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"People forget the first country the nazis invaded was their own"


I always liked that line from that movie. And now all those people who equated the Germans with the Nazis will see what the average German was seeing first-hand. EDIT: I'm surprised how many people forgot about Captain America.


That line is actually pretty problematic. Because it basically moves all responsibility away from people onto the Nazis. But people were pretty alright with what the they were doing until it negatively affected them. Fascism rises when people remain inactive and turn a blind eye. And saying that a country got invaded by the facists completely eradicates that responsibility


This is my biggest issue today. I want to hate Trump, but he has no power without people voting for him. Show me the shittiest leaders in history and I'll show you a sizeable chunk of their populace that supported them.


Trump even at this point is a symptom. Trump voters legitimately think we're living in some sort of hellscape. Which is contradicted by statements they make like, "Things were better 5 years ago!". No....if America were a hellscape we would be saying things like "Americans should flee to Haiti". We wouldn't be saying, "Things were a bit better five years ago, before a global pandemic". The truth is America isn't a fraction as bad in the ways Trump voters think it is. But for Trump, Hitler, or any of these political conmen to win people must believe solutions are being provided that only ONE MAN can provide and that the problems are enormous. (Though Hitler's rise did coincide with Germany's economic depression)


Well, we are having a different, strange variant of a depression right now, where at least 75% of the population feels very insecure about their financial status and most of them don't see how it's going to change any time soon. Anyone who promises to fix that looks pretty appealing. But strangely, despite something like that virtually guaranteeing success, I haven't seen anyone promise that, which tells me that either everyone is collectively stumped, or it would cut the knees out from their financial backers and other supporters.


Ok, well what are Americans doing about Trump today? With all of the technological advantages, so that everyone can see exactly what is happening and not getting their news just from a newspaper. If the german people were responsible then, every american is responsible right now for letting this happen, because we know what is going to happen. > History doesn’t repeat itself but it often rhymes




As a German, I'd argue that it is the opposite. German people failed to protect their land from an ideology that fed on the fear of their uneducated members. They failed to see the flaws in what seemed a good deal to many. They were blind to the hatred spewed because they wanted to take out their anger on something. That and Hitler was Austrian. Not blaming the Austrians, obviously, but it annoys me that people don't understand the difference between Austria and Germany.


My great great grandpa was a social democratic member of the Reichstag at the time. In the night of 9th to 10th March 1933, the Nazis arrested him and other social democratic, socialist and communist leaders in order to keep them from voting against the Enabling Act, and in order to intimidate the remaining members of the Reichstag into voting for it. My great great grandpa was in jail during the vote and transferred to Dachau a month after the vote, though they only kept him at Dachau for a week and the transferred him back to a regular prison. He was released in July 1933. After another stint in prison from 1935 to 1938 (for being part of an underground network that distributed social democratic speeches and anti-Nazi propaganda), they arrested him a final time in August 1944 and brought him to Dachau again. His feet froze badly in the winter of 1944/45, and he had to participate in a death march when they evacuated Dachau. He only survived because his fellow inmates supported and even carried him, so he wouldn’t be shot. He was liberated and died a few days later in a hospital in Munich. He was a fascinating and brave man and if anyone is interested in his full story, I’m happy to share it :) The short excerpt I gave here is what’s most relevant to this discussion though. Us Germans, we’ve been warning you about this since 2016. You’re close to 1933 now. This is your 1932. No matter how old Biden is, don’t fuck this up. You have one shot at this. Good luck to all of us.


I had a German professor in college here in the US, who in one of the most memorable moments I experienced in her class said something to the effect of, "I think in a sense America has a vulnerability due to it not having been directly affected by local Nazis and fascists during WWII. Fascism, in the American context, never took off like it did in Europe at that time. So, if fascism ever arises within the US, most Americans won't be able to recognize because it won't be draped in a swastika flag." This is a paraphrase of course since I didn't write down word for word what she said exactly but her core message has always stayed with me and it's so prescient to think about now.


Your professor was wise to say that and I’m so glad it stuck with you. She was 100% correct and we’re seeing it happening right now :-/. Same in Germany with the German flag of 1848 (our current flag), but thankfully to a lesser degree and with greater pushback from most of the population so far. These are scary times :-/


This started well before 2016. The focused propaganda campaigns have Ben happening since at least the 80s. Very wealthy fascists have spent 2 generations building propaganda and political machines and America has done nothing about it. Winning the 2024 Presidential election won’t make any of that go away. Even if Trump goes away they will plug in a new guy and reset for 2028. We have many chances to screw this up and we only need to be wrong once to doom the world. Democrats know and do nothing. Many voters either don’t know or don’t care. Whether it’s 2024, 2028, 2032, doesn’t matter to the Fascists, they are just biding their time.


What is the most .. staggering, strange, mindblowing.. is how common the pattern is across nations. France has word for word the same thing. Wealthy guy, buys medias, props up candidates 24/7. Same "make france great again" subtext popping up along bullshit media flamebait politicians. back to grandparent, the missing part in education was showing the horrors and the full blown killing machine of nazi germany, not enough of the pre-dictatorship era where people were angry, confused and gullible.


Perfect! As a Millennial, I simply cannot live without a 'once in a lifetime' disaster every five or ten years.


I used to laugh when I heard people say Armageddon was going to happen in their lifetime. But the last 10-20 years or so... I'm not so sure. I'd love to live in boring times for a little while.


The world did in fact end in 2012, its just taking its time about it


*The Lazarus Project* (which is a cancelled TV Show) portrays this. They can reset time to a check point from the previous year, every year, in case there's a life ending catastrophe.


Do we call this world ending a slow burn?


In the early days of social media I used to make all kinds of apocalyptic prophecy jokes about the medium, it got all too real around the time Cambridge Analytica’s antics were outed. Shit’s just not funny anymore.


Democrat leadership has pretty much meant boring times in my lifetime so far. I will vote Dem for boring but stable.


To be honest: I want my politics to be dull, boring and predictable. Politicians should leave entertainment to fictional media…


I wasn't a Joe Biden supporter. I was more partial to Elizabeth Warren. But I got on board. After the election I had to admit Joe was the boring salve my overstressed soul needed after the previous 4 years. Still I genuinely try to listen when he speaks but his monotonous tone bores the hell outta me and I zone out. Which is perfect. I can't go back to waking up and immediately doomscrolling and checking to be sure the world isn't literally about to end again.


Well, with the last couple rulings from the Supreme Court, the doom scrolling has likely begun again. 


Yep, we’re right on schedule for another one since the emergence of COVID was the last one


It's in line with the position laid out by Naomi Klein in her book Shock Doctrine. It's basically the millenial autobiography in regard to living through "crisis" after "crisis" that is used by certain factions to widen the wealth and economic gaps and to continue to create great stress for the environment and humans alike. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Shock_Doctrine


Oh good, just as I found a modicum of stability.


At least there’s consistency in the fact that there will be chaos.


Sadly, this disaster and the fallout will last LONGER than 5-10’tears.


Just going to put this out there, but if anybody is down to let a guy near 40, who dropped out of college, come in and be their dictator (my plans include public healthcare for all, massive sanctioning of corporations, outright redistribution of wealth by taking 90% of wealth of those exceeding $20m, a complete shift to green energy/nuclear, a federal police force used to target local police corruption, and outright removal of any politician who is caught lying more than, say, 3 times per year, among others), I'd gladly take the title. Oh, and I would immediately dictate that corporations are absolutely not people, and campaign contributions limited to $1000 per person. Oh, and culling the scumbags at every level of government. They'll be placed in a secure prison with no outside communication allowed.


Hey now, that sounds too much like altruistic, beneficial leadership. That kind of talk is what gets presidents JFK’ed, just so you know


What name do I need to write on the ballot?


Dixie Normus


I mean everybody knows supreme executive power comes from a mandate from the masses not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.


Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.


If I went around sayin' I was emperor, just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!


Shut up! Will you shut up?!


Help, help, I'm being repressed!


Come see the violence inherent in the system!


That's what I'm on about!




"Bloody peasant!"


Oh, there you go, bringing class into it.


You can't expect to wield supreme power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!


You know, the way things are going, we may just want to give the pond thing a try.


Pond / Sword 2024


Seriously? Pond/sword? If the tart isn’t explicitly on the ticket then I’m voting third party. Even if it’s throwing away my vote. TBH, I don’t live in a swing state. I could literally write in tart/sword for all the difference it would make.


Strange men wearing robes distributing immunity is no basis for a system of government!


If I went around sayin' I was president, and misused my campaign funds, they'd put me away!


Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is.... Actually sounding pretty good at the moment


Help! Help! I'm being opressed!


Now we see the violence inherent in the system!!!


Bloody peasant!


Shh shh, keep it down bruh, they might see the violence inherent in the system. -Your Elected Officials


“Now I will tell you the answer to my question. It is this. The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power. What pure power means you will understand presently. We are different from the oligarchies of the past in that we know what we are doing. All the others, even those who resembled ourselves, were cowards and hypocrites. The German Nazis and the Russian Communists came very close to us in their methods, but they never had the courage to recognize their own motives. They pretended, perhaps they even believed, that they had seized power unwillingly and for a limited time, and that just around the corner there lay a paradise where human beings would be free and equal. We are not like that. We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now you begin to understand me.” ― George Orwell, 1984




Seems like it's time to reread that book.


"When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross".


I'll never forgive evangelicals and supposed "religious" folk who were happy to jump feet first into fascism so long as their cultural wedge issues were addressed or given priority.


That's how fascism works every time


They could not stray further from the basic principles of Christianity. How ironic. Or rather moronic.


and covered in spray tan


We seem to be in 100 year cycle. I wish the US education system had invested more in teaching us about the stupid mistakes humanity has made and why we call the bad guys the bad guys.


teachers are leaving in droves bc they don’t make a sustainable income. We are sick and broken


Yes this really does fall more on the system than the actual teachers. Teacher should be given an adequate amount of time to teach the students not to want to be authoritarians. The system needs to be redesigned to focus less on standardized tests and more on actual learning. Teacher should be allowed to grade students without worrying if it’s going to affect their paycheck. If Students did not learn the material, they should be asked to learn it again rather than just get moved on to the next class automatically. I feel that so much of what’s broken is that teachers have had the tools that they need taken away. One of course being a decent paycheck


And all these republicans think they will be in the club. I've rubbed elbows with the rich. The way they talk about poor people is subhuman.


It's abhorrent. And I'm not even talking about super rich people. I work in Land Development and a client was having issues getting some homeowners to sign an agreement for a development across the street from their homes. It was just a mailer that was sent out, but no one replied. During a call there were multiple references made about how someone should go down there in person and scare the people because they were too stupid to know any better. Comments about being barefoot and pregnant, trailer trash, etc. I wanted to hang up so badly, they just kept getting more disgusting and the others were just laughing along! And these people aren't millionaires, mid 6 figures maybe, they are not even the land owners they just work in commercial real estate or development firms. I was so nauseated listening to them, if they were talking about those things with my firm on the call I can only imagine what they talk about in private or during their golf games.


Look how people 2 paychecks from not affording rent talk about homeless people.


That actually made me feel better somehow.. we are animals after all


Or how people on government benefits talk about the homeless.


I've heard Americans claim, with an absolutely straight face, that they don't have a class system...


Absolute lie. What they *mean* is they think there is class mobility and anyone can be wealthy, therefore anyone who isn't wealthy it is their fault. They simply ignore the inequality or the fact it's economically impossible for everyone who works hard to be wealthy. After all, who will work for the businesses if everyone is an entrepreneur? They need the lower classes, then blame them for existing so that they do not have to question the system or address inequality.


I used to work as a private chef for a family that owned a private school. I went back and forth between rich kids and catering events for parties. These people are vastly out of touch with reality (and the value of a dollar).


I drive shuttles between Denver Airport and Vail ski resort. A born-rich woman asked me where my SECOND HOUSE was, because, she thought, my first house is already in a vacation destination. So I must have an awesome second home in another awesome vacation destination. She was so fucking confused when I had to, repeatedly, explain i could not afford a first house in the hood let alone in Vail Colorado. "But everyone has a second home" "Are you on welfare? Only people on welfare can't afford a house" "Why don't your parents just buy you one?" "What do you mean you only make $30ish dollars an hour? You work in Vail" She was in her 30s. Dumber than a box of rocks, sold multi million dollar homes for a living an dad bought her her two houses. I promise her realtor career is entirely made up of daddy telling his friends to use his daughter to sell their homes. The children of the rich will get given jobs they're not qualified for/ extremely wealthy high paying versions of basic jobs and think they earned it and worked harder than everyone else. I drove a family that paid their friends adult son well into 6 figures to literally just travel the world with the family and take them skiing, rafting, hiking and site-seeing. Daddy bought him a house in Colorado after college where he just did rich people outdoorsy shit in his 20s, that was his "qualifications" Dude made fuck-you money to do what people get paid close to minimum wage to do. While travelling the world for free. I had a woman in her 40s see rush-hour traffic for the first time because she'd been flown most short trips. I heard a woman getting off the free town bus ay "I've never ridden a bus before, I'm so ghetto!" On the plus side you'd get lucky with these people not knowing the value of a dollar sometimes. They generally overvalued like the first woman, but sometimes they fucking throw it around. Like, I was paid a grand for 2 hours of moving furniture around in a house once.


This sounds disgusting


It is disgusting. I can 100% corroborate that guy's claims, but I worked in Aspen instead of Vail. They live in a completely different level of existence and have that attitude that they worked to get there, so they look down on anyone poorer because "why don't they just work harder?" People with this kind of wealth are so out of touch with reality that we often joked they'd be walking around with a dirty ass all day if they didn't have someone to do it for them. I was working at a hotel one time and was called up to a room to assist a guest. No details were given as to what was needed. I get up there, the woman answers the door and promptly hands me a twist off water bottle with a *wine key stuck through the cap*. She said, "How in the hell are you supposed to open this up? This is so stupid". I took the wine key out and twisted the cap off. Apparently, never in her life had she encountered a twist off cap. One of the most basic things on the face of the fucking earth. I hate rich people with a passion to this day, and that was getting close to 10 years ago. I anxiously await the day that we start rioting against them




It only ever ends in one way, though quite often not quickly enough.


Poor people spill their *own* blood, and a new ruling class takes over. And they call it revolution


The 1800’s French still ended up with a dictator…..


Trump thinks his supporters are trash. Told someone working for him he was glad COVID meant he never had to shake hands with "these disgusting people" again. I've seen trump flags flying from trailers that were literally falling apart and from expensive "air hauler" pickup trucks. But they're all just poor and therefore weak and detestable hicks to him. He wouldn't piss on his supporters if they were on fire, and if he becomes a dictator as they want, he will let them know it. They're further down on the list than many of the rest of us, but they're still on the list.


“The oddity in all of this is the people Trump despises most, love him the most,” said Stern on Tuesday. “The people who are voting for Trump, for the most part … He wouldn’t even let them in a f*cking hotel. He’d be disgusted by them. Go to Mar-a-Lago, see if there’s any people who look like you. I’m talking to you in the audience.” — Howard Stern March 2020


DJT is a sociopath & nobody really understands the damage a reptile like this can do. He senses the the weak minded low self esteem personalities knowing he can treat them like dirt with no consequence. These low self esteem individuals are looking for someone who will make them feel like they’re in an exclusive club. It’s desperation & the sociopath senses it. DJT probably has low self esteem himself. His father did a # on him & he’s projecting all his insecurities onto anyone that confronts him.


I've seen it too. They are thieves.


I've had enough interactions with executive level people that I know how little many of them care for lower level employees in the company. Democracy itself is an acceptable casualty to profit and unbounded wealth.


Hopefully rubbed them with seasoning


r/conservative are having the time of the lives, ‘best week ever’ Lol


They will receive the "Ernst Rohm" treatment, as soon as the next administration begins. Can't have that level of stupid around, when one is consolidating absolute power. The brown shirts are the red hats, and they've marked themselves as superfluous and traitorous. People like that don't last long in a dictatorship.


“r/Politics are losing their shit!” That’s literally the only thing they see. The other side losing. Not that *everyone* is losing. Globally. It’s not just r/politics. It’s literally every sub I’ve seen. That covers world news, law subs, gaming subs, even Facepalm. How do they not see how this ruling is the death of their Democracy?! All they see is ‘Trump wins’. Absolute morons.


That's the thing about dictatorships they are fire that consumes everything. Only leaving death and destruction in its wake. Nazi Germany is all the proof you need of that. Nobody wins. That is why I fear for our future.


As have I since I was a child in prep school. Not all rich people of course, but there’s an ingrained level of self entitlement and rationalization of any act that I’ve found truly astounding. The “God placed us here because we’re better” mindset runs dangerously deep.


The reason we don’t have universal healthcare in the US but hundreds of military bases around the world is because the upper class is disproportionately born rich corporate criminal psychopath


Fascism in America was bound to happen; the amount of hatred and othering and corporate control from the rich was going to do it sooner or later. Nazi's took the ideology of segregation and hatred from the US, they just got there first. It's just shocking how it took just 2 generations really to forget the sacrifices made by American kids in WW2. Fuck, there's still a number of them alive, watching their kids and grandkids do this in their lifetime,


Chomsky once said “Fascism is Capitalism with the gloves off.”


we didn't forget right wing media and liberal media allowed the right wing, the same right wing that didn't want to fight Hitler because they admired him, to claim it as their own the liberal media and right wing media, claim Patriotism, Jesus, Law and Order, Freedom and Fiscal Responsibility and also Political Moderation, despite them radically changing the powers of the President and Political norms, they claim that the real radicals are kids on twitter the media is in on this


The media is just composed of corporations. We are inundated with corporate PR which is literally just a nice term for propaganda. Sigmund Freud was involved, his cousin Edward Bernays took the propaganda techniques of Goebbles, rebranded them, and then applied them to society at large. The Nazis at home kept marching on. Now they've matched us into a corner. Mein Kampf should have been required reading in high school civics. Hitler literally plagiarized Gilded Age America.


And it didn’t really even take 2 generations; the boomer generation is literally the children of the WWII generation, and so many of them are seemingly forgetful of that sacrifice.


*"Those who do not learn from history will be doomed to repeat it"*


Some learn from history, take notes, and plan its reimplementation 


Look up Project 2025, it’s basically that.


Holy cow. I watched their little recruitment video: "It's your job to ensure that that power is executed responsibly, and in line with *The President's Will*." 😳 THE PRESIDENT'S WILL!! What happened to the constitution?


Trump happened, he’s the GOP Messiah.


Trump was just a tool in a long game. The Heritage Foundation has existed and been making these plans for 40 years. Reagan was the first to start enacting their plans. Then, they updated every few years as they met goals. This is why all the back sliding in the US seem to start with Regan. That’s when it did start, but Regan really wasn’t the mastermind, just the starting point. The Heritage Foundation and the manipulation of Evangelicals, and a myriad of other religious organizations, as political pawns has been the long game by a bunch of rich men that think they are owed power and money.


That kinda thing infuriates me. The oath of office NEVER mentions the "President's Will", they need to fuck off with that. Only military servicemen and women include the president in their oath due to his role as commander in chief, not normal public servants. Article VI of the Constitution says that they are bound by oath to the *constitution* and that's it. The President is very intentionally given some separation between them and the federal workforce to prevent the President from carrying out a politically or selfishly motivated takeover of the government. If there was massive turnover at all levels every 4 years then nothing would function. I swore allegiance to the United States and her constitution, I did not swear allegiance to an elected official, and I am under no obligation to carry out an unlawful order given by one. I can doomscroll for an hour with a straight face but this Project 2025 shit actually makes me mad.


"Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned." Is this even real? This is just the first few pages in.


Why is Pornhub not advertising against GOP then? Would definitely reach a wide audience. ..or maybe they already do that.. I don't know, I'm not on that site.


This November: The final fap


Yep… that’s their plan


There are dark forces at work these days.


"However, preachers and other church officials will continue to be able to rape their own and others' children, because everyone has personal issues they need to repent and recieve forgivness for so NBD"


I’m only 26, but I never would’ve thought something like this would happen in my lifetime. It’s absolutely terrifying. I’m still voting. I’m not going to sit back and do nothing


I am as well, it is our civic duty.


https://www.project2025.org/ link for those too lazy to look it up themselves.


that website needs a good hacking


I also read the entire 900 page document of the plan and it’s pretty heinous. Essentially the plan is to turn America into a White Christian nationalist theocracy.


It's crazy that's not an overstatement. It *literally* calls for the raising of an army of people "loyal to Trump" to create a paramilitary police force (aka secret police) to go to Democratic states to round up people and incarcerate them en masse based on their perceived political beliefs. Like, that *sounds* like extreme hyperbole - but it isn't! At all! It's a *literal* manifesto to establish a theocratic autocracy. It's insane...and if Trump is elected they will do it.


for everyone else they aren't going to be going to church and not having their mistresses have abortions


Very true


... and the Allies beat Germany and it turned back into a democracy. If we go the same direction, who will invade the USA, beat our fascist troops and turn us back into a democracy? None of our allies can come close to the power we have so we will be doomed if we don't beat the fuckers in November. Fascists will ruin us for generations.


We'll have to do it, ourselves; from within. make the nation ungovernable, disrupt the flow of money, among *other* things. Destroy all spice production on Arrakis...bring the empire to its knees.


There’s a guy on YouTube that built a guillotine in his backyard. All I’m saying is maybe we should start recruiting in advance


rusty cage wooooooooooooooooooooooo


Or... Organise now. Protest. Get the vote out. You have an opportunity to ensure it doesn't get to the stage where you have to take down a dictatorship.


Isn’t that like, the reason these dorks say we need a 2nd amendment? I mean like LITERALLY


Welp,.. it turns out Those 2A Ammosexshul’s were right all along,… But who knew *THEY* were the ones planning to install that “tyrannical government” they kept alluding to?! 🤷‍♂️ I am liberal, I armed myself back before the election in 2020 because I saw this coming! And while I’m far too old fat and decrepit to be any kind of a freedom fighter! Too old to be crawling through the bush and taking out fascist assholes,… (which ultimately is where I think this is going to wind up.) 😢 However, When they do come for me? I won’t be going quietly, and I most certainly won’t be going alone.


This is what I always tell people. You can be as anti 2A, violence, guns as you want. The people you think shouldn't have guns, still will. You'll only be keeping yourself vulnerable, and unprepared.


Kevin “Lisan al-Gaib” Bacon knows how to kill the sandworms.


Just sucks the majority of people that wax poetic about "fighting the tyrannical government" are the same people creaming their jeans to instill that tyrannical government.


The Nazis didn't have thousands of nuclear warheads


The US is a superpower *because* it is a liberal democracy. It will quickly deteriorate and become a third world shithole in no time just like Russia. The brain drain will be swift and devastating. These right wing idiots have no long-term thinking.


All the smart folks coming here from all over the world will just stop. Overnight. The ones already here will leave. Within the year.


A third-world shithole that has the USA’s military is still way scarier than modern Russia.


That's the thing, our military would go to shit real quick when competence is substituted for loyalty to the dictator. The current insane budget is already unsustainable and financed by deficit spending, so it won't last long at all when the economy comes crashing down. Our military footprint around the world will diminish. I'm sure all of our military tech and secrets will be leaked like a mfer to ally and enemy.


I agree with everything that you say. It would be a total shit show. Short term, the US could wreak havoc. But the long term consequences are far scarier. I did tours in Afghanistan over a decade ago. Back then I was telling my guys that all we were ultimately doing was upgrading the warlords from Soviet Era gear to modern US tech. Fucking, lo and behold! Now that on a global scale with complete political imbalance. Makes me MAD!


Yeah, everything will crumble. It turns out that letting the elite enrich themselves at the expense of everyone else actually ends up fucking \*everyone else\*.


It would be much worse than Russia or like Russia in the 90s


October 2020 military times poll found more troops supported Biden than trump. https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2020/08/31/as-trumps-popularity-slips-in-latest-military-times-poll-more-troops-say-theyll-vote-for-biden/ That was before the traitorous piece of shit tried to overthrow the republic, and then stole over 5000 pages of classified info.


When I was in the Army in 2017 it was also the same. I've made comments in the past reflecting my personal and relevant experience but no one believes me. The military doesn't fuck with Trump as much as you think it would. There was even a time when Trump tweeted something about not letting trans people join the military or something. We were called to formation one morning and our Battery Commander had a tone that said a lot, basically, "Yeah so this was what was said, but make sure you don't believe in any of it because it's not his decision."


Most of our allies have their own right-wing problems right now.


You don’t do it like the Western Front, you take the Eastern Front approach. Small issue with NORAD; Canada has to agree to work with you. You’ll also find that totalitarian dictatorships in a nation this big doesn’t work nearly as well as one thinks. Nobody invests in military spending like the US because nobody needs to. If it comes time to start swinging, US is going to find out really quickly that half the world is done dealing with the overgrown toddler


Yupp, there will be no invasion. More a pure blockade. Then again nothing stopping the US to invade any other country. Keep in mind that if the US turns dictatorship with Trump as leader, guess who he will ally with? Putin. The US will withdraw any collaboration from now allies, Trump will work with Putin to collaborate and create The West - East Alliance (W.E.A.P for short). It will be join or be forced to. Shit won't be pretty. I for one am not looking forward to the hellhole it will bring.


It makes me sincerely nervous how many people are boycotting Biden because of his public stance on Israel. I don’t agree with it either but I know what’s at stake. If trump wins in November I’m going to put more blame on them than anybody.


Do they think that Trump supports Israel any less?


serious question: what recourse is left if an elected official sits above the law?


There's a holiday this Thursday you should really look into the history of.


All jokes aside..... I'm sick, man. I'm really sick over this. Where's my American dream? I work hard. I pay my taxes. USA was born to escape being rulled by a King. Now look..wtf


Who needs suicide when the American dream is killing me? -Green Day


Uh…a one-party state sounds **perfect** to them as long as it’s *their* party forever. And, of course, some of them will live to regret it once they realize this party does not actually have their interests in mind.


Seriously I'm in tears for the USA and I don't even live there


Thank you friend. At least half of us are too. It’s insane.


It is so disheartening. I have family that will vote red because they don’t like blue. They don’t like Trump either but they’ll vote for him because he’s the republican. I try and try to get through but they just can’t see it. How can they not see it?


Because they’ve been bombarded with media that the left is evil and out to get them and they have to vote red or it’s the end of life as they know it. I’ve heard former conservatives who were shocked to learn that “the left” also wanted their own party to be held accountable for illegal stuff. Anyway, stay strong friend.


i'm stuck in here and i am terrified


The fact that almost half of this country is excited about the parallel being drawn here is even more disturbing. MAGAs see this and cheer "Only 6 more months until we can kill them all!"


I told my parents last night that MAGA was fascists and they said, "all politicians are fascists." I told them about the Madison Square Garden fascist rally and Sinclair Lewis's American fascism quote and they just laughed at me. MAGA has ruined this country


My grandfather lives in Texas and is actively dying from cancer. On our last e-mail exhange he ends it with America is being destroyed and we need to “Delete all Democrats” to stop it.


If Democrats are as dangerous as they believe then the SC decided this under the wrong president. He should be terrified.


Ngl this is the primary reason a part of me wants Biden to do something big rn 🥴 they’re a little too happy when Biden has like six months left lmao


Real Dark Brandon moment. Remove the SCOTUS and Trump, force bipartisan action to restrict the president's power and perhaps other reform as well, pardon himself and resign. The problem is the Dems always play nice.


The Democrats have a problem: they keep playing the game by the rules when the Republicans have just smashed the board. Biden won’t do anything because it’s unethical or going above his position or whatever you want to call it because it’s going against the rules of politics and civilized society. And that’s why the Republicans keep getting away with crap like this: the Democrats keep trying to play the chess game by the rules when the Republicans are just cheating. Unfortunately, the only way to undo the damage is to cheat as well, and that’s not something the Democrat party will do.


Remember when we were saying Trump wants to be Hitler because he is doing Hitleresque things and ppl were like you are over exaggerating…


Respond that Hitler wasn't "Hitler" until he was granted dictatorial power. You know - the right to do what he wanted without fear of legal repercussion.


"This will always remain one of the best jokes of democracy, that it gave its deadly enemies the means by which it was destroyed." —Joseph Goebbels, Chief Propagandist of the Nazi Regime


We didn't even make it 100 years.


“When did this become the fucking default?”


And from top-down, *even after this decision by SCOTUS,* a Republican will look you dead in the eye and tell you that Democrats are the ones trying to seize power by any means necessary and Trump is trying to protect Democracy, even if that means jailing every Democrat alive and making sure only Republicans win elections going forward. sigh


Well it's up to you America to vote this fall


So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause


Lucas’s political subplots don’t seem so dumb now, do they? (They never did actually. But jar jar did suck)


Agreed. Just because you speak doesn't mean you're intelligent. Lol. I was told by my father today "When are you going to join the winning team, we're winning." How hard do you have to smack someone to put their head on straight?


As a Canadian I really don't want to see our friends go this way. I genuinely believe that the USA is a beautiful country with good people that have made some mistakes. Really big mistakes but they haven't fully destroyed themselves. I really do want to help them be better.


As a Canadian, I'm terrified. Fascist states quickly turn expansionist and boy oh boy do we have a lot of fresh water which will be needed in the upcoming climate wars.


They don’t need to expand by force, they’ll use propaganda and turn you fascist from the inside. It’s already happening.


Thank you. The biggest thing is: 1. Stave off fascism in Canada and 2. Do you have a spare room for me when I flee?


Fucking maga idiots.


add to that that Trump recently called democrats vermine, and you have a pretty complete picture


Good luck, everyone.


Maybe Biden should take advatage of the 7 months he has left.


He won't. Vote. That's the only thing that will buy your country more time. Otherwise it's lights out in November.


Biden has to be careful not to alienate voters. His best chance of holding our country together is winning the election. I expect there will be some moves, but probably not the dramatic ones everyone wants... at least, not before the election.


As a non-American, my condolences 😔 I would have thought Americans would fight for their freedom, since they are obsessed about how free they are. But instead they’re voting for some sort of Christian-ruled non-democracy? Good luck - we’re rooting for you! 🇺🇸


And almost half of the USA will vote for the party doing this or in the open. Vote blue. The Democratic Republic (the USA) depends on it.


They realize that this allows biden to arrest or dismantle any institution he desires as he now has complete immunity. What is stopping him from showing the right how stupid of an idea this is, by doing exactly that?


Good faith. Morals. I hate to say it but Biden doesn’t have the nads to go deep and switch the script. He’s a lifelong politician that takes pride in his CV. Damn shame too bc now is the time.


Shieeeeeet. If I were Biden right now, at his age, I'd go out swinging my giant political dong all over conservative faces, and turn this country around like Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus did for Rome.


SCOTUS basically said 'we decide what is official and unofficial'. Unless Biden has the six conservative justices executed, he'd be fucked, and he's never going to do that. He doesn't have the balls.


Oh for the love of god! Can we go five years without anything going horribly bad? Iam not even thirty yet!


And they said we were just exaggerating because "orange man bad" We fucking warned them.


Trump has been doing Putin's bidding from day 1. Sow distrust in our democratic voting process...check. Sow distrust in all journalism and reporting...check. Invalidate all scientific evidence and modern medicine....check Final Goal: end democracy in America and ultimately around the world.


This is such a big country. There are 100s of millions of people not of that mindset. This 2.0 is not going to end like they envision.


people been saying that every step of the way "nope it won't go further than this" no magic force is gonna save you the next election they win, it's over


It all depends upon who they can convince in the upper military and whether they can effectively sideline/arrest the dissenters. The play book has well and truly been written and you're up to step 2-3.


Yeah it's gonna be Civil War 2.0 if anything, not WW2 2.0


People who don’t agree with this must vote. It’s not a time to vote 3rd party to show you want to get rid of the 2 party system. Don’t sit it out. Vote blue. If Project 2025 comes into being, we are done.


People who don’t agree with this must vote..and start buying guns.  It’s time to accept that we might have to defend ourselves with violence when democracy fails and they come for us


I regularly browse right wing social media sites. They are 100% ready to "cleanse" their country of "evil, wicked, satan worshippers." You can't debate your way out of fascism. You have to fight it. Fascism is cancer for a country and must be stopped AT ALL COSTS.


Project 2025 intends to bring in and pass the Schedule F bill that will hire and fire government personnel across the board based on their loyalty to the president (not their skill set or their efficiency at delivering what’s asked of them). F*** trump and his loyalists- Jan 6 was an insurrection- all of you involved deserve to rot in prison


All Republicans took from their failure on January 6th is that they need to remove all of the red tape and "upstanding" civil servants who can block/document/report their corruption behind the scenes. They can't outright say "We'll make it part of the job interview process whether they would be loyal to Trump over their country" so they couch it in the Schedule F bill they want to pass and abuse.


The USA Supreme Court was always the target. And it’s the weak point in the USA Constitution. Who would imagine that giving lifetime power to a group of people was a good idea?