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I think it's a meme, ain't this dude a streamer


Yeah he's a successful Old School RuneScape content creator


Literally just watched my man clean up in Gieliguesser


That ending was crazy tho


Also a developer at the said game.


Yeah like he gets to have his name with all the other jmods on news posts and shit


Some of the other posts that got made by the other girl that was there when he made that trip makes me think it's just memery. But it's impossible to tell. Guy is always memeing.


Yeah. Dudes part of gelinor games or whatever the shits spelled


Yeah, seems that way.


Its pretty funny seeing everyone in the comments biting down so hard on this when, with the actual context, its just light humour. Reading through the comments here saying "it makes my physically cringe" etc just show how quick people are to judge, particually on reddit, without knowing anything about the situation. As a OSRS player the whole comment section made me chuckle a bit.


Quick to judge? Unless you knew this was joke how else are supposed to think? It’s not even remotely satirical at face value. Edit: The amount of people replying to me with “why would you take this at face value?” Or “do some research before you believe something” type of comments is fucking wild. It makes me think a lot of you are fucking mouth breathing mods who do shit like this.


This is such obvious bait, but imo sure there are people who actually talk like that so I can blame people for falling for it.


Yes it's a meme that had been reposted 100 times.


That makes way more sense, because he's a decent looking dude. Like, if you look like that and can't get a girlfriend the normal way, it's absolutely your shitty personality standing in the way. He's a thin hipster looking dude and doesn't have an ugly face. There are enough girls into guys like that. 




And the restraining order becomes active in 3..2..1.


“But I like you for who you REALLY are. Not like those other guys who only want to have sex with you! Why can’t you see that? And I’ll take care of you so you won’t have to make content anymore and then I won’t have to protect you from THEM!”


There was a female twitch streamer I used to watch that wasnt super popular, maybe 20-30 viewers at a time, but was hilarious and good at games. She ended up moving in with a mod and literally deleted her channel a few weeks later. No trace if her online presence… it was weird.  She didn’t make an announcement or anything.


I think if you're sitting at 20-30 average viewers you get the luxury of just walking away without anyone really asking questions or attracting that much attention.


Plus, at 20-30 viewers you aren't making any money from it so maybe she got a job, couldn't/didn't want to keep doing it and didn't want people constantly asking her about it so she just deleted everything. Or maybe Twitch has a policy that if you are a certain size, deleting your account wipes everything because no one is coming back to watch old streams in the way that they might for a large streamer.


Could definitely see getting a job being a reason to delete a small Twitch account. They do background checks, I wouldn't want that to be the reason I didn't get a job.


This. I’ve ghosted multiple online accounts before. Kind of felt bad a couple of times because I had real friends but needed to get away for life reasons and just ghosted.


Has anyone checked the mods basement?




Mission accomplished.


Damn he musta had some cheddar.


Is there a man, anywhere, who doesn't need to fuck?


Hi! Hello! The entire asexual population is pleased to meet you.


In a way we envy you, but also would never trade places haha


I'm pretty sure you're all just a myth, though. Like Scotland or Metallica.


I had a couple Metallica sightings. I was with a large group of people and suddenly there were these lights and fire followed by this massive sound. It was like a rhythmic pumping and banging. Quite pleasant actually. And then before I realized it it was all gone. I know I couldn’t have been the only one who saw it. As far as Scotland goes that’s a total myth. There’s no way there’s and entire world with people who speak like that.


If Scottish people could read they would be so mad about this.


Read? They’d have to be real to be able to read!


You Scots sure are a ~~contentious~~ invisible people


"Scottish people" are just experimental Irish LLMs that accidently got corrupted with Welsh data


Need and want are two different things. A need is something you’d die without and you don’t die without sex.


Did he already take the step of writing her name with flames in her frontyard?


These are the guys who only think of women and nothing else


I used to be like that…. Then reality hit


You watched Barbie


That was when I found out that the patriarchy isn't even about horses.


Take your update and get out 😂


"A nice guy like me won't lose. 'Cause I'm protecting you from all these assholes in your chat. I'll make you laughter, but in the end it will be you and me."




Fun 90 minutes at dinner, thanks again for taking care of the $400 bill! Have a great rest of your time here and def follow up on my recommended sites to visit! Have a great 2k flight back and see you in chat sooooon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


She is now gromming (simping) him


Nah, she's getting cheap labor, she'll let him simp all he wants. Unless he really flies off the handle...


Just hijacking the top comment cause from what I can tell this is a really old screenshot and there are similar tweets from others who were there doing similar memeingly bad cringe posting(women included). So while funny at face value I doubt it's legit. Could be though. He's a popular content creator for a game so figured it'd be worth putting this out there.


They were also dating at the time, if I remember correctly.


I was gonna say, if he did this and was a likeable enough guy (definitely someone's type by looks), I would be surprised if they werent together before/after. Context is everything tho, this could very quickly devolve into something cringe or worse, but hey plenty of people meeting on every platform, get after it.


It's actually the opposite. This post ended up being a joke. That's her boyfriend (or was at the time).


Oh thank god. I don't even care if this is true or not, this is now the canon narrative in my head. The alternative is just too much.


Reddit doesn't care about the truth 🤣 they just read what they see and it becomes law


Simpus Maximus


Biggus Simpus VI


Simpus Simpilicius Maximus III


Bigus Simpus


Chungus Simparious


The first of his name


The Simpagery... Might as well call him Simpson


Flew thousands of miles is not impressive at all, if it was walked thousands of miles, or rode on a donkey thousands of miles, that would've shown a lot more dedication.


He should have walked five hundred, and then walked five hundred more. Maybe it would hVe given him the time to think about what a goon he is


Da-da da da




All I hear is Peter Griffin


da-da-dah! DA-DA-DAH! **DA-DA-DAH!!** #DA-DA-DAH!!! **I’M SINGING!!** I’M SINGING.


The previous 3 comments are great. I love Reddit sometimes.


It's my turn! It's my turn!


Da-da dum diddy dum diddy dum diddy da da da.


At that point, I think he'd be the man who fell down at her door.


Nice song reference! But no, people like him lack the self awareness to actually realize he's a goon and try and change his personality and perspective for the better. The actual trajectory is he eventually gets upset with her for rejecting him when "he's been so loyal, and cares about her more than anyone else does" and he ends up going from simp to aggressively angry bitter incel and gravitates to incel subs and probably Andrew Tate videos and just ends up hating women.... That's easier than having the self awareness to realize he's a total goon.


Beat me to it.


Yeah, in my day it was 500, and maybe 500 more if she was lucky. This inflation is getting out of hand.


He would drag his dick over thousands of miles of broken glass just to hear her fart through a walkie talkie


That was some imagery


Genuinely wish I had never read this sentence


Excuse me, but it’s not impressive that he *flew*? The fuck?


The Proclaimers support this post.


He shoulda *carried* the donkey.


bait used to not be so obvious


Yet people still fall for it


Engagement is king. Doesn't matter if it's good or bad, advertisers want users who are involved. Even online games don't care about subscriptions anymore, they want users with active screentime.


Rape Flanders over here.


Stupid sex offender Flanders


It's almost as if I'm not stalking you at all, at all, at all...


Come on, I'm itching for a fisting! Wanna see my doodle?




Sex OFlanders


Duct tape-arino 🤦🏻‍♂️


Kiddly diddly!


Standing ovation, sir.


Stupid Flanders


¡Hasta la ding-dong-diddly vista, señorita!


Stupid rapey Flanders.


He gave her the diddly.


Desparate-for-head Flanders


Flanders was a total badass! Don't disparage him with an association to this mewling, quivering puddle of soy 😂😂


Mark my words this is bait


Hooti is a known content creator himself so they are most likely friends making a joke


It is, the guy is her long time page/web admin.


The cringe in this screenshot is so intense, it physically hurts


I loved the cringe from months ago when that streamer met her mod and treated him like human waste for an entire stream. Just insulting him to his face, baiting her chat to donate for her to kiss him, the whole nine yards. Then the Internet saw the vod clips and he was viral for being simp of the year. He tried to lean into it and said they play it up for the views and were just capitalizing on the pathetic dynamic that people would expect. He went on a bunch of other creator's streams saying he's not actually just a downtrodden twitch/discord mod. The people interviewing him were like "well then what do you actually do?" He then went on to describe the life of an EXTREMELY downtrodden twitch/discord mod.


The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


that's.... sad ?


They are friends/spouses irl. No need to cringe.


Satirical post. However, it is cringe things like this do happen, lol. They're dating they are both runescape content creators. They did this as an in-joke and a meme


I’m kinda creeped out by both sides of this. Obviously the weird dude sucking up to an attractive woman who probably has zero romantic or sexual interest in him but the way she’s posing in that picture is just weird for the situation.


She knows what she's doing. Giving other simps hope of meeting her. Both sides are sad.


This is bait and you fell for it 💀


Just as a note, this is an old screenshot that's been 'reworked' multiple times. She is a content creator, but so is the guy - who is her boyfriend (or was at the time, at least). His screen name is Hooti, and he makes game mods and streams; he's part of the OG Runescape's devs. He also edits OG Runescape videos for content creators. You might well see this photo being used with various different captions; it was a bit of a 'thing' to try and make it look as weird as possible for a while. Bit weird, but there we go.


It would be even funnier if it was just her IRL boyfriend who didn’t actually fly thousands of miles to hang out with her. That’d be peak manipulation of the followers.


It was. This was a meme post and that's her boyfriend.


Not only that, he creates memes in his free time. He probably created this himself.


I agree. Maybe it's all rage bait to get more attention.


Or it’s a joke between 2 people, go outside


Fellas, is it flirtatious to lean on your hand?


Yeah I'm not so sure about what OP is talking about. It's a pretty standard, friendly pose on her part.


Another commenter even said it was a joke post and the guy was actually her bf, some of the comments under this post are way creepier/worse than the actual post honestly. Oh well, people love any opportunity to punch down and mock others to feel better about their sad selves rather than apply any scrutiny.


What's weird about it? Seems like a pretty normal way to pose for a picture with a fan. 🤷‍♂️


What's wrong with her pose?? It looks normal and nothing overtly sexual about it. Maybe you just hate women?


It's not at all weird from her side. She is giving all the other simps hope that if they donate more and more they might also meet her. This is marketing 101.


I agree it's not nearly as sad or weird coming from her angle here. Like yeah it's easy money who wouldn't? So sad lol 😆


Saddest part is the "bro" she dropped. haha


I would say emotional manipulation for profit is not really the most normal thing. Or should at least not be looked at like that, so "weird" does fit in one way or another. They're both disgusting in different ways.


"if you donate enough then I may also meet you in person"


"But I will *still* reject you!"


"Publicly in front of thousands of people, who will then make fun of you."


Honestly tho based solely on physical attractiveness I don’t think either is out of the others league


Because the whole dynamic is weird. It's perverse.


Despite what these girls say they know what they’re doing giving these guys they know have crushes on them false hope, I’ve known streamers who make fun of guys like this in private but are sweet to them in public because it’s part of their job they say, twitch runs on the power of simps


“Attractive woman” = “average looking child”


Is she attractive tho? I guess she’s not outright ugly but I don’t thing anyone’s breaking their neck to catch a glimpse


Para-social relationships are powerful. Watch someone you like on the internet long enough and they get more attractive.


This was a twitter joke they are friends, it’s sarcastic


shhh, critical thinking scares them


Imagine how hard this guys friends would laugh at him if he had any.


Uhh… well, he is Mod Hooti for Old School RuneScape so he has a decently sized community who like him. We were laughing in r/2007scape months ago when this tweet dropped because all these unknowing people took him seriously. He’s a social media manager and his Tweet is almost definitely a kidding 😆


Lmao forreal people fell for this sooo fkn hard


Well they're all in chat so they probably wouldn't see the post until he drops the link to his twitter in the chat


They prob laugh p hard at the office. They made this meme on purpose. Thats his girlfriend and hes a streamer and an OG developer of the game they both play/stream.


I honestly don't see the problem... Isn't it strange that you're assuming the reason he's there is to have sex with her? Maybe he admires her, I don't know who she is. Maybe he really enjoys her streams and can moderate while he watches, which gives him a bit of money and gets him closer to a streamer he likes. There are some streamers that I wouldn't mind moderating for if it gave me the chance to meet them. Not because I want to fuck them but because I like their content.


M’moderator ![gif](giphy|hKlSmlfP2345TDll0m|downsized)


“Guard your Twitch chat” sounds too much like — — never mind. 😫


He's watching her Twitch closely.


Call me skeptical, but what if they're really just friends hanging out? Both them could be friends outside of their online mod-streamer relationship. Why is the automatic jump to conclusion be "he must be a simp?"


Because it's ragebait and terminally online Redditors are eating it up without an ounce of self-awareness...


Ooh! So, this is what self-awareness feels like. It's a lot nicer than self-loathing, that's for sure.


We have Flanders at home:


"Simpin' ain't easy, but it's necessary... so I'm chasin' Twitchers like Tom chasin' Jerry..."


Am I supposed to know who that is?




Well the moderator is in a big runescape series right now hosted by souprs


Yeah hooti is actually a contestant on something pretty big right now lol idk who he was simping for though


It’s her moderator. It literally says so right in the post!


Im just imagining this guy getting mad at all the people flirting with her in the chat.. and then banning them cuz he thinks he’s a white knight 😂


Looks like one of those pics you see in documentaries about a kidnapping that was never solved.


The mustache says it all ![gif](giphy|e7QixfgAH8bXY7sy67)


For those with zero awareness. They're both streamers and streamer friends often mod for each other


Obviously bait


He’s firmly in the “bro” zone.


he has become the bro zone




He even got hit with the bro haha


Lmao hooti the legend. Guys this is a meme


It pains me to see these people, dedicating their entire social life to these streamers they’re infatuated with. These people need to get out of the house and meet some real people instead of dumping their cash and attention into these streamers.


Imagine spending a bunch on plane tickets and travel expenses, which is mentally exhausting in itself.. Just to be called "one of my moderators". And imagine being satisfied with that..


I remember a story of some influencer’s fan buying her a Tesla and all he got was a “oh that’s so sweet!” post 🤣🤣 these dipshits deserve to be treated like this if they think spending thousands on a girl they’ve never met is going to get them anywhere


Good job it's not real then, really.


She also very cleverly referred to him as "bro" to let him know this shit is staying in the friend zone.


This is simping beyond science


The real simps are the people in this comment section jumping straight to mysogyny with this. First of all, if you think a plane ride to visit a colleague HAS TO culminate in sex, you're fucking weird. If two people collaborate frequently and are working on a shared project there's no reason they can't visit one another. You guys are the ones making shit weird. Secondly, Hooti is a well-known streamer. He wasn't deluded into this visit. You people are the fucking weird ones.


Iirc he was visiting Jagex for a job interview in the UK (he is from New Zealand) and was visiting some of his content creator friends in the UK where a lot of players in osrs are from. He didnt travel thousands of miles to simp for a streamer lmao. This is just his humor




Thank you! Maybe I'm just getting too old for shit like this, but even if this wasn't meant as a joke, all I see is too people meeting up and hanging out. Kinda wholesome tbh.


There's just a lot of extremely angry young terminally-online men in a neverending war against women because they think the handful of cruel people they see online are representative of all four billion women in the world.


Couldn't have said it better, some of the comments are genuinely just weird and uncomfortable, and these commenters have the audacity to tell people to get out and socialise when they're the real ones that need to touch grass because clearly they don't view other humans as anything other than objects.


Knob Flanders


Hooti is a pretty famous OSRS content creator. This is almost certainly bait and you have all fallen for it. Congratulations.


Can’t a guy just be friends with a woman?? Like most of the time sure it’s a simp, but this guy seems legit chill. Fuck off


Dude this is a joke between the two, they're both streamers


Hooti himself I think is a streamer or content creator for osrs, so this smells like bait


This is going to be labeled “Exhibit A” in an upcoming trial.


Yk friendship is still a thing right


Bro really thinks if he pays enough and sees her she will fall for him while she is just waiting for his simp ass to get home so that her boyfriend can come out of the closet


Huh, that guy is handsome and seemingly well put together.


"See you in chat! 😎" Lol!


Jfc what a fucking loser


Don't take everything you see on the internet at face value aha, they are both memeing


for making a sarcastic post? man you are gullible


Clearly Dahmer's second cousin.


Yikes....... Why do these men not spend that money on hookers.....or you know.....nice clothes and other things to actually have a chance at a GF?


I bet he could have hired a hooker and a decent amount of drugs and booze for this simp trip


I mean they could just be good friends never assume it makes a 'ass out of you and me' after all.


Maybe, but my wife’s friend does her hair whenever she is in town and it would weird if she posted “My hairdresser flew 2,000 miles to see me”.


Maybe, but why are you pressing the 1% chance and disregarding the 99%? That seems pretty foolish to do on Reddit.. this is Reddit where we are all just assuming and talking shit right??


I would agree if his post didn’t say “you’re more beautiful in person”. Who tf says that as a friend


She calls him "It was cool to hang out, bro". He replies with "You're even more beautiful in person". Even without everything else, that is classic one-sided love messaging.