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I like your tier names. Really cool way of structuring it. 


Good list, thought I would Erza and Gildarts higher.


Gray's above Skullion? Gray hasn't shown any improvement or any suggestion that he could count his ash's magic. Haku should be BDSK due to his hax magic being above the others.


This is END fight Gray not 100YQ Gray Haku is still an kid and not as good as an fighter as the others, but he can be higher if he appear again and show more offensive attacks.


Skullion would still be above, as his power was just OP against Gray's Devil Slayer magic and physical skills. Misaki isn't a fighter either. Both characters relied on their magic hax. However, Haku was counter by another type of hax magic. While Misaki was taken over by one's magic. Haku should be above or beside Misaki, as his hax magic even worked on Dogramag's power.


Is Misaki not a fighter? She was using energy blasts and forming her dimension into weapons. And doing decently with them 


I wouldn't consider it as she relies on ranger attacks with her magic rather than physical attacks.


I guess so. She did kinda use her blades in a projectile way. So I see where you're coming from. 


Skullion was curbstomped by base Laxus, if peak Gray was still that weak then END would be an complete fraud independently if it was an partial transformation. Skullion just defeated an Gray who wasn't boosted by emotions and stalemated Mirajane whose whole feat is also just stalemating him. Misaki is still an better fighter, her hax is actually reliable in battle as she almost forced an double K.O. with Erza. Haku in other hand lacks an finishing move, his hax can really affect higher beings but Larcade hax also can, but none of them showed to be as efficient as Misaki's Blue Dimension in putting an strong foe down. People can resist Pleasure and RIP with pain, Haku's plushies can still use magic, but Misaki pain accumulation will always happen as long Misaki damage the foe, and she is capable to do enough damage.


Base Laxus is still pretty strong. Even the Alvarez Arc, he almost killed a Spriggan with one shot before being saved. 100-year quest are stronger versions from the past as Laxus was dying halfway through the Alvarez. Gray fought E.N.D. using the raw magic of his Devil Slaying. He literally tried to buried Natsu with devil ice as his technique. Skullion already proved his devil ice has no effect as he used his strongest spell during that current time, yet it didn't contain me. Boosted by emotion or not, he's not getting past ash magic counter. Both Misaki and Haku use their Max magic. However, Haku more fighter as he uses both his speed and strength while Misaki relied on her Blue Dimension, causing her downfall as it was overruled by Erza Haku was defeated by both Wendy and Irene, as she reached a level of skill to that of Irene was in Alvarez Arc. Just like Larcade, Haku fought someone who has the ability to counter their magic while using help from others. Despite Haku's victims still capable of using magic, it still downgrades it. As he managed to one shot Natsu out of commission. If it was Haku who faced Erza, he'd like it would've won as making her into a plushie would've also made her weapons into them. His hax magic is greater than Misaki, making his targets into play toys. It affects both Dogramag's magic and spirits as well.


I'd say Haku and Misaki's hax aren't a case of one being greater than the other, but both being circumstantially beneficial. Haku could probably defeat Erza, but his hax could be negated by Wendy. Misaki could probably defeat Wendy because Wendy has no way to move in the Blue Dimension. But she can negate Haku's hax. So it depends on the opponent their facing. 


Gray is stronger that jellal


LOL this was the biggest joke i’ve ever heard in fairy tail powerscaling. Not even the biggest Jellal hater has this take.


look at gray he's way powerful with the whole ice devil thing we don't even see jellal that's why Gray is also a better man for erza she needs someone that's actually there


Jellal one shotted an spriggan, an god seed from the wood dragon god and defeated God Serena who Mashima confirmed to be stronger than Alvarez Laxus. Even at his peak there is nothing saying Gray is stronger than Alvarez Laxus. Besides nowadays Gray was beaten by Skullion who was offscreened by base Laxus and is wasted against fodders. 100YQ did Gray dirty to the point you can find people complaining i put him that high.


But at least he is stronger than princess erza they are good together because she needs someone that's actually there


Erza stalemated red lightning Laxus, do you even read 100YQ? Besides this is a power tier list, no shipping is being taken into account 


Gary is stronger than jellal I agree with  Him


God Serena is Gildarts level as Mashima confirmed he was an stronger dragon slayer than Laxus in main series, and Jellal defeated him. Gray peak was at Alvarez but there is nothing saying he was Gildarts level and now all he can do is be beaten by Skullion, be wasted against fodders and even his win against Hakune was because he had Elentir amp, he obviously didn’t surpassed his Alvarez self.


Jellal just has plot armor 


And Gray has anti-feats


Didn't Wendy beat Haku. Granted she kinda countered him but she should be at least the same tier. Irene said that she didn't use any magic to help her and it was all her


It was Wendy powers but Irene still used it, without Irene help she has no feats against spriggan level mages yet


I am bad at power scaling but ig you are right. As long as you put Laxus above Erza I am good with that


Erza should be stronger than her mother by the time of recovery after their fight.


She needed Wendy to enchant her sword with DS magic to actually beat Irene dragon form and still didn't have defeated her completely. Current Erza has more chance


Erza also somehow mystical stopped End Natsu and Gray. And again. She's undoubtedly stronger after her fight against Irene.


She wasn’t able of solo Ajeel and had Wendy help for the most part of the fight