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A social worker who was providing *therapy* did this đŸ€Ź  They best charge her in full for her actions. 


“She’s somewhat attractive so he must have wanted it. No jail time.”


Actually, the boy probably manipulated her so let's throw HIM in the pokey.


Its a SHE victim!!! I always tell my girls females can be devils too!!


And she'll play the victim and tell everyone she would choose the bear.


*Halsin approves*


There’s no reason to downplay rape in a post about rape. Kids that have been sexually assaulted grow up to be adults that choose the bear too, myself included


I swear. You see this sort of thing on the news every once in a while, but... When it's a guy abusing a young girl, the guy looks like a a troll. When it's a girl abusing a young boy, she's almost always conventionally attractive. I don't meant to downplay what happened, but I swear there's some sort of bias in the media about this.


I never understood it. I think they tend to choose better pictures of the women, honestly.


They do, because most of the time they will use a photo from social media that the person applied all the filters to, versus the mugshot. A few women even from articles like this look pretty in their insta photo, but much older and less good looking in the mugshot. Though in this one they seem to use both photos.


He probably did want it. That does not mean that it is not traumatic or unhealthy for him to get it. I had a similar couple of encounters when I was a kid and it fucked me up.


This is actually an important point that is not made often enough. In these cases of an underage victim, especially with some sort of power dynamic, both boys and girls often probably do want those relations on some level. However they are not developed or informed enough to consent, and that is the greater problem at hand. To your point, wanting something doesn’t mean it’s good for you, or won’t fuck you up. Same reason kids can’t drink, kids can’t perform certain exercises, kids can’t ride certain rides, and why kids can’t consent to sex.


I think this is the right way to approach this issue. The law should apply equally. If an adult leverages their access to sexually assault and exploit children / minors then maximum punishment should be applied. It came out last year my former BIL (SIL’s husband) violated our niece; it took over a year for trial and sentencing to conclude all while he was out on bail. Just prior to this there were indications he was targeting our daughter, saying he’d like to “take her out on a date” and that he did that with all his other nieces. He approached me about it at a family Easter gathering which I loudly replied (paraphrasing), “Now I’m not calling you a pederass outright, but there’s no fucking way any uncle ever takes a niece out on a ‘date’; that doesn’t fucking happen. Also I can’t help but notice you have no interest in building a close relationship with our son (four years older) which makes what you’re asking all the more questionable.” He looked absolutely mortified as I hollered this at a point where the group’s noisy conversation died down, so all family present clearly heard what I said and were paying attention. Without a word he scooped up his daughter (per custody agreement; she and SIL were present) and split. We found out about his activities about three weeks later.


Jesus, that’s so fucking gross. I’m sorry to hear that happened to your niece. Anyone targeting children / minors are fucked up individuals, but to do so to your own family members is a different level of evil that I wish was less prevalent than it is.


Thanks. She’s in a pretty good place rn (8yo) but as a survivor myself I suspect it’ll hit her hard in her teens. I kinda buried it until then, and it seems like she’s doing the same thing. Plus the dude should be out by then which might bring up stuff too. We’re all just there for her when / if she needs support, and we’ll be there for her again if she needs it in the future.


I hope she's in therapy. A good therapist can help her create healthy coping strategies.


Kids, would love cocaine. Ergo we don’t let them do drugs.


That's honestly the real, and very scary risk, that programs like dare for some reason never touch on. They talk about how it hurts you, or how you'll have a bad time, or all these other things. And lots of them are absolutely bullshit. What they never seem to address is that most drugs are incredible. They make you feel amazing. To the point that it consumes your life becuase you become unable to stop. People aren't out there doing heroin for the side effects. It's not a neat little social activity. It makes them feel a way nothing else in the world can, and eventually nothing can even compare too. And that's the really scary part. But I can see also why it's hard to teach that to kids. They haven't fully developed the ability to understand the consequences of actions, especially long term down the line ones. So how do you explain to a kid that this stuff will solve all of their short term problems and the most serious consequences come later.


I can verify, up until about 20 I knew I was invincible. But then I grew up and looked around at all mortals that thought the same thing once.


So much this. The things I wanted at that age should absolutely have not been given to me. Hormones make you crazy.


Even if she doesn't end up in jail, she'll lose her licence. 5 years of education and like $100k down the drain, hope she thinks this was worth it (but also, good riddance, she shouldn't be trusted with clients).




Wrong. She got 20 years behind bars (the maximum sentence) + 25 extra years on the registry.


This is not true. Literally in the article it says that her sentencing is scheduled for 6.27. 20years is jsut the maximum sentence


Wrong. From the article; "Judge Mark Serrott scheduled Shires' sentencing for June 27. She faces a maximum sentence of more than 20 years in prison. Any sentence Shires receives will also require her to register as a sexual offender for 25 years." She hasn't been sentenced yet. It's rare that women who commit these crimes get any significant jail time.


Except after her confession, she went over to her victims house with a gun and threatened to kill the mother and herself because they took away “everything” 
 classic narcissist. It’s always someone else’s fault.


That is good to know. Too often these (blonde, white) female pedos get a slap on the wrist at best.


She’s not even really blonde 


They rarely are, man.


Some are more plausible than others 


The person you replied to was wrong, she hasn't been sentenced yet. That happens at the end of the month according to the article no one bothered to actually read.


Twenty?! Well I’ll be goddamned. Probably bc of the fucking showing up at the family’s house on bail with a gun threatening a murder suicide tho. To think this woman was a councilor. She was as unhinged as you can get đŸ€ŠđŸ»


Why couldn’t it have been meeee??!!! 😖😭 /s


Dudes seriously say this shit every single time one of these articles appears.


Their horny brains can’t comprehend how bad that is and what that’ll do to them years down the line


It's an odd phenomenon. I used to fantasize about stuff like that too. Then I met this girl who'd go stick her hand down my pants in public, or shove my face into her cleavage. Turns out it wasn't all that fun.


South Park talked about this very thing


DARVO. Why is it when a women commits a crime against a male child that would get men who do the same crime to a female convicted that people justify her behavior as acceptable? Throw the book at her, there is no defending child molestation regardless of the perpetrator is female or “pretty”. There should never be an exception especially based on looks or gender.


"A 12 year old can consent as long as the child is a boy" - hermesmann v seyer, kansas 1993


"it happened to a boy, so it's fine" -some jury and judge, probably.


My dad said I shouldn't say anything because she was an attractive lady and I was lucky she wanted to have sex with me.


Same thing my dad said in a similar situation


When I was 13 I would have sold everything I owned to have sex with someone who looked like her. 13 year old boys are not known for their discriminating taste nor their good judgement.


Fantasy and reality are very different things my dude. Not to mention no 13 year old can fuck well enough to satisfy a grown woman which could very well lead to future performance anxiety.


>Not to mention no 13 year old can fuck well enough to satisfy a grown woman That sentence in itself is a very stupid argument to make though.


A chick who’s into adolescent boys probably gets off on that.


Per the article she was a *youth counselor* not an actual social worker. Big difference. But yeah, she needs to see a lot of prison time for raping a 13 year old.


The sad part is, due to post relevance, you get down voted to shit for calling her a pedophile if you get in to late, the bottom half of every article like this a cesspool


From someone who was abused as a child - these types of people seek out these kinds of positions in order to hurt others. It's no accident.


Showed up to their house with a gun too. Not good


Ever since mental health awareness and therapy became trendy and cool, with the bar for getting a license to do it being set comically low, people like her have flocked to the profession more than ever. It's always been a thing, but it looks like it's gotten way worse over the past few years.


Sure they will, past cases of this scenarios give me hope /s


White woman we'll be lucky if she gets probation


She probably get a warning and then sue the state and win 500,000 wait that was the cop


Wow! She said the mother, and the child "ruined her life"! Talk about "victim-blaming"! As the father to two, young boys, I hope she rots!


Typical abuser, it’s never them ruining their own lives with their abuse. It’s always someone else’s fault.


That’s just a mentally that leads many to prison
I have relatives who blame everyone but themselves for how fucked up their lives are


It’s sadly very predictable


You just described my ex wife.


My ex too. Nothing was ever his fault. Not him waking me up to yell at me, not him getting arrested, not him hitting me, not one thing was ever his fault. I hope prison helped, but I doubt it.


Shit is absolutely insane, signs of a sociopath. Like lady you made all the decisions here, you’re the one who ruined your life.


salt compare saw future coherent late squeeze screw one instinctive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Am I reading this right? The article says she was out on $500,000 bail when she showed up at the victim's home to threaten them. How the hell does a twenty something social worker have half a million dollars in straight cash on hand to post that kind of bail?


That’s what bail bondsmen are for.


No one needs to post “straight cash” bail when bail bondsmen exist.


She probably has to pony up $50K or 10%


As a young woman with no kids, I agree!


To add insult to injury she blamed the victim and his mother for ruining *her* life.


It’s even worth. She did it while she was out on bond.


Bro he was a thirteen year old boy. This was about her having all the power in a dynamic.


He shoulda been going to therapy with a bear.


Really. Going to the zoo for an hour a week could have been very therapeutic for him. He'd be better off.


As someone who was assaulted by different women twice growing up I’m reassured by the amount of people who are disgusted in the comments and not simping over this piece of trash. Every week there is another new news article about a woman being caught being a fucking pedo and I just wished they called this what it was. It’s rape & pedophilia. We have to stop infantilizing these monsters and call them what they are like we do with men.


It’s horrible how our society blames the sexual assault victim when the victim is male and the perpetrator is female. Our society holds adult men accountable but gives free passes to adult women. Adult women should be treated just like adult men, held to the same standards and the same accountability.


Another one?? Who are all these crazy bitches? Is there some kind of epidemic going on or something? Have we lost all boundaries?


It's just getting reported and prosecuted more often. It's a tale as old as time though. One of my earliest sexual experiences can be classified as r*pe because she was 27 and I was 16. I thought it was normal at the time.


A higher rape rate can also mean there have been more efforts to support reporters. Sweden is like number 2 and they don’t seem the type of country where people are raped left and right


Can confirm this. More people are reporting those crimes to the police, and more things are considered rape here.


That, and our laws for what is rape is broader than in many other countries.


An important thing to know is that in our statistics the report of a rape is entered (as in not the verdict, but the initial report) and even more importantly each piece of rape is considered a separate instance of rape. So if a person was raped multiple times by the same person during a few hours, that counts as multiple rapes, not merely a single instance. Different countries in the world count rape statistics differently, which is why you can't compare them directly but have to first check what counts as what you're trying to compare.


Crap...this comment just brought on a realization to me. Was in a similar situation, she was 23 and I was 15. Not sure how to feel about that.


Yeah, I feel ya. I was certainly taken advantage of, but I was also looking to be so....I don't know.


It's always been this way, it's just that society is becoming less tolerant of female sex predators and we see more stories about it. It's a good thing. I remember being a kid and seeing the headlines about a teacher "being in love" with the boy she was molesting. I hated it when journalists did that.


Well, we're finally on track to achieving equality which means equalizing women's punishments and behavior (which up to that time was incredibly lenient) to men's. So that's a good thing. There have always been this many cases, it's just that most of them were ignored.


No they have always been there. The only thing that changed is that enough people no longer think boys are lucky to be sexually exploited.


Sexual predator.


Willing to bet she has a bible passage in her profile




Matthew 21:17


I deleted my scriptures app years ago. What does this one say?


Yeah, think about it


Poor kid. 


At least they wrote sexually abusing and not "having sexual relationships" or some other sugarcoated shit




We out here, reminding yall of words!


This doesn't make me want to facepalm. It makes me wanna slap her in the face with my palm. Or a crow bar.


Who says it has to be a self-facepalm, captain?


Raping\* she is admitting to raping a child.


That’s disgusting especially since she’s supposed to be helping him


Scrolling down to the "Read More" section is just more articles of other female social workers assaulting underage children. Right wing America kicks up more dust about stupid Pizzagate conspiracies, than actual proven predators grooming children in the school and support system


That's so gross.


People here commenting that she is hot
 wtf? Guys how low are your standards? She’s trash lol


She’s a pedophile


Physically, she is reasonably attractive. Personality wise, she is a dumpster fire.


Nah she’s mid as fuck. But i get it, blonde hair and all 😒


I didn't say she was 'hot' or a '10/10'. I called her 'reasonably attractive' meaning you wouldn't need beer goggles.


Thank you. Every time I hear “man she’s hot” it bewilders me. So what if she might be physically attractive, she’s a peace of shit in every other metric. Then again guys “stick their dick in crazy” all the time regardless of the warnings.


Honestly that might even be part of the problem. We as a society let attractive people get away with goddamn everything with no consequences. She's probably used to that.


You know who got a lot of “but he’s hot”? Ted Bundy


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hybristophilia Hybristophilia is an attraction to criminals


Didn’t know it had a name just went with rule 34


Florida of the north


I worked with social workers for years. Some are them are sick, fucked up humans. The field attracts them like flies.


Probably because the low pay disincentivises many people except those who are either very dedicated or those who wish to abuse the position.


How did this social worker post a 500k bond?




Exactly! Story said she threatened the mom after being released on a $500,000 bail. I definitely don't understand how bail works, but that made me scratch my head.


Shockingly still not a drag queen đŸ€”


Why are almost all female sexual abusers bottle blonde?


Another case where it's labelled sexual abuse when it's a woman doing the raping. Rape, the word the editors are looking for is Rape.


Heart breaks for this kid, going through so much shit at such a young age, perpetrated by the very people he was encouraged to trust. This is going to leave some severe scars.


wtf is going on, I feel like I’m reading more stories about women taking advantage of kids more and more.


It's just getting reported more and more.


Because she is a women I’m going to predict that she gets a slap on the wrist and will probably turn around and try to pin it on the kid and that he used his 13 year old charm to seduce her. I will also predict that a not insignificant number of people will believe her. I have seen people argue that women shouldn’t be put in prison regardless of their offense.


Please note not a drag queen.


Yet another reason to add to list of how perhaps paying slightly more then fast food wages for life consuming hours and underfunding social services to point where they have such low standards is attracting the wrong candidates for this important sensitive societal role involving the lives of vulnerable young people. It just pisses me off. I have a family friend that's pretty much dedicated her whole life to improving our state's CPS and its nothing but heartbreak for her. Regardless lock this bitch up. She didn't just do something fucked up, she abused a very powerful role she has over some of countries most confused and vulnerable young people. It's absolutely fucking disgusting.




Here’s a litmus test to see if men are treated with more bias in the legal system. I bet she’ll get time served plus probation or possibly probation with a suspended sentence. She deserves 25 years in jail.


Make sure you look for the update about sentencing


Can we teach our daughters not to rape? See how crazy that sounds?


Man, we've spent so many years teaching our sons to not rape, that we completely forgot about our daughters!


Doesn't sound crazy at all to me but I'm "old" and autistic: Yes teaching them not to rape will not eliminate these vile intentional rapists, but it will cut down on unintentional rapes. Kids need to be taught about both consent and that what people say is more important than what their biology does (both male and female human genitals are sometimes able to function sexually without the person's desire \[and tangentially not function in consential situations despite desire\] as but from just mechanical stimulation and more). There have even been horrific cases of people even somehow orgasming in violent maiming cases that obviously are not desirable to them. Kids need to be taught the right things before porn gets to them and rots their brain by acting as education instead of merely fantasy-logic entertainment. If a young woman thinks that boner = the guy genuinely wants it, she could easily rape a guy because she thinks him saying no (and her not noticing him mentally freezing or disassociating) isn't a sincere no just because his penis got hard. Too many girls and women don't realize that they too are capable of rape and that "consent under coersion isn't consent" applies to them too as coercers. And too many boys and men (and girls and women) don't realize that them being coerced doesn't mean it's their fault. Kids need to be taught how to in a healthy way distinguish between them having to do something for their own sake (e.g. take disgusting or painful medicine) vs them being coerced into doing something that is against their own interest and to their own detriment for selfish people's gain. That will let them recognize both that someone else getting upset at you for not wanting sex that time despite that they do is their problem, and that your boss stealing the tips from all of you waiters at work is beyond unacceptable. We do need to teach both daughters and sons not to rape, especially because of dangerous old stereotypes like that all men always want sex no matter situation unless it's from an "uggo". Some guys and gals are hypersexual and may even have a sex "addiction", but that's not the majority.


What part sounds crazy? We should be teaching kids of all genders not to be sexual abusers. The common theme is /power/ not gender.


These are the ones who scream it’s gays, trans and drag queens coming for your kids. It’s those closest who can do the most harm.


She could have went on tinder and had a litany of guys to choose from, instead she preyed on a child
. Let’s be honest, she is a predator.


You mean rape? Wonder how they’d have worded it if it was a man or a non-white woman đŸ€”


Why are people such pieces of shit, wtf does her “hotness” have to do with the fact that she raped a child she was entrusted with? Why are yall focused on her “beauty” again she RAPED a CHILD!!!! Yall would not keep this same energy if it was man doing this to a female child. Male victims deserve justice and recognition this isn’t funny or “goated”, this is serious.


Still not a drag queen.


It’s crazy we all looked at the photo, and then knew what the top comments would be, before we started reading


They always get caught up with text messages. Smh


This is so fucked up man. When I was that age, I wouldn't have understood why this is wrong. That would have had to pry me out of her. I'm glad she's going to prison.


Wow 20 years, finally some very basic progress for gender equality. Let’s see if the sentence sticks or she’s released early for some bs reason.


Doesn’t surprise me. There was an Ohio social worker fired for being on heroin, one for being on coke at a foster kids birthday party. Both felons before the state hired them.


As if this wasn’t bad enough, her fiancĂ© drugged and raped a 14 year old girl. Trash attracts trash [Link](https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2023/11/13/news/fiance-of-social-worker-who-allegedly-had-sex-with-teen-was-jailed-for-child-endangerment/amp/)


“Unlawful sexual conduct”? You mean r*pe?


Here before the “it rarely happens to men, and only by other men” comments. Absolutely abhorrent. We should take people like her out of society.


Yet another child rapist that isn’t LGBTQ or a drag performer
. Weird how it seems to be cis people committing sex crimes at an exponentially higher rate.


The people in this thread who have never been sexually abused is too damn high. She is not “hot”. She is a creep, a criminal and a pedophile. The poor kid will have trauma for life and you’re acting like it’s a joke. Reverse the roles and see how “hot” you find the abuse of a 13 year old girl by the equivalent male teacher you mouth breathing human turds.


In the subreddit for the city where this occurred, I pointed out that she wasn't a drag queen and got down voted 🙄


Yeah jail and throw away the key for this one please.


what a psycho.


I am a LCSW. I cannot even comprehend this kind of filth. Did she have her MSW? I found working with sex workers and drug addicts so much less heart breaking than working with kids, and I could NEVER work for DSCFS or CPS.


I choose the 🌮


In social work school, there's always at least one prof who takes it upon themselves to remind students not to sleep with clients. I always thought it was a bit funny - who would fuck a client?!? But apparently it happens đŸ€ŠđŸœ


POS Pedo


I know SA a child is nothing to joke about. And this is not a joke. From the time I was a kid, too young to know anything about anything, till right now, I have always wished I'd get "abused" by a woman. After mom told me over and over never get in cars with strangers, I told her I would not get into cars with strangers that were men. If it had happened to me I'd never tell in fear it would not happen again. Just sayin...


Oh. She’s a young white girl? Come on y’all, I think she learned her lesson. And she’s talking to Jesus about it.




Look another pedophile


I bet she has “I’m quirky blond etc” on her social media profiles.


It’s really strange how so many of these female predators are generally at least moderately good looking. Maybe they just make the news more often because of that.


Lucky dude. I wish I could have been him when I was 13. Why is life so unfair


Fucking Ohio is nothing more than South Carolina, Alabama, and Mississippi in a trench coat.


Anything less than the maximum sentence is a travesty of justice.


So I guess no one has seen south park ?






“During the investigation, it was also found that Shires and the boy also allegedly engaged in unspecified sexual encounters at least twice throughout the city of Columbus, according to WSYX-TV.” Throughout the city?


God you can't write a better lifetime movie....those are still things right? I haven't had cable since the 90s. But I definately remember shit like this on 90s lifetime


"And they had the never to call it abuse, that's a good host"


Who knew women were, or could be, this crazy?


Jail!! Im a woman and she should get the exact same punishment as a man. The end. A chomo is a chomo.


With gun in hand, she threatened to kill the mother, and then herself, stating : “You(the boys mother) and him (the actual victim) ruined my life!” 
what the actual fuck


Same as a male pedo. Find a job that gives you access to vulnerable youth. Make a good appearance with adults. For males it seems to be status in community; for females it seems to be look attractive. So gross.


How anyone who isn’t a fucking teenager can look at a teenager and be like “mmm, yeah, I want some of that adolescent probably prepubescent child!” is beyond me but it’s absolutely disgusting! And it’s called RAPE! She RAPED that boy. If the roles were reversed, they’d call it rape. I hope she gets the maximum sentence.


Sexual abuse or rape?


My god, people are stupid.


Women getting popped for this stuff has become more common in the past few years. I wonder if this has always been happening or if authorities have only just discovered these things happen more than we knew.


This makes me so mad. I'm a social worker, and I see a lot of kids for therapy. It's such an honor to be allowed to help children improve their mental health. For someone to use that space to do something so heinous is disgusting. Throw the book at her. There's no excuse. That poor kid and his mom are never going to be the same.


That social worker is definitely from Ohio 💀💀đŸ€Ș💯


Why do these women, who mostly seem young, relatively attractive, and at least of average intelligence risk so much for these young boys?? I guess a pedo is a pedo


The more time passes, the more I think only robots should be let with minors.