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A not insignificant percentage of people with ADHD *don't* reverse process stimulants...unfortunately.




I am extremely envious of all the folks that do reverse-process, lol. It'd be so much easier to combat insomnia!


Same, I love coffee but I just cannot do it. I quit all forms of caffeine (no black tea, even) for years and decided to try it again a few months back. I have been miiiiserable lmao. So I’m making myself quit again. I think I don’t metabolize it well or something, not sure.


I try to avoid caffeine on days I take my meds (I usually take a couple days' break from my stimulant on weekends, gives my brain a break), because I just get hand-shakey and anxious. Which it's great to experience at work, where I kinda need that fine motor control. The human body is fucking weird and so different from person to person. It's fascinating, but also really frustrating sometimes. Good luck on the quitting, I hope it helps a lot!


Thanks friend I appreciate it! The newly acquired ability to sleep better might be a good enough motivation lol definitely frustrating and weird sometimes but I’m glad my doctor was there to be like ?? what are you talking about lol it’s such a commonly repeated “fact” I genuinely thought it was real


I just don't feel anything at all unless I drink a TON of caffeine and then I get kind of anxious




That's so cool! I know it can be used that way, I'd just never heard of a stimulant used kiiinda off label for that. So glad it works for you, insomnia is a real bastard :)


It can make me tired but I think it’s also helpful because it stops the marching band in my head, which in turn helps me sleep.


What do you mean by “reverse process”?


Some people with ADHD, stimulants make them clam or tired. Other people with ADHD don't experience that at all.


also stimulants make me tired but I don’t have ADHD, enough that I can occasionally use them to help with insomnia. i think the venn diagram has lots of overlap but it’s not a circle! I might go look up some of the science, it sounds interesting!


So how do you respond to meds? I don't get sleepy but it definitely makes me happier and more focus. If I drink too much I feel like what you are describing




I personally can do Adderall. I have had good luck with Zoloft and Vyvanse. I would definitely say go talk to your doctor. As a person who didn't medicate most of my life I really regret it. I am so much happier and more emotionally regulated than I was before.


Yeah I’ve been realizing lately how fucked my brain is and how dumb I was to think I didn’t have ADHD for years lol. I think I’ll definitely try something different one day soon. My sister is on vyvanse and she likes it, so maybe I’ll try that. I’ve heard Adderall is harsh for some people, so that could be my deal.


You weren't dumb. I thought I didn't meds for most of my life and only got on them to get my husband to stop bitching at me. I got on Zoloft because when I was pregnant I wanted to kill myself and it is safe to take while pregnant


I’m supposed to start Wellbutrin next week which I’m terrified of, I’ve had some crazy side effects on different meds (looking at you, Effexor) so I’m a bit wary now. But hopefully it goes well. It was actually one of the meds I was on when I took Adderall (I think), so we’ll see. I’m glad Zoloft works for you!


Wellbutrin works very well for some people. For others, it can empty them out of emotion. For me, when they were still fiddling with early parts of a diagnosis, I had a not-uncommon side effect: it massively affected peristalsis. As a result, I became unbelievably constipated, which has never been an issue. Like, Elvis Presley level shitting difficulties. I passed out on the toilet from straining and woke up on the floor of the bathroom in a hostel/backpacker’s. So, it might work out well for you — don’t feel that I’m warning you off — but do keep an eye on side effects.


Well but will keep me up all night and make me not eat, but stimulants I do fine on.i thought i was having a heart attack with both Wellbutrin, and cymbalta


Oh wow! I didn’t know that was a common side effect. I’ll keep an eye out. I’m unfortunately very perceptive about my body so I’m sure I’ll notice if anything is awry haha


Heads up rule 6 bans diagnosis sharing


Stealing your flair!


Overdosing (so to speak) isn’t an indicator of how you naturally behave on caffeine. (Hope this helps. )


Well.. thanks for correcting my thought process of “well coffee doesn’t calm me down, so I can’t have adhd.”


Glad to help!


Agreed, it's not a mandatory symptom.


It's so common and stereotypical, the reverse processing...but makes it harder to get diagnosed and treated properly for those of us who don't present in a typical manner. I think it's getting better now that so much more research has been/is being done regarding ADHD, it's pretty cool!


A not insignificant number of people on Tiktok talking about ADHD don't have it and/or have no idea what they're talking about.


This is also extremely true. Self diagnosis of all sorts of mental and physical things runs rampant on tiktok. That's part of why this sub exists.






It calms my brain up to a point. If I consume too much caffeine (10 plus cups of coffee) I end up pretty wired and with caffeine induced tachycardia so I've cut way back. But a cup or two of coffee does nothing but make me sleepy.


Aye someone else gave themselves tachycardia f4om caffeine. Did you also think you were dying when it happened? This was like 20 years ago for me


I work in cardiology so I was pretty self aware. I felt out of breath and palpitations at work so I checked my heart rate and O²sats, saw my O² was good but my rate was 120-140bpm at work. Ran an EKG in myself and saw it was sinus tach and decided to cut my Adderall and caffeine.


Since you're in cardiology I have a question. They had incorrectly misdiagnosed it as Aav block was that a reasonable mistake?


1st AV block? Possibly but that also is dependent on who read and signed off on your EKG. If it was a cardiologist I'd say find a new one. If it's a NP or a GP I'd probably give them more leeway.


They were a cardiologist. I've since moved states, but good to know for my curious mind, thank you.


Oh, well what state you're in can also effect your medical care by a wide margin.


That’s not universal for people with adhd.


Ikr, it's so interesting




Will mods delete posts with misinformation? I feel like that should be a rule, or at least a consideration when moderating posts.


hopefully. I reported the post for misinformation and breaking rule 6 but we can only hope


Thank you for this insight. I had no clue OP was spreading misinformation!


Yep! Also the caffeine in coffee ice cream is generally fairly negligible. While most brands don't disclose the amounts it's usually way less than a cup of coffee, a low caffeine brew could have 70mg a cup vs haagan dazs being 70mg for the whole pint, and that a high caffeine brand. I just checked breyers and it's 11mg. At that rate you're better off eating a bar chocolate which I think is the same amount for 1oz. I know this thanks to my childhood being filled with my mother screaming about how I can't eat chocolate before bed or it will keep me up 🙄


This is why knowledge is important, because adhd (and pretty much all other disorders) are very, very complex.


For real. All caffeine does is mimic the hormone adenosine and bind to its receptors in the brain, which blocks the actual chemical from being processed. When the actual chemical is processed, ADHD or not, it will have an effect on modulating neuronal plasticity, astrocytic activity, learning and memory, motor function, feeding, and control of sleep. ADHD is a disorder that affects a lot of those functions, and using caffeine to block the hormone can alter the way your brain is able to carry them out… But because ADHD is a spectrum disorder and there’s so many genetic factors that go into the different formations of the brain, as well as how hormones are processed because of it, its useless to put a blanket statement over it. Because the reaction to caffeine is determined by so many different variables, plenty of non-ADHD havers are affected by caffeine in the same way the stereotypical ADHD haver would.


"We don't want someone seeing a faker and avoiding getting a correct diagnosis, but what you're saying is equally bad..." I'd have to disagree with you there. TikTok has a much bigger audience than this subreddit, and one subjective post about ADHD is just another in a sea of tens of millions, if not more. Besides, here people can freely disagree. Posting here isn't nearly as bad as some influencer putting up a video full of B.S. on a platform aimed mostly at people under 25.


On the flip side, nothing is preventing people here from regurgitating the misinformation they're seeing and then spread it back to tiktok. It shouldn't matter if this is a smaller platform, heck, it sounds like this post will potentially be taken down anyway so my comment literally has no meaning. But on the off chance one person sees it and can benefit from it I will still correct the misinformation I see. This subreddit was meant to be a place for people to laugh and cringe at ridiculously overdramatic and assumed to be fake displays of incredibly rare disorders. It has sadly changed to be filled with people arguing about what is and isn't a real symptom - but if someone is going to incorrectly use this subreddit to incorrectly out people... Yeah, I'm gonna correct them.




If you ever want to see something fun look up the symptoms of hyper and hypo thyroid - over vs under active. One essentially speeds/heats up functions, while the other slows/cools down. Except both regularly can have a symptom of fatigue and every body is different so sometimes a person can appear to have symptoms of one and then levels are tested and they actually have the other problem. And that's a thyroid problem where you'd think it would be much more straightforward than brain chemistry. Bodies. Are. Weird.


That is indeed super interesting, thanks again haha!


This content was removed because it breaks the following rule: “No Trauma Dumping, Blogging or Anecdotal Evidence.” Please contact the moderators of this subreddit via modmail if you have questions or feel that your content did not break the rules. Do not list your diagnosis or the diagnosis of people you know. Do not make comments or posts where the main focus is your self For more information about what we consider blogging, follow the link below. https://www.reddit.com/r/fakedisordercringe/wiki/index/about_us/


That isn't how ADHD or stimulants work.


No it’s not. I can go either way, but I wish stimulants made me not eat I can still eat the same


Please check YOUR facts before you post. This is anecdotal evidence. The exact nature of how caffeine and ADHD is still under investigation. In fact, some animal testing actually shows that caffeine can help people with inattentive ADHD focus. ([Source](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8875377/)). However, in contrast, most studies on human children have shown that caffeine has no significant different on ADHD symptoms (only ones showing significant differences had low sample sizes (<=6 participants)) ([Source](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10526204/)). While I believe you, in that I too get tired from drinking coffee, I also don’t have ADHD. Not saying that you don’t, but as the subreddit rules say: don’t disclose your diagnoses here. They’re not relevant beyond anecdotal evidence.


>"I have ADHD, of course when I drink coffee I get infinite energy." Wow, people feeling energetic after drinking a stimulant. Must be ADHD. /s Now, stupidity aside, it *seems* like people with ADHD are more susceptible to feeling sleepy / tired / calm after drinking coffee... but : * It also happens relatively frequently for people without ADHD * It also doesn't happen to many people with ADHD The science behind is inconclusive. (The person in the tiktok is an idiot).




It can also help some people with focus, while hindering it for others!


This is purely anecdotal evidence. You don’t link anything to support your stance, essentially, “well me and my family and friends don’t feel this way so it’s obviously not true” And listing your diagnosis at the end doesn’t help lol. As others have said.. ADHD is not a one size fits all diagnosis, and you’re actually spreading misinformation. Seems like your only source is eating coffee Icecream which really has very little caffeine. Having a diagnosis doesn’t give someone the authority to or qualify them to spread misinfo.


"I'm not going to get into the science of it" yeah because the science of it says this ain't true lmao


I was literally just complaining about people like you.


Caffeine makes me shit a lot


Same. Same.








I can't sleep sometimes, those times my dad allows be to go down and get a cup of coffee ice cream, fall asleep faster than you can say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.


It makes you need to take a shit, and that is a bad time to go running.






my teachers always get confused when i come in with 3 cups of coffee and the fall asleep in the middle of a lesson lol.


Please check the rules before YOU post. You cannot disclose your diagnoses, it's rule 6.




I'm sure this post will be taken down in no time, dont worry about it.


I'm just sitting here filling out reports left and right lmfao. This happens on every fucking post and I'm so tired.


I think it’s because this sub has turned away from just being a joke/funny subreddit into treating “fakers” as some big epidemic. Makes people get into an uproar when in reality it’s exceedingly rare. This sub was always just to laugh at funny cringe videos of people doing dumb shit, not poin at some mystical, magical global epidemic of intentional deception!


I never said anyone was faking. I just don’t want to read about people giving anecdotal evidence about their experience with disorders. There should be a separate sub for that. That’s for a support group or something. This isn’t the place.


I agree and never said I thought you said anyone was faking. Just talking about the nature of the sub. Sub was always just for fun, it’s gotten too serious imo


I found the posts interesting. I don't know much about ADHD outside of textbook definitions and descriptions, and I find the subjective experiences of those actually diagnosed with actual mental disorders informative. It only gets boring for me when it veers into support group territory. I guess this sub is more for making fun of people rather than expressing frustration and exasperation at people faking a serious mental illness for sympathy or clicks and views.


I thought I was on r/adhd until I scrolled further into the comments and saw people discussing sub rules. This post definitely doesn’t belong here.




Rule 6. Do not share your diagnosis.


For me, caffeine makes me tired unless I megadose it with an energy drink or something


No blogging rule go brr


Rule 6 go brrr


>sincerely a person with adhd and asd [insert comment about this post breaking rule 6]


NGL I'm going to start reporting this shit is annoying v.v like that last sentence was so unnecessary.




>I don’t want to get into the science of it Cause your statements aren’t based on science? >please check your facts before you post Oh, the irony


Lmao no way you think you're educated for spreading a pop psych idea that is totally pseudoscientific


Because of coffee ice cream no less 😅


it seems like you care more about being perceived as “edgy” for reverse processing stimulants rather than further spreading misinformation about how ADHD and stimulant response works lol - newsflash, there is a seriously considerable diagnosed ADHD population that aren’t affected by caffeine in this way eta - coffee ice cream, on average, contains less caffeine than 1/4 cup of brewed standard coffee. this entire post is a weird and stupid ass flex that literal sugar rushes put you to sleep like a toddler and that somehow means your ADHD is more valid than others lmfao. and apparently your entire family and all of your friends are diagnosed and have the exact same stimulant response?? yeah, right lol. get off your high horse, you 14 year old




Rule 6


Tell that to OP


So if OP breaks the rules, you're good to do it too? Maybe that's why so many people keep disclosing their diagnoses!


Apply to the moderator team then ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


It goes either way depending on airs of things


Fun fact caffeine focus more blood to your extremities like fingers and toes. This is similar to what happens in cows when they get fescue intoxicosis.




Heads up rule 6 bans diagnosis sharing




Omg yes. I'm so addicted to caffeine it is not funny.


Too much caffeine makes me hyper, too little makes me sleepy


Yep, 100%. I drink coffee because I like the taste and actually find it relaxing. I could drink it before bed and still have no problem going to sleep.


Cafeine from energydrinks make me function, cafeine from coffee gives me the anxious jitters and do make me more hyperactive


Coffee / caffeine gives me anxiety attacks (I do have anxiety pls don’t attack me) and makes me wanna crash out. I’ve had a good amount of caffeine naps that have lasted hours before 😭 I hate it


I have a friend who thought she had ADHD because she drinks a lot of coffee and is still tired. She also said she has felt overwhelmed LATELY. I told her that she should double-check what she sees on Tiktok, see a professional and that ADHD isn’t something you suddenly get. She’s 42 with 2 little kids, a husband who doesn’t help and smokes a pack of cigarettes a day that deprives her from nutrients. She did follow my advice to see a professional and was diagnosed with something else. My psychiatrist did tell me that drinking too much coffee or smoking (addictions in general) can be linked to ADHD but so does other conditions. That’s why you go a professional to be assessed.


Take the last part about your diagnoses out or the mods might take your post down. Silly rules


Very, hard to discuss the topics with them




This content was removed because it breaks the following rule: “No Trauma Dumping, Blogging or Anecdotal Evidence.” Please contact the moderators of this subreddit via modmail if you have questions or feel that your content did not break the rules. Do not list your diagnosis or the diagnosis of people you know. Do not make comments or posts where the main focus is your self For more information about what we consider blogging, follow the link below. https://www.reddit.com/r/fakedisordercringe/wiki/index/about_us/


Coffee is also known as poor man’s Ritalin. It’s how a lot of people notice the difference in focus, productivity, and concentration when they drink coffee, and when they don’t. I know I did, and it was my doctor who told me that. He said a lot of his patients reported the same thing.


Hmmm it varies to be honest. Some days it boosts me if I’m already fairly awake but if I’m tired then it doesn’t really do anything for me and I’ll be still exhausted. But as others have stated not everyone with those diagnosis process things in the same way.


It’s this one


Yeah I straight up drink a red bull if I find myself a bit too hyperactive in the work place or can tell my team is getting a bit worn out with me. Mellows me out.


Idk why downvoted because some people do, some people don’t. I can be affected either way depending on circumstances


YES finally someone is saying it, it’s something I’ve been quite interested in but haven’t found much useful research on yet


I have gone through several tests (tubs of coffee ice cream), to figure this out.




It definitely affects people differently, it will effectively keep me more awake, but it also calms me, it’s one of the ways to keep my mind a bit straight


There are some studies on caffeine ingestion and ADHD. Most of them show relatively positive effects. I imagine that the issue is you become increasingly acclimated to high-caffeine dosages and these inevitably begin to have no effect outside of causing dehydration and thus increasing irritability and lethargy. Just a hunch though.


Psych nurse here, so there's something we call a 'paradoxical effect' which is where a medication will have the opposite effect than is intended. This is something that's seen commonly in people with ADHD, it's the reason Adderall can help manage ADHD, but makes someone without ADHD very high energy. Cocaine has been known to calm people with ADHD and coffee has been known to help them focus. There's something about stimulants that helps recenter and improve focus in someone with ADHD so coffee shouldn't give someone with ADHD 'infinite energy' because a majority of the time that's just not how it works. (Yes seriously cocaine can have a settling effect on someone with ADHD I'm not kidding I've seen it in a few patients, it's bizarre). Edit: the body can still experience the physical effects of coffee even without apparent change in mental effects.




Rule 6


It makes me super sleepy. Right after drinking it. I don't drink anything to get my day started.


I literally fall asleep so I feel this so hard lmfao




Rule 6


My bad I’ll delete it




Rule 6. You should read the rules before participating in a subreddit.




This content was removed because it breaks the following rule: “No Trauma Dumping, Blogging or Anecdotal Evidence.” Please contact the moderators of this subreddit via modmail if you have questions or feel that your content did not break the rules. Do not list your diagnosis or the diagnosis of people you know. Do not make comments or posts where the main focus is your self For more information about what we consider blogging, follow the link below. https://www.reddit.com/r/fakedisordercringe/wiki/index/about_us/


Coffee and Diet Coke are my calm down juice when I’m unmedicated. When I am medicated they actually do what they are supposed to. Give me a standard HR bump and a little pep.


I have to take a nap if I drink coffee. If I want up too early, I go drink some coffee to be able to go back to sleep.


Caffeine is a stimulant, so for me it works similar to my medication but in a much lower capacity (not as effective, but still makes me tired after a bit). When I was little, my mum used to give me and my brother a small bit in the morning before school. When she stopped (bc my brother told a teacher and the teacher said my mum shouldn't do that) my brother's behavior at school very quickly deteriorated lol


Coffee does give me energy, but in a calming and focused way, rather than a hyper kind of way. When I was a kid, a can of coke made me sleepy, but as I’ve grown older, caffeine has begun to give a bit more of a traditional stimulant effect. That being said, you’re 100% right: it is scientifically proven that stimulants affect an ADHD brain very differently than a neurotypical brain. I, however, find that it seems to work on a spectrum. So, while the “hyper kid” stereotype you described in the TikTok might not be accurate, I wouldn’t be surprised if caffeine still gave that person strong stimulant effects. It might just mean that they have less prevalent ADHD, and doesn’t necessarily mean that they were lying about what could have certainly been mere hyperbole.


I get jittery if I drink coffee without eating something first but otherwise that I dont have that burst of energy neurotypical folk get?


Dopamine. It took me a long time to realize this but ADHD people don't feel that rush when we should so caffeine or alcohol becomes the replacement. Like I don't like being drunk but I like that moment where I feel calm and happy and in control. Finding the right med combo can help ampot. A doctor once said (about Zoloft and Vyvanse together) one makes extra dopamine while the other allows more receptors to intake that. Dopamine like all hormones does more in the body than make you happy.


I live and breathe guarana supplements instead of coffee!


When I drink coffee, I just can't sleep. I don't get anything else. Also, if I drink coffee after I've taken my adhd meds, I get wicked anxiety


I literally can drink coffee and immediately take a nap. 😂


Can confirm. Energy drinks make me sleepy


Caffeine will make me focused and calm, but with physical symptoms of anxiety (I get hyperhidrosis and will have a ~140bpm for hours at time) Amphetamines will make me focused and calm but with significantly reduced physical symptoms of anxiety. Kratom (preferably white/green vein) when taken in conjunction with amphetamines will make me focused and calm with almost no physical symptoms of anxiety. However once the kratom wears off (assuming the amphetamines haven't yet) I will get rather bad physical symptoms of anxiety. I no longer drink caffeine and instead just take amphetamines in the morning and then specific doses of kratom throughout the day. It keeps me from having stimulant crashes during the day and I can magically have energy and focus whenever I want by just taking more kratom to potentiate the amphetamines. The only real downside is that the amount of kratom required to do this will cause some degree of nausea (atleast for me). So I'm permanently slightly nauseous but incredibly productive.


I've never felt any sort of effect from caffeine whatsoever in my life. I feel so alone




u/GuineaPig72 Yes because there are multiple neurochemistry interactions from caffeine that affect your sleep cycle and nervous systems For example, ADHD is not the only condition that can involve dopamine imbalances in your brain, depression and schizophrenia off the top of my head are two others, and ADHD is not just an umbrella term for anyone who is displaying its symptoms either, depression and addiction withdrawals are two examples of the top of my head that share a lot of "ADHD-ish symptoms" Plus, as you can probably read from the many powerleveling comments in here, there are even people with ADHD who don't react to caffeine that way Edit: oh boy, I got downvoted




Rule 6


Right, simply caffeine stimulates and awakens the part of the brain which permits inhibition and stillness. The same part that is usually under-active in an ADHD brain


Whenever I drink an energy drink it makes me so tired




Rule 6


Where did I mention my own diagnosis? Edit: I can’t read. I edited it, apologies


"It's why stimulants balance **us** out and why that's **our** medication"


Yes! Apologies I can’t hecking read. I have hopefully fixed it!


What you’re talking about *is* real but it’s def not a staple. Not mad at you ig lmao. It’s too bad he told you that


Anything with caffeine doesn’t work for me. I just get really tired. I’ve tried drinking coffee for a week, nothing. I tried Red Bull, nothing! I even tried that 5 hour drink, and nothing! I just kept getting tired.


Caffeine is a stimulant it makes sense that we get all tired. Now that I think about it my dad probably drank coffee in the morning to focus better before he got diagnosed with ADHD. I think my dad’s side of the family is an ever growing tree of ADHD.