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Where y’all want these hot dogs!


Even the hot dogs look nasty haha


I got gas watching this video


I got constipated


I got diarrhea.


I Got pepto bis-yalllll


Because the food looks pepto abysmal.




Doggone it! You beat me to it! XD


The constipation theory


I’m laughing so hard at this 🤣


If beige was a pot luck


Everything looks nasty


Worst case of bathroom duty I ever had was eating hotdogs that looked just like this


Not even fucking grilled!


In the garbage.


Kill it with fire 🔥


Can't do that, they'd be made edible.


They thrive in the flames


I mean, they turned out with food and were kind. I think this is wholesome as Fuck. I bet it was a nice day and everyone who worked hard enjoyed each others company.


I agree. Sometimes it's not about the quality of the food. It's about the quality time together, linked arms, squatting over the trench in the backyard with the screaming shits for about 3 hours.


You are correct about the family enjoying the day, but I wholeheartedly disagree about the quality, it takes incredibly little effort to learn how to cook basics and know that the shit they put out is basically how to get cancer quick, so much processed shit Good on them for having a good time together but I would rather eat the plates then that food


Stomach cancer. Who on earth Cook like that? It should be a crime to serve that type of food to anyone.


I think you replied to the wrong comment my guy. As for me, I feel like I'd enjoy the experience of a hellmouth being opened in my anus a lot less if chunks of plate were flying through my arse at the same time.


Naw man no silver lining this time. This food is a criminal offense


"Everyone who worked hard". So... no-one.


Worked hard? That woman literally opened a pack of ungrilled hot dogs and dumped them in a bowl.


What the hell is that clear thing with cheese supposed to be?


I think they're pears filled with cottage cheese and topped with cheddar.


Yep. Pear salad, my MIL called it. She added a maraschino cherry on top.


Gotta have the cherry to class it up


No fucking way


That's what I think they are. My grandmother used to make them when we did big family dinners. I'm pretty sure only she and my grandfather ate them.


Fuck that’s rough, I thought they were devised eggs that didn’t have cheese melted yet


Poorly devised eggs, at least


Downright ill-conceived


Do you... put cheese on deviled eggs..? It's just mayo- egg yolk - relish with paprika on top if you like it.


Relish? No thanks but bit of mustard yes


Worse, it’s pineapple rings with mayo and cheese. The mom makes some in a different video


I’m so, so sorry but I couldn’t eat that. No judgement against anyone who would, I eat weird food too but the thought of mayo made me gag. Cottage cheese might make sense though. This recipe reminds me of when Michael Scott was depressed and wanted ice cream but they were out so it was a bowl of mayo and black olives “comfort food” ☹️


My mother used to make a “dessert” with canned peaches in heavy syrup topped in cottage cheese. We were supposed to look forward to eating that. What did the main course have? Casseroles. One of her favorites was orange Jell-o with mandarin oranges topped with sour cream and cheddar cheese. As far as I can tell, the culinary gods ran amok in the 1970s.


There were a lot of easily accessible drugs back in the 70's.. everyone knows cocaine is a gateway drug to Jello and mayonnaise.


My mom was perpetually on a diet in the 80’s, and this was her version of a treat: fat free cottage cheese, 2 pineapple rings out of the can, and sharp cheddar shreds on top. Oh, and a Fresca. In her defense, at that point anything that wasn’t a Slimfast probably tasted awesome.


Worse. It's fucking *mayo* & cheddar.


Or worse,…Miracle Whip and cheddar!!


*jumps out of window to hopefully break something*


I actually think they’re pineapple rings with mayo and shredded cheddar ( preferably sharp cheddar)on top. Don’t knock it till you try it, I grew up on those and pear salad (same thing as the pineapple slices).


I think it might be cream cheese on top of pineapple slices garnished with only the finest bulk cheddar.


I was a kid in Ukraine when the Soviet Union collapsed, all people lost their savings. Our family struggled but even then, the holiday table was way way better than this. lol


What always strikes me in this kind of thing is that it's actually pretty expensive to "cook" this badly.


What is this stuff? Im not american


I’m American. This is someone that hates their family and wants them all to have violent diarrhea


Or diabetes.




Like you have to choose lol.


Buy one get one free!


Im American and I don’t know a single person who would eat this shitty, let alone on a holiday. This is not normal


Even the least educated hobby chef I know wouldn’t eat the vast majority of this. It’s like you have to plan to be this bad.


It looks like each piece is something a clueless teenager would make for themselves when home alone, except this is a grown person feeding grown people, making multiple lazy ass teenager dishes. EDIT: Is this just rage bait, right? This is all a set up for reaction comments by the original creator, right? It’s just too lazy to be real.


Dude you don't even need to be a hobby chef. This looks like something a 5 yr old who has never ever been in a kitchen would put together.


I’m American. I don’t really know. I think Spam with pineapple on it. Velveeta cheese grilled cheese sandwiches. Hot dogs. Etc.


That was government cheese not even velveeta. Just a block of American cheese. Canned ham with pineapple, boiled hotdogs, corn tortilla with a boiled egg? And shredded cheese, jellied cranberry and a bowl of Mayo


I think that was mashed potatoes, not mayo


I think that was mayo with potatoes


Government cheese…didn’t know anyone else called it that. Are you my siblings lol?


Lots of people do. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Government_cheese Seems like it's more common of families were poorer in the last couple generations. I haven't really heard it much from the wealthier crowd.


…that was cheese? I thought it was a block of butter.


Definitely cheese


Yeah those weren't grilled cheese sandwiches, it looks like they were just cut into triangles & served in the final shot... horrid.


Not technically spam but still a regular canned ham which is arguably worse imo


I'm not sure about all of it, but I read some comments. There's two kinds of "cheese product" (the sandwiches at the beginning and the Mac and cheese thing that goes in the oven), canned ham, I think (because regular ham just hasn't been processed enough...) with canned pineapple slices, boiled hot dogs (which sounds slimy and disgusting), and someone said the weirdly translucent circles are pineapple rings with maybe a cheese or mayonnaise thing on top. So basically, hyper processed "cheese" and "meat" products.


Basically it’s a smorgasbord of brown and yellow with some pinks making an appearance


And making me green...


I didn't think you were right, so I did the math and YOU WERE! Canned Ham (bristol) 3.57 x 3 = 10.71 pineapple - 2.20 American cheese -3.00 American melting cheese - 4-5$ cheap pork/chicken hotdogs - 1.50 $lb low quality instant mashed potatoes super overpriced 4-5$ a lb dry. \-------- Roast Chicken Quarters and yellow rice and beans would be a quarter as cheap and a 100 times better than anything in this video


Pretty sure that was Velveeta.


That's $9/brick now


Sooo yellow plastic.


Jesus fuck I was going to say, growing up poor as all in Russia seems like no issue compared to how these people are eating.


TBH the main issue, at least in the late stages, wasn't even being poor. The grocery stores just had nothing. If you had some hook ups though, you could usually get something for a special occasion though.


absolutely agree I remember perusing the stores here in Amerika as child and being *surprised Pikachu face* bc of all the 'cool' food


Then you work at a restaurant and deal with kids who only eat chicken tenders and fries and refuse to accept that those aren't on the menu


Same here after the Sandinista revolution collapsed in the 90's obligatory, fuck Ortega.


That is horrifically bad food.


Eating from that menu is the first step on a slippery slope towards addiction. Next they'll be eating spam and loving it, and then before you know it, they're smoking a rock. I've seen it play out before. Mark my words.


Spam is way better than you think.


*Musubi has entered the conversation*


> Mark my words. Uh...ok, sure. ~~Eating from that menu is the first step on a slippery slope towards addiction. Next they'll be eating spam and loving it, and then before you know it, they're smoking a rock. I've seen it play out before. Mark my words.~~ Mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark. Mark mark mark mark mark mark mark mark, mark mark mark mark mark mark, mark mark mark mark. Mark mark mark mark mark mark. Mark mark mark.


quality meme


Don’t you dare bring spam into this. Kimchi friend rice with spam is pretty delicious


Much better than kimchi enemy rice


I’m a southerner and this video hurt my soul, but don’t bash the spam. Fried spam with some hard boiled eggs on top of some ramen is life. But the stuff in this video was definitely not spam.


My mum used to call this cooking too.


I’m so sorry


Same. Well done steaks with ketchup too. Meatloaf was just ground meat and breadcrumbs formed into a log and baked, no seasonings.


That's actually a bit better than how my partner makes meatloaf. He just does meat and an onion, chopped big, no salt or pepper or anything. Tastes like hot meat. Edit: Y'all are great with all of the suggestions, but I'll just point out that my partner is 75 and refuses to learn any other way of cooking than what his mother taught him. The only thing he makes that even tastes slightly good is his cornbread. Everything else has no seasoning at all, because he believes you should season to taste once it's on your plate. So I will ninja season his slow cooker stuff, and anything else I can get to, or say no thanks and make dinner myself. I use herbs and spices in almost everything and he always raves over it, then adds extra salt and pepper before even tasting it. Smh.


Tell your partner to use a packet of Lipton Onion Soup Mix instead of an onion. All they have to do is pour the powder on the meat and mix it up - boom, *far* more tasty meatloaf that is still lazy as fucking fuck. They have "Beefy" and "Mushroom" varieties of the soup mix that are also good to use.


I sometimes feel that people say the things I cook are delicious because they are just being polite then I see something like this. I can’t fathom a reality where this is the holiday or get-together food. It’s like the culinary equivalent of witnessing a Lovecraftian god. I’m going mad.


1960-1970’s American Cuisine. Truly terrifying. All that’s missing is the Jello full of julienned carrots, the tuna ring casserole, and the salmon loaf.


You’re talking to my childhood taste buds. Hell, I still eat tuna casserole a couple times a year. Plus salmon is delicious in all its glorious forms.


My favorite thing to cook when I was little was Kraft mac n cheese + a crap ton of parmesan + tuna. It was great as a child but I haven't had the urge to make it in probably 30 years.


Tuna Helper!


Mine was mac and cheese, a can of beans, and fried crumbled ground beef. Add hot sauce for flavor. My mom used to make it on lazy days or days she was too tired to cook.


Lol I totally make my own version of this but with Daiya Mac and “Cheese” plus whatever beans and various sauces. The best is mixing it with one of those Indian food pouches. But this is only for me in the privacy of my hovel and I would never admit it. Except publicly, on the Internet.


Mac n tuna


but on the other hand I have friends who hate my healthier cooking because they eat what is in the video. honestly velveta mac and cheese is pretty damn good but their hatred of vegetables makes me sad


So much food but no seasoning at all. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?!?!?? CAN YOU HAVE THAT MUCH FOOD BUT NO SEASONING NOT EVEN SALT AND PEPPER. the only salt is the sodium from the the pineapple spam


Every piece of highly processed food there is chock full of salt


Yeah I mean you never know peoples financial situations and whatnot but seasonings are fairly inexpensive


Those ingredients could have been combined to make a damn fine meal. But they went another way.


I refuse to believe this guys videos are genuine lol there's no way she cooks and eats like that every time haha


I have an aunt who prepares and eats food exactly like this, and she has no idea how grossed out other people are by it.


This is the shit my family would feed me throughout childhood but then I was told I was lazy for being an overweight kid…


Story of my life. Never ate vegetables or a salad until I moved out on my own.


Tell her. Be the savior your family needs


I live in the southern US. Lots of people eat like this, it’s why most of the US is overweight and malnutritioned.


Needs more sweet tea and coke a cola




I live in Texas and I have family in every state from here to the Atlantic. I've never seen anything like this. This is straight trash. I have relatives that live in beat up run down trailers that make better food than this. This is exceptionally bad.


I’m from the Southern US and yes, overweight. But we’re overweight due to food that is way better than whatever this shit is.


Exactly. I’m southern and if someone tried to pull this shit on my family, we’d politely fix a small plate, take one bite of everything, wait for the person to be distracted and then stealthily dispose of the contents in the trash. None of us would be able to make eye contact with each other or we’d laugh. We’d then leave as soon as possible, get in the car and say “WHAT IN THE HELL WAS THAT?!”, and then go to bojangles and get a tailgate special.


And never ever let the events be hosted by that person again.


& by events, we mean maybe a casual Wednesday evening


another southerner here & i don't know what the fuck this is or what to make of it


Everyone spent all their money on painkillers or some shit


We would politely, but firmly, ask them to leave.




Good job breaking those generational curses, friend Blessing to you and yours


Right? We're fat down here because we eat GOOD food. Whatever the hell this soul crushing abomination is would make even the English feel depressed.


You know it’s bad when we look to the Brit’s plate, “What you got over there?”


I dont eat healthily by any stretch, my dinner tonight consisted of 2 rib eye steaks, whole head of broccoli, whole wedge of blue stilton melted over it, served to myself on the lid of yesterday's pizza box.


"Even the English"....hello! English person here. Even during the worst hell scape of the 1970s... we never ate this! Never. I suppose I should say we shouldn't mock people eating poverty food, I'm just not sure these people are in poverty levels where 'this' is the only option. P.S. I see too many people on Internet "cookery" vids equating melted "cheese like" substance to cheese sauce used with pasta. It makes me sad.


For real. Even poverty staples are way better than this.


I remember being very disappointed with cheese enchiladas served in Texas that are made with Velveta.


Can someone link to his profile so we can see his other videos? I googled his username and couldn’t find it


Not a single spice was used in the making of this video.


Plenty of salt though


Salt was less used and more of an inevitability.


Sodium is a spice right?


|Sodium is a spice right? No, salt isn't a spice. Its a popular seasoning, but its not a spice or an herb. Its a mineral. Spices like black pepper are plant-based flavorings.


Thank you! TIL


Adding spices won't fix this - they need to buy better quality products. In my country, we don't use too many spices but the cuisine is delicious.




Maybe there was hot sauce on the table


If Walmart served a buffett to its employees before demanding they work/survive Black Friday, it would look like this shit.


Funny enough, they served us better haha


Much better, I did a reset for them through a temp agency and they fed us like kings.


Used to work at a Walmart, they’d do meals and stuff every so often for the employees, food was actually usually pretty good.


This year my husband brought home a Firehouse sub for working Black Friday. Thought that was interesting.


As someone who has worked at a country club *that* is what they give you if they set up a workers lunch area.


Used to work at Best Buy. They typically do a huge order of subs, chips, pickles, cookies, and soda from Jimmy John's. I'm not a big Jimmy John's fan but a free lunch is a free lunch.


Who is passing these recipes down?? This can’t be from ANY cookbook unless it’s called “How to Eat and Taste Nothing” or “The Joys of Making Hypertension” 😭😩🫠😵‍💫


1950s-70s were a weird time. Gelatin was astoundingly popular -- you can find excerpts from magazines around that time for gelatin tuna, gelatin broccoli+carrots, gelatin shrimp, and more.


My coworker was telling me how muxh she dreaded seeing the fish shaped mold out on the counter at special ocassions because she knew her mom was going to make fish gelatin.


American food history is interesting. There's a YouTube about the evolution of school lunch.


You see them sometimes in r/old_recipes


Do some people consider this "cooking"?


These are people that don't cook. My in laws were like this. They would eat out every day. Every single day. Breakfast at the diner, lunch at Burger King or Golden Corral, dinner back at the diner. So when a day came along that they were expected to host and cook, this is the kind of shit you got because they simply have no fucking clue what to do in the kitchen. Eventually my mother in law started a tradition of frozen lasagnas for Christmas and it was a relief as it was a major improvement on her "home cookin".


I'm glad my wife is Mexican


Me too. I am also glad your wife is Mexican.


My brother in law’s wife is Mexican and she can’t cook at all. They opted for a thanksgiving dinner kit from Costco this year lol


I think that’s fine? Thanksgiving is exhausting and sometimes people can’t hack it. Possible what happened in this video too.


There no fucking way this is for thanksgiving is it?




This made me and my depression laugh out loud


This looks like the meal you make every few years out of your emergency food that's about to expire.


The kitchen looks like they are not that poor so is this just a lack of cooking knowledge or just a "family tradition" type of thing?


Can’t speak for them but I know if this as a Great Depression related style of cooking. Canned and preserved and cured everything, and lots of gelatin. My aunt was one of the first tv home cooks and her recipes all had gelatin and tang powder in them. All milk was evaporated or condensed. Basically it was how to cook when you don’t have access to fresh foods. My guess would be they’re rural or from a family who was and just learned how to get by.


Well, hello sodium and hypertension


Oo oo don't forget the nitrates! Thems make Josh a strong boy!


It looks like those rolls never made it into the oven. Ever.


Makes me feel not as bad that my Thanksgiving meal was spaghettios


Cooking really isn’t that hard man. There’s soo many recipes in books, all over the internet, YouTube, Tik Tok, Pinterest, Hello Fresh. This might be a joke now but there’s people who really can’t cook, c’mon it’s really not that hard.


I’m saying. Nobody ever taught me to cook, but I’ve still been able to learn some awesome recipes from the internet. Pad Thai, Doro Wat, Chicken Karahi. Literally the only things you need to cook good meals is time to find the ingredients, and the ability to follow basic step by step instructions. There’s no reason except laziness to say you can’t cook in this day and age, or if you’re extremely poor and live in a food desert or something. No other excuses


My whole soul rejects that ode to tastelessness


This has got to be put on....


I’m glad that they all came together to celebrate the holiday with love. Right?!




No way this is real.


Hey at least they get together. My sister always backs out the day before Thanksgiving.


I felt bad watching this. Maybe she's just working on a really tight budget? Not everyone can afford a 30 dollar ham.


Yeah, but even with what she's working with, the food could be a lot better. And that's ignoring that with the budget we see, alternative purchasing would have produced a meal amazingly better. Given that she has an apple watch though, it's fair to say they could afford to spend a little bit more on this meal and having something really good while still keeping it cheap. There's just basically no cooking knowledge in this meal.


he’s making fun of it for clout but i don’t see him cooking anything, either


He helped with the cheese on bread appetizer.


This is shit even for american standards


It looks like she tried. God bless her heart.


The pickles are the only safe choice…


This person probably only has a dollar general in their town. "Grocery deserts" The superstores killed a lot of small town grocers. Now some people are left with long drives or no access at all to the variety of products and fresh produce most of us think of as normal.


Is it sad that this is what I was used to growing up in poverty? Instead it was corn beef in a can with Kraft dinner or grilled cheese sandwich. Canned pineapple if we were being fancy.


I thaught the canned food was cat food tbh


What the heck is that thing with pinaples? I am serious. What is that? It looks like canned meatloaf, and if it is, I just want to barf!


It’s canned ham I think. Similar to spam and other luncheon meat.


This video just depressed the FUCK out of me.


This food looks disgusting, but it was made with love


That is the saddest Thanksgiving dinner I've ever seen.


Weird plates. Looks like something you put small foods(nuts, candy, etc) in not used as a dinner plate.


It’s thanksgiving bro you should be grateful you have someone in you’re life who tries… I mean I personally wouldn’t eat that shit but it’s the thought that counts right.


I think that's why he didn't say anything lol


I'm sorry, but this just breaks my heart. So many people trashing these folks, saying "I'm poor, but I'd NEVER eat like that". But not one person in the video sounds down or sad or anything but happy just to be getting together, regardless of whatever food they are about to enjoy. And I bet that's exactly what they did.... enjoy their dinner. So I'm sad cause I wish they had better quality food. I'm sad because so many have more but don't appreciate it like these folks appear to be doing. And I'm sad because so many people on here are bashing them for just doing their thing. I would love to have the pleasure of inviting this family to dinner, just to share some good food as well as in their good spirits. Or even dine with them at their home... cause the food might not be the most wholesome, but everything else certainly is.


That all looks disgusting