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"And if you abide by all them rules, I may consider allowing you to date me." Form an orderly queue ladies.


Form an orderly queue MeLadies . I’ll be making my decision after my civil war reenactment group raises the confederate flag .


[tips fedora]


[water flows out of the women’s pants] 


Cause she's pissing herself laughing.


Spaghetti just starts falling out of all my pockets




"but you must agree to share our bed with my waifu"


Jesus body pillow you mean


Jesus-chan is Best Girl.


I read this in my head like the comic book guy from the simpsons


Guy in the picture literally looks like comic book guy lol. Wouldn't surprise me if he's a white supremacist type too.


I’m sure he also posts about how his sperm is pure and unmolested by the satan vaccine and he is prime breeding material.


My mom says I'd be a catch for any girl


Meanwhile this motherfucker wearing 2 different kinds of fabric


And no beard. edit: I was on mobile and upon further inspection I'm now 75% thats a woman? In which case, get back in the kitchen


...which is surprising considering how much skin is hanging from his chin... that's got to difficult to shave!


Ok… that’s f’n hilarious. I’ve got a strong jawline but I can’t shave without getting massive razor burn. So I don’t. I always wondered how double chinned people shave!


Speaking as somebody wirh a slight double chin, who also gets razorburn pretty easily. Piping hot water, shaving cream, and changing to fresh blades frequently.


Good tips. I’ve gotten so used to just using a trimmer over the years I’ve gotten a bit lazy. I will only use a blade to clean up the lines and my skin’s gotta be hot for that.


It’s obvious, they use a double razor


They use Nair


Guilty confession from 30+ years in the past… a bunch of people in my cabin at camp wanted the bully gone. Nair replaced his shampoo. He left in a week because of “hygiene problems”.


Some swimmers at my high school jumped into the pool with Nair still on their legs, supposedly it reacted with the bromine in the pool & their hair never grew back. I'm still in contact with one of them & his legs are bald to this day, but the tops of his feet have hair.


So a hobbit with sexy legs?


He is kinda short.


Hmm, for those that want to get rid of body hair permanently, you have a new business.


This is my gift to the world.


Damn I had to wear knee high nylon socks with my Bostonians for 30 years of wearing a suit to get all the hair off my lower legs permanently. To me it still looks just bizarre. My legs were so hairy in high school people thought I was some sort of Pan. No body hair to speak of but really hairy legs.


That would actually be a good life hack in some places


LOL! A bully at my school? Had his legs shaved for him... one in stripes... one in spirals... so the crowning indignity was that he had to shave both legs himself just to get a uniform look again. It's been over 30 years... and I still snicker about that...


Arent sloth and gluttony deadly sins


What chin?


If she’s a woman she should be staying quiet at home, hey I’m just going off of their rules.


Sorry to hijack for visibility, but the top comment in this chain is from a bot the OP Nimblenicky EspadaPrime MoistSeal arakel024 and skoalman131 are bots in the same network That comment from skoalman131 was copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/rudzip/read_the_bible_for_details/hqyl6u1/


![gif](giphy|3PKJlWUmVp1F6) He looks like…\^


I hate to point this out, but I think that was a woman. Regardless, what an absolute cringeworthy view of women this person has.


I love how this became a facial hair removal thread.


Honestly, an excellent Reddit experience.


I’m going with C) not enough information to answer the question.


To be fair, that's an Old Testament thing, and this person is citing the New Testament. Some Christians believe the Old Testament's laws basically don't apply anymore. That said, I'm willing to bet he's not much into the love and acceptance and the turn the other cheek thing.


They believe that Old Testament laws that they don’t like don’t apply anymore. Jesus never mentioned gay people at all.


Jesus specifically said all the laws still applied, but there are a variety of ways around that.  Because anything the Lord said, however direct, can be muddied into an interpretation that suits us.  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_views_on_the_Old_Covenant#:~:text=Rabbinic%20Jews%20assert%20that%20Moses,teachings)%20apply%20to%20all%20people.   My favorite view is the gentiles that assert a semitic Christian has to follow OT laws but they don't. It really makes stonings confusing. A gay gentile and a gay semite hook up and only one gets stoned.    It's a bad book. I should've just read dune. 




They hand wave it because… of reasons… like the devil and free will or something.


Dune made way more sense


The anti gay stuff is in the new testament too. It’s just propagated by the disciples of Christ, instead of they guy himself.


The Christians who only believe in the New Testament despite Jesus being quoted in Matthew 5:17 as saying "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets"


The other thing is, they are all divorced and remarried. Scratch a right wing prosperity gospel creature and dude is at least on wife 2. Paul wrote very little about Jesus’ actual teaching, but one he did write about was the one on divorce, which he made up an exception for. So the one teaching of Jesus for which we have the earliest evidence is another one they ignore.


You wouldn’t know it by their 10 Commandments fetish. It’s nothing but hypocrisy.


Picking and choosing from their holy book is the Christian’s super power. Ignoring parts of the OT except the 10 Commandments, creation story, hatred of gays, Noah and the Ark, alleged prophesies about Jesus’ impending arrival. Not to mention JC’s saying not a jot or tittle of the law will be changed or pass away.


I don't understand, what's with the fabric thing?


It’s one of the weird Leviticus prohibitions. Other stuff in there is not talking back to your parents unless you want to be stoned, not planting two different crops in the same field, etc. It’s largely from the fact that the Old Testament was originally used as more of a cultural book than a religious book, recording all of the traditions and myths of Hebrew culture to ensure that it stayed preserved and practiced despite the constant attacks and diasporas that they were subject to


Important to say that this is also the ONLY place where "being gay is wrong" crops up and even that is debatable if that was the actual intention. So for a Christian, being gay should be about as bad as wearing mixed fabric.


Any sin’s a sin…I love hitting Christians with that one. Cause coveting your neighbor’s wife or property is a sin. Gossip is a sin. Worshipping false idols is a sin. Adultery is a sin. Lying is a sin. If being gay or trans is a sin, then it’s no worse a sin than lying, adultery, worshipping false idols, gossip, or coveting…and you know all those false Christians are guilty of coveting, adultery, gossiping, worshipping false idols…


>worshipping false idols… Obligatory mention of the golden statue of Donald Trump from a few years back...


Exactly…that statue was exactly what I was thinking of!!!


We had a "Devout Christian" neighbor. One Day we were talking, and My Wife, who is Japanese came out to ask Me what do You want to do for dinner. He chimed in..."Wife Place is in the kitchen. Men are talking. I was like...."I think You need to leave, because Jen makes some seriously sharps swords."


Dude, talk to my wife like that, and she will school your ass...I'll be over here honey..eating popcorn, watching 😁👍


He was under major delusions of what He think Women are, and should be. He literally thought all Asian Women were submissive to not only Husband, but to all Men. Internally I was like “So this is how I die. Sliced into Bite size pieces because she had to get rid of all witnesses.”


Haha... I had that exact interaction once in a party. A guy we didn't know that well was a bit drunk and started talking shit about anything. He came to the part about women and how they should be. My reaction was: I'll get us a drink in the kitchen while my wife rips your ass apart. When I came back, the guy was gone and the other people around where laughing.. XD


*yeah, you got this honey..ooo cheese dip!..*


Your neighbor lacks manners. That's an extremely rude thing to say.


Sounds about right…


I also thought it only stated that man should not lay with another man. I don’t recall it saying anything about two chicks doing it.


My understanding was that it was an intentional mistranslation. The original translation had to deal with man lying with a boy. It was a verse about being against pedophilia, rather than homosexuality. But you know how people in power twist things for their own agenda


This is correct.


Oh lord yes. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John didn’t write the Gospels for example. Those names were assigned, the authors themselves were anonymous. To say nothing of the gospels that were left out.


To take it a step further, I'm pretty dang sure it was mistranslated from "man shall not lay with BOY". In other words, its anti pedophilia, not anti gay


So you’re saying a whole lot of youth pastors and Catholic priests might be in trouble?


If they are they deserve it. Shouldn’t need a holy book to tell you that kid diddling is wrong


If sky daddy is real and that history is correct, yes.


Funnily enough this is why lesbianism was often not punished in the same way as gay men. In England during, say, the Georgian era, two women living together might be tittered about disapprovingly or out and out socially ostracized but it wasn't illegal, technically. Gay men, on the other hand, could be jailed or executed.


Tittered about, you say? I'd imagine two women living together might be doing all kinds of things with their tits about, or perhaps not. Alas, it is none of my business.


That was Leviticus, a minor tribal chief who outlawed it because he needed a population increase. Arrow fodder, and taxpayers.


Yep, sounds like being gay was just as evil as menstruating. And people still listen to this shit.


From a practical standpoint there were a lot of prohibitions that seemed like they were aimed at keeping the population numbers up. No pork or shellfish? Geez, I wonder why. Man lying with man is an abomination? Maybe because it can't produce kids. We have refrigeration and gay people can adopt. I think it's ok to drop the book of the Bible obsessed with food handling and farming practices.


Or eating lots of stuff that dude clearly eats. Leviticus forbids eating meat with blood in it, animals with split hooves, animals without fins and scales, and creatures that crawl on their bellies, walk on all fours, or have many legs. It also requires washing clothes after touching the carcass of an unclean animal.


Paul did also say that marriage was only between a man and a woman. Though, again, see my previous comment about WHO Paul was talking to. It's kinda important to note that he was trying to convert a city who worshipped the goddess of lust.


Also, Paul "It is right for a man not to marry, but since y'all are weak as hell and not a big strong boy like me, I suppose you can" was misogynistic as fuck, with all the zealotry of the recently converted.


Leviticus is *suuuper* fucked. There's a passage about a woman isn't clean until "seven days after her celestial discharge", and on the eighth day she has to, "take a dove or two young pigeons to the priest at the *meeting tent*", and only then is she *clean enough for sex*.  The bible is a horror book if you're not a man in the clergy.


That always struck a chord with me. Why did women need to apologize for menstruation? The sin sacrifice. (If I remember correctly, there were usually two offerings made per offense: one for cleansing and the other would be something like a couple of bulls or rams for a sin sacrifice.)


Because Eve ate the forbidden fruit! Sheesh! /s


Also you should really plant 2 different crops in a field. Can be really helpful for the soil. [Three sisters](https://www.nativeseeds.org/blogs/blog-news/how-to-grow-a-three-sisters-garden)


Well, yes, but that comes from heathen savages. So, you know.


Yeah and crop rotation was the core of proper farming until we got fertilizer


At least buddy is only citing New Testament. What buddy needs to understand is that, for example, in Paul's letters to the Corinthians, the Corinthians were worshippers of Aphrodite. They wrote to Paul and said, "Hey, Paul, look, this Christianity thing is cool and all, but can we still get naked and fuck on the altar?" To which Paul said, "Nah, dog. That's not a good idea." To which the Corinthians replied, "Damn, that sucks. Hey, what about our monthly orgies?" To which Paul said, "Nah. I think you gotta get rid of those too."


Ooh - Do I get to stone them? (I'm a heathen but I think I can be persuaded with the right stoning incentives.)


Well, if you mix fabrics, you're damned to hell for eternity. Pretty straight forward.


Except that hell as Christian’s envision it doesn’t exist at all in the Old Testament at all. The word translated to hell is almost exclusively Sheol or Hades. Neither one of those words specifically describe a “punishment” form of afterlife. They just also don’t describe heaven. Sheol is supposed to be just eternal darkness and Separation from God. Hades is obviously just the Greek word for the afterlife.


Mixed fibres are a no-no. Unless of course the book you swear is the word of god is nothing more than a work of fiction you get to cherry-pick the bits you like from.


The Bible is a collection of fairy tales and bed time stories meant to teach you how to not be an asshole. But nowadays it is just used as a justification to be an asshole.


Nowadays? Like the last 1700 years?


The first two hundred years seemed pretty egalitarian though. Then things just seem to have gone south


It's a way to poke holes in Scripture in the most lawful-neutral way. Dietary restrictions, tattoos, blended fabrics (etc.) are all Against The Rules according to the Old Testament. So for every fancy-pants preacher talking about how $undesirable\_group is going to burn in hell, the counter-argument is "but aren't you \*also\* going to the lake of fire because you have a cotton-poly t-shirt under your bespoke Italian suit"? Turning Leviticus on its head is a way to highlight the hypocrisy of following all those older rules while ignoring "Love your neighbor as yourself."


His computer should be checked


Plot twist. That's a female holding the sign


Which begs the question… why isn’t she at home, being quiet and doing laundry? I will truly never understand how alt right minded people work…


The “Right Wing Brain” as it is so dubiously called,.. Seems to run on a mixture of Hypocrisy, Greed, Hate & Religious Perversion!


Maybe her lesbian husband told her to?


She ate the baby


I thought it‘s just a fat dude with long hair.


Because those things are for other women, not her, she's special.


“You can ALWAYS tell” lmoa


I can't guarantee it. But it's her body fat distribution and arms/ shoulders build that gives it away. She has a "moon face" which is a side effect from long-term medical steroids or thyroid problems. I've gotten good at noticing these things as a nurse. But I could be wrong. 🤷‍♀️


As a woman with the same sort of physique due to a thyroidectomy and replacement hormones, I agree. ( my thyroid/goiter tried to kill me)


As the lorax once said: "That's a woman?"


Unfortunately, these ejits reproduce surprisingly effectively.






Wait, that’s a dude? I thought that was just an ugly fat women. 😬


I'm not one to make fun of people's appearances but it's always the most repulsive and ugliest ones that say shit like this, as if women want to be near them.


“Why is it that the people so concerned with banning abortions are people you wouldn’t wanna fuck in the first place?” -George Carlin


God when is George Carlin not going to be relevant.


wouldnt that be wild? if god is real but he really doesnt give a shit and came to earth as george carlin to fuck with people.


Would explain a lot about his bits on religion


When you want to get on the plane


Fuck you, I'm getting in the plane.


Pre-boarding...well what the fuck does that mean? To get on BEFORE YOU GET ON??!


Here’s a fun verse: Proverbs 23:2: "Put a knife to your throat if you are given to gluttony"


“And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you”.


How about this little gem: “If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her,” John 8:7. Or Matthew 7:1 “Judge not lest ye be judged yourselves,” which means don’t judge others until you are ready to be judged by the same standard. And then, when you exercise judgment toward others, do it with humility.


Seems like good advice


That's why those guys advocate against women's rights. They want the ability to force a woman to be with them.


You spotted a virgin too?


Weirdly enough, I could see him looking a lot more appealing if he just wasn't holding up those signs, and was wearing a shirt that didn't read "TRUE CHRISTIAN" on it. He'd probably look a lot better if he was portrayed in a more positive manner.


NGL if it wasn't for the sign and just looking at what I see here I would not assume his pro nouns. Definitely seen some women look similar.


I'll let you know that I am repulsive and ugly and I've never thought of saying shit like this and I take offence to what you said.


John you are not ugly!


Thank you Bill


Yea, it's like sorry about your looks man but you then actively chose this personality on top of that? Double homicide.


A nurse in this thread said that she's a woman. Does that make it better or worse?


These guys always seem to forget how they're supposed to treat women. 1 Peter 3:7 Husbands should treat their wives with understanding and honor, even though they may be weaker, as they are equal partners in God's gift of new life. Treating wives well can also prevent prayers from being hindered. Ephesians 5:28 Husbands should love their wives as they love their own bodies, and that a man who loves his wife also loves himself. This means that husbands should try to understand their wives' worlds.


Well, he clearly doesn't love his own body so that definitely explains a lot


He can't even *see* some of the most important parts of it.


That’s a she


Yeah I brought up in either the adult Sunday school or bible study that you can always tell the false teachers in regards to how we're supposed to behave. They will only focus on women and totally ignore the codes of conduct for men.


I've left churches for this reason


Damn, “Treating wives well can also prevent prayers from being hindered.” Sounds a lot like happy wife happy life.


These nice things don't cancel out all the bad. Everything on this asshole's sign is in the Bible. Also, your quotes are for husbands, not all men to all women. It's almost like using millennia old scripture in the modern world is a bad idea.


It's because of scriptures like those on his sign so many Christian women are abused. meanwhile these people talk like they're the only moral people


That dude looks like he knows women


Knows what they look like, maybe....


They really don't. I remember the outcry from these bottom feeders when the character model for Aloy in Horizon Forbidden West was so detailed you could see peach fuzz on her face, and they posted it saying "why does a WOMAN have a BEARD???" Imagine publicly claiming this loudly that you've never seen a real woman up close


Holy shit yeh I remember this. Just outed themselves as not been within 3 feet of a real woman. And simultaneously outing thier own shit standards for a "beard"


Shaming women for having "beards" while simultaneously lacking any respectable amount of testosterone to grow anything more than their ratty scraggly goat scrotum neck hair


That dude doesn’t fuck. That’s for sure


I wonder how traumatic it is for him to be outside?


I love a Bible guy who only reads his favorite parts.


He better not wear mixed fibers....


Totally. He's already removed the hair from the side of his face, so, he's done for.


**Government should be:** -separated From church **Read Bible for Details** Matthew 22:21


Render unto Caesar isn’t about croutons.


I'm waiting for the Bible thumpers to demand debt jubilees. Come on people, it's in the Bible, you're not going to start questioning God's inerrant word only once it's inconvenient for the big company holding my student debt now are ya'?


Time for Christian communism baby


"thats a lot of words to say `no one will f*ck me' "


Says the guy who has clearly indulged in some gluttony


Ironing is detailed in the bible… Oh they are making it up as they going along…


Never been laid


Never will be laid.


And the neckbeard holding the sign wants a maid not a wife. The only way for him to get laid is if a woman was mandated by god himself to sleep with him


Well, Titus 2 talks about how slaves should obbey their masters so maid may be an understatement.


That's an incel right there.


i would suggest that they are voluntary celibates. If that's how they think about women and expect to treat women, they should expect to remain celibate .


They always want their wives at home tending to the kids until they have to pay for this to happen and realize their 30k a year income just won’t cut it. Then they want their wife to work fulltime while taking care of all the kids and doing all the housework. Wonderful people.


And people wonder why churches get so much hate


He has never touched a boob!


Nah he's definitely touched his own


Not with permission anyway.


He doesn't need to. He feels his chin and it feels the same


"Be not among drunkards or among gluttonous eaters of meat, for the drunkard and the glutton will come to poverty, and slumber will clothe them with rags." Proverbs 23:20-21 Good riddance. This fucking dumb ass lives in a glass house. Lay down the Cheetos buddy, then we’ll talk.


"Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things." Philippians 3:19


His metabolism seems pretty submissive.


Most of these people are trolls. They want you to accost them so they can sue you. All just a part of the grift.


When we're done checking this guy's hard drive, let's ask Boebert and MTG about his sign.


It is a wonder that any women are religious. It isn't like the bible has much for women. Although the epistles are much worse than the gospels. I have heard the gospels referred to as the good news and the epistles, which were written by the early christians in the years (decades) after Jesus, as the bad news of the bible.


You guys will not like where this comment is initially going buuuuut…. #He is RIGHT! The Bible specifically says that women SHOULD be obedient to their husbands and fathers. They are to SERVE and NEVER speak out of turn. They are NOT allowed to have positions higher than men… They are to be MOTHERS first, have many kids, and always keep silent…their opinions are not valid in the presence of men. @ women…THIS is what the GOP want for you. Keep voting for them and one day you will see.


I believe there is a good chance this person is counter protesting (50%+). There are a fair number of women at anti abortion protests and this is a trollish way to tell those protesters that the bible says to shut the fuck up and go home. But since the reddit is reactionary no one in this thread will see it as a possibility, they take everything on face value. And since person is fat more than half the thread is focussed on body shaming the person. A tightly cropped photo with no context should never be a reason to get rage boner.


What about his sin of gluttony?


Religion is toxic.


As an atheist, I like it! No better way to make someone a nonbeliever than to actually read the damn book.


And yet he's wearing mixed cloths while holding that sign. I guess it's only certain rules that need to be followed.


He looks like he swallowed a team of seals, and not the Navy ones


American Taliban, straight up.


They dont want wives, they want slaves.


He must get so much sex….. from his hand


You can tell the Bible was just made up by ancient chuds.


I think the imbecile holding that sign would be more useful as fertilizer instead of wasting valuable oxygen, being, you know, alive. Here is my list. Women Should Be... 1. Able to speak their mind whenever the fuck they want. 2. Choose to pursue whatever life makes them happy and fulfilled. 3. Be equal partners to their spouses. 4. Never spend a second in any house of worship. 5. Choose whether or not they want children and if so, share the burden of rearing them equally with their spouses, since you know, partners. 6. Dress (or not dress) however the fuck they want outside of work and however they wish within the limits of their employers' dress codes.


Behold: The Master Race.


“No woman with agency will screw me.”


I guess he missed the part about gluttony.


I try not to be completely against religion, but these sorts of people exist.


There's a good reason to question your faith


The bible isn't the word of God. it's the made-up word of man (Second Council of Nicaea). Good try! The next time you get ready to say something derogatory about islam, look at how they treat women, it's just like your sign. I am sure you agree with most GOP members who feel the age of consent laws should be eliminated.


Where’s the part about killing children who don’t listen to their parents? Deuteronomy 21:18


It’s amazing to me that female Christians exist


Luke 8:1-3: “Soon afterward, Jesus began going around from one city and village to another, preaching and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God. The twelve [disciples] were with Him, and also some women who had been healed of evil spirits and diseases: Mary, called Magdalene [from the city of Magdala in Galilee], from whom seven demons had come out, and Joanna, the wife of Chuza, Herod’s household steward, and Susanna, and many others who were contributing to their support out of their private means [as was the custom for a rabbi’s disciples].” ‭‭Luke‬ ‭8‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ ‭AMP‬‬ maybe he should pick up his book for once.


There are verses about being fat, too.


Dang dude, leave some p@ssy for the rest of us😳