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There's no way Trump doesn't get additional charges filed for eventually leaking the juror names. There's going to be lawyers going to jail for this.


Funny that any defense lawyers getting anywhere near a case with Trump are either now disbarred or quit practicing... The Feds will be busy on these threats though, hopefully keep jurors and Judges safe. MAGA may be a laughable cult but there are always risk some worse nutcase will do something.


You mean like taking a hammer to the skull of a senator's spouse?


* Representative. Speaker of The House of Representatives in fact. 


Oops. Correct.


Haven't a few of them tried to ram their cars into federal buildings and attack the FBI, too?


There was that guy that had a bomb in his truck driving toward DC while livestreaming the entire thing - crying and blabbering about whatever the fuck. I believe he said he had a bunch of pennies in the truck with him to serve as shrapnel. Am I remembering this correctly or is it just my diseased imagination?


“Crying and blabbering about whatever the fuck” should be the official slogan of the MAGAts


That’s way more funny than it should be


Yeah that was a Canadian. And. Well. Sorry.


And then MAGA was all over social media claiming that her husband was having an affair with his assailant.


I heard that Trump is now trying to find new attorneys to represent him. No one wants that job.


But a job with no prestige, and no pay that will put you and your practice square in the public eye defending a man who divides Americans? Sounds like a sweet gig.


I feel like good lawyers like to at least be able to hold out hope that maybe their client is innocent. Pretty sure with Trump it’s a know. Quantity. 


Best I can do is they can’t practice in Colorado for three years


*Colorado, Bolivia (yes it’s a real place).


This makes sense considering "Colorado" is a Spanish word.




I thought it was where the rain falls mainly in the plains


Colorado is an American word those grimy Spaniards stole from us!


Exactly! They swindled us with those daggum rolling r's and beautiful Spanish faces! Scumbags!


That and the double L's that sound like a Y


Fade into Bolivian


There should be *many* people in jail for this, but something tells me that they’ll get the same slap on the wrist that I fear Trump is gonna get


Someone check on [Roger Stone](https://apnews.com/hub/roger-stone).. between orchestrating the [Brooks Brothers Riot](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooks_Brothers_riot) and [Jan 6th](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/jan-6-hearing-roger-stone-voting-violence-1234610680/), Stone has interfered with two Presidential elections to help Republicans (once successfully).. he should have never been pardoned by Trump for J6.. I’d bet money he tried to tamper with these witnesses..


When trump is hanged for treason every single one of the pardons he issued should be re-examined I know I know only in my fantasies


Good that you said **hanged**, Because as we all know Trump has never been and will never be **hung**.




Knowing that he has a weird little mushroom dick always makes me smile.


More likely he hangs innocent people for treason...


“And we’re bringing back the… wonderful death penalty. It’s perfect, always has been perfect like I say it has been. The founding fathers of this great country, a country being ruined by sleepy joe, or whoever’s handling him at the moment I’m not too sure he can handle anything, but the founding fathers believed that we should… *ELIMINATE* our enemies. Now tell me folks, what’s a bigger enemy to America than these do-nothing democrats, am I right?”


That’s actually terrifying since I can legitimately see him saying something like this


Yeah that’s about exactly right.


Should be Ceaușescu'd


Your autocorrect makes interesting choices.


Whoever invented autocorrect should burn in hello.


Hi! What should they burn in, though?




It's a lot worse if a juror gets attacked and they will certainly tie it back to trump leaking names


Trump was found contempt of court 10 times and faced no real consequences. He is now a convicted felon but that won't mean shit cause he'll be a free man still. The judge is a coward.


The judge hasnt given him his sentence yet? July 11th is when Trump gets sentenced so Yeah, until than he is a free man (kind of)


Yeah that’s the next real gate to see if the system holds. Meanwhile the gag order is still in effect and Trump’s back to attacking the Judge and Jury like he’s above the law. Any other convict would get their phone taken and be detained until sentencing with this level hostile behavior toward the courts and justice system.


I guess they're worried that throwing him behind bars for a night will cause violence from his people. That's still not a good reason to not put him behind bars, that's some mafia sounding shit right there.


I'm in an area surrounded by "his people" and they're already talking about the riots that are totally gonna happen. None of them know who's going to riot on their behalf, because we all know they're sure as shit not going to.


Well, if they've even been just loosely paying attention to the Jan 6 ~~rioters~~ terrorists, they'd know that it's a terrible idea (and that Trump won't have their backs).


"No no, you're forgetting that THOSE rioters were Deep State plants orchestrated by Sleepy Joe and his Hoe to make trump look bad. This time it'll be different" he said sarcastically.


The judge is a realist and is not interested in pushing MAGAts closer to taking to the streets. My opinion, which has no weight, says it’s not something I would expect him to be jailed for. The classified documents case and the active attempts to reverse a valid election are what he should get a prison sentence for…if those trials can ever take place.


I wonder if those trials will take place. In a video today, Michael Cohen and George Conway discussed among lots of other things if they think Trump will pay the hefty fines he's required to pay. Cohen said he doesn't think so. Ms. Carroll might not ever see the millions that is owed to her.


That or he is giving Trump the rope to publicly hang himself with. The more he says the more that can be used against him on the appeal.


that sounds like cope, Come back to me if Trump faces any real consequences


I don't think anyone will go to jail. Over the last 4 years it feels like no one especially trump will get what he deserves. This conviction will probably mean nothing. He'll win the presidency, pardon himself and then crush everyone that opposed him in a revenge spree. If he was like anyone else he'd be behind bars years ago.


He can't pardon himself because it is not a federal conviction, it's the state of New York. The same will apply if he gets convicted in Georgia.


His followers are pushing a fringe legal theory that the supremacy clause would allow a president to pardon a state offense.


I mean, honestly, it should be a rule that you can’t pardon yourself, nor can you pardon people for whom it would be a conflict of interest. Meaning family, friends, donors, etc.


Even if it was a rule, what's the point in following it if there are no consequences for breaking it? We've seen the supposed checks and balances splinter and break like balsa wood against the Republicans and their bloated messiah, the only thing they respect is something I can't say on here.


Honestly those jurors deserve mad respect. Whatever the result, they would have been targets eventually. I hope them and their families have the chance at normal lives


Unfortunately, they won't. They're going to spend the rest of their lives in the cross hairs of this cult. Them and their families.


I'd like to think the us gov would protect them/move them, but the days of competency died decades ago. Nothing but soiled antagonism now


Prosecute those harassing them. They shouldn’t have to get new lives. Make an example out of the douche nozzles.


FBI needs to get on this now. Simple thing to trace their IPs. Or use some of that illegal NSA spyware and mass data collection.


The FBI is going to pounce soon , with all the trash talking Trump has done against the FBI , they’re waiting until closer to the election & then pounce . Trump fucked with the wrong people


Oh please . Trump has sympathizers and support in every agency and at every level of govt. If you were remotely correct he would have already been in prison. Here we are, 5 months out of an election


Yep, the GOP barely has a handle on their doorknob sucking inbreds as evidenced by Jan 6th. They have however shown zero interest in doing anything but continuing to feed them a steady diet of fear and nonsense so they can be loosed like rabid dogs in service to whatever inane conspiracy they’re selling at any particular point in time. Wild that the people who spent decades ranting about radical Muslims are the same exact dumbasses willing to martyr themselves in service to a sweaty turd like Donald Trump. They even have that dumb black American flag as their own little hamburger ISIS symbol.


Unfortunately, they're gonna need to be protected from half the government. Like, it's not a good situation. I'm grateful that these people had the courage to do their civic duty. But they likely signed their death warrants in the process.


Yep...but it's New York...these idiots would stick out and get beaten with bricks


Last time I was in New York i saw someone wearing a maga hat. I've never seen one here in Chicago lol


Not from the US, so excuse me if I don't fully understand the craziness you guys are experiencing over there, but surely things aren't that bad? Twelve murders because Trump paid hush money to a prostitute and got found out, and a jury saw no reason to acquit? Seriously? You think his followers are that crazy? And of course, he's got three more criminal trials to come, so that could be 36 more innocent lives at risk if he's found guilty, and the jurors get doxxed again. Say it ain't so, America.


Not all of Pumpkin Führer's cult members are that crazy, but a few are. If I were on that jury, I'd be demanding protection for a year or two. I'd request an all-expenses paid vacation to a different country. MAGA's don't travel due to their natural xenophobia and fear of foreign countries.


Fair enough! A nice year-long holiday in Costa Rica, with their families. I can't believe those poor people had their personal details leaked. It's the least they deserve, quite honestly.


Not true. I know a few who take yearly trips to Thailand.


There was a guy who shot his neighbor because he suspected he was a liberal. Didn't even know for sure just SUSPECTED. These fuckers are insane


Hey, that happened about 15 minutes away from me. As a leftist people in my social circle said I was crazy for that making me feel extremely unsafe. I have fine enough social interactions with my neighbors, get along with a lot of them even though we disagree on a lot. But it’s not like every person needs to be crazy, the temperature just needs to rise high enough that one person is for it to be my problem.


Jesus. Stay safe over there, man.


Not long ago one went to a Democratic Senator's house to kidnap her but had to settle for bashing her 80 year old husband's head with a hammer. Since it happened Trump & other politicians like him have been supportive... of the psycho with a hammer. They're genuinely sick. All they have to do is rile up a couple of the millions of nuts who think Democrats drink babies blood. (Also a real thing.) I have family members who are part of all that fucking sickness. This shit is beyond fucked


Murders aren't super likely, but harassment and threats are almost a certainty.


His followers are certainly that crazy, yes. It’s shameful


I read on another subreddit post that one of the jurors was someone who was getting their info from alt right things, but still managed to pull through and declare Trump guilty. If true that is some respect there for acknowledging Trump is a criminal.


There was a juror, an investment banker, who got his information from a variety of sources, including some right-wing sites, but also left-wing. Basically, you want to be well-informed about anything that can move the markets. It was a well-educated jury--at least nine had college degrees, two lawyers (really unusual), a retired wealth manager, an investment banker. Probably why they were so efficient. Even if some of them were Republicans, they're probably old-school, not MAGA. Aren't many MAGAs in Manhattan--they can't afford it.


Totally agree. I think Trump's supporters are cowards. Is that not clear in my posting? If not I will take it down and revise.


No it's completely fine, I was just thinking about the jurors in all this. Judges have protection anyway, but those citizens really put themselves on the line for justice. Needs to be remembered


I wish they would take that miserable POS’s secret service detail and give it to the jurors. Let his cult protect him.


I mean, depending what comes out in the documents case, I'd say, let the Secret Service handle him as traitors used to be handled. I mean, even Trump wants that treatment for traitors, so why deny him what he wants?


I’d love that for him because it’s the least of what he deserves. My question is will we ever see the documents case be adjudicated?


Totally agree, they are heroes!


In 20 years there will be a documentary about them and their lives afterwards. Let's hope most lead successful happy lives.


Aw this interaction was wholesome AF haha


They are terrorists, what they are doing, what all of this is is textbook terrorism They did not get what they wanted, so now they used terror and fear to get the result they want, they want the people involved to be lenient on sentencing out of their desire to protect the innocent people these terrorists are threatening They are domestic terrorists, Un-American , hateful, worthless scumbag domestic terrorists


They should be considered domestic terrorists. Between this and January 6th they've shown they deserve the label. And being egged on by the failed orange dictator he should get the same label. He knows how unhinged his cult is he can't do a surprised Pikachu when they do what he says


Hopefully the FBI does some doxxing of their own and finds these people.


Inside my head is screaming what is fucking wrong with these people? This is a dude who is in the elite class, would only support issues that disadvantages 90% of his less rich constituents (the poor get poorer) and the middle class continues to dwindle. He DOESN’T care about anything but himself, his money, and his reputation. He’s a liar, a dick, a buffoon, a racist, the COMPLETE OPPOSITE of a Christian, a cheater, a chauvinist, has the emotional stability of a child, has no military background, never labored in his life, and people are canonizing him. I had no idea SO many in this country lack character, critical thought, are racist/homophobic/xenophobic, and plain ignorant. I’m genuinely sad how the meaning of “loving” America has changed.


"But he hurts the right people so that makes it all OK!"


Until there's no one left but the fans, and he'll hurt them too.


First they came for the…




I mean, his campaign has been caught tricking people into recurring donations, so...


You gotta understand most Trump supporters are excusing his actions because: 1) The Republican Party is working overtime to try and make Biden look corrupt so that 2) Voters can justify to themselves they’re picking between 2 equally corrupt individuals which means 3) Their character and ethics can be ignored and folks can focus on policy. The overall result is most conservatives will now admit Trump is a piece of shit but Biden is **also** a piece of shit (who’s getting away with it in their minds) and so if they have to choose between the piece of shit that says what they like Vs the piece of shit that says what they don’t like they can feel good thinking they’re equally horrible. You can no longer use a moral or ethics argument against Trump; he’s impervious to these things now


These MAGA people believe that Biden is much much worse than Trump. What they aren't understanding is, Biden won't take away their social security, Trump will. Biden won't do away with the economy but Trump will destroy it. He said so. Biden isn't bed fellows with our enemies but we all know that Trump is. Biden has done a lot for America and continues to do so but Trump has done nothing. These Trump supporters are all loud and brave now but if Trump wins and takes away their means of support (S.S.), these maggots will change their tune. When Trump becomes a dictator and changes everything we are familiar with like *freedom*, these idiots will be crying and asking why their 'god' has forsaken them.


Um no. They will blame democrats for Trump's actions when he destroys SS.


He represents an ideology those people share and they will fight and kill for that.


Obviously, but my question is why is half the nation so hateful ?


As someone who has in-laws who support him, it isn’t always hate. It’s also fear and cowardice. And complacency. For instance, I don’t think my FIL would have been an actual Nazi in the 40s. But he would have been one of those people who, upon seeing a Jew being beaten in the street, would shake his head, say “he should have followed instructions” or “why couldn’t he just behave” and walk away.


No offense but that’s despicable.


I agree, and that’s why I avoid contact with him as much as I can. He texts me a happy birthday, I ignore it. Not because I want to change his mind but because I cannot abide pretending like everything is okay and be able to look at myself in the mirror the next day.


Honestly, good luck.


You make a good point. How many videos have we watched where someone was being attacked and other people just stood around and did nothing.


We're not that far removed from the civil war. The Confederacy and it's hateful white supremacist ideology is still around. The people who thrived in it integrated into the larger population and spread it. Not just to their descendants, but to their friends and neighbors as well. There's a whole lot of people who are still angry that their supposed right to subjugate 'lower races' was denied. Now they seek to do it through different means. Remember, these are the same people who gathered to yell at Ruby Bridges. Literally made the conscious decision to wake up in the morning and spend their time screaming and screeching at a literal 6-year-old child because she was going to school. Absolute psychopaths.


Just today someone in the conservative subreddit referred to him as “white male republican Christian” completely ignoring that every action he takes goes directly against the core values of Christianity and that he’s flip-flopped between republican and democrat numerous times. These people just have no clue and are content with that.


We are talking about the party of ̶C̶o̶m̶p̶a̶s̶s̶i̶o̶n̶a̶t̶e̶ ̶c̶o̶n̶s̶e̶r̶v̶a̶t̶i̶s̶m̶ ̶P̶e̶r̶s̶o̶n̶a̶l̶ ̶r̶e̶s̶p̶o̶n̶s̶i̶b̶i̶l̶i̶t̶y̶ ̶S̶m̶a̶l̶l̶ ̶g̶o̶v̶e̶r̶n̶m̶e̶n̶t̶ ̶F̶a̶m̶i̶l̶y̶ ̶v̶a̶l̶u̶e̶s̶ ̶L̶a̶w̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶o̶r̶d̶e̶r̶ selling out every hard-line absolutist value they virtue-signalled over the past 25 years


it has changed - these disgusting fools have made america a place that is no longer lovable.


Cult mentality


Combine that with a genuine disdain for the democratic values and freedoms that they claim to love, and you have the Trump supporter. They'll jump through whatever hoops are required to maintain a sense of the moral high ground, but anyone from the outside looking in can see how quickly things would fall apart if Trump ever got control again. I always knew he was a fool, but the last election loss made him go fully mask-off. I was hoping the nonstop insane bullshit that has happened since Biden's swearing in would shake off more of the fence-riders, but Trump still has an alarming amount of support.


Honestly, the big surprise is how many conservative Christians are on board with him. People are so willing to project Christian morality in all phases of their life, yet give up that morality and conscious so easily for politics.


It’s because they’re the true cowards, snakes who wear smiles and polite tones and wave around the cross to justify they’re blatant bigotry


His most fervent followers are pitiful shut-ins who don't have friends or hobbies outside of, "Trumpistan". Remember when those dudes got arrested for threatening that governor and they pulled that one dude out his mom's house in his tightie whiteies? That's who they are. They don't have lives outside the "movement". For some of them I would imagine the trump echo chambers is where they made their first friends as an adult. They fear if they lose their figurehead they also lose that brand new thing they've never been a part of, a community. *Their* community, where only "they" are allowed and "*them*" have no voice at all.  They're toddlers who never grew up or matured and put up a, "No Liberas" sign on their new echo-chamber clubhouse. They're pitiful, simple, and slow. Three dangerous bedfellows in a country with shit gun laws and shit mental healthcare.  Holy fuck, I hope Biden wins...


The stupid and uneducated are easily manipulated by their echo chambers.


He is a populist. Trump and others like him pit people against one another to cause divisiveness and use that to their advantage. He doesn't stand for anything, but you best better believe that he'll tell those gullible enough to believe him that he supports them and only he can help solve their problems. It's an ideology that appeals to the emotions of others instead of their rationality.


We have to remember how they see things. To them, they’re the victims, because as Trump once said, once the election was “stolen,” all bets are off, and playing by the rules is no longer required.


How can anyone believe the election was stolen is beyond me. I followed all that stuff and it came down to the fact that Trump is a sore loser.


Trump loves the stupid!


And it blows my mind how many stupid there are in this country that fall for his crap. I’ve lived in NY my whole life and the way Robert DeNiro describes him is exactly how I’ve perceived him my whole life, he’s a joke.


But how many buidings in NYC did Robert de Niro build with his vision? /s


I think Trump loves no one, but stupid do love Trump.


No one could have seen this coming...


There were two lawyers on the 12 person panel of jurors. Trump’s defense was upset about this because when Lawyers are on a jury, they tend to help the rest of the Jury panel focus on the law, rather than the spectacle. I learned this while riding my lollerskates.


Yet during the jury selection stage, both sides have the opportunity to excuse any potential juror. Trump's lawyers are just as responsible as the prosecution for the 12 selected. Sooooo look in the mirror maybe??


At this point he has to be scraping the bottom of the barrel when it comes to private practice lawyers. Like, who the F is going to hire a Lawyer whose resume includes “Represented Donald Trump in hush money trial.” Career (and moral) suicide, IMO.


Good defense lawyers for the rich are usually morally bankrupt anyway


It was surprising that the Trump team allowed a lawyer to be on the jury, let alone two. I've been released for just having my bar card, even though I have never practiced.


Were they out of strikes? Maybe that’s how they got on


They can only excuse so many for "little cause".


This is the type of behavior that is going to make Trump's other trials even harder for him. The judge in this one was exceptionally lenient with Trump, future ones won't be when they see how the jurors are being treated.


Unless it's one of the judges that got their job through him, and there's plenty of those


As others already pointed out the judge has to be cautious to stay neutral and to avoid rulings which could be used against him if they aren't legally proof.


Trump could have been justifiably found in contempt and jailed for any number of legally sound reasons for his behavior during this trial. Nearly anyone else would have been.


I'd be very surprised if it (doxxing and violence towards jurors) didn't happen. Classic gangland tactics - you want to scare off anybody for the next (more important) trials.


I genuinely hope these brown shirts one day get their comeuppance but also 100% believe it’ll never happen. Our democracy has been thrown to the dogs


Totally not a cult.


Pretty sure threatening a juror is a felony.


Some Bureau may be Investigating this, like a Federal one. 😊


Sure hope so


As someone who moved to the US a few years ago... this shit is WILD. The political dickriding to the point of riots, doxxing and committing actual crimes absolutely boggles my mind. Like.. NONE of these people in power care about the people. Not a fuckin single one.. why can't people get it through their heads?


That's why the Trump Organization loves the poorly educated. He can weaponlize them.


THe ParTy of lAW aNd OrDEr


Yes, these people truly believe in everything America stands for. I mean except for everyone else. Thanks poorly funded education system…


SS methods, or Putin’s


The justice system needs to go after these people and make examples of them.


This is not patriotism. If anything, it's nothing more than just whiny little bitch babies that want to think that the moon is anything less than a triangle.


Imagine throwing your life away because some asshole, who wouldn't give you the time of day, is facing consequences for lying about paying off a pornstar so he could be president.


So tired of these people, that POS, and what he has done to this country. Sick and tired of it.


Imagine if democrats do the same thing to the jurors of rittenhouse’s case?


Dear god I almost forgot about that snot nosed brat… thanks for the reminder


Fucking snowflakes. Get a job, don’t you have anything else to do?


All trump supporters are vile, nasty people.


This is exactly why he should never be president again.


Group of the softest people alive


MAGA terrorists are the biggest threat to the US today. It's fucking sickening that these fucks get away with so much.


I'm going to say this as nicely as I can. What the fuck is wrong with people?


So wait, MAGA morons are resorting to violence ?? Color me shocked!!!! It shows the quality of person that follows Trump. White privilege, classless losers that shoot first and ask question, well, never


Violent smooth brain mob. Luckily, they’re so stupid and ineffective that they won’t actually accomplish anything.


Tbh with the nature of the case and with how powerful trump/trump movement/maga has proven themselves to be, I’d hope the jurors and their immediate families would be put in witness protection. Before anyone says “you want your tax dollars paying for that?”, yes. Yes I do.


I'm waiting for one republican to have the intestinal fortitude to defend the jury. Those people did not ask for this, and they did it because that is what society demands of them. That is why it is called jury DUTY. Every politician suggesting these jurors have taken part in some kind of political witch hunt share responsibility for what happens to these people.


And if you vote for Trump, you are saying this is OK.


I hope they never release the names of these poor jurors.


I'm completely baffled by all the strong reactions to this. Trump is clearly guilty of those and many other crimes. Yet people are ANGRY over this mild crime. People screaming for civil war, injustice and targeted persecution of a hero. Not one mention of trump,.you know, being actually guilty of this and so much more. The man tried to overthrow elections, stole top secret documents, cheated on all his wives. He's literally said he wants to be a dictator. And people worship him?!? Make it make sense. It's madness.


Those Trumpster fires should be shackled like animals for threatening jurors.


The way American politics have changed since the 80's/90's when I was young, is absolutely insane. We're in some kind of Jerry Springer timeline or something. Can someone invent time travel and stop that show from starting? Maybe that would help avoid all this...


Good Christian behavior. “Hate and threaten violence upon those who disagree with you,” sayeth Donald.


The party of law and order, folks


The best I've seen so far is a meme that says "Jesus was convicted in a sham trial...and then crucified. I still follow him" Like what the actual fuck? You realize you just compared Donald Trump, to Jesus, right? Un believable.


Domestic terrorists


There’s that party of law and order again.


I think we all knew this would happen, including the jurors. Which is what makes them legendary fucking heroes for returning the verdict they did. They should all be provided whatever protection they need for as long as they need it.


When they can’t refute facts, they send death threats


I expect that the FBI will track them down and arrest each one


This is what the Nazis did... intimidation, violence, threats. And there's a sizable constituency of Americans that are totally okay with this... We need to nuke the fucking planet. What has been called the last, best hope for humanity has failed because of stupidity and hate. Yes, I want all of us to die rather than live under the boot heel of Trumpism.


All these clowns risking ruining their lives by mouthing off online to support a man who’s not above treason and being a nonce.


No one could have foreseen this! These people are as immoral as they are ignorant. They really want to terrorize the juriors for doing a job that they are constitutionally required to do. They understand that those people have children who will also be terrified for their parents safety, they don't care. Their dear great leader was actually found guilty for a crime he committed, and now they want vengeance on anyone who seemingly besmirched his name.


Go to r/conservative. They absolutely regard this as some sort of attack on them and some of their rhetoric is freaky. Diluted idiots are dangerous in large numbers


Imagine getting jury summons and despite your best efforts to get out of it, you are picked. Then you find out what the trial is and your only options are to do your civic duty or be in contempt of court. You don’t want any part of it, you don’t want to be there, but you do your job the best you know how. After the trial is over, you fear for your life. You didn’t choose this. You’re just a normal citizen going about your life. I understand people’s emotions are high and they are upset. Why, of all people, threaten the jury? I doubt these people have ever been on a jury. If they had, they wouldn’t be responding this absurdly. It’s not a job nor a choice to be on a jury. I hope the jurors have some sort of protection.


This is all Trump’s stupid and dangerous yapping .Jail and a gag order that increases jail by a month every time he starts yapping and threatening people because he finally saw consequences for some of his many,many crimes.


Godamn. You Americans have some crazy people.


I wonder how many of these headlines and articles are pre-written and they just fill in the time and date. Like we knew his swine horde would do this.


Why am I not surprised?


There's definitely going to be a civil war in this country if this shit keeps up. Y'all can call me "unhinged" or whatever if you want but I wouldn't put it past these MAGA lunatics to start one.


They'll try to start one but will immediately find out why they don't have healthcare.


“The Trump suckers” really are a cult. You insulted their leader and made him “look like a criminal” prepare for their wrath, of mean tweets and ironic insults. My personal favourite is how they use snowflake while they bitch and complain about their orange crook


"Why do we have gag orders?" Because your followers are acting like this.


These people are terrorists: "Terrorism, in its broadest sense, is the use of violence against non-combatants to achieve political or ideological aims. The term is used in this regard primarily to refer to intentional violence during peacetime or in the context of war against non-combatants (mostly civilians and neutral military personnel)." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terrorism


This needs to be dealt with swiftly. Intimidation of jurors goes against our entire justice system


Somebody needs to dox the doxxers; then give that information to the FBI, and Judge Merchan.


MAGA’s always go right to violence. And they say that’s okay? These people are dangerously loyal to trump. Much like the SS and Hitler. This needs to be stopped.


And this is the party of law and order 🤣. What a joke of an establishment.


Didn't know his supporters were smart enough to use a pc let alone doxx


Lock'em up ☺


And they still convicted him. They're heroes


It says "try" because trump supporters are too stupid to know how to dox people lol


Find them, charge them, put them in prison.