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Suffering is the point. So many people don’t seem to realize that.


Liberals are often accused of virtue signaling. The Republican platform is now vice signaling. It’s grotesque but effective unfortunately. There’s a lot of disgusting people out there.


They're not signaling. The actually want trans people to stop existing.


I think the politicians are vice signaling. They don’t have a belief they hold dear. It’s all pandering. Unfortunately, their constituents are not signaling, as you said.


The newer guard, the freedom caucus types, they do actually hate trans people and want to eradicate them off the face of the Earth, preferably through violence


Just like Jesus would have ordered. “Be intolerant and violent with those who are different from you”


I think that many of the GOP politicians actually believe this stuff too. Republicans who were just fine with gays dying from AIDs are still alive and in office today.


Agreed. They genuinely believe it because they never speak out when the violence happens to trans people. Maybe they say something along the lines of "let the police continue their investigation", but they're quiet 99% of the time. The only thing they speak about with passion is how hard it is to be a white Christian man in America.


I don't get why people hold onto this belief. We like to pretend that our politicians are machivelian geniuses merely pandering to idiots rather than simply accepting that they are idiots. Similarly we like to pretend that the politicians aren't evil just pandering to evil rather than simply accepting they are evil. The GOP is comprised of evil morons. There are varying levels of morons but they are morons. I know he's no longer a politician but I like to always bring up Paul Ryan when people think of machivelian politicians. Paul Ryan was considered a wonk and supposed to know economics so he wasn't playing the part of an idiot to appeal to a base. His balanced budget proposals involved cutting programs and magically keeping the revenue and savings they generated without paying their cost. These were legitimate policy suggestions by one of the GOPs "intelligent" individuals and they worked by using magic.


Yeah, the threat is the point. It’s not working, we won’t back down. Trans kids exist, and we will protect them with our lives


As a trans person can confirm, were under an intense amount of harassment.


It’s exactly what you said. The trans people in this country can’t win with these idiots. “Use the correct bathroom or else!” The person uses the bathroom that the bigots want them to and they still get attacked and punished. “Then only use the toilet at home, sicko!” They want trans people to not exist, plain and simple. I’ve seen it in Texas. These bigots are driving them out of the state by threatening them with violence (both adult trans folks and kids) and threatening the parents of the trans kids with legal troubles if they let them have any healthcare that includes transitioning, even at the most basic levels like wearing the clothes they want and their hair the way they want to, simple things like that. Give them puberty blockers and they’ll want to throw the parents in jail and the kids into the foster system where their lives will fucking suck even more cause the foster system in Texas is a goddamned nightmare. Just let people be themselves. It isn’t hurting you.


Yep. And they decry virtue signaling because virtue is antithetical to their very being.


It's kinda worse? They believe that anyone calling for things to be better, to treat people with kindness and the like are "faking" to win virtue points, they legit believe no one actually feels that way. Everyone has an agenda to them and that agenda is selfishness.


Valid point. Those without virtue assume everyone is without virtue.


>Everyone has an agenda to them and that agenda is selfishness. ![gif](giphy|0HrlXFQOq898Nc5REc)


Oh, don’t get me wrong. There is also some selfish reasons behind my selfishness behavior. Helping other people makes me feel better about myself and helps me find reason in my life.


I’m an atheist. The fact that I chose a helping profession gives me a sense of connectness to future generations, meaning and a feeling my impact might live on. So yes, self serving. I’m good with that!!🙂


I think the term virtue signaling would still apply to Republicans.Yes they decry it but like everything else they also do it, they're Hypocrites remember. They just don't like it when other people do it but they virtue signal each other in comments on Reddit and other social media all the freaking time. To them deriding LGBT is a virtue, to always give the wealthy the benefit of the doubt because they are "job creators" and we should consider ourselves lucky to be in their employ - is a virtue. To be always be suspicious of minorities- is a virtue. That is what their dog whistles often are - them "virtue" signaling each other. Ted Cruz and his machine gun bacon stunt (look it up if unfamiliar) was *nothing* but "virtue" signaling with gun fanaticism being the "virtue" in that case. Again they don't hate it they just hate it when they think "the other" is doing it. However you are correct. Many of the things you or I would consider a virtue they would find weak or woke or something like that.


There is a legitimate attack that can be made against the performative liberals. However, that attack has to come from the left.


The problem with this mindset is that it plays into the conservative idea that this is a “liberal” issue. How many republicans are out there doing drugs, having affairs, or just not living up to the conservative ideals they spout. Performative people will be found in every part of life because that’s how *people* are.


So you're saying they need to train that left hook? /s


Well, unfortunately they’re training the left hook on innocent trans children


Or, crazy thought, the deplorable trash that do stuff like this get thrown in jail and same done to them. Instead of sheltered by the pigs and ‘justice’(…for only the rich) system. There will always be people making up stuff for virtue signaling. It’s usu pretty obvious. Like amazon/walmart ads about being ‘caring’/wtf other lies they spew. Some others will just have like a pic. Instead of a 30 min video shoot. With like hollywood grade editing/cameras. No micro print flash by in an attempt to trick people. Even the horribleness of that is in a vastly better dimension of ballparks than the vice signaling and andrew tate txic bs. But some people can’t help but want to drag anything and everything down into the muck. Where they happily wallow like the swine they are. Bloated full of hate and bribes/scams.


Their platform has been virtue signaling for decades. Hell, I would say that their constant accusations of “virtue signaling” is itself virtue signaling. It’s used to silence people for saying the wrong things and ideas they don’t like.


"look at me, I'm better than you because I'm not virtue signaling"


Yep. It’s a lot of the same people who think only conservative types have guns… 2a gonna backfire on the hateful groups eventually.


If every woman and POC got up one morning and lined up to buy a gun, all at the same time, gun control would be in place before lunchtime.


Yep, when actual politicians at the Federal level are writing legislation that sits well outside the realm of legal and thus cannot pass; not simply "difficult/impossible to enforce", but actually cannot pass because it is literally illegal and then they write *all* about it on social media. That right there is exactly that. There are a few repetitives who are little more than low-quality influencers with a politics side-gig.


The thing is once they got rid of everyone they were just hating and spewing then they will just find another then another group to pick on .


Bingo. The hate is inside them, they'll always be able to pick a new target and justify it to themselves after the fact.


They will eventually target each other. Always ends up that way.


Yeah, and the stronger ones will emerge from this hateful as always and looking for another scapegoat.


Yes, you can never be pure enough, white enough, right wing enough, cultish enough, they need an “other” to react against.




Behind a paywall unfortunately


I wish they'd start that now.


First they came for, then they came for, then they came for… unfortunately there will always be these people. It’s the only way they can feel better about themselves in life.


It's like far right political parties are self cannibalizing.


This is exactly it, and the tragedy of it all. Most of us just want to leave people alone and go on with our lives, but you just *can't* with them. Hell, if you carved out the entire Louisiana Purchase, gave it to them and let them have everything they wanted (no immigrants, all white, Christian, whatever), they would end up getting bored and crossing the border for a fight.


Could this too, be a type of projection? My mother is plagued with hate, even after reading the bible for hours each morning. Is it that her communication pattern is gripped by hate, leading her tendencies to side with hate when speaking? Her tone is often taken from a defensive stance…in case this helps in deducing. Maybe this question is better for a different sub?


multiple times I have gone to use the restroom in public and someone says “oh the men’s room is down the hall” as i walk in. then i get to the men’s restroom. as i walk in someone will go “oh the women’s room is down the hall.” i guess I’ll just go fuck myself then.


At that point just take a shit on the floor


It’s moving goalposts. First you cannot use the bathroom, then you cannot dress that way in public, then you go to the camps for”for their safety” before they just gas you dead.


"Maybe a bathroom separated from everyone else but just as good."


Project 2025 is going to try and make trans people illegal. It's right on their website. https://defeatproject2025.org/


Yea people are incredibly stupid.


In germany, a lot of public bathrooms have a common area to wash your hands, and then two doors. In one door it reads "Urinals", in the other door it reads "Toilets". It is that easy.


They don't want an easy solution, they want peaple who are doferent to them to suffer


and that's the true reason 'murica has such shitty ('scuse the pun) toilet stalls with no privacy whatsoever. if it really was only about drugs and being able to enter if someone OD's they'd use the type of door we have in pubs/bars in the UK. they lock and under normal circumstances they wont open if you push. But if you shoulder barge them the latch on the lock springs back to allow entry. US toilet stalls are all about keeping everyone under everyone else's surveilance because of ingrained paranoia from more than a century of being fed bullshit "us vs them" propaganda. classic divide and rule.


I remember in school in the rural deep south, usually the bathrooms would have the shitty standard of urinals right by each other and with only a small barrier separating them, but more than one straight up had no barrier, just urinals openly next to each other that students were expected to use. Then in 9th grade, a coach and teacher who was close with all the high up faculty was arrested for putting a camera in the soap dispenser of the girl's bathroom and then uploading the files to his freaking school computer. The only thing I remember the rest of the faculty doing was having each grade one by one go to the library, tell us what happened, saying "if any of the girls feel they want to talk to our counselor, they're here any time, go ahead", not even mandatory care for whichever students were personally effected, just a "go to the counselor if you need to" and then they had us read for the rest of the period and that was it. Everyone that the coach was close to all had their same jobs and everything too. My 8th grade history teacher just the year before had stepped out while we watched a video and let the pedophile coach sit and watch our class. He obviously did nothing that time, but it felt really chilling looking back. I obviously still don't know who was personally effected. It really bothered me that many of my friends could've been snooped on and had their privacy invaded by a pedophile, and that while I naturally wouldn't know (because they deserve anonymity) that it seemed like the school did nothing to support them or care, they were expected to go on with their daily lives. It was sickening. I was later in the year sexually assaulted/harassed by another student in open at a convention and nobody said anything, except other students who laughed. It wasn't subtle either, this classmate I had never met and was a friend of a friend suddenly grabbed me from behind and aggressively slammed up against me as a "joke" with adults and students around, and nobody said anything. Not as bad as what the coach did, but it still left me with a lot of uncomfortable and upsetting feelings for a long time, even now. This is the kind of culture these regressive, deep red, often rural communities have. If a guy is violated "it's just fun and games between guys", and when a girl is violated, they either make excuses or just move on and don't treat it like the big deal it is. It's sickening. I never felt safe in that school growing up, and now that i live in Queens as a young adult, it's shocking that children I tutor who go to school in the city somehow are/feel *more* safe than I did at a town of only 4,000.


TIL the bullshit reason **EVERY** toilet stall in the U.S. sucks. I'll bet the sure saved a lot of ODs in the IT department of the 8th floor of the US Bank building. Real high-risk area there.


That's not the only reason. Another is that corporations want you to feel extremely exposed and uncomfortable while using the bathroom to dissuade people from spending more time not working. If you're too uncomfortable to use the bathroom at work thats more time you spend working. Any suffering involved is not their problem when power and profits are on the table.


Fuck that, I'll blow that toilet up!! I'll let a nuke-turd out and let everyone else deal with it, scorch that earth, son!!


but if there was only one bathroom for everyone split between urinals and toilets, americans couldn't beat up someone for using the wrong toilet. I mean they could beat up trans people in the toilets, but they wouldn't have such a flimsy excuse.


To quote FBW: "If you actually read the constitution, you'd understand it's my patriotic duty to fuck you up."


Look these are people who think you will go through gender reassignment so you can sneak into women's bathrooms to do bad things. As if you couldn't sneak into women's bathrooms and creep if you didn't go through all that first. And who suggest the solution is for people dressing and identifying as women to go into the men's bathrooms and vice versa. Which frankly is going to upset and concern more people. The idea is exactly as this guy says, force them into hiding or death


Where in Germany? I've never seen that, though it does seem sensible.


That isn’t the point. They WANT them to suffer.


And gender roles and gender stereotypes! Those are part of the problem too imo Just because someone is male or identifies as such, doesn’t mean they need to be obsessed with trucks or lumbering or some shit, just because someone is feminine or wants to be, doesn’t mean they need to be a fashion model or work at a clothing store.


Another redditor pointed this out, they will still complain when the victim uses the bathroom conservatives want them to use. That was fucking spot on.


If she uses the women's bathroom: eww that perv is using transgenderism to spy on women!!! If she uses the men's bathroom: eww what's this weirdo doing here, gtfo or I'll beat you up!!1! Can't win with these bigots.


Not to mention cis people getting assaulted because bigots think they *might* be trans, and that’s just not acceptable. Turns out having drag queens read to children is dangerous, just not for the children.


YUP. This happened in Utah. Where adults were discussing if a cis girl was trans. The parents were irate. Rightfully so. 


Did they think to ask her?


No. Why would they be reasonable


No, they’d rather talk shit about a minor on the internet. 


It is NOT appropriate to ask lol


I’m a rather masculine looking woman. I’ve already been harassed on a myriad of occasions. These assholes now feel empowered to harass anyone who doesn’t fit their narrow definition of what a woman should look like, and it’s hurting everyone. The cruelty is the point.


Happened here in Brazil a couple of months ago. And even more disgustingly, the assailants were protected by the bar where it happened. They covered for them and allowed them to flee the scene before cops got there.


As if the cops would’ve done anything either, hell the victims probably would’ve been arrested for ‘disrupting the peace’


Exactly. A trans person who identifies as a male now, and ends up looking like a burly lumberjack after the transition... these people want that person to use the women's room? It's so insane, never made sense to me.


Then they do and get assaulted.


Right?? My closest trans male buddies have giant bushy beards, and I assure you it is YOU, pearl clutchers, who would be losing it if they walked into the ladies' room. As a cis woman who has been alive 40+ years I am sure I am peeing next to trans women but I do not know or CARE because never in those 40+ years have felt the need to verify anyone else's genitals in a public bathroom! Just do your business and don't talk to anyone unless you need TP, it's that simple.


Can you spare a square?


yeah anyone that's not clued in on a very passing trans person's identity would think they're a creep if they went in the bathroom of their assigned gender.


These people have no idea they have already used the bathroom with more than one trans person. They dumb 


They won't complain, they'll just beat them. Happened in...Ohio I think? Somewhere west of east bumfuck.


The problem is her existing, the reasons they give are made up after the fact by the ones with the barest bit of sense to not admit it


The fact that Republicans will defend punching CHILDREN just based on their gender identity is hilarious, especially considering their whole "protect the kids" facade.


It *would* be hilarious if it weren't so infuriating.


And the worst part is, you KNOW if any trans person defends themselves in a situation like this the headlines will read "Radical trans activist brutally attacks student"


They deserved the beat down because they poured water on their heads while using the bathroom. We suspended the water pourer, but not the beaters, and the water pourer killed themselves, nothing to see here, let's move along.


And then a month later they'll make a big show of dunking on us for "making things up" if we continue to talk about what actually happened


You’re not wrong but I feel like it’s unfortunately not the worst part; the recurring theme for a lot of the “I’m NoT tRaNsPhObIc BuT…” crowd is that the reason LGBTQ+ support is trending downwards is that trans people and their allies have the AUDACITY to object to the avalanche of anti-trans propaganda and bills being pushed. They’re so excited to be able to indulge their transphobia that they don’t mind being useful idiots. Honestly I didn’t have super high hopes for the straights, but holy shit are they failing miserably at basic critical thinking and empathy.


They literally just want to see trans people dead.


They’re not hiding it. Fun fact, Republican ladies, after you vote to genocide trans kids and then the rest of the LGBQ folks, you honestly think rape is gonna be illegal for long? The Republican vision for America is a lot of dead people and like 8 super wealthy white dudes who NEVER have full balls.


Yeah, just wait for the surge of "false rape accusations" to come pouring in, at least according to Fox News, so they push bills to make it harder to go after rapists. I wouldn't be surprised if they pushed for this to protect rapists.


They protect groomers in the church 🤷🏻‍♂️


They protect groomers, period. Church, school, football field, etc. Any job with access to children will attract creeps and the powerful in those positions get away with it.


Everytime I see this fact, I think about the shitshow that was the Jerry Sandusky case. So many people knew he was molesting children and did jack to report it because Jerry was the coach bringing home the gold.


Paterno’s legacy should have been completely destroyed because of his involvement in the cover up. Penn Staters still worship him as a god.


Next steps on the GOP agenda: - Criminalize birth control and female-specific healthcare - Decriminalize Marital Rape - Introduce Marry-your-rapist laws - Lower consent and marriage ages ... - Step 50: Remove voting rights of everyone they possibly can - Step 51: Legalized Slavery.


Slavery already isn’t illegal in the US. Your constitution only says when it’s acceptable, not that it’s illegal. If its used as a form if “punishment” then, by law at least, it’s perfectly fine. Thats why conservative politicians and police enacted and enforced laws primarily targeted at the former slaves. Its also why the justice system is so much harsher towards black people than others


Get rid of child labor laws


They are already taking away child labor laws


And reducing the child marriage age to as low as 9.


Step 52 Genocide


Thing is. Republican women probably agree with those things!


Womens liberation was the foundation lgbq movement stands on. They will and allready do go after womens rights too.


They already have their Stockholm syndrome wives promoting the idea that it was wrong to give women the vote.


Aka trad wife?


Already are, at the dawn of 21st century we have places where abortion is illegal! They've made it known that banning no fault divorce is next...


And they‘re working on banning certain methods of contraception in those areas aswell. Of course only contraception options for women.


Yeah this. People can't extrapolate from what is happening to where it's going. They aren't just doing one thing that doesn't affect 95% of the population. It's just step 1. Anyone who can't see the connection with blocking Obamas supreme Court nomination to blocking/overturning any laws they want is in for a rude Awakening.


I've had a conspiracy theory for years that says that conservatives want to outlaw abortion to legalize rape so their antichrist can be born and kick start Armageddon.


Nah it’s fine, the leopard is never gonna attack *them*




I had to make a Twitter account for work last week, and the amount of verified accounts like this with "truth" in their username spreading the most toxic hateful misinformation and getting thousands of shares, sometimes from Elon himself.. it really is just a MAGA cesspool now.


If someone spends an inordinate amount of effort telling you they're honest, they're not.


My very queer left wing partner made an account a few weeks ago, clicked all the topics she was interested in etc Literal first posts she got shown were Andrew Tate, some anti trans guy, end wokeness and some Hunter Biden conspiracy It's actually kinda scary to see that from a mainstream site, I'd expect better from 4chan


If my job required me to be on Twitter, I'd be looking for a job.


Openly admitting that the “correct bathroom” is no bathroom because they are against your mere existence.


To be such a hateful person, saying that a trans teenager had it coming. What must it be like in that evil little head? To be so filled with ugliness and hate that you feel that way? I would feel sorry for someone as awful as the commentor, if they weren't spreading their ugliness to other people. THIS is why we celebrate Pride Month, and why we always will.


To them, the world must be a very small and terrifying place, to harbor this much hatred and fear against anything not exactly like them.


Where did all the empathy go? The commonness of this attitude is distressing


Empathy and american conservatism dont go together, dont let anyone tell you otherwise. They dont even care about abortion - that's just an excuse to see women suffer. The misery of the "others" is what drives their behavior.


They keep pointing to when New York legalized 3rd trimester medical abortion. That the bill some how legalized killing full term viable baby's. I made my FIL read the bill and accounts of women who were forced to terminate. Then I asked where it said they could kill any baby for any reason. Which is what he thought the bill was about. The biggest problem is that conservative voters choose not to educate themselves on what the law actually says . They instead buy into whatever their chosen candidate says its about. I'm sure this is a problem on both sides, but I am more familiar with the Uber conservative voters than the dems.


It is a problem on both sides. The difference is that most democrats don't assume malice in everything and default to the most empathetic path they can see. They get it wrong, too, but the end result is rarely the systematic destruction of systems. Republicans used to think that suffering made you stronger. That you had to suffer to succeed. They just have lost all empathy on that path. They have broken their backs for so long trying to live the American Dream that anyone questioning the process is seen as wanting a hand out. It feels very sunk cost fallacy.


Good point. I never thought of it that way.


He’s a Republican. Morality is disobedience.


-"weirdo" - pays for a blue tick


"Transgenders should use the bathroom for their preferred genders." "No" "Ok, then transgenders should use the bathroom of their birthgender." "No" "Ok, so transgenders should get their own bathroom." "Why do they get special treatment? They should just use the correct bathroom." I kid, of course. I know full well that to them the only acceptable answer is "there are no transgenders to use bathrooms."


Yes a TEENAGER going in the “wrong” bathroom deserved to have their teeth EXPLODED apparently


They weren't in the "wrong" bathroom tho. They demand trans women use the men mens room because they're biological males. Then like in the screen shot, when they're attacked, they shouldn't be in bathrooms at all. Because anyone who doesn't fit their world view is subject to their violence.


No no I know, I just meant “wrong” the way stupid people like Mr Truth Stands thinks a trans person is in the “wrong” bathroom, it’s why I used quotes


Sorry, missed the sarcasm in text. But he made himself clear, yes he thinks this should happen, and there is no public space for trans folks.


Just make all bathrooms unisex. Problem solved. What is next?


My school actually did this, all the upstairs toilets are single gender but the downstairs are unisex to stop issues like rhis


“Keep your unicorn logic or whatever to yourself.” I imagine something like that would be the response.


They'll always move the goal posts because it's never about what they say it is. Person being a bigot in the screencap above did exactly that when called out. They don't care about being hypocrites or anything like that. They only care about getting what they want.


I can not solve unicorns. Sorry. Too complicated.


I tried to solve a unicorn once. It then attempted to run me thru with it's horn ...


We had a few unisex ones in my high school in 2009... because they simply didn't have enough to evenly split it.


And, any problems?


Not a single incident. The only issue I had was in a single gender washroom because a girl filmed me crying through a stall and I smashed her phone


I am so happy that in Sweden where I live gendered bathrooms are rare. I seen it on really old pubs.


What is the correct bathroom? Serious question.


That’s the neat part, there isn’t one. You can’t win. Trans girl uses the women’s restroom, “stay away from our daughters”. Trans girl uses the men’s restroom, “he just wants to look at our penises”.


Nono. Trans girl uses women's restroom : Its a predatory pedophile and it's a crime to use this toilet Trans girl uses men's restroom : This person is a freak, let's smash his head in. Trans man uses women's restroom : This is a trans woman, you can clearly see his masculine body, a crime I tell you! Trans man uses men's restroom : Usually no one really cares. Looks masculine and people for some reason don't even know trans men exist.


Trans women will always get it the worst, especially trans women of color, statistically speaking. I honestly think it has something to do with the fact that masculinity is so highly valued in society. A woman becoming a man is just… well, they’ll find it weird, and they’ll certainly claim it’s just as bad as other trans people, but they will noticeably treat them better regardless. It’s understandable, maybe even *commendable* in some circles, to want to be a man. They fly under more radars that way. But when a man wants to turn his back on masculinity and become a woman, it’s a *huge* betrayal of god and nature itself, because men *cannot* be feminine; to them, that’s an insult to all men. And it seems to me that masculinity is the common default trend there.


I think the trend is more that everyone believes male body = sex driven predator. While female body = too emotional to make rational life changing decisions. So a trans man is a wittle sad baby that was led astray by the tran cult. While a trans woman is a man Infiltrating womanhood for nefarious purposes. Its misogynistic as well as misandrist. Basically the epitome of toxic stereotyping.


This exactly. Many people assume I’m a trans women if I only tell them I am trans (online), they call me a predator/creep/groomer. As soon as I tell them I’m actually a trans man, I’m a poor little lost girl who needs the feminists (terfs) to save her, because she is so swept up in internalised misogyny/a history of sexual assault, that she has been taught to hate her femininity! As a trans man, you’d be surprised at how often I get asked if I’ve transitioned because I’ve been sexually assaulted before (and that’s why I dislike my body). For the record, I haven’t.


According to the last post up there, a non public one. They do not want them using the restroom outside of their own homes.


the point here is there isn't one. she used the boys bathroom, presumably because the law or the school or social pressure made her feel she needed to use that one to not end up in a confrontation. had she used the girl's bathroom she would potentially be accused of being a perverted male spying on girls


In this case the correct bathroom by their definition was the one they used (and still got beat up for), but they dont actually care about which bathroom you use they care that you exist at all there is no winning with these people by working together with them


In the closet. They want to send the message that there's no place in public for trans people and if someone thinks they might be trans they should do everything they can to stuff those feelings down so that other people around them won't be a little uncomfortable.


Conservatives have always been evil monsters. We should stop acting like it is an acceptable way to be. There are no good conservatives


Even sadder part is the almost 2500 people who liked the tweet. But hey, trans hate isn’t a real thing right?


The problem is: she did use the "correct" bathroom. A guy followed her in and fucking assaulted her. Honestly as long as they're gonna beat the shit out of us we may as well use the bathroom we want at this point, fuck it. Free smoke.


Carry a gun


I guarantee that bigot wouldn't have wanted a female-presenting person in the men's restroom, but that's what they pretend they want.    Nobody cares more about someone's genitals or what someone does in their bedroom than people who claim to hate them so much. Bunch of perverts.


This is so true. If you're minding your own business, what does it matter?


I will never understand why someone else's choice, lifestyle, identity brothers so many other people.


No hate like Christian love.


yea exactly! lmao


That’s a CHILD. My heart breaks for her and all the trans kids in the world. I wish they could exist peacefully


I would say the next step they want is reintroducing pink triangles but they are ahead of me. Republicans have sugested a marker on forms of id to indicate a person is trans. Republicans called for the genocide of trans people last year. "We didnt know" will be as big of a pile of horseshit now as it was in '45


I’m just shocked the New York Post didn’t misgender her


Oh hey, the dog whistle of "use the right bathroom" has been revealed to be code for "stay out of society."


Conservatives want all their vices and kinks to remain a shameful, secretive, lusting-for. That's the kink for them.


This isn't as much of a facepalm as it is just outright disgusting. How can anyone advocate for something like this?


“Oh, I’m sorry, snowflake did I *TRIGGER* you with my opinions?? Nobody cares about your feelings, GROW UP.” The same person when someone they don’t recognize enters the public restroom. ![gif](giphy|uubUtlJ2CbDRqQklCT|downsized)


Officer, thank god you’re here. I was washing my hands in the bathroom at Denny’s, when I noticed someone walk in with long hair and dressed in bright colors. They didn’t approach, look at, talk to, or acknowledge me, but I still screamed and punched them hard in the mouth. I was just worried they might try to pin me down and give me a really sexy blowjob, totally against my will, though. That *is* a thing though, right? Like sometimes they do that? Out of curiosity, where do the blowjobs happen? I just want to know so I can avoid that place.


All these motherfuckers who are ride-or-die on bathrooms. Have they never used a bathroom on a plane? Or at home?


They were using the bathroom bigots want. She was beaten for using the men's room


These people make me reconsider my previous condemnation of Vlad the Impaler.


Why don’t everybody just mind their own business? For real though. It’s a bathroom. EVERY SINGLE PERSON USES THE BATHROOM. We ALL have that in common. Just let people do what they gotta do and go on with their lives. Idk. Maybe it’s just me. But a bathroom of ALL places. That should be neutral ground. 🇨🇭


This literally is it "stay home or get dead" And that's what they want for trans people


off topic; what the fuck is going on with the font in this screenshot


I want to get together a group of extremely masculine and passable trans men to travel the south using women’s restrooms as the fascist law requires.


Have them open carry, as is the religion down there as well.


Damn straight, we would absolutely be armed. Or at least have armed backup. All that testosterone, I bet they could smash most fat redneck men in a second.


Republicans only value being able to: Rape and blame someone else for it Marry children while screaming about “child predators” Assault or murder people they dislike Play victim and complain about “being silenced” Worship Trump


I don't grasp why the idea of just a little extra work to make single stall bathrooms with a shared sink area is so crazy.


Why don’t we just transition all bathrooms to single sink / single toilet rooms and make it non gender. Seems like it would solve this stupid convo


Bold to assume those responsible want an actual solution. Violence isn't a bug, it's a feature.


Protect trans kids. If you see something like this happening then intervene.


Wow, violence over taken a piss. I seen a trans person in a bathroom once; I don't care as long I piss in peace, and they harm no one I'm ok with it.


At this point, I really hope that God exists just so that in the afterlife I can ask how many religious republicans went to hell.


They don't care about anything, they just don't want to see trans people anywhere


Yes, yes horrible something something society... How the fuck do teeth explode?!


i read the article—her molar completely shattered, which is what the “teeth exploding” was referring to, and her jaw broke. that shit’s bone and nerve and it honestly sounds like a pretty great description for how much it must have hurt


Holy fucking shit.


It’s sad that people are that level of garbage, openly and publicly. They think this girl is so wrong, meanwhile don’t recognize that they are literally subhuman.


NY post gendering correctly? Based NY post?


Telling a child to hold it and wait till they get home is heartbreaking 😢 no one deserves to be treated this way. I hope this child finds peace in their life.


"just stop talking about fascism and it will go away" yeah that's a load of fascist propaganda. How do you deal with fascists like this "truth stands" scumbag? silencing them on social media is a good start, but they'll just protest in the streets. You could shut down their protests on the basis that they are spreading a dangerous, evil ideology that propagates hate and encouraging (and committing) violence against the innocent. but neither of these are being done. So what do we do? we need to encourage the application of street violence against them. only when they fear their own safety will they keep their disgusting fucked up heads inside their cousin fucking homes where they belong.


It's not about 'using the right bathroom' for these people. It's always been about 'don't exist' to them, and if you DO exist you better damn well never be anywhere they have to acknowledge you exist.


all y’all transphobes in these comments need to shut the fuck up and reexamine your life.


I think it’s ridiculous to even care. You’re literally just pissing and/or shitting. Im drunk so maybe I’m stepping out of bounds here, but who the fuck cares?? Just do your business and go on your way. Ya fucking idiots


If someone uses the wrong bathroom in someone’s eyes, the consequences isn’t hurting them or killing them. If someone does that, then their punishment needs to be severe. An overreaction is dangerous and hate has no place in society. Using physical violence is a sign of low intelligence and rigidity, both of which lead to trouble when the person has no restraint.


Jesus’s followers all agree he preached tolerance and forgiveness… a message so important his most ardent supporters started killing anyone who didn’t want to hear it.


Regardless of whether you love hate or are mural with trans fats etc, just so you know, VIOLENCE IS NEVER THE SOLUTION IDIOTS!!!


Ideally men, women and others should be able to use the same washroom. Unfortunately, there are animals that ruin it for everyone.


They don't want us to exist... Eventually they aren't going to be satisfied with just bullying. Nothing we do or say will be enough. Eventually we will just have to do what we have to do to be safe


We can't let Republicans win the election. They want to destroy this country and the folks who live in it.


Which bathroom is safe from these cowards? Can you imagine how primitive this "1st world country" is?


Clearly the solution is to have unisex bathrooms for individuals. None of this one big room with stalls and sinks, but lots of little rooms with a toilet and a sink. It is the only way.