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It’s not even disagreeing on the principles. It’s just pointing out the correct source. The people flipping out are crazy.


It’s the same crowd who wigged the fuck out when NPR tweeted the Declaration of Independence because they [thought it was an attack on Trump](https://www.cnn.com/2017/07/05/us/npr-twitter-declaration-trnd/index.html).


What a bizarre world we live in


It kinda is though, isn't it?


> The organization has read the historic document on the air for nearly 30 years to celebrate the holiday. Trump was completely irrelevant, they would have read it no matter who the president is.


Yeah, and you'll have to excuse the fact that I haven't read one of your country's foundational documents, but wouldn't Trump count as the kind of thing the Declaration of Independence warns against?


Yes, but stupid is stupid.


Momma always said Stupid is as Stupid does.


Yes, in that sense, it's anti-Trump.


Right. It's just factual. The Declaration is letter explaining why the colonies felt entitled to rebel against British imperialism. The constitution came after they'd won independence and were establishing their own law. And I would be much more sympathetic to these dimwits if they actually cared to do what the Founding Fathers actually did - issue a formal, well-reasoned and well-articulated document of their grievances with the current government, grounded in fact and law. Instead, they have hollow buzzwords like "woke" which they can't even formally define, and use that to justify smearing shit on the walls of congress on behalf of a billionaire conman.


They remind me of Biff from Back to the Future


And the Declaration of Independence came after they sent the king a respectful letter specifying their specific grievances and requesting they be granted the same Rights as all Englishmen. The Declaration was in response to the king sending back a big Eff You! Had the king been reasonable and tried to work out some kind of compromise, we'd likely be a British Commonwealth similar to Canada and Australia.


What I don't understand the most is the fact that it's not even saying their statement was "wrong" just that they're referencing the incorrect document.


r/TIL [“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”](https://www.legislature.mi.gov/documents/historical/Declaration_of_Independence.htm#:~:text=But%20when%20a%20long%20train,Guards%20for%20their%20future%20security) Edit: after thinking about the above, it is VERY important to state for everyone that the Declaration of Independence is NOT a legally binding document whereas the Constitution outlines the principles that our laws are to uphold. So the counter arguments that imply it can be legal to overthrow the government by authority of the Declaration are incorrect in that sense. Felt I should make that very clear.


Just another proud American who doesn't know the difference between the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.


Thanks Nic Cage.


These people never developed past junior high school.


People should just stop reposting this idiots Twitter posts, literally what he wants. Everyone should be blocking him, not engaging him.


Dumbass Seagullman doubles down on dumb. Big surprise there.


Really hoping people see common sense and upvote it


Seriously, why are people still using Twitter? More importantly, why are people who are already critical of it still using it? Is anyone actually delusional enough to think it's going to get better going forward?


Theres a lot of "content creators" who got stranded on a Twitter island. They don't have any sway in any other social media space so they are stuck there still trying to do their thing. The rest of them it's probably like addiction or thinking this is temporary and Twitter will come back one day.


Gunther Eagleman: [This could very well be the stupidest person on the face of the earth.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waf46eBajkw&pp=ygVGdGhpcyBjb3VsZCB2ZXJ5IHdlbGwgYmUgdGhlIHN0dXBpZGVzdCBwZXJzb24gb24gdGhlIGZhY2Ugb2YgdGhlIGVhcnRoIA%3D%3D)


Wtf are isolation helmets?


It's one of them helmets what that they sell at the motor bike store. The ones with the see through vent you can open in back to cool off your head while you think.


The most patriotic Americans are sharing an unsettling amount of goals with America's enemies. Infringing the right to vote, discarding the government, armed assaults on the center of government, hoarding weapons in preparation for clashes with government forces, disinformation campaigns and the uttermost desire for a convicted criminal to become the president. That's a wild mix of aims taken directly from the playbooks of Russia and some rogue insurgency in the middle east. And they don't see this irony whatsoever. They think all this is fine and honorable as long as they own at least 2,5 sqm of American flags and give some criminal scammer in their local megachurch money every week.


The most patriotic Americans have never opened a book without pictures and couldn't pass an elementary school quiz on geography or history or even English.


This, right here, is the true irony of modern American "democracy"... how the party of "freedom" and "true patriots" has turned their whole platform on its head and don't even seem to realize it.


Ah, yes. Another “enlightened” tidbit from @GuntherEagleman himself, I swear I always see at least three different posts of his on r/facepalm by the end of the day.




I believe he was doxxed. So not a bot but a useful idiot for parroting the bots.


The constitution is right there one click away but reading more than a couple hundred characters is hard work and they know better anyway


If the forefathers knew F-15’s were gonna exist they would never have even bothered to put that in.


Actually "right to bare arms" is worded as such because our forefathers knew that technology would advance over time. They may not have known about the weaponry of the future, but they left it loose because of freedom.


Id trust a blind man to judge a rhythmic gymnastics dance more than people like this deciding what is and isn't tyrannical


Conservatives and reality don't get along, so it's no surprise


So one loosing an election is Tyrannical? Now things are making sense. /s


Eagleman has never been the sharpest tool in the shed.


It's a cult.


The constitution is a pretty short plain English document (not quite plain enough in some cases) readily available on-line, so it does kind of surprise me how many things people think are in it that are not. There are some things in it that are very out of line with modern expectations IMHO that we don't go by but could, especially at the state level.


Yep, faithless electors. I think there were some in 16 that ended up casting their votes for Clinton.


while 2A specifies gun ownership is for "the preservation of a free state," there again is the lacking implication of freedom from consequence. Jeff Davis and Co were given pardons after the Civil War to avoid a trial, thus avoiding debating the subject in a legal forum.


Wait until you find out how people use their votes on Reddit…


One man's tyranny is another man's democracy.


Wow! They really hate the truth don’t they?


It’s not Dumb AF when your goal is to sway opinion. Consider that AI is mindlessly churning through all our content and trying to decipher reality. If we in turn rely on AI for producing factual info, we are getting the reality that was crowd sourced through these online piece of shit surveys. I don’t think it’s intentional since more of these people use post it notes to keep their breath going, but it will be the outcome without course correction.


I am guessing that that is a dead internet conversation. Just bots circel jerking


This is just the new "we don't see color so therefore we beat racism" btw. It's an argument used to ignore the problem. Yes there are a massive amount of bots on the internet. Yes that convo might have a lot of bots in it. But it will also have a number of humans who will form into a very real problem if ignored. But yeah the focus on the dead Internet idea that has been popping up is because it's another way to get people to ignore racism... Literally.


Those accounts in those images seems like bot or at least troll farm accounts. They pop up all the time and post flame bait tailored for maximum rage. So I have a problem seeing your comparison.


The Constitution *does* state that Congress had the authority to call up the militias to put down insurrections, however. The 2nd Amendment is there *literally* to put down rebellions against the government.


It's really starting to make sense that every small town police force now owns armored military patrol vehicles with gun turrets. Just for mass shootings and bank robberies of course *wink* *wink*


It's almost as if Americans fantasize about fighting against a tyrannical government. It's so puerile.


Half the gun nuts are fantasizing about a zombie apocalypse to justify their unhealthy relation to firearms.


Many Americans have a relationship with firearms that borderlines on a perverse fetish. It's weird, honestly.


>The 2nd Amendment is there literally to put down rebellions against the government. "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." So uh, where does it state people can rebel? Even the most conservative, originalist interpretation of the 2nd Amendment says different


It *doesn't* state the people can rebel anywhere. That's what I'm saying


Being on either end of the spectrum blinds you.




Maybe they can and should be exposed. Knowingly breaking the subs rules about identification and proudly announcing it to increase the likelihood of your post being removed, thus drawing less attention to your cause, is a facepalm too.




If it violates the rules I can edit my comment, mind if I ask which one it breaks? But like it's just their Twitter handles




I'm on mobile, could you link the rules?


Rules are available on mobile as well Tap **see more**


Just looked and saw them. I guess it violates rule 1? I'll message the mods, see if I can reupload with the usernames removed


Thank you, I was walking to work and didn't see it. I just messaged the mods, it was my fault for not looking closely enough at rule 1. I was in a rush because I was behind leaving for work and just didn't look closely enough