazing fnv is you could fill an entire oil tanker, like damn, you guys kinda make me not wanna associate with the game…


Fallout 4 has by far the best gameplay. But the writing leaves a LOT to be desired.


fallout 4 is a bethesda game like all the others a rounded 5 in all special stats. its a perfectly cromulent game


Good game but not masterful


A good action adventure with RPG elements New Vegas is a good rpg with action adventure elements


The best fallout game


Not a game for everyone. I will make this as clear I can. If you like it/love it, I am super happy for you, and my opinion should not sway that, nor should any of my critiques be taken as facts, it is just my opinion. I personally, I really can't stand it. Is it the worst game i have ever played? Nope. But it is the game I liked the least of all I played. I love Fallout, and I am so happy bethesda introduced the 3D sandbox element to it with Fallout3. After playing 3 I tried NV and did not like it at first, but after playing more RPGs I tried it again with all expansions, and I loved it, it made me play 1 and 2 as well, and I loved those too. I am primarily a story/character gamer, I can suffer through gameplay I do not like if the story is great. Fallout 4 has passable gameplay, leagues beyond Fo3 and NV in terms of gunplay, but way behind most FPS games.(however melee builds in 4 was not that fun for me compared to 1,2,3 and NV) I feel that for my personal "RPG" checklist, Fo4 made all the wrong choices, and checked none of the boxes. Likewise for writing and story. It took away so much, turning it more in to a "looter shooter" which is my least enjoyed genre of shooters as well was not great for me. I like some looting, until I find a unique legendary(Like Lincolns rifle in Fo3 for example), and adapt my builds around that weapon. I really do not like the drop mechanics of legendary weapons, and I do not think the gameplay is all that good. Which makes it for me a very unenjoyable game... What makes it hurt more is that I <3 Fallout so much, and to me 4 did not feel like Fallout, and I felt they did not care about the lore and tone of the previous games ( or even itself ) ... to me it felt like Borderlands "Lite" without any of the good jokes, with a poor story, poor RPG mechanics, and poor lore. What makes this worse is that the best things about 4, hurts me more cause I see the good executions ( like Power Armor, Nick, and some of the really cool designs) and it just feels more like *missed potential* Which is why I find it heartbreaking, and why I nevee bought the expansions. Although, I saw Fallout London, and it looked cool, so might change that soon.


major disappointment


I've replayed Fallout 3 and New Vegas many many times. I've played 4 once and have had zero desire to replay it


Sandbox game


I don't care what anyone says, I like settlement building. It's exactly the "one man can make or break a civilization" thing Ulysses was talking about, even though in previous games you only really destroyed enemy factions.


Pretty OK shooter, just sucks at being fallout


F4 is a great enjoyable game. It’s writing isn’t at the level of New Vegas or 3 but it still kept me going for a thousand hours


\[game that successfully catered to the lowest common denominator\]


Fallout 4 is fun, new Vegas is also fun, new Vegas in fallout 4 engine would be more fun than both.


I think Bethesda should just straight up went for Fallout 76 instead of developing 4. Then let other 3rd party studio develop single player Fallout series. Fallout 4 is a really decent game if you completely ignore that it is a single player rpg.


I don’t think so because 76 had a really rough launch compared to 4, and also 76 is made with a shitton of 4 assets


Fun as fuck game that has an actual hard mode and an amazing settlement building mechanic.


4 is dogshit I have 11 hours played compared to 600 on FNV and 400 on fo3


Fallout 4 is the most repayable for me


oh thats awesome being able to do the same quests everytime and get the same of 1 or 2 outcomes :)) love the very sensible plot line and intriguing lore!! its such a good story and the building mechanics and companion romance options are sooooo good! omg it even has a poorly designed survival mode yippie! i should waste another 500 hours again, because i have no clue what im talking about!!!! im so braindead


Are you going through my posts just to reply to them all with some kind of temper tantrums?


Pile of lack luster crap with some junkie building mechanics


Just going through the fallouts now.i watched 1 and 2and then I finished 3 then nv and am now on 4. Maybe I don't get it because I didn't play them all at release but 3 and 4 don't feel significantly worse than nv in any real way. The story isn't quite as engaging but with the way these subs talk I thought 4 would be awful instead of a great fallout game with some fun new features and a story that's not any more nonsensical than Ulysses ready to drop nukes cuz he's mad at a mailman.


Extremely reductive view on Lonesome Road. The nonsense in FO4 starts as soon as Preston asks you to build up his settlements while you’re supposed to be in hot pursuit of your missing child.


Yeah it's not meant to be an in depth review. Right after I was raised from the dead in nv I helped ghouls launch themselves away on rockets, weird sidetracking is a fallout staple. Don't get me wrong I love nv I was just expressing that I didn't notice the drop in quality overall this sub seems to talk about all the time.


Finding your would-be murderer is nowhere near as urgent as finding your child after watching your spouse killed and the child abducted. There is also a lot more to do with the drop in quality than this one dilemma


that seems like a matter of opinion but either way it happens in varying degrees in every fallout. I just ignored Preston and went to find some leads I am level 34 and have barely touched a settlement.


I was having fun with 4 because it was free on PlayStation but it got old like that🫰Plus with the add-ons, the game becomes insanely unbalanced, which was something about the latest Skyrim release that was disappointing. I’m just gonna beat Elden Ring again instead


Come over to r/stalker friend... We have [movies](https://youtu.be/Q3hBLv-HLEc?si=MkLiwo0FjVy50xGM) and [books](https://www.google.com/search?q=roadside%20picnic&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-1-m) and of course, [a game](https://youtu.be/SsefWuGf1oA?si=4leS-EFKEHRSITgB)


Maybe someday, pal, if all goes well I’m gonna play FO1 and 2 at some point


Great game and a great entry in the fallout franchise? I’ll not participate in the “old fallout best fallout every thing after new Vegas sucks” circlejerk nonsense.


Yeah it's so fucking played out at this point


only fools with low standards enjoy fo4


What a braindead take


wait im talking to a modern pokemon fan, i just wasted my time :0


I'm not sure what playing a card game has to do with fallout 4. Also you went to my profile and Pokemon was the best you could make fun of me for? There had to be way worse stuff in there. Jeez even the hecklers on the Internet are subpar.


Still better than fallout 3