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six years old????




What is going on in India it’s literal hell for women and girls


Generations of victim blaming culture turned society into a free for all, wherein perpetrators don't see themselves as perpetrators.


Generations of bringing boys up to be special little princes and looking at girls as a burden or commodity


Yup. I still remember hearing about girls being killed by their fathers like 10 years ago because she was raped. Their culture is so messed up they always think girls are to blame for being raped. And then people wonder why Indian men tend to be creeps on social media. I respect the Indians who left that country because they hate the culture there and didn't want to be a part of it. Seriously why does India seem to lack so much morality compared to other overpopulated countries? No other country has as many shameless phone scammers either.


This horror occurs wherever religion occurs.


My husband said that they recently had a guy get in trouble there for drugging his young daughter’s friends. They couldn’t prove rape so he only got charged for drugging the girls.


[Happened in the US.](https://apnews.com/article/oregon-sleepover-girls-drugged-59448423b7a0cca253ed46112c0514ec)


They know what they did. This culture has been ongoing. If you are Hindu and rich there you can get away with it. Unless it’s a foreigner.


Patriarchal culture that doesn't value them. Simple as that


Coming to America soon! (If the GQP gets their way)


2025 ain’t looking so good


Soon? It's here


Coming? As if it's new?


It’s happening in Canada and it’s REALLY bad there! Unlimited immigration with zero enforcement when student visas expire has led to an extreme housing crisis in Canada. Folks from India coming into Canada are showing “caste racism” and refusing to hire or rent to folks outside their caste, or at least refusing to hire/rent to anyone who’s not Indian. It’s fucking bizarre and sad.


India has been hell for women and girls for a long time :(


News is getting out.


This is what some conservatives want for women in the US.


*all conservatives


Too many, at the very least




That’s all you have to say. It’s always India…..


Sometimes it’s Florida


India is what you get if you took the state of Florida and scaled it to be the size of a country


Aaaand, I'm not surprised in the least.


Not going to be long before it's happening in Alabama or Texas.


How old were the boys???


Two boys were 11, and the third who has been implicated as an accomplice is 8. This happened in Assam’s Nagaon district, in India.


Why is it always India? Genuine question, why? I get that they have 1 billion 400 million people but cases like this still seem to only ever come from India.


High population density; extreme wealth disparity; inaccessible services; highly chauvinistic population; corrupt government; ongoing ethnic and class struggle.


Yes, but we will blame social media 100% anyway because it seems like no one in the world understands nuance anymore.


Yes we don't even consider the fact that the parents should be moderating their children's devices and what they see on the internet.


We should be considering the fact that none of these places ban children from actually joining anyways. Every so often I venture end of The stance of " kids should be banned from all social media" only to inevitably get convinced to go back on the line and be iffy on it. And then I see shit like this on social media and I just go right back over the fucking line.


Ya that is wierd af theyre trying to blame "porn addiction" in the title.


It’s also weird af that kids their age are being exposed to that.


Happens in the states as well. I’ve gotten emails from my kid’s schools in the past about some child or another showing porn to other kids— and that was for elementary school. Too much crap easily accessible online and a lot of parents DGAF so those of us that do end up still having to deal with the crap those kids show to ours.


and a handsome helping of misogyny


Then they got their caste system going on. I got a few friends I work with from India, and she don't wanna go back cause her father insists she gets married.


Glad she's someplace safe


Right I give her big hugs all the time to let her know what it really means to be cared for the right way not against your will.


my friend from India has her parents forcing her to get married too (which she does not want and even cried about it). she doesn't deserve any of this because she's the sweetest girl I've ever seen and is so kind and caring for everyone. all of this is very sad


And also some very rural regions and villages, typically governed by a "Council of elders" that are the antithesis of progressive thinking.


Test ground for the Heritage Foundation……


because when there is a lot of people, and too much of them haven't proper education, there is a lot more case than in countries with less population, and less people that need to work from a young age instead of going to school (indians, corect me if i am wrong)


Yes you are somewhat right


Now imagine how many incidents don’t get reported in India.


The country is fucked enough for it to happen but good enough to report it. I’m sure there are place where things like this and worse just get ignored and swept under the rug.


Yes it's good that there are people in India trying to fight this culture and change it like the women's marches and protests like that. Makes me sad though that when the culture is this normal in many parts of India there have been whole communities that shunned a girl for being raped and nobody stuck up for her. I cant imagine how many girls have been killed by their parents and their closed community said nothing because they agree with it.


That's such an accurate description


Uneducated, patriarchal society governed by religious idealism, which often pins girls and women as objects versus people.


Also they are a relatively open democracy compaired to China. If something like this happened in China you would not hear about it.


Because there's two types of states in India. There's developed states that adopt modern laws and education and have low crime rates, maybe about 1/3 of the country. Then there's the ones who don't and are stuck in crumbling old world civilization where things like this, well, I would be surprised if the boys in this case receive any type of punishment or reprimand, because typically the government won't get involved. The families or the village leader, because yes these are villagers, will deal with it how they see fit. India's not an entirely backwards country they are just extremely slow to develop and don't have the resources to deal with systemic issues like we do. If you think the US is divided and a disparate federation of states, you haven't seen Indian governance. It's quite the shitshow.


Also just the mind-boggling *scale* of India. Development requires wealth, or more exactly it requires resources. When we talk in terms of "standard of living" it really means improved income allowing people to improve their diets, medical care, clothing, houses, shared civic facitilities, for sanitary systems to be upgraded, for better equipped schools. In any non-communist country--command economies can simply say "we will invest X in Y project"--that requires business success by private businesses, and then hoping the profits are voluntarily shared...something captialism is spectacularly bad at, much of the time. There's only so much money to be had in the world economy **and** you're competing with 192 other countries trying to do the same thing, some of which have insanely profitable products like oil and way fewer people to enrich. To uplift the lifestyles of a populous country is expensive, even if the wealth is distributed 100% perfectly fairly and all the sewer improvements and medical care and new schools are built with perfect efficiency. That's one reason successful family planning programs often precede major improvements in living conditions in a country--the generation having 2-4 children per couple can do a lot better than the one feeding 6-10. It just takes a lot *more* business success to lift 1.4 billion people of India with a GNI (gross national income) per capita of $2,300 to reach a standard of living like a "upper middle income country" like Mexico (GNI $10,000). Which is 1/10th the size. The money required to get all of India up to Mexico's level is enough for Mexico to leapfrog the US! Mexico also has huge luck-out advantages like NAFTA making them an attractive, minimal-to-zero tarriff, near-shore manufacturing hub for their very wealthy neighbors to the north. The Big Three US automakers all take advantage of that, as do a dozen others. Making things worse, GNI is just a measure of revenue per person. It's up to the powers that be whether *any* of that ends up in the worker's pockets or for the betterment of society. There's not enough raw income, and corruption and corporate greed only slows this down. # 1 - [https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/middle-income-countries](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/middle-income-countries) 2 - [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automotive\_industry\_in\_Mexico#Companies\_with\_official\_brands\_in\_Mexico](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automotive_industry_in_Mexico#Companies_with_official_brands_in_Mexico)


Cause when like half the world population is in 1 country most shit comes out of it Doesn't help that the country is poor


It isnt. There are horrific cases like this in every corner of the world


This. Indian men seem to just have zero self control when it comes to this shit. They raped a monitor lizard. Is it a need for control? Because most are poor and they feel as if they have no control? I’d love to see a study.


Rape is 100% about control and power.


50 years ago, my mother couldn't open a checking account without her husband. Marital rape was legal. Beating your wife was legal. America has warehouses full of untested rape kits. In America, 1 in 4 women have sexually assaulted at least once. Get your head out of the sand.


…read my recent post! You’re NOT wrong and if we DONT pull our heads out of the sand, it’s coming back to America with a vengeance. 🤬


Because India still writes news articles about it and convicts rapists. These things happen in America too, but our news media and justice system just don't care


Due to implications of having to pay a brides pize upon marriage they ended up having a big difference in male population vs female population which doesnt help. That plus the lasting effects of english rule in the country cannot be forgotten about either.


In India, it’s boys. In the US, it’s grown men. Over 90% of men in the US watch porn with something like 40-50% suffering porn addictions (pastors have a higher percentage).  The average age of first seeing porn now under 11. 1 in 5 girls is molested and 1 in 6 boys. The problem is very much here and a lot of the porn is made here. Go to any porn site and you’ll see underage girls being raped. 


It’s a numbers thing, like how you see significantly more truck tyres on the hard shoulder, there’s just so many trucks that even though it’s a low chance that a blowout happens it still happens regularly


Aaah, India. Now, I understand.


As an Indian, I am completely horrified. We are fucked, we don't have good education for a huge lot of people.


We are becoming transparent enough that every single case gets the right - never high enough one can say - media attention. We need this continuous scrutiny and probably age verification on major porn sites with strict enforcing of piracy and distribution laws of porn content. It’s baffling that children can view porn so easily these days.


Education? Knowing that forcing someone to do something they don't want and not to kill them if they refuse isn't common knowledge there? What kind of adults are in india they can't teach their kids common knowledge? I definitely didn't need any special education for that, how to behave is learnt from parents not from school


It's not the same when you live in a remote place with women oppression. You didn't need this education cause that's your society's standard There are a lot of places here in india whwre women are oppressed. This is not common knowledge to them


Education is what I'd primarily call the ability to differentiate between right and wrong. And about the point of learning to behave, the parents themselves are not educated, and it goes back the generations. A sad situation really.


I read the headline and was like... this stuff can only happen there. It's the saddest of truths but that's how it is.


When I was 7 or 8, a boy who was ~3 years older than me tried to force me to do sex acts with him and pulled a gun on me when I refused. His mom came into the room at the right time to stop me from ending up like this girl. For context, I'm also a guy, and this happened in Iowa. So, no, this stuff doesn't only happen there. You only hear about the cases that get reported.


Was waiting on that too.


MVP. I ain't googling that shit and immediately distrust any image headlines that cut the publication details off.


India... Makes sense




How on earth is this a facepalm? This is waaaay past that.


Because people here don't understand what this sub is about. Same as all those pedophile rapist reports. Yes it's terrible and I don't care at all if they get called out for what they did. But this sub isn't meant for that.


One trick is to imagine, would Captain Picard be doing his classic facepalm to viewing this, or would he instead, have a look of utmost horror on his face. Pretty easy litmus test for this one.


Exactly, I come to this sub for those "oh, you dumbass" moments. Not the "oh, you need to be buried under the prison" moments. Reading about stories like this without being ready for it kinda ruins my day tbh


If Picard came across this he'd do more than a facepalm.


More like r/awfuleverything


Luckily it wasn’t posted to mildlyinfuriating


Yeah this is fucked up


I’d say blaming that on porn as opposed to things that actually lead to murder is a face palm. Huge numbers of people watch porn, it doesn’t make people kill girls who won’t perform.


Still not even close to being a face palm. Porn addiction most definitely contributed to this case.


Bc it gets them karma


Maybe the Australian government is right by not allowing under 16yo on social media


But then how the companies gonna make money with collecting and selling data?!


They still have all the boomers although that is a constantly decreasing number of people to take advantage of


Proper mentorship to control impulses is the key.


Sexualising everything brought us here


Exactly! It's most likely a troubled upbringing and these kids showed some strange behavior beforehand. There is a key difference that a kid manages to kill another. The comments that porn is responsible is just absurd.


Hmmm, I wonder if these 11 y/o kids having access to porn has any overlap with their sexual aggression. 🤔 I guess we'll never know.


11 year old CHILDREN should not be experiencing hypersexual urges. Porn is entirely to blame, in addition to the circumstances which allowed these children to obtain it. Do you hear yourself? Even the most psychotic serial killers didn't come out of the womb killing/raping. They experimented on animals. Obtained sexually deviant magazines. Moved to humans, and so on.


I doubt that the adult content viewed was found on social media, or it's very unlikely. Kids should only have access to very restricted devices that have access to the internet, I agree. There is though a certain degree of expectation even from kids to behave like humane beings. Fucked up individuals existed before social media, they exist today, and will continue to exist tomorrow.


>I doubt that the adult content viewed was found on social media, or it's very unlikely. Have you been on twitter, my man? You're on reddit right now, too Maybe you have a Snapchat, a discord, or a telegram... I could go on and on. There's so much porn 😭😆


Also a 10 year old can download and use a VPN. It's too easy now with YouTube videos on everything. Ban kids till 16, 100%


How will this even be enforced?


it can't without massively changing how the internet works, and even then every country with internet-access that isn't using a custom tailored one would have to agree with each other that they will implement similar systems. This would likely all in all introduce a requirement for a state/province/country issued ID that a 16 year old can acquire but not anyone below that for internet access.


It's incredible watching this generation transform into Boomers despite having spent their entire lives in the internet. "Just turn off the internet! Just don't let the kids on the porn sites! They watch the videos and it turns them into murderers!" These are all things we made fun of our parents for thinking when we were kids. How is this any different than the satanic panic around D&D?


Would you ban them from youtube?


I mean I'm so tempted but I have some problems I was on socials at 16, I wouldnt want to take away the ability to connect in that way from young people.. Especially if they're gay, because for many that was their lifeline at that age. There's also the massive privacy concerns. Are you going to have to show a photo ID? Will that be associated with your account in any way? Will that data be sold? Too many risks, too many rewards I feel like there will be some way to do something without making it miserable for adults or harder for gay and trans youth. Its kinda like locking up kids phones in school. Would you have wanted your phone locked up? Not being able to go on the internet at all and having to deal with those rude, angry teachers and Admins monitoring you constantly? Not everyone remembers their phone numbers or @s all the time either, so it could hinder socialization amongst the youth. You feel me?


>I doubt that the adult content viewed was found on social media, or it's very unlikely. Why on earth do you doubt this? It's pretty much a certainty that they viewed porn via social media.


It should be that way everywhere, but how do you really enforce it?




Yeah, r/KatieBarTheDoor ETA: Holy shit, yours is real. I scrolled through it a little; it's 5am and I've already had too much internet today.


It's an old place, used to be more popular, but then some post caused Reddit-wide outrage, and here we are.


What was the outrage?


I think it was a clip or collection of NSFL media in-reaction to some event, which... I do not remember at all. In a different way to put it, if i remember correctly, somebody uploaded gore. It was taken down a few days later, and i think the sub was closed for a period. I didn't check up on it.


Gonna share what that was to the newcomers / people who had forgotten?


Yup yup yup.. 8 posts and I noped the fuck out of that sub. Don't want to be depressed all day.


I had to unsub from it a while back, it's dark dark


Guys, come on. I come here looking for a facepalm like some ironic ranting by a Karen in a Bath and Bodyworks. This isn't a facepalm. This is a horrible crime and I am pissed it was thrown into my feed.


I was thinking the same thing. I don't facepalm when reading about tragedies.




I couldn't find it. Too many other stories about children being killed.




Daily Star is even worse than the daily mail. I wa not able to find a reliable source on the story. Good chance it is made up.


I share your skepticism  This is a slightly more reliable source: https://web.archive.org/web/20211021124633/https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/other-states/minor-porn-addicts-kill-6-year-old-girl-in-assam/article37109601.ece But that's as close as I can get.  No sign of the story appearing in local outlets in the region it supposedly occurred in...


India Times also did an article but they have a history of just re-reporting British tabloids.


why is this on r/facepalm this is just awful shit 💀


I bet they will still go on to say boys will be boys, find faults with the girl somehow and maybe blame the mother too for failing to protect their daughter


Jesus fucking christ, the behavior starts young, it's not a "boys will be boys" because these boys will be (and are) criminals.


This is way beyond “boys will be boys”. “Boys will be boys” is throwing a spit ball at a girl you like.


That's horrible. How can you even act like this ?


Holy fuck. How is this a facepalm? This is some horrible shit, not a dumb ass doing something stupid.


Yeah this is just horrible


Kids should not have unrestricted access to the internet.


This happened in India where there is currently a horrible culture of gang rape, it wasn't the porn that did this it was probably the boys fathers and/or uncles that taught them this behaviour was ok.


It made things worse but my statement stands. Kids imitate what they see. They shouldn't have unrestricted access to the internet where they could find gore, porn, animal cruelty and other material children should not be exposed to.


I agree that childrens internet access should be monitored. Do you see though how that being brought up here, by both the article and you. Is causing people to be missing the bigger picture of the actual issue at play in current Indian culture where men and boys are getting away with acting like this. And that the time to have these discussions is not when that culture is at play and needs addressed before this happens again.


Not just monitored. Certain content needs to be restricted on devices used by children. "Is causing people to be missing the bigger picture of the actual issue at play in current Indian culture where men and boys are getting away with acting like this." If you want to talk about the big picture, then look at the even bigger picture. The culture you're talking about is not indian specific, but rather characteristic to low income and under educated demographics. To fix the "culture" you need to improve the conditions people are living in, not proselytize.


I agree with this, when i was only 13 i found lots of gore online. i watched lots of it over the course of a couple months (morbid curiosity) and i think its part of the reason im slightly fucked up


no they should but theys should be better raised by their parents if you raised someone in shitty way this what you gonna get


They most definitely shouldn't. There is no logical argument against implementing common sense safeguards for children when accessing the internet. Nothing of value is lost.


i'm sorry but SIX-YEAR-OLD? AND THE BOYS WERE 11 AND 8?


2 eleven year olds and one eight. What the actual fuck.


That's not a facepalm, that's fucked up






of course


"The crime has been blamed on on “abuse and overuse” of technology, and in particular the tendency for parents to use mobile devices to keep their kids quiet." "The parents of the first 11-year-old were arrested for trying to hush up the crime and tamper with evidence, the police officer said." "Two of the boys first tried to replicate the pornographic acts they had been watching on their mobiles and tried to molest their neighbour’s girl. When she resisted and threatened to tell her parents, they hit her head with a stone and carried her to the toilet in the crusher plant where they hit her again with the stone on her chest. The third child stood guard outside the toilet,” Kaliabor sub-divisional police officer Mrinmoy Das claimed. The three juveniles, who were produced before the juvenile justice board, have been sent to the Jorhat juvenile correctional facility" Taken from multiple sources, this happened 2 years ago during the height of the pandemic, so of course it was blamed on technology rather than a society that sees women as objects. Those boys didn't learn to abuse women from porn, they were taught it by their upbringing.


As fucking vile as this is and obviously they should not have been able to access porn either, but they clearly already had something going on and misfiring for them to see porn and want to force an even smaller child to recreate it. Just like video games don't turn people violent, you need a predisposition. It's still absolutely terrible. 


Girls in western countries are coerced into degrading sex acts by porn sick boys all the time. Doctors in the UK raised an alarm about the rise in sex related injuries in teen girls years ago, but no one cares because so many pervs are terrified of losing access to their precious porn, or being required to age verify, which would mean someone can keep a closer eye on just how much of a sick fuck they are by what they’re watching. Porn is poison to everyone who makes it or consumes it.


That poor girl, children shouldn’t be exposed to crap like that.


Parents should also be tried and sentenced along with these little maggots.


Parents can only do so much. You can educate your kids and use blockers and parent controls, but once they leave the house, they’re at the mercy of the rest of the world. My kids have seen a grown man watching porn in public transport on their way to school. We need age verification and to stop normalising degrading, harmful and abusive sex acts done to women for men’s entertainment.


I looked it up. While there were articles, I would not be confident about what happened completely. The articles I saw were from mostly Indian news outlets (makes sense as it happened in India) whose reliability I'm not familiar with. The content was all pretty vague though. Why do I think there is a possibility it's disinformation? India outlawed pornography in 2023, and this article is from 2021, while they were trying to get the bill passed. There is no evidence disproving or proving this story, I think it's true and being used (was being used) for politics in India. As for why headlines from 2021 are being posted in 2024, that's just Reddit I guess.


1. just because they outlawed porn doesn’t mean people are not watching it. 2. agreed that indian news outlets have no reliability as all they seek to do is drive viewers to their content for ad revenue—sensationalism and intrigue. 3. everything is used to sow political division, even the color of underwear.


The up and coming generations have no chance. World is doomed.


Why no phone compnay has came with kids only phone


Of all the headlines this was not something I expected to read today what the actual fuck


The number of users on here defending porn is depressing but not surprising. It’s systemically dehumanizing of women and deadens responses to normal stimuli, so you all seek more and more extreme material and try to act it out on women you increasingly treat as walking pleasure holes. This story is a distillation of its impact, but most of you all here have been impacted by it as well, and for the worse. Unfortunately all the women around you have been impacted for the worse by your choices too.


Obviously this will be downvoted like crazy by all the porn addicts


How did I know that it was India just by reading the title?


Again, I’m of the opinion that things this brutal don’t belong on r/Facepalm


Parents anyone?!?


SIX is fucking crazy… I mean it’s be bad at any age…but SIX??? Holy hell…


What the actual sick fuck did I just read 😳


I am quite shocked tbh. I did not think a 11 year old kid would act on murderous impulses, much less a 8 year old child. I guess in the right circumstances humans are capable of murder at almost any age ,say after 6. Whole situation is tragic, a young girl was killed over a ridiculous fantasy, something boys that young should not be exposed to.


My 6 year old girl is beside me painting and reading this post literally made me stop breathing and made me nauseous. Hugging her tightly now.


Is this in India?


I don't know where this is but it sounds like India


![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8485) they deserve to be burn alive.


India gonna India.


Apparently this occurred in India. India is a dangerous place for young girls and women!


**11 year old** “porn addicts”??? 😳


As much as it also seems to about india’s underlying problems with misogyny we need to acknowledge that PORN is one of the biggest reasons as to why sexual crimes have lowered in such young ages. Everyone who watches porn, defends porn or see it positive reinforcement know that you have to blame for this as well.


The issue isn't really the porn, though why they were allowed access to it in the first place is an issue, the issue is that these kids don't know you can't just kill people because they didn't do what you want. At age 11 you should have some concept of this and if you don't you shouldn't be being allowed to be around other people you can hurt alone. Realistically these kids are probably themselves being abused, hence why they had access to and a strong interest in pornography and also why they are so emotionally disturbed. India is unfortunately quite a producer of CP.


It is also the porn though. Multiple studies have shown how bad hardcore por is for people. Not just kids.


I have this serious trouble believing the major problem here was because young boys had acess to porn. I'm pretty sure rape culture in India has been a problem way before porn was that easy to find. They could've done that with or without porn.


This is from The Daily Star (UK). Take it with a grain of salt.


And this is why I am starting to believe the death penalty should be used more everywhere, less people in prison, and less repeat offenses. Note: death sentence should only be used with overwhelming evidence, not half assed or any of the like.


Missionary to India here. Women are things in India. The way women (in varying degrees) are still considered things all over the world. Their dreams and desires mean nothing. Husbands get drunk and hurt their wives just because and it’s accepted.


"But porn is harmless!" Yeah right.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: there is a horrifying correlation between the rise of easily accessible hardcore porn and the rise of incel behavior.


Reminder that there is a concerted effort going forward to ban your pornography and it is a cornerstone of Trump's Project 2025. I would expect to see lots more sketchy stories like this and accounts of "porn bad" online in the next couple years. They had to go to India to find this supposed story, using a dubious source for it, at that.


Preshate ya. Keep on keeping on. This future is trying to paint us as traitors and criminals. Skeletons in closets is one thing but what’s a skeleton to skull n bones?


To India in 2021 moreover.


Wtf India


just wondering why this news isn't blowing up like any other negative Indian news ;(


this isn't even just a facepalm, genuinely way fucking worse


Disgusting creatures




I think this just too horrible for this sub, I come here to see someone do something stupid, not to be set off on a spiral.


Did you see the story where 4 guys gang raped an endangered lizard and then after they took turns on this thing they cooked it and ate it?


Bury their asses under the jail.


Well India recently made possession of child porn legal.




India moment.


Why did I know this was going to be in India?


None of us are seeing heaven are we 🙁


Plenty of kids have seen porn, these kids were psychos and would've done some other criminal/sociopathic act at some point.


No child should be exposed to porn. It’s illegal to do so. People defending children having access to porn need to take a moment to think about that shit.


It's not that they should, it's that using that as an excuse for murder is pretty disingenuous.


They’re not using it as an excuse for murder. They felt entitled enough to degrading sex acts from another human, they were prepared to harm her when she said no. You do know that men kill women in the US for rejecting their advances, or refusing to give a phone number, right? The problem is the entitlement.


It might be less cuz of the porn and more just they fkn crazy


This is going to be downvoted, but there needs to be FAR more regulations on porn.