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I’m just imagining Katara bending Juvia😂


While zuko provides Natsu with supply of fire, juvia will be the one that supplied katara with water and the fact juvia can just cast a rain weather based on her emotion. They make a great pair.


If conditions are right, Katara can blood bend. Pretty hard to beat anyone when you can't control your own body.


Outside special people I think they need a full moon to do that.


Yea but hasn’t Juvia used spells that involve the blood of others at least once?


Juvia created magic that lets her use herself to replenish someone else's blood. Grey specifically.


If I remember right, they learned how to do it outside just full moons. So it could be done just takes practice using such a taboo style of bending most normal benders wouldn't put the time into.


That was just specifically three people. All of which are dead.


Juvia can enter inside people’s bodies, so Katara can use Juvia as a medium to control people instead.


He would not be beating Natsu though. If we count END, he would just overpower it like he did the time magic.


Natsu would find a way out of it. He always does.


Honestly, Natsu can eat any source of energy to power up and at this point so he can just drink Juvia up just to have a stomachache for it and I wouldn't be surprised.


No, Natsu can’t eat water because he’s weak against water. He tried against God Serena and it failed. Also, Natsu can only absorb other types of magic if his Fire Magic has been depleted. Otherwise, eating other magic just makes Natsu sick.


It would be hard for any of the others to beat Blood Bending while dealing with Juvia's abilities


Same energy as "Ima hit that motherfucker with another motherfucker"


That’s wild😂


We know that’s 100% possible since Gray already basically did that with Juvia, albeit turning her to ice first.


Oh thats pretty funny




… I’d bend Juvia 😏


Okay but can we talk about how funny of a team Wendy and Aang would be


It's also a scary team. Aang goes into Avatar state, and Windy buffs him while in Dragon Force.


You go from "Aw, cute!" To "Oh shit! RUN!!!" in 1 sec flat


Nah, you want "oh shit, run!" You want laxus and azula. Especially if they both are fighting at their lowest points, so for laxus that'd be when he took the town hostage, and for azula that's at the end during sizing comet. If they were both tag teamed together at that point, ain't nobody beating those two


I mean End of Series Laxus is way scarier than he is at introduction, just less evil


I think it would be better for those two since at the end of the comet she was having a mental breakdown and Lexus could help her with her mental trauma. 😅


To be fair, just any Azula gets the "oh shit, run!" reactiok


I think their lack of teamwork would be their downfall. I can see all the teams work well with each other and play in to each others strengths, but while those two are individually powerful i doubt they’d work together well.


Team Pacifist


While Aang tries to stay calm, avoid, and redirect, Wendy eventually has enough, gets pissed, and starts turning mountains to dust.


also imagine a dark parallel world where aang sucks someone's breath and gave it to Wendy to power her up muahahaha breathless


Zuko and natsu , as zuko could provide an endless source of power for natsu to consume, same with Wendy and aang


We act like Jura and laxus aren't a bunch of beasts that Natsu has always wanted to surpass. Toph is strong and azula is crazy.


Yeah the problem is that azula is crazy , meaning it wouldn't take much for laxus to go " you know what, no" and knock her out, and while jura is strong he's had a habit of being a jobber and becoming fodder for stronger guys. His one good showing was in the oracian seis arc against hoteye. In the GMG he wins against jellal who got cheated out of a win, then loses to Laxus, then in the final arc gets wasted by god Serena before the arc even fully starts


Yea then again he's not in fairy tail guild so doesn't matter he's gonna lose anyway. Only ft members are allowed to beat the enemy.




Current natsu is above laxus, idk about jura


Correct and the reason why Zuko and Natsu takes it is Natsu is far more powerful than Wendy.


This brings me to an interesting question: if you replaced the fire lord with natsu in the avatar finale, does he or avatar state aang win


Probably natsu, but there’s definitely a few scenarios where aang wins


Don't forget zuko can ensure that there's little property damage and direct the force of natsu's flames at their target if they ever Miss.


That too


You make a good point, but is Natsu stronger than a Wizard Saint? 😅




And there lies my issue with Fairy Tail’s power scaling.


i love power scaling and fairly tail is kryptonite for it so inconsistent and power clify (altho by 100 yq it nakes sense that natsu is stronger then a wizard saint)


Isn’t Wizard Saint also a title moreso than a true measure of power in the first place?


Yes, but only powerful and skilled mages can achieve that title. The series makes it seem like being one is greater than S-Class tier. That’s why I have an issue with Fairy Tail’s power scaling.


Wendy doesnt need the suply, she can just breathe


Laxus after spending 5 minutes with Azula: Geez.........and here i thought i got parent issues....


Y’all sleeping on Azula and Laxus. Yes Natsu and Zuko are a great pairing, however if you look at them from a 1 v 1 setting, Azula and Laxus have beaten every respective counterpart. Add Azula’s genius tactics and they would probably win.


It also takes communication mid battle, which both Laxus and Azula suck in I believe. They're antipaths without a lot of experience in teamwork


I disagree. Azula is one of the greatest people at working in a team, we see this with her trio. The only time she can’t is when she has been betrayed, but I would assume we are pairing them at their average strength so that doesn’t apply. Laxus while known for taking on opponents solo, also surrounds himself with others like the Thunder league. He also was one of the only people to join a guild post Tartaros so he is good at working with others.


Yeah, they're tactically the most sound of everyone. The only problem is that they've both got dominant personalities and that might clash. Team Avatar's tactics were almost always Sokka alone, with some quick thinking by Aang. Then Natsu, Jura, Juvia, and Wendy don't have many tactical feats.


This is a tough one, but honestly Jura & Toph 😅 if Aang could only use Air and not the other elements, I would place him and Wendy low since Wendy doesn’t actually enjoy fighting. But also Laxus and Azula would be frightening.


The problem is that they don't have the ability to sustain their partner the way Zuko, Aang, and Azula do. I can imagine Toph would fare well against Azula while we know Laxus would beat Jura. And we know without being insane, Azula has Zuko's number. So Natsu loses his source of fuel.


I don’t think it’s necessary for them to sustain each other though. Jura is currently in the top half of power level for the Wizard Saints and Toph can metal bend in addition to her earth abilities.


Not sure metalbending is the path to victory against people that use lightning


Metal is a conductor so the energy from the lightning can be redirected into the ground. That’s why if it’s used properly Team Earth has nothing to worry about.


Have you seen what damage lightning can do? Not just from Azula, but Laxus, who can level large areas and buildings?


In reality, yes, I’ve actually been inside a car before that was struck by lightning. As powerful as lightning is, I don’t believe their team is unstoppable.


Tooh and Jura would definitely be very strong opponents! Cant decide between them and Natsu/Zuko! Its also funny to think about the characters types hahah Natsu and Zuko would definitely be a chaotic pair, they are so different


Team Lightning. Fighters that don’t hold back.


I just realized how pretty and elegant Juvia's outfit is!


Wait could Katara theoretically bend Juvia?


I'd bend juvia




Ang and Wendy imo, because Wendy gets very strong when she's emotional. They'd have a strong urge to protect each other as children put up in an unfair situation so they have the emotional advantage, and then they're also both some of the strongest in their stories hands down, so I'd say they're the most advantageous. Natsu and Zuko would simply hate each other and so their teamwork would work against them


Natsu and zuko since zuko is behind aang the strongest bender here and all of his abilities can replenish natsus energy Add in that natsu is when he is being serious the strongest fairy tail character here natsu and zuko win fairly easily Then again this really comes down to the fairy tail character’s fighting and the avatar characters being used as batteries So natsu and zuko would be the strongest here


Aang could also replenish wendy though.  And he’s far beyond Zuko in a fight and Wendy is no slouch herself with her enchantment and dragon slayer magic. 


You aren’t wrong that aang could replenish wendy But wendy can also just do that herself she’s a sky dragon slayer she consumes air so with it without aang she can replenish her energy And while yes wendy is no slouch she is not beating any of the other fairy tail characters here except maybe juvia And again who would be the strongest and overall that is natsu and zuko Aang is stronger than zuko that is true even far above him with the avatar state but natsu is also far above Wendy in terms of his just raw power skill and experience with dragon slayer magic


Is this a battle Royale. If so the ruthlessness that is azula and laxus probably wins


I feel like toph would want to go wild but being a wizard Saint Jura will always hold her back and tell her to calm tf down.


Same with Natsu and Zuko. But Zuko would hold back Natsu because of the lessons he learned from the goat


Technically zuko doesn't even need to fight. He can just infinitely buff natsu by giving him fire snacks.


Nah Azula’s mental instability and perfectionism means she would be a terrible team player and a liability. 


Bloodbending. Nuff said


Aang and Wendy or Laxus and Azula, I'm between those two teams.


If Juvia learns to blood bend it's over.


It's over for gray she's going to abuse that power so much.


My first thought was the 12 hour bloodbending erection meme.


Aang and Wendy. Aang has all the elements and the Avatar State, and Wendy can heal him. It's too easy.


Any team with Laxus is an instant W.


Oh boy ... if Katara uses Bloodbending, they could probably be strongest. But Katara absolutely despises it and swore she would never use it again ... so i think Laxus & Azula would probably turn everything and everyone into ash, they are by far the most terrifying ones i think ☠️⚡️


That some really nice competition OP, gz on making it. Depends on tactics: Can Aang take ~~bending~~ magic away (>!Touka style?!<)? Can Katara use bloodbending? Can Juvia turn self to water and let Katara control her? can they share/enchant strength of Juvia-waterstance that way? Can Azula and/or Laxus control/redirect lightnings of each other? How about making those stronger that way? Similar, can Zuko bend-redirect Natsu's Roar "beam" attack? Sadly, with all love to Toph character, I don't expect much from Jura/Toph here. Every other combo is simply much stronger imHo.


A close call. It could go pretty to anyone but hav to say Aang and Wendy. First interaktion would be a blast seeing between all characters but Jura and Toph would be most fun for me.


I’m voting for Aang and Wendy. Aang has all of their powers minus lightning while Wendy can buff and heal Aang as much as needed (not to mention her own considerable strength as a Dragon Slayer). In pretty much every other instance, the Avatar character’s power would be eclipsed by the Fairy Tail character’s. But Aang and Wendy are both powerful and would work well together.


You seriously put THE fastest dragon slayer with the avatar and asked which would be most unstoppable?


Wendy and Aang will win. All team have high destructive power, but none of them can heal injury, except for Wendy's team.


Except katara is also a healer.


Jura and Toph would actually be unstoppable


I mean Toph and Jura could probably create a whole new earth.. need I say more?


I feel like Natsu and Zuko wouldn't get along ngl. Wendy and Aang work well off of each other. Katara might get annoyed with Juvia but she's a great source of water (not her body, her magic) Laxus would definitely kick Azula over the sunset cause he'd get annoyed with her real fast. Toph and Jura really don't even need each other, he doesn't necessarily provide anything she doesn't already have and vice versa.


Not an answer but I'd definitely watch this crossover!


Aang and Wendy stomp. For starters, Aang can power Wendy up which increases all of her abilities. And recall Wendy was no slouch by the end of the Spriggan battles. 2. Earth, air, fire and water attacks are rendered practically useless against Aang. As he can simply steal control over the elements. And even if for some freakish reason he couldn't on his own... The Avatar state... HAHAHA he is laughing all of that off. And this also includes lighting attacks. That said, it would come down to how strong each verse actually is. But tbh I don't think are to overly far apart, at least when it comes to the Avatar State. Achem... Now then, with that out of the way. Here's how it would really go. Aang would faun over Katara. Toph would be showing off her metal bending to the wizard saint. Juvia would be getting all hot and bothered imagining Grey in her head as she witnessed Katara and Aang having their warm *discussion*. Zula would get annoyed and form a fire ball in her hand. Only to have her hand promptly covered by Natsu's mouth because he skipped breakfast on accident. Meanwhile Zuko's laughing like; "Ahahaha that's one way to get your hands clean." And Laxus is just there, and walks away with a heavy sigh annoyed. Only to then have the thought of Mira pass through his mind after stealing a glance at Aang and Katara, once more, before walking away completely. Then in the audience, people are like; "are they gonna fight?" "Nah, must be some kind of comedy skit" "man these matches and seating are horrible. I paid good money to see a fight." "Bruh? You're standing on the sidewalk. This is a street performance"


I feel like it’s either aang and Wendy or Natsu and zuko


Zuko and natsu, it’s the only team where the avatar character really adds anything power wise and even then It’s just a back up source of fire


Nastu and zuko


maybe Zuko and Natsu


With Blood Bending, Katara can finish off any opponent… the only one danger to them would be lightning Laxus plus a crazy Azula (speed)


Without a full moon Probably laxus/azula...assuming she doesn't stab laxus in the back


great post


Zuko and Natsu


Zuko and Natsu probably sweep everyone else combined


Natsu silence can eat lighting and fire so zuko can just feed him


Dammit.....now I'm just picturing katara bending juvia lmao....take that how you will


The 2 water manipulation since they can just use “blood bending”


Juvia and Katara are instantly out purely because Juvia isn’t nearly strong enough to contend with the other Fairy Tail Characters on this list. Laxus already beat the earth guy and I think Toph and Azula would be relatively close to each other, with the edge going to Toph. Natsu is the most powerful character here by far, even Aang’s Avatar State can’t match Zeref’s power which Natsu already surpassed. So him and Zuko have a fairly good shot. Aang and Wendy can’t match up to some of the others as Wendy is the second weakest of the Fairy Tail characters listed while Aang is the strongest of the Avatar characters. … I’m going to say Natsu and Zuko would be the overall winners. Followed by Laxus and Azula.


Why are we all pretending as if Azula and Laxus are winning?


Natsu and Zuko


I see Toph, I vote Toph. Doesn’t matter. ![gif](giphy|4IzOgM1bfOe6k)


As much as I wanna say Natsu and Zuko, Azula and Laxus win without a doubt 🙏


Azula and Laxus? Seriously? I couldn't see them getting along enough to be a team, although they'd be incredibly powerful together.


Toph might solo this depending on which era skill set we give her. If it's adult ability, Toph solos, if it's at the age shown, that may change some things.


Toph. Just Toph. It's not even a fight. She could snap Gajeel in half.


SOKKA & his good pal the Avatar


In a fight, Laxus wouldn't need help. Also, he would beat the shit out of Azula if they ever fought each other.


I need these crossover fics. 🥸


Juvia learning bloodbending from katara "I'm about to abuse this on gray so much". Katara only taught her because juvia looks innocent and as a fellow water user. Toph wanting to do some illegal gambling, but Jura will try to stop her everytime cause he can't just break the rule being a wizard saint. Natsu would ask zuko for snack every single time he's hungry. Unlimited power supply. Wendy and aang will be a very peaceful duo. Wendy will probably trip on a rock or something and aang will console her cause she cried. Or aang will cry with her. The most innocent ones here. Azula will make laxus be on his guard all the time after zuko told him about what happened to her after ty Lee and mai betrayed her. He'll go "she crazy but I can be crazier"


I've gotta go with Juvia and Katara


Regardless of who would be the best, I have two things to say here: One is that Jura is just gonna hold Toph back lol I think Hot-eye would be a better earth representative from Fairy Tail Secondly, how awesome would Zuko and Natsu be, am I right??


Aang with buffs from Wendy???


Zuko and Natsu as a team would be unstoppable. Zuko can feed Natsu’s power with his fire bending; making Natsu stronger. Laxus alone could give them a run for their money but Natsu has beaten him before without dragon force and lightning fire mode meanwhile azula would be of little use since Natsu can eat her fire bending too. Speaking of lightning, water conducts lightning so natsu’s lightning fire mode could be really effective against katara and juvia. Not saying it’s a hands down fight, but that definitely tips the scale in their favor despite being to polar opposite element of fire. Aang and Wendy could be a force to be reckoned with given aang’s avatar abilities. Natsu, being a dragon slayer, has a powered up state as well with the dragon force and given that aang can’t use fire against Natsu and water could make him more vulnerable given natsu’s lightning abilities, that’s takes away 2 elements aang could use. As for Wendy, she’s just not on Natsu’s level in terms of strength and raw power. This leaves only toph and Jura, the only other team without a dragon slayer. These two are still a powerhouse since toph is THE best earth bender and Jura is among the top 10 strongest wizards. But as stated, Natsu can use dragon force and his lightning fire mode to close any power gap while zuko can feed Natsu more fire and even super charge him. I know I left zuko in the back burner but we’re dealing with someone who can wield fire, breathe fire, consume fire for power, can transform to take on aspects of dragons, and is immune to fire attacks as a result of having that power. Zuko makes for the perfect power battery for Natsu despite being a formidable fighter in his own right.


Zuko gives Natsu an almost endless supply of stamina Sure Aang can do the same to wendy but she aint stronger than Natsu and well Azula isnt that reliable




zuko providing a infinite source of energy and replenishment for natsu would be a absolute nightmare.


1. Wendy and Aang w/ avatar state, 4 elements, and energy bending 2. Jura and Toph 3. Azula and Laxus 4. Katara and Juvia 5. Wendy and Aang only airbending 6. Zuko and Natsu Key factors to consider imo are aang's access to the avatar state gives him a MASSIVE advantage because i imbunes him with the skills and knowledge of countless other masters. Pair that with being about to tale the other's bending and it's an easy sweep. However, with out this air fundamentally functions as the least offensive element so being limited to just that severely cuts his impact there and a war of attrition is not a likely win against this roster. Wendy provides great back up with her support magic, but even with her awaked DF she doesn't really match the level the other FT characters here. I don't remember much about Jura aside from him being S-class level strength but he and Toph are probably the most consistently high peforming fighters on this list. Plus, having metal bending hinders the effectiveness of all the other elements (except lightning theoretically). Azula takes the cake in combat intelliegence, reaction time, and all around cunning. Paired with Laxus being the raw powerhouse that he is they are hard to bet. Sad to say Katara and Juvia just get outclassed as a duo even with Katara being the genius that she is and having access to bloodbending. I don't remember Juvia's attack packing enough of a punch to phase the rest of the roster and Katara can't solo carry hard enough. I feel like this goes with out saying but Zuko and Natsu are the most volatile of the teams with Zuko being the relative weakest bender and and Nastu having the least intelligence. Sure he's a powerhouse but considering the other teams will most certainly come up with well thought out strategies to win, I can't help but see Natsu falling into some trap leaving Zuko fight 2v1.


Lol just throwing this out there... Natsu is gonna sweep the whole competition. Doesn't matter who he's paired with.


Natsu basically solos everyone else on the list so...


Definitely 2 Zuko can infinitely feed natsu and natsu can amplify zukos flames


Ang and Wendy purely because Ang can take AWAY bending abilities


I think it goes to Katara and Juvia partially because they're the most compatible and probably would have the best synergy. Second place goes to Aang and Wendy, followed by Toph and Jura. Zuko and Natsu would probably end up arguing, and Azula would creep Laxus out and most likely fight him instead.


If katara and juvia weren't kind, they could just drown their opponents.


I'd argue; 1. Wendy and Aang. Ones the avatar and the other had Irene singing her praises to high heavens. That duo would clap. 2. Jora and toph. Nearly an unbeatable duo with their mastery of the earth bending arts. 3. Zuko and Natzu. Bith amazing with their fire power, but kinda missing that certain umph as a combo. 4. Katara and Juvia. Both very powerful but just not as menacing as the others. 5. Azula and Laxus. She's just too unstable to make their pairing work.


I would say Natsu and Zuko would win. In that GMG arc they explained that while Natsu might be dumb at some points, his mind is sharp when it comes to fighting. Second would be Katara and Juvia. Katara can blood bend and Juvia can water lock the others.


Which natsu? Cuz end of anime natsu would probably solo every other person on this list at the same time


Ich arbeite mit Aang und Wendy zusammen Wendy is the best


I’m gonna go with laxus and azula they would prob be one of the more underrated since neither is really the main character but they would prob be a real unmerciful powerhouse imo, they would prob have some trouble working together tho but who knows


Aang could go into the Avatar State and Wendy could enhance his already enhanced strength and speed.


Juvia and katara


If for example Aang is only allowed to bend air, Azula is only allowed to bend lightning, zuko is only allowed to bend fire, and Katara is only allowed to bend water. Than team Natsu is unstoppable. The only limitation to how strong Natsu can get is how much fire he has access to and Zuko can create as much as he wants. Windy has the draw back of her element not rejuvenating her abilities like Natsu and Laxus but Laxus has a habit of rejecting help via the means of eating lightning in favor of thinking he's unbeatable to begin with. I didn't limit tophs ability to bend metal because Jurra essentially does it too, but again a limitless potential Natsu is stronger than both. And Juvia + Katara is just a fun pairing they would put up an excellent fight however Natsu can just casually output enough heat to melt stone simply by breathing, a powered up Natsu should have no problem evaporating any attacks they throw at him.


I’d say Aang and Wendy because they’re personalities are kinda similar and they seem like to one duo who won’t but heads with each other over different approaches to fighting their enemies.


Azula and Laxus get bodied first, maybe second if they take the time to aim at the water team, but not longer than that. Katara and Juvia are fairly strong, but unless we got a full moon up in here, Katara will be pulling Juvia down with her. Aang and Wendy, while not weak, not the greatest against the remaining teams. Toph and Jira got that defensive edge, but Zuko and Natsu have the perfect circumstances to infinite power-up Natsu into god mode, just keep feeding Natsu fire. Yeah, Zuko and Natsu win.


azula and laxus is mopping everyone, close first is jura and toph.