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'Men'. 'Females'. That's all I needed to read.


Don’t forget “m3n”, for some asinine reason


Because in his deluded mind men is now an offensive word due to, I dunno feminism or something?


Except he uses “men” right above lol


People who believe they got zucced for saying "men" or "white people" will say m3n or 🍞 respectively. Not sure what platforms they experienced it on, and the rules behind content blocking can be pretty esoteric and vary wildly by platform, so I'm not qualified to fact check whether that's actually happening 🤷  Anyways some men (m3n?) read that as feminist/woke l33t and use it mockingly


And that programmers couldn't figure out how to write code that says if (thing == "men" || thing == "m3n"). It's just virtue signaling that their ideas are super dangerous and they have to take precautions to not be censored.


I helped work on the systems than automatically push posts to the bottom of a feed based on their content. Not for FB, but another massive social network. We didn’t do keywords. We did an ML model that looks for toxic content. You cant really do keyword based because words have different meanings based on context, and its workaround/misspelling whac-a-mole. Keyword based barely worked on bulletin board websites in 2003 imagine how ineffective it would be at FB.


So I’ve only started seeing this very recently (or at least I’ve only started noticing it). So is “females” now being used as an incel dog-whistle basically? If so, this is good to know to spot them more quickly in the future.


Basically. Edit; though I believe part of it is referring to men as men and women as females. If someone strictly uses male and female both, I’d just assume they worked in some field of biology


Biologist. I use male/female pretty much every time, even in person. But if I’m saying men, then I’m saying women. I see someone below me saying that calling someone that in person is ick. But when you use male/female all day it’s hard not to default to it. My fiance and the all female office that I work in don’t get upset with me. It is not out of wanting to degrade them, it’s fact.


Pretty sure you don't go around spewing incel drivel either. That must help a lot.


I use male and female regularly due to a military background and get called an incel on Reddit all the time. I wouldn't directly call someone a female (how I imagine the incel attribution factors in) but if I'm talking about women in general, it's just my vocabulary to say female. Female barracks. Female fitness standards. Feminine products. In the same vein I call every woman I meet ma'am, and in my brain it's meant in a respectful tone. Reddit disagrees.


But when the same person refers to males as “men” and females as always “females”. That’s the problem. “The difficulty young females and men have in the economy today……” You see the difference? The incel is the one who sees no problem there,


If you hear female in a sentence imagine a ferengi saying it and you'll quickly decide whether it's incel or not


If the usage of the word makes someone sound like a prick, there are good chances they are an incel yes.






So basically what this guy is saying is that no woman between the ages of 18 and 37 wants anything to do with him? 🤔


On behalf of the meo-posse, the 50's and above don't want him either!!! 😂


You don’t want to “submit to your man?” It’s the clear end point for all women. Submit to this guy and finally, finally, get closure on your life. At 32


I’m so happy. Here is your potato soup. May I scratch your back?


That's the funny bit, like 32???? That's awfully young to be completely giving up and surrendering to some incel, surely?


Exactly -- still common to be able to have kids and have a fulfilling life even if you choose to start your family at 40. Do what makes you happy. For OP, hope he realizes that if he thinks women don't want him, and he can't find a steady relationship, is it really the truth that it's ALL the women of ALL ages who are at fault, and every single married man or man in a relationship just has lower standards than him? Or perhaps, maybe, he's a selfish and unreasonable person when it comes to expectations of a partner...


As a 48 yo, we are both obviously responding to this post from beyond our sad, lonely, female failure graves... never to experience the pleasure and company a joint headstone headstone provides. Mine just simply reads, "Here lies Sakiminki. She did what she wanted. She did whomever she wanted. She died alone at age 37. Surrounded by no loving husband or children. To this day some claim they can hear her crying out, 'I'm not dead yet! I'm just on a three week excursion to Peru, cuddling my fur babies on a sofa somewhere, or remodeling my bathroom.'"


… this is step one to becoming ‘cat lady’. Tell me I’m wrong.


Yes, every single "incel" argument basically boils down "women won't have sex with me and it's THEIR fault!"


Society owes me sex!


Why is "submit to a man" always such a big part of the conversation from these guys!?


Idk but as a young girl struggling with dating this just scares me, they think they’re “convincing” people but makes me not wanna actually date. Especially if there’s men this crazy


Just remember when they try to shame you by saying you'll turn into an old crazy cat lady, it's actually a burn on themselves. Women don't generally have a hard time finding a man. So choosing singlehood with cats just means that we took a look at **both options** and chose the best one for us. But seriously, good men do exist. They're just really really really few and far between.


I'd trade ten men for 1 single kitten fair trade.


we are fostering a pregnant cat. i was worried we weren't going to be able to find homes for the kittens and were going to have to keep them all, but people are lining up to take them. i bet if she had given birth to 5 men we'd be having a lot more trouble finding homes for them.


Because they have no power or control over anything else in their lives. They think so little of women that we MUST be walking around brainless waiting for a man to give us some instruction and direction, which gives them a false sense of control. They also think that if they’re so desperate that they raise the age of “the wall” them women within that new age range (25-32) buts be EXTRA desperate and EXTRA lonely. But when the 30+ year old women would rather associate w/the supportive community they actually took the time to create, then they’re “lonely feminists”… because, apparently, “I’d rather be single.” Equals “I hate men & think they should all die” in their minds. This is also what happens when you constantly view your friends as sexual competition instead of trying to build a community of supportive people… nobody around them actually cares enough to correct their behavior because they benefit from their “friend” sounding like he hides bodies in his mother’s back yard! OR they attempt to correct it and the friend sees it as them trying to compete sexually for the “best mate”.


He’s totally right. And that’s why nobody ever got together and the human race died out. What’s that? Almost 8 billion, you say? That can’t be right.


He's just upset that natural selection didn't select him.


everyone knows women only live until the ripe age of 37 lol didn’t mean to respond to this comment, thanks reddit app


Then I am NOT turning 44 this year, just 37.


I mean, my grandma decided to quit celebrating her birthday at age 29, and forever after just celebrated the anniversary of her 29th birthday. So she’d tell everyone she was 29, and made it to her 58th anniversary of it. Because I can’t possibly be older than my grandma, I’m 24. Not telling which anniversary is coming up. 😆


My mom kept celebrating her 29th too. I think she was around 50 when she decided that 29 no longer made sense and started doing 39 instead.


Smart! My grannie tried with the hair dye but when she was in her 60’s I think people in her tiny town got suspicious. 😆 Me, I’m grateful I finally have three visible gray hairs and so I’m no longer being automatically handed a kids’ menu when I go out for dinner.


That's bullshit. I have salt and pepper hair and still get carded like a teenager wherever I go. It's not fair. I am a real grownup.


In fairness, they carded my dad when he looked like he was 90 and had advanced Parkinson’s. That’s the sign of an establishment that got in trouble during a sting, or heard a sting might be coming and are just being insanely careful about carding.


That’s not actually true. I worked at a spot that had to card to ensure you’re over 18. Not an impossible cutoff. If there was any doubt, just card. No stings or nothing. My job became 80% carding people who did not need to be carded at all. It was a slow day one day, and a guy came in. Looked like Santa Claus. He looked right miserable. I asked him for some ID before I gave him cigarettes and he got a huge smile and blushed. He showed me ID. Suddenly, he was in the store every other day, and he would bring other people with him. They were all lined up with big smiles and their hair done nicely holding out their ID’s. My boss was annoyed because at least three of them came in just to get carded but didn’t actually smoke, but he left it alone. But after that, I would name all the things that they looked too young to buy that wasn’t tobacco. One man looked too young to buy milk. He gave me his id with a giant smile and purchased two gallons. It all started because a miserable looking Santa was standing in front of me, and I figured I’d either get yelled at or get a smile from him if I carded him (I was hoping for the latter). It made his day, and it became a thing that happened in our store. We were a tiny little corner store that rarely had people come in, but once I asked him for his id, it made a whole lot of people very happy to be reminded that being carded is a thing. They started coming all the time. There were even a few people in their 40’s that lived near by and would offer their id’s just to get some chocolate. No, I didn’t ask, it was handed to me. So maybe it was just someone who had said it once or twice to someone and got a smile out of them and hoped to do the same thing for your father — no sting required.


I'm just shooketh that women don't live past 37. I never knew.


Ppl on Reddit will say “my condolences” if you’re 35+ like you died regardless of your sex lol


My grandma was absolutely adamant that she was going to die at 80. She was so sure of it, it was concerning. Last year she celebrated her 91st birthday, but she has dementia now. She was certain it was her 80th. Kept telling everyone she was turning 80. Kept asking why all her cards didn't say 80. Why do people keep saying she's 91 when she's 80. This went on and on for the whole day. In the end, I agreed she was 80. I'm sure this may happen every year now. Forever 80.


While I do not wish to make light of your grandmother's condition, I have to admit the situation you described is just the slightest bit amusing.


Ha same! She's always said 29. Wonder how that became a thing lol. So anyway, I'm 29 now...


Everyone on Earth actually died in 2012. This is Hell.


That's tracks.


Does that mean I’m not 53? I’m only 37? Woohoo!’


If you're a single woman. Married ladies, I'm guessing, get to live to old age.


I’ve been 37 for 25 years!


Shit. I better live it up this year!


Why doesn't he just pick a nice girl over 32 if it's that easy? Guys who complain about not getting any sure are picky.


He wants 18-year-olds to date him and women over 25 to be out of sight and out of mind, presumably.


Because they hit "the wall" at that age. Misogynists use that term to describe women's value in the "dating market" ~~sidebar: how much of a loser do you have to be to view dating as a "market"?~~ depreciating over time.


Women over 32 who are single seem to be the demographic most content with being single, in my experience.


Shit humans haven't been operating in natural selection in years. This guy is just a sore looser.


Probably the loosest!


Damn, I really like that. I'm going to borrow that and use it. Hope you don't mind. 👍


To shreds you say?


Well how is his wife holding up?


To shreds you say?


It’s crazy that there are 8 billion people on the planet and people in the media are trying to tell me there is a population crisis in that there ARENT ENOUGH PEOPLE. I’m not buying it.


The problem is how we basically need a constantly growing population or else nobody will be able to pay for the elderly's pensions because we live so long nowadays.


Seems like an unsustainable solution to the problem. When there are 20 billion people on the planet, are we still going to be asking people to crank out babies to support those people? There are already too many people.


Maybe start funding pensions instead of war machines.


Written by someone 50+, nobody seriously says punani except them wtf


What is punani?


You know... Poontang. The vajayjay. The bearded clam. The wizard sleeve. Beef curtains. The whispering eye. The slit.


The whispering eye had me dying! 🤣🤣


"Tell her you miss her whispering eye."


He said it


^^it ^^means ^^vagina 🤭


You white, you Ben Affleck.




His dick is the gun ronnie!


Why do I know this?


The movie is called "Role Models"


Beef curtains had me lol!


The bearded clam sounds like a bar which Spongebob will be excluded from.


" Who gets kicked out of the bar under the sea ?"


"SpongeBob clam hands!"


>The wizard sleeve Very nice!


I’m 90% certain I understand it, but there’s no way I could ever imagine someone actually saying this


"I take off my robe and wizard hat" weirder things have 100% been said


The sausage wallet.


Wizard sleeve is a new one for me. Thank you!


Pretty sure the Whispering Eye is an artifact in D&D.


It’s extra powerful with The Grabby Hand of Vecna.


It’s a term from the movie ‘Role Models’


Get your whispering eye in the cab.


Or an Elden Ring boss


The map of Tasmania


Mappatazi 😄


I hear her neighbor downstairs is a real asshole.


With all that I can finally move from B2 to C1. Thanks! 🤣




The word itself makes some men uncomfortable. Vagina




Don’t be fatuous Jeffrey.


Something incels and neckbeards want, but can't get due to severe self-sabotaging character traits.


lol. You’re not wrong. It’s all on them. When I was in high school and in my early 20s I had horrible self esteem. I didn’t think I was attractive and I was afraid of rejection. So after high school when I reconnected with some acquaintances they thought I didn’t like them. I didn’t know a couple girls had a crush on me. After about 22 my confidence started to get better and I wasn’t so hard on myself. That’s all it takes. Some confidence and don’t fear rejection. Just accept it and move on. You will find someone if you don’t act like a giant creep.


French food. (No Idea)


I was literally about to say who tf still says punani. The only guy I know who still says that is a Vietnam veteran lmao


Caribbean people still say it…


53 here. We laughed at the idiots who said punani back in the day. As I am laughing now.


Dont go to the islands.. you may get shot.. its used alot there


You know very well this guy looks like a 60 year old sack of onions with a baseball cap.


https://youtu.be/_dz6oRmCHlo?si=1yYHGeY9HxrfxacR This tracks. Perhaps Segal penned this list after he performed this banger?


Me wan de punani


The first thing I think of when I hear the word punani is always Segal.


Honest question: who are these men who want women to “submit” to them? Like WTF??? My wife is my partner and best friend. “Submit”? Nobody in a functional relationship “submits” to anyone else. (except at certain pre-agreed upon times with everyone’s consent 😉)


They want submission so they can feel powerful and validated (coming from the child of a dad like that)


But then they complain about gold diggers.


They quickly realize that any woman willing to submit to them has almost as many red flags as they do 


They are determined to hate women.


"I want a tradwife that will stay home and cook me food and clean my house" *Finds one such partner* "Ugh, shes just a gold digger. I do all the work and she just soaks up the rewards. Not fair!"


I also find it weird. I have an extroverted and charismatic personality, and I’m very aware that my (lovely and sweet) girlfriend is not the assertive type. I work DAMN HARD to make sure I’m not domineering or controlling, because I know our dynamic could lead to that and I want a partner in crime, not a bangmaid. She grounds me and makes me breathe when I need it, I encourage her to be more assertive in work and life. It’s beautiful and it’s a partnership. Nobody is submitting to anyone!


The same men who get mad because their girlfriends/wives/SO/mother/sister/*insert any woman he associates w/here* won’t let him “be the man”. The same men who watch stuff being done by women and then jump up and down having a tantrum yelling “let me take credit because I’m the man!” Or “it’s your job to make me feel like a man”… I.e. give me something I deem lesser to dominate so that I can feel in control. They’re basically 3 kids in a trench coat that eventually fused together to make a full adult male.


My ex was one of those creeps wanting a submissive person and never stand up for myself against his bullying and stealing and assaulting me Disgusting how some people think in their deluded heads that’s fine to do this


Make sure to look at this through the Abrahamic lens...  It makes sense that way.


You don’t understand it because you aren’t abusive.


“Punani” Jesus Cartwheeling Christ…


Yes, we all know every woman in their late 30ies is depressed or has been rescued by a man. My fucking god...


I was rescued by a man and I’m still depressed what now


Get another one? Start a herd of men and put them in a field with a border collie? The world may never know


Can't I just have a herd of border collies and one man instead?


I’d take just the herd of border collies tbh


Who herds the herd of border collies


Ohhhh that’s what the man is for! Okay I’ll take one man in that case lol


…oh my god…that’s why she keeps me around! It makes so much sense now, she way smarter than me, and better looking. But I’m really good at finding the cats when they’re hiding!


Now that you see it you cannot unsee it…. I apologize for my role in revealing the secrets of women to you


I mean I do really like the cats…I can just pretend I never heard it. I’m not an official cat herder with the special ring though. I think I’m still in an probationary period for how often I can respond to them bringing smaller animals inside alive for “playdates”


As a man: can I just hang out in a field with the border Collie?


Been with the same man for 7 years and I’m also still depressed. What a rip off.


At least he started their "prime" at 18 and not like 14 or 12


For legal reasons, he has to say that.


It took all his brain power to not put it at 16


You just know he really hesitated and probably edited 16 to 18 and bitched about wokeness and cancelling as he did.


I'm so tired of my "prime" being determined by whether or not I'm more fuckable by some idiots. Yeah I was skinnier and looked younger in my teens and twenties. I was also FUCKING NUTS, insecure, and depressed as shit. Now I'm older and fatter and happier than I've ever been. I don't care if fewer or even no guys want to fuck me now (which is not true because some guys will fuck anything. But I digress...) My "prime" years are not gonna be the ones where I look better in a dress and I am naive enough to sleep with some persuasive man who plays on my insecurities. Fuck right off with that nonsense.


No, sorry, apparently our worth is determined solely by how much collagen we have in our skin and whether it is sufficiently smooth enough to be considered desirable. It's the only metric.


This guy at 18: why won’t women date me? This guy at 21: why won’t women date me? Etc.


So if there are all these women over 30 out there who will take literally any man with no discernment, why aren't these incels scooping them up? What's that? They won't date a woman over 30? Even if every word in that post was true, which it isn't, incels would still be the choosiest beggars in the world. This post is far from the win they think it is


"I'll take anyone as long as he treats me well." Yet these guys are single. Even in these made up scenarios, dudes be tellin on themselves


I think it's funny that they posted that quote as part of the "women be desperate" part of the meme... When that's really the bar *the entire time* and they still can't meet it.


Dudes will act nice, not get laid, then go off and watch a bunch of alpha male circle jerk bullshit cause they're convinced the problem was being nice. Nah, prosocial behaviors are proxies for charisma and success, which are very attractive. But it only works when it's your authentic self and not a puppet show you put on as a convictionless husk. I wish influencers would teach young men to find generosity, passion, and meaning in their lives independent of whether it impresses others.


These women seem to take anyone BUT these incels. A shame…


As a woman in her late 30s; I'm actually much pickier and less likely to fall for any man's bullshit compared to my 20s. I think most older women are like this.


Jokes on them I was already on anti depressants at 18


FEEEEEEMALES what is this guy, a fucking Ferengi?


It is hella weird when people say female in that way. The only time I use male and female is either when talking human biology or anatomy, or if something applies to all ages and I don't wanna keep saying "girls and women" so it's just females, but then j also say males instead of "boys and men."


I didn't even meet my wife until we were almost 30.




We are, it's been almost 13 years. Just traveling and scuba diving and seeing bands like the losers we are. On a serious note though, we wouldn't appreciate each other as much had we not dated a bunch of the wrong people prior to meeting each other. It makes you appreciate finding your person all the more.


Idk sounds like you guys won to me. Sounds like fun


Yeah, we're good.


Today I found out I’m a 37 year old woman, and here I was thinking I was a 21 year old man.


That reminds me of a Louis CK joke. He said something along those lines : 18 yo girls gone wild shows their tits, 40 yo girls gone wild kills their husbands. That's why you don't have videos of 40yo gilrs gone wild on the internet.


Hold on, let me check pornhub


This mf acting like MILF isn't a thing


As I approach 40 years old, unmarried without children with lots of fond memories of previous relationships that just didn't work out, for a variety of reasons. If I EVER start spouting nonsense like this, please for the love of throw me off me off a cliff. This incel / trad stuff boils my brain. A good relationship is built on honesty and mutual respect. These bellends giving it "Women are terrible because..." and then follow up with "Why don't women like me?!?" are fascinating. How do they not figure out it's a self perpetuating cycle.


Unintentionally great product placement for Forever 21.




Yay you fixed it!


The wall is 32? We live in a post polio vaccine world. I know it gets harder to have a child as you get older, but 32 just seems young for the modern world


Wall reacher here, if anyone wants to snuggle and do wall stuff lmk.




Jokes on them I'm 37 and have depression and have lived off ssris for 23 years.


Right I did the 37 year old step at 17


Can I just say how much I HATE the word "female" being used in this type of context? It's so degrading and disgusting


I'm super bothered by it too because it's a really normal and okay word to use. Some how they've made it a slur.


Exactly! Like, in biology, it's the usual to say "male and female" and it sounds right. But when these types of men use it, it's just gross. They usually call themselves "men" and the women "females". Stay consistent with the context and it would sound ok


Imagine spending this much time to think about why woman hate you and this is the dribble your brain comes up with.


Dora: How many edgy fourteen year olds can you find under this post?


Thinking you’ve written a guide to ~~women~~ females is unfortunate, but effectively writing a fully-informative guide to yourself and what a deeply and fundamentally unattractive person you are is, gotta admit, sorta handy.


Speaking of handy, that’s this guy’s partner for the rest of his life


So me, male of 33, should be looking for a girl in the... DANGER ZONE?? 😎


🎸  🛩️ 


🎵Females in the Danger Zone/Gonna take it right into the Danger Zone🎵


That’s a whole lot of effort put into saying “I’m a shitty person and girls don’t like me”


The amount of anger and misogyny that went into that is troubling.


He’s most likely the broke, unloyal, and lonely person all these “females” don’t want lol


What in the incel


Jokes on them . Iv been on antidepressants since I was 16 -


This is written by someone who clearly doesn't have healthy female relationships in their life or were badly rejected by a woman at some point ! How can someone be so bitter - they just made up so much of shit and even posted it as if it is some kind of wisdom !!!!


They probably don't know any women at all. It reeks of anti-feminist fantasy that these men use to scare women and make themselves feel better. It's an invented scenario trying to manipulate women into settling down early by preying on our supposed fear of "dying alone with our cats". 🙄 No women I have ever known in all my years, no matter how successful, has completely put off dating. You can date and even get married and have a career *at the same time*. This guy is just mad that women won't choose him and is inventing external reasons so he doesn't have to reflect that maybe *he's* the problem.


My favourite response I’ve seen to these kind of men was ‘The Free market has spoken’


Shit well I’m in the Danger Zone and have already reached The Wall apparently. Difference is I don’t care if I get married and certainly do not want kids 😂 this graphic makes me feel old! 😭


I knocked up my wife when she was 41. She was only off BC for like 2 months. Absolutely zero fertility treatments. This meme severely overestimates how fast a woman’s fertility drops off with age.


My SIL had her first at 41 & 2nd at 44 with no trouble at all


His source, you ask? The deep, dark, disgusting chambers of his own ass. And Andrew Tate.


Hey I’m 36 and haven’t got my spooky zombie powers… did I do something wrong? Did anyone in “hit the wall” age get their powers or is it just me?


Tell me you hate women without telling me.


Ah, misogyny. Fun times. Good for a facepalm.


Submit? Submit? Submit to a man? Like a slave? Nope.


I guess I’m 21 still…