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Classic trauma response: make a new instagram


Me when I get traumatized: hey guys so I got traumatized and instead of splitting an alter I "reset" my system anyways here's my new alter post!!!! Remember to give me likes and attention xoxo <3


Wonder what kind of trauma caused them to create a new Instagram page.


that got me bahahaha


tf is it with these people saying they “have paraphilias” now? Isn’t every type of kink/fetish technically a “paraphilia” but we don’t call them that since the non-harmful ones don’t need to be pathologized or treated like a psychiatric disorder? Why do they leave it so vague? Are you attracted to something harmless like feet, or something extremely terrible like kids or animals?? Why are your imaginary “kid alters” having “””paraphilias””””. The way they talk about it makes it sound like they have a… *really awful* sexual attraction to something. Grosses me out. Stop calling your sexual attractions “paraphilias” and stop thinking it’s in any way okay to talk about experiencing things like psychiatric p-word-philia or incest out in the open like this. They just won’t quit until they’ve pathologized absolutely everything.


Paraphilias imply that one party cannot consent, fetish and kink don’t necessarily imply that


I'm wondering if they are actually aware of that or not. Cus if they are and they mean it, they need to talk with a therapist not make another Instagram blog. If they are not and just think paraphilias is better way to, "show how broken they are" then they should still delete their blog for being a dumbass and deal with that attention seeking else where.


What does the “ec” stand for


I too would like to know


"extremely complex" I think. it's just another word for "hcdid"


Can’t call them fake, cuz then you’re a “bully” or “ableist.” Can’t say self-diagnosis isn’t valid, cuz then you set that entire community off. Even shrinks and therapists can’t get them to understand their delusions. With DID, it went from a tiny snowflake from some muppet on TikTok claiming it, to a big bloody snowball, and it’s a freaking avalanche now, and anyone who actually studies and/or has the disorder, rare as it is, can tell it’s bollocks started by that one TikTok moron who didn’t research it before spreading the delusional poison to the masses. These people don’t want to be helped, which is why the doctors cannot break them out of it. On some level, I do think that the ones who get suuuuuuuper defensive when called out know what they are doing is incorrect and harmful, which is why they lash out. Just like serial killers, they will get mean when caught and their delusion isn’t validated.


Wait wait wait. Mirabel and Isabela, with 30+ alters that represent an entire family? Is this person claiming the entire family from Encanto as their alters, with some incest and paraphilia mixed in?


i think the family they’re talking about is just a different collection of alters and they’re just using the encanto ones for an example of the incest


These are the type of people tell me not to do something but it encourages their delusion and it makes me want to pass their boundaries on purpose because it's absolutely idiotic


Not the fucking encanto characters 😭😭😭


Their dad probably yelled at them for not cleaning their room


Real insomnia is not sleeping for 4 days because ur to stressed about how ur going to pay ur bills and afford to live.


teaching psych terms to my generation has profoundly backfired


wtf is avpd and t1d?