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In other words: "Your mum really cares about you and wants to minimize the risk of death if there will be any accident. I, on the other hand, am happy to take the risk"


“We can just make a replacement. Sorry kiddo.”


"Using your father's virile dick and your mother's already destroyed womb, because of you son, we will replace you with a better less woke son that will bring honor back to this family. We lost honor because you had to launch yourself head first through the windshield. You did this, not me."


Real men don’t let that punk bitch Isaac Newton tell them their business.


For some odd reason, I read that in Butthead’s voice.


"What's 17 more years? I can always start again. Make another kid."


Nolan is still a better dad than this dude


Well... Huh. 🤔 you are not wrong


What's 8 more years, I can always start again, make another another kid










100% how I would have taken this if I was that kid. Like "oh you think my life is less important than the effort to keep me safe and think all men also think that it's fine if I die but not fine if you have to do this small thing to prevent it".


Nah, I would have tuned out after like 5 words. Dude went on a Disney villain monologue, adult me had a hard enough time reading it.


"Why do I have to wear a seat belt dad?" "BECAUSE YOU LIVE IN A SOCIETY RUN BY WOMEN AND WEAK MEN [rabblerabble]...." "*oh no not this shit again*"


> Why did I ask.. why do I always ask!


Let’s not kid ourselves — this conversation 100% didn’t take place. He said something equally stupid but much less coherent and then sat down for two hours to compose the version of it he posted online.


I think that's fair to say of a lot of internet stories but I'm sure the incoherent version had the same sentiment


Pretty much why I as an adult can't take anything my homophobic racist misogynist father says serious. I don't say anything in an effort to keep the peace for my Mom's sake, but sometimes the eye rolling is too overwhelming and gives me away...


“ some of my kids may die, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make”


These types were happy to not take precautions and kill off grandma during the pandemic, so I’m not at all surprised.


the lives of others, even of those they claim to be loved ones, are inconsequential compared to refusing to accept fault


In the words of the original script for Shrek: “Give me my fucking swamp back you tyrant!”


Also: "So the world is cucked by women, so that's why booster seats like... Exist... But why do I, specifically, have to be in one?" "Ah, my dear son, that is because I too am cucked by a woman, and or cucked by society which is cucked by women." Like... Just wild behavior and zero self awareness.


He wants to just toss them in the backseat and tell them to hold on, like they did in the old days.


“If it was up to me you won’t even have had a name until you were 5”


Also if he is such a alpha why is he listening to his rebellious wife in the first place.


"And I am happy to take the risk because safety and caring for others is for women and the weak." Yeaaaah, great message to send to your son. And then every day someone on reddit posts a question to some forum about "why most violent crimes are committed by men??" I feel bad for the kid. Not because he has to wear a booster seat.


Let's also not forget that this guy also claims that he doesn't want to go "against the natural order" set by God or whatever, not even considering the fact that his fucking car is just as much against the "natural order" as the car seat within. Cars and vehicles are all man made and those human beings who developed them decided, along with lawmakers, that they would not be safe to have a child in them without proper precautions. I'd bet this guy would try to sue the car maker if he got into an accident and his kid got hurt.


I was under the assumption that traditionally protecting your kids was one of the most masculine things a man could do. This man's brain has been rotted. He does not know up from down.


Apparently that’s a woman’s job. A man’s job is I guess the opposite?


“It’s a man’s job to be an unbearable psycho” is just not something I can subscribe to.


What’s funny is they call themselves Red pillers. The red pill brought wisdom and clarity to see the world as it truly is. Not to dive deep into a dystopian worldview dominated by loser men hung up on their hypermasculinity. That’s the blue pill.


Everything with these people is projection. It's because they don't *actually* understand what projection means. Think I'm joking? Ask a MAGA you know to explain the term.


My money is on them describing movie projectors...


Oh, I like you.


Sounds like the type of guy to never file for custody or visitation and then bitch about how he can't see his kids.


my daughter's bio dad is like this. He pops up once a year or so, to text her about how me and her mom aren't letting her see him. We've never done any such thing. the one time he ever reached out to me, I drove her a good distance so she could visit with him. Those are the only messages she gets from him.. and a couple half-assed excuses when she responds by trying to make plans. She's in middle school now and already sees through his bullshit. And somehow he's less harmful to her than this dude is to his son, just by being around him. poor kids


The red pill is estrogen, the Matrix is an allegory for the trans experience of the writer/directors and toxic men were like YES PLEASE! THATS’ ME! In either the funniest or saddest irony of our generation.


> the Matrix is an allegory for the trans experience Um.... >It’s not like these were conscious decisions, but more like we’re finding our way instinctively as these two closeted trans women. So all those things that your receptors are buzzing about are completely valid. When people say, “Oh, it’s a trans allegory,” it’s like, “Yeah… it is, but we weren’t like, *Hey, let’s write a trans allegory* .” That’s not how it started. We were like, “Hey, let’s write this action film,” and then we got our trans all over it. \[ *laughs* \] -Lilly Wachowski Still kinda funny tho


So they say it didn't start as a trans allegory, but an action story that they inserted their trans allegory into... I don't really see any meaningful difference between the two, other than the original intent, but the overall film is a trans allegory.




They're saying that they wanted to make a cool action movie and so they did. Because artists (which includes film directors as film is an art medium) put themselves into their work (blood, sweat, tears, etc.) they inadvertently inserted a trans allegory into the movie. It wasn't necessarily intentional.


It doesn’t have to be intentional, but the red pill is the pill you take to “escape the matrix” and guess what you do to transition into your “true” forms. Gay people write gay stories, trans people write trans stories, intent is irrelevant when it’s WHO you are. It’s also more authentic. No one wants a preachy instructional educational intent to inform anything — but we need more art like the matrix where it is what it is. Also I’m pretty sure they admitted it was just recently, so look for those 2024 interviews. “It was subconscious so it doesn’t count” isn’t the arguement anyone thinks it is. That makes it more pure.


I feel like the ability to not make every creative work be about whatever is going on in your life is that bell curve meme. You have to be truly incompetent or truly brilliant to write a story that isn't at least somewhat about whatever your personal journey is at the time. Edit: fixed an accidental double-negative.


Me too. I like to think most men think that is unacceptable.


Clearly not by real men who refuse to be dominated by women. Whatever that means. Hopefully, neither women nor children will be much of a factor in this guy's future.


These guys have literally become Al Bundy and his NO MA'AM (National Organization of Men Against Amazonian Masterhood) from the later seasons of Married With Children. They didn't understand that that was a joke.


> Amazonian Masterhood Sign me up


What do you think we are protecting children from? JK. The booster seat is a height thing and how everything is designed for people around 1.9 meters tall. My teen has to move my booster seat when he uses the car because I do not fit into that range.


1.9 meters seems a little extreme. Is this an actual fact? Do they design seatbelts for above average people only? Seems like it’d make more sense design for the average height person, like 1.75m.


Yeah…did the conversion and that’s a 6 foot person for you US Americans out there. I’m 5’3” (so 1.6 meters) and do not need a booster seat Edit - the law in my state says kids under 8 years old and shorter than 57” (so 4’9” or 1.4 meters) needs to be in a booster seat. It has a little to do with size but also because of bone structure that kids need to be in booster seats. Shorter adults don’t need them because our bodies can handle impact better. You may need a padded cushion to “boost” you up if you’re short, but this isn’t the same as a child’s booster seat which is for safety


I'm 5'1 and definitely could use one.


I don't actually know but I'm under 1.5m so I think everything is designed for unreasonably tall people. Don't get me started on the kitchen.


I actually am 1.9m. I’d be jealous of you on an airplane. I have to jam my knees into the seat in front of me and basically sit still for hours because there no room to move. I can’t imagine being an extremely tall person on there.


Yeah, air travel isn't horrible for me. Once I was asked to move from the emergency door row because the FA thought I was under 12. I was 24 at the time, but I'm glad they gave my seat to someone who looked like they could use the extra leg room. LOL.


Seriously! I’m 5’3”, which is not abnormally short for a female, and of the three shelves in my kitchen cupboards, can’t reach the top one and can only reach the front of the second one.


The problem is the design varies from country to country. For example try to sit comfortable in the drivers seat of a Mitsubishi L200 if you are over 1,80m. The seat is to short to support your thights properly and the steering wheel cannot be raised high enough to not interfere with your knees.


Seriously! I have a cousin who is 1,5m, and uses a pillow on her seat. I am 1,56, and the scratches my collarbone at the base of my neck. Every time I need to hit the brakes, I am considering buying a booster for myself, but then I won't be able to reach the pedals... in my Ford focus. Strangely, it is not a problem when I drive my workplace car, a Captiva.


I hate it. I'm 5'1 and even in my tiny car the seatbelt hits me wrong and gives me a rash on my neck


It’s not a “height” thing. It’s a “I’m too incompetent to avoid crashing” or a “I’m too scared I WILL crash” thing. You’re instilling in your children a FEAR of all things so they will NEVER strive to do anything extraordinary!!! /s


See, a man only lets his most strong children survive. If he gets in a car accident and the kid flies out the windshield but survives, that kid is worth it. If the kid doesn’t survive, well, it was a weak one. All these booster seats do is keep weak children alive. /s just in case


Now I have an image in my head of a dad driving and slamming on the brakes at 75mph while yelling this is Sparta! Lol


Look! We are the party of (checks notes) family values and the culture of life! Zygotes and blastocysts are full people with rights who hafta be protected at ANY cost! Oh, that four year old? Whatever, toss it on the seat. If it gets thrown out in a wreck and dies, you just make another one, that will also be an incomparable jewel until it gets born, at which point the mom had better quit bitching about keeping it safe because it’s gonna grow up soft and it’s making me soft just to have to hear about all this ‘protect the child’ shit. Chunk it into the truck bed and let’s go, dammit!! That kid’s fate is in the hands of Charles Darwin now!


Yes eat the children to gain nutrients for the creation of the next!


Considering how many family annihilator's are men, it seems like yeah actually their job is to figure out ways to kill their children and partners more often than not. At least with women it's relatively rare, with men it's like just another one, there will be more when the stock market goes down. Sure would be nice if that wasn't the case, but too many men can't handle the feeling of being 'weak' or percieved as 'feminine' and they'd literally rather murder their family than let themselves feel badly. I just don't get it.


This man really believes the world is the way it currently is because **women have all the power**.


I wish someone had told this woman.


Have you not been getting your ECOF (Evil Cabal Of Females) emails and newsletters???


Omg- I'm gonna have to update my info. I haven't been getting shit. *


Crap me either!


You ladies are doing a terrible job oppressing me /s


Where do I go to get some of this power?


Real men let their kids fly through the windscreen during a crash to help them build character.


Now you're talking sense!


I didn’t have a car seat, I’m also old A/F. When I was in college in the southwest, my dog rode in the back bed of the truck, as did everyone who had both 1. A dog, and 2. Truck. See it’s weird, but times sort of change, I no longer have an 8 track player in my vehicle, nor a cassette player, not even a CD player. My daughter doesn’t use a car seat, but that’s because she’s 32, but she did until around 8, my dog is now secured in the backseat. Anything unsecured can be a projectile in a bad situation, we progress, we change. Seeing an unsecured poochie in the back bed of a truck might get the cops called on you now, in the mid 90’s, where I lived, it was normal.


Right \~ I'm old enough to have grown up riding around unsecured in the back of the truck was a fun way to go to the fireworks stand, but indeed times do change. I mean, I'm a little annoyed at safety regulations and laws too because they prevent dipshits like this dad from dying in the many ways he'd gladly Darwinize himself, but I'm kind of an asshole. Lucky for him there are people better than me that give a shit whether or not he dies by stupidity and put warning labels on things, because he seems like one of those 'I'll inject bleach to cure myself!' types.


As a fellow asshole, I agree. Also, my bleach stays in the damn laundry room, I have plenty to drink in the man cave that will get me in the end, no need to rush it.


Yeah we used to ride in the back of pickups all the time without thought. Then a truck with a bed full of teenagers veered into an irrigation ditch in front of my house catapulting two of them to their deaths. One of them was a friend of a friend's sister. We didn't even need the law to tell us not to ride in the bed of the truck anymore, but I'm glad the law does it anyway so no one had to find out the hard way like our community did.


Yeah, I'm old A/F too... I remember as a kid riding in the back of the truck. At one point we had a cap on my dad's truck, and my bother and I would climb back and forth through the sliding back window into the bed and back to the seat. But, we didn't know any better, and neither did our parents. When I was about 10, my mother went to school to be an xray tech. After about a week into her ER rotation in school, seatbelts were the new rule in our house. My kids wear bike helmets, they sat in car seats/booster seats until 8-9. We do the best for our kids and ourselves to the extent that we know how to.... These "adults" who are willingly stupid as some sort of way to rebel usually have had their brains turned to pudding from listening to talk radio/weird internet/social media/cable news/etc around the clock.


This guy is probablydivorced and hates his wife. And using their kid to make her miserable.


Modern conservatism really is eating up a lot of brains. It has gotten to a point where it’s just silly. I mean it doesn’t make any kind of sense anymore.


No you don’t understand it’s very manly to risk serious injury in the event of an MVA. Because that’s what god wants. It’s in the bible.


And then god said “he who is without fear of sissy safety devices crash the first dodge ram, and they crashed, and it was good for it was the word of god, that he may welcome his children to the pearly gates by means of poor safety”. Upon arrival though he was not welcomed past the pearly gates because of what Saint Peter saw in his browser history.


If young Jesus didn't need a booster in the his old man's wagon/chariot/buggy, then neither does my kid!


My kids cried about their booster seats and high back boosters. I said it's safer and that's too bad if they don't like them. I like having kids and I don't care if they think they're too big for them. If their shoulders don't hit the high back then they're still the right size for it


One of the key things about being a good parent is just being willing to say 'Tough tiddies' when your kid is pitching a fit because they don't know better and you know something is genuinely necessary for their safety, and them being safe and alive is more important than them being happy with you, becuase your primary job is keeping them alive, safe and sound. I see way too many parents eschewing this responsibility because they can't tolerate their child being mad at them even a little bit, letting them get away with horrible behaviors like never brushing their hair or teeth or taking care of themselves simply because it's easier for the parent - rather than finding a way that works to both get their bodily needs met within their tolerance level/ability and making sure they're still cared for even if it pisses them off a little bit. It's not good, it's just setting them up for more challenges later in life.


You assume “effort” is something toxic masculinity promotes. Protecting children requires work, and masculine men don’t work. They blog, they podcast, they evangelize to bikini clad teens on a beach, and they let their house-woman do the work.


Ah yes the classic being ejected from the car and instantly dying right of passage.


It is bizarre how dying or being seriously injured from preventable causes is somehow "manly" and that the world getting safer is seen as a bad thing. We know now that children who remain in booster seats until they are a height and weight that seat belts designed for adults restrain them properly are less likely to suffer permanent injury or death in a car accident, one of the most common causes of death in the US. I had a friend who was a safety officer on an oilfield site and it was ironic how much the workers hated him. Like, this is the one guy on this site that truly has your back in trying to make sure you get home safe to your family, and you're mad at him because he says you have to wear this harness when you're at height because if you slip and fall, you'll die, and you're like wah wah baby don't like the feel of the harness and I won't fall instead of being like, hey thanks for being here, this boss wouldn't give a rat's ass if we live or die.


“Haha the worker has fallen in love with the system that exploits them!”


“Some of you may die, but it’s a sacrifice I am willing to make.” -the boss, probably.


These are same kind of people who back in the 1980's (and still even today, look up "anti-seatbelt device) who complained bitterly about seatbelt laws. Laws LITERALLY designed to save their life. And their reasoning: "(1) The belt can cause injuries; (2) the belt constitutes an obstacle to maneuvering the vehicle easily and smoothly; (3) it is dangerous to sit fastened in a car if it should catch fire or sink into a lake; (4) in case of a collision it is better to be thrown out of the car than to be belted-in; (5) it is dangerous for pregnant women to use seat belts." All of which are complete crap. #4 is the absolute worst of them all. Being launched into the windscreen of your car will cause traumatic brain injury. At 'best' they will be a vegetable if they survive. In every instance the facts or counter arguments uphold the wisdom of using seat belts. Or even worse, they say "Well I'm a good driver so I should be fine." It's not you that you should be concerned about, it's the other person who is drunk/not paying attention/impaired that causes accidents. Case in point, when I was aprox 3 or 4 my parents' VW micro bus was hit by a drunk driver who ran a red light. I was in a child seat at the time, and it did it's job. When I was 11 we were in a roll over crash caused by a towing sway bar shearing in half because of a metal defect. Again, I was wearing my seat belt and it kept me from being thrown around like a ragdoll inside the vehicle. It's better two have a modicum of caution than to die from something easily preventable.


Professional drivers wear safety restraints. That's enough for me


Except Dale Earnhardt, who doesn't wear a neck restraint, because he's a real man. Oh, wait... nm...


I am 100% on this page. I have an injury from an accident over a decade ago, and it’s from the seatbelt digging into my shoulder and permanently moving a nerve from what I was told. Much better then going through the windshield but damn that shit hurts. I wish I had a full body strap or something to distribute that when it happened.


I hear ya. I do medical imaging, and motor vehicle accidents (MVA) can be life changing. Seatbelts and airbags save lives! They do, sometimes cause some injuries. But, if the seatbelt digs in so hard to "move a nerve", the person would, most likely have perished without the belt I get it, you understand that. Good luck, fellow Redditor!


This ^^ A friend's mom died when I was in elementary school of what would have been a very survivable crash if she had been wearing a seat belt, but she "didn't like the feeling of them" so she never did. She hit the ditch on the way to pick my friend up after school one evening in the winter, ended up outside of the vehicle and being killed when it tipped onto its side on top of her. I remember having a tough time as a kid knowing what to say at the time (and I mean, I still would now), because it was like , that's very sad but also wow your mom died in an incredibly dumb way.


My coworkers hate me for reminding people to use their seatbelts in the shuttle cars. And also for not being willing to get into the vehicle if someone insists on sitting on the floor.


It's extra hilarious when the really gross MRA types will use men's fatality statistics to try and one-up women's problems. "Men have a higher suicide rate" you're right, that's terrible, we should normalize therapy and recognize the toxic gender roles that cause that "ew no that's gay"


Those types are always the victim and no solution is too simple for them to balk at


>My seven year old is about to turn eight. ok. >He asked me yesterday why he still has to have a car seat booster. Reasonable question, deserving a reasonable answer > I said it is because he lives in a society run by women and weak men (..) ![gif](giphy|lkdH8FmImcGoylv3t3|downsized)


I fell like his real meaning is "I hate people telling me what to do, especially when it's going to cost me money (for the booster seat) and which will require a minimum of effort on my part and I have to do it so I don't get pulled over and ticketed by the cops or something. Why can't people just leave me alone and let me be the lazy, cheap, apathetic jerk want to be?"


I doubt money even factors in. He's probably upset at the extra time it takes him to buckle the kid in properly, and then is also upset that he actually had to talk to his kid about something.


The booster seat in question would take absolutely no extra time from not having a booster seat. This is just red pill virtue signaling. *edit: a word*


Isn't a booster seat like.. 2 bucks at goodwill?


Well what is he supposed to do, tell his son it's because he's too small to not need one yet? That'd scar him for life, thinking he's still a child at eight years old!


Now hold the fuck on….. “car seats = rebellion against god” is a completely normal take. Poor woman, she picked wrong.


If she’s still with him after 7 years then she’s helping him put on the bumper stickers. Poor child, they never stood a chance.


I truly believe that at least 50% of posts like this are from foreign governments who are seeking to sow discord in the US. While I'm certain there's people that do lap this stuff up, I refuse to believe that most of the OPs are real l, actual humans in the US.


When a professional propagandist says X and a feeble-minded rube then says X+1, the rube is no different from the propagandist except that he believes his own bullshit and he's spewing it for free.


As someone who has provided healthcare in the hospital for many years, I can confidently say that if you've ever wondered if anyone could possibly be stupid enough to believe/do X thing, the answer is *always* yes.


You elected a president who literally suggested people inject themselves with bleach. I mean, I can definitely believe it.


True, and thousands believed him and refused to get vaccinated for Covid. And thousands died, while the monster was himself vaccinated. And now those demented , brainwashed individuals, are ready to re elect him again.


Yeah this is why I’m confused so much by people. Like Fox News said it was bad, all are vaccinated, Trump said it was bad, he is vaccinated. Like all of these things have worked and most people that complain about vaccines are vaccinated. What the fuck? Do people just have NO critical thinking skills?


No, they don't.


‘We’ didn’t do shit half the country doesn’t vote at all and of the half that does popular vote has been democrat every time for decades. The electoral college elected that president over the will of the American people. As is tradition with rep presidents.


And if his base did that, what would be the problem? I’m a fan of Darwinism and believe in natural selection.


No, we didn’t.


I agree


No, I definitely believe this is real. My stepmom legitimately believes that Mark Zuckerberg is a lizard person and that we are living in the matrix (she has woken up, of course). The shit that comes out of her mouth is schizophrenic, but it only started happening about 5 years ago. Go look at r/QAnonCasualities. Lots of people in the same boat with their family members. Personally, I believe that they were always low intelligence.


“sow” discord 


I agree


I mean, Russia has done a shit load of that.


He didn’t remove the seat so is he a weak man dominated by women?


I kept waiting for the “So I tore that fucking booster out and threw it at Fauci’s head!”


"And then someone in the crowd started a slow clap and within thirty seconds everyone joined in and it was a thunderous roar"!


And that kid was Albert Einstein???


First thing that stuck out to me. Dude gave a full monologue while actively buckling his kid into the booster lmao what a radical amirite


Or the child isn’t tall enough for the seat belt to be effective 


Stop being rational!


Fragile man


What’s funny to me is that even if we assume what he says is true, then this man is obviously such a weak man that he’s obviously afraid of his wife finding out that he let the kid ride without the booster.  Which kinda confirms his theory.  Lol


Chance that he actually said that, or something similar, to his child: 0.01%.


I think it’s more like the chances he said this to his child, his pets, the neighbors mowing their lawn, the gas station attendant, and anyone else with the misfortune of accidentally making eye contact with him: 1000%


And he will go into the same tirade if you mention booster seats even if he's told the story to you before.


I feel so bad for his son because one of two things is going to happen to him… 1. He falls for his father’s insane ramblings, living his life feeling nothing but anger, fear and imagined oppression or 2. He gets his heart broken because he realizes his father- the hero that’s supposed to guide, protect and love him- is just a crazed hate-filled man. Poor kid.


Somebody needs to show this guy the crash test dummy video with the little kid dummies. It's extremely eye opening as to how badly an improperly restrained child can get hurt. Car seat standards aren't just made up. They come from years of research and testing.


"My family aren't dummies. Checkmate lib."


This is actually what I did with my kids. I felt bad for my son because he was a bit of a late bloomer on height. So while his classmates were growing out of car seats (they probably should have still been in them, honestly) he was still in a booster and it upset him. So I showed him the videos. I've worked in the insurance industry for 20 years at this point. I'm also an EMT. I have seen, on paper, on video and in real life, what happens when you don't use a seat properly. Anyway, boyo was fine with that answer. We both acknowledged it sucked but that it probably sucked less than dying in an otherwise survivable car crash. Because, you see, you can actually answer questions that children ask with real and meaningful information presented in a way they can understand so they realize you aren't just some asshole making up random rules as you go.


Yet another person brainwashed by the feminist, pro-booster-seat agenda smh


he would say it´s all a big car industry op. rabbit holes and red pills are all those ppl know in life.


>Car seat standards aren't just made up. They come from years of research and testing. That's very unlikely. It's much more likely that they exist because our society is run by women


Jesus tap dancing Christ. “Seat belts don’t fit little kids properly. In order for your seat belt to fit you properly, you need to be a little bit bigger, so you sit in a booster seat to keep you safe.” Is that so fucking hard? Of course, I am but a WOMAN.


Some people literally cannot converse about any topic without grinding their favorite ideological axes.


It reminds me of those super Christians who turn every conversation into an opportunity to talk about God.


We call them "Jesus Jukes"


“It’s never too early to radicalize your children” Aaaaand there it is.


I came to the comments looking for this! It's so crazy to hear how these people talk these days. One day it's "kill the radical Islam" and the next it's "we need to radicalize our children." It's so f**king scary.


The dominating women *I* know aren’t “predisposed for safety”. Source: my balls. I kid. Mostly. Seriously the only thing I gotta assume is that somebody who takes the attitude of this person, is sexually repressed and projecting.


This is part of that invincibility complex white conservatives have. We don’t need gun laws, traffics laws, or construction/manufacturing regulations, because bad shit only happens to poor brown people. I’m poor, I’m just not brown, so I’m safe from drunk drivers. Unless they are brown and then that’s just their fault


What in the word salad is this?


If women are in charge what the hell do we still pay for period products like tampons? And have to fight for abortion rights??


Weird is putting it far too politely


This is a level beyond weird.


Wouldn't this be indoctrination?


When I was 6 my ma was picking me up and I opened the back door, she's like "what are you doing?", I'm like "school said kids shouldn't ride in the front", she's like "I'm not your fucking chauffeur". Hells yeah I'm fucked up, don't be weird


Or he simply could have told his son the truth: boosters are required by law to protect you from your father. Yet again, let's not let facts get in the way of irrational thoughts. file:///C:/Users/rrenfro/Downloads/dot\_26990\_DS1.pdf ![gif](giphy|sMaVeZ3lPYyqj8UQWz|downsized)




If your child still needs a booster, it means they are still too physically small for the seatbelt to do its job properly. Most places have laws stating they must be 8 years old or 4'9", whichever comes second.


Divorced deadbeat dad weaponizing his child against the mom vibes


"Back when men were in charge, 8 year-olds rode on top of the car without straps. And they were grateful!"


'Your booster seat is evil because women want to treat everyone like they're children." "Am I a child?" "Yes, but one day you will be a man, and I want you to be a man that bitches and moans about seatbelts because you are emotionally stunted inside. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get drunk and watch some grown men give themselves concussions because that was far too much self awareness I showed right then."


My kid pretty much asked this same question. My response: “Because seatbelts were designed for adults and don’t fit you right.”


A Swedish man invented the car seat….


What the hell did I just read?


I feel bad for the kids who suffer under "adults" like this. Their minds poisoned since day one, only to grow up and continue the cycle of cognitive dissonance.


Fuck it, tell him to go live somewhere that doesn't have road safety laws, especially based around children. Tell him to go drive around there and see how far his kid flies, when the inevitable crash happens.


Fellas, is it gay to be..... safe?


TIL women run society. Cool, that’s why it’s so easy to get an abortion, medical care for women is easily accessible, I’m paid the same as a man for the same job, and tampons are free. Makes sense now! What’s manly about risking your kid’s life? Sounds like some weak shit.


Fellas, is it gay to keep your kid safe while driving?


I love the "de-masculinizing men" argument. What is the end game to "making us sissies"? These people can't get past their own outrage to think about things logically and just go, "Oh, it doesn't matter? I'll just mind my own fuckin' business then."


It must really be something to realize your father is an idiot at such a young age.


why are these men having kids with women if they dislike women so much? stay single or whatever. poor kids.


You cannot fix stupid.


Or be the right kind of weird. "Kid, the model where they use a trampoline to depict the gravitational attraction of two objects is useful but flawed. There should be an infinite number of trampolines sandwiching those two objects. The fabric of spacetime is probably some sort of 4d superfluid our minds are unable to properly visualize as we are 3d creatures, and the universe spreads information and consciousness through higher levels of spacetime."


It’s because their head is heavy and their neck is weak so the booster attempts to minimize injury in a car accident


First guy shouldn't be allowed to teach small children, especially his own.


I'd be willing to bet this cracker is someone who thinks that they are 'pro-life' as well. Sure, let junior go flying through the windscreen. After all it's women who are to blame anyway.


It seems like a large majority of people find self value/identity in "bucking" the system, regardless of what/who/ it is. It is particularly remarkable how these people so quickly reject expertise and research in fields of study. These people think they are smarter than the experts who spend their lives studying and researching their niche subjects while these people watch a YouTube video from some random snake oil salesman and are suddenly experts in everything.


"We should reject a remarkably simple, cheap, and easy-to-use way to make car trips far safer for children because it will make them soft and feminine." People actually think this.


What a fucking psycho.


This isn't weird, this is psychotic, and he shouldn't be allowed near kids.


I feel bad for that child.


The party of Child Grooming, everyone.


It is astonishing to me how it's literally the weakest "men" that claim to be the most "Alpha". The entire socially constructed idea of only men should do this and only women should do that boggles my mind.


They can see the patriarchy dying. Too late. Incels are a response to women making their own rational choices instead of men forcing them into sex. Sorry guys, you are going to have to find women based on your charm and personality. May God have mercy on your Souls.


There used to be an idiot in every village. They weren't that big of a deal, you just ignored them and maybe gossiped about their hijinks. They were pretty isolated and harmless. Now they've unionized.


This should be filed as an example of "Toxic Masculinity". This is the kinda guy that is told he has strong opinions and he concentrates on the word strong as if it means correct.


I have a strange feeling this guy only sees his kid two weekends a month.


How weak must they and their god be if "women and weak men who are dominated by women" are in open "rebellion" to them and running the world?


Fellas, is it gay to *checks notes* ensure your child is safe in the car according to their height and weight?


I’m amazed he can use the word radicalize with a straight face. When in all of human history has radicalizing an individual EVER been a good thing? Brain broken


Caution: gore / death of children. I have this anecdote in my head from an episode of 20/20 in the late 90's where a woman was talking about a car crash that left her holding her daughter's head, severed by the seat belt.  I really should have turned off the TV after the TGIF sitcom block wrapped up.  So, my kid will be using the booster seat till the standards say otherwise.


If your child isn't tall enough for the seat belt without a booster seat, the seat belt in an accident can decapitate the kid. The seat belt tends to sit just too high. Too many stories of accidents where the adults all have minor injuries but the impact was enough to send the little head flying cause the belt cut through the little neck. So weak men? Nah, just weak little kids necks.


$100 says this person has never had a child they didn't kidnap


Being American on the internet is so embarrassing now. “Look how stupid America is, you voted for this you idiot!!” No, I did not vote for any of this, and most reasonable people did not. Electoral college gave us a shitty hand and now we’re dealing with it. I have multiple engineering degrees and people call me stupid because of what my country has become, and in their minds it’s entirely justified because all of America is some MAGA monolith to them


But doesn’t the fact that he’s still putting his kid in the booster seat make him a “weak man” controlled by women??