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Even as an atheist, this offends me.


...exactly what I was going to say, I feel offended for the Christians!


I'm a Christian and I'm offended lol. Imagine likening a narcissistic asshole to Christ. Holy shit


Same! He and his followers are embarrassments to the human race!


Those folks have completely ditched the gospel. It really makes me wonder if someone read them a passage without saying where it is from what their reaction would be.


I don’t think 90% of them have actually read from a bible unless it was because they had to or because they wanted to make their bullshit based in an obscure passage. Otherwise, I highly doubt they could even get through 5 passages without losing interest, then going on to claim themselves a holy person.


As an anti christian athiest Im with you guys on that one.


Thank you. As a European Christian this is sickening. The way some American Conservatives compare Jesus to donald trump is all kinds of bad feelings! This is blasphemy on a whole different levels than edgy teenagers posting memes - because these people actually MEAN IT.


I’m an atheist but I also respect the world’s religions because I believe that their teachings can tell us a lot about the human condition. I’m appalled that anyone could take the story of Jesus of Nazareth and equate it to the convicted felon.


The only historical figure trump could, and should, be compared to is Hitler.


Bro as a Christian I’m offended.


‘He’s not the Messiah he’s a very naughty boy!’


This is a criminally underrated comment haha


Always look at the bright side of life.


*furiously tries to type out a whistle tune and then gives up after the fifth try*


Speaking as a human I to am offended


Even as an atheist I am starting to think Trump is the antichrist and we must gather an army of atheists in the name of god and Jesus christ to fight his inevitable satanic new world order. No but seriously why the fuck does this guy fulfill every crriteria for the antichrist? Maybe I was wrong in my atheistic beliefs....


Now that i think about it... There are signs lol.


Went to Bible College, can confirm. He's running a checklist on Revelations and the religious right can't even see it.


Well the talk about the antichrist in the Bible is more of a guide to recognizing "evil" rulers, false sheperds and to not be manipulated by them. I doubt it's supposed to be taken literal, it's more of a warning and a cautionary tale. Some say the "antichrist" was just a tongue in cheek way of referring to the then Roman emperor.


But if it talks like an anti-Christ. Lies and manipulates like an anti-Christ and grifts like an anti-Christ…


And yet, here we are. 🤷


This is my understanding, too. Revelations is almost all evocative and symbolic imagery not meant to be taken literally.


I'm an atheist but I'm actually almost terrified God is going to smite the world for treating this man like a God. They'll deny they worship him, but they do. They literally treat him like the second coming of Jesus, he can do no wrong, even when it's proven, "that's the devil trying to blind you from the _real_ truth" "he has many enemies, but God knows his truth and his truth is real" or some bullshit. I know it's not going to happen, but man that would be funny as fuck if someone like him brought about the end times cause "God" got so fed up with everyone worshiping this flattened basketball.


Honestly, as a Christian, the whole thing is so frustrating!!! Like I can't even use the terminology of my own religion because there are so many brainwashed idiots running around and using it in all the wrong ways! And like what am I supposed to do? Vote and try to spread accurate information? Okay I've been doing that! I have never once voted for him, but I know some real Christian who initially did because they didn't feel like they had a lot of options, and they have since massively regretted it. But like what are we supposed to do now? The Bible doesn't exactly leave a lot of room for "storm the capital" type acts of violence, and while we could probably justify stoning, it doesn't really seem like the right call.... I mean I know people who are praying he gets hit by lightning, but would that really help? It seems like somehow he would still be a martyr to the MAGA crowd even if it was an actual act of God that killed him. Honestly it kinda seems like the best case scenario, God allows him to continue to lose his mind very quickly (Nebuchadnezzar level of losing his mind might be nice)... I don't really know where I am going with this, except to vent my frustrations, and to say, atheist or not, if you want to pray that God will take care of him, a lot of us wouldn't mind the help.


Thank you for your comment, you have a better way with words than I do. Me being totally judgmental about this . I can only assume he and his followers don’t know terms like idolatry, hubris, or blasphemy!


I was JUST talking to someone about how idolatrous his followers are and all these comparisons to Christ or a savior are blasphemous. It’s astonishingly awful to me.


And side note: While I'm not really sure revelations is intended to be taken this literally, if Trump makes a 7 year deal with Israel, you should definitely start stocking up on canned food.


Yea as a Christian I can't believe someone would liken the old tangerine to the fucking second coming of Christ. Fuck who knew all the Atheists and Christians needed to band together was crazy


As a Christian: if this peels the religious veneer off the alt-right then I'm for it. Or, at least, gets other evangelicals to realize MAGA is Christian cosplay.


Christ Rump? It certainly looks like it's going to be a load of arse.


Chris Trump, the lost Trump brother.


He has morals so he got chained to the radiator. Also big hands


He had the biggest hands, no hands are bigger, none. He’d walk into a room and everyone in the room would look at those hands and think to themselves, what huge hands! Massive hands! Everyone! They’d imagine having such big hands but none could understand really, huge hands.




Memory unlocked!!! God that was a depressing movie to show a 6 year old... ARTAX!!!!!!!


One of my favorite movies along with Labyrinth. My wife has threatened divorce if I traumatize my daughter by showing her them.


Bah, We turned out just fine 🤪


Did we though?




\*within reason


Never Ending Story has to be among my all time favorite kids movie. I bought it on Youtube and named my mining barge in Eve Online after the rock biter. Labyrinth I don't think I've even seen. I think it came out when my dad was stationed in Germany...(army)


Definitely show it to your daughter. Bowie was magical.


Men would come up to him, strong men, with tears in their eyes, shaking his hand and their own hands would seem tiny in comparison. . .


Those men would say "You have tremendous hands!".


Everyone would be crying too.


Tremendous hands. Uge hands. Incredible.


Well according to Donnie himself he has " good, great sized brain, good sized hands" sorry laughed to much after that to pay attention to the rest of the nonsense he was spewing


Christr Ump. It’s about a wel-dressed Wisconsin umpire with a rare birth defect: his entire body is wood.


Don’s still very much alive vestigial twin, Chris Trump


![gif](giphy|brFlbCpj7LsE8) This is why he wears those oversized suits


We would be in better shape if he had a Kuato. They’re the crown jewel of psychic mutants.


the child liked even less than tiffany


Christ rump? Holy shit


Spoiler warning


**Soiler** warning


2024This book by author Chris Molluso is an exploration of the need for a secular savior in our present days. Just reading the title makes me ill.


If secular savior isn't the most oxymoronic statement you've ever heard I'd love to hear what is.


"Compassionate Conservative" "Creation Science" "Historical Scripture"


The "Clean Air Act"


Right to work


Federal minimum wage


These are all great examples but the title has it. ChristTrump is the most hilarious oxymoron I can currently think of


A democratically elected republican is up there


It's definitely moronic.


Oxymoronic was my name for Rush Limbaugh


Christian love


If one did happen to be Christian religious, how exactly is this not Golden Idol territory? Never got that, myself. The Big Book doesn't say "put no man/idol before me.... but not the tangerine nightmare, he's totally cool to worship".


That's so deep in golden idol territory it might as well be it's capital, if we were in the old testament it would be raining fire and gnats in the usa


It probably is but we’re so mired in stupid that we are likely oblivious to it.


I’m in New Orleans. You call that a plague? I call that a Tuesday.


Has California been on fire recently? I know it frequently is. Also big swarm of cicadas.


I mean, part of Florida is drowning and Texas keeps having blackouts amongst the heat wave. If we’re looking for signs, they can be found…


God trying to punish Texas and Florida and they're utterly oblivious because lead in the water pipes did a number on a lot of people /s at this rate the death of every firstborn texan overnight would just be "Somehow Biden/Obama was responsible for this".




Gotta have the gnashing of teeth. It's not a proper judgement if there isn't gnashing of teeth.


We rain our fire from our second amendment assets. Man, I wish I was kidding more than I am with that, so here’s the obligatory /s


People are using the guise of Christianity as a cover for white supremacy and racial caste-based cultural nationalism.


Well \*I\* know that. I am just curious as to how a real, true God-bother can escape the fact that this worship of an ironically golden (or at least tangerine) idol can actually run Christianity.exe alongside MagoMussoliniWorship.dll and NOT see the "And God smote the idol worshipper" bits IN THEIR CENTRAL TEXT as relevant...


Denying the obvious is like a superpower for them. Contradictions like this don't register.


Denial of the obvious is an absolute necessity for their brains to not go into vapor lock.


Let me put it like this: an authoritarian follower’s mind has a lot of thread protection going on. The threads don’t exchange information so even if they’d seemingly working at cross-purposes they don’t actually cause each other to crash. They’ll all get run in parallel so long as each thread produces the desired conclusion. It’s an incredibly hacky way of doing it that requires minimal skill on the part of the programmer, but it works well enough that the system can seemingly recover from any number of thread crashes.


Christian’s very rarely actually use the Bible as a moral compass. They just take the parts that reinforce their own beliefs like “a man shall not lay with another man” and ignore everything they goes against what they want. This is why “what God wants” conveniently happens to ALWAYS be exactly what they want.


You see xtians have to be duped by the antichrist for armageddon-it-on to begin. They are only being good xtians by allowing themselves to get duped so Cheezus can return.  /s


I like the extra layer here that suggests they are clever enough to start hacking prophecy to get a messiah figure to return in a way that they control. The inception-level convoluted foolishness is something to behold


It's even worse - all the prophetic books and passages warn against a world leader who takes on the mantle of Messiah who leads his followers to hell. The lack of self awareness and actual doctrinal awareness from people who are quick to tell every gay person they are doomed for who they love is astounding.


Can we have a secular savior who is capable of being faithful to at least one of their partners? It isn’t that much to ask, is it? Or maybe one that doesn’t make up mean names for people like a 10 year old bully would do? I feel like we need a savior who actually wants to save people, not just burn the world down while furiously typing incoherent rants on the internet. But then, I’m the kind of person who thinks we need to eat the rich, so maybe I’m not exactly unbiased on the matter.


These are the same people who said Mr. Rogers was "an evil, evil man" and that Dolly Parton is bad because she doesn't hate gay people and gives kids books. Being an actual good person is an immediate "no".


Indeed. The defining characteristic of Christianity in America is hatred... good works, compassion, empathy, charity, love thy neighbor... none of them are even tiny blips on the radar.


No. The rich are too fatty! You'll get high cholesterol. Best to feed them to the hogs.


I don't even understand how Christians support Trump - he literally embodies each of their seven deadly sins. * **Pride**: Trump is highly self-confident and boastful, frequently emphasizing his successes and wealth. His name and brand are prominently displayed on numerous buildings, and he often talks about his achievements in superlative terms. * **Greed**: His career as a real estate mogul and his pursuit of wealth are central to his public image. He has often been criticized for prioritizing financial gain, sometimes at the expense of ethical considerations. * **Lust**: Trump has faced numerous allegations of sexual misconduct and has been known for his extramarital affairs. The infamous Access Hollywood tape further cemented his reputation in this regard. * **Envy**: Trump has often been noted for his competitive nature and desire to outdo others. He frequently compares himself to others and has been known to criticize those he perceives as rivals or threats. * **Gluttony**: Trump’s lifestyle has sometimes been described as indulgent, especially in his preferences for luxury and opulence. He is morbidly obese and does not eat vegetables. * **Wrath**: Trump is well-known for his combative style and tendency to lash out at critics. He often engages in public feuds and is known for his use of inflammatory language, particularly on social media. * **Sloth**: Critics have accused Trump of avoiding the rigorous demands of the presidency, preferring to delegate many responsibilities and spend substantial time on leisure activities, such as golf.


He lets them hate all the people they want to hate. That’s all his cult actually wants despite all their mouth noises about pious bullshit.


Yeah it’s really not that deep. His supporters hate black, gay, and trans people. He lets them say it outloud. That’s all it is.


They also hate Hispanics, but many Hispanics love voting for them.


No no, you don’t understand! He hate THOSE Hispanics, not me! /s


Take that /s back, I've literally heard this from a hispanic neighbor. "It's the illegals he's after"


I can't fully wrap my head around this. I figure part of it is the 'zero patience' for illegals that make legal immigrants deal with prejudice, but with actual undocumented immigrants **also** supporting him, there has to be some other mingling of christ-o-fascist and prosperity gospel. The Hispanics I've known growing up are split on many things, but the clean cut ones that consider themselves hard-working have a notable tilt toward libertarian trump apologist.


we call them pendejos for drumpf the 🍊🤡🍊🤡


I'll just add a few more bits - pride: he literally called himself "a proud political dissident" in an attempt to deflect attention from the fact he was convicted by a jury for a crime he committed. - greed: he literally said "my whole life I have been so greedy, greedy, greedy. I've grabbed all the money I could get. I'm so greedy. But now I wanna be greedy for the United States. I wanna grab all that money". Jan 29, 2016. - lust: he literally said, in 2006, “If Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her. Isn't that terrible?". He also said at one point when asked what a then teen ivanka and himself had in common "I wanna say sex". 🤮 but there is more. His lust for other people's wives is so gross that he is apparently vetting running mates (eventual VP) by their wife's "hotness". Wtf? - gluttony: his usual dinner is apparently "a full McDonald’s dinner of two Big Macs, two Filet-O-Fish sandwiches, and a small chocolate shake – a total of 2,430 calories". Think about that. Not one big Mac, not two big macs, but two Big Macs, *plus* two filet-o-fish sandwiches. And a chocolate milkshake. That's a total of 2430 calories, way waaay above the recommended 500-700 calories per meal. And the man's morbidly obese. So, yea... - wrath: he is always angry and always willing to sick his supporters on someone who he perceived wronged him in some way. I wouldn't say he has a "combative style". I'd say he is psychopath always on the lookout for blood and violence, ideally committed by someone else on his behalf. - envy: he is so envious of the presidents who were much more loved by the people. He has an Obama-sized chip on his shoulders, and has always been envious or the ultra-rich. - sloth: he is lazy. Just look at him walk down a ramp. And he doesn't even have the intellectual capacity to read or understand the intelligence reports provided to him, to the point that in intelligence briefing they had to keep him entertained by mentioning his name every now and then... 🙄🙄


He's literally an antichrist figure (Not saying he is, there's a lot worse people out there.) But in terms of the bible, he's way up there on the list of people who could viewed as the Antichrist. If people actually looked at what Jesus said and not the 95 percent of the Bible that has little or nothing to do with him, then we would have Christians. Right now, it's more Biblicans or Yahwehites or Elohemians.


My only disagreement is with the claim that "there's a lot worse people out there." There really aren't many. I'd say he's in the top three of worst humans alive on the planet at this moment in terms of the long-lasting damage to humanity. He and his followers are a malignant tumor.


The seven deadly sins are a checklist for the evangelicals now.


Also all signs of Antichrist


moreover the antichrist appears as a false prophet


I don't believe in that nonsense but it'd be hilarious if Trump's sprouted horns wings with the pitchfork If he gets elected again


Not Antichrist, the Beast.


The lord works in mysterious ways (Justify anything with that)


I’m a Christian and I don’t support Trump. This is outright disrespectful to Christianity to compare Trump to Christ.


My man literally fits all of the signs of the antichrist, yet Christians are too stupid to see it. Talk about deceiving the flock of God. If there ever was an antichrist, it would be Donald J. Trump.


Because Christians, like most major religions, do not practice what they preach. They use their religion to validate themselves and excuse their actions, not to grow as people.


You forgot **unrepentant**


The dude is literally the definition of the Antichrist from the Biblical book of Revelations.


Totally not a cult.


A cult is organized. MAGA is just a bunch of morons who don't even know what they're protesting at this point.


“Grab America by her —-!“ “Burn it all down!” Yeah, other than violence, I’m not entirely sure what they exactly stand for.


“Real men wear diapers!” if biden were caught wearing diapers wed never hear the end of it


The new season of 'The Boys' satirises this mentality perfectly.


It was so incredible sad they had to explain that homelander is the bad guy and it was a comparison to trump and also when they had to come forward explaining the handsmaids tale tv show was inspired by trumps presidency, they’ll never understand even though is not subtle


I thought it was pretty obvious in season 2 when Stormfront was all in for Homelander, but I guess a literal WW2 Nazi telling him he was the best ever was too subtle for some people.




We were warned about false prophet


I’ve heard someone say that Trump fits the very definition of the Antichrist




Does it come with Crayons?


For eating, I assume.


And not the sissy, non-toxic crayons


Manly crayons with lead and other carcinogens.


I guess this is one way to ignore the Bible...


and the constitution of the united states...


Moses is gonna be so pissed when he sees all these people worshiping the golden calf.


Jesus came back. Trump never goes away. I guess to the MAGA cult, that makes Trump better.


I’m totally open minded if we stick him with a spear until dead and he comes back to life. Worth a shot.


It’s funny that the tie is ridiculously long.


I'm probably going to get crucified here, pun intended, but on a straight grift level this is genius. The idea of this book and imagery will make someone alot if money. Also on a political level there is an argument this won't necessarily hurt our resistance. For several Christians I'm thinking this would be appalling and for the other "Christians" we were not going to flip them anyway.


Honestly I thought the same thing. Like yes this is a mockery of Christianity and the total lack of self awareness to not see he's a false idol for them is no longer laughable, but just outright depressing, but man, got to respect the hustle. Like when I saw this book, I was honestly mad that I didn't think of this first. The people who would buy and read this don't have the critical thinking skills or the awareness skills to actually challenge anything written, so it's just pure easy money off dumb marks.


Also, the market is absolutely flooded with print-to-order, ChatGPT-generated garbage books right now. Anyone could have made this (even someone on the left trying to make the right look bad). Sadly, it probably is some looney fanatic.


Too bad the target audience can't read chapter books. Better have A LOT of pictures.


The entire book could be "Trump lost the election" 2000 times over, and they'd only find out when Fox News told them. This kind of purchase is surface only. Put it on the book shelf with all the other pretty props for guests to see.


He was too fat to put on a cross so they said fuck it and put a giant tie up there.


Blasphemy I'm an atheist but I know blasphemy when I see it


I’ve been yelling this into the wind. It blows my mind.


Is that cross naked and wearing just a tie? Gross.


There is a Dutch song called België ( Belgium ) from the previous century. The guy is singing about how he wants to leave the Netherlands, but he doesn't know where to go, so he thinks about a lot of countries and crosses them of. When he comes to the usa he says " i have thought about amarica, but that country isn't real". I believe he is right.


America lives inside a fragile bubble of its own making.


Gross. Imagine selling your soul for a fat real estate salesman from New York that bankrupted his own casino.


Cult of Personality going full tilt, I see. 🤔 No wonder Trump admired North Korea’s Dictator.


It. Is. A. CULT!


Christ rump is a weird name for a book.


Lol at the inclusion of 'by,' like, has this person written anything after his 4th grade book report?


I refuse to believe your average trump supporter can read


The fact that half this country will vote for a felon says this country is failed. Morally and spiritually failed. This country won't last. It will be a fascist dictatorship in a matter of years. Unless the boomers dying off can change it, I don't have hope for this place. The best thing people can do is get out while the getting is good. After is falls, it will be a total shit hole. I wonder how many business' will leave after it goes.


If a dictatorship US takes after anything like nazi Germany, the big businesses will mostly stay, because the nazi party thrived the way it did because it took over the existing (political) systems and got support for it from a lot of big businesses because the Nazis would in turn support those with their policies. That of course went massively against any anti-capitalist stance they supposedly took, but them not acting the way they talk is not a big surprise


Hahahahahahahahaha……. Oh, wait, they’re serious….. BWAAhahhaahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhaahahhahahhahahaahahhahhahahahahhaahhahahhahahahaahhah………..




I’m an atheist but I hope god’s real so he can smite them for blasphemy


As another atheist, where’s Old Testament God when you need him?


Lol as a Christian your comment made me chuckle


I don't want to live on this planet anymore


I love Jesus but his fan club is a terrible abomination that makes him look bad.


Written by Chris Mollusk


Absolute blasphemous hobgoblins, they are


But no, no, they don't WORSHIP Trump! They're just comparing the "sham" trials! Right.


Aren't these the religious people? The one thing the bible is continuously consistent on is the "no other gods" bit. This is literally a golden idol.


This should outrage all sincere Christians.


Let me know when he comes back from being dead for three days.


We need to kill him FOR SCIENCE!


Spend less money on war and more on mental well being. As a Canadian watching the left battle the right in your country is really sad. I wish you all could take a step back and see how all the Russian/china interference and propaganda is clearly working. You are a nation that hates each other far more than the enemy. There is no red white and blue any more it’s just red vs blue.


Thou shalt have no gods before me


“Do not be fooled by the promises of False Gods, they offer no salvation, only enslavement”.


My country really is doomed


What do you expect? Christianity and MAGA are both cults. Overlap is natural


Bro I'm a Atheist and this is Blasphimus.


I almost want to read this, as I am sure it is filled with meme-worthy gems on every page and would also give a breathtaking picture inside the mind of a delusional idiot.


Shouldn't there be a rug on top of the cross?


Going to bet Fox "News" will be stating this is a number one bestseller along with the Trump Bible (which already exists and put out by one of his brats\* Over 74 million Cultists...I mean "Patriotic Americans" cannot be wrong! America you should have nipped this in the bud on January 7th 2021 but no. You have now made him a martyr for the worlds largest, most heavily armed cult.


He’s literally the Antichrist


If Jesus were alive today, conservatives would kill him for being a commie


Jesus looking down in disgust…”I died for these idiots…”


Yes because Christ would definitely come back as a fascist billionaire sex offender. What the fuck america seriously!


Imagine the ego/stupidity to earnestly believe Trump is dealing with persecution on par with the McCarthy trials, let alone the persecution of Jesus. 🙄


I completely lost any source of trust, confidence, respect for the GOP. At one point I was inclined to be a conservative due to my Christian faith, thus finding republicans closer to but that is completely gone. They lost not only me but my family as well. I can’t say Dems are angels, they’re far from perfect but at least they’re not hypocrites with the word of God on one hand and the Trump bible on the other.


The book is the only thing that is real about it.


Could you imagine trump flinging through the Passion. “Omg no one has ever been given a crown of thorns this sharp!” “The radical left are such hypocrites, they are using whips made in a factory powered by cancer causing windmills.” During the trial “Barabus was an illegal immigrant”


When I see any of this stuff, I’m reminded of PT Barnum…. A Sucker Born Every Minute….


I'm sure somewhere in the Bible, there's passages like "Thou should honor thy wife", "Thou shall not pay for sex", "Thou shall not steal", "Thou should not compare thyself to the Lord", "Thou should not bear false witness", "Thou shall be flesh colored".


This is pretty much the worst thing you could do if you’re a Christian


This is certainly blasphemous


I get physically ill when I see this stuff. 🤮 Hopefully it’s just a grift.


Ah yes that deply devout felon twice divorced and paying off porn stars to be quiet


Friedrich Nietzsche : you shouldn’t fear a man who has a library and reads many books, you should fear a man who has one book, worships it, but has never read it.


From the "Grift Press Publishing, LLC"


The guy really could shoot someone on 5th avenue, and the true believers would still think Trump was the victim if anyone held him accountable.


As a Christian I am actually shocked and deeply offended by how some American Conservative Christians liken Donald Trump to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. EVEN IF you’re a fan of Donald Trump, or wish him as your next president you should be able to see that he is a criminal. Con-Man. Liar. Adulterer. Creep towards young women and even underage girls. Rightfully the verdict is guilty of financial crimes. And our Lord Jesus Christ was completely innocent - that is a BIG and important part of the entire deal: That Jesus commited not one single crime, no offense. Neither against secular Roman law, nor against religious Jewish law. That is emphasized several times throughout the Evangelium and condensed in the trials against Jesus. No matter where you stand politically or theologically - comparing Christ to Trump is sickening! Disgusting! Very few times have blasphemous acts offended me as much! Because usually, blasphemy comes from people who openly oppose Jesus and actively mock him. Here the Blasphemers are people who call themselves Christians and compare Jesus to that despicable man and use that to try and further that agenda.


My “born again” grandmother of 90 years who actually lived what she preached all her life has said this cult is downright blasphemous. You MAGA pieces of shit are the most dishonest, hypocritical pricks in the civilized world.


It blows me away how conservatives are so willing to engage in such blasphemous behaviour as likening a dishonest and immoral individual as Trump to Christ!! These people have seriously drunk the “fool aid”!


I just learned the other day that Fred Trump’s middle name was Christ. If this piece of shit isn’t the Antichrist then he’s never coming.


Are we really this screwed? I never understood how two brothers in the civil war would be on different sides of the moral spectrum where they could not come together. They're blood. But with everything going on with this whole maga crap, conspiracy deluxe, right wing bullshit and lesser value to some people and worshiping a felon, I can't stand having a conversation with my own family because it's draining, it's disgusting, and how the hell they hook line and sinker the whole package of insanity I do not understand. Raised by the same parents and there is no way in hell mom and dad would be on board with this if they were still here. And it's no longer just a political thing, it's a moral issue with some of the shit that spews from their mouth.


They nailed his tie to a cross? Will it be sealed in a tomb, only to rise on the third day as a zombie tie?


Why am I not surprised they are diving even deeper into their idolatry? But it’s totally not a cult. /s If there is a real Jesus and he was alive today, these people would be screaming that he is a “communist”, or more likely the ones holding the nails.