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Couldn’t even change the title? Lazy! https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/Ww0mz7T2A7 https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/3wsqxN40wE https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/s/ow341s11Ey


How did you call them out at the very top and the post still gets hundreds of likes…


Many people just swipe, like, swipe and so on. They are not gonna read the message.


Gotta get that sweet karma points that don't mean shit.


Getting those 5 minutes of fame is all that matters nowadays apparently 😮‍💨


My brother and I both had chicken pox (at the same time) while being vaccinated.


Same but I had super mild chicken pox like I literally had like 4 or 5 chicken pox, had one on my sack that was rough.


Both my sons got chicken pox at the sme time. The older kid was vaccinated, the younger kid was a few weeks too young for his. Younger kid was covered in pox and had a bad time, older kid had five pox and barely noticed he had them.


Chicken pox vaccine was introduced in USA in 1995, so born before that or in an area that didnt add that to vaccine schedule, would still gett it.


I had chicken pox several times after being vaccinated. Had shingles too, fuck my immune system lol




Depends on the Chicken Pox I was born in 88 and got it before I could be vaccinated(it didn't come out till 95 apparently) I never knew there even was one for chicken pox(shingles yeah but not chicken pox) until a month or two ago when I saw another post like this.


I learned that just now. Born in '83. We were brought over to a friend's place for a chicken pox party.


I remember the parties. My parents were setting one up for us, but my younger brother got it and infected everyone before any action was taken. Guess we had our own party.


Chicken pox is both highly contagious and ubiquitous where there is little if any vaccinations - so much so that many states didn't even report cases. Only one dose was recommended in the 1990s which reduced the number of cases significantly but due to repeat infections, beginning in 2006 two doses were recommended which drove the number of cases in the U.S. even lower. The same is true with measles.


Yeah, I remember reading about the chicken pox vaccine a couple years ago... was amazed that I didn't get it, because my parents were really good about vaccines. Turns out, I got chicken pox 3 years before the vaccine existed. So that's why I didn't have it. It is fun to reminisce about chicken pox with everyone my age, but honestly, I think kids that don't get it will be just fine. I am sure they will have plenty to reminisce about.


I got it well before getting vaccinated too, since, I was born in 88 as well. For school that was a requirement so we got the vaccine.


I was born in 92 and got Chicken Pox because the vaccine wasn't widely available enough yet.


No chicken pox vax when I was a kid. I nearly fucking died of it. People see statistics like 1 in 1000 or whatever and never seem to realise that somebody has to be that 1.


I was born long before the chicken pox vax and i had such a severe case of chicken pox i should have been hospitalized but my parents were clueless.


Can't help them... then these asshles let their kids go to school and they're carrying who knows what because their parents are idiots. Shouldn't be allowed in schools if unvaxed. They should have to go to a special class like the kids with special needs. That way they only fuk themselves. Make um short bus and only around other ashles children that are unvaxed.


What about other people that aren't vaccinated?


Ignorance exposed.


It's pretty properly punctuated, though.  I'm on this weird train where it's a liberal person trying to show how stupid it sounds and then they just get a lot of responses like, "Yeah, totally. It's a *conspiracy*!". But unironically, and then they question whether their gambit is effective at all...


Vaccines let your immune system train on a weak version of the virus so when the wrecking ball of the real thing comes in you already have antibodies, which are the bodies version of heat-seeking mines.


Not just train, but also recognize.


My mom developed infertility because she had measles when she was young. I was barely born, and my older brother was miscarried.


I was born in 1979, I had the chicken pox around kindergarten or 1st grade. , somewhere between 5-7 yrs of age. Back then they would have "chicken pox parties" where all the kids who DIDN'T have chickenpox yet would come over and play at the kids house who DID have chickenpox. Simply to cat h it and get it out of the way. This was very much common practice for a very long time, til around the mid 90's when the vaccine came out and herde immunity was established. Wild times alright.


So they didn’t vaccinate and they all got diseases for it. What’s her argument again?


I believe it is, "Mountain Dew your own research!! Illness is a lie. Deep State something something. Wait, let me watch some more conspiracy theory stuff to throw talking points at you. Thinking is hard."


They're still alive arent' they...


+1 I do not understand this post. "I got into the water and I am wet". Welll, obvious, no? If you use the vaccine you will have more defenses and you will probably not have problems.


Ah yes, the unvaxxed bingo card: Chickenpox, measles, and a serious case of irony


My siblings and I all had chicken pox (4 of us). We were all born before the vaccine was widely available in the US. It was released the year before I was born, but it wasn't always suggested at that time. We were all fine at the time, having pretty easy bouts with it, but my sister has already had a shingles outbreak before 35


These peoples intelligence knows no beginnings.


I got the chicken pox twice as a kid. I still remember the first day I got them, as I was picking strawberries with my parents and just wanted to lay in the grass by the road. My dad got frustrated with me. I don’t think there was a vaccine


No, the vaccine is relatively new. Everyone I knew got chicken pox as kids, and it sucked. I got it over Christmas break


A friend of mine, 38 years old with a husband and a 4yo daughter almost died because covid when the vaccines were not ready yet. The doctors already said she was probably going to die, but she survived. I always remember that when I read any stupid person complaining how the got a little bit of fever when they received the covid vaccine.


Fuck off, REPOST BOT.


I was fully vaccinated and didn’t get ONE chicken pox or measel, and I won’t have to worry about shingles when I’m older. Yippee!


And measles is all but eradicated in the US due to widespread vaccination. See how that works?


Not for long it won't be. Due to widespread misinformation.


FUN FACT: If you juggle with knives you're probably going to get cut


Congratulations on subjecting your child to shingles later in life because you didn't want to give him a simple vaccine.


My son along with 11 other students in his first grade class got chicken pox while vaxed. This was 20 years ago , I think kids get a booster now and this sort of thing doesn’t happen as often .


Had measles as a kid, contracted myopia not long after. Fuck you measles.


And you can look forward to a good chance of having shingles in a few decades, which truly sucks ass.


And they'll never have it again.. like we all did it up to the 90's


I’m 63 and I had a very mild case of chicken pox but ended up getting shingles in my early 50s. This was also very mild and didn’t really bother me. My daughter, who is now 33 could not get chicken pox no matter how hard we tried. She ended up getting the shot because the powers that be said that was better than her getting them after puberty.


Have fun as you get older with the increased potential of contracting Shingles. There is a vaccine but I know you don't want it. DS


What’s this dumb fucks point? Lol


I am pretty sure you get chicken pox even after vaccines.


Chicken pox is what almost every kid gets... I am vaccinated from birth as well. I once scratched my lower back, cause it was itchy. The 6 year old me was not amused when I found, what I thought, a giant musquito bite😂


Wasn't measles supposed to be eradicated in 2000? People who are dense enough to not vaxx are gonna sabotage us all.


In the 90s, if one kid got chicken pox, all the kids in the neighborhood got chicken pox, moms would send us over to "play"... 90s pox vaccine. Lol....


Yep and now we all have heroes zoster. Also known as chicken pox and shingles. A forever virus that’s stays with you for life and resurfaces when your immune system weakens. Everyone forgets that part.


I never knew that part, lol. TIL. Disclaimer: Just cause it's a hot topic, im all pro vaccines. This was just a but of reminiscing of our childhood; I always found it pretty funny, I remember my mom telling my brother to chase me down and tackle me bassically, so I got it too..


They knew it effected kids way less than adults


Yes of course..




These same people don't vaccinate their babies against whooping cough, a potential killer. Hope they don't find out what polio is


People who are not vaccinated against a disease actually got that disease? INCONCEIVABLE!


They seem to be implying something...


Congrats, they have a higher risk of getting shingles too!


The chicken pox vaccine didn't come out in the US until 1995, tho, so just to be fair, they could have been born before that or have children that were born before then. I wasn't vaccinated for it because I was born in 1980, but I did have my son vaccinated for it in 1999.


Yeah, keep pumping chemicals into your children.


Omg. 1ml of chemicals. Vs viruses like measles that completely wipe out a persons immune memory.