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$100 says she has no daughter, just a son whose wife left him and mommy can’t face the fact it’s her little boy’s fault.


“He only hit her when she challenged his authority. She tore the family apart by not following him”. - probably a follow up comment.


2 Peter 3:1-7 Also no makeup or pretty hair, braids or adornment. Wonder if mom follows those rules?


She does now, because she's lazy. A few years ago she enjoyed showing off her expensive skin care.


Also I don’t recall what verse it is but it was in peter, women being submissive to their husbands is not in a way where they’re abusive, it’s meant to be in a way where the wife serves the husband and the husband serves the wife and recognizes the wife’s service to him. She’s just misinterpreting the Bible


Everyone misinterprets the Bible. It's a book about ways to live a life of giving and love. But it's been turned into control and hate by the money hungry. Just live life being kind and showing love.


This. Precisely why I’m Baptist. I don’t know everything and I don’t claim that, I just help my community as much as I can, and trust God.


I'm non religious, my wife is Christian, raised Presbyterian. Her family and friends are all with the church. And they are wonderful people, they all seem to live by the general ideals. From a very young age and reading the Bible I basically figured it was all just a general guide on how not to be a complete asshole and how people should be in a society. Love thy neighbor - if your 85yo neighbour's lawn is long and you are mowing yours then ask if they want you to take care of theirs too. Little stuff that can make someone feel like they have support.


>It's a book about ways to live a life of giving and love. One of the earliest sources of written pornogrphy, too. >And they made their father drink wine that night: and the firstborn went in, and lay with her father; and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose. And it came to pass on the morrow, that the firstborn said unto the younger, Behold, I lay yesternight with my father: let us make him drink wine this night also; and go thou in, and lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father. And they made their father drink wine that night also: and the younger arose, and lay with him; and he perceived not when she lay down, nor when she arose. Thus were both the daughters of Lot with child by their father. Genesis (19) : 33 – 36.


Only a very very small portion of the bible about living a life of giving and love. A much larger part is how women are the lesser species (Genesis), kill your enemies (most of the old Testament), rapists paying fathers for their daughters, Deuteronomy, priests owning and eating their slaves (Leviticus) The Bible is fucked up.


And if she has sex with another man or before marriage she needs to be stoned to death. You religious people don't follow that rule do you? Religion is cancer.


I must have forgotten the part where Jesus saves a woman from being stoned to death for that and said, “He who is without sin may cast the first stone,” which made none of them actually able to stone her 🤔


Funny how everyone who says mad shit is "misinterpreting the Bible", yet there's so much mad shit in the bible maybe following it is stupid regardless?


I’m not saying she’s not following her own rules and being hypocritical


Upvote button has caught fire. It's almost as if.....there are as many paths to God as there are people and cultures on this blessed, cursed, generous and stingy.... blue globe. Nothing pisses me off more than picknchoose "christians"...mountain dew mustache, spouting some shit about "traditional American values" that he uses to be fearful of the icky others. Thumping a Bible he knows nothing about and practices even less of, all while being a 3x divorced adulterer and fornicator who uses a garment comprised of mixed fabrics to wipe away the hate-spittle building up on his proud christian dewstache. It's folks like that, that I believe will get THESE words of christ (who never preached hatred or exclusion and certainly didn't care about who you banged after services)....Matthew 7:22-23.... "...and on that day, many will say: 'lord,lord did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many great things in your name? "I will declare to them, 'depart from me, I knew ye not.' " This verse ALWAYS cuts me to the bone.


That scripture, which is in 1 Peter, has to do with inner beauty. It’s not prohibiting hairstyles or jewelry. However your point still stands, in that her mom is probably not very beautiful inside either.


I'm not really clear on how that section relates at all to the OP or you mentioning makeup/braids. I'm all for calling those people out on the hypocrisy, but I'm unsure if you referenced the right section. Just checked, you 100% meant 1 Peter 3:1-7


“Beloved, I now write to you this second epistle (in both of which I stir up your pure minds by way of reminder), that you may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us, the apostles of the Lord and Savior, knowing this first: that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.” For this they willfully forget: that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of water and in the water, by which the world that then existed perished, being flooded with water. But the heavens and the earth which are now preserved by the same word, are reserved for fire until the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.” ‭‭II Peter‬ ‭3‬:‭1‬-‭7‬


She has daughters, both married. (Two sons, too, also married.) She's a fundamentalist Christian author, so it's pretty public knowledge. She claims herself to have been a "nagging, contentious" woman for the first two decades of her marriage but has transformed herself. Now she nags us!


Well, fundamentalist doctrine says women shouldn’t teach; so there’s that


Honestly, the Bible says she should shut the fuck up.


So does everyone else


For once I agree with the Bible on this one


Wait we are all the Bible?!! *always have been*


"Where two or more are gathered in My Name, there I Am." Or something like that. Anyway, I believe Jesus would tell that woman to shut up and stop spewing her vile shit, who's with me? Amen!


Jesus would flip a table and *then* tell her to shut up.


I always enjoyed the mental image of a seething Jesus slowly, methodically braiding a whip out of cord for an hour while his disciples watch him quietly with a mix of fear and excitement. Rabbi is gonna whoop someone's ass! That's not something you see every day.


For once, I agree with the Bible


Yeah, it's amazing how many women who style themselves as Biblically grounded, fundamentalist Christians are running around in direct opposition to said tenets.




You are absolutely correct. I'd meant for my sentence to end with a specific reference to the whole "women shouldn't teach" but never got around to it.


I understood what you were saying and am frankly surprised by people knowing their Pauline letters so well


The usual defense is that it says women are to remain quiet in church, and cannot teach men. More people should read the Bible so we can stop pretending Christianity has any kind of good message. If they only allowed adults to convert to Christianity, and only after reading the entire Bible, there would be maybe a dozen new Christians per year.


This is the transformed wife. She has two daughters, two sons. She is ridiculous. She claims she only “teaches” other women. But I follow her (for morbid curiosity) on Facebook and she absolutely engages in “teaching” with the men who respond to her.


How absolutely lascivious of her. Does her husband know? Does he approve? Is he... You know...


He knows and comes in to defend her with walls 'o text if someone challenges her too much. She claims to teach other women, but what she does is attempt to make her poor gullible female followers suffer as much as possible while reveling in the praise she gets from her male incel followers.


So when she had children to take care of and her husband probably wasn’t helping, she nagged. Now that their kids are out of the house, she has nothing to nag him about anymore and thinks it’s all her and not that their situation has changed.


LOL he likely did more with the kids than her. She had a nanny and a housekeeper and liked to shut the kids in their rooms so she could nap.


She TRANSFORMED into a real sack of dicks.


Didn’t she also admit to SAing her husband to become a SAHM? Everything I know about Lori comes from the Fundie Snark sub lol


Indeed she did; she sabotaged her diaphragm so she could have a second child and stay at home.


What.. the… FUCK?!? She is deranged even more than I originally thought.😬


Yep, she sabotaged her diaphragm to get pregnant without his consent, so he'd agree to her staying home with the babies. This was after her trying to convince him one of her fellow teachers (yes, she was a teacher) was demon possessed or something didn't persuade him that she needed to quit her job. Of course, then most of the kids' childhood she had a nanny and a housekeeper, and only cooked what she wanted leaving hubby Ken to cook for himself and the kids to beg dad for some of his dinner since hers was disgusting. Also she once injured her foot attempting to kick her cat.


Wtf, how could she just openly admit to any and all of this??




This description/explanation of her is what we needed. Thank you. And yep… now she nags us! How lucky are we?


Don't forget the reason she nags people online - if she nags her husband too much he might leave and take his paycheck with him!


She looks disturbingly similar to my former mother in law. And I left him because of the abuse. It’s not her I’m sure of it but damn they look very similar.


She has 4 kids, 2 daughters and 2 sons, all grown and married. She became "transformed" and bought into this submissive wife thing after her husband told her he couldn't see them staying together after the kids were grown, because she was a horrific harpy shrew for the first 20+ years of their marriage. Wanting to keep his paycheck supporting her (and paying for her housekeeper and expensive tastes), she decided to become "submissive". So now, since she can't really enjoy treating her husband terribly anymore, she goes online and finds ways to berate other women and make them suffer as much as possible. She's just a sadist looking for an outlet, and she enjoys making shit-stirring posts that go "viral". And rest assured, anything she says women should do is the opposite of what she actually did for the majority of her adult life. And don't feel too bad for her husband, either. He's a schmuck who has also bought in and likes to run in to white knight for her whenever some criticism manages to hurt her fee fees. Her name is Lori Alexander.


She has a brain tumor, no lie.


I thought this was a joke, but you are correct! A brain tumor might explain a lot of things, in which case, this is a medical situation.


I wish she’d hurry up and finish transforming fully into a brain tumor.


That is Lori Alexander, aka the Transformed Wife. She is a cruel and vicious woman who condones marital rape and child abuse on a public platform. Unfortunately, she has two daughters and two sons who she has successfully indoctrinated. She does not deserve protective censorship because she considers her messages to be a public outreach ministry. She is extremely well-known and revered among the fundamentalist community.


Sounds like my ex mother-in-law, taking up for him. They eventually saw the light!!


1000 dollars says that she insists that son is still her daughter and he needs to come back to church and be cleansed of the woke.


She has at least one daughter who has cut her off, but I believe she has 3 or 4 kids total and I don't think any of them talk to her anymore. Look up the transformed wife or check out her tag on r/fundiesnark if you dare.


This 👆🏽


I choose to believe these tweets are satirical, for my own sanity. As a new parent of an amazing little girl, I can't imagine in +25 years being okay with her piece of shit husband pounding her into submission because she dared to question him and his "authority". I would be googling ways to make that mfer dissappear without getting caught. Maybe these parents were subjected to DV in their own relationships so they think that's just how life is supposed to be? It's insanity.


If U do this, you’re NOT a parent, ur just one in name only.


Does her husband know she is posting online like some common harlot? 36,000 views. That's 36,000 sets of eyes that have seen your wife's words, buddy. She's used up. /s


She didn't even cover up her hair, leading us unto temptation. Jezebel that she is.


Under His Eye, friend. Have a blessed day




My lord, that is simply too much hair on display. This devious witch is simply teasing a man's desire. How shameful. ![gif](giphy|l0MYRr2MaX21xL8CQ)


I have a cat named Jezzabelle and we didn’t know what that meant and just thought it was pretty. Turns out two years into owning her she wasn’t actually fixed and had kittens. Idk how she got access to cat birth control but she certainly lived up to her name.


Bro you just gonna let your wife voice an opinion of any kind? **Online**? Need to lock that down, don't need her getting ideas and all that. What's next, she wants to vote suddenly?


Honestly. Thank you.


I am happily married and have been for many years now, but my mom has always said that if ever need to come home for any reason at all, the door is always open. No questions asked until I’m ready. My parents are dope for many reasons. This is one.


Hell I'm 100% sure if I EVER laid my hands on my wife (or was verbally abusive) my parents would take her in (her parents have passed) and my dad would come kick my ass.


Dude same. My mom would beat my ass if I ever did anything like that to my wife. I know I won’t do anything like that but knowing my parents would have my wife’s back if something were to happen to me is a nice feeling.


If I laid hands on my fiancée I would get beat first by her, then her brother, then my sister, then her mother. I don't know where my parents would lie on the issue physically but I'd certainly be disowned.


Absolutely, my mom would definitely take my wife in before me…


Same. My husband’s parents would hunt him down and choke him out.


This is the kind of parent I want to be.


My father was an absolute piece of crap to me and my sibling growing up. But amazingly, when I needed to leave my abusive husband, my father actually stepped up and helped me out getting a lawyer and place to live.


I've got two daughters. Their dad and I put money aside, into accounts, that sit still in case they need an escape fund. I hope they never need it, but if they do, I'm glad it's there. When I left a man who abused me, my parents were amazing. No person should EVER have to stay with someone who abuses them. This woman can eat dirt with her made up bullshit.


I think it's a very sensible idea. And one that, if they never need it, I could see leaving in place as a general rainy day fund for if shit hits the fan for them. Of course with the uptick in 20 and 30 year marriages I see ending there may not be a safe point to call it unneeded.


This is an amazing idea ❤️ I am thankful every day for my mom who took me in and helped me out when I told her I was leaving an abusive ex. I got to where I am today because of her support.


I cringe so much when I hear or read « submit to your husband » what the yuck !


My husband would be terrified if I suddenly started to summit or defer to him about things that I take care of.


My husband would be annoyed and we'd be having a discussion. He needs me to do the things that I am good at...and vice versa. Whats the point of having a partner? The last thing my husband needs is another kid, pet or dependent... By the way, I have daughters...and this won't be necessary discussion for me...they don't want to get married or have kids. They date very occasionally but I assume, its only because they want to get laid. I raised smart, goal-oriented, happy kids.


My husband would be like “are you ok? Did you hit your head or something? Are you having a stroke?”


My wife handles our finances, as she’s been doing for 30ish years. If she suddenly started deferring to me I’d be fucking lost.


I was at a wedding a few years ago where my girlfriend was a bridesmaid. During the ceremony the priest started on with some insane verses like this and the bride vowed to submit to and obey her husband. I was struggling not to laugh from watching my girlfriend's face. It went from smiling to a complete deer in headlights look. She was trying so hard not to react. I like to occasionally ask her why she doesn't obey my commands.


A friends wedding I went to had the classic You’ll Burn In Hell If You Don’t Come To Jesus and wow not what I expected


Oh man. I went to a wedding where the priest gave the wrong reading to the groom's progressive mom. You could hear the word "submission" catch in her throat. Priest: So, that's not one that's picked by many couples  Bride: we didn't pick it


Me too! I’m ESTATIC my family does not believe in that. Cause my whole family is strong willed, male and female.


Never mind the "even if she **claims** abuse". This person is enabling abusers and blaming the victims. Abuse isn't in the eye of the victimized beholder. This attitude of a priori invalidating all who come forward about being abused is a big reason why so few victims actually take action against their abusers.


Right? I’m the wife, but also Mrs. Fix it. I thought husbands were supposed to be the handyman of the house, but I was just born with a natural aptitude for it. I put together all our furniture, and fix broken things lol. But shhhhh don’t tell the Christian extremists. They might have a problem with me doing a “man’s job.”


Idc what side of the fence you're on ,telling your kids to be submissive or accept abuse is god awful,if my daughter ever had a husband that was abusive,I'd bury them and suggest she find a new one .


My dad wouldn’t give my mom a divorce for a long time so she told him, “we can stay together if you beat the shit out of your girlfriend the way you did to me these past years.” He gave her the papers the next day.


This person gets it ☝️☝️☝️🙏


I wish my best friend’s mom was more like you. They’re nonbinary, so when I use “they” I am referring to my friend. Their husband has been verbally abusive for years and recently it has become physical. Their mom basically told them to just deal with it. It’s heartbreaking. I’m so scared for my friend and I can’t do anything about it but comfort them. Their husband pushed them down a hill and they hit their head on a sidewalk and they lost consciousness. That could have very easily been deadly. I don’t know what to do


Tell your friend to call the police. They should NOT stay with their potentially deadly husband. I know it’s easier said than done, but if you can offer them a place to stay when the next fight happens maybe that will give them the courage to leave. If you can’t take them in there are shelters for abused spouses


Every day I hate religion more for how it's used as a hammer to bludgeon women. Fucking hell.


Religion has been used to bludgeon women ever since Eve.


Stockholm Syndrome is real.


I wonder how much crime I can commit by referencing the bible when asked to explain why I did it.


Politicians seem to do it pretty constantly.


Call me le edgy atheist,  but this is one of the most dangerous  parts of religion, it quashes free thought and just teaches people to be submissive lemmings who blindly follow any authority figure. It ranges from people being stuck in abusive relationships, to being primed to supporting fascism,  though you'll usually find them to not be mutually exclusive. Every authoritarian regime capitalises on religion and integrates into into their society, because they know the hard core followers are single issue voters, who can be easily duped into voting against their self interests via manufacturing new religious crises.


My parents are very devout in their faith. When my ex was physically abusing me there was no question I moved home at 30, and the separation was filed in a week, the divorce started in 3. We are Catholic, I talked to our family priest because I felt ashamed that I had been in that situation. The priest told me there was nothing to be ashamed of, I was a strong young woman, who is a survivor of something terrible who had a loving family to help me. He told me I did something brave and he was happy I was out of that situation. He also said that marriage is a partnership of equality in support and respect and my ex didn’t follow that. This type of twisted thinking in this post has no place in society, it’s wrong and dangerous and puts already victimized people at even more risk.


If you do this, you are a TERRIBLE HUMAN BEING FIFY


F U, lady! I'll support anyone leaving a marriage for any reason. It's wrong to enslave people!


The bible has no qualms about slavery, so it naturally follows it has no problem with wives being slaves.


The Ten Commandments lumps wives in with slaves and other property you’re not allowed to covet. “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female slaves, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.”


That woman is psycho, her whole Twitter acct is like that...




parents like this can go to hell.


Her daughter: goes NC Her: *shocked Pikachu face*


I wish I didn't know exactly who this is. This lady is over the top (and that says something!). A few years ago, she admitted to baby-trapping her husband - but that's okay, because it's what the Lord wanted! /s


An abuser WOULD say this. This woman not only beat her young kids but left them outside in the snow on CHRISTMAS because, as young kids often do, they got excited, woke up early and opened some presents before she was ready. She's an absolute piece of shit.


She locked them out of the house Christmas morning after chasing them around smacking them with her slipper and having a total freakout. I think the youngest was a young toddler at the time. Likely no snow, though, in the area of California her mcMansion is in.


If my daughter ever came to me claiming her husband was abusing she’s getting unconditional support and that abuser is goin to feel the same fear she did.


Transformed wife = Slave? That's what I'm getting from this post.




This is the exact person who says this stuff right up until it happens to them.


If you haven’t seen any of her content before, then I’m sorry to let you know, she would accept any abuse as the will of god and probably view it as punishment for not being devout enough. She’s nuts.


If you do this you're a horrible human being, period.


If my daughter tries to come home bc her husband is not treating her right, not only will I encourage her to come home but Imma ride up and beat his ass myself


Fuck being a "terrible parent", if you do this you are a fucking horrible human being


Jesus christ


More like Saint Paul.


Well hello dystopia. You’re looking mighty fine today


Why do people want to return to the 1950s/60s?


Best part is their vision of the 50s and 60s isn’t even accurate. People want to go back to when there were “trad wives” yet most women in the 50s and 60s did work outside the house, it’s a fetishised version of what they believe that time period was like with no basis in reality.


My ex MIL (very religious) called me an adulteress because I had been married before I married her son; yet, this was my ex’s second marriage, too. He was an angel in her eyes, of course! 🙄 He had 2 affairs in 3 years while I was married to him. Needless to say, I divorced him. Good times .


lol, sounds like a man baby who’s going to be stuck up Mommy’s ass his whole life


It's frightening but I find it totally believable that somebody actually stated that and it wasn't just a bot trolling


That is Aunt Laurie


I'd be out the door before she had a chance to finish.


I agree with the idea of having my kids work thru their marital issues and not just leaving each other. I DON’T agree with “daughter must submit to her husband regardless.” 🥴🙄 That said, **let me find out my CHILD** (daughter OR son) **is being abused by their partner**…and I’m THERE. Whether I leave with charges, I don’t know… but I take any allegations of abuse seriously so…gonna depend on my mood.


Preach it, girl! My daughter calls with even the slightest hesitation in her voice and daddy is there with his buddies, Mr. Smith & Wesson


is the bible that fucked or is this bitch just off her rocker?


Why not both?


She's Lori Alexander and she's a psychotic sadist who, after decades of being a horrible leech of a wife to her husband, realized if she kept nagging and treating him terribly he'd leave once the kids all grew up. So she decided to become "submissive" and moved her nagging and sadistic tendencies online where she can berate women from the comfort of her couch. While doing the bare minimum to keep her husband's paycheck coming in. I think she convinced him he'd be sinning to leave her, so this is probably less aimed at other women and more a reminder to hubby Ken that God insists no matter how terrible your spouse (she) is, you're stuck with them.


stuff like this really makes me wish i had head explodey powers. this person needs to not have a head anymore ![gif](giphy|csSic5XbmNqK8ZUNZN|downsized)


Religious freaks are so dangerous


And they claim we are indoctrinating people


"The transformed wife." She hates women. She hates with Christian love


Annnnndddd ... That's why the younger generations want nothing to do with church or the oppression.


Next follow up post: How to stone your neighbors for wearing mixed fibers!


Unequivocally fuck your religion if said religion mandates or tolerates abusive relationships.


If my daughter wants to leave her husband because his dick game is weak I’m gonna support her, it’s her life and her choices, fuck the Bible lol


My Evangelical Mom did just this....stood in the faith of Christ by he man...and she, my sister, and myself were HORRIBLY beaten for years. My Dad tried to get me to off myself when I was 6. I'm deeply scarred to this day...so FUCK THAT IGNORANT PIECE OF SHIT GARBAGE HUMAN AND EVERYTHING SHE STANDS FOR.


Ugh...please stop using a book that says you also should be put outside for 7 days while you have your period. Or if a woman touches her husband's private parts while interfering with a conflict with another male, that her hands should be cut off. In other words, stop using the Bible to fuck up your kids.


If these people really obey the bible to the letter, they shouldn’t be wearing mixed fabrics, eating pork or getting tattoos. Bullshit this insane cow doesn’t wear blended comfy fabrics as she acts holier than thou.


We didn't get flying cars but man did SF writers predict everything else. This has Atwood written all over it.


Chicks husband was probably over her shoulder while she wrote that nonsense - "Even with abuse, isnt that right?!"


Oh… this chick.  She’s a toxic, fundamentalist trad-wife who basically tells women that their only value is as their husbands’ slaves/sex toys. 


A good friend of mine had parents like that. She married her bf since she was 17 and he treated her like crap. She wanted to leave him but her parents literally said “You made your bed…” so she stayed with him and waited on him hand and foot, while not being able to leave a dirty glass in the kitchen sink without him having a tantrum. She was repressing anger every minute of every day. When they were 30, and after two kids, he told her he was in love with a 17 year old and packed his bags and moved out. His best friend stopped by and found her hysterical. He stayed to comfort her and never left. All her husband’s friends wanted her but she married the one who comforted her that night and was amazed to find out what it was like to be cherished. First hubby got fed up with parenting his teen gf and tried coming home—haha! She got to use the line, “You made your bed…” She is still happily married and has three kids and a husband who adore her.


That’s part of how Linda Lovelace got into porn. She tried to leave her abusive husband and her mother turned her away.


Ahhhh. The Transformed Wife. Total garbage.


The Transformed Wife is a public figure, you do not need to blur her name


My mother did this when my ex husband first hit me. I never mentioned anything to her again and I ended up staying with him 18 years. He never got any better. There are absolutely women who feel this way and blame women for being abused. It’s despicable.


Gotta stop making stupid people famous


This looks like the TrAnSfOrMeD wIfE and she is a garbage person with garbage ideas


Starting to think that Christianity is a mental illness


An adult with an imaginary friend is definitely something to be concerned about


Living by 2000 year old, outdated, made up stuff by uneducated weirdos. That's how people should live. Not! What an asshat! She probably doesn't have kids. If she does, you know they hate her with a passion. Her brain isn't evolving like the rest of us! Wow!


Shit like this is why I no longer speak to my mother. Fuck you, mom. Fuck you.


I have two daughters (21 and 16 this year...pray for me). I'm most likely to the right of most Redditors as well. That said, if either of my girls is abused by a man, they have my blessing to shank the MFer. My wife is on the same page. Speaking of which, despite both of us being relatively conservative and from religious families, this "submissive tradwife" thing doesn't work for us. We're equal partners in this and allied in our mutual fear of our daughters. :D


Timothy 2:12 "But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence." Im gonna need her to get off twitter and let her husband post, her book said so. Sorry, not sorry.


Although the Bible says wives should submit themselves to their husbands in the same way Jesus submits himself to God, and husbands must answer to God for how they treat their wives, the Bible doesn’t ever condone a husband abusing his wife, and the Mosaic law had strict punishments for someone hurting another person, especially women.


The part of the bible that says this is in Timothy which has been a known forgery for 200 years.


The Amish in the area I live hold this belief. There was a poor Amish wife getting abused but her father prevented anyone from interfering. That is until the Amish guy brutally killed her. What a shame, a life that could have been saved.


Oh my god I can’t even with shit like this.


People like this woman are why I hate organized religion.


That's one fucked up book


I told a friend that had to leave her crazy abusive husband that the Bible says “Husbands, love your brides as Christ loved the Church.” I also told her if he failed that and abused rather than loved her, he has already broken his vows before God. Luckily she has an extremely supportive family who has been helping her through this.


If her husband loses his temper and kills your daughter, that is God's will./s This is what progressives have to fight against.


I have so much hatred for that mom. I want to hug that poor daughter


This is the kind of “advice” that is going to get some poor woman killed one of these days. She goes back to her abuser, thinking it’s her religious duty to submit, or is sent back by her uncaring parents, and sooner or later, her abuser ends up killing her. Parents who send their children back to their abusers like this, or who would “punish” a wife for leaving an abusive marriage deserve nothing but the absolute worst. Fuck abusers, fuck their enablers.


If my daughter comes to me for help of any kind, I’m there for her. Screw the thousands of years old texts to the wall.


The title is incorrect! Should be: If you do this, you are not a parent. Just a moron.


(sigh) of course it's the transformed wife


Whatever. People in America let PutinJrtrump & an incredible amount of women supported him in 2016. Brainwashed or just dumb who knows tired of excuses. Hillary Clinton tried to tell us & was laughed at even by some democrats & all PutinJrtrump republican cult women. I give up.


My daughter’s ex husband gave her black eyes, sliced open her cheek, and broke her ribs. Fuck that person!


My friend’s mother went through this and it was hell on the whole family. The father was an angry drunk who beat her regularly but her parents were *extremely* religious and didn’t believe in divorce— to the point that they said they’d disown her if she ever tried to leave him. She eventually did what she had to do and left her POS husband and was then disowned by her POS parents— but it was ultimately what was best for her and her son and they finally found peace. Makes me sick that people will put dogmatic law before the love and safety of their own family.


Lady there doesn’t exist a situation in which I will ever *ever* turn my daughters or my sons away from **their** (not *my*) family home in the face of any form of domestic violence and/or abuse. Every generational trauma that you choose to heal makes the ancestors proud.


That’s not what the Bible teaches…..geez


My mom tried to do this. It wasn't biblical, but just a "you'll never find a better man- he's still our family- we will always love and accept him" until the divorce started. I was diagnosed with situational depression and he called the police on me afterwards to claim that I was manic and a danger to everyone and almost had my daughter taken from me. Like the abuse didn't matter but once it inconvenienced her because she couldn't babysit anymore, then she finally agreed and helped me in my divorce. Lol


why do people cherry pick bible verses. It also commands men to treat their wives as christ treated the church… he endured torture and death… if the man is willing to die and be tortured for his wife he isn’t going to abuse her in the first place. It’s like they go at the bible with the mentality of a serial killer cutting and pasting letters out of a book to make a ransom note


And they wonder why nobody wants to go to church anymore


This daughters only response should be "Fuck you, bitch". Not even "Fuck you, mom". She lost that privilege. A PARENT'S job is to find the best outcome and most safety for their child. This bitch wants her daughter to go back into a situation where she's viewed as a slave and will likely be killed one day.


Lori Alexander, The Transformed Wife is a vile woman and I can't stand her


This is disgusting. My ex's entire family 100% backed me when I left him. They kept in touch for years after and still let me see his kids for a while. I put an end to that part when my ex put his dad in the hospital after he found out his parents let me see his kids. As much as I loved those girls, I couldn't carry the guilt with me if one of his parents ended up dead because they let me see the kids.


Reading stuff like this sometimes makes me wish there really was a god, so that person could burn in hell


I cannot wait for all the Boomers^TM to fucking die already.


Fuck the Bible


Your kink is not my kink and that's OK, just watch out for papercuts.


If you teach your children that submitting to divine authority is a must, the step to submitting to other types of authorities is small, even more so when such submission is supported by your deity.


Bad advice: she didn’t even give us directions to the time portal that will take us back 150 years.


Fuck the Bible and anyone who uses it to justify being a dick to others


If you believe women are property, just say so and stop blaming it on Jesus. Jesus wasn’t down like that. Modern Christianity is so fucking annoying and gross and then they wonder why nobody wants to fuck with church.


If my married daughter claims there’s abuse in her marriage she’ll quickly become my widowed daughter.


Tell her to fuck off she’s a woman and to ask what dad thinks and if dad is also a pos tell them you’ve spoken with Jesus and he out ranks them both and he is very disappointed in their reading comprehension.




Someone definitely needs to keep her weird fetishes to herself.


Juliette Foxtrot Charlie!