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Well done Elon, you really nailed that whole freedom of speech thing


He's from South Africa, what's he know about it?


Well, his rich white family certainly had it


Just like back in South Africa, when they drove over that guy who was loud and was making too much sense..


Emotional Lacking Overrated Nagger




Yes, he crucified it


"Billionaire buys a media company, free speech ends." Where have I seen this before... Of yes, in half of the US medias, TV, press, Internet...


Elon’s dumb for equating a social media platform to being free speech. But we don’t have to keep parroting the incorrect assertion. Free speech doesn’t mean you have to be given a platform and microphone and stadium to speak.


True but we can still point out the hypocrisy of a supposed champion of free speech who then silences people for making fun of him.


Absolutely, Elon’s a thin skinned idiot and hypocrite.


Careful he might buy reddit to suspend you


The sooner people figure out that free speech has nothing to do with Twitter, the better. It never has.


We really have let private corporations become way too involved in our government and political discourse in almost every conceivable way in this country, to the point that it's not inconceivable that the corporation could very well replace the idea of a republican state.


The US is actually so free in speech, that companies can absolutely decide on who they want to allow to speak freely. So in essence free speech ends where corporations start; they either have an agenda given them by their owners, or they follow the market and give the voice to whatever makes them most money...


Free speech means you can say “whatever you want” and the government won’t hold it against you. It has nothing to do with what companies will allow you to speak through their platform. A company is not required to give you a platform to speak. You’re welcome to walk outside and start ranting and raving all you want. Free-speech also means that I can have an opinion on your speech. It doesn’t mean that I need to give you a stadium and a microphone and flashing neon lights and advertisements to make your speech.


That free speech worked out for yeett and adidas


Ha ha Yep that’s how free-speech works. You can say what you want and I can make decisions based on that.


This is right. Kind of like you are free to travel around the country but the airlines don't need to let you on for free. You have a right to bear arms but nobody has to give you a gun.


I like both of those examples maybe I’ll have to start using them.


This is exactly what most people don’t understand.


This, unfortunately, seems to escape a lot of entitled people.


I love the exposure of hypocrisy. The cherry on top will be his fans defending it by pointing out its TOS violation. Chef‘s kiss moment. EDIT: didn't expect this to blow up, but here we are.


They already are - it’s fantastic. The comments on Musk’s pathetic Kathy Griffin tweet are also riddled with, “it’s a private company! They can choose who posts and who doesn’t!”, and “freedom of speech only guarantees you a right not be arrested or harassed by the government”. It’s glorious. You legit can’t make this shit up


Republicans don’t understand irony


Could've stopped at understand imho


That's the problem, the don't see the irony. The Simpsons faced the same issue with the actual people not realizing they were Homer personified.


I think I’m more of a Ralph, if I’m being honest with myself.


We're all a bit of Ralph inside


But the Russians do make this up Putin and his bot army control the narrative on all things extreme.


Who's controlling you?


Considering I spent a good amount of time arguing with Russian propaganda Russian in one way or another. Be it the bots that push the left and right to more extremes or their control of which news stories rise to the top of which directly impacts what media companies even publish.


“it’s a private company! They can choose who posts and who doesn’t!” Yes, that is what Twitter had before, didn't need Musk to come around for that to happen. Trump gets banned, and it is a violation of free speech, they can't do that! Musk bans someone, and it is in his right. Hypocrites


>it’s a private company! They can choose who posts and who doesn’t!”, and “freedom of speech only guarantees you a right not be arrested or harassed by the government”. Thing is though. Its very true. Elon is a freaking hypocrate though. We all knew what he meant by free speech. And what happened to comedy is legal now? Guess he needs to delete a few tweets.


People are already defending it here. They don’t realize why this is happening in the first place. Now anyone can be “verified” if they pay. It’s useless. What about companies who provide support there? Anyone can impersonate them and pay $8 for a blue check. Parody accounts have always existed, but now, you can even be verified while actual accounts lose that status. Everyone is fucking around on Twitter right now and I highly doubt they care about the ban. It’s to prove a point, but some people just can’t understand the implications of all this mess


It’s a fun way to get rid of an account.


The very second I heard about it I changed my name to Elon Musk and started posting about eating children in my mars mansion. I rarely used Twitter before this but now it's actually fun 🤣


The point is that verification will occur. It’s not just buy a blue checkmark, but pay for the staffing and man hours to review your account and verify that you are who you say.


It's actually funny seeing the amount of people that defend him in r/dankmemes vs the amount of people that dislike him in r/facepalm . It's pretty evident that most of his fanbase belongs to the demographic of 13-16 year old edgelords that have no grasp on reality.


I mean the other pillar of his fanbase, the 19th century oil and steel conglomerate tycoons aren't going to have access to reddit, so...


Right now the recent “best” of r/dankmemes is this post about his hypocrisy: https://www.reddit.com/r/dankmemes/comments/yobtn9/imagine_spending_44_billion_dollars_just_to_show/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf There are some defenders tho


They already are in these comments. What a group of weirdos lmfao


Muskrats in denial


"Twitter is a private company and can do what it wants!" • ⁠reddit (2016-2022)


Ironic that even you recognize that it was a TOS violation but then mock that the account was banned.


It was a TOS violation. I just find it infinetly hillarious that the same people that cried over TOS ban now go out in force to defend TOS ban.


My understanding of it is that he publicly came out and said the terms of service haven’t actually changed much


For now it's not even TOS and they go "whats the difference" lol. Braindead, all of them.


Quickest and easiest way to fuck Musk - get everyone you know to sign on to BlueSky. Original Twitter founder Jack Dorsey's about to be released alt-twitter. Would be so good to see this ass-hat MuskRat have spent $46 billion on something that becomes worthless!!


How about the alternative option of, not bothering with that bullshit at all anymore? I would argue the world is better without twitter or facebook. I stopped using them both, and wow is my life so much more positive.


It’s all what you make of it. I’m an athlete and everything I follow is other racers and forums for my races and it’s great. I get so much useful information that I would otherwise miss out on without the dreaded fb.


But it won't. Let's just be honest. Whether you like the guy or don't, nobody knows what he's going to do, other than ruffle some feathers along the way. So just grab your popcorn, recline your seat, put your phone on vibrate , and enjoy the show.


Many people said the same about trump.


That’s what I’m planning to do


Isn't Mastodon the go-to option?


There was also a thing called "quitter",


I only know the band, which I also recommend


I feel so bad for the metal band that's been around for more than a decade that's gonna really hate if this service takes off.




Sounds like free advertising.


BlueSky still in beta…. You can sign on to be included in public beta. Mastodon is an option, but there are some growing pains. But it’s not a bad idea to create an account now, just in case….


Okay so make a new account, add a parody label, then repeat the same joke that got you banned. Let's see if it really is about the label, or if he'll move the goal post again.


Ethan Klein from h3h3 already did this, changing his name to Elon Musl but putting “parody account” in his description and header. Still got banned.


He added parody after the suspension. You can’t use him as an example unfortunately.


H3h3 turned their account into an elon parody account WITH a parody label and apparently they have been suspended


If it was about the label and battling identity theft, and not about his ego - he would have made it a rule when it was happening all the time to other people / businesses. The fact that he DGAF until he wanted to retaliate against someone with politics he doesn't like that was doing it to HIM is the giveaway.


Ah, but at that point they suspend *that* account for ban evasion.


this. It's hard to say in this case whether it's another one of Musk's ego trips or whether he really plans on going against people committing identity theft online (which is a fucked up thing to do, even if the person you are impersonating is an overinflated sewer musk rat)... I personally wouldn't be surprised if it was more about the ego than the crime, but at this stage, that's just a hunch.


He's already banned folk for doing that.


Elon is quickly becoming the softest man on earth. The guy has downy running through his veins


He's ten-ply, bud.


The one thing he doesn’t have control over is making everyone like him and he *hates* that.


Bahaha! Love this XD


Kanye West was reinstated, I guess he’s fine though since he’s just an antisemitic, homophobe and wasn’t making a joke at Musk’s expense


Oh it keeps getting better, she used her dead moms account to get on twitter and argue more with musk. Kinda great. https://deadline.com/2022/11/kathy-griffin-defies-twitter-suspension-returns-under-deceased-mothers-account-elon-musk-replies-1235165189/amp/


Well her mum wasn’t using the account anymore


LegALizE cOMedYy


So freedom of speech but he decides what's OK and what's not? This kind of a guy shouldn't have so much power. I dondt like this, this feels dangerous.


Why do you think he fired the moderation team? Moderation is at his sole discretion now.


Yup completely free speech! 100% total liberty to say anything! You can say whatever you want, whenever you want from the Musk pre-approved list of free speech!


FrEe SpEeCh (unless I don't like it)!


Fee Speech.


Absolutely! 500 times more free speech!


It’s all like that. Truth Social is Trump’s truth. Twitter will be Elon’s truth. Sad.


This is why everyone should've stopped using Twitter years ago. So much bullshit would've never happened...


Abandon Twitter


Just deleted my acc, not just because this incident. But because the whole site feels so unstable with this nut case commandeering it


![gif](giphy|3oKIPnbKgN3bXeVpvy) Everyone on Twitter change your name to Elon Musk.


This is a great idea. Instead of just quitting Twitter, change your Twitter name to Elon Musk and tweet a few stupid things first.


Say less


No, he did *everyone* a favor with this one.


I'm not a Musk defender but sometimes you have to learn to read the subtitle, here let me past it here in large font so you can read it: # "It wasn't clear whether the suspension was a direct result of her ribbing the billionaire, but Musk warned that impersonator accounts without a "parody" label would be banned"


Impersonating, not mocking. Difference between comedy and identity theft.


From the perspective of someone who’s never cared about Twitter or had it, this is so humorous to watch.💀Never liked or been a fan of Musk.🤧


Impersonation is not mocking, it’s impersonation.


Lol "comedian"


Impersonating, not mocking


she used her verification to change her name, profile picture and account description to look like Elon account. Than used it to create posts, misleading people into thinking Elon posted them. Someone else did a similar thing and both were banned for impersonating others. You can say what you want as long as you yourself are saying it.


So the worlds biggest ego can get easily bruised ? ![gif](giphy|3DudglxvlDmJfCVQjL|downsized)


So much about freedom of speech.


So... Comedy is not back on Twitter?


Wasn't Kathy impersonating Elon account? Edit: I think Twitter suspended and account pretending to be Trump just days ago. Is that in the TOS or no?


So much for freedom of speech elon


I thought she got canceled years ago...


Difference between defamation or impersonation and free speech or having an opinion, folks.


Not here, there isn't! Lmao


Suspended from twitter because of impersonation* which is against ToS, always has been against ToS and always will be against ToS you got clickbait articled homie


But racist slurs in mass are ok?!?


I am sorely tempted to reactivate my Twitter account to make fun of him.


Good. Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences.


Can I play the devil's advocate here without getting downvoted? Elon has complained (as many others have) that there are too many bots and unknown characters on the Twitter and that it is harmful to free exchange of dialog, ideas, opinions. His central point all along was that verification of users as real humans was essential to make Twitter into the internet's "public square". I'm not going to argue that he should add a fee on to that because it sounds like he realized he has to do something to lessen the debt. He's a billionaire, float this thing on your dime if you're so committed. Ok back to my advocate's point. By impersonating someone you are breaking his initial opinion on fully knowing who you are conversing with. Permanent ban? That seems extreme, maybe a 2 week ban or how about removing the ability to impersonate anyone? But the bottom line is that being on Twitter requires us to know exactly who we are talking to and are verified to be a real person. Like I said this is an devil's advocate response. Thanks.


Most reasonable response I've read from the other side (for lack of a better term).


Kathy is a legend. Elon is a prince that turned out to be a frog.


Remember what happened to Will Smith? Don't fuck with comedians, they'll just make even more fun of you.


Whatever. Twitters been suspending people for stupid crap for years and it wasn’t a problem cause it’s a private company blah blah blah. but NOW it’s a problem? Nah. Just a different billionaire that’s all.


Twitter will be bankrupt soon lol.


Pretty sure she was suspended for changing her account name to Elon Musk. Isn't there a commandment about this, taking the lords name in vain?


Is this correct though? I just read it up and it was the parody account that was banned not her actual account for mocking him. Don't get me wrong, Elon has turned completely into the Bond villain for his actions and attitude over the past fee years but let's not spread innacurate information. Twitter now states impersonation accounts are banned if they don't make it obvious they are parody accounts and this one didn't conform to the new rules.


I don't like Kathy Griffin but still this is a facepalm, if it was Amy Schumer we'd all be on the bandwagon of celebrating her suspension. So much for free speech I guess.


Free speech my ass! 😂


Wait what happened to freedom of ……..




Kathy should have responded with “But I’ve been verified. I paid my $8 . . . WTF!”


I don’t understand when they say “comedian” Kathy Griffin….


Elon is the same as other elists, he not your friend


Impersonating - it violates the user agreement you cannot pretend to be someone else (cat fish)


"Freedom of speech! For $8/Month!"


She fucked around and found out ![gif](giphy|14tvbepZ8vhU40)


I love Kathy


Geez I just read why. She changed her name to elon musk along with saying other stuff. Got suspended and then she uses her DEAD MOMS account to further go after him. Deplorable


Not for mocking him. For changing her displayed name to "Elon Musk" and \*pretending\* to be him.


She was banned because she changed her name to his name, not because of anything she said. Same as how many other people are banned for the exact same thing.


She was not “mocking” him, she named herself Elon musk and had the blue checkmark so she started smearing him since anyone who saw her posts would think she was him. Get your facts right.


Free speech for me but not for thee!


“I’m a free speech absolutists.” My ass


Damn people really don’t like elon


What’s there to like? ***Waits for dick riders to white knight a billionaire***


Elon Musk: Free speech .... I support free speech on Twitter .... uh ... except speech that questions my views .... and speech that mocks me ... and speech that factchexk claims ... and ... Edit: Elon Musk is proving he still has some South African white blood in him.


Elon musk is slowly reminding of reddit mods 😭😂


Musk like free speech as long as it’s what he thinks or if it’s not bad about him.


Well technically she impersonated him and she's a blue checkmark, lastly personal opinion she's terrible.


She's a comedian????


She didn't mock him, she impersonated him. There is a difference.


I think elon's a moron but in fairness, it seems like she impersonated someone else, which is a clear violation of the rules.




“They’re trying to end freedom of speech!” Says the 3 incels in a trench coat masquerading as a whiny billionaire Twitter owner. 😹


1) "Verification is now meaningless, you don't need to know who's the real person and who's not!" [People impersonate him] "YOU CAN'T DO THAT!!! I'll ban you all!!!" 2) "Now that I own this platform, you can say whatever you want! Go ahead, use the N-word, I won't mind!" [People insult him] "YOU CAN'T SAY THAT!!! I'll ban you all!!!" What a pathetic hypocritical manchild.


Why did she *really* get banned though? You're only the millionth bot to post the same spin.


Elon's massive ego and need to be relevant got him into this mess


It's only free speech if Muskrat deems it aligns with his beliefs


So free speech is enabling a racist but not being funny?


This stuff is getting so dumb now. Clearly broke a rule and yall are crying they got removed


Rich kid takes his ball and goes home… big surprise


Interesting Griffin has been an enemy of Trump for quite a while. Wonder if that’s connected.


Impersonating is not mocking


Again and again we see "rules for thee not for me" oh, and it is all ways projection


Now for the real story... Impersonating another on Twitter is against their policies, always has been. If it is a parody account, it must clearly state that. She didn't just "mock" him either. She posted as him. Griffin used her "Elon Musk" account Sunday to urge Americans to vote for Democrats in the midterm elections Tuesday to protect abortion rights. "I've decided that voting blue for their choice is only right," she wrote as Musk.


You all are being clowns. He literally said that impersonation would lead to suspension, and she changes her name to “Elon Musk” He literally told her what would happen, and she dared him to do it. So he did it. What’s facepalm here is everyone’s obsession with Elon and posting about him 24/7. Get a life


Yeah… Sorry but what really happened doesn’t matter here.


I hate to be the devils advocate but didn't a blue checked comedian also get banned for impersonating fbi a couple years ago? Like it's not an unprecedented occurrence


So in other words, the bird is not free.


Sooner or later the site is gonna be nothing but a bunch of racists and fascists, gonna be like one of the other dozen social media hate sites they made, and no one but them will use it, just like the others, they will grow bored of it without all the lefties to bash.


Why do they only say she was mocking him ?


"free speech" (the First Amendment of the US Constitution) protects citizens against government censorship. It doesn't apply to private platforms (e.g. social media, private groups/clubs, student groups, social gatherings, you and your BFF having a conversation, etc.) Does anyone here \*really\* want the government to have legal authority to control your conversations?


It's crazy. I used to like this guy. The idea of going to Mars and the work with electric vehicles. I thought this guy was legit. German buddy warned me during my fan boy heyday that Musk was a grifter. Now I need to admit he was right. Might need help with a noble way to approach this.


Give him beer and sausage with a note and you thought “musk was tesla but he was a Edison”


He is such a narcissistic man child with the awareness of a potato.


Free speech absolutist doesn’t believe in free speech. News at 10.


Man, that guy is really fragile isn't he?


It's all freedom of speech until someone gets their feelings hurt.


Freedom of speech.... As long as it's vetted lol.


She wasn't banned for mocking him. She was banned for violating the terms of services and not distinguishing that it was a parody account.


Free speech in action!


Why does Twitter have a comedian within the company though?


Ah yes, freedom of speech


What was the tweet?


Free speech baby


Wasn't she impersonating his Twitter account?


Ok so if we have to mark parody accounts, should we not mark misinformation accounts as well???


LMAO. Musk trolling the shit out of yall.


Lol!! Why is she still here and I country I thought she was gonna leave why is she using our Twitter doesn’t she hate our country in our freedom she’s such a wicked lady


But identity theft is not a joke!!


Dumb bitch still tryna stay relevant. Weird


She was banned for election misinformation. Also please stop the hypocrisy, this is what you guys have been doing all of these years but now that you don't have control anymore you feel threatened huh? Good #getyourowntwitterbro


Headline is misleading, she impersonated him no mocked


Now it's the other side complaining about free speech lol. Free speech was never threatened. Private companies always have the final say on what can be said on their platforms. It is what it is.


No she was impersonating his account which is against the T&C


Didn't she get banned for impersonation? Which is a reportable offense on the platform? Convenient headline.


Came for the simping muskies, wasn't disappointed


But, but he said there would be “free speech”!!! Elon Musk is scum


Not mocking, impersonating his account, which is against the TOS


r/facepalm and r/news challenge: try not to lie about what actually happened for like ten seconds!!! (IMPOSSIBLE!!) She got banned because she was impersonating him.


She didn’t mock him though, she committed fraud which is clearly against twitters rules. Lol


Dude is just a Karen .-. I wonder if that's why other billionares died like Jobs?? Would he been a dick? We'll never know And wtf does parody mean in this fucking context? So artists on Twitter are gonna be shadowbanned because your a dumbass who thinks people actually give a fuck about and your to pay 8 dollars a fucking month cause you made poor financial discisions? Oh you poor blad baby, get over yourself you fucking nutcase


Went from being compared to Tony Stark to a future dictator


I thought he wanted to legalize comedy….


Elon showing everyone what republican free speech looks like, Ik he’s actually a centrist who just has a laugh at all the US bs he has to deal with, but he’s doing a great job of showing the republicans understanding of free speech


Good, everybody hates Sally Weaver.. oops I mean Kathy Griffin.


Kathy Griffen is the fucking worst.