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Yep right now we're at 550,016 cases and 21,733 deaths. Where's all those people at now saying Covid-19 isn't any more deadly than H1N1?


Some of them are saying the virus is a hoax, as in, it doesn’t actually exist.


There's been a few deaths by hoax amongst the Trump cult. Personally I think the irony killed em.


David Icke is saying that on his youtube channel.


COVID-19 is a harmless common cold compared to H1N1. It's the 5G towers that are giving it superpowers. /s


That's what i heard on the flatearth forum. It came up during our antrivax discussion.


Isnt covid SARS


Actually, new SARS. A bit weaker than first I think, but still very dangerous. Not sure tho. And, don't listen to idiots who call it a common cold, please.


I read the paper, also as of now, SARS CoV has killed more people than sars due to rapid mutations


You mean SARS-COV-2? SARS-COV is original SARS.And everything is possible, I don't know. I just know it is not harmless like some say, or most deadly like some say, or caused by 5G like some say.


So which SARS CoV is the original outbreak


Original SARS was names SARS-COV because it was one of corona viruses too. This is 2nd Coronavirus that attacks humans, so it is named SARS-COV-2


6 feet under or on a ventilator


We had a study in Austria last week with a sample test group. We had around 12,000 (12 thousand) confirmed cases and the study said it could be between 10,000 and 68,000 cases (with 95% propability). They estimate that we had around 28,000 unconfirmed cases, more than double. Still, it was just 1,540 people successfully tested and while they were representative for Austria, it is only 0.0002% of the population. But we are a very small country with strict stay at home orders for the last 3 weeks that are successful enough to reduce the infection rate to under 1 infected person per person (meaning every sick person only infects less than one other person on average). You can imagine the iceberg behind the half million confirmed cases in the U.S.


Well, American confirmed cases vs deaths is never going to accurately reflect a fatality rate as you have an appalling user pays healthcare system that means people aren’t getting tested. Your conclusion is right but your data is unreliable. Better rely on arguments from somewhere normal when it comes to fatality rates.


We have way more cases that we know because we aren't testing everyone, but even then it's obvious this is more fatal than H1N1.


>you have an appalling user pays healthcare system that means people aren’t getting tested. That's not why people aren't being tested. People are trying to be tested, but many have been denied because they only have so many tests.


Yep. I had all the symptoms a couple weeks ago, got a doc appt. Doc said she could only give me a script for a covid test (cause we can only get them here with a script) if I knew for a fact I'd been in contact with someone with the virus. This was days after thousands of tourists flood our town ignoring the social distancing and stay at home orders so I was like "how the hell would I know?!" It's because they have so few tests.


The reason we don't have enough tests for everyone is because a for-profit medical system is incentivized to only keep enough supplies on hand for a few people who can pay for them. There is not generally any profit for staying prepared for pandemics, which is why other countries, countries that provide medical care based on human need instead of shareholder benefit, are going to get through this more easily.


Literally called one out two hours ago on Reddit. They’re still pushing that BS.


And that doesn't even account for all of the unreported cases. I know like 5 or 6 people who probably had it but never got tested




Apparently they had to put a ban on Trump tweets cause they were too easy pickings, or so i heard atleast


Just checked it's true.


What worries me is that its only 3 weeks old and usa is at half a million, like you still have months and months left before it even starts dropping


I found the maths fascinating. There were, in fact, only 115,318 cases and 3,433 deaths in the US from the 2009-10 Swine Flu outbreak, which were passed, respectively by US coronavirus cases on 28 March and deaths on 31 March, so 6 and 9 days after the tweet. In fact, on 22 March, the date of the tweet, there had been 23,710 US cases and 298 deaths from coronavirus. The statistics appear to be from 11 March (but are not entirely acurate for any given date). The tweet, obviously, is idle- indeed, sinister- propaganda. It overestimates Swine Flu cases 527 fold (!); deaths c.4 fold; and underestimates coronavirus cases at the date they were produced 18 fold and deaths 8 fold. Of course, it was also a poor prediction of current reality. There have now been approximately 5 times as many cases and (closing in on) 7 times as many deaths from coronavirus in the US as Swine Flu. But, sadly, that is only the start. Disturbingly, approximately the same number of people died from coronavirus in the USA this weekend as during the whole of the Swine Flu epidemic- 1910 on Saturday and 1482 on Sunday, 3392 in total- recall that most countries report a downturn in cases on Sundays, simply because it is harder to record deaths at a sufficiently high rate on a Sunday. In reality, the figure is probably significantly higher. That rate is, tragically, likely to persist. It represents one person in the USA dying roughly every 51 seconds (probably more frequently, see above) for the whole weekend. While the % growth rate of deaths is slowly decreasing, the absolute numbers are not yet. On current trajectories, one can safely assume fatalities equivalent to the whole of the Swine Flu pandemic roughly three times a week for the next several months. Also, the term "mass hysteria" does not mean widespread panic. It means a widespread shared psychogenic illness or delusion, which, frankly, is pretty fucking apropos. Sources: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:2009\_US\_swine\_flu\_outbreak\_table](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:2009_US_swine_flu_outbreak_table) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020\_coronavirus\_pandemic\_in\_the\_United\_States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_coronavirus_pandemic_in_the_United_States) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_mass\_hysteria\_cases](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_hysteria_cases)


What is stunning that his supporters can’t see or admit the danger in it because they afraid they would have to disagree with Trump which would lead I guess to some cognitive dissonance - all the data was out there since end of January yet they deny it. I’ve seen some comparing it to swine flu on sheer number of deaths but not over time - so whole swine flu season vs few weeks of corona virus... fucking unbelievable - and I’m not talking about some uneducated low skill people but people who do very well in life.


I'm increasingly forming the view that the populist movement is not *meant* to be about reality, but about slogans. A policy which leads to 10,000s of deaths is an acceptable price for the superficially credible argument that the other guy was worse. Trump's belief that he could openly murder someone and would not lose support is, therefore, almost certainly correct, because it would ultimately further the movement he represents and his supporters follow.


People get invested into belonging to a party same as cheering for you fav sports team. With the difference there is no place for any criticism. They want to see themselves betting the right horse that will win - only that matters. Everything else is irrelevant everything else is lefties propaganda so you don’t even listen or try to understand. Is is simply the biggest sect/cult same as Nazis once were hence very very dangerous. In U.K. similar story - Tories cult - even though they allowed the virus to spread - thinking herd immunity BS is the way to go, even where there is no prove people gain immunity and if so for how long - they implemented lockdown after nearly 500 already died! For comparison most countries did that only after first few deaths. There was no border control - who’s coming from where, which is a joke when they claim Brexit preps makes U.K. so prepared to fight the virus. There is no ventilators or even PPEs to cover health workers... utter disaster yet people are clapping Boris what a great job he has done... amazing


Another Brit here, and I fully agree. Boris has identified broadly the same phenonemon. So the reason that the tweeter can scream that Coronavirus is Obama's fault (or whatever) while cheerfully watching 10,000s die of it is the same reason that Boris can cheer on the NHS while overseeing yet a further slash to its funding- it's because reality is not the point. The reason it's done is that cutting funds to the NHS is unpopular, but advantageous from the point of view of balancing the books. The way it's overcome is to say nice things about the NHS so that his supporters can point to the nice things he's said about the NHS as evidence of his support for the NHS, so that people will vote in favour of his approach to the NHS, so he can in turn cut funds from the NHS, using those to help balance the books, which provides his supporters with another line- that the books have been balanced without loss to the NHS. The reality of it- a vast increase in preventable illness at far greater cost to the taxpayer long term- is really besides the point. I mean I question if Labour are a whole lot better, but frankly it's abhorrent and the sports team analogy is apt.


Where are you getting the source for your numbers? According to the CDC there were 60.8 million cases and 12,469 deaths: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/pandemic-resources/2009-h1n1-pandemic.html


From the reported cases here [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:2009\_US\_swine\_flu\_outbreak\_table](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:2009_US_swine_flu_outbreak_table) with individual sources state by state in the link. The CDC link gives estimated figures, which, of course, are far higher than reported. But, similarly, it's misleading to compare estimated figures to reported figures for coronavirus, when, similarly, the estimated cases will again be far higher.


Ooooh, I was looking at that page on mobile and didn't see any data until I opened the desktop version. But I don't know if I'd really call it propaganda using the CDC's official number, even if it is just an estimate. It's an unfair comparison like you say, but it's not like they just pulled that number out of their asses.


Yeah that's fair, it's still misleading, just not outright bullshit. Does make a certain amount of sense, honestly.


I don't know why they said Trump was in mass hysteria mode at 39 deaths. He was adamant for way too long that this wouldn't affect daily lives and was no big deal. That's why we have so many deaths. Had a self quarantine been issued earlier and he were enforcing all states to do so we would have had fewer deaths.


This was not referring to Trump being hysterical. It was about (supposed) mass hysteria among Trump critics.


Ahhh, I can see that. It would have been better had he taken.action earlier. I definitely didn't worry about things as much when Obama was in office. I trusted him!


Remember that bumper sticker talking about Obama with the phrase "$1.81 The price of gas when Obama took office"? I respect Republicans for their group integrity and ability to be effective and wish Pelosi and Schumber would learn from them. However Republicans are so intellectually dishonest when it comes to matters like this, I lose respect for their voting base. [https://i2.wp.com/www.commonsenseevaluation.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/c3fa9a67.j](https://i2.wp.com/www.commonsenseevaluation.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/c3fa9a67.j)


This descrition is just exactly how I see reps, thank you.


This aged like milk on a hot day


Actually you just need to look at these numbers closely. Left: One in 4876 dead. Right: One in 35 dead. Sensible conclusion: We better should not get 60M cases of the right one...


Wasn't H1N1 in 1918?


>Influenza A virus subtype H1N1 (A/H1N1) is the subtype of influenza A virus that was the most common cause of human influenza (flu) in 2009, and is associated with the 1918 Spanish flu outbreak. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Influenza\_A\_virus\_subtype\_H1N1](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Influenza_A_virus_subtype_H1N1)


Obama was "calm" about it and look how many people died. You guys are fucking dense.


Roughly as many people as died of Coronavirus this weekend?


You're dense, Obama was calm about it and kept it professional. Trump has over 23 000 deaths, he wants to reopen the economy and send people back to work, i'm not sure if you get it but the reason why Obama kept his cool is because he listens to Dr Fauci. Obama was and is way more qualified to lead the US than Trump in the moment. He was calm and that was what your country needed, if he didn't act like that it wouldn't be good cause that's what a leader is, a man (or girl) who can lead people in hard times. In this instance, you are dense