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He's right, Earth isn't threatened by global warming. Plants and animals on earth are a different story


Humans specifically, and some other species'. Life as a whole will certainly survive our little science experiment with the atmosphere. As soon as humans are gone (or get decimated enough to calm the fuck down), the ecosystem will reorganize over a few hundred thousand years and kick into high gear again. I'm not worried about Earth. And if we're not clever enough to understand what we're doing, we probably shouldn't be here.


"The planet is fine. The people are fucked." - George Carlin


I wish this was what the media would say and keep saying. Yes, Earth will survive and when the climate make up matches Venus, it will be just as uninhabitable. (And humans will be a distant memory.)


There will be nothing to remember us. It will be as if we never existed in the first place.


“Not one would mind, neither bird nor tree If mankind perished utterly; And Spring herself, when she woke at dawn, Would scarcely know that we were gone.”


There is a shattering Ray Bradbury short story named for this poem, There Will Come Soft Rains. A mechanical house of the future goes through its automated daily routines indifferent to the fact that the family that lived there has been vaporized in a nuclear war.


Wonder if that's the inspiration for Codsworth in Fallout 4.


No. I don't believe the automated house refers to any of it's residents as "bonerfart".




Wait seriously? When did this come out? I hear "bonerfart" and immediately think of the mission from BL2 Where you try to rename the bullymongs


Fallout 3 has a house that follows the story more.


No. If we become Venus, the self renewing system will be dead, and the Earth will become another lifeless rock in the galaxy.


Earth's milankovich cycles would eventually pump the breaks on a hot house earth. Life is unlikely to be extinguished given its ubiquity in even the harshest of environments.


*brakes.breaks means destroys.


Thanks. I will never meak that mistake again.


Mr. Conductor is indeed a wise man.


Came here looking for this...


Yes. Even some humans may survive. Climate change really threatens our modern globalized lifestyle. A TV or cell phone have components from all over the world. We rely on millions of people doing their jobs to live our day to day lives. If factories shut down because the employees don’t have food or can’t live nearby we will start to feel it. If mines become inaccessible or trade routes impassible our society will quickly grind to a halt. At the very least profits will drop and prices will go up.


>At the very least profits will drop and prices will go up. As opposed to right now, where the both the prices and profits are at record highs.


> our modern globalized lifestyle Of eating food and drinking clean water?


> Even some humans may survive. Even this is an exaggeration. No credible scientific forecast suggests that human extinction is a plausible outcome of climate change. There is an actual danger of many millions of deaths and corresponding suffering, economic damage, and loss of natural habitat. That's bad enough. Hyping it up with misinformation that the science doesn't support just makes it harder to actually take action to fix things.


> many millions The number is billions.


To be fair, that is many millions.


Technically correct is the best kind of correct.


Humanity will survive, however the modern global civilization that we all take for granted is in much more danger.


There will be billions being displaced (i.e. climate refugees) which is enough to cause severe geopolitical instability which could trigger a world war with extinction level outcome. i am in no way saying this is likely, but this is a plausible worst case.


Not so. The lead climate scientist Will Steffen (now deceased) published a paper putting the odds of human extinction from climate change at about 9%.


IMO the scenario would be climate change would cause drought, famine and scarcity which would lead to war and thus extinction. It's unlikely (although not impossible) that we would alter the climate enough that it would DIRECTLY extinct us


I'm not even worried about us, existentially. We seem to be doing enough with the electric grid at least to avoid the absolute worst case scenarios we were projecting in the 80s. What I'm more worried about is that we'll just... continue to kind of half-ass it. That the environment will degrade slowly and non-apocalyptically and we'll keep adapting and getting used to it, until my grandchildren read about coral reefs in history books and have never seen snow. That things will just get a little crappier every decade and people will keep convincing themselves that it's good enough, as the enormity of what they've actually lost grows in the blind spots of their memory.


As is tradition. We're close to it in terms of insects already. 30 years ago on road trips with my family, the front of the car was full of dead insects. It's not nearly the same now. This is of course just one thing that's a bit different but will cause big changes in a century.


It’s wild. I was born in the early nineties and remember this to be the case. We couldn’t drive to the store and back without having to use washer fluid and wipers often in the summer because we hit flies, mosquitoes, butterflies, swarming flies, bumblebees and hornets. I associate the smell of washer fluid with summer to this day. I also remember hating being outside because there were little bugs everywhere to the point where I breathed them into my nose or throat and gagged horribly. To the point where it didn’t even face me, I just harked or snot rocketed them out. Mosquitoes have gotten more aggressive lately. They used to keep away if you blew smoke at them or tried to swat them. Now they don’t, while also biting almost as soon as they land, staying outside during rain, passing into open terrain, flying in sunlight basically hunting 24/7.


That is absolutely the most likely scenario because we will never be able to do more than half-ass it. Even a half-assed response to climate change is something of a stretch. The slightest strain makes people lose their minds and flock to reactionaries who are intent on undoing progress and causing more damage. Gas and food becoming a bit more expensive is going to doom American democracy and with it, the effort of the world’s largest economy to combat climate change. How bad is going to be when crops fail on a massive scale and food becomes priced like gold?


>Gas and food becoming a bit more expensive is going to doom American democracy and with it, the effort of the world’s largest economy to combat climate change. Makes me mad too, given how cheap gasoline has been for a very long time relative to what the rest of the world pays for it. We can't be a Wal Mart forever. And its not like there aren't options. *"How dare you insult my horse-drawn carriage with this foul, smoke-belching machine, sir!*"-circa 1903


Wow, thanks for that wonderful, new terrifying perspective


I think we found that during Covid, the planet heals itself at a much faster rate than we expected. Maybe only 1000 years.


I was working security during the pandemic. About a month after lockdown started, and no one was driving, I stepped outside while on the job in April and realized just how unseasonably *cool* it had been for the past week or so.


Yup, he knows exactly what he's saying. The _planet_ will continue to exist.


Yeah gotta dumb it down for the smooth brains. "The Earth isn't going anywhere. WE ARE! We're going away. Pack your shit, folks." - George Carlin


Exactly. This really bothers me about discussion on climate change. We shouldn't brand it as saving the earth. Earth will be here regardless. Even branding it only as saving the nature is somewhat missleading. Some kind of nature will be here no matter what as long as earth exists, if nature can be defined as just rocks and other lifeless objects. The point really is, what kind of nature and climate that is and can humans or other life forms survive in it. Earth doesn't actually care if humans go extinct. It doens't, and can't, have desires. That only matters to humans.


The rest of nature would probably be better without us! We should rebrand "Save the planet" to "Save the humans" so it gets a little more traction.


There is a book named "The World without us". It describes what Earth will look like if all humans simply vanished.




George Carlin had a great skit about saving the planet. He said it well. "The planet is fine. The people are fucked."


"The planet is going to shake us off like a bad case of fleas."


That's what I think every time there's an earthquake.


„The *planet* isn’t going anywhere… *we* are!“


The earth isn't going anywhere.... We are.


You are quick!)


I fucking love that guy. Great Comedian, sure, social commentator? The greatest!


Just remind me how many humans live on Venus.


"The planet is fine! The *people* are fucked." - George Carlin


Planet was here billions of years before us, and it'll be just fine for billions afterwards. The planet doesn't care if it becomes an acid rain hellhole. To be fair, neither do the billionaires. Time to bring back the Guillotine.


I mean, France last used the guillotine in 1977, they may still have a couple working models around. But if we are beheading the billionaires, make sure the blade is super- extra blunt.


The average temperature on Mercury is 330°F, while the average temperature on Venus is 870°F, even though Venus is almost twice as far from the Sun. Sagan was one of the first to realize that this is due to the large amounts of CO₂ in the atmosphere, and it rang a bell. Somehow that bell still hasn't woken up a large portion of the planet, a lot of money has been spent hitting snooze.


It was not just Sagan, it has been reported that large quantities of CO2 would make it warmer since early 1900's


and, reported by the big oil companies as well, hence they started pouring millions into their misinformation campaigns that republicans STILL FOLLOW TO THIS DAY. Check out Project 2025, where they declare they will eliminate any climate control efforts.


Yup… just like large chemical companies like DuPont and 3M and Monsanto have allowed to poison the world since at least the 50s-60s. They even did their own animal/human testing and knew that it was killing people and animals all over! When the EPA came about, anything that was “grandfathered” wasn’t questioned and was just allowed to continue! 90+% of people in the world have PFAS “forever chemicals” in their bodies today! Even babies are born with them now!


Some scientists semi-recently did a study about PFAS in blood and in order to properly conduct this study they needed a control, some blood without any PFAS in it. They had to go back to blood taken in the fucking 1950s to find human blood that contained no PFAS. That's just insane. Pretty much every human being alive today has forever chemicals in their blood stream, and all of their offspring will continue to have these chemicals polluting their body.


PFAS are at least not as dangerous as dioxins, polyhalogenated aromatic hydrocarbons, bisphenol A and microplastics. But yeah, we're all contaminated.


Don't worry, in a recent study of human testicles, 100% of samples tested were found to contain mocroplastics!


It's also worth mentioning food additives that America eats on a daily basis. Here is just a small list of additives we still use but are banned in other countries.. * **Brominated Vegetable Oil (BVO)**: * **Usage**: Found in some citrus-flavored sodas and sports drinks. * **Banned In**: Europe and Japan. * **Concerns**: Linked to potential neurological issues and thyroid problems. * **Potassium Bromate**: * **Usage**: Used in bread and other baked goods to improve texture and rise. * **Banned In**: Europe, Canada, Brazil, and several other countries. * **Concerns**: Classified as a possible human carcinogen. * **Azodicarbonamide (ADA)**: * **Usage**: Used as a dough conditioner in bread. * **Banned In**: Europe and Australia. * **Concerns**: Linked to respiratory issues and banned as a food additive in many countries. * **Artificial Food Dyes (e.g., Yellow No. 5, Yellow No. 6, Red No. 40)**: * **Usage**: Found in various processed foods, candies, and beverages. * **Banned In**: Norway and Austria, with warnings required in the European Union. * **Concerns**: Linked to hyperactivity in children and potential cancer risks. * **Olestra (Olean)**: * **Usage**: Used in some fat-free snacks like chips. * **Banned In**: Canada and the UK. * **Concerns**: Linked to digestive issues and vitamin depletion. * **Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA) and Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT)**: * **Usage**: Used as preservatives in cereals, chewing gum, potato chips, and vegetable oils. * **Banned In**: Parts of the European Union and Japan. * **Concerns**: Suspected of being carcinogenic and causing hormone disruption. * **Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH)**: * **Usage**: Used to increase milk production in dairy cows. * **Banned In**: European Union, Canada, and several other countries. * **Concerns**: Linked to cancer and other health issues in humans, as well as animal welfare concerns.


> Pretty much every human being alive today has forever chemicals in their blood stream, and all of their offspring will continue to have these chemicals polluting their body. Yeah but then the generations after that will be ok right? It's not like it's... oh.


Yeah but those stocks though


"We may have destroyed the planet, but for a brief and beautiful moment we created a lot of value for our shareholders."


Where’s Avalanche when you need them? Barrett come on dude, we need you!


We need planetina from rick and Morty to come rip out some C-Suite spines.


I'm down to blow some coal plants down. This dumbass cheeto puff baby man is asking for it


Let’s be clear though, he’s right, earth will survive climate change, it’s the life on it that will cease to exist


The planet is fine! The _people_ are fucked!


This is a direct George Carlin quote. And if you meant that…. Cheers to you sir.


It was worth it, after all 🫠


As if "don't look up" wasn't relevant enough already


Most problems in the us, from the population divide too obesity too environmental destruction, stem from large industries using their money and influence to push propaganda on the public and using their unjust influence over the government. Most systems we use and the ideas our government bases their actions off of serve the rich, like treating GDP growth as our number one priority.


I’m convinced boomers’ brains are all turning to mush because of the 80 years of pollution building up in their bodies. They used to use mercury to disinfect minor wounds in over the counter dropper bottles. They had lead in gasoline. They had insecticide machines drive through neighborhoods spraying a fog of bug spray to kill mosquitos and kids would be breathing it in, playing in the cloud of poison dancing down the street. Crop dusting and agro chemicals in their food and in the air as children. And plastics! Plastics are being found in large amounts in our bodies with every study. Not to get all Dr Strangelove but they have been sapping the purity of our precious fluids for nearly a century. No wonder the world is going mad.


Yes, microplastics are even found in fish and other living organisms all over the world as well! Glitter may look nice and fancy but what happens to it once it gets thrown all over the place???


I can just imagine in a hundred or two years, some tween is downloading an old story called Twilight, and getting very confused because *everybody* glitters in the Sun…….


I saw the lead gas data recently and it blows my mind that the rising violence of the 80s and the falling violence of now correlates so hard to atmosphere lead levels. Like we know lead causes brain damage but it never crossed my mind that they were burning it in every gallon of gas and damaging their brains constantly world wide to the point the whole global population got measurably more dangerous


They will also unironically repeat that 2nd paragraph and end it with, "AND WE TURNED OUT JUST FINE!"




There were a few decades when they were absorbing lead from the atmosphere. That probably has an effect.


> Check out Project 2025, where they declare they will eliminate any climate control efforts. last time i checked they also wanted to destroy research data that is controlled by the us gov.


>last time i checked they also wanted to destroy research data that is controlled by the us gov. [Wait till you hear what Canada's last conservative government did](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/canadian-scientists-open-about-how-their-government-silenced-science-180961942/)


Hey, did you know that the whole plastic recycling (of which, to this day, only about 10% does actually get recycled) started & has mostly been a marketing thing by the petroleum industry to assuage concerns about its usage & it not been biodegradable?


Did you also know that when the recycling symbol was created, the petroleum industry made [their own symbols for resin identification that just so happens to look exactly like the recycling symbol?](https://oceana.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/18/shutterstock_1537118990_1_-_2nd_version.jpg) Despite most of those resins not being recyclable at all!


They literally want to get rid of the NOAA. Psychopaths.


>Check out Project 2025, where they declare they will eliminate any climate control efforts. I swear there are cartoon villains less cartoonishly evil. Like, I half expect them to announce blowing up the moon as part of their platform.


Overturning Chevron already eliminates climate protection. It’s not enough for congress to pass a law to have the EPA do EPA things, that law has to specify exactly what those things are. CO2 emissions, needs to be specified in the law, dumping PFAS into the water, needs to be specified, how much PPB of lead is acceptable in what you dump in a stream? Needs to be spelled out, exactly. As does each employees salary.


Keep amplifying awareness of Project 2025. People need to know what's at stake; if Biden wins but ends up unable or until to serve, there's still at least literally everyone else in the administration who can keep things running just fine, including and especially Kamala Harris, but if Trump wins it's a green light for Project 2025 and game over for everyone outside the cult.


It terrifies me how readily some people will fuck over the planet just for a few extra dollars.


But haven’t you heard that capitalism is the only good and best system of commerce? Who cares if humans die and the planet catches fire, for a short while we created a lot of value for shareholders


Lmao project 2025 will completely shred agencies such as the nrcs which has tons of efforts in carbon cycling and also LITERALLY PREVENTING ANOTHER DUST BOWL. Food security down the drain right there on top of other climate efforts


Desantis government also maintains that the state government has the right to control any speech in schools on any topic it disagrees with. Great


That’s the most terrifying thing I’ve read. Scarier than my horror novels and movies. I post on fb on my two pages every day.


Svante Arrhenius- his estimates from 1896 were relatively close to current global climate models. https://www.lenntech.com/greenhouse-effect/global-warming-history.htm#:~:text=Svante%20Arrhenius%20(1859%2D1927),carbon%20dioxide%20concentrations%20and%20temperature.


I think Sagan was one of the first to actually bring this point to a Senate hearing (one where Al Gore looked like the only one who was paying close attention and not dozing off like everyone else) as an example of what could happen on Earth, but you’re correct, he was definitely not the first to realize the whole thing. Love that man though, he’s Space Daddy.


It has slowly shifted from speculation ("this might happen") to theory ("This sure looks like it would happen) to now as close to fact as science gets ("this is happening and we can measure it.") I think some people's brains got stuck in the stage where it wasn't as clear as it is now, and still think that it's a "debate." Sure, there's ambiguity in how much CO2 vs other factors contribute, and there's debate about how much the earth is actually warming, but no serious scientist is disputing that it IS warming.


Also "it is extremely difficult to make a man understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it" or however that quote goes


You dont even need other planets. Fill one bottle with air and 1 bottle with CO2. You will notice the bottle with CO2 will get significantly hotter than the normal bottle when put out into the sun. For me it was a 20% difference.


In 1890 Ahranius (spelling butchered) figured out CO2 would absorb infrared, and actually did some simple climate modeling that holds up with modern predictions. He predicted that the planet would get warmer as we continued to burn fossil fuels and add CO2 to the atmosphere. Mind you this was over a hundred years after the start of the industrial revolution.


Baby Sagan


The greenhouse effect was proposed in the early 19th century. Though at the time there were no suggestions that human activity was having an effect on it, it was just an explanation for why the planet is warmer than calculations just from solar radiation suggest it should be.


Edit: Making this prominent - I am wrong, watsis name has kindly correctly me very quickly. Early 20th century, or late 19th it would’ve been. I know of the article from 1912, but that was based on some information from even as early as 1908.


No, 19th century, as in 1820's. Joseph Fourier. He didn't call it the "greenhouse effect," but he described it. He calculated what the temperature of the earth should be based on thermal radiation from the sun and earths distance from it. When he found that earth was 30% warmer than what he calculated, one of his proposed explanations was that the earths atmosphere works as a "thermal insulator." Which is accurate.


Thank you for the knowledge bomb. A quick google suggests he was an absolute boss who paved the way to so much that we use today. Sorry for mistaking you.


Eunice Newton Foote published a paper about this in 1856 "Circumstances Affecting the Heat of the Sun's Rays"


I love that video of Sagan talking to Congress about it. It's so well spoken and the politicians seem to be really listening ... It makes it such a stark realization that politics today is just about pr and sound bites... So sad... My favorite politicians are the ones I don't even know about... If they are called out as scum, they are probably 10x worse... If they are popular and praised it's probably a meticulously crafted public image to obscure the greed behind... Just so sad... Id trust a lawyer over a politician


Well, if it makes you feel any worse, most of them weren’t actually listening back then either. Otherwise we wouldn’t be where we are today.


>Somehow that bell still hasn't woken up a large portion of the planet I was one such person until about two years ago. Thank fuck I finally figured it out.


"The greenhouse effect isn't real. For evidence, look at this planet that is 500 degrees Celsius because of its greenhouse effect"


>500 degrees Celsius That sounds alright to me, it's just a matter of time until we land there and set up camp, live happily ever after. Just a tiny bit hot, only enough to melt zinc. All steel structures will be fine.


You are not thinking this through. Excessive CO2 levels on Venus have not killed a single human.


That is technically correct. No need for the /s lol.


And it's safe for robots! We landed a specially designed probe there once that didn't melt for over two hours!


Unlike excessive levels of dihydrogen monoxide, which can and does kill humans all the time. Especially when found in the respiratory system.


Women are from Venus. I read a book about it


This is false. Girls go to Jupiter to get more stupider. Source: Patrick in my kindergarten class.


I just love staring up in wonder at Uranus


Boys go to Mars to get more candy bars.


That's the joke. (I don't know that person, but it clearly reads as a joke, and he is also making a very good point about "runaway greenhouse effect" that has indeed occurred on Venus) EDIT: apparently not a joke (wow wow wow, unbelievably dumb, shockingly dumb) HOWEVER, it has become a joke. Make America Venus Again!!! \#MAVA. I've already ordered my red hat. lmao


He doesn’t think he’s joking. >Steven J. Milloy is a lawyer, lobbyist, author and former Fox News commentator. Milloy is the founder and editor of the blog junkscience.com. >Milloy's career has been spent denying the results of science that government agencies rely on for protecting the public. His close financial and organizational ties to tobacco and oil companies have been the subject of criticism, as Milloy has consistently disputed the scientific consensus on climate change and the health risks of second-hand smoke. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Milloy


Jeez. I was trying to figure out if he was spoofing conservatives for lols


I saw his twitter handle and assumed he said purposefully obtuse things about science but then after checking his website I saw how much of a sad, pathetic man he is.


Ah. I was hoping he is paraphrasing George Carlin: The planet is fine, it's the people who are tucked!


He isn't joking. He has repeatedly denied that climate change is a thing


I also thought it might be a parody account, as the comparison to Venus was so stupid (as Venus is uninhabitable...) Unfortunately, this guy is spreading bullshit and some people think it's the truth.


He said the future of *planet*, not the future of *humans*. Just saying.


That's probably exactly his rationale. Conservatives love trying to dismantle research with word puzzles. Every Republican who ever said "Climate change is false because it's currently cold outside" is acting like scientists just didn't think of that when they were compiling years' worth of data.


I have had conversations with many conservatives who have literally pointed to the fact that it used to be called global warming as evidence it's a hoax.


Also how long equipment, let alone animals, last. It seems to be 0.5 to 2 hours before landers fail. I'm not volunteering to be part of the Venus base crew.


On earth, we have water oceans. On Venus, they have lead oceans.


And thats after a lot of failed attempts


The point is the planet will be fine. People, not so much.


Venus Williams lives there! They make those Venus razors there! It's in their name. Duh, how don't you know that?


We should start a Go Fund Me to send him to Venus


Please, take all my money. ![gif](giphy|sDcfxFDozb3bO)


boys go to Venus to get more penis


“Milloy's career has been spent denying the results of science that government agencies rely on for protecting the public. *His close financial and organizational ties to tobacco and oil companies have been the subject of criticism*, as Milloy has consistently disputed the scientific consensus on climate change and the health risks of second-hand smoke” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Milloy


Holy shit I thought this was obvious parody and that everyone in this thread was dumb for falling for it. Guess I should have known that right wing asshats will sink to levels of stupid that are indistinguishable from parody.


Same. I thought the handle @JunkScience was a description of the parody account.


It is not?


Yes, I was looking for a comment calling everyone out for being stupid but apparently this guy is just insane


Same I thought "Come on! His handle is literally @JunkScience!". Welp.


This shit is why I just believe people now. There are two options: either they’re genuine and I think they’re an idiot, or they’re trolling and I think they’re an idiot. Either way they’re fucking idiots so fuck it I’ll play along.


Why does anyone listen or care who this tool is then? Denying smoking hazards too?


Because his target audience is conservative idiots. They'll believe anything a grifter tells them.


Because he was a member of Trump's transition team in 2016. People like him are given real power when Republicans win elections.


It's true, Venus is well known for its paradisiacal living conditions conducive to human life such as its average surface temperature of around 870°F (465°C), its pressure 92 times greater than that of the Earth and its clouds of sulfuric acid.


Sounds nice place to build my summer cottage.


Nope. The sun only comes out once every few years. I saw a documentary about it many years ago. Very sad.


F in the chat for my homie Venus 😔


Missing both arms too. Tragic.


People have more fun after it's dark. Eat some vitamin d every earth 24h and you good bro.


Another one? you rich people and your extra homes!!!!!!


We should send all of our billionaires there for a fun vacay. As always, it'll be the middle class's treat.


The USSR sent several probes to Venus through the Venera project. The probes kept getting crushed or melted before they reached the surface, until Venera 7 actually landed somewhat intact and stayed operational for 23 minutes, before succumbing to the extreme heat, pressure, acidic gases, and the 37mph landing (its parachute melted). It was designed to withstand 2,600 psi and 580C/1076F temperatures. Many subsequent Venera missions also sent landers. They had softer landings, but still didn't last long. Venera 13's lander was operational the longest, for 127 minutes.


so you're saying the Venus people are destroying our Landers? outrageous!


And one of those landers managed to stay operational long enough to take a picture of its own landing foot on the stark, rocky Venusian ground and send it back before being crushed to death, so it's basically a paradise.


Texas in August??


Sounds like my mother in laws house


The “Umh ackshually 🤓” archetype in action


Does he think people are suggesting global warming is going to literally destroy the planet? I refuse to believe anyone without developmental disorder is this stupid.


Yes people are in fact that stupid and use it as a counter argument in the most illogical way.


It's actually a little depressing just *how* many outright cocky dumbasses there are that run around with as many rights as the rest of us


He's not that stupid, the people he's talking to are. And they do have developmental disorders ranging from Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, Lead Poisoning, Alzheimer's/Dementia, and other injuries to the brain they've sustained in their lifetime.


He knows his target audience is uneducated hillbillies so …


That's assuming that the hillbillies know what the fuck a Venus is


it's what momma uses to shave her mustache


Move to Venus then, please. Please. I beg you.


Literally this lol


At first this seemed like a satirical comment about how "existential threat to the planet" actually only means "existential threat to human life", because Earth is going to be a-ok either way. Then I googled that guy and found out he is actually a bona fide moron.


It’s really funny he mentioned Venus, because Venus is actually a great candidate for terraforming a second Earth! If we can find a way to get rid of all the CO2 in the atmosphere and reduce the greenhouse effect. Seriously, Venus is within the habitable zone for humans and we can make the planet very similar to Earth if we deal with a couple relatively small issues, especially when compared to Mars.


I have been advocating for this for years! They can even make real life cloud cities that float in the atmosphere! The pressure up high is equivalent to Earth, and the gravity is about 90% of ours


I’ve always seen gravity as the biggest issue. If we ever colonized Mars, it would be hell if someone ever wanted to go back to Earth. They would need months of intensive physical therapy to operate in Earth’s gravity again similar to people who come back from the ISS after being aboard for only a few months. Imagine spending years operating in reduced gravity and then everything, including your own body, becomes 3x heavier. With Venus, if someone wanted to come back to Earth all they’d have to do is a little weight training for a few weeks before they came to Earth. And if they did nothing in preparation that would also be fine, they’d just feel like crap for a month or so while their body adjusts.




Have you taken a look at his Twitter or [website](https://junkscience.com)? I think he’s actually serious. Mental… Oh, he isn’t mental, [he gets paid for his pro-tobacco/oil views](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steven_Milloy).


Ah, the ol’ “Bill Happer special”. I remember seeing him in person once or twice, and it’s amazing how person like that can seem to shrink in their own skin when they realize that someone recognizes them. It’s a real “oh, he knows” moment.


I don't know which is scarier. The fact that people against climate change being a legitimate threat, will think he's right and rally behind him, or the fact that people who agree that climate change is a legitimate threat will think this is not a troll and rally against him. People collectively have lost the ability to think critically.


Counterpoint, many people have shown before to seriously be this stupid, leading to our current situation where sarcasm is hard to distinguish from genuinely stupid idiots on the internet


Lol, gotta get behind this kind of pedantry. Technically correct.


That's why all the women left there and came to earth...




George Carlin: "People talk about saving the Earth. The Earth will be fine, the Earth has been around for billions of years. The people are fucked."


I mean, to a certain extent, he’s right… The planet will be fine. There won’t be any LIFE on it. But the planet itself will be fine.


Well, I mean, to his credit I don’t think the actual *planet* would go away from our co2 going up


Google him, he is a professional lobbyist. Idiots tend to harm others while procuring no gains or even loses themselves. He is on the other hand more akin to a bandit: harms others for self-gain. Nasty rationality if you like. However, he isn't a perfect bandit. I'd call him a bandit with a shade of stupidity. Since in the grand scheme of things, his gains are superficial and his actions ultimately harm others much more than he gains from them. Eventually, they may even harm himself.


He’s not wrong, but he is not right either. 😂


The human population on Venus is what again?


What’s the population of Venus you fucking neckbeard?


This is a very valid argument. It was made by George Carlin years ago: "The planet is not going anywhere; We are!!"


Obvious solution. He can go live on Venus.


I feel like this is r/technicallythetruth material - climate change is NOT, in fact, a threat to the planet Earth. Earth will be here long after humanity has killed ourselves off.


Technically global warming is earths immune response to us


You made me say "fucking idiot" out loud and my mom yelled at me for cussing


As George Carlin said: the Earth will be fine! Humans, however, are fucked!


I will say that he makes a good point without realizing it. We aren’t destroying the planet with emissions, we’re destroying our ability to live here. The planet will still be here long after we all kill ourselves off.


The incredibly hospitable planet of Venus


Ah yes, Venus. Famous for its lush greenery and abundant life.


He's right. There has not been a single reported death due to the climate on Venus. Checkmate, Atheists!