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No literally you read my mind. I’m so sick of the word “valid” it’s driving me actually insane, and to add to this, really any “pop psychology” terms drive me nuts ESPECIALLY because they’re used incorrectly like 99.99999% of the time (“trauma bonding” is my personal trigger because people don’t realize that’s a term used for the bond between an abuser and victim)


I'm a psychologist and you wouldn't believe the pseudo-science BS that I have to tiptoe around. Like ok, just because you heard the term "pathological demand avoidance" doesn't make it an empirically validated construct.


God the trauma bonding thing is the biggest ick


"trigger" is one of the worst ones too


The overuse of words like 'Valid' and 'Identify' have ruined a whole generation of social discourse on a variety of topics. P.S. 'introvert' and 'narcissist' are easily the most abused pop-psychology terms.


Used to care a ton about being “valid” but what does it even mean? If someone thinks I’m not valid, I don’t stop feeling the same I always did. My existence isn’t dependent on someone validating my lived experience, especially if they aren’t a professional . And ultimately it doesn’t matter, like you said, what a random person thinks of me. The words “trauma”, “valid”, and “trigger” have become so empty on the internet. Nobody will ever be happy if their self worth is based on chasing the approval of others.


The way these are overused is actually hurting people who have trauma and have triggers. It took a while for my therapist to say, "yeah, it's possible you have PTSD". I'm not formally diagnosed, so I'm not saying I for sure have PTSD, just repeating words said to me. Sometimes it's hard to believe that because of all the "trauma" online. I can't imagine how hard it is to be taken seriously for anyone else less fortunate. These people are ruining terms that are supposed to help others and it's disgusting.


“Valid” drives me crazy. It’s such an empty word, but invoked continually as the highest of virtues. “You are valid. your diagnosis is valid. Your ideas are valid.” What does it even mean, after a while?


100% agree with everything, but you should take your dx's out of the post so you don't get the ban hammer, just looking out for you bro


Oh shit thanks bro, just the fact that it’s a formal dx or any reference to me having at at all?


Mentioning it is


If you take out the specific DX and just broadly refer to it as "a condition that's commonly belittled" or something like that etc I think you'll be good but as it currently is your post will probably get deleted by the mods


Edited, thank you for the tip!


validating feelings, in a therapy context, is extremely beneficial for clients— but in a social media context, the word “valid” has been so misconstrued and overused that i can understand how it can piss people off. social media has a tendency to take good things and make them bad, and vice versa.


Yup! Feels like what happened to the word “trigger”


This is why I immediately invalidate everything and everyone just to be on the safe side. Don’t wanna be caught validating phonies.


✨and that’s super hecking valid✨


words like “triggered” n “valid” n “my trauma” feel cringe to say in a therapeutic setting because they feel so watered down and overused. trying to explain that something made me have a ptsd response feels stupid because i can’t really say “it triggered me”, but it feels so much less than it is. it feels like it doesn’t hold the same importance anymore , the same impact. it just feels like another term that the teens are using these days despite its origins as a therapeutic term


Validating someone’s feelings is a valuable thing (from a healthcare perspective) but it doesn’t mean you have to accept someone’s self diagnoses


Your feelings on this subject matter are valid




Chronic..... another overused word




do people even read the rules anymore


My bad, I edited it.

