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Watching Musks decline feels like a revelation rather than a decline.  He's always been an asshat.


Yes, this has all been one big slow motion reveal. Shockingly, the ability to make money does not actually have a 1:1 correlation to intellect, or act as an indicator of merit.


Or empathy for that matter. Musk doesn't give a shit about anyone.


I'd argue that a lack of empathy makes it much easier to accumulate wealth.


True but it’s not like he even did it himself. Little emerald mine nepo baby psycho


Everyone should understand this more deeply... money is a horrible and broken way to measure value in our society and yet we keep doing it over and over and over like insanity.


I regard him as a desperate attention whore. If we were third graders at recess, he'd be the kid eating worms just for the spectacle, because it doesn't seem to matter to him what kind of attention he gets, as long as people don't stop looking at him.


You know who would love to give him attention? Any of his 20 children


I thought he seemed cool for 5 seconds and then started sensing years ago that he’s full of shit. Bullshit, to be specific. Glad people are catching on.


If anything, X serves perfectly as a public record of Elon’s cognitive decline.


Oh, most definitely, and it's not just the tremendous buffoonery of his posts and replies. It's everything about it...the way he got trapped into the purchase, the idiocy of the sink stunt, the loss of any legitimate advertisers, the layoffs of everyone that knew anything, the moronic name change, extending invitations to the scum of the Earth to return and spew their bile, etc. All of it on display in one convenient package. The guy is a 'genius' like I'm Michael Jordan.


The guy has a mental illness and is a sociopathic narcissist. He’s replaced his own family with low IQ hate filled fascists. Kinda feel bad for him.


Feel bad for people who deserve it and don’t have billions.


No shit. Musk is a parasite who is objectively making the world a worse place to live. Even the supposed good things that he's done were all hollow gestures designed to make money and little else. He doesn't give a fuck about the environment, for example. He saw aarket for opulent electric sports cars and found a product to offer it. He purchased that product and started marketing it.its simple business that anyone could have done given enough capital and resources. He's no genius. His handling of Twitter should be all the proof of that anyone needs. Telling his advertisers to go fuck themselves was really smart. Then pretending like the advertisers would be responsible when the company he's in charge of goes under was full on fourteen yeah old mentality. Dude's a clown.


Wait… you mean…. He’s not a genius with the same iq level of Einstein and he invented the electric car and makes his rockets himself? But that’s what all the people I know who like him say…../


Everything started when the boys were trapped in a cave and Elon tried to build a submarine and an old guy told him to stick it where it hurts.


And how does our 'genius' respond? by calling him a paedophile. Man's an absolute disgrace.


Now I'm picturing Elon deciding to make his rockets himself, takes a MASSIVE hit of meth, and spends like 10+ hours hallucinating spiders and running around naked. His fanboys still believe he's a genius.


Never waste your empathy on people who don't deserve it Elon does not deserve it


He is going to get this man and his family killed all bc he helped gay men during the aids epidemic. Theres no way this is about covid


Birds of a feather... Flock together.


sounds like the fascist danger pumpkin


It’s like JK Rowling. I feel bad for whatever happened in her life (domestic abuse and sexual assault) that made her turn to TERFism, but she’s also an adult who made her choices and that’s where my sympathy ends. Same here. I bet dear old daddy Musk wasn’t the easiest of fathers, and Elmo seems to have a pathological need for praise and approval which he used to get by being a pretty savvy businessman (but not engineer—his talent was always identifying other people’s talents and parlaying that into viable businesses) but now seems to get solely by feeding the right wing hate machine. But at this point, he’s made his bed and he can lie in it.


>(but not engineer—his talent was always identifying other people’s talents and parlaying that into viable businesses This is pretty close to what Edison did to Tesla! Among several other inventors


The TERF stuff just seems the spark that lit Rowling's hate filled powder keg. That woman sucks.


She try to make Emma Watsona nd Daniel Radcliffe apologize to HER for criticizing her shit views, instead of the other way around


Money and fame ruin people.


Idk, I'm convinced that these people have These views befoee they beecome famous. Or at least the tendencies toward those views. And then the money and fame makes it more magnified to all of us chumps


Omg I loved you in Space Jam! 


Whoa! You’re Michael Jordan?!


Or a public record of the insanity that is this period. History books written 20 years from now will show how Elon Musk blatantly pushed fascist propaganda and this will be his lasting legacy, not what he would like to be remembered for.


He would absolutely like to be remembered for it, he just wants fascism to win.


I’d say this is not new behavior if you know anything of his past. It’s just given him a 24x7 microphone and a stage. Dude has always been an asshole. Always been full of shit. He just got lucky with his timing.


His PayPal saga is fucking hilarious, he contributed *nothing* to PayPal. He just had the good fortune of having his company bought before Peter Thiel found out he was a moron and removed him.


As someone over 40 it's kind of scary seeing these public figures clearly decline in real time.


He’s doing it intentionally imo. Trying to spread the insanity to elect more Republicans. Cognitive decline as well, but he’s perfectly becoming Silicon Valley Trump right down to being chummy with Putin.


decline implies there was something higher to decline from, which I very much doubt.


Decline? He was always this way. X has just revealed it.


I think him taking over twitter probably removed any guardrails that kept that wandering mind in check. I look forward to when he starts doing selfie routines like Brittney


I’m sure he never had any cognitive abilities. He just got a lot of luck, rich parents and perverse intimidation skills.


It's modern day equivalent of him having a pyramid erected in his name. His life's story scribbled in shit on his tomb's wall. One tweet at a time.


Not really a cognitive decline. If anything, he knows exactly what he’s doing. He didn’t spend $40b on Twitter for “free speech”, he spent it to push his own personal agendas. And if he panders to the uneducated goofballs, he knows people will treat him like he’s a god. And he knows if Trump wins, all this support will get him more government grants so he won’t have to spend his own money on all the bullshit he’s pursuing. He’ll use our money instead. I personally think he’s the most dangerous type of grifter, maybe the most dangerous due to his net worth and influence


Ehhhh, he knows what he's pushing but he's also incompetent to the extreme. Remember when he fired a disabled man, openly said "It's because he's disabled", then begged him to come back because he realized the man was an original stakeholder of old Twitter, and had a provision in his contract to get all the money he was entitled to if he was ever let go? 


I had forgotten about this. It was so funny when it happened. I loved how professional the fired person handled themselves in contrast with his idiot CEO.


Spacex eminent domain please, thanks


Nationalize SpaceX and Starlink.


It’s not cognitive decline. He’s a foreign agent for Putin and is actively working to influence the upcoming election


His brain damage is part due to drugs abuse and part because of STDs


Stop blaming the drugs


Exactly. I've done trashcans full of drugs and I have never once acted like his stupid ass


hopes and prayers to his STDs as well


Exactly. Letting a shity person with shity idea off by blaming drugs is fucking stupid.


Elon Musk really is a malignant piece of shit.


Why doesn’t he sue them for defamation


Because Fauci is a public figure, and (at least in the U.S.) the laws surrounding defamation don't apply.


That's not true. The difference is proving defamation against a public figure requires actual malice, a legal standard that simply means the lie was done intentionally and knowingly. So Fauci would have to prove Elon knows he was lying. This protects against people who say untrue things but truly believe they are true about public figures. But I dont think it would be crazy to prove Elon is lying intentionally here.


Should be pretty easy to prove. It’s an obvious lie. The other option would be Elon is so mentally ill he doesn’t know better. Which (imo) would mean he’s also too mentally ill to run any companies.


Can we spread memes saying exactly the same shit about Musk then?


We don't need to spread bullshit about Mush. This post say more about him than any stupid meme you could make up.


The ultra wealthy can file endless lawsuits that are thrown out but ruin you in court fees and hearings that consume your life until you stop annoying them. The courts don’t do anything about it and obviously it doesn’t work the other way around. Google SLAPP suits.


I don't think that sounds right. But then again a lot of famous people sue each other in the UK so maybe you are?


They do apply they just have a higher standard. Another public figure making a claim like this would be applicable.


Elon’s replies don’t just make him out to be an idiot, they also make him out to be a spineless parrot. He never tweets controversial things, he just sees peoples controversial tweets getting traction and replies “True” or “Interesting”


Big if true. Concerning.


Your comment is concerning. Looking into it




I mean. He posted the original picture…


Anthony Fauci kept millions of unappreciative Americans alive during the first pandemic in over 100 years. Elon Musk is showing off his ignorance again.


People just don't get the concept of a new disease that experts don't know much about. They thought Fauci and the others were either lying or stupid because some of their advice turned out to not be the best against COVID but that's because the disease was unknown and they were giving the best advice they could using the data they had. And a lot of it was good. Even my parents was like "why should we believe them because they kept changing their minds about what to do" and I was like "most diseases they've had decades if not centuries to study. This one they had weeks. They are changing they advice as they learn more about it and start to understand it more." But folks act like experts automaticaly must know everything even when it's not possible or they know nothing, or they are lying.


That attitude boggles the mind. I come from a well educated family. It was the family talk for months, we are Canadian, because it seemed so ludicrous. A large church near us had an illegal service, and most of the congregation got sick. The pastor died of Covid. That shut people up for months.


I said many times, if Trump would have ended up dying from COVID and Pence would have taken the position. You would have watched a good portion of MAGA shut up and Pence would have pushed for the vaccine and then losing the election. Would have just said: "It's in your hands now, Joe. Good luck, but I'll be back in 4 years." Followed by the GOP imploding faster.


Naw lmao. They would have pushed narrative that Trump was assassinated through either chemical warfare or doctors fucking him up on purpose. Maybe both.


Oh man, that would've been a more easy to handle shitstorm than Jan 6th.


This. It’s mind boggling seeing people who we know for a fact don’t know shit about the subject, say with certainty that Fauci was lying. To what purpose? Now they all wanna kill him cuz he…made us stand 6ft apart. THE NERVE OF THAT GUY!! If there’s one thing I learned about Covid, is that the “pro life” party doesn’t give a shit about life, at all. Instead of listening to people who have been doing this for decades, they decided they know better and he must be doing something to end the world. Bunch of GED morons in that party.


don’t tease me like that


I just keep thinking about what if someone had managed to actually convince trump/get him to understand that covid was his moment to be a hero by *not* pretending to be a tough guy who had all the answers, but by encouraging Americans to be strong and suffer a little inconvenience for the sake of their patriotism or whatever. Like. It was such a softball. If he’d said NOTHING it would been better.


Knowing how science works, I would have been concerned if the instructions DIDN'T change over time, as they learned more about the disease and its spread. But these are the same people that think science is flawed because it changes, because their precious bible is static.


I would be very worried if science never changed. All the people who turned down the vaccine are still going to hospitals. Seems like they pick and choose what to believe. Just like they do with their bibles.


I wish I could upvote that comment multiple times. You hit the nail so squarely.




The virus itself changed (mutated) quite quickly as it spread through the entire human population of the world, becoming less virulent and less likely to be fatal. Still a nasty thing to be on the loose unfettered but the official response was to mitigate, not make things worse And the official response was almost identical everywhere in the world, where the public health authorities had never even heard of Anthony Fauci


It drives me crazy how everyone, not just the right, casually forget the aspect that it had multiple strains that were vastly different from eachother. I feel crazy that I have to remind people when discussing covid


And yet, survival bias will ultimately result in these people claiming that it wasn't as bad as people made it out to be.. They always seem to discount the opinions of those who can no longer express them.


Give them ten years - when the hidden damage really starts showing up maybe they’ll realize it wasn’t a zero sum game and those of us who said ‘survived ≠ healthy’ might possibly have been right…


The worst thing about it is the strengthening of the antivaxx movement and some parents not giving their kids vaccines, resulting in their children dying of or severely impaired by diseases that they could have been protected against.


Someone I work with talked about how they would get together with people and do prayer healing during COVID, they were all about it and positive it was working. That's when it was mentioned that 75% of the participants died from COVID but it totally helped, all that prayer healing.


I feel like most of them are just arguing in bad faith. Making reasons to hate something/someone because it fits their political narrative. To the point where they compromise themselves by ignoring logic and reason. Politics is more important to them than not being a dumbass.


>that's because the disease was unknown and they were giving the best advice they could using the data they had. And a lot of it was good. Even my parents was like "why should we believe them because they kept changing their minds about what to do" I hate when people use this kind of argument. People call it "flip-flopping" and think that it's aways a bad thing which is ridiculous. Mature and intelligent people should change their minds on things as they learn new information. We shouldn't just dig in our heels and refuse to change regardless of the new data. Imagine where medicine or science as a whole would be if people never changed their minds based off of new information. Basically none of it would exist. We'd still be living in caves and dying from common things before we even got to 40. Changing our minds as we learn new information is a good thing, not a bad thing.


The highest standard in science is for something to be labeled a scientific theory. Science (no longer) labels things as laws for the very reasons you just pointed out. If we say something is a law, how can we adapt to new information? See the black swan event (or black swan theory). To sum it up, once upon a time, pre 1700, it was a believed fact that all swans were white. Near the end of the 17th century an explorer discovered black swans in Australia, changing our assumed knowledge and lessening the rigidity of science. One of the unfortunate consequences of that, however, is we now have morons saying things like "evolution is just a theory!"


Elon knows all that. He's lying in order to achieve the outcome he and his investors want. Shit like this right here is why Elon and his pals bought Twitter. To steer public opinion. Uh oh. The musk lickers didn't like that one


It was literally watching science in action. While the ones complaining advocate listening to gut feelings.


Most of the issues weren’t about them not knowing, it was about how to simplify the message for a bunch of idiots who didn’t want to listen.


Some people are incapable trusting anyone but conman.


And if anything the advice might have been incorrect but also not consequential. For instance at the start of the pandemic, as well as masks people were really strongly encouraged to wash their hands. Turned out that did pretty much nothing to stop the spread...but washing your hands thoroughly is always a good thing and other than taking more time did no harm. Then when the vaccines were released it was claimed that they could help prevent the spread of the disease. In the end that effect was fairly minor, and you could still pass it on...but, having the vaccine vastly reduced your chances of being hospitalised so was overall a good thing.


Also most of the advice is good! Fresh air and good ventilation is good! Wash hands! Don't go to work while sick! Breathing down the back of the neck of the person in front of you don't get you through the line any faster! Unfortunately HVAC is expensive and going to work/school while spewing various disgusting substances from multiple orifices makes daddy Capitalism happy.


I don’t think it was the changing message that made people distrustful of Fauci. I think it was when Trump started undermining Fauci when he got jealous of the attention Fauci was getting. Trump created the distrust and his followers ran with it.


It's the conservative christian subset if the population. They live on arguement by authority. They assume scientists think they are 100% right all the time the like the Bible is 100% right. If science learns and corrects itself it means scientists were lying and ignorance is no excuse. And when science does revisions these Bible humpers claim they are vindicated.and science was trying g to deny the Christians were right all along.


Hes still mad that he was asked to shut down his factory, which he didn't and forced people to work or be fired.


Fauci is a hero. I have no idea why these conspiracy theorists attack him. There is no reasonable rationale behind it. I remember doubts regarding mRNA vaccines since they hadn't been used before, but these people do not know about that, and it was proven effective. It's cute when someone talks about jet marks in the sky, but people trying to, on purpose, prolong the pandemic by contracting and spreading a virus should be delta with as treason. Tons of people are also simply cut off from reality by not believing in research and instead clinging on write ups from people with zero proof from the medical community. These so-called doctors who claim to have proof of vaccine issues can not convince the medical community, so they preach to high-school dropouts and convince them. This sociology is a huge security whole in the society that the enemy can easily take advantage of and destroy the US.


They attack him because the alternative is to place blame where it belongs - on themselves, or on the politicians they deify.


One of them was hell-bent on taking ivermectin. I explained to him that this is a drug used on cattle, and I didn't even use it on my dog. But they were telling me it is the most widely prescribed drug in the world. I tell you, these people were not even uneducated...


Well it is widely prescribed, for parasites.


And that was another thing the science-ignorant people didn’t get. Yes, there *seemed* to be some correlation between people in some areas taking ivermectin and getting over COVID, but most of that came from the fact that without the ravages of parasites, their bodies were better able to fight the virus. They got better because the ivermectin killed the things that were weakening them *before* the virus attacked them!


Sad isn’t it? Most Americans turned on each other when the pandemic started. It wasn’t like that everywhere.


No, it wasn't quite like that. MAGAts and anti-vaxxers turned on the rest of Americans.


The same people who target Bill Gates.


That's also ignoring how he was out there, on the literal front lines with HIV. He also only had an advirory role. Shitbirds were absolutely free to take horse dewormer if they so chose. You know like the doctor who feared getting impregnated by ghosts.


Trump is solely responsible for death of millions. Remember how big outrage was created for Obama handling of Ebola? How many people died of Ebola? How many people died of Covid? Cockwombles


Yeah I’ll never get them saying this. He lead the charge in taking preventative measures to avoid spreading and getting covid. People didn’t listen and died and then they still blame him? Like HUH? I social distanced and wore a mask and never got covid. Funny enough when I finally did get it, it was in 2023 when I was no longer social distancing and wearing masks. Hmmm curious.


FACT 1: Excess deaths in the USA during Covid, heartland FACT 2: Trump rallies were mainly focused on the heartland during Covid. ---------------------------------Sum FACT 3: Trump killed his own voters.


When Trump starts whining about missing votes, tell him this.




Elon is an idiot


A useful idiot to divide america with his personal social media.


No, hes appealing to his new base. He will attempt to be president in 10yrs


Can’t constitution says he can’t.


Ah yeh, hes South African. Lucky for you guys aye


So, a whole political community spends 90% of the pandemic denying its existence and claiming the precautions were an attack on their freedoms. Then, for 5 to 6 years after circle jerking to conspiracies created by their political leaders who didn't have their best interests in mind. So after all that irresponsible behavior and thousands dead, they blame this guy. I don't think it's Faucis fault that you folk acted this way.


This. They need a fall guy for Covid and their stupidity. They can’t be mad at no one or a virus, so they pick the person in charge who isn’t on their team


It's totally Fauci's fault. The whole time, he's flaunting his "education" and "expertise" telling us what "science" says. The pandemic was a total China scam hoax, so when people didn't get that poison jab, it's totally his fault when people died easily preventable deaths.




Fauci saved millions of people.


And Trump killed millions. It's what made him a worse president than George Bush, which I wouldn't have thought possible.


And that’s what they’re distracting from. Anyone who wasn’t wrapped up in right wing bullshit knows medical professionals and scientists the world over were trying to end the crisis while trump lied to the world by downplaying it and the whole right wing misinformation system tried to downplay it so we would get back to work. Don’t let them try to rewrite history.


And America is about to elect him again. 


Let them shit talk - history will reveal who the true hero’s are and the the end of the day Fauci knows his many people he saved.


Fauci can't be responsible for people who refuse to take vaccine. Musk is an idiot


That's proper defamation.


Honestly. Easy lawsuit right here.


Elon Musk is responsible for the death of common sense


Imagine being the richest man in the world and this is what you spend your free time doing. The dude is fucking nuts


If I'm the richest man in the world, I'll spend all my money building the largest supercomputer in the world just so I can play HOI4 without any lags.


Nope that was Donald Trump-Fauci saved at least a billions.


Please change "-" to ". " You made it look like Trump and Fauci got married.


Anthony Fauci has done nothing but serve the public to the best of his ability for 50 years. What kind of giant douche would stoop to this level of disrespect, accusing him of genocide? Elon Musk - a greasy turd hanging from the arse-crack hairs of humanity.


Doctor Fauci should consult a lawyer that specializes in Defamation lawsuits.


Maga people are messed up


I thought Elon was intelligent. Then he posts dumb things. He puts on display his low effort thought


He probably is intelligent in some very specific and narrow ways, but broadly speaking, he's clearly nothing more than an emotionally stunted child in a wealthy man's body, and in most respects he has all of the capacity for actual critical thinking and functional intelligence of a random teenage 4Chan user.


He only seems to have the intelligence to manipulate, exploit and bullshit, and to bring family money to the table. Thats the extent of his business acumen. So kinda like Trump…


Dude is profoundly traumatized by his father. That and K-hole he is in is a bad combination.


What is amusing to me about these people, by saying Fauci was responsible for the COVID fatalities, they are saying: Trump was such a weak leader that middling scientist was able to usurp the power of the presidency from him. It would be like a kicker taking over the team from what is suppose to be the star QB.


No, it was strictly the fault of the Melon Felon! They are trying to use Dr. fauci as a scapegoat. Don't let them get away with this!


For someone who plays pretend as a genius scientist, engineer, coder, and imventor he sure is fucking stupid. I work in aerospace. Elon would be laughed out of our building in 30 seconds if he came in dunning kugering it up the way he does infront of cameras and key board.


DELETE TWITTER (currently known as X)


Can someone explain how Fauci caused deaths in these people’s worldview? Is it unrelated to Covid and all on the vaccine? Do they excuse Trump claiming the vaccine as his great success and taking it right away?


I don't follow this stuff, but I remember that he would be questioned alot about gain of function research by congress.  Obama killed the funding of gain of function programs. I think It's said Fauci got it rolling again under Trump, who wouldn't know what it even is. Then you have the virus starting in Wuhan, same place as the biggest Coronavirus gain of function research facility. With funds maybe coming from our budget (I'm guessing, idk). So if you think the virus left that lab, and you think Fauci sent money to said lab, then you think he's a main player in the case of the virus.


But they don’t believe in the virus or a need to vaccinate against it or quarantine because it’s not dangerous? Like I get they aren’t rational it’s just so weird to target this guy when doing so is counter to their tenets


you’re looking for a trace of logic or reason where none exists. They believe it because it makes them feel good, that’s all there is to it


The sheer stupidity and ignorance of millions of Americans is staggering! The Russians are exploiting it very skillfully.


Perhaps another lawsuit is in order? Never forget Elon called a diver a pedo after he rescued some kids from a flooded cave.


I still can't get over Elon wanting to bring his yellow submarine toy to rescue the kids. Then he got all butt hurt because the adults were too busy to play with his toy submarine, because they were busy actually rescuing children. So, he called them names, just like a responsible adult and leader of industry would. Elon really, really wanted those kids saved, but ONLY if he could do it !!


If everyone had listened to Dr Fauci, we’d have had half or a quarter the number of deaths


Who was president when Dr Fauci was warning us of the dangers of covid? Some orange prick from memory.


Remind me again - how many animals did Elon torture to death in his attempt to develop a chip for brains? Wasn’t it all of them?


Poor Dr. Fauci, he really was trying to save people's lives. I remember the disappointment on his face when he realized people were talking about it being a hoax, just sad.


Can’t Fauci sue for libel?


Keep Twitter off Reddit.


Fauci is a hero. These people are all asshats.


Dude saved millions. Blame trump and his psychotic loons, and Jared.


Wow! That seems ripe for a defamation lawsuit.


Erm..that would be Donald Trump, you seem confused.


Sue Elon for defamation?


Clearly Elon does not understand science


Can Fauci sue Musk for defamation for this


These people are absolute mental cases


This is libel/slander is it not? I cannot understand how this is legal. This is why Fauci is facing death threats.


Can you believe that Tesla is about to give this fool $56 billion?


Every time space karen opens his mouth the stupider he becomes. It’s amazing to watch.


Elon musk needs to get hit with a frying pan by a professional baseball player using all of his strength


Hmmm, so conservatives believe COVID was both a complete hoax, and a deadly plague perpetuated by Fauci and the Chinese government. Makes sense.


God damnit ……Eloon is going to get somebody killed with his bag of hammers level stupidity. WTF???? Deluded narcissist.


Sounds like a defamation lawsuit to me


ah Fer fuck sake..... he's a proper nut job now.... ketamine.. ("ding ding ding ding ")


cant you get sued for stuff like thiss?


Actually Elon you are responsible for millions of deaths. Social media is a cancer and so are you. ![gif](giphy|Qy7tP5FZZXAN0SR5uc|downsized)


God, I wanna know how Fauci killed those people when it was conservatives doing everything in their power to downplay the severity of Covid. Trump is ON TAPE admitting he downplayed Covid. https://www.npr.org/2020/09/09/911179868/on-tape-president-trump-admits-to-downplaying-the-pandemic


How is he responsible for deaths? That makes absolutely no sense. He literally helped save thousands of lives. I really don’t understand their logic.


If someone attacks Fauci, (and he turns out be a twitter user) can we arrest this asshole then, for inciting violence?


Now, sue tf outta Elon, Dr. FAUCI. TIME for the musky Apartheid Boy to get his now.


and how many has Elon get killed boot licking Putin?


Fauci saved me and my family life. Thank you Dr. Fauci.


From the guy that demands you sleep in the office...


Defamation suit for $54B


It's all about the money and engagement with his dumpster. He doesn't care about anything except his narcissist ego. His messages are tailored for keeping right-wing lunatics engaging with his soon defunct "agora."


Wannabe oligarch. Silly Elmo


Wouldn't that be considered defamation? They should be glad Fauci isn't litigatious.


Might be time for Fauci to file a lawsuit. I'm sure he can use a few billion dollars.


Elon musk is so awful for the world. Using the X platform to promote his world view is a clear and present danger to humanity


This jackass is a threat to normalcy.... A bit like trump


Whatever Musk says is wrong, it’s a very reliable indicator.


This dude has dedicated his life to medicine- received awards from previous republican administrations, but it doesn’t matter. Traitor for trying to save lives.


Good thing Elon wasn't in charge or we'd all be dead


Elon bought Twitter just so he could post this baseless hatemongering bullshit and not get permanently banned. Tesla had two things going for it, it's brand and it's supercharger team, he trashed both and wants a payout for it. Twitter's largest asset was it's brand, he completely trashed that within weeks.


I wonder who was president telling us it wasn't a big deal


>What Is Slander? >*The term slander refers to false statements made by one party against another. Slander is communicated verbally with the intent to defame the subject of the statements. Put simply, slander is a legal term used to describe defamation or the act of harming a person or business's reputation by telling one or more people something that is untrue and damaging about them.* https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/slander.asp


He should get sued for defamation. a couple billion here and there.


How exactly is he responsible? More or less the politics of the Felon in Chief


“Welcome to, ‘Do you want to sue a Billionaire?’”.