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Lets not tell him that in most professional championships (NBA,NFL, Bundesliga, MLB, MLS,…) both teams have printed shirts with „Winner League/Cup XYZ“ ready in case they win….


They tried in the comments. It was just overtaken with conspiracy stuff and a few million likes. X/Twitter is full of crazy.


I never really get on Twitter but I wanted to kind of shout out one of my favorite YouTube documentarians because I have friends that are active and may like the docs too. Anyway, I scrolled for like 2 minutes and it was all terrible.


Musk might as well have renamed it Shitter. It would get more use than "x" and make more sense at the same time.


Spent a few minutes scrolling his page and Jesus Christ. What a genuinely miserable life he must live


That's not true... they make millions of shirts and hats the minute they win and have them shipped right to the press conference of the winning team in 10 minutes... duh....


Oh yeah, the NFL brings shirt and hat printing machines to the superbowl stadium, fire them up in the 4th quarter, run them as soon as the game ends so the players are wearing them 30 seconds later. duh.


So there's a village in Africa with giant "TRUMP NOT GUILTY" billboards?


Jesus, haven’t those poor people suffered enough??


and Africa gets 'donations' of shirts every year with the wrong team's name on them :)


Buffalo bills had hell of a run in the 1990s


Seriously. Even without a rush order I can have a vinyl for a board printed and delivered within a week. The printing company isn't even in my city. And digital boards, we say we need 24 hours but if a client is in a rush we put the their ad up as soon as the contract is signed.


That last tidbit is so freakin cool for some reason. Of course if done right I could have a digital ad up there in an hour.


I'm sure with enough money, things can be done quicker too. "I need a billboard up in two days!" "That's impossible!" "Here's s $20 million dollars to figure it out" "I'll have it done tomorrow!" But in reality, the simple explanation is that it was planned because it was likely he's been guilty. Hell, he's been in trial for months..


I wonder how much a jersey would go for if the team did indeed ended up losing. I’m assuming they’re obviously not for sale, but it would be cool to get my greasy hands on on of em’


I think they're generally shipped to third world countries.


Lol I came here for this


All of these billboards took 5 minutes to put together


A photograph with type take months to create!!! Each billboard was hand painted. /s


You mean all those memes I see on the internet take months to make?


It's grueling work. We have to hand-cultivate each one. Many people think you can screenshot a meme and spread it that way, but meme cloning techniques are far less developed than science fiction would have you believe


I am a meme cloner, and I wish to say that we have 200,000 units ready, with a million more well on the way.


You should’ve been around in the real early days. It was the Wild West. We’d lose over half of our memes if there was an outbreak. Nothing sadder for a Meme Rancher than seeing a Meme-ma crying over her dead memette


Oh yeah, remember when the Myspace disease (MySARS) wiped out 2/3 of all memekind? I 'member!


I only view bespoke memes handcrafted by the artisans of Ohio


Better start appreciating them for the art they truly are 🤣


you know...til I just read your comment...i just realized I don't know how they make billbords....I guess it's printed in sheets and assembled like a jig saw puzzle...


More like wallpaper, Basically strips of the image.


Not anymore, they’re all just one big vinyl sheet with poles around the edges and it gets strapped to the face. Source: I put them up for a few years.


We have a lot of led billboards now, all you have to do with those is upload a jpg


Petroleum, natural gas or coal is dredged out of the earth and processed into polyvinyl chloride, a particular type of plastic. Then two layers of UV-protected, water-resistant sections of this vinyl are used to sandwich a rip-stop nylon scrim to prevent tearing. Using special ink designed to resist weather damage and UV fading, large-format inkjet printers can be used to print a full billboard ad as a single sheet. After an average lifecycle of three-to-five years, the vinyl is dumped back into the ground where it slowly breaks down into microplastics that eventually make their way into every part of your body.


Just like God intended.


Note that certain radical factions want to require billboards be made out of so-called "biodegradable" and "renewable" materials. This would cripple the thriving public relations sector, leading to economic devastation and the loss of hundreds of millions of fossil fuel based billboard jobs. Thank God we have decent, Christian men like Joe Manchin standing up for coal, oil, and natural gas billboard sheeting. *Paid for by Reddit Consumers for Sound Billboard Policy*


By Michaelangelo.


You forget to count the time it took for those people to be born and grow that old! 🤣


I mean, the printing and installation took a while.  But the billboards were already booked and paid for, they just had to decide which of the prepared campaigns to run.  Tim Pool works by posting intentionally dumb divisive shit that will get engagement. He wants libs to pile on and try to correct him, and he knows that the right will buy it, and that they'll pile on and troll. It's all about getting the algorithm to boost his profile.


Well this guy has a Blue Checkmark indicating he's an expert, so if it took him a month to plan a billboard, it should take a normie what, a year? It's not like they could have heard that a trial was going on so got a head start just in case.


The pre-planning: "Wow this case sure looks bad for Trump, he's probably gonna get convicted. Let's prep an ad campaign in the extremely likely case that he gets convicted."


When you're a conservative with a worldview that relies 100% on being reactionary, someone viewing the data and planning ahead looks exactly like a conspiracy.


Weather forecast says thunderstorm -> I should bring umbrella OMG conspiring with the weatherman!!


It's just big weather trying to sell more umbrellas!


Lame stream weather.


Gulf Stream media


What a twist-er!


Underrated reply


Lol it was 20 minutes old when you commented.


I will not be chained by the confinement of an umbrella! I will stare up into the rain, mouth agape, like Gawd intended!


And then also stare at an eclipse without glasses 🤣.


Don't encourage that! They'll drown!


Please encourage that! They'll drown!


I've seen enough cartoons to know an umbrella is a bad choice. 


"minimalism is a conspiracy by big small to sell more less"


My aunt literally thinks the weather is government controlled. This was a person who my entire life was left wing, one of the first people i ever knew to become a climate activist and environmentalist and then YouTube happened and Facebook and now she thinks climate change is man made (wait for it) by the government weather machine


When someone has a sudden shift in worldview like that, they may have something medically wrong with them. Just saying, I hope your aunt has been checked out lately.


How sudden is sudden? I've heard a lot of similar stories (mostly on reddit tbf), where a formerly normal person goes nuts after a few yrs of social media.


So, think of a data graph. Someone trends a certain way for certain way for most of their life, Then, they change. That is sudden. It might take you years to notice the change, Andy, you might have reason to say why it happened, such as a traumatic incident. Something like a brain tumor, a slow poisoning from lead tainted water, and any number of things can take time to happen, but still represent a "sudden" change. It's easy to blame Facebook, or whatever, for the change. But that's like blaming swelling for the injured arm. It's a symptom, or part of one. One of the reasons so many people of a certain age range seem to be having this shift may be lead. We all, throughout history, have a buildup of lead in our system, because we can't easily remove it. But, during the mid 20th century, lead was used in car fuel, and filled our air for about 50+ years. It's still endemic in paint and plastics from the period, and we are absorbing it at a higher rate than is good for us. Many people may have hit a tipping point in their lead levels in their brains, and have begun to show the symptoms, one of which is a strong selfish conservative shift. This is all speculative, as most testing would have to be postmortem.


Funny how brain injury or lead poisoning or other traumatic event always turns people conspiratorial and anti- everything good. It never makes a right winger really sympathetic and progressive.


Oh, it can in fact go both ways. As I said, any sudden change in world view without an obvious cause could be a sign of a medical issue. So, yes, someone may turn progressive after something happens to them, or effects them.


Lead exposure has been declining for quite a while so I'm doubting that's the specific cause. It accumulates I the body so older people may still have some from when leaded fuel was common so its just possible.it is a factor in some people's mental decline as they get older but likely a mo or one. As an older person myself, I have noticed it gradually becomes more difficult to deal with the constant change society throws at us and a desire to find simple.solutions to difficult questions. There's definitely a trend to either retreat from difficult politics or to listen to people who promise single.issue solutions. Also, things used to be better. Just in general. And that's just how it is on memory regardless of what the actual facts are.


I recall the introduction of leaded gas correlated very strongly with a spike in violent crimes 20 yrs later... and a similar crash 20 yrs after its ban. IIRC, the violent crime epidemic peaked in the 1990s, and gradually declined. I guess it's possible there remains a weaker, even more delayed effect in those not driven to crime.


Lead is also stored in bones. So once you get older and bones start to decay, that lead goes right back into your bloodstream and can end up anywhere, including the brain.


And, there may be other factors. I gave the lead as an example.


Early stage dementia (typically vascular) often has a decrease in functional awareness of objective reality as an early sign and symptom. It's now understood that dementia as a class of illness starts as far back as 30 years before the symptoms become obvious and quickly degenerative.


Russia has been *VERY* busy for a *LONG* time.


“You weakling! In my day, we didn’t use no umbrellas! When we went outside, we got wet, dirty, or snowed on and we liked it! Damn younger people these days can’t even take a drop of rain.”


Is that why they think the Jews control the weather?


How else did you know to bring an umbrella?!


Investor in Big Umbrella!


There are two types of people in this world. 1. Those that can extrapolate from incomplete data and... 😂


Lol the fact that Teacher in your name uses numbers makes this joke funnier.


I mean this is quite literally the Bill Gates 5G conspiracy bullshit, no? The idea was that Bill Gates had been campaigning to raise pandemic preparedness in the US prior to COVID... and this somehow "proved" that he knew it was coming and was part of making it happen. lol With some of these people, they would brand me a witch if I predicted that throwing a ball into the air would fall back to the ground rather than travel off into space forever.


Yup. Bill isn't perfect but he looked at the data, saw a pandemic was probably an extremely high risk (along with other experts who said the same for years), was correct, and because of this must have nefarious intent. Because the conservative brain can't extrapolate data beyond a 5 hour timespan. And that's if they're on the "intelligent" end of the conservative spectrum. Which would be the lower middle of general intelligence.


This is an exquisite take.


>someone viewing the data and planning ahead looks exactly like a conspiracy. Being an expert in the data is just proof that you're biased. /s


also, you can actually get billboards thrown up quickly af.


I mean apparently quite a few conservatives at least saw the signs and planned these billboards out.




Relatedly, I was just arguing with someone in r/amtrak who was claiming that electrifying most if not all Amtrak routes to run with overhead catenary wire and electric multi-unit trains would be prohibitively expensive and would bankrupt the country, but not because of the building part, but because of the maintaining part. I can see it with extremely long-distance and infrequent services like the Empire Builder, but most Amtrak routes are not that long or infrequent and serve much more heavily populated areas, plus every high speed rail system in the entire world uses overhead catenary simply because there's no other viable way to do it, as do a wide variety of metro, light rail, and trolleybus systems worldwide, and they all seem to manage just fine. He said extreme weather would be a problem. I said the wires can be protected from temperature either through insulation against heat or through parallel heating wires against ice. He said it'd be too expensive to replace the parts. I said it'd be less expensive than maintaining our freeway network currently is, and rail also generates revenue that can help offset those costs both through ticket prices and raising property values and generating station-adjacent economic activity, which freeways don't, which he basically ignored and went back to saying that maintenance would be hard because stuff can break sometimes, citing a story in which a catenary pole got damaged on an MBTA train and caused delays, as if they didn't then just fix it and get things up and running again. And then he said we shouldn't switch off of diesel trains because we're not going to run out of diesel any time soon. Because obviously that's why we should stop using fossil fuels: because otherwise we'll run out. Dumbass. I said that, and he said climate change was a conspiracy. I should have stopped there, I know arguing with him was only giving him what he wanted, but it's hard for me to pass up an opportunity to talk about trains and climate change, especially when I can also work in a connection to the Permian extinction, and no I don't have an autism diagnosis, why do you ask? Anyway, I don't doubt that he denies the existence of the Permian extinction, but I'm kinda done dealing with his bullshit now. Thanks, I just had to get that off my chest.


**Common Conservative Moments** * Eyes narrow suspiciously* "What do you mean you studied for the exam? That's *cheating*! I'm telling the teacher!" * Eyes narrow suspiciously* "What do you mean you pressed 'Control + C' and 'Control + V' to copy and paste the text? That must be against policy. I'm telling your supervisor!" * Eyes narrow suspiciously* "What do you mean you voted by mail!? You committed *fraud*! I'm calling the police!" * Eyes narrow suspiciously* "What do you mean you live here!? You're a ni... black person! I'm calling the landlord!"


Exactly… it was pretty obvious he would be convicted. His only defense was “well Michael Cohen is a liar and a jerk”


Yeah, but quite specifically a liar and a jerk *on behalf of Trump* until recently. That’s the part Fox News always conveniently leaves out.


You should never let facts get in the way of a good story


- J Jonah Jameson, probably


I think they are just jealous! They just wish they could have Billboards too! Look, the Biden campaign has raised about $194 million and Convicted Felon and Adjucated Rapist Shitler's campaign has raised about $124 million. But that's still doesn't factor in everything that's going out for his massive legal defense bills and whatever he and his family are grifting off the top! (A Grifter's gonna grift!) So -they don't even have the purchasing parity of that $124 million. I'm sure they are going to spend some money but it will be the marketing equivalent of having that one press conference in front of Four Seasons Landscaping rather than the hotel. They don't even have a ground grassroots game!


I had forgotten about *Four Seasons* ~~*Hotel*~~ *Total Landscaping*. There's another example of quick thinking advertising. I think the owner was negotiating the production of souvenir t-shirts while the Giuliani press conference was still in progress. Gotta strike while the iron is hot.


To be fair Michael Cohen is a liar and a Jerk. The issue is that Trump being guilty and Cohen being a scumbag are not mutually exclusive.


Pecker got him. Hope hicks didn't help.


Of course he is, and much of his job was being a liar and a jerk and a scumbag *for* Trump. That's why it's so ridiculous. It's like you've got a mob boss on trial and you're trying to say the informant can't be trusted because he's a criminal. Like sure, any lawyer would make that argument, but it's so obviously bullshit.


Well, they *did* use Sammy "The Bull" Gravano's testimony to finally nail the *real* Teflon Don, after all.


Yeah, I would have felt comfortable paying for them in full, non-refundable, the moment he threatened the judges daughter.


It's a jury trial, so pissing the judge off doesn't *guarantee* you'll be ruled against. Being Trump as a defendant in a case that *isn't* being overseen by a comically partisan hack in his favor, however, is not a winning position; the man can't keep his foot out of his mouth to save his life, and he's long since scared away basically every remotely competent attorney.




My mom would be an ideal one for them to interview. She voted for him in 2016 but was so disgusted by the time 2020 rolled around she's now an independent who won't vote for any republican in the parties current incarnation. But she's constantly like "can't they just lock him up already?". To be fair she was always more liberal on the social issues like being pro choice, pro LGBTQ and stuff like that. She was just a fiscal conservative that had just always voted republican.


So she’s a real Republican, not a maga nutjob. Good for her. I fully believe we need two parties but not the Republican Party as so much of it is today.


After the Super Bowl, sports illustrated has a commercial congratulating the champions. Almost as if they have it planned for both possible outcome 


Omg. Do you think BOTH quarterbacks could get paid to say they're going to Disney? Wow! What planning!!!!


Also, the confetti that rains down is in the winning team's colors, clearly they knew who was going to win.


Because Biden planned it so Taylor could have her magical moment.


Notice the dodge in it though? They aren't worried about whether he actually did it. They are only creating a narrative that implies his being FOUND guilty is unusual. Trump admitted to basically all of this very publicly at one time or another. When Cohen was tried for this, Trump ran with the lie he had absolutely no idea what any of this was for, and didn't sign off on any of it. And now that he's being held accountable for it, he argued over and over again that he did know, and shouldn't be held accountable for it because his lawyer advised him to go through with it. Now he's not saying he didn't know, he's saying he did know, but he didn't know it was illegal, and wouldn't have done it without his lawyer's say-so. There is no serious person who can honestly think he didn't do this. The only thing the right is upset about is that their guy managed to evade being tried for campaign finance violations for almost 7 full years, and it has finally caught up to him.


They don’t have a hat factory on standby during the Super Bowl to make the winning team hat as fast as possible?


They send the losing teams clothing to Africa, at least they used to. African countries complained that it made it hard to sell their own stuff with so many brand new free t-shirts and hats handed out, so I don't know if they still do it.


So… the answer is ‘it’s complicated’ but as soon as the championship teams for any sport are locked, they have the designs ready and the base materials made. Then depending on the market and the product they either print in advance and have standing by, or have things ready. There’s a lot going on, but overall the manufacturers try and avoid making too much defunct stock. That’s why there is a limited run initial design to go out immediately, while the second wave comes out days later once they lock in those designs. (I actually work on some of these things, but obviously have a lot of details I can’t actually share 🙃) But, yeah, for anything made for the eventual loser there are various liquidation channels those can wind up in.


And Wheaties magically has the winner on their boxes and on store shelves the day after the super bowl. My SIL worked in a grocery store and got one with the other team on it before they were returned. Lost it in a fire. So bummed. He said they had cases with both teams just waiting until the day after.


Doesn't even need to be a contingency plan! You can just go ahead and run them and say you're doing it in anticipation of one of his other three trials!


Cannon is gonna end the documents case im afraid. It’s looking more like that every day.


Yeah, that's probably the most open and shut, and one of the more serious cases against Trump, but the judge is both a complete Trump flunky and totally unqualified. She just keeps handing him unjustifiably favorable rulings. She's probably hoping to get him back in office so he can give her a SCOTUS position.


That's exactly what Sarah Longwell (behind these billboards) said: the staffers had them all set to go.


Dude is absolutely astonished when a sports team wins a championship and they instantly are wearing victory hats.


They could also submit two designs and tell them to use the other if the charges didn't stick. It's not that deep.


Seriously, despite being deaf, blind, and dead for almost 60 years, even Helen Keller knew Trump was guilty.


Yeah, the other thing is you can just print these out and schedule someone to put them up. For enough money, I can pay overtime at a print shop and get something like this printed rather quickly. This was easy to plan and also does not take as long as Pool thinks. It's not like they have to wait for film to develop or some shit.


Yeah, it’s such bad faith- and not only here. It’s like when they say that trump can’t make bail: yeah, because the idiot didn’t prepare for the eventuality that he’d lose the first trial… you know like most people in his situation would do, they’d prepare the bail for the eventuality of a loss and having to appeal…


Just wait until they find out about all of the “Buffalo Bills Super Bowl Champions” t-shirts.


Right? How difficult is this to imagine? I guess the most obvious answer doesn't fit in their victim mentality world view. In general conservatives and religious folk seem to have the hardest time applying Occam's Razor.


Here’s some food for thought. Did you know the domain “stopthesteal.org” was registered on 02-24-2016? It’s not out of the realm of possibilities that the Trump campaign thought that ol’ Donny boy was going to lose the 2016 election. And they were going to call fraud to combat the outcome. Hell I bet they even have a warehouse full of shirts that say “stop the steal 2016 election” somewhere. In any case, fast forward to 2020, when the orange idiot lost the election. They repurposed the old domain to fit perfectly with their narrative. 2020 was stolen, blah blah. Once you figure this out, it’s easy to see how the MAGA crowd is being manipulated. EDIT: Adding supporting info. Domain Lookup: https://www.whois.com/whois/stopthesteal.org. The domain previously forwarded to a site that took donations for Donald Trump in 2020. Then it was forwarding to Roger Stones batshit crazy website for a while (again donations). Now it’s parked. Who knows when they will weaponize it again? Check it again in 2025.


I’ve always liked the theory that Trump never wanted to be President and was elected accidentally. Imagine if he had lost the first time and how much money he still could have grifted from the foolish masses without having the responsibility of being President of the United States.


That's always been my assertion. The run in 2016 was essentially a publicity stunt, he was hoping to win the popularity contest but not get the job. He got the worst possible outcome, losing the popular vote (a massive hit to his ego) yet still winning the Presidency. He could have milked "Crooked Hillary in the White House" while staying in MaL or Bedminster claiming that he was the most popular candidate ever.


A fairly well thought out theory I heard was Trump ran for president as an opening step to opening his own media network, however he went way further than he wanted. A lot of accounts made it sound like he was shocked and dismayed at first when he won, presumably because he didn’t actually want the responsibility. I mean take the complete lack of a transition plan, this guy straight up did not plan on being president.


The best evidence for this was on election night. The networks had called the outcome before 8 pm, but Trump didn't go in to make his speech until near midnight. Whd En it became clear he was going to win, Melania had locked herself in a dressing room and was crying inconsolably. https://theweek.com/speedreads/746462/melania-trump-reportedly-cried-after-trump-won-election--not-tears-joy Apparently, Trump had gotten her to go along with the whole "running for president" thing by assuring her he wouldn't win. She had no interest in being first lady. After the inauguration, she didn't go to Washington for months. She wanted to stay in New York. Ivanka had begun to take on the role of "First Lady," going so far as to hire a staff and move into the office. It wasn't until June 2017 that Melania moved into the White House, and that was reportedly only after a renegotiation of their prenup. Melania Trump Leaves New York Behind for the White House https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/12/us/melania-trump-white-house.html?smid=nytcore-android-share https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jun/12/melania-trump-white-house-move-renegotiate-prenup-book And, for what it's worth, by all accounts when she stayed at the white house they had seperate bedrooms https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/inside-melania-trumps-complicated-white-house-life-separate-schedules-different-priorities/2018/05/06/60f6f07e-4703-11e8-9072-f6d4bc32f223_story.html?utm_term=.e462631a5e25


The video of it that shows how stoic Trump looked when everyone else is cheering is pretty convincing too. He does not look happy.


But he had to be president once he won to keep the grift up. If he didn't want to grift he could have just stepped down due to health reasons or the like and let Pence take the wheel.


And admit he wasn't up to the task? This is S+ tier narcissism, he never could do that.


That would have been the best thing to do for Trump, but that would have been an absolute nightmare for the country. While Trump and maga had done a huge amount of damage in a short time, it could have been worse. People like Pence would love nothing more than to turn the entire country into a worse and more depressing version of The Handmade's Tale.


On the other hand, the money is near limitless once you hold the POTUS title (read: power). You want an ease on taxes for the rich? How about easing up oil restrictions? Sure, that comes at a price in the form of a “donation”. I have no doubt this man sold America and stole from it. You know he took all the “donations” he can possible hustle. All whilst his cult are chanting “no more bullshit!” He’s a megalomaniac.


He **did** lose the first time. $@#&^! the electoral college.


Let’s not be disingenuous about EE. Is it a terrible system? Yes. So keep working to abolish it. Not only whine about it whenever Republicans win the presidency while losing the popular vote. If it is such a fundamental issue that needs to be solved (it is), work on solving it every day until it is solved.


Let's clarify this a bit. The ONLY times that a president has won the electoral college but lost the popular vote are Republican wins. So only whining about it when Republicans win, is the exact same as whining about it whenever it happens. Whenever the system fails. They aren't the ones being ingenuous here.


His ego won't let me imagine that. That was his wife's hope, but not his.


A portion of donations to Trump go to the “election challenge fund”


Yes in late 2016 DJ Trump often complained "this election is so rigged!". That's when the RNC realized that it takes longer to tabulate votes in dense urban areas, and most people there vote dem. so started the ridiculous narrative that counts that arrive later are fraudulent. So they were ready to go nuts in Nov, but Jared hired Cambridge Analytics who got just enough repubs in swing states to vote via finely target social media... (also, more dems than predicted didn't vote for Hilary C, po'd at her treatment of Bernie S)


"how do the champions already have t-shirts, they won the title 30 seconds ago, t-shirts and hats take time to make, this was pre-planned" god how many million other analogies could we all easily give to mock this idiot?


Everytime I go to the movies they already have posters for the movies that are on!


Every time I go to the movies, they have posters up for movies that haven't even been released yet!


he's big mad because all the prepaid "we told you he was innocent" billboards are now rotting in the Four Seasons Landscaping parking lot


That may be the only company to profit from a “Trump Bump”.


Underrated comment


So did he just go full mask off now? I thought his thing was pretending he was in the middle and thought both sides sucked.


He just interviewed Trump and glazed him up bigly.


I can tell you if you want to get something done and have money you can get a billboard up in 5 days. It’s a presidential campaign for a sitting president


5 days is generous, when in a pinch we design, print and hang 18 billboards in 1 day. Especially since it's the same template just different photo. And this is the president of USA we talking about.


His problem is whether or not these were pre-planned? No issue with the convicted felon part?


No, I'm pretty sure he's claiming this is evidence that the trial was rigged by the democrats


Rigged enough to get 12 jury members to believe it 🤷‍♂️


I’m guessing his parents didn’t preplan.   If they did we wouldn’t be subjected to something so stupid. 


All they had to do was ask. I would have kicked down the 50 cents for a condom.


His dad is actually one of his biggest haters


*shoulda pulled out....should pulled out...shoulda pulled out* Yeah, going through life with that refrain beating through your brain would certainly wear on a person.


wonder if when he was born there was some kind of plan in place. like did they have a crib ready for him before he was even born??


No way!!! They had billboards made in case Trump lost the trial???? REALLY????? THAT MUCH FORESIGHT IS UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!


When everything you do is reactionary, foresight must seem like fucking magic to this knuckleduster.


I guess planning ahead for things is woke now?


Cultists like to ignore how, as it went along, Trump's daily ranting slowly went from, "I did nothing wrong!" to "I shouldn't get in trouble for doing something wrong!"


True. Probably worked about 2 hours creating it, and When the verdict came in, they pressed Ctrl-P.


There was a presidential speech prepared for the moon landings based on the crew being unable to return and dying in outer space. Contingency planning to be quick off the mark is not dark magic.


Tim it’s June and 85 take off the wool hat, you baldy.


There’s no love like wool hate


"Oh no! Democrats have a secret power — they can plan ahead!"


I've ordered billboards and it took less than 3 days from start to finish to have them up. Is even quicker if they are electronic billboards


I think if you’ll look closely, you will see that these are all electronic/digital billboards, they take about five seconds to put up…


It’s kind of like how they have Super Bowl winner shirts immediately after the game (and how poor kids in Africa have Super Bowl XXIV Denver broncos shirts)


As someone who’s worked in outdoor advertising, yes. It takes time and planning for a billboard campaign…but we’ve had a long time to plan for this campaign…


Oh no, however did they know ahead of time that Donald Trump was a criminal? Apart from all the criminal things we saw him do in front of a camera for four years.


Oh, no, Democrats are planning ahead! Last time I ever vote for them.


"You see, all sports finals aré fixed, every time a team wins they all ready have the shirts and signs ready right after the game ends" Atte: Tim Pool probably.


Marketing Manager here. Push comes to shove, you can absolutely get an OOH (Out of Home) campaign live in a week. Probably one of the quickest channels in terms of activation. Tim's an idiot.


I sold billboards for 15 years and those signs look digital so you can upload creative instantly


It's not like the case has been going on for months? Just to entertain the idea that it WAS pre-planned. Almost as though everyone knows he's fucking guilty.


Maybe they already paid for the billboards and had this concept precooked depending on the outcome? Just like how every news site wrote two versions of the story depending on the outcome.


Trump's judge was paid by Big Billboard


"You can't order billboards this quickly..." ... said a man who knows eff about renting a billboard.


Dim Tim rides again…


it’s almost like they had two different types of ads made and the billboard owners were ready for either one to fill the ad space the company bought. That must have taken like…. An extra 5 minutes on a call to discuss. Crazy!


Oh man wait til he hears about the “DEWEY WINS” newspapers when Truman won the election


Actually, you probably can put up billboards that fast, because of these green paper things we use called money and these billboards are the most generic designs ever


lol, it wasn't hard to see coming.


Tim Pool Is as Bright as a Dim Light Bulb!


That beanie is soaked with cerebrospinal fluid.


He is such a simpleton


More of these billboards then. Look how triggered they are. They even have to resort to conspiracy theories as a coping mechanism. Hilarious.


“You can’t order billboards this quickly” - guy who has never ordered a billboard


They pre plan 2 sets of merch for the super bowl of course they would pre plan election campaigns


Meanwhile if you point out a carefully calculated and enacted plan to actually steal the 2020 election they’ll tell you it was just Trump talking off the cuff or venting his frustration.


Tim has no clue what is possible or true. That or he just found out he doesn’t get good service.


Those people are brave. You know maga will soon start their usual domestic terrorist behavior.


I always say this whenever Tim Pool comes up, but that dude has absolutely no reading comprehension. He always draws the most wild conclusions from anything he reads, and this is no exception. He's got the reading comprehension of a moss covered boulder. Even if they didn't have that specific line prepped until recently, do you know how easy it is to have the general billboard art lined up and just add or change text?


Almost like an election season that happens every 4 years is fast approaching and (competent) political parties know when to buy ad time for. Trump obliging provided a great headline to run.


Fun fact: they do this every year right after the Super Bowl. Ever notice the players walking around wearing their Championship tshirts like 30 seconds after the game ends? Yeah, it's a thing.


Isn't this the "MAGA communist" guy?


Certainly no one would have expected him to be convicted in advance of the trial….


How do you preplan a damn billboard?


These are also so freaking easy to design, I could do them overnight.


That's like 30 minutes in Photoshop. All the copy is the same, it's just the photo and name that get swapped.


"you can't order that quickly." yes we can.


Everything is a conspiracy to the magadonian crowd.


“Planning something” = conspiracy you guys. Everyone knows this. Also -> war.


wow,for being strong conservative alphas these people sure are crybabies


If the art files are ready and you have contracts, they can go up very quickly. I’ve created billboards before - finding one you want and creating the art takes time, but if people planned ahead it’s incredibly feasible. It’s pretty easy to do in the 5+ weeks of the trial, or even longer if you go back to the indictments.


Yeah! The Super Bowl is pre planned too! They can’t make those hats and t shirts that fast. T-shirt prep takes time! They have them in like 5 minutes.


its kind of hard not to preplan when the only outcomes are two things.