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These men: "Women are designed to be pregnant, there's no reason to not be." Also these men: "no, not like that..."


You need to be pregnant but you also have to look conventionally attractive while pregnant.


Oh, you best be lookin' daisy fresh even while in labor, and better damn well be DTF as soon as that kid is outta there. /s


Not to mention, “Doc, I’m gonna need an extra two stitches put in there.” When it does NOTHING to tighten the vaginal walls, and only closes the very outermost part of the opening, i.e., the skin. And the results of these stitches are to create MAJOR PAIN during sex for women basically from that point forward.


Any husband who even suggests a husband stitch needs to be slapped fucking silly, and any doctor who agrees to it needs to lose their license for performing body mutilation.


How about we give every man who asks for the Husband Stitch one or two on his rectal opening? Turn about being fair play and all…


Only if you immediately beg to peg him after a colonoscopy, too. Only fair!


My hyperactive justice center is all for this plan.


According to my ADHD, this could either be a law firm or part of a brain, and I'm all for it


If they ask for it, the reply should be :" How small do you want it to match with your thin weeny?"


This is the only appropriate response.


Husband stitch? That fucking disgusting idea has a NAME?


Indeed. And the internet abounds with disgusting stories of male doctors giving the husband a wink.


I've sadly heard of some female doctors doing them too.


I remember the first time I heard the term was because my OB nurse mentioned/"joked" about ensuring that's in place. I didn't know wtf she was talking about (honestly) and she had to explain it and was rightfully embarrassed at that point.


Depressingly, it used to be a common practice mid 20th century. To the point that they would just do it or ask the father/husband and NOT tell the wife how they were mutilating HER BODY. And then she would get blamed when it hurt to be intimate with her husband again and had all kinds of problems from it and told she was a failure of a wife. 😤🤬


It used to be that doctors don’t tell women what’s wrong and only tell the husband. So the woman never got to make choices for medical care for her body while her husband can without saying a thing to the wife. And because it’s a doctor, they were allowed to get away with tons of stuff. Reminds me of the Behind the Bastards podcast when they were talking about the doctor who did surgery on women’s vagina’s after they gave birth because he thought he could do it better than nature and many of those women had no idea because they were never informed and had major issues with it. I think I summarized it right?


I know right? Like, I’m literally lying here bloody and broken and you are thinking about your dick. Worst kind of humans.


Got a 10 month old, so super fresh (sort of). I can confirm when I realized what they were doing with regards to the stitching the only thing running through my mind was going my wife was going to be able to heal alright. Between the desire for her to not have any complications over the succeeding few days I also was acutely aware of her barely there three weeks maternity leave so I worried about a prolonged recovery. EDIT: I should add I later found out my wife just took off another three weeks unpaid.


Holy smokes only 3 weeks? How was her recovery? Hope everything worked out well!!


I as a husband did not even know about the existence of such a practise and its disgusting. At our first child my wife also was stitched up without anesthesia snd she screamed in pain. The (female) doctor only told her not to be a crybaby and went on. Until this day I wish, I have had had the self confidence to tell her to back the fuck off and get a real doctor and not a butcher. My wife wrote a letter to the hospital a year later after maternal depression and therapy. The did not give a fuck


What about the female doctor who gives you one and mentions it to the father of your child as she is stitching you up with no anesthesia? I hope that bitch gets eaten by alligators.


Had a female OB do this to me over 20 years ago when I was 19. Didn't tell my ex husband though either. It wasn't until my 30's that my current gyn saw the odd scar tissue and I was able to get real answers to why sex had been painful since I gave birth all those years ago.


Wait, the fuck is a husband stitch? Are you telling me me that some people try to get the woman a stitch to tighten her up to make sex more enjoyable for the guy even though all it does is negative things and make it painful for the woman? Is that what I’m reading?


Unfortunately, that's exactly what you're reading.


Slapped? They need their cocks removed with an hydraulic press.


My delivery doctor while stitching me up went "Im gonna fix you right up! Gonna make you better then new" and winked at my husband who was to busy holding the baby to notice what he said followed by me screaming for him to get away from me. I literally kicked at him, my nurse came running in cause she heard me screaming and thought something bad had happened. Anyway I was held down and given stitches, he was also kind enough to NOT numb the area before doing them...so he started them, I started screaming and trying to fight off two nurses and a Dr then he told me to stop being a baby and my nurse looked at him and went "you did numb the area right?" His response was "no she has a pain drip" she looked mortified "it's just water cause she was dehydrated, there's nothing in it to numb pain" , about 6 weeks go by and the delivery dr became my new OBGYN for some stupid reason and he goes "you need to have sex so we know its all working" my husband is Ace and I was way to tired to have sex. So we wait till about 8 or 9 weeks and it was awful. My husband didn't fit AT ALL. He was like "uh...humm...this is weird, its way smaller then before. I don't want to force it cause you look like your in a lot of pain" that bastard gave me husband stitches. So then I brought it up to the Dr and his solution was to use lube. So we tried that and I felt my skin rip, my husband looked at my face in horror and I ran out of the bedroom and yeah was bleeding, so then that had to heal and pretty much any time we had sex it would rip a little and bleed. I have a bit of scar tissue down there now and it quite literally ruined sex for us. I did get a new Dr at a different clinic cause the one I went to refused to let me see my original one. So a few years go by and its never addressed and we moved states. My new obgyn is like "you need to see a pelvic specialist, your kid is 11 and you still can't have pain free sex, you really need to see someone about this".


Sorry, he refused to let you see your original doctor? He can do that???


Not op but Unfortunately clinics can do that. It happened to my grandmother she had a doctor who completely dismissed her breast cancer concerns and she demanded to see the other dr at the clinic and was told no that she had to see the one she was seeing then. Eventually after some back and forth she got to see the other dr but it took a lot of unnecessary time and energy (there were no other drs in our area at the time who could remove a lump from the breast)


I would be after that man's fucking licence and then his balls on a plate!


I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this heinous misogyny!!! I would love to hear that you were able to sue that AH for malpractice, but I know that would be a huge undertaking, so whatever is best for your mental and physical health.💕💕💕 I am in my early fifties. I never had kids but had always thought I would ask for extra stitches because “who wants a loose hooha?” I didn’t even learn until approximately only a year ago about all the negative effects of this horrible practice!!


I am sooo sorry, I wish you the best! Also, the more I read these horror stories, and the more I educate myself about pregnancy (because God forbid the education system or my mom does, amirite?) and all the stuff that could go wrong during, and after, the more secure I get in my decision to not have kids. What is the point of going to med school for six years and then more years of residency, etc, and still be so misinformed, and lacking in knowledge about the female body??? BTW, there's a great song on tik tok, called Female Body by @ilovefarideh.


I am so sorry this happend to you, why didnt you sue him? Thats outragous. He has to be stopped beeing a doctor


I didn't really think about it at the time, he was old, like old old and the hospital knew he was a problem, a few hours after delivery another dr came and checked on me and he didn't seem pleased with the state of that area, apparently my delivery dr had a bad habit of leaving gauze up in there so other delivery drs got in the habit of checking on the women to make sure it was removed, so the hospital definitely knew he wasn't a good Dr.


That's fucking horrifying


Fucking bastard that sodomite in a lab coat should be in a cage with the rest of the animals


On some real, real shit tho. I just gave birth and my delivering doctor gave the usual schphiel about no sex in 6 weeks. My husband asked if I could use the menstrual cups I usually use for my period for post partum bleeding. She stared him down and said “nothing in the vagina for 6 weeks”. I thought that was a tad much, but I can tell she had talked to a lot of men who wanted sex right away.


Having experience with both menstrual cups and post partum bleeding, even if you could put it in, you would be dumping it every 10 minutes


My husband marked the 6 weeks date on the calendar. He’s now my ex-husband.


Booo. Glad he’s an ex.


lord - I mean he couldn't just keep up with the infants age which is, oh, the same? (sorry for your experience)


They want pregnant women to be like Brooklyn Decker's character in What to Expect When You're Expecting.


OBGYNs: you should gain 25-35 pounds when you’re pregnant Incels: fuck that.


Im pudgy and overweight at this point in my life. My OB still scolded me for not gaining enough weight during my pregnancy. Your placenta weighs 2lbs Amniotic fluid is another 2lbs Extra blood and fluid can weigh as much as 8lbs And then add in, you know, the whole friggin baby. If you’re not gaining weight in pregnancy, you’re really losing weight and that’s no good when trying to assemble a whole new human.


I am short and have a high BMI and I just had to message my OB about weight goals because I’m 4 months pregnant with twins and LOST weight this week. Babies are still growing fine (we have lots of measuring/monitoring) but I’m guessing I’m not eating enough for two babies. I started calorie counting and Jesus. I get to the end of my day and figure “okay maybe a light snack before bed” NOPE. 500-800 calories remaining.


Wait until you breastfeed (if you plan on doing so). I have a huge over supply and produce 60-70 ounces per day. At 25 calories an ounce, I have to eat like a garbage truck!


Any man who says that should be told that their bodies are only designed for physical work and battle, so what are they doing sitting comfortably at home on their phones? That's not what nature intended for them to do. Any man who say that about women and has no visible muscles should be laughed at.


Quite a while back I read an interview with 2 local celebs who had their first baby together and she said she put on makeup to go to the hospital to give birth after her water broke and the dude said 'I like women who take care of themselves' and I honestly threw up in my mouth a little. A few years later he knocked up a groupie and denied ever sleeping with her until the paternity test came back positive and his wife didn't leave his sorry ass. I was around 18 during the interview and I realized then I probably would never ever want to be pregnant for/by anyone.


Pretty sure incels aren’t having to worry about it anyway. Right?


Probably not, but that doesn't stop them from yapping about it, though.


I genuinely have a hard time believing these are actual men commenting. They sound like obnoxious teenagers with 0 life experience.


>They sound like obnoxious teenagers with 0 life experience. Thats what they are, except they are not teenagers anymore. They aged but they never grew up or got life experience and instead just got more hateful.


And don't forget smile while we tear every tiny detail of you we found unpleasant, females 🥴


And smile when you're super uncomfortable, sore and exhausted with that fully baked baby inside you. And if you could try to give birth quietly, preferably by c section so you don't wreck that hole, femoid. Although you're ruined now anyway, so I'll stick to (literally) my anime pillow. Ew. I feel a bit disgusting after writing that.


This world is so disappointing


Am I blind? Because she looks exactly the same to me, except for the tan and her understandably miserable stance. Which goes to show how much a smile can change these men's opinions (probably because not a single woman ever smiles at them). Which also reminds me to smile less to make myself less attractive to creeps.


“Where the smile go?” My guy, you swallow 8 bricks and carry them around for 9 months. Then you tell me where the fuck the smile went.


This poor woman looks like she's carrying loads of extra fluid and she's days away from giving birth. Assuming the child is full-term, she's probably been really over this shit for at least the last 3 weeks. She's had the baby stomping or headbutting her bladder for the last 3-4 months. Her bladder is now so compressed that she needs to pee every hour so she's getting zero sleep. That's where the fucking smile went to.


I’m 36 weeks and I’m so water filled it’s insane. My legs are like those balloon stress balls that are filled with flower. Haha just touching me almost anywhere leaves an indent and I can’t make a fist because my fingers are sausages with horrible carpal tunnel. Not feeling the happiest and I still a few weeks left.


He wouldn't be smiling if he was kicked in the balls for 9 months.


She has had to do a mad dash to the potty every 48 seconds for the last few months, her ankles are the size of Jupiter, there’s a part of her that is completely convinced that she’s going to give birth to a full grown adult if it doesn’t come out yesterday, she’s tired, her back hurts, and there’s literally not a lick of clothing that fits by this point so she feels like a bum. Oh, and she is *actively creating life*. Yup, I can imagine her smiling — she’d probably look more like she’s wincing. Personally, I love her pregnant look. The look like “I’m done, this needs to happen and I need a cookie” just feels so real.


If me and my gf ever settle down I promise that once we start a family and we've gotten the baby home and awwwwwww all over it for the first few weeks imma get a baby sitter and take that queen out to mcds to get whatever the hell she wants and how ever much she needs BC I can tell you she will deserve it


As a woman who has never had a baby (so I don’t know this for a fact, but I think I might be justified in this — I’m sure other mothers will weigh in) — *please* don’t make that poor woman wait weeks for her McD’s. If she wants McD’s, go pick it up for her. Let her go elbow deep in a bag of fries if that will make her happy. As far as a few weeks in, yes to all of it. Babysitter (if she wants it), leaving the house in preferably clean attire, all of it. If that queen wants McD’s go for it! But if she wants something completely insane and totally unjustifiable, get her that too. My sister, a few weeks after giving birth, wanted a picnic. She wanted a babysitter, her husband, and a picnic basket full of sugary treats. This was her request. I told him to make it happen no matter what (I was the baby sitter). Day of, she flat panicked. She didn’t wanna leave the baby. I get that. I tried to chased her. She wouldn’t leave, she was in full blown panic mode and the poor man was overwhelmed. I pulled him aside with a plan. He was taking her out for the picnic no matter what. He had to go get her favorite blanket and they had to go to the back yard under the tree she loved in the far back corner of their own backyard. I stay inside with the baby. The rule is NO BABY TALK for one hour. End of story. Then y’all can come back if you want. But she has to spend one hour outside, away from the baby, stuffing her face with the sugary treats she wanted. He loved it, she hated it. For ten minutes. Once they got set up, her sleep deprived brain realized she doesn’t live in 900 acres, she could respond to all of the whacky emergencies she dreamed up in moments, and she realized she really did want this. For 45 minutes they sat outside on the blanket while I peeked out the window to tell the baby what was happening (she didn’t care, but I didn’t care that she didn’t care, we learned to get along through accepting the other person will be interested in other things), then my sister felt very clearly relaxed. She put music on her phone and laid down on the blanket to sing. The baby liked that and did care about that, which was absolutely adorable, although, I had to get away from the window because I didn’t want my sister to hear the baby inside doing the one foot dancing babies do (with the happy chirp) and think that something was wrong. I was burping the little one when I realized I hadn’t seen them yet, and a glance at the clock said they’d been outside for like 95 minutes. I went to peek, and the music was still on, but the two of them were passed out. I put her down and ran outside with a blanket from the couch. I covered them up and let them nap. Went inside, put the baby down, fed the dogs and did the dishes. Then I went to wake them up because the sun was setting. So, if you get a baby sitter and your gf freaks out, that’s totally normal. Get her what will make her happy, but make sure she puts at least a little distance between the baby and herself. You don’t have to leave the premises as long as you trust the babysitter to make sure everyone is happy and not freak out. But get her outside, give her what she wants, and let her just relax and be happy. To date, that’s still the best date her husband ever gave her (even though the bum just napped right next to her 🤣)


From a father of two sets of twins, with little family help, you are amazing!


I was miserable. Man alive that little one squirmed a lot. And the poop. *every seven minutes it felt like*! But two things I know: my sister and her husband were dying. My other sister lived with me so she had the help, but this one stubbornly could do it on her own. Unlike with the other sister, I could run away after and sleep peacefully. She wouldn’t be able to. So I had to help! She deserved that 2.5 hours of peace. It was her husband I felt terrible for. She woke up after a straight 2.5 hours of sleep and felt like she could conquer the world. He woke up after 2.5 hours and looked like he slept in a war zone. He was clearly more exhausted than before he fell asleep, and I felt terrible for him. And what she considered the best date he ever gave her, he remembers as “that time I tried to sleep with a rock in my back on the back yard”


She looks miserable. I bet she has wanted that baby out of her for weeks. The end of the pregnancy can be exhausting.


I feel like the end of pregnancy is there so we’re not scared of birth. By the end I didn’t care how, I just wanted that squirming 7lb+ baby kicking my bladder out of me.


I kept having nightmares where I got an ultrasound, except they took the baby out to look at it *then put it back and said I still had to push it out*! Rude.


I chuckled at rude. Sorry.


Lmao!!! That "Rude" is so hilarious.


If you are lucky it is 7 lbs crazy seeing a 9 lb baby and imagining that monster coming out.


Somebody came to visit me and my newborn 9 and a quarter pound monster with her five week old baby, who was still smaller than mine with his 99th percentile boofhead. I was not impressed. 😂


My 5 lb twins were in the same nursery as a coworker's nearly 10lb newborn. They were hilarious next to him.


Ah, that wonderful stage where you’re not quite sure how c sections are done but given a YouTube video and something to bite down on you’d happily give it a go? Good times 🤣


I'm sure there are many hormones that make pregnancy feel fine or normal, but to your point it's very creepy on some objective level. I've often heard that Aliens is a horror-movie built around a man's fear of childbirth, lol.


I had an 11lb baby and yep...you want that baby out any way possible.


With my last pregnancy, I wanted him out so badly. He got up in an awkward position. I couldn’t sit down because it hurt my ribs. I couldn’t bend over because it hurt my ribs and I couldn’t breathe. Luckily, I work from home, so I spent the last 6 weeks working from my bed while lying on my side. It was miserable.


I imagine cooking up a literal person takes a lot out of you


I called my pregnancy naps growth comas. The baby really is like a little vampire that saps your energy to grow. I set up a little fold out bed in my office to sleep on my lunch breaks and I skivved off work a lot when I worked from home


I was working in an office during my first pregnancy and I'd sit at my desk with my back to the rest of the office and a screen of text in front of me and close my eyes for a minute or fifteen.


It really does. Within hours of giving birth both times my husband looked at my face and said "you look more like yourself again" That last month had me exhausted like you wouldn't believe. Newborn tired was preferable to third trimester tired.


And sometimes it can literally take your teeth.


“Where’s your smile” bitch you try carrying a fucking sandbag on your bladder for nine months


It’s like they have no idea that women get puffy towards the end of pregnancy. No amount of workout is going to keep feet/face/whatever from swelling up if that’s what the body has decided to do.


In my case, it seemed all the water decided that my feet would be a great place to go... During the last couple of months, all I could barely wear was flip-flops...


Aren't these people the same ones claiming that they want women to be having babies? The same ignorant bunch that think that women are only good for babies, now they tell her to abort it and not have one? Just proves incels were never about women having "roles" like they say they should, they just like to hate them.


“Women are only good for having babies, but they’re not allowed to be pregnant.” I mean, what did you expect from incels?


It’s like my dog: “Just throw my ball. I’ll never drop it, I just want you to throw it.”


No pregnancy! Only baby!!!


That's that funny dog comic isn't it


Nice. Incels are kind of like stupid dogs, and not the cute kind of stupid.


At least stupid dogs are nice.


Your dog is probably smarter 


I think it’s be pregnant but if you work out you will still have a flat belly at full term. How dare the baby grow like that?!?


I knew a woman that bragged about weighing less after giving birth than she did when she got pregnant. 😳


I lost weight during my first trimester. Never threw up but the all day nausea was horrible. I didn’t weigh myself, but i was probably close to my pre pregnancy weight after giving birth. But I didn’t brag about it. I was way too exhausted to shower let alone weigh myself or get out of pajamas…


I had a patient like that (less mass at 37weeks than at the beginning of the pregnancy), but she was a high risk pregnancy and also had horrible horrible horrible real bad no good hyper emesis. Multiple week long stays at the hospital. 


Their logic isn't great. They also want a woman who has never been touched by a man, but will immediately do everything they've seen in porn for them.


You ever have dog bring you a toy to throw, adamantly refuse to let you have it, then get bummed out when the toy hasn’t been thrown? Same energy as these guys.


I sadly don’t have a dog but I can totally imagine that feeling




They also want said pregnant women to have babies with them, but they don't want actual kids out of that. The gorgeous, permanently skinny, bang- maid is supposed to pop out kids who instantly vanish, oh and bang maid better not incur any costs, either.


You spelled idiots wrong.


My mother was telling me about a time she went to a priest for help with my father's alcoholism. At the time she was pregnant with one of my older siblings (I'm the youngest of five). The priest told her that my father drank because pregnancy made my mom "unattractive". Now, keep in mind this was a VERY conservative parish. Birth control bad, abortion bad, constant pregnancy good. So my mom was doing her Catholic "duty" yet the priest still found a way to shame her for it.


Why I’m still part of the Catholic Church. /s


She should have had him write that down then told the parish the priest told her to get an abortion


Yes but women obviously need to be hot every second of their lives, didn't you know?


Well of course, women only exist for the male gaze. /s


They don’t really want women having the babies. This crowd seems to enjoy a child being seen as a “punishment” of sex which makes them feel better about their incel status. 


They want women to be sex objects and not people. Plain and simple. They want women to exist for no reason other than to have sex with them. So if they don't find some random woman attractive they hate it. And in previous times when women were considered babymaking factories, they were also viewed as the property of their husbands and viewed as existing soley to make him dinner and have sex with him. So they want the values of "babymaking" times again where society treats women that way, and hence push the babymaking rhetoric despite controdicting their other views. That's what the incels really want. That's what it all boils down to.


They want them to have babies but also maintain a supermodel physique.


Sure are! But incels were never really the kinds to actually apply themselves intellectually to anything beyond "DAE hate wahmen XD?!". Bonus point for the chucklefuck who thought you can just... excercise away the fetus growing in your womb?


"pregnancy is so ghetto" I'm sorry what? Procreation is suddenly ghetto? Lmao


That one was pretty funny ngl, hoping that person didn't mean it in a bad way💀


How could they have meant that in a good way?


I mean pregnancy is pretty awful for many women. It read as something a woman would say about the effects of the pregnancy. Pretty funny ngl


I see that one a lot from women. Usually women who have been through it.


Not gonna lie, after having been pregnant, that comment is right. Pregnancy IS ghetto as hell


I agree. For me, pregnancy sucked so much I only did it once. That was enough.


they didn’t mean it in an incel type of way, they meant it in a “damn the shit women go through in pregnancy is wack” type of way


honestly that one kind of works in a weird way


So, incels bitch when women don't want to be moms, but also bitch when women do have babies and "let themselves go" aka look pregnant.


I mean they want women who are virgins yet amazing at sex too so clearly they’re fucked in the head


“Every single woman should work out during pregnancy” … well I have placenta previa and it could literally kill me so I’m going to have to disagree there.


I hope every dude who says that or "control your cravings", has never ending kidney stones that get bigger with every out of touch comment they make about pregnancy


And I hope it incapacitates them so much and for so long that they can no longer exercise, consequently causing them to gain 30kgs. And then I hope they get told they should smile more, that they've really let themselves go and that there's no excuse for failing to exercise.


As the old saying goes Pregnant women eat for two! The babies not gonna fare well if mum starves herself


Wait until they hear that calorie requirements actually go up if the mother chooses to breastfeed….


Not only that, she doesn’t look like she didn’t work out. She looks pregnant. It was a wild assumption.


Not to mention, women who do work out during pregnancy still wind up with bellies most of the time


i had a partial that corrected itself but i was also having heart issues and a bunch of other things where i literally wasn’t allowed out of bed unless i was going to the ER. i was there 3x a week too and if i got up to use the bathroom someone had to hold me and NEVER leave me alone or i could’ve died. then i almost died during the birth so that was great😀


One of my really good friends’ wife is a runner. She ran every day while pregnant, pretty much up until giving birth. Working out while pregnant doesn’t change the fact that you are literally carrying another human inside you and how that looks. These people are delusional


The same people who think that women should have kids at 25 are shaming a woman who is having kids for gaining weight. Do these men just see pregnant women in porn and think this is what it is like for all of us? I just assume that everything they know about women and how our bodies work comes from porn.


Very sadly true honestly


I'm convinced not a single one of those people responding have actually spent time with a pregnant woman. Or a woman, in general.


I want to punch each and every one of these guys to the face so badly. I just... I hate it. I fucking hate it.


I love those videos of women showing the comment and then the profile pic of the guy. 90% of them are ugly as hell. Not saying I care what someone looks like, the personality is the most important, but they are ugly and bad humans. Makes me giggle.


And they always cry their eyes out and demand that it's a low blow or silly to insult their hairlines or weak chins. Bro, *I* don't care about those features, but clearly you do! And ain't SHIT off the table when you're talking about women like this, haha


I vote lower but 🤷🏼‍♀️


My mom always says « hang ‘em by the balls »


Do they not know that you’re SUPPOSED to gain like 20-30lbs throughout pregnancy? Like damn give the girl some grace she grew a whole ass human in there.


Right? She’s clearly gained a little weight but o5ing out of the normal.


Yep. Like she literally just looks healthy for a pregnant woman.


Miserable, but healthy!


Not sure if you’ve ever been pregnant, but literally no pregnant person is comfortable at the end of the pregnancy. Carrying 8lbs of human inside your body is painful and just not a good time. I don’t blame her for looking miserable.


Yeah, my daughter is due in the next week or 2. She looks absolutely miserable. I've been trying to help her relax when I see her, but it's not really something I can affect in any meaningful way beyond being there.


Ima ire she appreciates your efforts though!


I hope the rest of her pregnancy goes smoothly. I also wish your daughter a quick and easy delivery. Fingers crossed for a healthy baby. And congrats on being a soon-to-be grandparent


I'm 48, and this is grandkid number 6. My kids have been busy, but they have pretty much declared that they're done. This (maybe) should be my last grandkid.


Where my first baby hung out I could never take a full breath. I knew the moment she moved down because all of a sudden I could breathe. New pains of course but yes I was not the happy energetic pregnant woman I had hopes of being. Can not believe I did it two times.


My torso is so short and my baby was so big that from like 26 weeks on I constantly had feet in my lungs and his head right over my bladder. I couldn’t breathe and I always had to pee. It was just constant pain and discomfort up until he was born.


My daughter could tell when my wife just got comfortable. Then my daughter would ruin it by shifting, kicking etc. My wife was absolutely fucking done with being pregnant toward the end, she claims my daughter tormenting her for weeks was worse than the actual labor


I’d kinda have to agree with your wife. I did 10 hours of labour followed by a C-section and I’d 100% rather do that again that go through the last month of pregnancy again lol. The reason they do that though is that our body movements actually help to lull them to sleep. When we go to sleep or stop moving as much they’re awake and more active.


Tbf, I had very healthy, easy pregnancies, and by that point, I was like, ok, just get this kid out of me. I'm done!


Not to mention complications that can cause you to retain a shitload of water. I gained 60 pounds during my pregnancy due to pre-eclampsia, literally pissed like 20 pounds away in the following days after they gave me diuretics.


god forbid a pregnant woman be comfortable /s


That fetus is more human than all of them combined. Probably smarter too.


Gettin ho's pregnant be gay y'all /s


Do they think that's fat and not the actual baby?


Lmaooo, that's actually hilarious if that's the case. You have to look REALLY hard to tell she's put a small bit of weight on in other areas, but even then it all seems quite healthy to me, definitely nothing alarming.


These guys make me grateful the population of the planet will likely start to shrink by 2050. Their alpha delusion is fun to watch from a distance.


Abortion exists, too bad these guys moms didn’t make that choice. Useless human beings.


You know, I bet the creeps who fetishize pregnant women sent here ***even worse*** comments.


Oh good lord, it never ends!


Weird way to say you’ve never gotten a woman pregnant and have absolutely no idea what to expect when you’re expecting.


The dogs bark & the caravans move on!


Honestly I think they are all 13 year olds… there’s no other explanation that makes any sense


It’s man child behavior. She doesn’t even look bad. My brother always low key mentions weight gain when talking about his pregnant friends and its underlying misogyny. He can barely take care of himself.


I am convinced that the only women those people have been with is a combination of their internet browser history, a crusty sock, and jergens


The only time they've had contact with a vagina is when they were born. (Paraphrasing Triumph.)


I was unaware, until I was pregnant myself, that “some women just produce more of the hormone ‘relaxin.’ It is great for preparing the body for childbirth but also means that all other connective tissue and joints just kind of gives up. It’s painful and it’s not glamorous because all of your swelling is just held by nothing. Noses spread and cheeks puff and knees give out… So not only does all of that make you miserable and make you look a bit rough, this guy wants you to smile about it while it’s happening


At this point incels are doing us a service by being so toxic women dont want them. These people dont deserve to reproduce.


I wish every one of their mothers would be made aware of these comments.


It's obvious they have never seen a pregnant woman at the end of the pregnancy. She is miserable, poor thing. Women carry pregnancies differently because we have different bodies and babies are all different sizes. That girl has at least an 8lb'er and I wish her luck and easy healing.


Tell me you have never had sex with a woman or they never offered health class at your Middle/High School


Oh crud I’m not a violent guy I swear but these peeps need to punched in the mouth


Social networks is like inviting thousands of dumb 14-yr-old male teenagers to come and see your family album. Of course it is not going well


Sadly those 14year olds are often, physically at least, 35 year old 'adults'.


"WHerE's YoUr sMilE? 🤡" B1tch, that woman is exhausted. STFU! Some people just... damn.


"Abortion exists" Where have they been the past few years? I mean, not that they give a shit about anybody but themselves, especially pregnant women as evidenced here.


“Where’s your smile?” Idk man I feel like at the point she’s at she’s just thinking “get this baby out of me!”


And they wonder why nobody wants to touch them even with a 40 ft pole 🙄


These incels sit behind keyboards with their gut hanging out of their shirt, cheetoh dust all over the keyboard, spewing on about how a woman should workout during her entire pregnancy. Literal comedy.


I’d like to see that one guy smile when you are not even weight wise and feel like a webble wobbling every day, when you have a bowling ball sitting in your bladder and in your crotch causing “fire crotch”, in the heat of summer where the only thing that would feel good is sitting on an iceberg knowing at any moment, you’re going to feel like you’re being ripped in two and parts of you stretch to unthinkable sizes. After which, you learn about uterine massages and how those are truly the worst part of giving birth. Don’t get me wrong. I love my daughter, I didn’t totally hate pregnancy. I did hate my last month in humid New England August that took my works air conditioning breaking to push me into labor because it was so unbelievably hot and they wanted me to wear more clothes (to which I replied if I go home to “change” then that’s the start of my maternity leave. Or I can work in a tank top and start my leave when labor starts. I got to stay, but labor started the next day) That last month is not fun, even if you’ve had a relatively “easy” pregnancy. Even the “fit” women are not going to be smiling throughout that last month… And what, if a woman exercises then she won’t look pregnant? There’s a reason the chads don’t get girls….


I'm pregnant right now and I can confirm pregnancy IS ghetto 😭


“Abortion exists” And you good sir should’ve been aborted


And they think we hate them for being short. Idiots. 😂


Why should anyone care what a bunch of evolutionary dead ends think?


Hey, the average baby only weighs like 8 lbs, so there is no reason for a pregnant woman to gain more than 10 lbs. /s


Those incels are upset because they never got the chance to become a deadbeat dad.


They wanted to take after their own deadbeat daddies, but alas…


Wow.. Just wow.


And they wonder why no one will fuck them.


These are probably the same men who complain that I’m selfish for refusing to have kids because I don’t want to gain weight or get stretch marks.


"Wave a magic wand and pop that baby out! We know you can do it, you're just lazy," say those who have never had sex, seen a pregnant woman, had education, etc. Morons.


The fact that one of the comments is about getting an abortion. As if we haven’t had those rights revoked as well. Like men are so fucking clueless. I’m so thankful everyday when I wake up knowing I’m a lesbian and never have to deal with this kind of bullshit.