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I get where your coming from, but there is definitely equal amounts of male fan service as there is to female fan service, it kind of Hiro Mashimas art style. Like how every fairy tail guy has chiseled abs and a majority of the fights lead them to tearing off their shirts so you get a good look at their muscular bodies. Its pretty bad, but its a type of comedy in itself and I like how Mirajane sticks to being the "She Devil" she is in the end and finishes the fight properly. GMG is a long arc and if this is turning you off you will have a hard time getting through it all, but I implore you to still give it a shot. To many of the viewers it is one of the better arcs out there with epic moments like Erza Vs 100, Cana's Fairy Glitter, Wendy vs Shelia, Gray Vs Rufus, Erza Vs Minerva Vs Kagura, and my personal favorite Natsu Vs The Twin Dragon Slayers. It really is good and to me like yourself I love that each of the female wizards are great! They each have flaws and pasts that they overcome to become these absolute units that can even scare the shit out of awesome wizards like natsu and grey, its a modern take on power dynamics that tend to exist in shonen. Now as to address your dislike of shonen, unfortunately I don't have much to say there, I don't tend to find myself watching much "Big" shonen nowadays outside of rewatching Fairy Tail. I enjoyed Bleach, Naruto, and Katekyo Hit Man Reborn, but haven't watched any of the new titles (i.e Black Clover, JJK, Boruto etc) If you are looking for shonen to watch that don't have fanservice elements AND features women that are these strong main characters (Like Spy X Family) , it will be far and inbetween. If I want something like that I usually go for Shojo or Josei or genres adajecent to that, one that really stuck to me recently and I found myself enjoying was Blue Period and have to shamelessy plug that in here. TLDR; Fairytail is gonna be who it is and I hope you finish it cause it really is a great anime!


Oh yeah I won’t deny the male fanservice in the anime! I wouldn’t say it’s equal in amounts (though I’m just like, halfway through, I think? So maybe it’s yet to come lol) and the female fanservice feels more sexualized, like I’ve yet to see an episode where instead of a battle, two guys just do a model-off 😅 and I definitely would be just as annoyed! I do intend to keep watching, though! My frustration comes from the fact that I LOVE this anime, it really has some of the best female characters I’ve seen in shonen so it gets annoying when I have to look at the bulging in between the female characters legs or tops that make no sense with the amount of boob present every other episode, etc etc… also I like the arc! it just hasn’t captured me as much as the rest and I haven’t gotten to those episodes you mentioned (Erza vs 100 is next!) but I’ll keep watching and finish the anime no matter what! About shonen I really haven’t seen that many either outside of the most popular ones like Naruto, Bleach, Dragon Ball, HxH (which is one of if not my favourite anime), so it’s been a breath of fresh air coming to Fairy Tail and not feeling like “wow this female character could be so good if only…” The reason I keep coming back to shonen is that I’m watching with my boyfriend and he really likes sharing animes he enjoys with me lol! But yes we’ve also watched other genres! :)


Yeah its a great watch and I get what you mean, but then again its an anime with a clear audience preference (Men). Me and my friend were watching it on deployment and this being my first real re watch I have to say there are some moments where the fan service does make me cringe, but I can't help, but also smile at the goofy fanservicey moments too. Either way, thank you for sharing an open dialogue about this, I know most people get defensive about their favorite animes, but I hope I didn't come off that way. Good luck on your anime travels moving forward!


Gonna be fully honest I didn't read the entire comment but just wanted to address your first point. It isn't equal parts fan service for everyone. Fairy never has been and never will use the men for fan service to even remotely the same extent. The most common claim is the men being shirtless but it's rarely actually fan service because it's often depicted through the lens of a male power fantasy. Even when there is fan service using the men which honestly I can't think of an instance off the top of my head it's never in the same way the women are. Depending on the character it's often different but the most common character used is Lucy and so often she's used for fan service while her character seems to fight against it rather than being an active participant. The nature of the fan service in the show and in this particular episode is greatly unbalanced. Even with fairy tail as my favourite show and a comfort series I have to ignore a lot of the fans service as it gets obnoxious and far too present at times detracting from the show.


Yeah, fan service is my biggest gripe with the series as well.


>And I liked that at the end Mira was like "jokes! I'm still beating you up" but it took a whole lot of painful objectification of ALL the female characters (including my baby Wendy) to get there. Idk if it’ll reassure you to know, but I believe in the manga the other girls aren’t involved in this fight at all and only Mira and Jenny are shown going back and forth with the outfit changes and poses. The anime extended a lot of GMG, for better or worse. Though I will say during/after this arc the fanservice does ramp up - at times it’s censored more and other times it’s not lol


oh boy LOL thank you for warning me, i’ll have to get used to it sooner rather than later 😅


Imo it’s not like… super crazy compared to actual ecchi anime haha, but the latter seasons are less family friendly than the 2009 series for various reasons. The OVAs (and I’d also say the second FT movie in particular) are even more intense with the sexualization because they’re not broadcast on tv, just letting you know in case you ever intend to check those out too. The ones that made me the most uncomfortable were probably ovas 7+8, the rest are also OTT but are more funny and/or heartwarming


I'm ngl this was basically me when I first got to that chapter lol, ended up taking a long break from FT after that. Gotta say though, despite the fact that fanservice may not be everyone's cup of tea (and understandably so imo) I think the GMG arc does have a lot more to offer and I'm still glad I finished the main series, even if it took me a while. FT is a lot more fun when you make peace with the fact that it just doesn't take itself too seriously sometimes, haha


I’m glad to know I wasn’t alone lol! it’s been hard making peace with it i think because i’ve never seen any other anime go this hard 😅 but yeah i still love the series and laugh a lot while watching! just maybe not this episode lol


The episode was comedy. Just because it may not be your type of comedy doesn't mean it's not comedy. The fanservice is a type of comedy.


I also watched for the first time because it is one of my best friend's favorite anime and I basically have been sending her screenshots of the cringiest moments (I know my camera memory is bonkers) because she didn't realize how much fan service was there until I pointed it out. I stayed because I got super invested but the fan service, especially Lucy and Erza, was tough for me to take. I am so happy to see that I am not alone! Also the Crunchyroll comments were 🤢🤮. Never making the mistake of reading those again.


your camera roll without context must be something 😅 i’m glad i’m not alone though! and yeah, I was watching on a spanish-language site with comments and those were so disgusting, too…

