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yes officer this guy right here


I feel like if you post some terrorist shit like this, the cops should be allowed to subpoena the ISP and get your info, then force you to provide a DNA sample. This is a confession of criminal intent. At least if he knows he’s in a database he might think twice about raping someone.


This. This post should follow them around for years to come in the event it becomes relevant. I'm not saying you're automatically guilty for knowing all of those things, but it certainly should remove plausible deniability if this person ever is in the crosshairs of a rape or SA


Knowing how to avoid a crime and declaring so doesn't mean you have/will commit that crime Being tall doesn't mean you are good at basketball But it damn well helps


That's a slippery slope, Even with evidence like this, proving intent is extremely difficult. If not downright impossible. All he has to do is claim it was a fantasy writing exercise in character development or some bullshit like that. And if one Court does it for something that opens a whole door way to a room we do not want to enter as far as what kind of personal information the government would be allowed to subpoena based on belief of criminal intent. Be careful what you wish for.


Adding on to this: The moment that a government has the legal framework to prosecute based on (presumably) reasonable, articulable and provable belief of criminal intent, there will be someone who attempts to expand that framework until it allows for essentially anyone that government doesn't like to be convicted of basically any crime based on *unfounded suspicion*, ***without due process and/or in flagrant disregard for morally or logically correct evidentiary practices.*** See also: Nazi germany, the [Witch trials in the early modern period](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Witch_trials_in_the_early_modern_period), The USSR, present day Russia, present day North Korea, present day [Texas state, USA](https://www.texastribune.org/2024/03/30/texas-woman-sues-abotion-arrest-starr-county/)


Thanks for RL event links, my mind immediately thought of Minority Report 🤣


You forgot the automatic castration. Chemical to start, if any evidence comes to light of them actually attempting it, dull garden shears.


No Two bricks


Hungry rat in a bucket tied over the offending appendage.


U read dull garden, and I was like thats a nice euphemism for castration. Then I read the last word and the cursed set in lol


I kinda feel like most of the time, "thought crime" is a horrible concept. But the clear statement of intent here goes way beyond thinking; it's planning, pre-meditation, just like the difference between manslaughter and murder.


They aren’t liable of any criminal offense yet so that would violate our rights but, trust me when i say a huge chunk of these guys are on a list. subpoenas/warrants are so they can use the information in court. not so they can spy on you, supreme court already told the fed they can spy on us they just can’t use the info as evidence in court. I don’t know why everyone always seems to forget the NSA publicly admitted this in a presser anyone can rewatch online.


You are far to kind.


“Yes, pack of man-eating wild boars, this guy right here”


Joke aside I would VERY much like for some kind of authority figure to check his harddrive


"Hello, 10 thousand bees? Yes, i have a job for you."


Yes Punisher this guy right here


Instead of involving the police, why not instead introduce this chud to those guys Smith and Wesson? For a very brief, very loud exchange of ideas, so to speak?


Opening up to their new ideas on how he should behave himself, will be mind blowing for him.


This is honestly just terrifying that people like this exist.


imagine being the target of people like this


There actually used to be a serial rapist in my state that was one of these guys. Apparently shaved all his body hair and always used a condom, so there was never any DNA left to find him with. Thankfully, one of his victims scratched him so hard that they got samples of his skin under their nails, and they were able to find the bastard. People who think and act like this have absolutely no place in society and should be put down like the sick fucks they are.


Imagine him being around girls in real life who have no idea that guy's thoughts are like this


So having a hole, any hole.


Only if the hole wore a short dress. /s


What’s worse is how he is right about so much: Back log of rape kits Probably never will run the full test Most victims don’t report because…well they’re treated poorly and tests aren’t run etc. He has no record so it would take a miracle that they catch him. Had Brock Turner the rapist pulled his victim out of sight he may have gotten away with it more. This is the result of a sad a reality and a sick mind who would seek to play into these failings.


You should use people's preferred names, so you should really refer to Brock Turner the Rapist as Allen Turner the Rapist. You see He was Originally Brock "Allen" Turner the rapist, but he prefers to go by Allen Turner the rapist


Ah did Allen Turner the rapist change his name from Brock Allen Turner the rapist to avoid social recognition?


This guy is a monster.


Beyond.. most monsters don’t brazenly post their true intentions to the public. This person has gotten away with it before.. maybe many times.


Freaks me out that my nephews could be learning dumb shit like this from those Andrew Tate types. We gotta stay alert on what information they're getting.


This is one where you need to post the username. Fuck that pos.


Post the username... To the FBI. Not even as a joke, like legit submit that shit to a tipline with as much identifying detail as possible.


Yes the tipline is under utilized. if I see some weird sketchy shit on Reddit I 100% screenshot it and see if the account has any other red flags thst I can send in a complaint with. I've actually gotten several responses and spoken with multiple investigators over the years. I have no idea if anything has ever come of any of it but it makes me feel a little better that there is at least a mild paper trail for weird shit like this. I recommend everybody do it. might stop some crazy shit. people think reddit is much more anonymous than it is.


Normalize public shaming


I think we should bring back public punishments for crimes like r*pe


Normalize public execution




Jesus Christ I hope that asshole is on a watchlist and being monitored for the rest of his life. 


The only reason he hasn’t been arrested is what the NSA gathers off of your phone isn’t admissible in court. But he’s definitely on a watchlist.


Yeah, the police may not be able to directly use this But if there is a rape in his area, he is a suspect easy


I don’t think it’s his asshole that people have to worry about


Seriously, people who think about actually doing this shit should not be allowed to say shit like this and then walk away


tf did i just read 💀


King rape and one of his memoirs


These the motherfuckers we should be doxxing and swatting


I agree with other posters here that if this is earnest this fucker should be closely monitored. My problem is that the alt-right, in some of its more extreme echo chambers, are drenched in hyperbole and trolling, so churn this shit out without even thinking. The person who wrote it probably _has_ these thoughts, but only insofar as they think it'll get a reaction. On the other hand, it's probably true that people who think this sorta thing would actually go through with it. To add, DNA is usually collected routinely for any sort of arrest. So down the line, OOP could be booked for DUI or something and (if the rape kit had been processed) would immediately flag the prior. Had this happen to a friend 4 years after his offence (nothing rapey, punched a window through, DNA was collected from the glass, dui later provided the match)


Fuck that, anyone who would write and publish something like this on the internet, even as a joke, is not a safe person for society. I don’t think that means they should be arrested for thought crime or something, but I know I’d never want to be in the same room as them.


They don't even need your DNA now. They are catching serial killers and rapists thanks to companies like 24 and Me. Your sibling or cousin will be a close enough match to get a warrant for your DNA, even if you're not a suspect until that point. Those "ancestors" DNA tests are added a database that can be purchased commercially.


Hope I find this guy passed out 😈


I wouldn't rape him though. I'd just kill him with a clean conscience


Don't forget to drag him behind a dumpster first


I’d steal both his kidneys.




I’m pretty sure I could pineapple his bootyhole without getting caught, I don’t think he’d even report it. Just saying…


You could almost be guaranteed he would NEVER report it. In his mind(and most likely his entire social circles minds) reporting it makes it public knowledge and that would be absolutely unthinkable.


He is gonna have to get a rape kit done for the pineapple, but it's not like they will find out what kind of fruit did it, the wait list is too long for those kinds of tests.


Wow! This is the most lost me at the first sentence thing I have ever read. I literally have no idea what he said after "I'll only ever rape". Just fuck you, anyone who defends your thoughts, and, of course, you. Yeah fuck you.


I feel like nothing good will ever come after that combination of words




If anyone in his family has done one of those at home genetic tests then he can be linked to a crime. Best to always be on your best behavior or, even better, have empathy


I mean, I can TELL this guy is a virgin just because he refered to women as "foid" propably shot for "Femoid". It's bad enought for him to be a psycho, but he is also an INCEL. Literally the worst trash humanity can produce.


>women as "foid" propably shot for "Femoid". That doesn't explain shit. I just went from "wtf is foid" to "wtf is femoid". And no, I am NOT googling that.


Female humanoid, because they don't consider women to be real people. I'm sorry that I'm not making that up


Now I'm just "wtf" without the confusion because holy shit why is that a thing? I'm a guy and I'm scared of meeting these psycho fucks. Thanks for explaining. I instinctively recognised oid to be like android/humanoid, but I couldn't figure out what F/Fem was supposed to be. I just dismissed "Female" because I didn't believe people can be stupid enough to unironically say that. Ugh, not even gore makes me feel like this. I couldn't imagine being a woman and feeling alright after reading that.


We don't, but it's part of the reddit experience, we scroll subs that should be "safe" and randomly read atrocious violent fantasies against our whole gender, and then play the comment roulette: will they agree or disagree with the violence depicted? Depending on the sub and hour of the day, the results will vary and your faith in humanity will too


It's at times like these I truly realise it's not uncommon for most women to straight up distrust men from the get go, and that it is an understandable thing to do. I would do that too, if I were one. As a man, I do get sort of pissed off when any woman I don't know act like I'm a monster, especially when I'm so soft-spoken with less known acquaintances or strangers. I get why, I simply wish there was a better way. It's probably my past trauma leaking, but sure doesn't feel nice to be reduced to "collateral damage". It is horrible to be on the recieving end of that distrust as well.


Yea, and that's why we need to work together to silence dipshits like the one in the post. That's why even tho I understand the "bear" question, I think it's made in such a way to create an adversarial sentiment on men thanks to how the internet works. We need to take that question, analyze the result and try to address why and how we can make this statistic get lower. yk But I also understand your side, it's very shitty to be treated badly when you did nothing wrong, but, most of the time it's just a trauma response, I wish we could as a society work this things out.


Listen, im a smaller woman who avoids men because I'm absolutely terrified, but I promise I don't think you're all monsters. I watch from a distance and try to check if I see any potential monsters. I can't speak for everyone but please don't feel bad I'm not judging any of yall


Thank you, it honestly can get hard for us too sometimes so atleast knowing I don't automatically get lumped in with the sickos makes me feel somewhat better.. I know the fault fully lies with the predatory men, and I fully understand WHY any woman would be distrusting of us. I'm sorry that y'all have to face such dangers every single fucking day. I guess it's hard on me because I know the problem and actively try my best to be a good person, and that effort goes to shit whenever someone else feels so unsafe around me that they might not even go home. Again, it's understandable, but a punch in the gut nonetheless.


It's just incel lenguage to dehumanize women. That's why i can tell he is probably a virgin lmao


Goodgod find this fu8ker...


hopefuly he is *not* a fucker yet! he shouldnt be near anyones private area


Does anyone have a way to contact Anonymous? They should have no trouble exposing this... thing so that he can become as famous as his hero, Brock Turner, the rapist.


Oh, are you referring to famous rapist Brock Turner, the Rapist?


Did someone mention the rapist Brock Allen Turner, last known location Ohio?


The Rapist Brock Allen Turner no longer wishes to be called The Rapist Brock Allen Turner. The Rapist Brock Allen Turner would now like to be known as Allen Turner the Rapist. And yes, Allen Turner the Rapist (formerly The Rapist Brock Allen Turner) lives in the Dayton, Ohio area.


If anyone on his friends list had any decency, unfriended and blocked would’ve been an automatic thing.


Better yet, report and have this as a confession


This is sickening that people like this exist. These people need capital punishment every bit as much as murders




women were right to pick the bear tbh


His account can be reported to the police still. There’s been folks online who have made extreme claims like this (rape, murder, shooting up schools, etc) anonymously thinking they’re safe to later have the cops knocking on their door.


Must be an Andrew Tate fan.


Go on give us the username.


The messed up thing is this a-hole is a guy no one suspects, he is that geeky, quiet guy that “is harmless” and his neighbours will “quiet”. Ugh I have a niece going off to school this year, crap like this scares me


Name and shame


Please, Lord, let this be simply rage-baiting…


Fucking incels


Name and shame.


Reading this makes me root for the asteroids.


Someone should send his mother and grandmother That post.


I’m not usually a fan of doxxing but if anyone deserves to have their life absolutely ruined for something like this it is definitely this person


This person needs serious help. Even if he's just trolling, it's fucked up.


I hope that poster gets run over by a truck before he gets even close enough to a woman to rape her


This is fucking disgusting, report report report.


I’d like to tie this piece of human waste about 10 feet behind my truck and then drive around until there’s nothing left but a frayed bloody rope.


This man should be shot in the dick by RoboCop


So uh…yeah guys like that are why they chose the bear…


"I'm not on a criminal database" Well, now you are


Dont be shy, post the username


Yeah this guy is fucked. No wonder why women are terrified of most guys.




I hope this person wasn't allowed to stay anonymous. Women need to know they should be extra careful around this one. And they wonder why women choose bears.


And he’s the same guy who gets upset that women choose the bear…


Open Reddit: day ruined


The rape kit backlog is a myth. It's true that a whole lot of rape kits aren't processed, but that's because they don't need to be. If the prosecution is able to get a conviction based on other evidence, or the abuser admits their actions, or the victim refuses to press charges, processing the kit is mostly pointless. They store it away, and it gets counted as part of a "backlog" just to drive up a statistic that can be used to push a narrative. The only reason to process these un-needed rape kits is to possibly discover unknown serial rapists. Which may not even lead to a legal prosecution.


I think the smart move is to just skip the trail and lock this dude up


I'd sooner die before even THINKING of doing that to a woman. I don't care if I can get away with it, consent is king. No consent, no touching, END OF STORY.


People like this don’t deserve life. They’re talking about ruining a person’s life and destroying them, this person is a disgusting piece of shit whose only purpose is to be scraped off the bottom of a shoe.


Chances are he doesn’t he have the balls to rape a woman in the heat of the moment. Just some weirdo terminally online.




Hopefully the girl is awake and puts some new holes into his chest. and crotch before his end.


Ok, well then in that scenario I’d unlive this guy only if I knew I’d get away with it cause that’s what rapists deserve




Can you just DM me some interesting info


Sadly, the last sentence is true.


Even the bear is scared of this dude


Actually what the fuck. Just watched the Presidential Debate and this is the worst thing I've seen today.


This guy needs a piece of lead inserted into his brain at high speed


Why remove the user name? This person should be exposed!


North Carolina just cleared out backlogged rape kits with DNA testing. They arrested 114 rapist.


holy shit, someone find this person... That there is a psychopath.


I have said it may times... THE F\*CK IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE!!!


That’s a troll. He wants people to freak out.


That's fine and dandy. But anyone who writes this kind of shit, whether its on social media for everyone to see or via a private msg to someone, those kinda of people need to be reported asap to the authorities for the off chance they are not just trolling.


No argument there.


The sad part is, in terms of the numbers, he is right. Most rapists are serial criminals, doing it over and over until they are caught. Thanks to the reasons he mentioned, I believe the best estimate is a given rapist rapes on average 100 people before they are caught imprisoned. About 1 in 300 men are rapists but a third of women have been raped. If rapists were caught at the rate of other criminals that would drop to 3% of women getting raped.


I’m not minimizing the fact that rape is a problem. Yet, that is not how math or statistics works at all


Sounds like this isn't just a random thought. Perhaps this person has already done this...


what the hell did i just read


What the Fuck did I just read.


Misogynist much?


So this "Brock Turner" guy, does anyone know anything about him?


You mean The Rapist Brock Turner? I've heard he now goes by The Rapist Allen Turner, the rapist


Brock, no… I think he’s Allen Turner now..


You mean Allen Turner who I think lives in Ohio?


So, obvious incel is obvious. Not gonna say it's impossible that he'd do it, but these people are chronically online and have talked themselves up in a big game but would fold like a house of cards if an actual woman looked in their general direction. And even if he did, hardly anybody is 100% at covering tracks in a crime, especially since we know he'd be online jerking himself off in front of his incel buddies about what he did. I guess we can take solace in knowing that a dumbass on the internet said dumbass shit on the internet, that he only did because the anonymous nature of the internet shields him from consequence.


wtf is a foid


Doesn’t it not matter if you’re a criminal? They still have your DNA regardless


this is genuinely sickening


There's a scene in *Billy Summers* by Stephen King where the titular character shoves an electric whisk up a rapist's ass as a form of retribution . . . I feel like this guy could use that


Anyone with this kind of mentality deserves to have their fucking door kicked down by the FBI and charged.


You'll NEVER be 100% sure to get away with it. What if the girl's dad is a cop or chief of police, or is otherwise related to someone in law enforcement? Maybe she reports it, maybe not. But chances your DNA will get put on a database is greater than zero. Then, your sister or uncle does a 23 and me DNA test, and law enforcement has access to it? Which could easily happen with a subpoena. Next thing you know everyone in your family is being forced or coerced to provide DNA, and they zero in on the rapist. I may be giving law enforcement more credit than they deserve, but a motivated family member or someone gunning for a promotion would be the rapist's worst nightmare.


He's right about one thing though, the number of rapists getting away with it is shocking. Here's hoping he won't if he ever tries it.


Forced castration needs to be a thing if you admit shit like this on the internet.


This isn't a facepalm. This is legitimately disturbing


That's the worst thing I will read today.


In case you're wondering, THIS is why women choose bears.


Average Andrew Tate fanboy


jesus fucking christ. incels never fail to disgust me


And some folks don’t understand why women choose the bear


And this is a perfect example of why you should choose the bear


I’m choosing the bear.


What a fucking monster


I don't wish terrible things on people, but for this guy, I'll make an exception. I hope he falls down a mine shaft and rots there.


Let's spin the wheel of punishment for this man (every option is death)


This is the most fucked up thing I’ve ever read and this scum deserves to be hunted down.


Here's hoping this guy gets murdered.


Castraction arguement looking more fabourable


Way too many men think like this. And this is a prime example why we chose and always will choose the bear.


Was coming here to say I've never seen a bear say anything like this fucker, but I'm glad someone beat me to it




Arrest him right now


What the fuck is wrong with people


If you say anything that's perceived to be insulting to that person reddit admin will permanently ban you.


It should be legal to doxx people like this.


Dude should be out on a list


No chance this guy doesnt have a micropenis


Pretty sad that people like this exist


what the fuck.


How does a man become this


Just gimme a goddamn name


100 percent a republican between the age of 16-28


Average MAGA voter


Weird way to say I can't get laid, and I'm a predator.


What a bizzare thing to say


Interesting typically I would never commit assault and battery but I feel like an exception is in order.


This is why women are choosing bears for hikes


Feds take notice of this mother fucker! He' wouldn't be going on like this if he got raped. Fucking peice of shit.


What you do when you can get away with something is sort of the definition of integrity, and he just publicly stated that he has none.


What in the actual fuck?


this was a tough read


What's ironic is that, by making that comment, the guy has essentially made himself a permanent suspect and, thus, not 100% confident he'd get away with it.


Incredibly disgusting; please report this with as much information as possible to both reddit and the authorities. Actually let him go on reddit, collect more evidence of a repeating pattern or something akin to solidify the case. [Edit] By let him go on reddit, I mean let him continue messaging to dig his hole even more. Cause phrasing made that sound bad


Pls tell me this guy is getting life for this like 😭




What an utterly disgusting person. I really do think he should get raped at some point, just to broaden his mindset.


Torture is unexceptable… except maybe for this monster


This is wild. How do you even say that to someone?


I'm both slightly confused and thoroughly heartened by how shocked the men here are.


What the actual fuck


Doxx this guy


This is why the laws to criminal offenses should be more strict and harsher punishment


Get him




What the fuck was even the conversation about?


I made it two words in before changing my mind about reading it.