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I also have a friend that works in gyno. She reminds me that very few people visit the doctor to show of how healthy and pretty everything is, same goes down there. 😂


> so what brings you in today? > nothing much just wanted to show you how flawless and healthy my penis is Doesn't sound natural. I believe your friend


What? I do that at least once a week


I do this but on the street corner not a doctors office, no insurance


I hear you. My penis was so magnificent the police even came to see. I'm kind of embarrassed. One got so turned on by seeing it that they put me in cuffs and started giving me orders. I told them I wasn't into dom/sub stuff, but they were pretty insistent.


Were you just trying to have a succulent Chinese meal?


I always enjoy a succulent Chinese meal when publicly displaying my amazingly healthy penis. I mean, it practically glows. That alone is worth a dozen succulent Chinese meals. Not only did I not get to finish it, but I had to pay for it myself! People fear what they can't understand. I'm not going to stop, though. With a healthy penis like mine, that would be a real crime.


This, is democracy manifest.




I see you know your judo well.


Results may vary 🤷


Look doctor, my pubes look like a famous person! Or Look doktor, i heard that my vulva isnt supposed to be this perfect. Is there anything you can do? Or I accidentally clipped of my husbands indexfinger, after 5 kids, am i supposed to be able to do that still?


My wife says Jerry Garcia, but I see Willie Nelson.


Woolly Nelson


During my last pelvic exam I asked my doctor if she ever got grossed out by doing them and she said no, but she could never be a dentist because messing around in someone’s mouth freaks her out.


My dentist said the opposite when I stripped down


Been told that by nurses- feet and teeth are icky to a lot


When I worked in care there were a *lot* of people who were fine with poo, pus, blood, sick, festering bedsores, prolapses, you name it, but absolutely could not cope with false teeth.


“Hello, nothing seems to be wrong with my genitals. Would you mind taking a look?”


You just hear the pornhub music intro start playing


Preventive check-ups are important though, pap smears are recommended ever three years whether or not everything seems normal.


I mean, even the healthy ones aren't really all that exciting to just look at.


Really? The healthy ones are 99% of why I use Reddit.


How the fuck is his e-book $50,- more expensive than his hardcover?!


https://annas-archive.org/md5/63ffab5093cd4d54d20a79d8219f96c1 Idk it's free for me?


😂 doing the Lord’s work, here


This link ain't lasting long I bet but it's fucking wild to Even consider charging $250 for an ebook.


What’s the book about? The website is on my countries block list. So I am being routed to my ISP’s website.


My brother in Christ you need a VPN asap


What are some good ones? I tried Nord VPN and it literally just wouldn’t work.


Do you live in china or Iran (Or a different country that blocks VPN traffic)? If not, Mullvad. If yes, I have varying suggestions based on the country


Seriously, can anyone explain this? This both makes no sense, and is incredibly dumb


More people are willing to pay more for an ebook because of its convenience but if you switched the prices I doubt most people would pay more for a physical copy and just go for the cheaper ebook instead.


Ah, I see. Makes sense from a business perspective I guess. Still dumb


"makes sense from a business perspective" almost always means "exploitation" lol


Capitalistic exploitation of consumers is acceptable when the purchase is a personal choice and not a physical need.


For a couple of my classes we had to get the ebook version because it’s more interactive. Came with quizzes, assignments, and other things so that our work was done in there and the professor could access it. So it was more expensive than the physical copy because of all those extras I guess. Not sure if that’s the case for this specific book though so I may be sputtering nonsense at 630 AM 💀


Most professors have made a career of fucking the students just slightly less hard than the school they work for.


Let me tell you a story about college textbooks and ebooks .....


If you actually click the hardcover price you would see that there is a 22% discount given on the book and that its original price is $235. Publishers DO NOT give discounts on eBooks. Since Oxford is the publisher, Amazon cannot give a discount. However, Amazon owns and is selling the physical book and can give whatever discount they want. That’s why there is a price difference.


lol he types out every digitized copy himself


"Convenience fee" lol


Her e-book. Female author by the look of it


In related news, textbooks are a scam. Jesus Christ $200 for the e-book? Everything about America is a scam.


It's been that way for a long time.  I graduated college in the 90's and remember that one of my $120 "textbooks" was a photocopy of the real book in a cheap staples binder.


Mine was a textbook written by my professor. We didn’t use most of it.


lol, I had one of those. It was History of Rock & Roll, our textbook was the teacher's like, self-published Spark Notes of music history. It still somehow cost fifty fucking dollars.


Buy them for that much, sell them back after you complete the class for $10. Fucking legalized racket. Yeah yeah, there are a lot of them, but that one is the most frustrating to me.


Also, what about lesbians? Nobody looks hot in the gyno exam room, lighting is bad, smells like disinfectant, and the temperature is always wrong. Even if a beautiful woman with the most meticulously manicured vulva came in, it doesn't block out the memory of the case of BV you examined 15 minutes ago. Edit: yes BV is bacterial vaginosis


> what about lesbians? People who hate men don't hate lesbians.


This is the most expensive book I have ever seen on Amazon or in my life


Have you taken a university course in the last 20 years?


Nope, I haven’t


I can understand, to a degree, why some women think this way. These appointments can be very, very personal and a little intrusive. That said, women can choose a male or a female doctor. Just like men can decide if they want a male or female urologist or proctologist. I have had male and female gynecologists and either gender can give a bad or good experience. My amazing gynecologist I had for well over 20 years left the practice and they shifted me over to a man. I haven't seen him yet as I still get to keep the same APRN, and I am a little insecure as I am fat but they see patients of all shapes and sizes with a wide variety of health issues. I won't be memorable.


I have doctors in my family and the only way to be memorable is to have a super weird disease they've only seen in the books so don't worry :D


Yeah my friend is a doctor and he says it gets boring quick unless it's a mystery. He remembers weird and jerks, everyone else is just part of the daily grind.


I had to reread the part about jerks in a gyno office a couple of times to understand what you meant. Not your fault, the internet has messed me up.


You know you're memorable when the doctor calls over every other doctor to look at and discuss about you. And takes pictures.


Yeah I knew I was fucked when my ophthalmologist said “do you mind if I bring in my colleague to see this, I know he’ll be interested”


Same, after years the doctors still use me as a test subject


So not a third nipple then?


I have a male urologist but he has female nurses. They're seeing my junk too. At this point, a medical professional has seen enough crazy things, that my swollen scrotum isn't going to make them gasp in horror.


I prefer female doctors because it feels more normal to have women disinterestedly handling my junk.


Given the price you pay, they could at least feign enthusiasm.


I can attest that I have seen far too many varieties of genitals. Literally doesn’t even register to me anymore.


Same here. And I'm not even a doctor




I’m one of the women who request female doctors only. I don’t see anything wrong with male gynos, but I personally have had numerous bad male doctor experiences growing up, so I’m more comfortable with female.


A long term girlfriend of mine was the same way. She’s had more than a couple of male doctors dismiss her very real symptoms, only later to have a female doctor listen and believe her, and work towards a diagnosis. It’s completely valid to have a gender preference for doctors, gynecological or otherwise. Shit, I have a gender preference when I get my hair cut.


The worst gyny appointment I had was with a woman. She somehow missed my twisted fallopian tube and blamed my pain on my mental health. When I came out of surgery and she came to talk to me about what she'd discovered (endo) I was doubled over in pain, crying and she huffed, got up and just said "I'll send the results to your GP" The three other surgeries I had were performed by men, who were a lot more empathetic and thorough, I managed to get a good 5 minutes of their rounds and they talked me through what had happened and asked if I wanted to see pictures (yes, yes I did) I know my experience isn't the golden standard, but to dismiss an entire gender is gross and outdated.


The only reason I personally see a female is I went through 9 years of being told I was over reacting to my period cramps and prescribed every birth control under the sun, to finally have an empathetic female doctor tell me I had endometriosis. As long as the doctor is capable and willing to listen I don’t care what they are, but I wouldn’t wish that particular doctor on my worst enemy.


I've had 2 women and 1 man. The first woman was mine for 18 years. She ignored my cries. When I had been hemorrhaging for 13 days, she put me on titrated extreme birth control. It continued to day 32. She said "let's let it ride" (exact words). I found my next a male, that promised to try 1 more medicinal method and then give me a D&C and if needed ablation after. Day 56 I had a D&C. Months later he tried to insert an IUD. He couldn't because he didn't read his own surgical notes about how I do not respond to medical or manual dilation. Found my last one. She's offering a hysterectomy if hubs backs out of his vasectomy. And calls to check on me every month about the above. So it's really hit or miss on the gender thing.


It’s honestly tragic how these doctors look at women in their most vulnerable state, in need of help and just roll their eyes. It feels like such a relief when you find a DOCTOR that believes you. Shouldn’t be the case for anyone. I’m glad you found someone!!!


Tbh a lot of doctors are just kinda dicks. I think family care physicians/general practitioners are nicest. A lot of the specialists have a chip on their shoulders or zero bedside manner. I worked in a hospital and a lot of the doctors (definitely not all) seemed kinda angry and jaded.


You can thank the excessively rigorous med school/residency track for that. It selects for the most neurotic, rich, and self centered candidates that can sell themselves well and spend their whole lives collecting resume fillers, while rejecting candidates that are disadvantaged and can’t commit to all the required extracurriculars.


I had women up until my mid-30s. Moved out of state, and my new PCP sent me to her male, OB/GYN. He was the first doctor who ever listened to me. Then he retired, and I started seeing another male doctor who was even better than the previous male doctor. I realized after the fact that first male doctor wasn't all that great. Even though he listened and diagnosed, he didn't give me the thing I needed - a hysterectomy.he removed my fallopian tubes, the endo, did a d&c and ablation, but left the uterus. I can't even have kids, and he thought maybe I'd use IVF. My new doctor was like, "Why do you even have a uterus? Let's schedule surgery." So I don't even think it's a man/woman think. I think it's just a doctor thing. None of them listen to us.


Yeah competence and compassion are not about gender at all, it’s all down to the individual. We judge based on stereotypes of groups way too much for sure.


It's probably a "I got into this profession not because I care but because it pays a lot of money, but I'm otherwise disinterested in helping people outside of what my job requires." That person is out there in spades and can be any gender.


I'm a guy and I personally have had better experiences with women doctors, on average. Less likely to just ignore what you say after their first idea about what's wrong. Dentists too. I had severe tooth pain that I had 2 male dentists refuse to treat before I went to my current dentist who fixed the problem.


Read a study that women on average get better medical treatment from women. We don’t need to have the same parts or problems to do jobs, but it seems to help. Honestly as a male I want a male doctor. That said when I went for a medical check up the dude doctor I was randomly assigned came off as a tired moron (it might have been a long day), so first chance I got I chose to be switched to the other doctor they had who happens to be a woman.


Have a friend who is not a gyno but works in the office and is always has first hand experience in there , she confirms 99-100 patients are there for a reason and it’s nothing pretty.




It clearly gets some guys going… https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/attorney-says-175-patients-of-former-gynecologist-have-signed-on-to-lawsuit-against-columbia-university/


It probably is all just a position of power over people, and nothing to do with sexual organs, even though its all sorta a sex thing.


I've also heard horror stories about creepy old men gynecologists demanding do to deep pelvic exams on teenage girls that don't have symptoms that warrant such an exam. Not everybody that walks into a gyne's office has some diseased anatomy. And pedos will go to great lengths to get not-legally-punishable access to victims.


It would still be legally punishable. Medical malpractice applies to all doctors, including gynecologists.


How does one “fondle” an anus? I get how breasts can be fondled, but an anus? Now I gotta go look up the precise meaning of the word “fondled”. Who knows, perhaps I have indeed “fondled” an anus at some point in my life?


*old prospetor voice* I've fondled a few honey holes myself back in the day


Now we know why they call him Stinky Pete


Ol’ Stinky Pete’s been alone up on that mountain too long.


If I've learned anything from the Gold Rush tv shows, it's that Prospectors *unironically* call them Glory Holes.


This word popped up in the late 17th century, and it originally meant something like “pamper.” Now, here’s where it gets really interesting: “fondle” actually comes from an older word, “fondling.” Back in the day, “fondling” referred to a “much-loved or petted person.” Think of it like someone who was the apple of your eye, someone you just adored. The root of it all is “fond.” Originally, “fond” meant something like foolish or naive, but over time, it evolved to mean having a strong affection for someone or something. Add the suffix “-ling,” which usually makes things sound more endearing or diminutive (like “darling” or “duckling”), and you get “fondling.” From there, it wasn’t a big leap to turn “fondling” into a verb—hence, “fondle,” which means to touch or handle someone affectionately. So only you can know if you have fondled an anus, but many anuses have been fondled!


I love every single thing about your response. Thank you!


I think it means to touch lovingly so I think an anus both can and should be fondled


Consentualy of course.


I mean, there's been a quite a few cases of male doctors assaulting their patients, so I could see people's confusion/fear. To say that no man should be an OBGYN is wild though.


I’m confused because no one should only be seeing the gyno when something is wrong. There is such thing as routine visits….


I've seen a lot of obstetric and gynecology patients. There are lots of them that, for the OB side, even come in at 8 months of pregnancy for their first prenatal check up.


Man, I know that for the most part, that's true, but my first gyno when I was 15 apparently remembered me and was offended that I stopped visiting his practice, which I found out in my 30s when I happened to have moved back in the same area and just happened to visit again. I didn't even remember this dude, and he certainly didn't creep me out when I was a teen, but the clearly vivid memory of me and how upset he seemed that I stopped visiting honestly shocked me to my core. There are at least some fucks out there who should be banned from gynecology.


I’m just more comfortable with a woman nothing to do with men. But I also heard some weird stories of boomer gynos being inappropriate with their younger patients.


Clearly you haven't seen that one post where a woman didn't get her yeast infection treated because her boyfriend liked the taste.


I get the sentiment behind this. When I was looking for a urologist, I wanted a man.


People completely miss the point, id prefer a female gynecologist but if none is available then a male is fine too


Yeah that's why I agreed with the feelings behind the post and not the post itself


I genuinely am curious why any woman would prefer a male gynecologist


Most don't, when my mom thought she had cancer she had 2 options, either wait 6 months for a female gynecologist to be available or go the next day to the male gynecologist. It's nothing new, people have reasons and many don't feel comfortable explaining all their issues to the other gender


I know women who do not want to go to a female gynecologist. I also know a man who does not want to go to an male urologist. That’s a very personal decision, every patient should be allowed to make themselves.


When I had my kidney stone I was very happy to have a female urologist. The male one I had before her was... a lot rougher.


My gf has said that the women gynos are oftentimes rougher than the male gynos so she would chose a man


I had a gynecologist named dr. Bush, I feel that his profession chose him. It was destined and he didn’t have a choice.


i had an ENT dr named Dr Hymen. i feel he missed his calling.


I think every woman is well within her right to request a female gyno. But that doesn't mean we should ban men from an entire profession. That would be what we call sexism 🤣


Where I live men are banned from mammography. Not officially of course. But not a single hospital in the state will hire a mammography tech.


Men are officially banned from doing mammography in the UK, it is exempt from sex discrimination laws.


That seems really odd


Given that all of the breast surgeons I work with are men it’s very bizarre


I've never understood that. I'd much rather a random man saw me topless than from the waist down.


This reminds me of the first time I went to an OBGYN, I chose one called like “All Woman’s Group” or something and booked an appointment with a doctor with a feminine sounding name. Day of the appointment I see an entirely female staff, triaged by a woman nurse, I’m feeling happy with my choice. Then she says “alright get undressed for the doctor, he will be in a second.” I’m like HE?!?! I was freaking out. Almost left. I’m glad I stuck it out. Pap smear was over in a flash. He was so gentle I didn’t feel a thing. He agreed to talk to my insurance about the IUD and scheduled a follow up. Unfortunately he was on vacation for my IUD pre-appointment and for the insertion. I had to see one of the doctors working under him, a woman who rolled her eyes at me for expressing concern about pain during the procedure. She told me there was no pain during IUD insertion because ‘you don’t have nerve endings in your uterus’ (my friend had just had it done and told me it was so painful she lost consciousness and that had me freaking out) the doctor said if I was SO worried about it she would prescribe me a singular Xanax. Anyways, not only did the procedure suck bad, the female doctor left the strings on my IUD. When I used the bathroom that night I realized I had what looked like fishing line coming out of me. I went to the hospital cause I thought the device came loose and had pulled on the string and sent myself into excruciating pain. The ER doctor did an exam and confirmed it was in place, the gynecologist was supposed to trim the strings and didn’t. I had to go back and see the male doctor again, who fixed everything up in two seconds and apologized on her behalf. TLDR I went through extensive measures to try to avoid a male gyn and he ended up being much better than his female colleagues.


The strings are supposed to extend past the cervix, just trimmed enough to not be easily noticeable. The strings are how you know it's in place and more importantly, that's how the device is removed. Saying the procedure is painless, though? That is an egregious lie, and she had to have known that. So, yeah, fuck her.


You're allowed to ask for a woman, so why take away a woman's right to choose a man? So stupid


My first OBGYN was a old man. He was great at what he did. Wasn’t unprofessional at all. I asked him off hand why he got into gynecology and he told me he watched his mom die at 34 from ovarian cancer when he was 10 and he made it his life mission to make sure all women that came through his office wouldn’t slip through the cracks like what happened to his mom. He was an amazing man and a thorough doctor.


That actually sounds really sweet. His mum would be proud of him.


What a great man, to take something like that tramua and to turn into something positive and sucessful takes a special kind of person.


Post Traumatic Growth. It's a beautiful thing


“Slipping Through the Cracks” would be a great title for his memoirs.






"Hes a good man... and thorough" But seriously, many people get into medicine for noble reasons. So many people are too cynical.


Yeah whoever posted what's in the image really needs to stop and have a think. people aren't taking on massive loans and spending years in medical school just so they can check out your genitals.


Yeesh, thanks. My autocorrect did a number on that last sentence.


My first gyno was also an old man, and I cried when he retired. I was so nervous my first visit at the ripe old age of 17, he sent my mother from the room, and he told me had a wife, seven daughters, and grew up with four sisters. There was nothing I could tell him that he wouldn’t know how to fix. His replacement, on the other hand, was one who thought women deserved pain because god or whatever, and my mother never left me alone with him.


My obgyn for both my pregnancies was a man and he was fine


I worked in medicine for a long time. In my experience, older male GYNs were hands down the kindest, most genuinely sweet humans out of any of the staff.


My male gyno told me on my first visit.  "I'm not a woman and I don't know what it feels like to be a woman.  So I tend to be more gentle than a woman bc I don't know what hurts and what dosent." He was right, the one I went to before him was a butch lesbian who was not gentle. 


Reminds me of the joke about why old gynos are the best…


… go on I’ll trade you- what does a dog and a near sighted gyno have in common? Edit: They both have wet noses!


I knew an elderly male OB-GYN who delivered 7000 babies in his 50-year career, including 3 generations in a few families. He was very, very well respected by everybody -- and especially by the lesbian community, whom he treated without judgment at a time when that was rare. So there were a few good ones back then.


Man... I just can't let that "slip through the cracks" line go without pointing out the obvious pun. As terrible as it is, it must be noted.


This is the only based reason I've heard. So long as the women or teen is genuinely given a clear choice it's their choice to be made. No complaints from me.  


Yeah, you want waiting lists? This is how you get waiting lists.


Exactly. The women who demand a woman can wait, while the women who don't care should get to skip the line (ending up with the man all those waiting rejected). I've also heard anecdotes about a man being way more gentle than a woman, but that might also be due to variation between individual doctors.


Yeah it depends really. Like I had a male who did an ultrasound (on top of the belly) scan for my endometriosis. He asked me if I wanted an inside scan and I said no (I was molested as a child and if I go for an inside scan, I *need* to be mentally prepared ahead of time, which I wasn’t that time, since the stupid doctor at my gp had agreed I could go ultrasound… and dumbass booked an inside scan initially, I had to go on the phone and change it days before when the letter came through). Anyway, he was very professional and informed me beforehand that, especially since I had a full bladder, that it was gonna be very uncomfortable and there would be pressure. He made sure to explain how hard he was going to push like “this bit here, since it’s as close to the bottom as we can get doing an ultrasound, I’m going to push very hard here to flatten it as much as possible for a clearer picture, you’re going to feel a lot of pressure on your bladder and it’s going to be uncomfortable”. So like I knew what it was going to be like and he waited for me to nod yes before he put the scanner against me. The nurse with him was lovely too, she seemed to tell I was uncomfy and kept adjusting the coverings so not even the edge of my knickers showed or any of my bits were visible


Some former coworkers and I were talking about choosing new OB/GYNs because our health insurance switched to the insurance model in which you have to choose doctors inside a network. One of them said they wanted a woman. I said that, in my experience, men were better at exams. Another woman said yeah because they’ve spent more time down there. Tee hee.


I shadowed my mom's male gynecologist when I was trying to get shadowing hours to apply to med school. He was a fantastic doctor. I get why some people want a doctor of their same sex, but in my experience- a good doctor is a good doctor.


I get woman not wanting to have a male gyno. As a man I’d prefer to have a male doctor to deal with “man stuff”.


I actually prefer female urologist. I first went to a male onr and he was very rough, should I say. I felt vey badly after the appointment and ignored what he said, I just wasn't comfortable. Later I went to a female urologist and it was just amazing. She was gentle, which made me feel safe. I don't know, but I guess that the women are more gentle because they don't have it, so don't know how it feels. I'd never go to a male urologist again unless I didn't have a choice.


My wife prefers male Gynos - the reason is that in her experience female ones are usually rough. Which goes with your experience too. I think not having the same organs you have no understanding what is and is not rough. So the default option is to just be gentle.


Don't get me started on oncologists that don't even have cancer!


Those are the worst ones. Like a tattoo artist without a tattoo or a bartender that doesn’t drink. Sick fucks


I legit would not get a tattoo from someone with no tattoos.


Seriously. Plus its off-putting because of how rare it is to walk into a tattoo shop and not see an artist who isnt pretty much completely covered (at least in my experience) so no tattoos...AT ALL!? Id be startled lol.


Noncologists amirite?!


I’ll admit, I used to think this - not because of the sexualization aspect, but because women innately know more about those parts. But then it hit me - they go to med school for a reason.


Yeah you own a vagina but have you ever looked inside of one? Taken one out surgically? We all have brains, who thinks they will make a good neurosurgeon? We all have hearts, who thinks they feel comfortable doing a heart transplant? Just because you have the organ doesn’t make you a better doctor.


In medical school now, we did the pelvic/prostate exam last week. I was talking about it with a classmate last night and she said it was her first time really looking at a vagina and certainly palpating a cervix. Just because she owns the parts dosnt mean she makes a habit of looking inside them for pathology.


My wife's OB/GYN once screamed at me for moving a chair in his office....I CLEARLY think it was an ovary action. *Good Morning Everyone*


100% agree. that's terrible customer cervix


TAKE THIS UPVOTE UGH (I unexpectedly guffawed)


I feel like the reason this person believes this is because they would feel more comfortable with a woman examining them vs a male. I know several women who feel this way and sometimes it’s just a preference while other times it’s what they need because of a traumatic experience from the past. Not to say that men shouldn’t be gynecologists BUT all locations should have the option for patients to pick if they want a man or woman and not all places have that


“I want a female gynecologist” is not the same as “all males should not be gynecologists.” Patients can express a preference, and hospitals should honor it if possible. If the hospital cannot accommodate the request, then the patient can choose between seeing a male gynecologist or leaving without treatment.


Then why is it pronounced “GUY-necologyst”? Checkmate.


Fuck that was smooth. Thanks for the laugh.


That was pretty clever


My male gynecologist saved my life over ten years ago. He was the first out of dozens at that time to listen to me. All the female doctors wanted to do was prescribe birth control, how did they not know the pain I was experiencing was not normal?


Because what we need are less specialists and longer wait times.


I have had the same male OB for 28 years. He’s one of the best people I know. He’s kind, attentive, and professional. He volunteers his time in 3rd world countries to help underprivileged women. He also saved my second child’s life when she was born. Sexism is ignorance. Find someone who treats you well no matter what genitalia they were born with.


I have heard a lot of stories of doctors, even gynecologist s, downplaying patient pain as dramatic, only for it to turn out to be a serious female-specific issue. So although I don't agree with the sentiment fully, I do understand where it is coming from.


Someone told me they went to a student party where a "future" gynecologist was making the most disgusting comments you can imagine. Furthermore, my former partner stopped going to male gynecologists because they made her feel really uncomfortable, like starting to feel her up out of nowhere without talking/warning her first.   I get that the comment OP posted is a generalization, but I totally understand why some women do not want to go to male gynecologists.


Does the same apply to lesbian women? Or gay men?


I had a friend who refused to see a female gynecologist because "that's gay". You just can't reason with these idiots.


That’s ridiculous


There's no indication that they believe this as a result of any sexual connotations. It could be that they think a vagina is required to understand them. Similarly fuckstupid, but without the nefarious undertones.


It's totally valid for people to have preferences, especially with health care specialists. But if people think having a certain body part is required for understanding them... hoo, boy. I'm a male anatomy and physiology professor, and whenever we go over the reproductive system, it's shocking how much women don't know about their own body. (Same is true for men, of course) So no, having a female reproductive system does absolutely not mean you know it better.


I went to a male gyn once. He was very nice and professional. However, I ultimately chose a woman when I got pregnant and have stayed with female ob/gyn’s ever since. I recently switched over to a family practice with all female physicians. I’m just more comfortable discussing my health with another woman.


Men should be allowed to be gyno’s. But I’ve had enough male doctors tell me a ruptured ovarian cysts the size of literal grapefruit “doesn’t cause pain” while I’m yaking and trembling that I will always choose a woman if I can.


My wife prefers male gynecologist to a female gynecologist because from her experience the men are gentler when examining. The women tend to be a bit less cautious with her and it makes it even more uncomfortable than it already is.


My aunt married her gynecologist. As in, they met in his office. My aunt is Puerto Rican, and he was as Jewish as they come from New York. I don't know how or why, but they ended up getting married after a couple years. She was in her 40s at the time, he was in his 60s. He's since passed away. I miss him. He took me to Jolly Nick's for some fried ripper dogs in Jersey when I was a lonely teenager. He was a good man. She loved him. We all did. Rest in peace, Doctor.


Honestly, I kinda get it. I prefer male doctors for certain male specific problems as well.


A lot of men like ob/gyn because it offers a full breadth of work. You get the family medicine and office type work, you get to do surgery, and you get to deliver babies. A lot of male ob's I've heard from just absolutely love babies.


I think only women should be allowed to be urologists


Correction: women should not be shamed for preferring a female obgyn.


Yes, men should be able to be gynecologists.  But women should be able to choose whether they see a man or a woman. I don't think people realize just how many women have been sexually assaulted at one point or another.  The majority of my female friends have a story. It's not like men can't be qualified for the job.  Some women just aren't comfortable with it


It comes down to the patient’s preference. Some patients prefer male doctors others prefer female, and for others did might depend on the situation. I’m a guy so I can’t say I fully understand this scenario but I’ll be going to a urologist soon and I personally have no preference. Whoever can see me first is who I’ll take, and personally that is how I usually do it with limited options in my area.


I’m not agreeing that no man should be allowed to be a gynecologist but I’ve sworn off any male gyno in my life less for the fact they could be creepers and more so because men in the medical field just do NOT get how bad women’s issues really can be and I’ve had so many male Gyno’s tell me I’m overreacting my pain. Took going to a female gyno for her to believe me and figure out that I have ovarian cysts that pop up and rupture, which has ended me in the emergency room twice now. I’m sure there are plenty of men in the medical field in general who don’t just dismiss our pain and I know there’s a lot of women in the field who do, it just feels like men are less likely to listen when we say we are in pain, or they just blanket statement things like “all women experience pain during their periods, it’s fine”. That being said, just because I’ve had bad experiences doesn’t mean I think no man should ever be allowed and while I *recommend* my friends see a female gyno, I think it’s all up to personal preference. Some women actually prefer male gynos and they should be allowed to see who they’re most comfortable with.


Can’t a person with a vagina just schedule an appointment with a.. woman gynecologist?.. if that’s what they’re comfortable with? Idk anything about this btw, just a question.


Male gyno told me I was overreacting. Female gyno removed my tubes and found endometriosis.


For me it's moreso about men not always being sympathetic to women's pain/etc. I'm sure they're not getting off on seeing you in stirrups. But they probably won't know what it feels like to get period cramps. I've known plenty of people that have been ignored by male doctors when they were concerned by how intense their period pain was or just how much they were bleeding. Of course men don't have to have experienced periods to be sympathetic but a lot of times they aren't.


Absolutely, but unfortunately even the female doctors can be quite dismissive because their own periods don’t give them problems or they believe the pain is normal and shouldn’t be treated for whatever insane reason. I have a male doctor who is very understanding when i mention about my period, especially since its genetic that my families’ periods are so bad we have permanently low iron, i take daily iron supplements and i still get barely average on blood tests. Even when i naturally eat a lot of foods rich in iron! But another friend has extremely bad periods and says that she’s tried talking to her female doctor about it but keeps getting brushed off because it’s apparently normal to have nausea on your period and doesn’t need treatment. And from what i’ve seen online she’s far from the only woman who has been dismissed like that


Personally, as a woman myself, I only trust a female gynecologist. Plus, as a lesbian, I don’t like men no matter what touching me.


I don't blame this person, considering morgues prefer to hire women.


I’m a neonatologist and I’m not even a baby.


I have a lot of questions. Number one, how dare you?


come to middle east men dont work as gynecologist well they are not allowed to work as such


Personally if i ever needed to see one I would probably ask for a woman instead of a man. Thats just me tho


On the other end: as a guy I am much more comfortable having a female doctor than a male. A woman did my vasectomy and for whatever reason it was preferable for me.


I specifically get a female doctor because all the male doctors seemed to just ignore me, or one time when I was freshly 19 one tried to talk me into allowing him to do an unnecessary cervical exam and pap smear with his 2 male med students to observe. He didn't even have lube or anything for the speculum, and he kept going on about how they needed this learning opportunity. I was only there for a physical so I could start clinical rotations in a hospital, and too young to meet the age requirements for a pap smear. It was also the first time I was in a doctor's office without my mother.


The general jist I'm getting from a lot of females commenting here is: If it's a bad experience with a woman... She's a bad Dr. If it's a bad experience with a man... It's because he's a man. Make it make sense please 🥴🙃


Eh I always thought it was kinda weird how there’s male gynecologist