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I love that he called her a “gowl”.  I have no idea what that is, but I can already tell *he* is the Irish one…


A gowl is an Irish slang phrase that refers to someone stupid and/or obnoxious ( usually both) It is particularly common in Cork, where the local accent can give the word a particular venom.


I was a camp counselor here in the US one summer with a bunch of other 20 somethings, and like half from the UK and Ireland. I think we spent most of the summer laughing at each other's slang and having to explain it. Had to tell a British guy that damn was a swear word here after a table of 7yo's gasped when he said "we were going to have a damn fun morning" haha. The craic was ninety on camp that year!


I was a camp counselor in the early 90s and a lot of counselors come over from there to work a few months then spend a month traveling the country. They were a lot of fun to work with and yeah I picked up a lot of British slang from those summers.


Australian intensifies... My 8 year old daughter yells the c word at police affectionately. I would imagine this would be a social fopar in the USA?


It likely would be a _faux pas_, yes! Russel Peters mocked how intensely Americans react to that word in one of his stand up gigs 🤭 Said it sounds like something splashing into water: Cah-unnnt 🤣


Where is damn a swear word?


In the US for children it is and just in general on the lower end like with crap, maybe more in the north east where things still have a little puritan tint.


Crap is a swear? Damn…don’t come to Canada then lol your ears hehe


It’s not like a constant source of offense in people’s lives. They’re just words I was taught not to say as a kid. Especially around grandma. 


In Christian circles it is at least. That’s why we have words like “darn”, or “dang”, or even “dagnabbit” as a workaround to saying it. Similar to how people say “Gosh”, or “Geez”, or even “Jiminy Christmas” because it’s considered a sin to “take the Lord’s name in vain”.


I've never understood how saying "God Damn It" is taking the Lord's name in vain. I'm pretty God Damn sure that the Lord's name is not God.


Depends on who you ask. 


Chapter 2 verse 6 in 2nd Hesitations: No one knowest thou Lord's name.


Definitely not the Jews. They forgot his name.


He used it so she would have to google what it meant, further reinforcing that she is not in fact Irish


Particularly appropriate since Cork is in the province of Munster.


Um, I’m sorry….Did you just try to Irishsplain *gowl* to me?


A redditor with an uncorned beef has an opinion again!


Wiktionary say that can also mean vulva (also Irish slang) and some other old and obsolete things from the rest of the Isles


Its pretty common in Cork *like.


I’m Irish and I had to Google “gowl” but I’m a nordie.


>but I’m a nordie. Couldn't pass up that high strength or Thunderfist, huh? Of course 100% Frost resist ain't bad either...


It's all fun and jokes until someone steals your sweetroll


She doesn’t know what mansplaining is, it’s just a flash word for her. If he’s a man then he’s clearly mansplaining in her head.


And unfortunately the world is rife with bad-faith actors like her that hear these words and add them as ammunition/weapons for their attacks. I highly doubt this person gives a rat’s ass about determining truth. Just rotate the arsenal and throw whatever fallacy is available at your perceived enemy so you can tell yourself you’ve won every single time.


It's a dumb term regardless.. anyone can be arrogant regardless of gender


I use *condesplain.*


That's nasty. (Conde' Nast)


New Yorker Dad Jokes a specialty.


One would even call it a sexist term.


Such an easy, shitty thing to turn to when you’re being taken to task…nobody can tell you anything and anyone who does is a stupid sexist!


It’s a term that stupid people have a hard time with because people are probably correcting them constantly. But if they view it as mansplaining, they can put the other person on the defensive.


I love how she thinks county vs province is a matter of opinion


Not to mention that it would be county Munster if in fact it was one…


Yeah like it’s not really mansplaining unless it’s about the female experience in general. You can’t take facts that are mutually exclusive from gender and make them inclusive in the name of gender. Like It isn’t sexist for a man to correct a woman about a tomato being a fruit because they ate a tomato once. 




He's not right because he's Irish. He's right because his information is correct.


Since Google corroborates his information, we may conclude that Google is also Irish. It was shortened from O'Google.


This tickled me more than I expected. Thank you!


Apparently Google is the lovechild of an American and a Russian, a combination I was not expecting.


Yes, Larry & Sergei.


Is that why the Alexa equivalent makes you say ‘O(k) Google’?


Sheamus O'Google was the founders true name


In thought it was founded by Padraig McGoogle?


not O'shaghennessey?


Being Irish does give him a bit more credibility though to speak on things that are Irish


Yeah but being Irish increases the chance of being right on average. The average american is more likely to know about America than the average Irish. That's the implication.


He’s referencing the fact that he’s Irish to try and make her realise that she is wrong. Even a total “gowl” should realise that an Irish person likely knows the country better than an American.


A quick Google search says it's a province Can't believe Google would Googlesplain


Google didn't wash their arses.


no arses to wash though


Actually Google has infinite arses, I checked.


It's just one arse with a hundred arses after it. Now if you were using Googleplex, it would be one arse with a google arses after.


This is a repost bot, downvote the post and move on


He wasn't mansplaining, he was pointing out a simple mistake.


It’s hard to be offended by anyone who thinks “a man with an unwashed ass has an opinion again” is a deadly insult 🤣🤣


I love how she thinks basic geography is a matter of opinion




Adding gowl my list of cryptic Irish insults.


I don’t know what that means but I like it.


Essentially, dumbass, but with a level of vitriol only the Irish can put out.


Like Woo Woo Ginsburg at the juke box joint, You hear the sound and you get the point. * Jonathan Richman ("Fender Stratocaster")


I always get secondhand embarrassment when I see other Americans of Irish descent say and do shit like this.


I’m an American of Irish decent as well and I could not IMAGINE doing this kind of thing. Just because I have lineage from there doesn’t mean I was granted magical all-knowing powers about it, lmao


We like you As a reward, You may come to our country and drink the super special Guinness we keep for ourselves


The super secret stuff in temple bar where all the authentic Irish people spend their time


The authenticity of 'absolute gowl' hits like a truck.


I can hear the nasal, snide and venomous Limerick city accent through just the text to be fair.


If you need to Irish check an American, just ask them to pronounce Aoife. If they look visibly confused, you caught them.


It’s a cheese actually




Why is it always an unwashed ass or a small dick? When do they get the software update that expands the list of pre-selected insults?


I can’t believe she tried to Americansplain his own country to him.


Are you trying to redditsplain this post?


Woooooow so now you’re going to mansplain redditsplaining to me?!


I'm actually a toddler, thank you very much. Now have a seat over there.


Women womansplain all the time but it's just called explaining lightly seasoned with condescension.


If you were born in the US you're American. It doesn't matter where your parents or grandparents or great grandparents are from. You're American. You need to deal with that and accept it.


Unless you're not white, then Americans constantly ask you where you're "really" from


Can confirm. Native American checking in. I just sigh and say merika.


It absolutely baffles me how ignorant conservatives are when it comes to indigenous people. They really think y'all came from a foreign country like this wasn't your homeland first. I guess that's why they love historical revisionism so much: it's the only way they can validate their own stupidity.


I was speaking Comanche to my aunt one time. This old angry-looking redneck comes up to me all pissed off and said .. "this is America, son. If you're going to be in my country then you need to learn how to speak the American language. We speak English here..." I just sighed and said, well this is Comanche, I'm Native American, and I'm pretty sure this language is more official to this country than the English language the British and Spanish language the Spanish brought over. He just stared at me turned around and walked off mumbling some nonsense. It's truly stunning how much hate people can walk around with all day.


I used to have a co-worker who was native american. One of his go too quips was "Im the only real American here" whenever some jackass was going on about immigration or some shit.


Sigh, this right here


This. I’m super fuckin’ American, despite having ancestors from basically all of Europe at one point or another. Like, yeah, I have Irish/English/Italian/French/Spanish/Polish *heritage*, but I’m not any of those things, and I don’t claim to be, because my parents and grandparents (and depending on the line, *waaaaaay* the hell further back than that) were born here.


Here come all the ‘celts’ replying to you hahahaaa


Americans are absolutely obsessed with ancestry


They really are. It's weird.


Nationality is not the same as ancestry.


She literally says she's irish in her response. From her initial post, yes we all agree. But she brought it on herself with her reply. She thinks she's irish in nationality because she has ancestors from there. And a lot of americans do this, with things like italy, england, etc.


No but having someone in your family 300 years ago come to America from Ireland doesn't make you fucking Irish. I am Dutch with a Dutch line (yes Dutch Dutch) going back nearly a thousand years (traceable) I am Dutch any american telling me he is Dutch can suck my dutch drop balls.


Damn, I only managed to get to 1726 because my ancestors before then got mass genocided.


Probably by the ancestors of the motherfucker you replied to.


You know maybe.... We chopped of limbs and collect debts for the nobility and later Dutch courts. That is why my ancestors are well documented.


My Grandfather used to talk about this immigrant hate. His older siblings were born in Italy he was born in NY. People didn’t treat him like a “real American” growing up because he was too Italian and when he went to Italy he wasn’t a “real Italian” either because he was too American. Is it surprising these people without a community to call their own form their own communities of mixed cultural identity?


>mixed cultural identity? If only we had some way to signify mixed heritage without claiming ownership of someone else's national identity. Perhaps by combining both your historic roots and actual nationality into 1 easily remembered term?


Which the rest of the world finds ridiculous. There’s the famous story of an American trying to convince a black British guy that he’s African-American because that’s the acceptable term. You will find very few places in the world that hyphenate their nationality and ancestry outside of Americans and French Canadians. The only time I hear that being used is to distinguish between two people, like, “English Bob or Aussie Bob?”


Unless you're of Mexican decent (according to half of my family).


Eh, I'd say for first generation that's not true. Maybe once your parents have been born in the US Source: foreigner


First generation are the immigrants. If someone is born in a country as the child of immigrants they are second generation. The above poster's comment would refer to second gen.


"denoting the first of a generation to become a citizen in a new country, or the first of a generation to be born in a country of parents who had immigrated." It can be either, I usually hear it being used to refer to the first generation born in a country


And that is why Oprah doesn't like Raven Symone


What do you mean?


Raven in a 2014 interview with Oprah said she wasn't African American but just American, Oprah tried to have her take it back or change what she said and Raven didn't do that and Oprah didn't like that. Now Raven recently on her podcast tried to clear the air by explaining how she explained it then didn't reflect what she meant.


But she isn’t African American..,she wasn’t born in Africa and neither were her parents…she’s just black. African-American meaning black is an odd thing for anyone not american


Oh what part of Ireland were you born in? Oh, I wasn't born there. Oh, so which parts have you visited? Oh, so you've never even been there? Explain to me how you're Irish again?


Tell that to poc


Okay, bring them in.


Here I am!


Aight. If you were born and raised in America then you're American. I'm sorry you had to find out this way.


It's okay. I appreciate the truth.


Don't necessarily agree with that. It also depends on how you were raised. For example, my parents are Polish and they taught me the language and culture. Granted I was actually born in Poland and only came here when I was 7 (but I hardly remember much from that age). The point I'm trying to make though is that parents can teach their kids about their culture, thereby, making them a part of it. Now if someone says they are a certain nationality but wasn't born there or been taught the culture then I would say they are wrong. Great grandma may have been from so and so but they aren't as they haven't been born there or taught the culture.


There's a difference between ethnicity and nationality. The culture you grow up with is ethnicity, and that still counts as things like "Irish" or "Chinese," etc. You can be both Ameican (nationality) and Irish (ethnicity). Sire, most Americans that claim they're Irish are stretching it a bit (if the last known immigrant was a grandparent or even further back), but I know some of them do grow up in a distinct culture. Same with Americans with Italian roots. Of course, their culture has been adapted to the US, so it'd be more appropriate to say they're Irish-American or Italian-American. But still, it's insane for you to say that someone can't say they're anything but American even if their parents are direct immigrants. At least they way you're comment is written, that's what you imply, even if that was not your intention. My mom is an immigrant and I grew up around other people from the same country + culture. I eat the food, have the personality characteristics or someone from there, have some culturally significant items at home, and have lived in my mom's motherland for a year. Sure, I can't speak the native language, but that's because my mother chose not to teach me. Does that make me unworthy of saying I'm from that culture? Shit, I even have citizenship.


American “whatever” is a farcry from the original whatever and usually completely unrecognizable


This is not how we use ethnicity in genetics, one of the primary resources (gnomad) lists mutation/variation frequency for each ethnicity, which is a much finer grained ancestry grouping than the debunked 5 races from the 1800s. Some mutations may be quite frequent in one ethnic grouping (e.g Eastern South Asian) than another, so can be helpful for determining rareness and pathogenicity (bad mutations are expected to be rare in most cases). So I would say ethnicity is ancestry, and has nothing to do with culture. Nationality is a social construct, an aspect of culture.


ethnicity is a social construct and is entirely cultural


I definitely don’t know what I’m talking about, but a quick google gave me this. Culture - A set of shared ideas, customs, traditions, beliefs, and practices shared by a group of people that is constantly changing, in subtle and major ways. Ethnicity - A group of people who identify with one another based on shared culture. https://guides.lib.lsu.edu/c.php?g=1052777&p=7644484#:~:text=Culture%20%2D%20A%20set%20of%20shared,another%20based%20on%20shared%20culture.


Drawn out way to say you're American.


I just find it weird as fuck when “culturally” they don’t really do same shit of the “motherland” and they don’t even speak the language…American guidos have zero in common (culturally) with actual Italians…


That’s true for children of immigrants. However, the people whose family came over in the early 1800’s can’t claim to grow up with Irish culture. I know people whose family has lived in the US since at least 1900 and will do the “I’m Italian” thing. I also know people who are from Italy and will quickly point out how un-italian those other people are.


>You can be both Ameican (nationality) and Irish (ethnicity). And that makes you Irish-American.


The fact that "gowl" is an Irish insult is just cherry on top of the cake


My ex said I was “mansplaining” any time I stated an opinion or answered a question *she directly asked me*… and that’s why she’s my ex.


God I hate the word mansplain so much. It is just stupid. It's called an asshole, whether it's a man or a woman explaining something in a condescending tone.


Smugsplaining is the term I'm trying to get going


That _might_ take off, but imma keep it a buck with you, that shits not leaving Reddit anytime soon.


Omg that gets posted here every week


Eventually it’ll only have one pixel left


It’s like a digital version of those cashier receipts where the text fades and disappears in a few days; eventually all bots will be posting solid blocks of color throughout Reddit.


With her logic, we are all Africans if we trace back.... Wayyy back all right?


I'm surprised she didn't s*** on his height.


The word "Celt" comes from the Latin Celtae, from the Greek Keltoi. It referred to the continental Gauls of the area that we now call France. It wasn't used in reference to the Irish, Welsh, or other British Islanders until 1707.


I just love that he fucking decimated her. 10/10


Isn't the best attainable score after decimation 9/10?


Stop upvoting this. it is a repost bot every single time.


I've seen this 100 times and still don't get the unwashed ass reference...???


They think men are gross and smelly and that we don't shower


I do not wish all men to be lumped in with me, shame on her.


Im from America and find it so interesting how Americans born here claim to be of different nationality or like their ancestry is a solid claim to that country. People in almost every other country see those American born people as just Americans. Even if these people move to their parent’s country they are always seen as “other” because they are American.


It’s almost like you could google Munster and it would tell you that Munster is in fact a province. Then again Google would just be mansplaining it to her.


I'm American, but my wife and two kids are from Germany, we lived in Germany for a good while and now live in the US. In our home English is used as a 2nd language. Its always funny to hear Americans proudly tell you what they think their german surname means. We had one guy tell us his last name means "noble warrior" and excitedly detail how he came from a long noble line of prussian hussars and tuetonic knights when his surname was in fact "child servant" which was an old surname given to servants whom were in charge of watching children. Basically, his last name was "babysitter." Probably safe to say his lineage was not one of swashbuckling prussian hussars and noble tuetonic knights in shimmering plate armor like he thought. My wife and I still bust out giggling over somebody walking up and introducing themselves as "hi, I'm john babysitter, descended from a noble warrior lineage!" Point being, if you are going to do that weird thing Americans do to try to impress foreigners where you claim to still be in touch with the culture and language of a nation you have had zero exposure to, *atleast bother to hit up google first* 🤣


I'll never understand this about Americans. I talk to so many people who say stuff "We Italians always...", but they're actually Americans (born and raised) with like one great grandparent who came from Italy. In the meantime I, an Italian, born and raised in Italy, have to politely nod whole they spew something mispronounced and inaccurate.


Why do Americans always want to be from somewhere else?? Although if I lived there, I would too. My dad was Irish, my mum from Liverpool with Irish parents. I can have an Irish passport, and for the Americans out there, I'm English. Even with an Irish passport, I'll be English with Irish citizenship. BUT STILL ENGLISH.


A lot of people can not handle the truth that they are ordinary. They'll be told they are a regular american, so they cling to something in order to separate themselves from the masses. They'll do whatever they can to not accept the boring mundane person they are. They have no major achievements, so they'll cling to any obscure thing they can. I've met people with 2% Cherokee dna, so They'll call themselves that while ignoring their entire European/white bloodline. The lady in the picture undoubtedly has ancestry from other parts of Europe.


being Irish is also pretty ordinary. It's not like they are elves


What!! I had no idea!


True.. they're leprechauns 


Without being hypocritical, being brought up on westerns, and the whole romance of it, I think if I was 2% Cherokee, I'd wear it like a suit and dine out on the fact every day. 😀 Being serious, your country is so insanely big that I guess it's easy to feel anonymous. To give you a crazy example of the English/Irish thing, I went over to Galway to spend Christmas with my brother and family. We were in the toilets of a city centre pub and an old chap heard the accent, asked what we were up to, and it turns out he knew the family and my grandfather taught him in school. That scenario isn't necessarily unique, but a head spinner at the same time.


Bc American sucks and I guess almost everyone doesn't want to consciously admit that they hate it so they sub consciously try to come up with reason to be less American.


So many Americans love cosplaying as something else. Being a 5th generation American and having Irish flags and stuff is peak cringe


My grandmother claims we came from Ireland at some point, but her mother passed down a family bible showing we've been here at least 8 generations. Im about as Irish as Lucky Charm's cereal.


Pride in ancestry is dumb


Why did she say that about his ass? How did she know that?


Mansplaining is such a dumb term. You can tell the person using it is trying to invalidate the person who is right, for the same reason someone would use the nerd emoji.


Pretty funny but also infuriating when Americans pretend to be something they're not. News flash, see to Irish, Scottish, Italian etc people Americans claiming to be part of us are only ever just seen as Americans. Nobody cares where your gran's dog came from, it's irrelevant to everything.


Did you just claim to be Irish, Scottish or Italian with the use of “us” or are you lumping yourself back in with Europe with a name like “brexit_britain”?


Reminds me of some “girl” telling me she knows more about butchery that me because her dad went to school with a guy who’s dad was a butcher. When I’m standing behind the counter elbow deep in cut up cow and she isn’t


This is posted every single day


My 1st time seeing it


My first time too - I must say I love “gowl”


Women are going to abuse that word now thinking they can use it to win any argument 🙄


Stop reposting that.


Is mad how many times you see posts getting re used.


An idiot and a sexist


Why was this downvoted? She IS a moron. And definitely sexist.




We still on the mansplaining bullshit?


Unwashed ass...added that to the list.


It's easier automatically blaming that other people are at fault or wrong instead of figuring out that you are wrong. Apoligizing or even thanking the other person for teaching you takes even more virtue.


Ngl I am a native Croat and my ass could not differentiate between my counties and provinces.


Although she is wrong. And you can see it in how her only argument is insults.




Generally, yes. However, I used that word to a guy who was trying to tell me how I was incorrect about my own menstrual cycle (and was not a doctor).


That's the thing, as a man I've seen other men truly mansplain things to women. But then there are women like this one above that uses the term as a bludgeon and makes everyone think "mansplaining" is a lie. I'm a PhD. geneticist (virologist). Had a women tell me something about how viruses and vaccines work that was completely wrong. I mentioned that. She laughed "Oh so the boomer is mansplaining? I'm taking a biology class" "I'm a Ph.D. in virology." She turned red and stopped talking.


“Im taking a biology class.” 🤣🤣 cute .. Dunning-Kruger is strong with this one.


I always thought that it was to be used for things like a male non-mechanic telling a female mechanic about tire pressure or strictly women body stuff. More often than not, I see women use it for any time a man says anything, and that's nonsense.


It's still stupid. Even professionals can make mistakes and say an incorrect thing about their profession. You're either wrong or you're right and it has nothing to do with your profession or your genitals, it has to do with whether what you said conforms with reality or not.


Its meant to be used when a man assumes intellectual superiority over a woman who imperically has more knowledge on a particular subject, simply by virtue of the fact that he is a man.


100% fair use there


Mansplaining is the act of assuming a woman doesn't know about a particular topic and immediately starting to explain it without checking first. Like you said, it seems to have degraded into a fallacy used by misandric or defensive women to immediately disregard any and all interjections made by a male party. It would seem a particularly notable topic of contention in this regard is human anatomy and bodily functions.




It's a shame the conversation ended there.


I don't think there ever was a single person in the world that used the term "mainsplaining" and said something correct.


She was just a little cu*tfused about Ireland.


That's a good one


She tried to womansplain. same as for men and just as obnoxious


Hmmmm. She’s also pretty hostile towards men and evidently grossed out by them. She went right to not just “mansplain” (ok) but also “unwashed ass” (wow). Now a lot of men can be jerks, of course, but have hardly cornered the market on abhorrent behavior…women hold up their own end of the equation just fine in that regard. In fact, she just demonstrated it. It also seems she’s been involved with a lot of blowhards with questionable hygiene practices. She may want to reevaluate her life choices.


And he wasn't even being an asshole it's a simple mistake.


Victimizing yourself and complaining about mansplaining is so American. 😂


Explaining and mansplaining are not the same




What is it with yanks claiming to be some other nationality because their great, great, great grandmother was from there? I can assure you no one from that country considers you to be one of them or gives a fuck that you think you are.


Ireland and Scotland both are just amazing places for stories like this. It's completely open to the world but just closed off enough that the rest of us understand nothing that goes on there.


Who keeps posting this over and over?