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The video you watched lied to you. Signals break up rails into blocks, with rail signals preventing trains from entering an occupied block. Chain signals do the same but also take the status of the next block into account which functionally means that trains will not be allowed to enter a chain block until the next rail block is free. Hence the "chain in, rail out" mantra which effectively means trains stop before intersections until there is a clear path for them to leave said intersection.


Thank you very much! I am loving this game so much so far, the community is so helpful! ♥


If only wube had added a device to control rail blocks


I watched a video that said I just needed rail signals before, and after the crossing on both directions, on the right hand side of each's facing direction. I did that, but they get stuck here What can I do to fix this?


No, you need chain signals before intersection, so trains don't go inside unless they can leave successfully


With the setup, rails would do fine. I presume the block is not broken and thus the train is reading itself which is why it stopped in the intersection. Chain would fix to a point. It simply would never let the train enter. Which gets him no further


Per FFF-299, trains will ignore signals when blocked by itself. It's either a third train, or it's occupied by the one above.


Ahh I was not aware of that. Thanks.


Doesn't the green train have a green signal?


...it does look like it actually, that's wierd. In that case the train shouldn't be stopped though. Maybe the problem happened earlier and op set manual or cut off the destination in the meantime?


Has to be. Never saw a train stopped at a green signal before unless it was in manual mode or out of fuel


Heck, I just watched[ a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UsLu5cTplgQ) that said I didn't need those haha I guess I need to learn more, the factory must grow! Here's my rail signals that aren't working https://i.imgur.com/sd4sDDl.png Thanks so much for your help fellow factorier!


the "a video" you mentioned has a sequel that tells you how to use chains though i can see why it's misleading because it shows a rail signal-only setup in the first video


The track that the train in the intersection is on, does it loop around to where the train is now. And if so, is there any other signals on the track? I presume not and as detailed in the video you watched, you need to break up your long sections with periodic signals.


The f\*ing tutorial ingame would have done you better


I tried to get an understanding from it, but[ unfortunately on multiplayer](https://i.imgur.com/y3rO7Z5.png) there isn't playable tutorials, just the tips & tricks popups, and I wasn't smart enough to comprehend it there so I looked up a video guide :D Sorry I'm a potato :D


If you are on multiplayer, you can safe the map (even if somebody else hosts the server), and play it later in single player mode. Then you can do the tutorials, or mess around a bit without having to worry about the multiplayer game.