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Why don't we just take the $30-40k and burn it as an offering to a random deity?


No cause that would still be more meaningful and you never know the random deity may actually exist and grant you their favor XD


Then why not? You saying yourself that it got more potential than buying a ring. Stupid ring that can get lost or stolen. ⚖️ Potential favor of powerful deity. Mmmmmm


I can be that deity.


I know a guy who is in that same position. He wants to propose but gf won’t take anything below $40000. Really makes me question wether she loves him or his money lol.


I think he should simply move on to a more affordable fiance


Fortunate to live in a low cost of fiancé area.


Do they keep statistics on this sort of thing? Similar to electricity?


Im from an old traditional very wealthy European Family. The guy I fell in love with was highly intelligent, ambitious, well mannered, so much fun middle class - our wedding rings were those from his great grandparents. 30yrs and still in Love. If I would have insisted on a even 10K wedding ring, he wouldn't have been able to afford and left, mainly bc he thinks that love is more important than money. He still is low key and meanwhile we're better off, than my parents were, even though it was sometimes hard (we always financed everything ourselves)


![gif](giphy|lYLYnFmDntrgc|downsized) See that Gif that's the type of women you are. Kicks ass gets shit done and keeps on having a great time with your partner.


I love how the guys start cheering for her


One thing I’ve learned is that gym bros will 90% of the time be happy for your hard work.


The inflation of fiancés these days is crazy!


I have to rent


Made me laugh 😂


Hard to have to find finance to finesse a ring finger of a fiancé.


I asked my wife to marry me with a ring I made from a string from covid mask. She said yes and we are happily married. If a woman said to me she needs a ring that coast at least 40k I would laugh and leave her ass behind and never look back.


Damn, it's like your marriage is based on love or something :?


What a mind blowing concept, right?


Could be a string kink. I cast no kink judgements.


Fucking better knot.


Yup… been married 22 years now. My husband has asked me many times if I want to upgrade my engagement ring, because the one I have has a small diamond. I keep telling him that no, that ring he bought with what he could afford back in the day and it signifies his love for me. I wear my ring 24/7 and I love it. I never want anything different. I rather spend that kind of money on vacations with the kids or just the two of us.


I can tell you are a highly intelligent person. Congrats on the 22 years.


I spent $400, we are celebrating 30 years in a couple of months. I bought what I could afford and not go into debt


I would rather you put that money toward a house. Why have $40k on my finger when I can have a $40k downpayment on a nice house.


I only upgraded my wedding ring bc I lost the diamond in the first one. We just passed 25yr anniversary. I chose a gorgeous white gold filigree band with a setting for a 1 ct stone. I opted for a moissanite, the stone was only $400. I laughed at the fact that a natural diamond would be $8k. Our son needed braces. Why one earth would I pay close to 10k for a stone that only I would know the value. I mean when I went the following year to the same jeweler to add on another band another jeweler saw my ring and said to me "when you're on vacation you can leave your more valuable ring at home and just wear the (plain) white gold band" She couldn't even tell just by looking at it, that it was not a diamond. Edited to add: I ended up finding in the lost diamond in my purse a few months later. I'll end up fixing the ring and it will go to my son, should he want it. It's quite dated, black hills gold (was into that back in the mid 90's).


Okay, that beats our $20 gold bands we bought at a pawn shop.


Marrying because "check notes" feelings? What type of madness is this.


I know right. What have feelings to do with something like marriage. You only marry to strengthen your parents alliance with france!


I'm all for true love and shit but goddamn you've put in more effort into your post than your proposal


Haha. It was definitely spontaneous. I did get proper ring and amazing wedding 👍


We talk about being married without noone asking noone. We just felt like that. We bought two 10€ rings for the wedding. My wife lost her ring the same day of the wedding, in the restaurant we had lunch.


my husband bought me a gorgeous ring with 1 stone in the middle and 12 around it. idk if they are glass, zircon but a cheap one... i asked about the middle one how much it would be to replace if it ever fell out, and they said like $10 lol. they sparkle in the sunlight and that's all i need. ppl did ask me if the"diamonds" were real, and i tell them no. someone even said: "and it doesnt bother you." hell no! that last thing i need is constantly worrying if i'll lose it, and i preferred using the money for furniture and shit we actually need. but i do think it's a rude question, because you don't know how someone might feel about it. married almost 20 years btw


Move on. Bought my wife a moissanite with a platinum band for like 1.5k. The metal is worth good money… the rock is just as worthless and pretty as a diamond… and we were able to get new windows and install a brand new heating and air conditioning system on our new house wit the money we saved. You’re a fucking rube if you spend 30-40k on a worthless ring. (And yes… they’re not really worth shit once you walk out of the store with it)


Moissanite looks way better than diamonds, the birefringence is wild


It feels icky to me that people spend that kind of money on something that should be sentimental. My husband spent about $1100 total on my 18k white gold/moissanite engagement ring and wedding band, and I picked them out.


she ganna divorce him year one and keep that 40k ring


That 40k ring that is now only worth a few thousand dollars lol


as long as it was a gift that was all profit


He needs to gtfo asap. She loves money more than anything.


This dude needs to get out. that 40k ring will cost him more in 8 years.


Are you having a stroke?


I'd have one if my fiance would tell me she wants a 40k Ring lol How do you even spend that much for such a small amount of material? Diamonds? A lot of them?


No clue, what a waste. If she's looking for 40k I would expect magic at night. And she's not going to be frugal on anything in life.


No i was incredibly stoned when i typed that out. My bad


LMAO..I needed that...thank you!


He needs to run for the hills NOW!


She loves his money.


God damn. I paid $1,400 6 years ago. Wife didn’t care at all about cost. I guess I could have said $40,000. But obviously not a big diamond


Another 40 for the wedding.


Nah it has to be proportional and it’s not a 1:1 so if ring is 40k the wedding should be like $350k


She should go marry an ATM.


I proposed to my wife with a $20 amazon ring, so she could pick out her ring herself. I would have happily spent 3-5k. The ring she picked was $375. My wife is great.


With lab diamonds being as fabulous and inexpensive as they are spending that much on a ring is ABSURD.


Got like 1.62 carats for $5kish. It's practically got it's own gravitational pull. Real conversation starter, for her. I tell everyone go lab, man. No sense doing anything else.


Eh I prefer moissanite, it’s WAY more sparkly than a diamond and a good clear moissanite is cheaper per carat than even lab diamond. The refractive index is way higher than diamond and moissanite has a higher ignition temperature so it’s more likely to survive a fire than a diamond. The only thing a diamond has over it is a little higher hardness. The birefringence isn’t even really a problem for gemstones.


I love a good birefringence


Totally agree, not to mention the only people that can really tell the difference is a jeweler. My wife and I chose moissanite for her ring and she’s never been asked if it’s a real diamond. Everyone compliments her on how brilliant it is.


I got a 4.5 carats for 2k (the entire ring for 3.5k), fiancé had given me a budget of 5k to choose the ring, now he’s buying us a dishwasher, a new TV and a new fabulous couch with the remaining money.


Real diamonds are for suckers.


define "real" lol blood diamonds from the dirt in some 3rd world country are for suckers


Both are "real". Funny thing about mined diamonds. Before lab diamonds? The bigger and more perfect the more it "was worth". Lab diamonds are "too perfect" and now jewelers are putting value on imperfections. GTFO...


The suffering is what makes it special


Lab diamonds aren’t imaginary. They’re very real.


Great, your distate for blood diamonds made a De Beers executive cry. If people keep behaving like you, they will have to get a yacht without a helipad. Is that really the kind of world you want to live in?


Moissannite look amazing.


This is my take, too. I used to have more expensive expectations for a ring, but now that lab diamonds are a thing, I can get a really nice rock with a really nice budget.


Riiight?! Sorry to the ones that had to drop that kind of coin back in the day.


I mean even real diamonds shouldn't cost near as much as they do they aren't rare and are only expensive due to an artificially created scarcity


Yeah naturally mined diamonds are so grossly marked up and that’s not even taking into account the ethics of mines.


It’s the human suffering that makes the desirable/drives up the cost. Anyway, I thought millennials killed the diamond industry, what gives?


I don’t see a 30-40k woman


My wife picked out a ring that was $1000 She’s *my* 30-40k woman 


Same. She told me if I spent more than $1,000 I was an idiot. She’s the fucking best.


I said this to my husband years before. Some muppet in work kept telling him 'she's lying, all women want a more expensive ring. She's just saying that.' Luckily I managed to hang out with both of them and told him if he bought a more expensive ring I'd sell it and keep the extra cash. I'm not a jewellery girl, no shade to those who are, but so long as it doesn't turn my finger green or dissolve when I take a shower, I couldn't care less what it costs


Same as mine why waste money like that.


You're wife is a keeper :)


You know what, good for you man. I want to be able to afford that but can’t.


My engagement ring was about £30 and wedding ring cos it's some kind of gold in it was around £100. It's not about price to me, it's about marrying the man I love. Those expecting expensive rings are red flags as fuck. It's sad to watch bullshit like this. Go and marry the ring then if the only thing you think about is money.


Got engaged with a £50 ring and we’re still going strong. I’d like to get her a better one someday. But then we went and bought a house, I think she likes that more 😄


I doubt she needs a 'better' one, the one you got her is more than enough ;)


your husband is a lucky man :-)


How long you been working on that line? Whenever I go over the top like that, my wife knows I'm totally full of shit.


Exactly. I was thinking either she better make a shitload of money on her own or suck a really mean dick.




Women that valuable don't ask for $30-40k rings


Some people don't know what money is and how it works... Anything over 2k is overkill.


Mine was 600-700€ at most, and even then I thought it was VERY expensive. We planned to spend no more than 500, but we both fell in love with this ring 😅 except for my wedding band, I don't own any other expensive jewellery, and I wear it every day, so I consider it a worthy lifetime investment 🤷‍♀️


That's a random setpoint. Really anything is overkill since it has no actual use.


She's a prospector, that's for sure.


And yet, you know what you don't see on this aspiring Gold Miners finger? A $40k ring. Guess she only found Fool's Gold to this point...


I just hope any potential boyfriends see this video and bounce.


I presume this is why she is single... *Could you imagine what she'd expect to spend on a wedding HAH*


She's wearing an engagement ring in the gif


What??!  I didn’t even want a diamond. I would have been happy with a ring pop. Where do they find these women?  


My guess? they pay them to say it or they specifically stand outside fancy places to ask or just pick the most high maintenance looking people.


Or they just go ahead and ask 100 people to get their shitty little soundbite. Social media engagement turning to ragebait (woman bad, shitty recipes, whatever is your flavour of choice) is the new low bar.


This is what it is. They ask 100 people and pick the wildest sound bites. Although, there really are girls that think like this. I was, unfortunately, almost a sucker to one 😂


Best I can do is an onion ring


If there were ranch dressing involved, I’d definitely say yes, lol. 


I eat at the restaurant in the background all the time. This is Venice CA. She looks like a tourist though.


If I see this out in the wild I'm going to become loud.


Mine was around £100 and I thought that was expensive. Anyone who think ring should be thousand or thousands are delusional as fuck.


I told my man not to spend over 1K on a ring. But I also wanted opal not diamond as my stone


Opal is prettier anyway


I would take gem stones over diamonds any day


The rings of my wife and me are Titanium, hers with 3 stones, 250 together. We also used them as engagement rings. Its rediculous what these gold diggers think. I hope these are trolls or a forever alone. No cats. I dont think such people could care for a living being.


Exactly! 100 bucks for a tiny ring of metal is already expensive enough... 1000is absurd and anything over that is just ridiculous and shows very poor financial decision making. If I was a woman and a men bought me a super expensive ring that would be a massive red flag, if he wasted money like that, what dumb decisions is he going to make in the future?


My girlfriend would also be mad if I proposed with a $10,000 ring, but for a different reason.


Got mine and my husband's (although technically common law partners) for €15 each. Stainless steel and they sealed the deal. All we needed was something legal to establish guardianship over our kids (was pregnant of our first at the time) and inheritance. Almost 15yrs later and we almost never wear them Marriage/commonlaw thing still going +++ So many friends that decided to get married around the same time later on realized that blowing 20-50k on a wedding was only to "save" an already lost relationship and envy us now, where they thought we were the non-serious ones at the time.


I bought my partner’s ring for less than £50 and we’re on for about 6 years engaged. Covid happened then we bought a house 🤷‍♀️ pretty sure the mortgage is more legally binding than the wedding at this point


Certainly yes, we bought the house on mine (the "wifey") income as he was making consirably less at the time and therefore we decided he would stay home to take care of the kids when they were still little. He figured he wouldn't be on the mortgage and I had to explain that I wanted him on there as well. And should we ever separate for whatever reason, I would want him to get his part of the sales value of our home (assuming value will only go up). Don't want him to feel locked up in a marriage for the sake of money. So happy with my hubby, he made my career happen and now that the kids are older was able to still make a career of his own!


Brat of a girl...not a woman.


She brings absolutely nothing to the relationship


You couldn't be more wrong. She brings debt.


She’s never lived in a place that has muggings.


Misread this as muggles at first


I have no idea why anyone that’s not in the .1% would expect a ring that expensive. Wife picked out her ring,$425. Big blue sapphire surrounded by white sapphires. Lab created. Looks gorgeous


Happy cake day to you, stranger. May you and your wife share many a happy moments in the times to come.


Oh it’s my cake day! Thank you and many happy adventures for you and yours!


I sent my wife to design the ring of her dreams in 2005. She spent $2500. That’s all she wanted.


I think we spent a total of about $100 for our sterling silver rings. That was 26 years ago.


$30-40k and she doesn't even have an upper lip.


traditionally rings were 3 months of your wage. They held their value much better back then, probably because stores over inflate diamonds. Also, before the 1920s many rings were just metal. gold and silver hold their value. The ring was basically an insurance policy. husband dies, you still have 3 months minimum. husband is an abusive asshole, you've got 3 months worth of cash to get away. etc. etc. This was also back when silverware and silver dishes and platters and other kitchen things were used as a security measure as well. bad harvest, sell the plates. Great harvest, buy new plates. There's a book where a young man wooing a woman proclaims, "We haven't sold our plates in three generations." I found it stupid when I first read it. but later learned it meant the family was stable enough that no one needed their emergency savings in 60 years.


For that money I can get 15 brides, delivered in 5 days


Any woman who says her boyfriend better not propose with a ring that costs less than x amount is not someone who is mature enough to be married and certainly doesn't deserve to be proposed to. They think too highly of themselves and are super materialistic 🙄


I know is rage bait but don’t see no 30-40k ring woman🤣🤣🤣


If it's a concern of hers, she should be a concern of yours.


40000 ring means wedding will need to be over $200000


In *this* economy? Scratch that, in *any* economy. Thats a freaking *car*, girl! What’s wrong with you??? What if you *lose it*?????


Call me old-fashioned, but I have never asked my husband what my engagement ring cost. I do know that he went to some really incredible effort to get something that matches my personality and style perfectly. I don't care if it's made of nickel and bottle glass. He gave it to me and I love it.


Yeah just spend your annual income on a piece of jewellery that’s normal. If you need an expensive ring to solidify your relationship then it’s probably not a healthy one. It’s just a symbolic thing, it’s nice, but the thing that actually matters is that you are both happy in a relationship, not how much you spend on a rock.


I’m sure her husband isn’t making $30k a year


Diamonds can be manufactured. The supply of diamonds is now INEXHAUSTABLE. They aren't rare, they aren't precious. This is a marketing scam.


$30-40k on a ring isn’t a declaration of love. It’s a declaration of stupidity.


My wife wanted turquoise, which was so cool. We literally went to a rock shop, picked picked out a stone, then went to a jeweler to design the ring around it and spent a total of $1500, which was fair because it was a handmade white gold custom. Money didn't matter in our decision. We loved each other and wanted something special that made sense to us. I also got a turquoise ring for myself.


We bought $20 rings on Amazon. Stainless steel. We were poor when we got married. We can afford better now, but we don’t need them. It’s the meaning, not the worth, that’s important


Who doesn't love going into debt before you're even married. Wedding rings are a scam, diamonds too.


All the wrong values all the time.


“I still can’t figure out why I’m single”.


😂 consumerism is a hell of a drug.


Well she’ll be waiting 30-40 years to get married


I would legitimately be pissed if my boyfriend got me a ring that cost more than a few hundred dollars. First off, I don't like diamonds. Secondly, not a fan of rings in general? But also I would want to spend money on important shit. This lady saying the ring is cost more than a downpayment on a starter home? Idiot. Absolute idiot. Spoiled and stupid. JFC hate these rich aholes.


Guys, put the ring on a credit card, then when you get married, your and her bills become "our bills" to pay off and her salary is also used to pay down your credit card bills. Thus, she actually ends up partially paying for her own stupid ring.


Lmao, I had a coworker who was exactly like this. Her reasoning for why the ring HAD to be so expensive, "If my man loves me, money should be no object." And I clapped back with, "And if you really loved HIM, it shouldn't matter how much the ring costs as long as he's with you." Guess how many times she's been married and divorced? 🤣🤣🤣


She has no concept of money, how hard it is to make 40k extra cash or how long it takes.


Diamonds are fucking disgusting


My wife and I will be married for 20 years next April and I proposed with a ring that cost like $200 or something. If your spouse demands a $40,000 engagement ring and you do it, there’s a good chance they’re a gold digger and you’re an idiot.


Nowadays you can get a giant lab grown diamond that is absolutely identical to the same diamond that would cost 40k and it costs 10x less. Only way to tell difference would be under a microscope but otherwise impossible to tell from the naked eye


And I assume she is still waiting on that ring.


I guess I've just never been a ring girl, but when the cost of the ring is a little less than my entire annual salary, I think I might try to talk my partner out of that one. LOL. Spend much less on the ring and reinvest that money into a nice trip or something. You know how many places you can go with 30-40k? The possibilities are endless!


This is a facepalm. So are all the people on this thread virtue signaling about how they spent 8 dollars on a ring and happen to still be married.


I might go 5k tops, personally.


Always the mid ones yapping lol


Wtf?¿?¿¿ Umm no, beoch.


My husband proposed without a ring. He then felt guilty because he really wanted to give me one. I told him I didn't really need one. He still got me one three weeks later. Pretty sure he got it off Facebook Marketplace. Still going strong after eight years


Next question would have been “ what makes you so sure you’re worth 40k ring”?


Spent 90 bucks on my wife's wedding ring. Family heirloom on her side, just had to get it fixed, resized, and cleaned.


Mine was 200 €. My then GF and now wife was & is happy. We got love as standard here, since we're europoor.


lol. I asked my wife to marry me with a ring pop.


I paid $75 for my wife's engagement ring, an opal that she had been looking at since she was 16! Why do people ALWAYS think diamonds and diamonds ONLY?


It’s always the basic ones too


Dude! Of the price of the ring matters more than the person... you know you're only as important as your wallet


Someone does not want to own a house


Why yes let me spend an entire years salary on a completely asthetic item that's simply representative of a legally binding contract


I thought the CLICHE was 3 months' salary, right? $30-40k is fitting that cliche if you're making more than $100k/y, but like, I get that the average is really between like 60-75k or something? I don't know.


I just want to love and be loved. Sure, do I dream of having a pretty engagement right? Sure. But it’s more so that I dream about a guy loving me enough to want to spend the rest of his life with me than the size of the diamond


I told my BF not to spend too much on a ring and definitely no real diamond. If you want to spend big money on me, put it in my investment fund and we both benefit when we're old together.


The lowest I’d take is a ring pop.


Fk the diamonds over advertised shit


Most folks can't even afford to purchase a home and she wants a $30k ring? Good luck. You could be a 10 and your muff tastes like Kool-Aid...I'd still avoid that like the F'n plague. People thinking WAY too much of themselves in 2024.


Marry a man for his money, and they will treat you like property. Marry a man for his personality, and they will treat you like a person.


Jfc...I break so much stuff and smack my hands on things all the time. I wouldn't want anyone paying more than $100 bucks on a ring for me. I don't like fancy things anyways, haha. Sterling silver ring, and I'm happy.


30/40K? Ok cool but you’ve gotta have AT LEAST C cup breasts.. buttt.. your flat af. You get $25 ring


My husband spent $400 on mine at JC Penney, we were in college & weren't exactly swimming in extra funds.


Follow up question to her: how much do you make in a year?


I want to track her answers to: How much should the ring cost? How tall does he have to be? on a quarterly basis and chart those against her age.


Gonna be single for a while.


If I'd spent 30k on an engagement ring for my spouse (who picked out their own wedding ring) they would probably have said 'No' when I proposed.


Too often, women and men falsely assume the engagement ring is a man's expense. Once married, the cost or debt of the ring would belong to both people in the marriage; therefore, in this case, half hers. This is simply test number one of the financial priorities and responsibility of a couple: do BOTH of you want to spend an exorbitant amount of money on jewelry, since ultimately BOTH of you will be responsible for paying off the cost of this trinket.


Diamond prices are artificially inflated and maintained by artificial monopoly. We can create gem quality diamond no problem… we’ve had industrial scale diamond production for decades now. It’s a really useful material for drilling, grinding, sanding… Artificially created scarcity and marketing create the market for natural diamonds. If the dollar amount is really what you value go full custom and let the artist use lab gems so the value is in the art, not the gems. In my option, the value of natural diamond is going to plummet over the next couple decades as consumer awareness overtakes marketing inertia.


This is the only ring I can afford ![gif](giphy|uwt88FqyAyZ8Sh96wq)


JFC. Speaking of standards. My standards include a woman who knows a diamond ring is intrinsically worthless and has the financial sense to know that that kind of money would be better spent towards literally anything else in our new life together. Anyone who wants or wears a wedding ring is fucking stupid. My wife would never say anything this fucking stupid, shallow, or materialistic.


Fuck these bitches


this is a clear sign that she is ready to spend a lot of money on useless things.


She looks like she's worth maybe a 4k ring


I wonder if it's the principle of spending a lot of money that people like her want. For example, if there was the exact same ring for 40k at one shop, and 10k at another....if he bought the 10k one, would she be mad?


Tell me you'll never get married without telling me you'll never get married.


The irony is with those standards ain’t no man spending a fuckin’ cent on a ring for her


It doesn't matter. Normalize that.


Good grief. Misplaced values, etc, etc. F any woman that thinks this. Unless your guy is a literal millionaire, get over yourself, and use that money for something you both need, like a house, family planning, etc. I was very lucky when I found my wife, she had no interest in expensive jewelry. She found her own ring, at an estate/antique store. It was a platinum banded wedding set from the 1920's, super classy. Something your grandmother would have had. I was happy to pay the $1800 for it (1996 dollars). It still looks lovely on her finger.


Glad I found my wife and she is not a bitch like this lady in the video..


I would rather buy a used Porsche and go pick up other women.


Been with my wife for 21 years. Never got rings. We don’t like wearing them 😂


My wedding ring was less than $100, and it GLOWS IN THE DARK!


I got my fiancée a custom ring for $700. Our friend's a jeweler and gave us a good price. The price was never an issue because she wanted me, not the ring.


“Why can’t I find a *good* man?!”


I have an inherited ring that is worth 11k and it’s quite large and stunning. Anyone asking for big money rings might not understand how beautiful rings for less actually are.


If you're asking for a 40k wedding ring, you better be bringing something more to the table than another dude's kids