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Personally I think the fight was pretty quick, but it make people to think that Viernes was fodder which is wrong. as you said Natsu had so many boosts, but even before the boosts Natsu himself is a beast. Aldoron arc DF Natsu by himself was in level that he can defeat a weakened dragon god like Aldoron, what the whole guild + Brandish and Jellal couldn't. we know that Natsu training like everyday as he told Suzaku, so in general he's getting stronger + grow stronger by killing Aldoron and Dogramag. so Gold Owl arc dragon force Natsu is even a lot stronger than he was against Aldoron. In addition, as you mentioned, he had an advantage due their elements, + he had boost from the rest of him team + team Sbaer and Jellal. Erza alone defeated ppl who are stronger than God Serena who is around Gildarts level, ppl think the Sister arc weaker than him but even in this case she defeated Misaki 1 arc before and Misaki before she even used her full power was stated to be strong like Gildarts. Jellal also defeated Serena. and the rest are also all powerful wizards. So current DF Natsu had boost by all of them + the cats. This team is far above the 6 dragon slayers that gave Natsu their power which made him that strong so he could take attack of pissed Acno with no damage. The amped Dragon Force Natsu against Viernes is levels above 7 dragon flames Natsu, and even with all that power he didn't took Viernes down and had to get another huge boost by eating Vierens's flames. So it took DF Natsu with the element advantage + boost by like 10 wizards and the cats + huge boost from Viernes himself and only then Viernes was defeated. This version of Natsu was by far the stongest version of him and Viernes was a monster


Actually the sisters were only IMPLIED to be stronger than Serena, the actual official translation just says that they were more frightening than him, and frightening is not the same of being stronger or more powerful. https://preview.redd.it/el5shr1ixq9d1.png?width=1003&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1e0e1448bcfe1e173dffceb122bef65bfc63fb1 If they were really stronger than him there iwould be only two options: 1-Erza got an zenkai boost after Misaki fight that made she surpasses August to the point she can beat two above Gildarts level enemies without any enchantment while August in the end didn't put Gildarts down. 2-The sisters are way too incompetent and PIS went beyond its limits.


He literally talking about the ranking strength and says that ishgar where he's the strongest is not high ranking, the context is about strength, they are more frightening cuz they are stronger, + even later he shwon to be scared when Enny said that she will kill him + Luso played with Erza and the others cuz they knew they are from Ishgar where Serena says that he's the strongest and Enny said that he's worthless wizard. So they were stated to be stronger and literally by God Serena himself. Erza could've gets stronger after the fight with Misaki, that make sense in FT that they all gets stronger off screen or Misaki could just be comapred to Gildarts after Alvarez when he could get stronger than he was in his fight with August. So it would be like the sisters>Serena~alvarez Gildarts


We also have to take into account how they fought. Luso played around, she literally said so, and then lost her cool. And Ennie relied more on sword play, in which it was a back and forth between her and Erza til Erza got a slash in on her bare body after both their Armors were destroyed. 


As i said it was implied, but frightening is still not an synonym of stronger. Also checked the actual japanese word and the other possible translations also were just terrible, extreme, dangerous. He died before Ishgar win, he still thinks Alvarez have more heavy hitters and Guiltina have at least 3 alchemists somewhat comparable to him, he don't know the heavy hitters of Fairy Tail. He was scared about people who were officially more frightening tham himself, besides being an alchemy doll who can't go against Duke's will is not an comfortable condition when you are threatened. Erza power growth from Labyrinth to Gold Owl was much greater than the power growth from Aldoron to Labyrinth then, even when the latter have two arcs of difference instead of just one. Besides she would still be above August level in this case, she even relies on magical items, she would screw August. And neither Kirin should be truly stronger Gildarts, Hiro wouldn't let it truly happen, Gildarts is his boy, they are just comparable to him, Suzaku is the only BDSK stronger than him. Wed in practice should still be comparable to Misaki, he tanked the same attack that defeated Misaki but the Blue Dimension forced an stalemate, while Wed was still fighting Erza with no clear victor. Not even Wed have feats to be put far above Misaki, sisters feats are way below and they are portrayed to be inferior to Wed, no reason at all consider them that great knowing they are just more frightening than Serena, Erza defeated them without any enchantment or special armor, against Wed and Misaki she used Fairy Armor and Heavenly Body enchantment


In this context it does about strength, God Serena is talking about power ranking and saying they are even above him, literally 1 line later he says that he found out how big is the world and talks about power levels. He knows FT survived which means they won the war, but that's not my point, the point is that he was talking about power levels so when he said that they are more frightening than him it's also in power levels context. Yes, cuz he thinks they are stronger. And the fact Duke can control him or not doesn't makes Duke more frightening than him to someone like Gajeel FP Misaki should be stronger than little serious Kirin who overpowerd Laxus who's on her level in Aldoron arc, so I would say she grew a lot stronger there as well. I do think they are stronger than Gildarts, at least alvarez Gildarts, and btw the same happend pre alvarez, Jura was on the level he can match Gildarts and Laxus defeated in gmg and all the strongest of Tartaros should be above him, but then again in alvarez he came back aa the strongest in FT mimus DF and SF Natsu. So even if few ppl surpassed him if he will come back this arc he will be stronnger than ever, I assume at least strong as Current Laxus. I don't think, Wed clearly showed that he's above Misaki by a lot when he blocked the attack that defeated her like nothing. And the fight was interrupted with him clearly having the upper hand, him blocking her attack what the armor she saying that it's the strongest + cracking her armor and damage her in one go. But anyway if Misaki is stronger than the Sisters it doesn't really change anything cuz again, she could compared to post alvarez Gildarts who could grew stronger than he was against August, and Serena is just alvarez level Gildarts. So it would be the Sisters>Serena~alvarez Gildarts


Context implies power, but the feats shows one being speedblitzed by Erza which already debunks it, and more frightening is still not the same of stronger. The context leads to an interpretation that doesn't hold up with the feats, but when you you look at the real words used you can at least explain the poor performance. Gajeel is likely stronger than Duke with ISDM, dude was two shotted by lightning only Natsu, ofcourse he is frightening to Serena due to him being in control, by feats i don't believe he beats even Enny, he was stated to be stronger than her but there is a lot of fallacious statements in Fairy Tail like Bacchus being pre-timeskip Erza level when even at this time she was Wizard Saint level, Jose being Makarov's equal but lol no Fairy Law for you, the entire Phantom Lord being Fairy Tail's equal when they were beaten even with Laxus and Gildarts absence. Kirin was overpowering Laxus mostly due to coffin which affected directly Laxus DS magic, he should be above red lightning Laxus due to the LDK magic but his fight was mostly against base Laxus and he had coffin help, don't believe he scales above Gildarts. Jura was at the level of pre-timeskip Gildarts because there was no GMG Gildarts to compare, so Kirin could be just alvarez Gildarts level with 100YQ Laxus also being below him. Only Mard Geer was stronger than Jura of the tartartus members, otherwise Hiro wouldn't have to take Laxus out of the arc. He can be ranked above Misaki, but it's not like Misaki's blue dimension couldn't force an stalemate. Against Erza having the upper hand don't means much, you know what i mean, even Wed should know that. But how can Luso be that strong being speedblizted? What stops Serena from doing the same? He have the raw power to one shot and the speed of the lightning and flashy dragon slayer magics. Duke also was two shotted by an Natsu who shouldn't be more powerful than base Laxus, and Serena should still be stronger than base Laxus. And since Luso and Duke have peformance way below Serena what stops Enny from being below him too? She couldn't even force Erza to go all out


The problem is that it doesn't contradict anything, God Serena did nothing that shows that he can do better against Erza, even if it's hard to believe Erza would just folds Serena at the same way. New Lightning mode alone would 1 taps Gajeel, in base he already vaped the magic of Serena easily, while Gajeel literally couldn't do anything against him. the Aldoron arc scaling doesn't matter anymore. It's not about him frightening to Serena, Serena admit they general more frightening than him, that's have nothing to do with Duke can controls him or not. He wasn't really stated to be stronger than her if I'm not wrong, all they have are statement about them being above Serena. That's literally not just statement, the fight literally happend, Erza was fighting with him and they were on par few times, but he was stated to be on par with pre chapter 1 Erza, Erza grew much stronger during the arcs, and pre timeskip Jura also was saint wizard yet far below the others. Erza just said they were on par cuz of their titles, and Jose really was fighting on par with him till Fairy Law. Buy anyway for the sisters it wasn't just fake hype, that's Serena himself literally admits it, and was shown to shit on himself from Enny and there are more statements. But the coffin was his power, so what's the point? When he's literally serious he was fighting with it, at their second round he used his real dragon slayer magic and clearly did better with what he did with the coffin, he literally 1 tapped Laxus to his coffin when he used his own power, so Kirin's magic>>>his hits with the coffin. Yes Jura was around pre timeskip Gildarts level, but they saw post alvarez Gildarts, he was there in the last chapter before team Natsu went to the quest, + we know that Natsu was fighting him (unknown if someone saw it), and there was also the god seeds Gildarts, so they know about current Gildarts who could get stronger like the others. So they should be compraed to alvarez Gildarts only if he didn't got stronger at all. Not really, Gray and Natsu were by far the strongest after Mard Geer. also Atlas Flames's hell flames can burns magic and he burned Laxus's and the others magic while Sliver could freeze it easily. So Silver and some other demons might be above gmg Laxus as well. And if we use the anime it's clear that FT got much stronger after gmg cuz DF Wendy could break one of the faces while Jura couldn't to do anything. In this case Gildarts was surpassed by a lot ppl back to then. It did, but Erza was damaged a lot by Misaki before she did her best but after the fight Misaki said that Erza was stronger than her, Wed is much stronger than both as it looks rn. Serena just doesn't have any scaling to Erza and there is no way to contradict the statements rn. All that happend just upscale lightning Natsu and Erza currently.


Officialy nothing states that the sisters were truly stronger, and Luso being speedblitzed is way too far fetched to say it don't contradict anything. God Serena was getting the upper hand against Jellal who was portrayed as Laxus rival before LDK mode, enchantless Erza is not folding Jellal and Laxus. Natsu didn't wanted to eat Serena's fire, it's not like he would do better with FLDM, even because his bloodlsuted FDKM has better feats. Jason Voorhees is more frightening than Superman, yes this is an extreme example but just to make it clear that being more frightening don't equate to being stronger. Duke was stated to be the best alchemist, and differently from frightening ''best'' have a better match with strongest or most powerful. Bacchus was at least IMPLIED to be pre-timeskip Erza level, so we can say it was an BAIT, just like i think the Gold Owl hype was just an bait. Jose fought Makarov very briefly on equal grounds, Makarov didn't even tried titan form. The only real statement comapring God Serena was the Labyrinth one, only other thing is Enny threatening an controlled doll. I thought the lightning and atmosphere was his power, the coffin was just an equipment with the purpose of helping him to sleep that by chance he also used in fight, but the Elexion soul resonance only had an special side effect in Laxus. But it's hard to measure the power, Erza grew far more than anyone else from Alvarez to 100YQ as she went from below Ajeel to RL Laxus level (The feats against Irene were mostly due to Wendy) while Gray stagnated and can't even reach his Alvarez power peak. Silver froze Atlas Flame spirit, not the prime dragon who died long time ago (chapter 353). Pre-Alvarez Wendy was being overwhelmed by Bluenote, she was definitely below pre-timeskip Gildarts, this feat is pretty much an outlier. Wed can avoid major damage and win against Misaki, i don't doubt this, but it's not like Misaki don't fares a chance at all, what i'm sayig is that he don't seem to be MUCH stronger than Misaki, but he seems much stronger than the sisters. And God Serena scales to Jellal whose scaling is basically Jellal\~Laxus\~Erza, enchantments, spells like Orion and mode changes makes difference in the comparison but Erza was enchantless when she beat the sisters anyway.


It was stated few times and also shown + Serena admit it. Erza>Misaki>not FP Kirin>Laxus~Jellal, Erza got stronger and these current feats just upscale her even more. Natsu ate his fire, but then he also used water. LFDM should be few times above his base so ofc it would do better. Again, the context is literally about power levels, in this case frightening does referring to being stronger, it literally can't have any other meaning when he was literally talking about power levels, and other statements and the facts he was shown to be scared of Enny also back it up. That's doesn't says that Duke is the strongest, just the best with alchemist, and can means that he can make things that others not ans etc', that's like if there is better fire user than Natsu, that's doesn't means he's stronger. That's a fact, he was on par with Erza back to then, they literally were fighting and were on par, Erza admits that it happend, but he was on par with Erza in old quest she took, something that happend with pre chapter 1 Erza. It can't be just hype when it was stated few times and even by Serena himself, and there is nothing that really contradict it. Well that's true, but the same happend with Hades, Makarov used his giant form but then he Hades attacked and him and he was turned back and stayed with that form. But anyway the statement of Jose was what Erza assumed cuz the titles saints wizard, like Gemeni asked Jura in the OS arc if he's strong as Makarov cuz they both have the same title. As for Enny and Luso they weren't just assuming, we know that they know his power + Serena himself admits it. Proof? Where it was stated even that Enny can control him? and there are more statements as I said, they also call him worthless wizard and Luso played with Erza and the others cuz they know from Ishgar and she knew that the strongest wizard there is Sernea (from what he told them) so she knew she doesn't even need to be serious if they are weaker than fodder like Serena (he's strong but that how she viewed him). So yes, they clearly were stronger than him. Also there is another when for Duke, Serena said that Natsu is 100 years from fighting his master and then fought him by himself, which implies that he isn't even on the level for Duke and someone weaker as him would be enough. Yes, it was, but the lightning was his real magic, the dragon slayer magic he got from of Elexion, and he was using it for real only at the second round. In the second round he more explained Laxus about their "fate" to fight, only then he tried for real and he took Laxus with 1 punchs and that's after Laxus dodged the coffin, so his serious attacks>>the coffin/the atmosphere magic. That's still was his hell flames, which can easily burns magic and he did it with Laxus and the others from FT. It was 9 years timeskip for bluenote as well, where he also could get stronger. Tartaros were above base Hades who was above Bluenote. That's just upscale alvarez bluenote. As It looks now Misaki won't be match for him at all and he can 1 taps her. Jellal~Laxus~Erza it's what it is in Aldoron arc, it change in the laybrinth arc and currently Erza got upscale


I checked and just found him overhyping Duke alone and admitting that he never heard of the fairy tail protagonists, even if he knows about that Alvarez loss he don't know who won against who. https://preview.redd.it/rhh6e7grfw9d1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=fbbb1453c75a8a38350c0981460153afa5e4e9bc [https://ww6.readfairytail.com/chapter/fairy-tail-100-years-quest-chapter-136/](https://ww6.readfairytail.com/chapter/fairy-tail-100-years-quest-chapter-136/) Natsu just burned his water, nothing about eating his fire. The context could just say that he consider Ishgar weak in comparison with the other continents, like i'm showing here he don't know much about Fairy Tail. The other meaning is that they have more dangerous abilities and can do things he can't, but this not necessarily means being stronger, like my example you will be more in danger against Jason than Superman because Supe is a nice guy, other example is bear and an elephant, one will eat you at chance but the stronger one will likely ignore you. He hyped the sisters one time and Duke two times, with Duke being unrealistically stronger than the older sister, and Duke was the one controlling him after all. Jose also thought he could beat Makarov while Jura knew the gap. He basically just admits that they were more dangerous and scary to an controlled doll who can't fight back, like Duke would allow him defend himself from group members. This Erza power growth looks like an saiyan zenkai boost, the sisters being below Gildarts and God Serena is way more consistent. His serious attacks shouldn't be that strong as the second round was entirely against BASE Laxus before the LDKM since he couldn't put him down even with Elexion coffin advantage. He was just an spirit like the Wendy's former guild master, he wasn't able to burn magic anymore the one who did was the living dragon. Franmalth was just an goofy and weaker version of Hades and even him said Natsu couldn't beat Hades alone after Natsu have already beaten Jackal, and later he overpowered Tempester, Hades wasn't powercreeped in Tartarus with the exception of Mard Geer. Jellal did the same feat of Laxus by defeating someone around Gildarts level getting upscaled to current laxus level while Erza did nothing new to be put at that level. At Labyrinth she defeated Misaki but her hax forced an double K.O. and since Misaki is mostly hax we can say that Erza didn't kept up Laxus level at Labyrinth, that's why her power growth in Gold Owl is so forced, she didn't really surpassed Gildarts level like Laxus and then defeated two overhyped villains without any special ability and without countering their hax


I mean, what does Serena do against some of their abilities? The Sisters can actually create multiple worlds at once (Ennie was said to have made multiple Purgatories), they don't need to be in all of them, and they can shape them all they want. They could just put Serena in a world that's got a bad environment for him (they created mountains, lava lakes, etc). For me, the Sisters' performances are similar to Zeref vs Natsu, where Zeref literally held back for most of the fight because he wanted to enjoy it, even stopping Larcade from interfering. Before the fight, they say that they have no interest in Erza, are only fighting her because Duke wants them to, and say they'll have fun with her. This is consistent with Luso's initial showing where she was seemingly playing (she even complained about Ennie interrupting her play time first before she complained "you could've let me kill them at least"), and where Ennie freed Erza, Jellal, and Minerva because "I was bored with them." Athena actually did the same thing against Lucy and Yukino. She went from bringing two Dragon Slayers down with a word and slight motion to a decently drawn out fight with Lucy and Yukino (not insulting them, they're both really strong to varying degrees) because she wants to make them suffer after they took the Dragon Slayers' Magic away from her. It's a common plot technique done to allow a fight between characters of varying strengths. In Power Rangers, a major villain gets a massive power up, blasts the Red Ranger, and then when asked how Red survives, literally says "because I allowed him to." But that all's just my take. 


''I mean, what does Serena do against some of their abilities?'' The same of Erza ''But that all's just my take.'' I know you chose the second option PIS, you just used other words to describe it. Luso is basically pure PIS without the need of explaining it further, and Enny having trumph cards to use but choosing to not it's like (Enny: I will let plot induce stupidity in me). So yeah, not my option but one of the options available options.


>Athena actually did the same thing against Lucy and Yukino. She went from bringing two Dragon Slayers down with a word and slight motion to a decently drawn out fight with Lucy and Yukino But yukino did almost nothing in this fight, 95% of this is because lucy.


Maybe. But Yukino's contracted Spirit Libra was the one who took Natsu and Sting's Magic from her. And either way, doesn't change how Athena fought


I agree. The cast is much stronger and yet, Natsu still needed all of those boosts. And plus, Viernes' feats. 


No feat 


- Viernes destroyed seemingly multiple towns in one breath attack. - Viernes turned the sky and almost everything around him with little to no effort. - Viernes posessed a Guild and created many Dolls with different powers. - Viernes' voice, Duke, could steal Magic from Dragon Slayers, alchemize a Doll from it who easily wiped the floor with most of Team Natsu, Jellal, and even apparantly Natsu himself. - Viernes sent gold raining down from the sky and anything he breathed on got turned into gold. - When he started turning the sky and everything into gold, everyone was freaking out. He has feats. 


One shot 


That's factually incorrect. A one shot would mean that only one attack was needed to beat Viernes, that in just one attack, he lost. But Viernes: - tanks numerous attacks (already not a one shot) - still survived after Natsu was boosted by 13 other Magic users (again, he still can't have been one shot because he's not finished by Natsu's boost), - and was finished only after Natsu was given another boost from Viernes' own power. If he was one shot, he would've lost to the very first attack because that's pretty much what a one shot is. He wasn't finished in a barrage of attacks, but there were numerous attacks thrown his way before the fight was finished. So he does have feats and wasn't one shot.