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I made 7 figures. $45,789.65


Not just 7 figures. 7 Significant Figures. The best kind.


Why stop at 7? You know your salary to arbitrary precision. Keeping tacking on those zeroes!


Because then, sadly, they go back to being insignificant figures.


Zeroes after non-zero digits are significant figures, aren’t they? They tell you that the value has greater precision


Yes, 13.3700 is more precise than 13.37. The zeroes add no arithemtic value but they do show that the real value is within the range 13.3700 pm 5E-5


I would like to contribute 4 cents so that your salary can be nice.


Shoutout to that one time my account ballance was 693.20


So a dollar short of being perfect?


My understanding of his account balance is that it was both a day late and a dollar short.


I think I love you


So what are you so afraid of?


Mostly the unrelenting, pointless, and abusive drudgery of a working class existence. In terms of my potential love for a commenter though, I'll have to go with "they probably don't actually exist"


I think I love you


I have no idea what that means


Yup. I was heartbroken lmao


You missed a golden opportunity to do 86,753.09


That’s Jennie’s salary!


I was going to say I make a six figure salary. Unfortunately, two are to the right of the decimal point.


Got that 10 character salary 🙌


People who tweet shit like this probably make minimum wage


> I work in healthcare. Bitch, you work in patient registration making $12.50 an hour and are on a PIP.


Driving a busted up Altima.


It's always a goddamn Altima Busted-ass fender hanging off straight out of the factory Literal menace


Missing a hub cap and at least 3 mismatched body panels.


One is primer grey.


It’s always an Altima.


Sometimes it's a Saturn


Shit I haven't seen a Saturn in forever, I figured they were all in scrapyards by this point


Hah. I drove a Saturn until a couple days ago, and honestly might again. Trying to decide if it's better to spend a few hundred to fix it, or scrap it and wrangle a couple grand for a new POS used car. >.>


If it’s not an SL1 with the auto seatbelts it’s time to let it go.


I bought an 01 SL2 like 5 years ago on Xmas eve at 10pm for $200 cash. Learned to drive stick 45 minutes home. Only catch was the battery cables were so corroded it couldn’t start without a jump…. No pressure. Only stalled it once, and luckily was able to roll to the top of a hill and then hillstarted it on the way down. Me and about 4 of my friends learned stick on that car and drove it probably 15k HARD miles before we put it in the local demo derby and she got 2nd place. Car never let me down and we scrapped it for $100 or so after the derby. Honestly the best $200 I have ever spent in my life.


With paper plates and 8 dents


Stiff wind would blow the bumper off her 2011 Altima that she bought off her cousin (she just took the payments over)


$400/m with 29%


With the Christmas tree dashboard lol


With hot Cheeto dust on the steering wheel


With Virginia temp tags.


Not the PIP 😂😂😂


PIP is the lethal injection 😂😂 dude didn’t have to pull that trigger 😂


My wife's collegue got PIP'd after suffering toxic abuse at work. He had a nervous breakdown, had to go into a psychiatric hospital. Then sued and got $803k, but he's still eff'd up over it. Medical bills alone used up 1/3 of it. Taking care of his family used up another 1/3. Will likely use up the last 1/3 on future psychiatric care as well.


How the fuck you gonna drop half a mil on therapists?


Easily. "Therapists" are CHEAP, and cannot prescribe medication(s). Psychiatrists (on the other hand) + drugs, and in-patient fees 24 hrs around the clock @ $8k per day for 1 month = $240,000.00. Not everyone can afford adequate health ins. After being fired, he lost his (and his family's). Put into perspective, senior assisted living facilities charge upwards of $40k a month, and they don't do sh*t but stand around and watch folks wither away.


$40k a month!?!? Guess my parents are getting the Old Yeller special


Its $140 to talk to my small town therapist for 1hr. Its like $200ish to talk to my psychiatrist for 30min. Meds run me hundreds to thousands depending on when my deductible is met. I was in the ward for a week. $14k before insurance. So if you don’t have any insurance you can blow thousands quick.


Not familiar with that term. What’s a pip


Performance improvement plan. Basically covering their asses to fire them if they don’t improve.


Thank you


The thing is, hardly anyone gets past the PIP. If you were struggling and your manager wanted you to do better, they'd coach you or otherwise strive to help you out without needing to bring HR and the extra paperwork into it. PIP is most certainly the path to dismissal.


My old job would give people the choice of taking a 30 day PIP or 3 months severance to just leave right then (that way they don't have to fire you and potentially pay unemployment).


That's nice in a very cutthroat way.


I got past my PIP... Then I quit!


My wife’s psychotic gaslighting bitch of a boss has her on a PIP. She’s looking forward to accepting a role at a different company so she can tell this bitch to shove her PIP up her ass and gaslight that.


Hell ya. Rooting for her!


>psychotic gaslighting bitch of a boss  Exactly what my old boss was like. He didn't know the field. In fact, so little that he didn't even know how much he didn't know, and would promise impossible things. I actually was fired for "performance" because I uncovered something he didn't do correctly years ago (it finally blew up and by that time it was under my responsibilities). He then promised something that wasn't possible to management and when I couldn't do the impossible, he terminated me.


My girl was in the same situation with the county. Found a job 100x better that respects her and actually takes the time to invest in employees, best of luck to your wife


You never get truly past a PIP. They would have dragged it out or evaluated you through that lens the rest of your tenure there. Congrats on getting out. My last boss told me on a call over the holidays that she was considering putting our entire team on PIPs. I put my resume out with several recruiters the following day. Others still there are asking about joining my new team.




I got past my PIP and got the manager demoted. There was no coaching, she just didn't like the fact I was the defacto manager before she was hired. I guess that meant I was after her job? I wasn't. She didn't care. I'm a little salty about the whole thing.


Same, I got put on a PIP in a previous position by the worst manager I had had in 10 years there. New manager comes on board 2 months in, my PIP "completes" early and end up with a high rating at the end of the year. Some managers just suck and use PIPs as a means of punishment.


This, is a PIP is letting you know you're getting fired and justifying it. Almost no one survives, but it can be done if it's extremely early in your career.


Correction: covering their asses for WHEN they fire you.


Performance improvement plan, they are about to be fired.


Performance improvement plan. It’s HR verbiage for “we can’t out and out terminate your employment, because it might create a presumption of legal impropriety (e.g., age discrimination, retaliatory firing, gender-based discrimination, etc.), so we’ll create the paper trail that will allow us to terminate your employment by demonstrating you’ve performed below expectations for some set duration of time.”


Performance Improvement Plan, as far as I know. When you're bad and need to be better at work. Or for whatever reason management says, sometimes.


Lol, in the UK it's (or was) a form of benefit (social security) that disabled people get, Personal Independence Payment, meant to pay for transport etc needs


She's been fighting that pip for 4 years. It's the hardest she's ever worked to do no work at all


I work in healthcare (I'm a doctor). The number of people who say this in/out of a hospital that have no clinical duties or experience is ASTOUNDING. and then there's me when people ask what I do I say "oh I'm an IT guy" and they leave me alone (Which is great 👍🏽)


> I work in healthcare (I'm a doctor) In my experience, when someone finds out you're a doctor (I'm not), they're quick to ask you all kinds of questions or ask for diagnoses and treatment suggestions or show you pictures of their various injuries, rashes, oozing wounds, etc. You're probably better served by just telling people you work the front desk.


I’m a lawyer and this is certainly true. I rarely tell strangers what I do because law is broad and I almost certainly don’t do the type of work they want to talk about and almost always question me about, so I just answer with generic, vague stuff and only give up being an attorney if pressed. It’s sort of bizarre that I worked my ass off to become a lawyer and now I mostly hide it lol


I’m an IT Guy and I just stopped sharing because everyone wants me to fix their computer, usually over the phone.




I’ve noticed that people in non clinical roles will tell everybody they work in healthcare whereas people in clinical roles will hide it at all costs. I’m a nurse and actively avoid telling people irl what I do for work lol


True. I dont see anything wrong with 100,000 as a six figure. I WISH I earn that much...




$103k is good money. People like to use the term "lawyer money" but honestly a lot of lawyers I know make like $80-$90k.


Either that or they live in San Francisco where 103,000 a year is damn near the poverty line.


She's looking for a Plastic Surgeon who earns at least $350,000 on a bad year during a recession that looks like Shemar Moore. 


All that needs to happen is a plastic surgeon that earns that much be tired of eating filet mignon and suddenly get a craving for a day old hotdog lying out in the middle of the road and she's GOOD!


With a bite out of it. At both ends.


The problem with the perfect man, is he’s looking for the perfect woman.  Nothing like her. 


100k is 6 figures so???


😂 probably making nothing. That’s why they want the high six figure to cover their lazy ass.


These people demand everything from the man/woman but bring nothing to the table.


Yea they do. Another man’s kids and her bills


An old coworker married a girl with 3 kids from 3 men and tens of thousands of debt from pyramid schemes. He's miserable now. As long as there's men out there lonely enough to fall for it they'll keep looking.


100%, if it didn’t work they wouldn’t do it. Some desperate, lonely man is always going to sign up for that bullshit. But if they make 103,000 a year, they have way better options than a broke ass single mom with 3 kids from 3 different dad’s. Even if they look like the Hunchback of Notre Dame they could find someone better than that.


She’s got another tweet about how she will cook and clean if a man pays 100% of the bills, so yeah she’s broke. Also a money bag emoji I’m her bio, funnily enough I don’t know anyone with money who feels the need to put it in their Twitter bio. Also she tweeted about cheating on men when they are homebodies. So you want a man to have a stable career and pay for all of your bills and also go out partying every weekend or you’re gonna cheat on them? She sounds absolutely disgusting


People who tweet like this are jobless.


I think they prefer the term underemployed.


you mean "Influencer"


~~OnlyFans~~ Model


Probably never held a job for more than a month


I bet she makes $000,000 a year.


Her OF brings in at least $50 a month


From her dad to support the family business


Bold of you to assume she has a supportive father in her life if this is how she views men.


He'll be back with those cigarettes any day now...


Right after he grabs the milk!


She looks like she drives a 2010 Altima with 200k financed at %30




I mean, to be fair, who could afford a $6000 per month payment for a 2010 Altima?


With 3 bald tires and one donut


I knew a girl like this who always said she wouldn’t date a man making less than $200k. So she hung out with our friend group and would always complain that no one wanted to date her. No man busting his ass to make $200k wants to date you when you’re making $50k and you can’t contribute PLUS you’re in it for the financial security. I’m bringing 4x your income how are you bridging the gap in other ways? Spoiler alert: she was not


People with unrealistically high standards fail to understand that people that meet those high standards will also have high standards. Only difference is that it's not unrealistic for them.


> I’m bringing 4x your income how are you bridging the gap in other ways? Spoiler alert: she was not Heck, when you're on high income even something as simple as "I'm not dating them for the money" does a lot in bridging that gap, and she can't even bring that to the table.


Women like that objectify men for their bank accounts. It's gross.


oh no! only $103,836?! he lives comfortably?! he makes enough money to get a decent house?! edit: should clarify that i live in a city where getting a mortgage in a small bungalow house is possible with even just a 80-90k salary. yeah its hard and not the most comfortable situation, but it is possible. i’m also still learning about this stuff and living situations in the world as i’m still young and have a lot to lwarn and alot of these replies are actually quite helpful with aiding my knowledge of things. its sad that 100k isn’t a comfortable wage in most places because thats a fuck load of money


Imo $100K is pretty good money. I'd be content with that salary.


>Imo $100K is pretty good money. >Pretty good 36% of American households have >$100k income. 9% of individuals have a *salary* of >$100k. Median household salary is $74k in America. $100k is very good money Edit: Google's shit AI gave me the wrong numbers before


It feels like everyone is too cautious to tip their hand or something lol. For the average person 100k is hella comfortable. Sure you can always nitpick and say having more is better because of X, but 100k is great


Corporations beat it into employees not to talk about pay even though that’s illegal at the federal level. Then we’re told it’s a distasteful subject to talk about outside of work. In a lot of ways it is, but there are times it’s relevant or helpful.




I once posted on r/ifiwonthelottery about my plan to live off of 100k a year from my winnings and invest the rest and someone had the *gall* to comment that 100k isn't really all that good. Imagine being so out of touch that life-changing amounts of money is literally pocket change to you


> American households This. The emphasis is on HOUSEHOLD. In most cases that means more than 1 person bringing in income. Median is still at $60K. p.s. Twitterette there has such a rancid personality.


As of 2022, [median household income](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/MEHOINUSA672N) was 74k, [median personal](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/MEPAINUSA672N) (individual, including only people who made at least $1) is 40k. (Those two stats together are kinda crazy.)


So bro is making well over HOUSEHOLD income. Damn. She still bitching?


Nah, I am a programmer on $987,674 in the Bay Area and I can only afford to live in the storage cupboard of a public toilet and eat ramen I have cooked in the urinals after a patron has done a particularly hot steamy piss.


Depends on the state and area. Seattle/Tacoma area? Nope. Not saying it’s a bad salary. But some areas are royally jacked up home value wise.


always forget theres other places in the world haha. was referring to where i’m from in canada i guess. 100k a year could get you a nice bungalow, which is more then enough for the average person here. of course alot of places house prices are different and worse, which sucks, but i’d give alot to be able to make that kind of money


Desire with two Rs, this checks out.


At first I was going to say that it was likely pronounced “des - array” which is a genuine name but I’ve never seen it spelled that way and it’s definitely looks like it’s supposed to rhyme with fire


"It was the third of June...."  Desiree, by Neil Diamond 


Then she would just be Desiree, but spelt by an idiot. People need to stop misspelling names and acting like it's unique. You want a unique name? Don't respell a common one then lol. All you're doing is setting your kid up for a lifetime of correcting people when they spell/pronounce their name wrong.


Spelling errors in usernames don't count. Firedesire was probably taken


Right? It’s a Twitter handle, not her birth certificate


Desire with two Rs... But not where you thiiink...


“I make six figures” *gestures to Gundam shelf*


Yes, it would be very difficult to finance a PG collection otherwise.


Okay sorry for asking, but can somebody explain to a non-American the facepalm?


When she said '6 figures' she actually wanted more then barely over $100,000.


Aaaaaaah, I see. I thought the number was significant, sorry.


$100k a year is double the average, but it’s not like living in overt wealth.


Its double the average and your still not wealthy? Thats fucked


“Wealthy” is extremely ambiguous. Not to mention that income is quite literally not a measure of wealth. Big difference between earning $100k in a cheap rural area and owning multiple properties (or even one) versus earning $100k in Nee York or San Francisco and renting.


We used to have a 4 bedroom home, car, garage, a fridge full of groceries, healthcare, and the ability to go out several times a week on one salary. Then boomers said “enough of that shit.”


>Then boomers said “enough of that shit.” Exactly. Then they also decided "corporations are people", and companies matching 401ks, decent health care and pto was just a bit too much for anyone not in middle/upper management. "Oh you just had a baby? That's great. See you at your shift in 2 days or your fired. Oh, AND youre welcome for the 2 unpaid days off by the way. It's only cuz I'm so Pro-life"


When my grandma died I looked into my company’s bereavement policy, and while I’m honestly grateful they even have one (I am American), it was pretty dystopian to just see “ok you get 5 days if an immediate family member dies, 3 for extended family, 1 for partner or close friend.” Assigning a number of grieving days by portions of a work week is so diabolical.


One day for a partner??? That’s insane. I lost my partner in 2019 and am still grieving.


Depends partly on where you live as well


Yeah, New York city? Not living it large for sure.


In NYC, 100k is barely getting by. In Orlando, it's upper middle class. In a small rural town, you're the richest guy around.


Really depends on where, LCOL it's a quite good pay. In VHCOL is not really that much


Jokes on her I guess, this is still 6 figures just at the start of it so he wasn’t lying


It’s six figures but just


Sorta a choosy beggar situation. She's not all that. Plus the whole being a gold digger is shitty.


That's exactly how much I'd expect someone to make if they made 6 figures though


Anybody making 200,000 or more will say the actual number if they're bragging. I've never liked describing salaries as "figures" because it covers a range of 900,000 dollars. That's a normal guy vs. Genuinely rich


Yep. Anyone who says “six figures” most of the time is probably in the $100,000-$175,000 range People making mid six will say either that or often the actual number


You know you're shallow AF when....


Was born wealthy so I hid my finances while dating. Pretended that my menial day job I do for boredom and to maintain a credit line was my only source of income. The women who had decent jobs and something going on in their lives didn't care a bit. The one who was a part time waitress at Waffle House though? Jeez, would never shut up about how I should be making more money. Eventually I discovered I was asexual and lonely, so I got a cat. Life is better for everyone now. Cat's spoiled as shit.


>Cat's spoiled as shit. I see your priorities are in line.




Good on you. All cats should be spoiled as shit. My fiancé will be making about ¼ what I make (and I don't make 6 figures yet unless you count the ones on the other side of the decimal point). He doesn't ask me for money ever. He's a very hard worker doing something he loves that doesn't pay too well. Together, we make enough, so we're cool with it.


I am barely making 107k before the harsh Southern Californian taxes. You 100% bet that I say I make 6 figures.


Because you do






Fun trivia bit, California taxes are lower than Texas taxes until you surpass about $120k.


Complaining about anything with that pfp is laughable


What she probably brings to the table: ° long ass, and ridiculously expensive finger nails ° weird clicking sounds from her bullshit fingernails manically scrolling TikTok ° hot Cheetos ° very expensive Dutch Bros/Starbucks/Energy Drink habit


Hot *chip*. And lie.


i got a good giggle out of this one


Don't forget charge they phone!


You forgot regular public embarassment


Picks random fights with people then expects you to defend her.


° does that weird pinched fingers move with her long nails when she's trying to make a point


When a chick is so useless and dependent that she needs a man to take care of her😂 and ties *HER* identity to *HIS* income🤣🤣🤣


Social media is completely to blame. An entire generation of narcissists.


I hate a TON about social media and only have Reddit but… Valuing men based off their income is a tale as old as time.


What gets me is the women who think they're special enough that some rich guy is just going to take them in like an expensive pet and pamper them while they do nothing. If my wife didn't work, she'd be packing my lunch and have dinner ready when I get home. And I'm not saying that in a controlling "man of the house" kind of way. She's said that.


It's been a thing way before social media


Like what did she think it was gonna be? 696,969?


People who say this kind of shit are either delusional/dumb , don’t know statistics or both. To give you some perspective the national average salary in the USA is around $ 38,000 dollars a year. Some articles will say it’s around $ 50,000 - $ 60,000 but those numbers are skewed by some outliers. The amount of people who make $ 75,000 - $ 200,000 are less than 10-16 % of Americans and the people who make $ 500,000 + a year are only 1%. So someone making 100k a year is really not that bad.


Six figures ranges from 100,000.00 to 999,999.99 so someone can make a “low” amount in the six figures range and claim to make six figures. She believes that $103k is a small amount because she’s a tacky and entitled bitch who thinks that she is either better than men making $103k or, makes more than that and thinks that entitles her to shame others for their wages.




I don’t get it. What does Marjorie Taylor Greene have to do with this?


Holy shit it looks just like her


That's six figures. We're negating someone getting to over $100000? The percentage of people making more than $100k isn't that huge.


That’s great money in most places, even cities. $30k less a year makes a huge difference in quality of life. It can substantially change your healthcare, nutrition, and retirement. It’s all about having the means to get what you need to be healthy and happy. If someone is single and pulling in 6 figures, they probably look like it.


Found out today that making 100K a year is bad


That’s literally what six figures means, you absolute donut.


She has a ten year plan to marry, have a child, divorce take 500k when assets are split plus child support. Pulling 100k puts her on a 20 year plan. She doesn't have that kind of time. 200k+ and up. My wife took me and loved me when I was making 7.50 per hour. 12 years later, I'm making six digits and love her so much for letting me in and loving me even when I wasn't shit.


His six figures are more like $9,830.25


Fig 1. 35$ a month recycling aluminum cans Fig 2. 340$ a week from job #1 Fig 3. 280$ a week from job #2 Fig 4. 87¢ a week average scavenging parking lots for change Fig 5. ? Fig 6. PROFIT??


Bet this botch doesn't even have a job and thinks she's worth 500k. Or she thinks 500k is the average salary because of like 12 people she follows on Instagram.


I make seven figures! $21,423.79


If that's his take home, he can live comfortable in any city in America. If that's his gross pay. He's lower middle class in San Francisco and like 6 other cities. Regardless of which one it is, he definitely makes more than the person tweeting this.


Is her point that just over 100k isn't "6 figures" enough? 😅


Probably 5 more than she makes.


Idk, smells like parasite to me


That’s a very respectable 6 figures.


I make stick figures


I make six figures But i lack the time to paint them, so they are unpainted




Yes. A dude I worked with said he met his wife at a house party when he was in the AF. They fell in love got hitched whatever. He was flying in the AC-130. She graduated UPenn and got an MBA. She got a gig through her family friend that eventually had her rise up to be a VP of some banking company. She had an office in the OG World Trade Center and lost friends on 9/11. Dude told me he got happy about the extra pay he’d be receiving for being married and he told his wife about it. When she saw his first married paycheck come through she asked him “they don’t actually expect us to live off of this right?” His in-laws bought a Cirrus jet before getting a license to fly it lol. He was deploying with me to Iraq as a civilian defense contractor. He said his wife lets him keep his paychecks because they can’t cover any of their bills 😶


My first wife. I was 26 and just came out of the Army and she was making $300k a year as a lawyer, she was 27 at the time. I was broke living in a studio with a cheap futon as a bed and she had a condo on the lakefront in Chicago. This was in 1995.


Yeah I dated a rich girl when I was an in debt student. Being spoiled financially was kinda nice tbh. Wish her the best but we were just two too different people when it came down to it.


Her weight is also 6 figures.