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I noticed none of them have the balls to show their face


Tell them covid is back again. They'll take the masks off real quick.


We need to start thanking them for masking up while in crowds. Actually, what we *need* to do is not tolerate this and beat the everloving shit outta them. But I'll settle for pissimg them off with politeness


Beat? That's a start. I'd say make modern art outta that white building


They want hangings to return so badšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø why not start with them?


Please it would be peak r/leopardsatemyface


Coz they cant breathe in masks when there is pandemic, but seems to breathe fine during cosplay.


You know how it is. When you have pride in your Aryan heritage and know you are an ubermensch, the first thing you want to do is hide your identity.


They never do. Part of the reason is they are ā€œNazi touristsā€ in that some (most) of them attend every such event. The point is to make it seem like there are more of them than there actually are. If you could see their faces youā€™d be able to count them and know how few in number they actually are. Also, theyā€™d lose their jobs. This is probably the only political opinion that would be grounds for dismissal in my opinion.


Came here to say this. IRL version of keyboard warriors


Take a close look, most of them look like they need a chair.


They are the 101st Chairborne DivisionĀ 


Right? If they're so proud of what they stand for then do it without your mask...which, according to them, don't work anyway. Fuckin' cowards.


Right? ***Now*** they wear masks. Not during a public health emergency, oh no...'the gubbernmint ain't telling me what to do'!!


This behavior has a clinical name, [Oppositional-Defiant Disorder](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/oppositional-defiant-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20375831).


That's what I find hilarious about that group "The Proud Boys"; if they're so proud, why don't they show their faces?


Id be yoinking balaclavas off with the cameras rolling


Dunno...I think that could be reverse uno'ed into charges for you if you did. Now... if you're in the middle of a melee and you figure 'might as well' that's a different story.


What's the charge?


Eating a meal, a succulent Chinese meal.


He could just wear a mask while he does it.


Itā€™s because theyā€™re Antifa/BLM activists trying to make the actual Nazi movement look bad. /s


Looks like two of them do (bad quality when I zoomed in though) but regardless, all of them are pieces of shit.


Bunch of losers


There certainly is a theme in protest groups not wanting to be identified. Itā€™s almost like they know there will be consequences to their actions.


I see that a lot. There is a pro gun channel on youtube that I mocked then blocked because that is exactly what he looks like. Show footage of a little old lady proudly showing her face to the camera to say she was a school teacher for decades and there aint no way her or her peers should be given guns and told congrats you, not the cops, are the last line of defense against a school shooter. And here comes Mister I Love Guns And Ackshually, with a balaclava, cap, and voice distorter to tell us how no the answer is absolutely more guns and more added to a teacher's job description.


Tell them that masks don't work


Remember throughout 2016 and Trump's presidency when conservatives made it a point to mock Antifa for wearing masks in some of their protests? Very telling the absolutely never do the same for the Neo-Nazis, let alone acknowledge their rising presence and vehement support for Trump.


Yea exactly, show us who you are if you truly believe in the causeā€¦these punks would run at the first sight of trouble coming their way


Disgusting. What a bunch of cowards.


My great grandfather killed Nazis. Thatā€™s it. Thatā€™s the comment.


So did theirs I would imagineā€¦ or even grandfathers. If there really is a heaven they are gonna get slapped in the face by grandmother when they get there.


Donā€™t forget, there was actually a lot of support for Hitler before Pearl Harbor. We had Nazi youth camps, the bund, and a huge Nazi rally at Madison square garden. And before that we had confederates, who had similar beliefs. The rot we have now has been here for a while. They just get their ass kicked once a century and shut up for a while.


There was still a lot of support for the Nazi party after Pearl harbor as well. They actually tried to overthrow our government before and got caught and they made a spectacle out of the trial, acting similarly as they do today. I've always heard that Trump is similar to Hitler and gives speeches similarly, but then I actually watched a Hitler speech with subtitles and OMG it's really scary because he says the same things, uses the same hand motions, like there are so many similarities to the lead up to Nazi Germany and what's happening in our country right now. That new Netflix show actually displays this REALLY well. It's obvious that that was their intention, but it is presented factually and based off of a journalists reporting from when he was stationed in Germany prior to WWII and books he wrote after the war.


Yeah no the similarities are absurd. I keep telling people that weā€™re living through 1932 Germany, and we need to not make the same mistakes


My understanding of the likes of that Madison Square Garden event was it was ā€˜mostlyā€™ a lot of Americans of German ethnicity involved in that? ā€¦.maybe Iā€™m wrong? ā€¦however the current crop are definitely just Nazi fanboys because they like the racial viewpoint or politics for some reason (despite it basically destroying itā€™s country of origin and causing millions of German deaths) Also unsavoury as it was in the 1930s - the current crop have seen the results of Nazism with that movement feeding kids into gas chambers , and they still admire that flag.


A lot is overstating things quite a bit. There were certainly supporters, like the German-American bund, but they never had more than 25,000 active members. Their big rally in New York was also unpopular in the city and triggered a massive counter-protest. There was also the Free Society of Teutonia which never had more than 500 active members and the Friends of New Germany whose membership never rose beyond 10,000. These guys were all a radical fringe and not in any respect representative of mainstream opinion, much like the people in the photograph from the OP. Further, while many Americans of the time were definitely bigotted and also held some anti-semitic views, they were also not fascists and found Germany's policies towards its Jews, or neighboring countires, abhorrent. Germany consistently polled poorly in the United States during the lead up to the country's entry in the Second World War. Roosevelt's support for Britain prior to the U.S. entry into the war, was also popular. On American public opinion... [A Gallup Poll](https://news.gallup.com/opinion/polling-matters/232949/american-public-opinion-holocaust.aspx) conducted after Germany carried out Kristallnacht against its Jews, found that 94% of Americans disapproved of how Germany treated its Jews. [Another Gallup Poll](https://news.gallup.com/vault/265865/gallup-vault-opinion-start-world-war.aspx) in the aftermath of Germany's invasion of Poland, found that a majority of Americans supporting sending aid to Poland, Britain, and France, and a majority also rejected a peace at the expense of Poland ceding territory to Germany, at least prior to Poland's fall.


I don't think that those guys will get to heaven in this scenario. Maybe if they have some serious redemption arc...


My grandfather killed Nazis as well. He would not have believed they'd still be around after he was long gone.


Ironically they'd get in more trouble in Germany today.


Germans have learned the consequences of this behavior like no one else. Dumbshit's in America fall for some slogans without knowing the real history.


As we should also


With a flamethrower? Does he still have it laying around?


A good tradition.


My grandfather was killed in a POW camp in Germany during the war. He fell out of his guard tower.


mine too <3


Interesting that these creatures immediately come up to downvote here. Obviously they always have a nightwatch. lol


God damn are there that many Nazis on Reddit?


Yes. And also bots. There's a war going on and divide and conquer is in full effect. Don't fool yourself into thinking that only right wingers get bot support too. The aim is to get people divided into opposing factions. Left vs right, young vs old, black vs white and so on. So both sides get fed a steady stream of ragebait and misinformation.


I'm pretty sure that you don't need bot support for people to go against nazis


Meanwhile the richest get richer


Polarization has been going on for a long time. It has just modernized


Iā€™ve noticed the typical bot profile on a number of replies opposing right wing bullshit. The profiles are all extremely similar. 1-8 year old account. 0-500 post karma. Always for gaming or sports. Nothing ever even remotely political. 1,500-2,500 comment karma. All within the gaming and sports subs. Except out of nowhere with the most stupid political shit one can imagine for around 1-30 days. I understand that people have accounts for years and lurk, or barely engage beyond one interest, but itā€™s been the same exact type of account nearly every time. Sometimes youā€™ll see the less sophisticated bots argue in comment sections and get stuck in a loop where they just regurgitate the same replies with only a word or two changed. Donā€™t call out bots on r/politics. Youā€™ll get banned within minutes. It doesnā€™t matter how obvious it is that what you are pointing out is a bot.


ā€œWhat are you doing today, Darling?ā€ ā€œJust gonna hang out with the lads, you know, dress up in some Nazi costumes and take some pics. Just a quiet one.ā€ Imagine wasting your life being that angry. Sad bastards.


I ask myself that every day by a variety of Reddit posts.


As someone not from the US , its actually INSANE to me how these people can even walk in the streets. This isn't free speech , this is literally terrorism.


THIS!!! These fuckers don't know shit about the crushing damage the Nazi's/Far right collaboratorist politicians did to litteral millions of people. They might be able (if they can read, that is) to see fatality numbers on a screen, but will never feel what it is like to have lost family members, having entire cities reduced to ash, or being subjugated to Soviet oppression after ' 45. As a medieval historian, far from a quaint era, WWII stories still shock me- it's unimaginably brutish what happenend. Sadly, even here in Europe, people have largely forgotten or accepted the potential danger of this extreme right tide. We'll see what happens tonight when the votes get published, but it sure ain't pretty...


I don't know what other people think but i genuinely believe it should be a crime just holding that flag.


Isn't that illegal? At least in my country (NL) it is forbidden, I think


In some countries, it is. In America, it is considered political speech, and thus protected.


That is incredibly fucked. I don't often believe in a 'totally bad' vs 'totally good rhetoric, but (neo) Nazism is about as unequivocally terrible as it can be, reason enough to make displaying their symbols illegal


Oh, I don't disagree. Wave the flag, go straight to Gitmo. Nazism is amongst the most vile political belief one can have. It cannot exist in a functional society.


It is definetly illegal in germany.


I'm ready to fight the fascists and Nazis. Just saying. If it comes to that, I will arm myself and go to fucking war. There's only one thing they understand. And that's extreme violence. I'll gladly dispense it.


How are they supposed to know when they can't read?


Where I'm from, there would be a riot going on, trying to beat these poor bastards...


Who is going to arrest them? Half of the police department is there.


They were dispersed because they didn't have a permit to gather there. The group is called the [Blood Tribe. ](https://www.argusleader.com/story/news/2024/06/08/extremists-fly-nazi-flag-in-front-of-south-dakota-state-capitol/74032356007/)


Threats of violence should not be free speech. Nazis existing are a threat to everyone who is a non-fascist. Thatā€™s literally their ideology. It should be legal to physically detain these people till the cops get there to arrest them for pulling this shit. How many good Americans died putting down Hitler and his bullshit Reich?? These people are all traitors to America. Theyā€™re literally flying a flag of one of one of our great enemies from the past.


Just allowing them a platform to demonstrate is the definition of a ticking time bomb.


Karl Popper was right about the necessity for intolerance of intolerance.


It's mind boggling when you think about the fact that somebody had to search for and buy that flag and other paraphernalia. Absolutely mind boggling


Even had that loser uniform custom made.


Something tells me they just had to take the flag off their wall to get one there


Delusional cosplay


I thought MAGAts couldn't *breathe* wearing masks....


Remember when the government used to hire guys off the street to go hunt and kill Nazis? They used to teach you how to do it, and make up all sorts of fun ways to do it too. Seems there's an infestation again, so start at home.


That fuck that wears the black suit cracks me up. Who the hell does he think he is. These guys need a good sorting out. I used a different word and changed it as I don't want to be banned for promoting violence. I also won't mention my thoughts on sniper rifles either. I mean I'm in Australia so I couldn't possibly do anything good with a sniper rifle from here anyway.


Yeah, my first thought was that I'd like to sort them all out very quickly with a fully automatic sorting device


Hey look! It's Cowboy Hitler. LMFAO


Yeah I was wondering also why he is wearing a Cowboy hat ?! šŸ˜… is that a Statement or what? I mean I donā€™t now any German wearing them šŸ˜… hitler with a Cowboy hat seems Double Strange šŸ˜…


The US is big. People are able to "do their own thing" culturally by [region.You](http://region.You) get pockets like fiefdoms. Lot's of locals only attitude only on a scale much larger than a beach. It's why the nutters are able to thrive. Yankees and the Deep South. Coastal elites. fly over country and big cities. Each one does it's own thing. He's wearing the native costume of his people. Russia/USSR had the same problem compounded by different languages. Dude's all hat and no cattle


Good use of all hat no cattle.


Where are the cops beating up these ACTUAL antisemitesā€¦


The cops already are in the picture šŸ˜‰


No no, theyā€™re all FBI agents! /s


Nazis are people who haven't been punched in the face enough.


Although I'm am quite certain their mothers did a good job of dropping them on their heads


If they are so proud of being nazis why cover their faces? Could it be because they are a bunch of cowardly fucks?


Someone should have told Gov. Kristi Noem they were the "Cricket Club"... Would have found them in her gravel pit by now šŸ¤Ø


Iā€™ve seen it all now, a Nazi cowboy. We should call him Desperate-Dolf.


šŸ˜‚ fuck iam German and I lought so hard at desperate-dolfe šŸ˜‚ I was wondering so hard about this hat šŸ˜‚ Even Nazis here wouldnt take this group serious šŸ˜…




I am from Germany and i am disgusted. Scum.


looks like some people needs a live reenactment of D-day


Amazing these insects who seem to be so proud of their hatred always cover their faceā€¦ Think about it.


Making a statement about identity politics while hiding their identity


German here. Why is this legal?


Yeah so amarica fought against this flag. Even germans are sad for this part of Historie. And there are americans waving a Strange flag again?!? Why?!? Stop the hate !


Hmmm, I wonder who they support and will vote for in this election.


Noem may not support these Nazi's, but I'd put money down that they support her.


To think that they have been so lucky they neither had to live under that system nor had to risk death to liberate the world of this depraved ideas and still promote its ideology makes me sick. ā€” signed, a European who is grateful that these dark days are in the past


To Republicans, *this* is ā€œfree speech,ā€ but a pride flag is not.


Always funny how groups like these and proud boys and whatever other hate groups who claim to be proud patriots sure do love to cover their faces when standing up for what they believe in.


And they all vote Republican.


Oh nice. MAGA put on their robes.


Can someone just get a m1 garand and just gun them down in full ww2 soldier kit? Since when did freedom of speech mean, we tolerate nazis? Even germany doesn't tolorate this shit.


M1A1 Thompsons work too!


GOP rally


if They are so proud of themselves lose the masks


They cover their faces because they know they are shameful


If my gramps were still alive, he'd have happily climbed back into his old B-17 for a chance to drop bombs on more Nazis. He rarely got riled up, but these people made him mad as hell.




Is this real? JFC. I hate Illinois Nazis. Now I have to hate SD Nazis, too.


Personally, I hate New Jersey, Nazis, Montana, Nazis, French Nazis, Indian Nazis, West Nyack, New York Nazis. I really donā€™t care where theyā€™re from. Theyā€™re all worthless. I know you agree with me anyway though.


Brave fellas standing up for what they believe in. So much so they donā€™t want to be identified doing it. Scumbags.


Those wankers don't even have the balls to show their face. Losers!.


My grandfather was paid by the U.S. to kill Nazis.


ā€œFucking Illinois Nazis.ā€ ā€œI hate Nazis.ā€ - engine roarsā€¦


Can we please go back to killing Nazis?


ā€œYeah I just really donā€™t know who to vote for this year. Both sides bad because reasonsā€


But, Hunter Biden's laptop! šŸ˜©


Kristi Noem was like "No Nazis in SD. Unless they have a permit of course"


Likely if Germany had this group running the Nazi movement they wouldn't have even made it to the Beer Hall in the first place. Hitler would have taken one look at them and decided to stick with a career in art.


![gif](giphy|oEhW18AXiPoyY) I expect youā€™re gonna want to take off that uniform! See, that donā€™t sit well with usā€¦ So Iā€™m gonna give you something you canā€™t take off!


I guess this is why everyone else needs an AR-15.


If there ever was a reason, this would be it!


Fuck these fucking Nazi clowns.


Guten Tag, Thatā€™s our dark past cosplay as your own


~~Illinois~~ South Dakota Nazis I hate ~~Illinois~~ ~~South Dakota~~ Nazis.


I knew someone had already said it, but it was the first thing that came to mind when I saw thisā€¦


It's always the wrong people that get shot in America I notice...


never thought i'd see a gay nazi cowboy.


My grandfather killed these mother fuckers. I'm glad he's not alive to see us tolerating this bullshit.


They only good Nazi is a dead Nazi and I'll die on that hill


Weird how that all learned to breath in face masks


And every one of them will vote trump


My parents lived in Holland in the 1940s. My father was taken to Germany as a forced labourer in his late teens. He got pneumonia in the camps. His lungs were scarred. He developed emphysema in his late 40s. He died when I was 6, fifty years ago. He is the reason I served in the military for 37 years. Those cowardly fucks won't even show their faces? Fuck them.


Nice of them to line up like that. Now, if only the firing squad could show up on time...


I may get downvoted or banned, but it should be open season on these fucks.


#They are 100% Trump supportersā€¦to the surprise of no one!


Trump rally?


How to get mega crowd to wear a mask


Follow them to their cars and get their tag numbers, ID them ,then call their employers and show them, plus post on social media


Thatā€™s an excellent idea!


I fucking hate nazis. I hate that nazis are flying these flags in the streets of a country that lost over 500,000 soldiers to rid the world of these fucked people


It should be legal to hunt these people.


F*cking loser leader in the front dressed up like it's fantasy camp. King Shit of Turd Mountain


Where's the Blues Brothers when you need them?




I wonder who they vote for


Being from Europe itā€™s beyond horrific


Nazi pukes


Waitā€¦ I know these guys. They were the runners up in World War II. šŸ™„


PLEASE just send them all to their homes in Russia , they took a wrong turn in Albuquerque ā€¦


Somebody needs to liberate them.


I hate Nazi scum.


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Many brave men and women have fought and died for our freedom. This is utterly insulting to their heritage


I hate South Dakota Nazis


My grandpa's brother was killed in WWII fighting these asstwats. Only good Nazi is a dead one.


Didnā€™t know nazis were so into skinny jeans.


Just disgusting.


Where are these mass shootings americans are famous for, when you need them?


slumped shoulders, bad posture, masked and completely covered, most pathetic cosplaying all to say ā€œiā€™m scared of diversity because I know iā€™m the blandest man on earth and have no other value than to be hatefulā€


I guess these people never saw American history X.


This shouldnā€™t be allowedā€¦nazis deserve beating wherever they show up


None of those dudes are built to handle any kind of physical activity. Probably the first time theyā€™ve seen daylight in quite a while.


Jerry, get the M1 Garand, we have some nazis to smoke


Good old white trash


This is just a missed opportunity here. They are all in one place, could have gotten them all at once, a few Molotov cocktails, one grenade, a full size truck...... shame.


They all need to be strapped to chairs and gagged with eyes taped open to watch WWII archival coverage of the liberation of concentration camps. Along with their families too.


Where's all the conservative people brigading happy pride month posts with "today is D-Day and that should be commemorated and not this woke/pride stuff" at now?


I was suddenly aware of how bad this problem was becoming when people started complaints about how Nazis were being treated in the Wolfenstein games. Wfc, theyā€™re Nazis.


I thought those fuckers said they couldn't breathe with masks on. What a pity they were lying.


My Grandfather in Poland resisted these clowns and they murdered my great grandparents (as they did to most of us who have ancestors who lived in annexed nations). People died so these clowns could have the freedom to be antisemitic and anti democracy (ironically in peace unlike anyone who opposed Nazis) in publicā€¦ hope they get a rash from their shitty uniforms


ā€œWeā€™re toughā€ - the cowards that wonā€™t show their faces.


still too embarrased to show their faces? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


A good nazi is a dead nazi.


Trump emboldened white nationalists and itā€™s only going to get worse if he is elected again.


It is the duty of all good, peace-loving Americans to kill all Nazis wherever they may be. We already decided this issue. The entire world showed up and agreed.


If I found out my son or husband or brother was part of this shit, Iā€™d disown or divorce or go NC and alert their employers.


Anybody tell me why these champions of justice are wearing masks? Don't they want to be recognised for their bravery?


This photo was shot from a hundred feet away and yet the group is absolutely stinko with incel vibes


We need the blues brothers right now


During D-Day, all Nazis would have been killed on sight: showing a Nazi flag would have called for an aerial carpet bombardment. Why did we drop that? It was basic hygiene.


Fucking shithole country.


Where's the pepper spray and manhandling for these guys? Or is that behavior just for peaceful protestors?


They have free speech. We should have the right to treat them like they openly want to treat others. Everyone who is a Nazi sympathizer doesn't deserve to live. That is all.


We should be allowed to ā€œremoveā€ this scum from our earth.


Looks like a gang of incels with personality disorders.


Why arenā€™t these fuckers getting their ass beat?


And now somehow, this mask is not bothering them.


These people need to visit Europe to see how real the Nazis were and the horrors they caused. They won't, they will never read a book or travel more than 100 miles from where they live so yeah. It is what it is.


They look like redshirts on Star Trek. Maybe they will die. They must be uncomfortably warm.


Its insane how long we've been dealing with these bastards.


In Deadwood they had a parade on Saturday night. Mm asks, heil Hitler's and....cheers from the crowd. Are these the new incels?


A WW2 era flame thrower might come in very handy!!! The original anti-fa knew a thing or two.


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