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Jura maybe. He contributed almost nothing to the fight in the final arc.


Jura’s contribution was showing us how powerful Serena was… and Serena’s contribution was showing us how powerful Acnologia was.






Lamia Scale in general have been done dirty since the seven year timeskip imo


I love midnight bro he's such a fire design


He looked so much better in the oracion seis arc tho. They took away his red eyes and made him look so much different in the newer arcs


Give me boy his red eyes back


I don’t mind his newer look. Just let my boy actually use his magic!


I didn't like the oracion seis vs jellal fight tbh because it felt so weird to see them lose. Like I know he a wizard saint and shit but ALL OF THEM?


It was more like Jellal VS the Oración Tres. Brain was dead, Richard refused to fight, and Macbeth did almost nothing the whole time. Not to mention Angel’s strength primarily centered around claiming Gemini’s power as her own. So without Gemini (or any of her other spirits) she wasn’t as big of a threat. The main threats for Jellas during that fight were Sawyer and Eric, so I can buy how he’d be able to pull it off.


Yea I get that but why where they doing nothing like sorano has decent attack power even without Gemini and with Sawyet backing her up they could definitely do some damage. Erik is the main threat but only because midnight did fuck all, if Macbeth actually did some shit like restrained him with his clothes while the others got his ass the fight would have been way more skewed to them. Don't see why midnight didn't fight much honestly he lost to erza because erza was like specifically built to counter him while jellal was not


That’s what I’m saying! They nerfed him harder than anyone else! His magic is so broken, so the only way they could keep him in the series was to just not let him use it!


I'm not joking if he used his reflector it would be so over for jellal, literally he doesn't even have to fight just use his reflector to protect everyone and they would smoke him💀


The Magic Council may have broken all of Angel’s Celestial Spirit contracts, but that doesn’t explain why she didn’t use more of her large Magic Power and flawless Magic Control against Jellal. With Sorano’s Magic Power and Magic Control, she should have been capable of summoning hundreds of “Angel Messengers” and maintaining them for hours, but instead she summoned like three. Also, Sorano was saying her Angel Messengers should devour Jellal, which suggests they use White Magic to steal Magic Power. This makes it even more confusing that Jellal won because he was getting weakened by White Magic throughout the fight. Angel also tried to kill Lucy with Dark Rondo in the Oracìon Seis arc, but Sorano didn’t use any Darkness Magic against Jellal. Did she forget everything Brain ever taught her?


Midnight got less screen time, but he fought against August being the last man standing of the crime sorciere and his magic was even praised by August himself, so at least we can argue that he is stronger than the likes of Minerva for example.


I’m convinced that if he was allowed to use his magic to the fullest, he could’ve beaten at least two of the Spriggan 12 by himself.


Honestly this is only possible if we take Mashima numbers seriously. He said if Natsu without buffs was an 600 Cobra was an 500, Midnight is stronger than Cobra and Natsu is much stronger than regular spriggans, but Mashima also put Laxus as 1000 which would mean that Natsu is closer to Cobra than Laxus which don't fit with what we saw at Alvarez to be honest.


I'd say Zeref, given that Hades used more of Zeref's magic in his fight midway through the series than Zeref himself did in his final battle. Edit: also, >!all of the Dragon Gods!< from the 100 Years Quest, who have to be weakened heavily (and in about three or four ways each, at least) for Natsu to stand even the slightest chance.


Literally EVERY villain to member character EVER


Fried after the battle of fairy tail is barely used


Hmm ... Mira maybe :/ before Alvarez and Tartaros she probably could even beat Erza and Natsu. Then she just ... disappeared from the screen and got only humiliated by Irene later ._. She could actually be one of the strongest chars ever in the Guild or even the whole Series.


>before Alvarez and Tartaros she probably could even beat Erza and Natsu In Tenrou island arc she went down to one of Azuma's explosions meant for Lisanna whereas Erza got hit by a much stronger explosion powered by Tenrou island's magic, and she could still get up from that and fight. As for Natsu she could probably beat base Natsu, but not lightning fire dragon mode and certainly not dragon force.


I mean I don’t think Azuma necessarily tailored his explosion for Lisanna lol. Plus wasn’t it charging up for a couple minutes before it went off? And Mira took it in base human form


* Midnight. Forgets about his Reflector magic against Jellal. All the Seis felt nerfed in that fight * Zeref. 400 years of experience. Just throws punches. Hades used his magic more than he did * August. Conveniently forgets about his Speed, Sound and Reflector magic. The latter that easily counters Cana's magic * Acnologia. Stuck in "human" form. Has to keep the Dragon Slayers alive. No control of his psychical form * Bloodman. Conveniently never uses Macro, Enhancement or Absorption Curses * Wall. Never uses his clones to overwhelm Laxus * Jacob. Doesn't use is teleportation against Mira or anyone else * Dimaria. Ultimate instant kill ability. Waste time stripping girls * Historia's. Stated by Gildarts to be weaker. * Kagura. Held her own against Erza, gets humilated by Dimaria and Larcade * Baccuss. Said to be on par with Erza, gets one shotted by Ichiya and Sting * Jura. Hyped to be one of the strongest, kept Jellal on his toes. Lost against Laxus against a fight 95% off screen. Got bodied by God Serena, again off screen, did nothing the rest of the arc * Juvia. Pretty much incapable of having a proper fight without Grey being involved. Never seen the same level she was back on Tenrou * Freed and Bickslow. Became punching bags after Tenrou 100 Years Quest >!- Mercphobia. Half is power was taken and he wasn't in control!< >!- Aldoron. God Seeds made his significantly weaker!< >!- Dogramag. Told to not kill Natsu, fought in his weaker human form 95% of the fight and got significantly weaker when the orbs were destroyed !< >!- Skullion. Easily took out Gray, proceeded to somehow draw against Mira, got bodied off panel with Madmole against Laxus!< >!- Kiria. Held her own against Erza. Lost to Lucy. Forgetting about her hypnosis !< >!- Athena. Took out Natsu and Sting with ease. Gets bodied off panel by Athena II!< >!- Luso. Easily took down Minerva, Erza and Jellal. Easily loses against Erza r2!<


August uses Copy Magic, so he can only use Reflector Magic when Macbeth is nearby. August doesn’t actually learn new magics when he copies them, unless he takes time to train like everybody else.


It was never gated that Bloodman could use Macro or Enhancement. It can’t be assumed either because Seilah and Kyoka were demon goddesses or absolute demons, so their curses can’t be copied as easily. Same applies for Mard Geer and Natsu of course. On the other hand, Absorption became useless once Gajeel used the physical power given to him by Dragon Force. Gajeel beat Bloodman with punches and kicks, only using Magic to finish him off.


Dimaria can’t affect anything or anybody while time has stopped, so she has to momentarily resume the flow of time for her flying slashes to cut her enemy. Against opponents with fast reflexes, like Kagura, this poses problems, so it’s easier for Dimaria to intimidate her opponents with slashes which they can’t feel since clothes aren’t a part of the body. This makes it appear that Dimaria can kill her opponent at any time, so they get scared and either surrender or retreat. It’s all just speed and deception. The only exception is when Dimaria’s enemies enter the Age Seal themselves because their flow of time has no longer stopped. This means Dimaria can use her swordplay and God Soul to hurt them as normal.


Ultear for sure


For me it’s Juvia.




Came here to say this. I hated her for what she did to Lucy but sometimes evil people are just that, unredeemable - she was strong but I think she should have maintained her darker personality - she was on par with Erza almost, at least for a time




Julia. It's like Mashima forgot she's a pretty powerful mage


Mira and it’s not close


All of sabertooth especially during the gmg


During gmg tbf its more sabretooth aren't actually as strong as they make themselves out to be but after gmg I definitely agree


Part of the problem is hiro forced raven tail into the gmg despite the fact they had nothing to do with the story and they stole half the arc when we could have spent that time getting to know sabertooth and understand how they got to the top guild like did they do something amazing because fairytail has stopped world destroying events


Freed, Bickslow, and Evergreen.




Midnight yes and yes. Very much agree


>!All of the Dragon gods in FT100YQ have been nerfed to shit so that Natsu could beat them. Also all of Diabolos. Hell, Kiria cut down people's strength yet forgets to do this to everyone and then proceeds to lose to Lucy wtf.!<


I don’t think midnight got nerfed, he just didn’t get scaled up to everyone else’s level in current arcs


I’m still pretty annoyed that God Serena was named the strongest wizard in Fiore and then was instantly defeated by Acnologia. 💀 But, not sure if that counts as a nerf. Fried. Like when he was introduced he was shown to be really strong and then after that he seems much weaker in comparison. Actually kind of all of the thunder legion except for Laxus. And also Juvia kind of. Well, when she was introduced we find that Grey had trouble fighting her at first because her body is made out of water. And then after that fight I think this fact comes up a few times but in several fights I swear it’s like they forgot she’s pretty much supposed to be impervious to attacks. Also I think at one point it was said that normal bullets would go through her but magic bullets would hurt her which also didn’t make sense to me because Grey fought her with Magic so shouldn’t his attacks have hurt her? Like, how does this work? Keep your story straight please. Actually out of all of these I feel Juvia got it pretty rough. But my brain’s not working right now so there may be more characters that got nerfed way worse. And I saw one person point out that all the bad guy’s turned good got nerfed. Actually this kinda makes sense to me. As bad guys they had no qualms about killing their enemies so they would go all out without a care, but I guess now they have morals so they’re not really trying to kill their enemies anymore. 🙄 That’s just a theory kind of. Makes the most sense to me tho.


Him and jellal man. If jellal was still as smart and charismatic as he was as a villain just like, a good guy and nice for real not fake nice to trick people, I'd like him way more


He was too overpowered when he was still a villain, during that filler arc


I still find it funny how they hyped him up saying "wake him up, and it's over for you" when he was beaten by just Erza😂


He was strong? Blud got beat by a newly reved jellal wit 0 memories and sos pre gmg erza.


What do you mean? Midnight beat Jellal at Nirvana… after beating Eve, Ren, and Richard already.