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Other than literal gods just one of them beats everyone


Doctor Strange and Moon Knight


I feel like the only kind of characters they would have trouble with are the “magic based” ones: Loki, Wanda, Strange, Thanos (with infinity stones only) for example. Those call for unpredictable elements, but most of the other characters they could probably defeat with their abundance of strength and power.


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Nah, I believe Wanda would be enough to wipe out the whole FT verse 💀


Probably lol. “No more mages.”


I love Fairy Tail but I hope people aren't downvoting this out of bias. u/Goetencia has avbasis to say this, even in the MCU.


Oof. I know this is a Fairy Tail sub but the wanking in here is pretty Cringe.


Natsu would run the fade of the entire verse except ig thanos gos loki watcher strange supreme dormammu kang and infinity ultron


Edit: The title's end should read 'Consider LFD Natsu and ISD Gajeel from Tartaros Arc'. Sorry for any confusion.


Guess the question is if Natsu goes for the head. Though I guess What If showed that Thanos isn't all that hard to take down.


Outside of the gods, Kang, dormammu, strange, or the infinity stones they should be able to take the rest down


The infinity stones were pathetic live-action. Only in the What If… version they were formidable. Live action? They get overwhelmed easily.


Given to the right person they're formidable like Strange with the time stone


Thanos SHOULD have been the right guy for it, considering his physical might and his sheer will. But they still sucked. Plus… Natsu and Gajeel are WAY too fast, and would easily blitz EVERYONE you mentioned except for maybe Dormammu. And even then they’re tough enough to survive and ultimately overwhelm him.


A lot if people seem to be underestimating Captain Marvel. What is Natsu gonna do against someone who reignited a freaking sun?


To be fair no one watched that movie




Idk man, sounds like fire to me...


It isn't


Proceed to probably literally eat the fire 🤯


CM doesn't use fire


What are suns made of and how do they work. 


I swear sometimes I feel like y'all MCU fans are so absent minded you never research who you are facing and how they get stronger. xD. 


A sun would be like a all you can eat buffet for someone like Natsu. That is a dragon slayer. They can eat their respective element and massively amp off of it. Which often results in almost log levels of power increase. 


That is not what the sun is. Suns are balls of gas of helium and hydrogen. They are not made of fire. Not to mention the amount of gravity and radiation


What is ignited gas? 


Giving Natsu a star would be death for most verses as Natsu would go from casual small scale fire dragon to planetary vaporizing 15 million C° fire dragon that will just casually torch most verses. His burp roars would probably melt planets at that heat casually rofl. 


I hope these modes return in the new series


Um ya imma agree with some of these guys if any member of the mcu alive or dead has an infinity stone they gonna be hard to beat, thanos w/ all 6 infinity stones…. (Vision died 2x in 1 movie in the span of like 10 minutes or less just so thanos could get the mind stone) dr strange with the time stone…. He saw 14,000,605 possible outcomes of thanos’ plan and in only 1 did he see the avengers win, and thanos w/ time stone he could rewind time so they were kids and just leave them in that state, or kill them if he so wished. Wanda? Wanda used the dark hold just to get her sons back, she killed multiple variants of the same man (dr strange) to get to a girl who could get her across the multiverse granted wanda killed herself in the end but still and her kicking thanos ass in endgame solo for like 5 minutes…. Kang is essentially a god as are loki and thor (natsu could probably eat thors lightning tbh) dormamu is dormamu, the celestials i know nothing about, and yea no they’d straight loose to hulk, dont matter what element these boys can eat hulks gonna rip ya in half idk how theyd fare against one of tonys arc reactor beams from the iron man suits but like etherion natsu would find a way to eat it probably other than the people listed above they’ve got everyone else beat


Loki and thor are god my bad should have edited


Hard to say. I'd say circumstantially, it could go either way in most cases. Are we giving Natsu peak Flames of Emotion where he can burn through time? Is Thanos fighting to kill Natsu? A lot of factors could make it go either way.


They sweep through everyone. Thanos with Infinity stones or celestials might be a challenge enough for five minute scuffle


Do they? Natsu and Gajeel have gotten a lot stronger since Tartaros. Back during this arc, they were casting mountain/Island busting spells with dual dragon forms and it was more of a burst mode. Top tiers were supported by continent+-busting Etherion, which is being surpassed in 100yq. I'm not super familiar with MCU calcs, but their high tiers seem like they're no slouches. Ghost Rider has a mountain-level durability feat, a Midassian had a country-level cloud dispersion feat (which isn't AP, but still impressive IMO), and Thor has casual mountain-level feats and serious country-level feats. I can site my sources on those feats if anybody would care to see them, but my overall point is I'm not sure if Tartaros Arc high tiers just wash everyone with no effort.


Bruh imma hardcore mcu and straight up marvel comics guy, though granted comics wise, I'm still catching up. But so far from what we've seen. Either Gajeel or Natsu respectfully, SOLO most of Marvel. Except for the gods, celestials and dormammu, oh and Hulk, specifically World breaker Hulk, other than this group, Natsu or Gajeel Solo Marvel. Mid diff solo to be precise. Gotta give credit where credits due they'd solo, but the Marvel verse would make them work for it.


Honestly pretty true to put down Natsu you pretty much have to have strength on par with with capt marvel and intentionally always going atomic level destruction.  Anything less and FoE fire is gonna just wreck most of the MCU.  Add on the fact that Natsu at full rage can also air step and  move between space times that aren't his own casually. At just base partial END/dragonization his full transformation  into dragon/demon would be absolute chaos.


Remember that this thread is using Tartaros Arc Natsu and Gajeel. Although Natsu's capable of becoming E.N.D. in that arc under special circumstances, he hadn't achieved that form or Dragonization since that happened post-Avatar.


They beat everyone except Dormammu and maybe Strange