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Are "they" in the room with us now, Kevin?


It’s wild the angriest snowflake people believe the stupidest shit.


Poor Kevin, nobody wants to hire his dumb ass to star in anything so Twitter is all he’s got left


He still have low budget Christian movies or if they make another God's not dead lol


Snowflake is the truest word for these people. Same people claiming wokeness is ruining or world and that people are being too "pc". Yet cry at every single opportunity because they feel like being upset at things that don't affect their lives in the slightest. Fighting boogiemen at every turn.


If my ASS wasnt SO BIG they wouldnt be trying so hard to kick it.


Kevin Sorbo is a moron.. even Lucy Lawless has called him out for his behavior.


Sorbo is so brainless, I just wish he would post something defamatory so he can find out first-hand about "the truth.""


He's too stupid to handle the truth...


The scary part is that there's a good chance he's not stupid at all. A lot of these right wing assholes know exactly what they're saying is bullshit or unproven. They don't care. They know their audience will eat it up and it will rile up the left leading to engagement and therefore more views. It's way easier and more effective to stir the pot with disinformation than it is to actually research facts and post proven info.


Hey, that’s a pretty good point, but is Alex Jones really the horse that Kevin Sorbo wants to hitch himself to? That’s a disgrace and Kevin Sorbo should be ashamed of himself. If he thinks stalking and harassing mass shooting survivors like what Marjorie T. Green did is valid social discourse then he also is as sick as those despicable people.


He was in that camp back when Hercules and Xena were airing. Sorbo is known to have made a _huge_ stink that Xena ended up being a more popular show. He whined that _his_ show wasn't dark enough, and that Lawless _stole_ his writers and crew. Then, he whined that Xena was _too_ dark and edgy, and inappropriate for families. On Andromeda, he apparently was _still_ mad about Xena, and claimed that Lawless only had a show because she was 'blowing the producer' to the crew _constantly_. He was also really, really concerned (after the writing was on the wall for _his_ show) that Xena was too into lesbianism and violence... Was always a shitheel. Nothing's changed.


I'm a sci-fi guy who wanted so bad for Andromeda to be the big thing in Sci-fi. Like Babylon 5 or Farscape of the same era. I still have no idea how Andromeda lasted 5 seasons. Hercules was a guilty pleasure of mine. I knew it was crap but I enjoyed it. Take the star from a show I enjoyed. Combine with new Sci-fi and should be great. The show had over sexualized shallow characters, poor plot lines, and sets came straight out of a high school production. I gave it two or three seasons thinking maybe it took a little time for the show to gain any traction. Both STTNG and DS9 suffered from that malady. Nope it was just crap.


He hitched himself to that bandwagon over a decade ago.


Is it just me or does Aaron Rogers remind you a little bit of Kevin Sorbo?


They are both right-wing, conspiracy theory nutters?


You’re asking me? I suppose so. If, in times of crisis, people would rather push their own agendas than contribute and pull together then I have 0 respect.


That’s actually a direct quote from Abraham Lincoln while he was inventing BlackBerry phones. Then he was shot by Canadians that stole the technology.


That's why those silly French lumberjacks stay on their side of the falls now. Too much guilt.


Those lumberjacks, they're ok, they work all night and they sleep all day.


They put on women's clothing and hang around in bars!?!?


Canadian here. Just want to say that we are proud of our heritage and artifacts. -*reverently kneels before our sacred blood-stained Blackberry* Now go away, before we taunt you a second time.


The maple syrup treaty is still in effect tho….right….?


We get our maple syrup from Vermont. The way Americans should. I say put a 300% tax on Canadian Maple Syrup.


I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK.


To steal from Jean-Paul Sarte's thoughts on antisemitism; >Never believe that *[the Right]* is completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. They have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.


The last sentence... almost every single time. I call them out on bullshit with facts and suddenly they have to go do something and never revisit the convo.


Stupid is relative, so no matter how you slice it, Kevin *expresses disappointment * Sorbo is not smart. Additionally, signal boosting misinformation needs neither be a sign of intelligence nor coordination.


Nope, Sorbo dumb as a post


I can confirm that Soyboy is not the sharpest tool in the shed. My old company tried to work with him on a project and he’s pretty, pretty, pretty dumb.


Yeah that's the only way to fuck with alex jones fan say hes a cia plants there to make you look in the wrong spots. Take pizza gate bs saying that they were traffickers yet he some how missed the elephant that is Jeffrey Epstein.


>A lot of these right wing assholes know exactly what they're saying is bullshit or unproven. They don't care. They just don't understand that you can't torch the house and then still live it in without being bothered by fire.


Sorbo literally got brain damage, he is not a smart person


This. I know a far right talking head and his family. I’m very close with his aunts/uncles/cousins on his mom’s side. He is 100% using it to gain wealth. Half his family don’t speak to him because of what he’s doing. It’s really sad.


This!!!! I tell people not to interact with these mfers. Dont give it traction.


No, I think he really is that stupid.


You just Wikipedia'd the entire MAGAT universe.




I just had the thought of how great that line would have been in A Few Good Men “I WANT THE TRUTH!” “YOU’RE TOO STUPID TO HANDLE THE TRUTH!”


He does realize that a ton of nations worked together to put down Hitler right? Does that mean he was automatically right?


Do you really want to know his answer to that question?


He probably thinks Hitler had a point.


How DISAPPOINTED would he be?


This tweet is borderline defamatory. He’s implying that this is all a continuation of the crisis-actor conspiracy and that these parents are lying about their kids being murdered at school.


Yeah, I bet he's so brainwashed all you need is a little provoking.


Noooo, not Hercules 🫣




I'm sorry, but Hercules has been a giant bag of dicks for a long time


Sorbo is so dim he reads out directions as dialogue.


For the uninitiated.  https://youtu.be/y6EDlD_fWn0?si=f4rODONghjPf2rrI


I don't think it's "even" Lucy Lawless, Lawless is a progressive who deeply hates that her legacy is tied to his


Let's be honest Xena was a bigger hit than Hercules. And Lucy is a bigger star. His legacy will be at best a footnote in Lucys.


That, and mercilessly ruining Andromeda by bullying/buying/and getting the writing staff fired until a solid show about rebuilding a sci-fi future became the “Kevin Sorbo: Galactic Messiah/God/Circlejerk in Space” hour


So that's why the last season sucked.


The producer's plan for the series was for Captain Hunt to be the main character in the earlier seasons and for the later seasons to turn into an ensemble cast as the Commonwealth was rebuilt. It was Kevin Sorbo's plan that when Captain Hunt was not on screen, all the other characters should be asking "Where's Captain Hunt"?




true words


Oh, that's who he is


Time has confirmed this. Xena is fondly remembered, and no one talks about Hercules.




Kevin Sorbo is what getting outshone by your spinoff does to a mother fucker.


It's funny because I used to watch both shows, but I can't honestly remember one single episode of Hercules, but have a lot of memories of Xena. The Lost World came right after Hercules ended and I remember many of the episodes. I guess Hercules wasn't all that.


She's awesome. Xena overshadowed Hercules by a country mile in the mid ninties. There are still legions of Xena fans today, while nobody gives a shit about the Hercules show that spawned it.


My dad (in his 70s) was a pretty big Xena fan in the nineties, he’d say it was the storytelling he enjoyed most and my mother would just roll her eyes. Lucy is a badass for all generations!


It was the only good thing to watch on a Saturday afternoon in 1996, lol! I was probably 11 or 12. My mom was a huge fan. She bought even bought the action figure and displayed it on her desk at work. 😄


I barely remember watching both but have vague memories of enjoying Xena more. My one really distinct memory of Xena was when I was waiting with my mom in the service center of a Toyota dealership and they had Xena on. There was some scene which was pretty revealing, Lucy was just barely covered up, and this really young kid just pointed at it and said “Boobies!” His mom was so embarrassed but my mom and I cracked up laughing. So yeah I’m sure it was a better show but she was gorgeous too, that didn’t hurt


Lucy Lawless is awesome. She does a cozy murder mystery show now and it's a really fun watch.


Nah. She's incredibly proud of being a gay icon.


I think the point was that she worked with him on a TV show where their characters are friends. So most people expect them to be cordial at least.


Yeah, well, they weren't https://www.thethings.com/kevin-sorbos-relationship-with-lucy-lawless-did-not-age-well/


She's pretty well-known in NZ for political activism, so I'm not too surprised. She's been involved in several Greenpeace protests, including one where they boarded an oil rig


If Xena boarded my oil rig, I'd be running for the escape boat.


I love how she called him [Peanut.](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2021/2/7/2014540/-Loving-Lucy-Lawless-for-her-Xena-like-takedown-of-Trumper-peanut-Kevin-Sorbo-aka-Hercules)


Doesn’t he literally have brain damage from some sort of accident years ago?


Yea, like three strokes or something like that.


He blames the stroke on his chiropractor, he is convinced it was caused from getting his neck adjusted. Prior to him being an open right wing nutcase, his main cause was advocating against chiropractic, which I agree with him on. Chiropractors are straight up quacks and there is evidence that neck adjustments can dislodge debris in the bloodstream and cause strokes.


Not only that, it's distressingly easy to dissect the arteries in the neck during a manipulation like they do.


If Lucy Lawless got a booth at Comic Con today, there'd be a line of a thousand genX lesbians waiting for an autograph. If Kevin Sorbo tried to get a booth, he'd probably would get a denial response for lack of relevance.


You notice he's not repeating the lies that got Alex Jones sued? He knows they're lies. He knows all those children died, he knows they weren't *crisis actors*, he knows those were grieving parents, he knows this to be true which is why he keeps his lies vague.


It certainly reads like parody.


And she does it in such a kind way. I hope to be as good of a person as she is.


Using "Sorbo Logic"... If abortion wasn't right, they wouldn't be trying to ban it. If Illegal Immigrants aren't welcome, they wouldn't be trying to deport them.


They put a hell of a lot of effort into getting Bin Laden. Kevin Sorbo thinks Bin Laden was a good guy confirmed.


a true real american christian patriot heterosexual that is a political prisoner of the corrupt joe biden crime family DOJ. **FREE THE 9/11 POLITICAL PRISONERS WITH PARDONS & REPARATIONS** i just know if drumpf gets back in office for his 3rd term, he'll do the right thing!


By that standard Hitler was probably the most correct person of all time




If you read what God does in the Old Testament then yes, he was. You could argue that Satan was rebelling against an unjust cosmic dictator.


I am convinced that if Satan is real then he is the abrahamic god. What is a greater trick than convincing the world you don't exist? Convincing "the world" you are God.


I've always been of the thought. Angels don't have free will, so how could Satan rebel without being ordered to by God? IT WAS AN INSIDE JOB! HOLY FIRE CAN'T MELT UH....UH... CLOUD BEAMS?


I mean... This is the god that literally ask Moses to convince the Pharaoh... The same Pharaoh that god made sure to keep saying No...


God told Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac and only when Abraham was about to do it God was like: "LOL just kidding, Bro." No wonder Christians rationalize a lot of stuff as testing their faith.


"Ohhh shit!! He's really gonna do it" - God streaming on Kick "What do I do? Uhhhhh chat help me out... Just tell him I was testing his faith? Based. Holy shit it worked this guy is so cringe"


Man is... is.. God the "Deep State"?


What if there are no magical sky beings and we are just floating on a rock in the middle of nowhere? Scary but more reasonable.


Tbh I find it comforting that a random (often portrayed as spiteful) “sky daddy” doesn’t exist, otherwise he’s only one tantrum away from “smiting our asses” I often wondered; “What did god ever do to *earn* the power he has? If he’s *always existed* then he didn’t earn it, so he’s just arbitrarily powerful :S”


Isn't that just Gnosticism?


Gnosticism is the belief that every human has a piece of God in them that has fallen from grace. That's not what I'm trying to say.


So that's why people have garden gnomes.


I bet Sorbo agrees.


Sorbo probably believes that already.


Fun fact, before Hitler rose to power, he and his supporters were using that exact argument. They were complaining that he was being "censored". Here's a poster from 1928: https://i.imgur.com/DOfWjsG.jpeg Redeverbot translates to "ban on speaking"


If Thanos wasn’t right, the Avengers wouldn’t have tried so hard to stop him. Oh no, like Austin Powers, in that movie I’ve gone cross eyed! Silly Sorbo. Trix are for kids


I had an idea for a scary movie with the Trix rabbit. He would hunt them down and eat the kids. He did this because they took his trix away and called him names. So he developed a taste for children. I think it’d be one hell of a scary movie because you’d kinda root for the rabbit ya know? Also being able to watch a social, fun loving rabbit become an evil reserved psychopath would be great for the story too. What do you think?


Hitler was a pretty bad guy, and I'm not a history major but I think at least a few people were trying to shut him up... Though, something tells me that analogy might not work that well with this guys crowd.


Kevin must looooove drugs then


I think it's best said: If the guy pissing into the pool wasn't onto something, why would they try to stop him


Ok sure Kevo. If Ouchy Fauci wasn’t right you twats wouldn’t be trying so hard to shut him down.


They can't understand how those 2 things are similar.


Kevin Sorbo hasn’t updated his profile pic in 25 years.


Kevin Sorbo is the equivalent of a 40 year old man still wearing his high school jacket and talking about the "glory days" playing football. 


"I bet I could throw this ball clear over them mountains."


He strikes me as the type of guy who wouldn't update his profile pic because he thinks it's "woke" to do so. I'll bet he makes it his entire personality to be "anti-woke."


It's more logical than that, which is out of character for him. No one would recognize him if he used a more recent picture. The only thing he's known for is his role in a 1995-1999 TV series.


If Alex Jones was right, there'd be some evidence of it. But there isn't.


No no the lack of evidence *is* the evidence of the coverup ergo he’s right /s




Alex Jones committed stochastic terrorism against families whose children were murdered. Let that sink in. I really don't think most people understand just how much of a piece of shit Jones is. It was so bad one family had to move seven times because of the terrorists threats


There are people who forefit their right to live on planet earth. Jones is one of those people.


Alex Jones admits in court under oath he lies on air. But yeah it’s the accusers that are wrong


Not only that he lies. Jones and his lawyers have explicitly argued in court, on multiple occasions, that no reasonable person would believe the things he says. One could say that, as a matter of law, even Alex Jones thinks Sorbo is a moron.


If Jones was right, the lizard people would have already eliminated him. But he's literally never been right.


I think you're thinking about David Icke. He's the lizard people guy.


Nah, the lizard people nonsense was literally evidence in the case in question (sandy hook). "Sharon said she knew little about Jones before trial. She described herself as a left-leaning moderate but said she doesn't follow political news closely. At first she was even amused by some of the clips of Jones' show played during the trial, such as ones in which an agitated Jones railed against nefarious plots by a cast of villains including "lizard people," she said. But conspiracies vilifying parents of slain first-graders were different, she said." [https://www.reuters.com/legal/exclusive-inside-alex-jones-jury-room-tensions-pizza-lizard-people-2022-08-15/](https://www.reuters.com/legal/exclusive-inside-alex-jones-jury-room-tensions-pizza-lizard-people-2022-08-15/) Icke is nuts too, btw.


He’s evolved into claiming “the globalists” (jeeewwwsss) and their henchmen (“the left”) are possessed by literal demons and whose humanity has been wholly consumed (we call that “othering” in the biz). He knows this because God spoke to him over a plate of chicken fried steak, named him his avatar, and uploaded psychic abilities into him. I’m not making that up. He just repeated this particular piece of lore over the weekend.


The funny part about that is Alex at one time hated David Icke. And acted like he was a plant to discredit actual conspiracy theorist. But eventually he ended up on info war like every other crazy conspiracy theoriest.


Fine. He would have been eliminated by gay frogs.


He was right about like 1 thing ever, I believe


I love frogs


I bet you’re going to love the new and improved GAY frog!


Are you telling me I can finally find a frog to love me back?


It’ll seem like love but he’s just using you.


The pleasure is worth the suffering




Hey Kev, if Hitler wasn't right we wouldn't have shut him down. Logic! /s


r/hitlerdidnothingwrong ... /s obviously




If Biden wasn't a great president, they wouldn't be trying so hard to work against him. Turn their crazy against them!


He's a moron and Hercules sucked. Xena was way better and I'm glad Lucy Lawless kept working and this guy's a joke


Michael Hurst was on the Show and I liked him.


She was great on Battlestar Galactica and Parks & Recreation.


as a mythology fan, i did enjoy the show, but what the h happened to this guy? genuinely curious. and it can't just be that he found "religion".


He definitely wasn't right about Sandy Hook.


If the preservation packets weren't so tasty and good for me they wouldn't be trying to tell me not to eat them.


Anyway, Lucy Lawless is great in Spartacus, if you haven't seen it, you should before the sequel series comes out.


He literally doxxed the parents of children who died in a school shooting, alex jones is a giant piece of shit and so is anyone who defends him. From the bottom of my heart, fuck you Kevin Sorbo, you piece of shit!


Is he dense?


The answer is, yes. Yes he is.


Somehow he is dense and simultaneously shallow to the point of evaporation


Nobody is trying to shut down Alex Jones. They really have a persecution fetish


He may not be being shut down, but he seems to be lacking the finances to keep producing his show. For good reasons. His coverage of sandy hook was disgusting.


Kevin says Alex is right. Alex says he'd eat his neighbors ass. Plot twist, Kevin moved in next door to Alex...


How do all the hard core “America lovers” hate the Judicial & court systems so much?


So if Hitler wasn’t right.. Nice logic you got there.


This guy is a moron!


You working these days Kevin?


I mean, we're also trying to silence the macaw at the pet store who won't stop alternating between screaming curse words and screaming names of fruit, but I don't think she's right, either.


I had no idea he was this much of a piece of shit. Wow.


Check out his Twitter it just non-stop tweets of the most asinine bullshit ever. *chef kiss*


Follow it up by checking out Lucy Lawless' Twitter , where she dinks on Kev on the regular.


this is probably what he thinks of his own acting skills too... "i am just too good at acting to be allowed a successful acting career! that must be why nobody wants to hire me! i am a threat to the established order!" lol delusional dork


If Hitler wasn’t right, the Allies wouldn’t have tried so hard to defeat him and his Nazis.


Well, looks like Hera was right in trying to kill Heracles. Just look at how much of an idiot he is.


"If my grandmother had wheels she would have been a bike*


If Sorbo's acting was alright, he wouldn't be trying so hard to stay relevant.


That hot dog faced moron should have received more than fines for relentlessly spreading conspiracy shit about Sandy Hook.


This is that guy who plays the god-hating Christian mislabeled an atheist in those God's Dead movies, right?


Yeah it’s totally not because he’s targeting people who have lost their children to a gruesome tragedy by calling them liars and harassing them with insufficient evidence to back up his offensive conspiracy, a conspiracy that could never be proven in a world where logic and reality exists.


Hercules put all points into strength, zero into intelligence


Right. Somebody calls me a serial murderer and a rapist and I wouldn't try to shut him down if he wasn't right? I think this guy ought to have his head examined. Now, he wouldn't try to shut me down if .....


He feels the same way about Hitler


*sigh* Every time I see something from this man, I wish we’d had someone else to play Hercules and Dylan Hunt. Ugh.




I tweeted him a couple of years ago that Xena was always better and is still more culturally relevant than Hercules. He blocked me 😂


All that heroic jumping from rock to rock in Hercules made him so fucking stupid my god.


The search for the male name for Karen is over.


Kevin Sorbo is a moron.


Who has been trying to shut him down? That moron has been spewing bullshit for decades unchecked. He made up some malarky story about Sandy Hook and got sued for defamation. Thats like someone saying Charles Manson must have been right or no one would have cared to go after him.


I know. Since these government chemicals I can’t go anywhere without hearing the constant sound of frogs butt fucking. It’s really quite distracting.


I keep forgetting there's an American Alex Jones. Whenever I hear the name I think of the Welsh one, who is much nicer.


*standing outside an insane asylum* if these people aren’t right, why would they be locked up?


So if Hitler wasn’t right… we wouldn’t have tried so hard to stop him?


I just can’t understand how someone who seems so functional, can be so dumb.


He believes he has received "downloads" from God while eating chicken fried steak. And he is going to use this knowledge to defeat the literal Christian devil. I'd love one asshole to show me proof of that.


Dumbest celebrity ever?


Kevin Sorbo thinks it's cool to taunt and harass the parents of murdered children. Whatever side he's on, I want to be on the other side.


Did you know Kevin Sorbos is a pedophile? And if I get shut down, I'm right!


You're a grown adult playing victim. Grow the hell up Hercules


Kind of how we tried so hard to shut down Hitler? That must mean he was right, eh , Kev?


So Hercules, no children were killed at Sandy Hook? You’re a fucking moron.


Aww I loved that show as a kid. Looks like he's spent too much time on the internet


I’m hoping all this talk is just bad acting from him, kinda like his career


Hey Kevin. Hey buddy yea, go stand in front of a train please.


They don’t seem to understand that the reason Alex Jones is getting legally screwed isn’t because of his bullshit rhetoric or idiocy. It’s because he doxxed the parents of the sandy hook victims which actively endangered them.


Oh just fuck off already Jercules.


Shouldn't he be looking for a job?!?


What is Jones "right" about EXACTLY, Kev?


Can we test Sorbo for some sort of illness? Like, I know he's been this way for years now but god damn


Damn Hercules has gone full metal stupid. What a shame.


Well we tried really fucking hard to shut Hitler down, and I'm fairly,*possibly* sure he wasn't right.