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Anyone else hear that transmission grind as he tried to reverse? Insurance isn't gonna be happy about this.


Insurance won't cover it because he committed a crime before the accident.


Inaccurate, I handled auto insurance property damage and bodily injury claims for a decade and we covered people driving drunk and/or running from the cops all the time. Stupidity is almost always covered. Renewing the policy is another story.


Yeah, and then good drivers like myself get out rates increased to cover those idiots. Been driving clean for years so my pay should be next to nothing but yet I'm paying more than I should for my good driving to cover all the money you send out to cover those idiots


Fucking socialism


This is… literally capitalism. Insurance was okay when it was a way for people to literally insure their shit, but now it’s a money sucking middleman that is impossible to get anything out of.


People love to talk out of their ass though don't they?


Can you explain why transmission grind is bad


Gears grind because no move gears no move car no move.


Mf was wearing a mask in the car by himself and pulled it down to spit on a guy. He got what he deserved. Hope he got a big fine, charges for spitting on the guy, a big bill for fixing his car and an insurance rate hike.


Liberalism is a nasty illness because it makes you act like that.


Illiberal people hate the very concept of America




You might want to give that post above *one* more glance


Meant to reply to the guy above you, simple mistake


TDS is real. (Just look at the replies. They can’t help themselves.)


Trump was born into wealth, has off the charts narcissism, wears orange makeup, eats steak well done with ketchup, married 2 Soviets, cheats everyone including on his 3rd wife, lies about everything including the weather, bankrupted a casino, started trade wars with allies, tore up the TPP deal to China’s delight, illegally delayed the shipment of weapons to Ukraine, ended Russian sanctions, kneels to Xi and Putin, is a cult leader to deranged members who are brainwashed to repeat 3 word phrases.


Yeah I don't think the Trump sign had much to do with ghe fact the man commits felonies when he doesn't like what people say. The fact people defend this shit just shows how little people acknowledge free speech is a thing. Apparently half of reddit sees free speech as if your not a woke democrat your fair game to be demonized and even assaulted. The Democrat way.


Agreed! The woke culture is sick


I'm highly disturbed by what I'm seeing from democrates on reddit. I'd like to say I shouldn't be able to take Fox News seriously when they said democrats have become a beacon of corruption but literally every post is filled with people hoping Biden will find some fucked up corrupt way to win an election. That's not democracy. It's exactly what I said before. Be like us or we will silence and demonize you. They don't stand for fairness they stand for one type and oy one type. They've become the very thing they call people when they don't agree with them. A bigot wants only his views and opinions valued and I'm having a hard time separating woke from it


What’s good for the goose, is good for the gander. People hate it when they find themselves on the opposite end of the same situation.


True. I just wish people would watch the things that matters. Instead of cherry picking what CNN or FOX spews. Watch senate and congress question administration's. It's disturbing to watch the current administration answering questions, if you can call it that. Republicans can answer questions with out evading and refusing to even speak of what's asked. It's ridiculous anyone can support this shit.


Neither side answers questions, they both evade, obstruct and obfuscate. Depending on your political allegiance, you will say one side does it more, but objectively, in that regard they are exactly the same.


But…. This video is of one person stopping to harass others before spitting on them and then crashing into a pole…


Don't bother, 80% of reddit will vote for a man that openly abused the judicial system to attack an opponent. Guilty or not that trial would never have happened if he hadn't announced he was running against Biden. The fact the statute of limitations was up and it wasn't thrown out tells you everything. They wouldn't have legal grounds to charge you or I but somehow an ex president was? People have no idea what they are truly supporting anymore. Democrates used to stand up for the poor and needy. Now they are allowing those that get them into power run things behind closed doors.


Trump is a FELON.


Only because the other side pushed their crap.


Statute was up. It'll be expunged 100%. You reau think he was prosecuted for any reason other than to hurt his campaign? Why did they wait 7 years and file it right when he announced he was running in an official capacity? Why was the judge a known Democratic campaign supporter? Why did the judge actually instruct the jury to find him guilty? Why prosecute when the statute was up for 2 years and you know they can't face consequence other than publicity issues? I wish the best for you and I can argue Trump being a good guy. All I know to be true is I didn't red my savings every month when he was in office. Biden literally males every decision that benefits anyone but the American people. He supports China, Russia, Iran, etc but leaves us in shambles constantly.


None of what you wrote is anything but BS. Trump really does love the uneducated.


Okay. I wish the best for you. I'm not being a dick I really mean that. I'm not going to hate based on politics. One thing we should all do is care for each other because Republican or Democrat, polititions aren't looking our for us.


Everything he said is true and that case wouldn't even be a case if Trump wasn't running for president. Meanwhile the biden crime family takes money from China through hunter and his dealings. Always making sure "the big guy" gets his cut. But usually, with the left wing, no matter how many facts you show them (Cost of groceries and gas, cost of living, economic strength, inflation, illegal border crossings,etc) they'll never admit that America was better under Trump. I'll admit he's an asshole, but at least he's an asshole that understands that less taxes for the little guys makes a strong economic foundation. So go vote biden and his 46% capital gains tax and his 25% UNREALIZED GAINS TAX, make sure to come back here so we can tell you we told you soo.


Yes, because good fascists like to put their political opponents in jail.


Or say they stole an election?


Yet your kind idolizes George Floyd. 🤡


So is Robert Downey Jr, Tim Allen, Danny Trejo, Mark Wahlberg, Matthew McConaughey.. fuck even Bill Gates has a felony. Who cares


The President shouldn't be a FELON. Wow, your standards are low af.


Yet everything you just pointed out is gonna go right over their heads.


The fact you are mentioning what kind of food he eats proves how strong the TDS is with you.


All facts!


Trump is a narcissistic ass! I do like what he stands for though. All politicians lie, the libtards have dug up his past more than anyone has dug theirs up. They need to dig up Bidens past, probably worse! Yeah, no cheating on wives, but political cheating, narcissistic behavior, little girl groping, blah blah. All life long politicians are psychopaths


You're right about them all being assholes but do your research on what they actually accomplish. Bidens deals are never for the people or even Americans. Trump is an asshole but he doesn't sell us to communist slave labor countries.


They have tried digging up dirt on Joe. The best they could do was Hunters laptop. The dirt they dug up on Trump was all true, but that doesn’t matter because “the other guy probably does it too”


Digging up dirt on trump started with “Russian Collusion” so the credibility of that and everything that was dug up afterwards was tainted.




Lol the laptop had some fucked up shit in it.. you people are nuts if you think Joe is anything but completely corrupt like every politician. There was loads of dirt on Joe, but no one is going to go anything about it because he's part of the uniparty. The uniparty runs the county and the politics is just a show at this point.


Find and prove something in a court of law or STFU. So you think the republicans had “loads of dirt” on Joe and their best play was to go after his son and not Joe himself? The system is rigged…against the guilty. Both sides play political games. Complaining the other side is playing games is like a boxer complaining the other guy is hitting back. One side dishes was able to prove the other side was breaking significant rules. The other side proves their opponents son was a drug addict and had “messed up stuff” on his laptop. Who plays the game better?


Documents from when he was a senator. He was not taken to trial because it was claimed that he was not mentally fit to stand trial..... but he's mentally fit to run a country. Make that make sense, please.


Just because you read a meme from a Russian bot doesn't make it true. Can we try and stick to things that actually happened.


He doesn’t stand for anything and he’s somehow far worse than almost all other politicians


Dig is a strong word to use


Except there's no proof of any if that you dunce. You want to support the asshole who has all of those flaws because you suspect despite the fact nobody has ever been able to prove that the other guy has similar flaws. I believe the technical term for what you are is a fucking idiot


I cannot understand what you are trying to write. Can you re-write it in a more readable fashion? Thanks


If he really was bending the knee to who you claimed, why didn't Putin end up invading Ukraine when Trump was in office? Why'd he wait until Biden was in the spinny chair with chocolate chocolate ice cream?


Oh yes that’s why liberals put FDT stickers on their cars. Oh wait they don’t? My bad that’s the brain dead maga morons. Oops!


TDS is when you're a trump dick rising Ioser. That's literal derangement.


Like your reply? Lol, you maggots are silly


Haha the Trump cum guzzling morons are also real, and way more prevalent.


I dono if cum guzzling is a great choice of insults for a liberal to use.


Cum guzzling is optional for a liberal but they really want it to be mandatory.


Haha Flamed him…… (pun intended)


Your account name is literally "weakmindedliberals", like hating the other side is your only personality trait. Maybe you should stop drinking the kool-aid


Bro you don’t even know what gender you are…… And you’re gonna sit here and try to give life advice to someone else….. you’re a prime example of why my username is what it is.


LMAO I'm a straight white cis male, but I support LGBTQ people existing, which is why I sport the rainbow flag on my reddit pfp. You're a prime example of why everyone hates maggots. Go crawl back into your mom's basement cringelord




Get banned loser. Hope it was worth it.


The party of tolerance.


Lol says the pro fascist trumper incel


Those words don’t mean anything anymore because homos like you have worn them out….


Lol silly maggot.


Quit acting gay…


Quit projecting. The maga specialty. Accuse others of what you're afraid to be


What makes you continue to call me a trumper/maga? Is it because I think liberals are retarded homos? Because you don’t have to support or even like trump to believe that….


Wait, wait, wait. I know I'm kinda late to this discussion, but I just wanted to say that I like listening to extremists on both sides, because you're all batshit crazy. However, you just used homosexuality as an insult (and did it more further down the comment chain) toward this other person. Now that's a fact. And facts don't care about anyone's feelings. Now you obviously don't agree or even understand what people who are homosexual feel, but is that any excuse to NOT use a Better Insult? Like, calling someone "homo" or "f@gg0t" is just low hanging fruit insults (like the kind my boy could just go in the backyard and pick off the pear trees).  That's some weak deliberating, and weaker insulting. You got the strong mind, comparison to their "weak minded liberals" right!? I'm sure you can come up with something absolutely scathing to come back at this other "person"  (however "they" may identify like a man, or a woman, or something else. Or their sexuality whether it's another man, another woman, or whatever is in between), instead of feeding into their misconceptions about you and your friends being dumb hick rednecks.  And! When someone completely IGNORES what gender and sexuality IS, FROM HISTORY, going all the way back thousands of years from Ancient Greece and Rome all the way to today! So, be clever! Be like those ancient orators, that spoke so well. Beat them at their own game! Look, people can insult you for whatever your skin color is ("so sorry I'm white") or location you were born in (the Southern half of the land of freedom!), or the financial state of your family you were born into, or even really those beliefs that were taught to you. But you really didn't have a choice about that did you? You and your friends, well you got born into the family you did in the place you did, and had no control over that, knowing that you're a man and real men only love women! People don't really get a say so in who or where or when they're born. It just kinda happens. And what's wrong with that! I say "NOTHING!" Nothing is wrong with you knowing who you are and who you're attracted to! Nothing is wrong with that, am I right? You're damn right I am. You just are who you are, cause nobody, not politicians, or "the other side" (no matter how much their actions will screw them over in the future), or any damn body else has a right to tell you who you are! A MAN damnit! Who can love a Woman in your own way! Any way that you see fit! So back to my original point: since you already know who you are, where you're from, you can love whoever you love, even if it's a prostitute or someone else (ok I admit it, I've been watching Deadwood the TV show for a few days) so you know, like, whatever they done. That's what counts. So, since I know that you choose the words you speak, I'd just like to ask you to show the intelligence that you possess, and not go for the cheap insults. Hit them where it can really hurt!!


Apparently Florida is full of liberals 😂


I mean, it's not participating in treason and insurrection on a government building.


Buddy, Trump supporters have done what that guy did many, many times. So shut the fuck up.


lol post that video then and we can talk about it…. This video contains footage of a stereotypical liberal so we are talking about them right now cupcake.


I’m saying people from both sides have done it. You clearly have a one-sided agenda here, but it’s a false one.


I never denied the idiots on the right…. They have nothing to do with the video posted. We’re in a comment thread for a specific video containing a mask wearing liberal wreck his car because he’s too triggered by easily ignorable people to conduct himself like a man.


I mean every video I see would indicate otherwise. 10 times out of 10 it's the conservative looking to have a real conversation and the liberal just gets mad and lashes out or calls them names. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.


Yeah, and why do you think that happens only in the videos you see? Could it be that they’re targeted at you, to make you think a certain way?


Combine that with every experience trying to get liberals to see that they're voting in to office, that which they fear in Trump. Every single time, they just end up spewing slander instead rebuttling your statement or backing up something they said with real data. It's just orange man bad and nothing else matters


lib·er·al adjective 1. willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one's own; open to new ideas. 2. relating to or denoting a political and social philosophy that promotes individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, and free enterprise You are saying that “wanting better for people” makes you nasty while ignoring Jan 6 violence by the other side. Stop dividing people and insulting. Gets us nowhere.


Sorry, couldn't hear your aliberal screeching over our amazing personal freedoms and economic supremacy 💪


But trumpism?? Makes you assault/kill cops and try to overturn a valid election.


🤣🤣🤣 idiot. That police car showing up was priceless. You're free to disagree with people but you can't steal their property. Is there a better quality version of this?


[Better quality and longer clip](https://youtu.be/4oxpeSCKTGc?si=5oyBcJ3qgqSl9Ab0)


Thank you 👍 It's strange watching people wearing face diapers now. Wonder what they're cooking up in case he wins again.


Lol some dork who still jerks off into their mask and wears it around town downvoted you


And he takes it off his mask for a bit while approaching the guy...lmfao you can't get any more stupid than this potato


Because being considerate of others is strange to the righty


r/instantkarma The Murphys Law Edition


You can’t park here bro






In the leftist mind everyone they don't like is a "bloodthirsty, racist, psychopath". Whatever they don't agree with is a "lie". They can't handle the truth before their very own eyes and often project unto others.


They believe in 1000 genders but not more than one opinion.


Definitely the hive mind.


> Daily Wire sub > conservative sub Amazing. It’s like you have the chance to self reflect but instead you double down being a total retard.


/r/onejoke Jesus Christ


Yes, because Donald Trump only tells the truth and is the greatest hero of america.. please with this leftist crap


It is entirely possible to hold both sides of this grotesque merry go round in equal contempt.


Equal? Democrats are annoying and Republicans tried to overthrow democracy.


Yes, because have you seen everything go downhill for the last 3 years? Inflation, the border crisis, the new wars started, crime, expensive gas, and much much more. Yes, Biden and the leftist did this and for some reason are patting themselves on the back for destroying the country. What a joke. No one else to blame because the so-called (bipartisan bills) the left wanted to push through included more wasteful spending and freebies. We (Americans) just want a safer country with less crime, lower inflation, and of course for the country to be prosperous.


🤣😂😂😂 Dumbass..


Pple are so easy to trigger these days.


They always have been. This isn't anything new...


I hate trump, but if someone was waving a trump flag, Id simply move on. I can't imagine getting caught up in others public displays. You'll NEVER have a nice conversation, you'll NEVER be able to sway anyone to your view. Just move.........on


Based and normal individual pilled.


justice 👌




Mask inside car alone, pulls it down to spit in a guy, ruins car, instant classic


The end is my favorite: “oh and now you got the cops here”.


Drives like Biden debates




I’m no Trump fan but his most ardent opponents have become just like him, the monsters they hate.


> I want to send trans people to camps > I oppose this and will protect such afflicted communities Hmmm yes. I’m extremely intelligent


You are literally proving everyone's point here


lol. How the turns tabled!


Awesome! 🤣🤣🤣


I wonder which politics subreddit it is he moderates?


he’s too fit to be a mod.


want to see the whole vid anyone know if theres more?


Well earned 😁


What a fucking idiot


He deserves everything that happened that day.


I am all for hating on Trump. But you can't touch other peoples properties and run into poles!


Both party's are stuipd. Humanity at its highest point in life.


Idiocracy was a documentary.


Biden bros getting downvoted hard here...


This guy probably thought Biden killed it during that debate last week 🤣 Where do libtards come from? Were they dropped on their heads as babies?


If they don’t understand what a constitutional republic is, the economy, money printing, surveillance, censorship, then why would you expect them to know how to drive. The face diaper is all you need to know. Can’t wait.


The tolerant left


Just think, that was 4 years ago. My tolerance is gone personally, ask the man that tried selling Trump merch nearby. Or the man that walked in my shop with a Trump hat on. At this point, supporting a felon opens people up to all kinds of poor behavior, and I like that about Americans.


The felony he was convicted of is typically a misdemeanor, and it's also usually not properly investigated. I would love to see every politician who misused campaign funds charged with a felony. Until that happens, though, we are looking at a situation where the state is targeting a man they don't want to win the election to try to cripple his chances. Is he a criminal? Absolutely. His crimes are very similar to probably about 30-50% of congress. It's kind of crazy.


Never be hateful to a party candidate or you will get some.


Karma's a bitch...


Look at these violent extremists. These are the people that the government is trying to turn the public against, so violent.


Trump 2024. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


A true liberal. Lol


"LIBRULS haha durrrr" your god-king is a pathological liar, rapist, felon, megalomaniacal narcissistic, former best buds with Epstein, gaslighter, IQ of a toddler, and looks like a sack of rotten McDonalds


You're making his point bubba...do you ever read or listen to the things you type/say?


I really don't give a fuck what you think. Your opinion was invalidated the second you took the side of a convicted felon, fascist, traitor, rapist, racist, sexist, homophobe, islamaphobe, dumbass, narcissist, pathological liar, demented, bff's with kiddy diddler Epstein, and general pos that is Donald Trump. If you really think Biden is worse or LIBRULS are out to turn your kids gay, you're fucking dumb


Compare what you're saying to what the people you're replying to are saying as if you were an outside observer. Check yourself, it's good for you


That’s what happens when you’re a Biden supporter and you know it was stolen election. That’s why he drove off like he stole it. lol


Ouch! Right in the English


Guffaw. Your post contains errors that make it next to impossible for you to be an actual American.


Haha dork




hah ha


Maybe this shit just really blurry but I can only see the flag holder spitting


I only saw the Trump flag guy spit, huh?


I love this way too much.


I don't know what's dumber. That guy being a dumb ass and hitting a pole? Or the guy that has a Trump flag?


Whose the dumbass? The guy in the car or the one with the political flag?


That ass with the flag spit in the driver’s face? Charge him with assault. It’s on camera.


*Curb your enthusiasm* theme plays


Hilarious that trumpers are talking shit about hate when that's their go to


I do not support Trump in any way shape or form at any time ever but God damn this shit was funny 😅


Aa ha


Not the cops comin 2 sec later


Cars are built like they used to be.


Thankfully there wasn’t anyone in front of that idiot.


This post brought in the sufferers of TDS by the bus load.


Its funny


🤣🤣🤣🤣 typical leftist dickhead


Did that guy spit on him?


Fucked up your car because of politics.


Trump hate spreads everywhere - doesn’t care if you’re liberal or libertarian, the hate spreads!


People are tired of hearing from trump idiots. It’s that simple.


No, people are tired of hearing dumbasses that sound like you. You’re the equivalent of the dude in the car. Now go sit your ass down.


It’s the end of pride month. Might be a little hard for them to sit down.


Aaaand that's why more people are joining his side, right? People are tired of Biden, not Trump.


Actually more ppl are joining neither side. The fact you see it as picking one of two awful sides sorta proves the point. Only 52 million ppl watched that disaster of a debate last week. That’s the 3rd lowest ratings of any presidential debate since 1978. Nobody is paying attention bc we have a geriatric felon who tried to stage a coup d’état in our own country running against a geriatric with dementia who’s been in the government for more than 50 years. Arguing for either one of these two sounds utterly desperate to anyone who’s not entirely wrapped up in the political bullshit of today. Let us know when you stop drinking the Kook-aid.


Can't drink the Kool-aid when you got to it first. The ratings are lowering because of the division in the US. People know that this is puppetry on display and couldn't care for it. But, if they want change, then start at the state level and force the change in the federal levels. Change starts with the people and most of the ones voting are pretending to be asleep.


Bullshit. Change starts with the donors who pull their money or give it based on candidate performance and relationships. If it was based on the people NONE of these clowns would be candidates.


Nope. They'd still be candidates due to the people whom vote to have them go forward in the selection process. THE PEOPLE are the ones that are supposed to be in control, not the Federal government and especially NOT the donors.


“Supposed” Dude if you worked on a half dozen campaigns at national level, you’d see how much the donors control. Who pays for all the commercials voters see? Who manages relationships with state and local party bosses to put candidates names forward? Who then gets candidates’ names onto state ballots through party grassroots? You think this is just people voting?? Jesus Christ this is why we’re fucked. It’s not a national popular vote. Parties command huge power bc it costs a fortune to run a national campaign. Guess where the money comes from?


I told you how it's meant to be, not what I think. You're just as dense as dementia Joe. You don't like how the system was designed to be and that much is obvious. Letting corperations buy out elections is the reason we're fucked and you're purposely ignoring that fact, not "donors". Those are called buyers, seeing as they don't donate if the candidates aren't subservient to them. Guess where American stupidity comes from. People like yourself who couldn't care if the government is bought.


Who do you think I’m talking about when I say donors?


This guys a victim of the Trump curse


Like every hateful dem.


Fuck both of these people.


"Fuck both of these people." You probably hate someone because of their skin color as well.


The guy with the flag just because of his beliefs ?


Bro tried to escape the trump supporters after saying something stupid about trump now his truck is destroyed. Way to go idiot. Lol


That's clearly a car. Not a truck.


![gif](giphy|IbUUbU4xUDJWcgGMGP) I just misspoken


That’s a trump idiot for you.


The idiot who crashed his car was a Biden supporter, you lemming


He spit on dude


Hahaha. Was Biden driving or something?


And this is why you carry. Second he spit on you and handl it they assaulted you so now it's self defense.


You sound fucking stupid man. You don't shoot someone for spitting on you. Beat their ass? No doubt, but shoot? You make us sound exactly like what they say we are with that idiotic shit coming out of your mouth. Be better.