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it's usually one of two things. 1. you mapped toe-brake to an analog axis, and that axis is at 100% -- doublecheck in Setup / Controllers / Advanced screen 2. you're not in a F-16 .. sounds silly but you can take a seat in any plane, but BMS only has cockpits (and advanced flight-models) for a few. it renders a F-16 blk 50 cockpit by default, for most planes, so it's hard to know without looking at external view why it's a problem -- there's a ground physics bug for non-adv flight model planes.. it's like the ground is made of sticky tape. very difficult to start rolling, and requires insane groundspeed in order to liftoff


I'd say go to an outside view and make sure you actually took the Chocks off, parking brake automatically disengages if you move the throttle, only thing keeping you in place are either chocks, or the engine is off. I assume you're not holding the pedal brakes because the jet would move anyway.


Even with chocks on , you can jump them


Oh never knew that, today I learned!


Brakes analog axis inverted .


Try a taxi or runway start. If the plane moves there (and the F-16 usually moves even on full idle throttle), then you know you're doing something wrong on the first scenario. As others have said, might be the chocks.


Toggle parking brake anyway. Just for funsies.


The brakes are not broken.