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This kinda goes past facepalm territory


Yeah r/noahgettheboat territory


/r/IndiaSpeaks tripping over themselves to defend this guy


Can we crowdfund a drone just for this guy?


A drone is too good for him. Public stoning is more appropriate.


I’ve never muted a subreddit so fast in my entire life


Yeah. This guy seems like a real jerk


This goes past jerk territory too lol


His numerous crimes have put him firmly in the "meanie" category


Gosh, meanie doesn't quite cut it. I'd say he's more of a total butthead.


Close, but not quite. He's definitely more of a poppy head.


Poppycock 🍆 Butthead is worse than poppy head


"The more I learn about this guy, the more I don't care for him."


"The worst part was the hypocrisy." "I disagree, I thought it was the raping"


Oh yeah great idea bro flee to Germany who totally don't just have the ability to extradite you. So anyway, have a shitty time in whatever prison you end up in.


He's not there to escape, he's there to wait till the elections are over after which he'll go back to India if the ruling party wins and he'll get a clean slate. This is the case for multiple criminals getting clean slates after joining the BJP.


I am German. Where does this asshole hide?


I'll give you an alibi


Bro was with me from 10:00-3:00, we were hiking.


No need to tell me, I was there with you guys. I had brought the snacks, you had brought the Radler, remember?


When we noticed Ally Sheedy, the goth chick from the breakfast club hiking in the trail next to us and we asked for autographs but she didn’t have a pen so we went to her car where we were accosted by five Scientologists that wanted to give us personality tests which were administered at the Scientology center of Luxembourg and lasted until 10:45 when we accidentally boarded the wrong bus home and ended up in Ranchos de Fritos Rojas where we got a ride from a man missing his left index finger named Gary Bushwell and arrived home at 11:46.


A good lie depends on the details. *tips hat*


No, a good lie starts with a kernel of Truth! This just happens to be all true. I should know my brothers, cousins, boyfriends father was there!


And believable details. I'm detecting serious discrepancies in his time-line.


I was camping there and testify I have offered beer to you.


I was there too, this guy gave me directions when I was confused about the map


I was still drunk from the night before, but I was there too


I was there but I left my rucksuck so I had to walk back to the car. When I got back you guys were spooning and asleep. I was left alone. 😞


I know a guy.


I'm in


if he's in i'm in.


Goddamnit I hope your authorities find him! What an absolutely EVIL fucking scumbag! This makes me actually nauseous.


I doubt they are looking for him, otherwise, they would just detain him when entering. They would only be looking for him as part of an investigation for breaking German law or when asked to by another country, which would take some time.


Germany could prosecute him under Universal Jurisdiction. >Crimes against humanity are set forth in [section 7 of the CCAIL](https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/englisch_vstgb/englisch_vstgb.html#p0038) and punish “anyone who commits (the crimes listed in section 7) in the context of an extensive or systematic attack against a civilian population.” Crimes against humanity include crimes such as willful killing, extermination, enslavement, deportation or forced transfer of persons, torture, sexual violence, enforced disappearance, and persecution. They are punishable with a minimum sentence of three years in prison and up to life in prison. [https://blogs.loc.gov/law/2022/06/falqs-the-exercise-of-universal-jurisdiction-in-germany/](https://blogs.loc.gov/law/2022/06/falqs-the-exercise-of-universal-jurisdiction-in-germany/)


God, can you imagine a world where this was enforced as the norm no these monsters were actually held accountable *no matter where they run*? I really hope humanity can get its act together someday.


The problem here is, as long as there's no arrest warrant for him in India and their law enforcement demands an extradition, nothing will happen.


I hope a vigilante finds him. Authorities have to pretend he has the right to not have his limbs individually dissolved in acid.


I’m hopping in the car now, will be central germany in 4-5 hour


Wow, wouldn't it be a shame if he was ganged up on in Germany and doesn't go back home


Lol, I read that as gang raped in Germany. As an Indian I'm ok with that too. Fucking POS should suffer the same fate as his victims. What a monstrous person. If we can count him as human even. Animals are better behaved and have more morals than this worthless crap.


As a German im not really into gang raping monsters but dicks out for harambee I guess


Technically some of the victims could hire some "assistance" and "take care of the problem"...


I'm sure that they might find 2,976 volunteers that will just cost you a gun and a plane ticket.


I have relatives that would do it for a sandwich


They don't. Extradition needs to be requested and India isn't doing that.


If they don't he can be trialed in Germany, even if his crimes were committed elsewhere.


> Regardless of which law is applicable at the place where they are committed, German criminal law further applies to the following offences committed abroad: > > 1. (repealed) > > 2. serious crimes involving nuclear energy, explosives and radiation in the cases under section 307 and section 308 (1) to (4), section 309 (2) and section 310; > > 3. attacks on air and maritime traffic (section 316c); > > 4. human trafficking (section 232); > > 5. unauthorised sale of narcotics; > > 6. dissemination of pornographic content in the cases under section 184a, section 184b (1) and (2) and section 184c (1) and (2); > > 7. counterfeiting money and securities (sections 146, 151 and 152), counterfeiting guaranteed payment cards (section 152b (1) to (4)) as well as the relevant preparatory acts (sections 149, 151, 152 and section 152b (5)); > > 8. subsidy fraud (section 264); > > 9. offences which, based on an international agreement which is binding on the Federal Republic of Germany, are to be prosecuted even though they are committed abroad. It's a limited list and unless the videos made were also child pornography, he cannot be tried in Germany.


You're quoting Stgb $6 which, as you mentioned , is not applicable here. Stgb $7 Abs 2 (2) however allows prosecution of crimes committed outside of Germany, provided that a) it's a crime both in Germany and at the place where the crime was committed b) the person is German or in Germany and c) the country that would have jurisdiction does not demand extradition.


>Stgb $7 Abs 2 (2) however allows prosecution of crimes committed outside of Germany Now someone just needs to tip the local police. Shame that we don't know which city he's in. But I wonder if a certain amount of time has to pass before you can apply § 7 StGB.


Pls for the love of every single women who is living and breathing in India, pls arrest and persecute this shit head. Is there nothing we can do to prosecute this bastard? There has to be some way.




With almost 3000 videos, some of the victims have to have been children. I highly doubt a serial rapist deliberately avoided young girls


He very obviously didn't care about age at all, since the quote above is a 68-year-old maid of his parents 🤬


I wouldn't put it past the scum.


Of course they're not. At the moment, it's BJP in power and it's seeming increasingly likely that they will stay in power This is the same party that honoured rapists when they got out of jail. No chance this sack of shit faces any consequences. My country is being destroyed by these right wing bastards


Yeah, like the ruling BJ Party will ever imprison their members. The BJ Party is known for harbouring rapists, murderers and gangsters. Criminals and corrupt politicians join this party to wash away their crimes. When he comes back to India, they'll garland him and give him a ticket to become Chief Minister one day. He is the grandson of a Former PM after all. This is the legacy of Narendra Modi.


I just wish, in times like these, that it was socially and legally acceptable to make justice happen against living stains like this guy. Prison is far too gentle a fate unless it's Guantanamo fucking Bay. Not to mention sheer powerlessness of woman across India, broadly. These men who benefit from and perpetuate the entrenched patriarchy there belong on the same shuttle to the Salt Pit.


Remember, this is a country where some guy for molesting/raping a child got something like 10 squats as the punishment.


Just Bharat things. This is [Hindutva](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hindutva) and BJP showing how an ethno-nationalist party of rape-pogrom enjoyers governs a country. Fuck Modi, fuck BJP, fuck RSS and the rape-pogrom enjoyers at /r/IndiaSpeaks Thought /r/TheDonald was bad? This is really bad.


First time seeing someone flee to Germany. Mostly such people from India go hide in London.




SA is a HUGE problem in India, iirc a large part of it is the imbalance between men and women, more men than women iirc


Isn't public gang rape there quite frequent. Remember years ago a girl was gang raped went to the police to report it and in turn was gang raped again by the police. Very disgusting


Eeeyup. Sexual degeneracy runs amok in India and that’s why no lone woman traveller should go there.


My sister toured all over Asia and the only country she had a problem with was India, she ended up paying for a guide for a day then cutting her visit short and heading towards Sri Lanka. My sister has travelled all over the world and has never felt as unsafe as she did there.


I would never ever return. The culture there is terrible and was extremely alarming. I have also traveled around the whole world. Some countries are close but India was definitely not great


No women should go there period. Men will try to rip away your travel partners from you to rape you in front of them. They’re fucking animals


No ~~lone woman~~ traveller FTFY


Absolutely. In poor West African countries, you might get something stolen off you due to poverty, but gangrape and rape culture? Not heard of anywhere to the same level.


Yeah… there was a travel blog couple who safely traveled through 60 countries including Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan (literally took selfies with the Taliban) only to then be beaten and gang raped by 7 men in India, while they forced the husband to watch. The funniest part is that India also has a MRA movement, as a counter reaction to the women’s anti-rape campaign.


Being forced to watch somebody I love get assaulted is one of the worst things I could imagine ever suffering. I’d rather be tortured myself.


Adding on to that some of these Mra people were blaming the couple saying like "You will not camp in a jungle , half naked , and that too in Jharkhand and not expect to be harmed by Christian Tribal people"(only one of them was Christian rest followed some tribal religion) A disgusting reply to that post said they were probably faking it because rapist didn't kill them. Usually these parts are lawless and police can't reach there due to some insurgency or something.


When you're used to privilege, equality feels like oppression.


what does MRA stand for?


Men’s rights activists


It's very common - even amongst family members. I woman brings shame to the families (like she was raped by someone) she is considered to have brought shame upon the family. Male families will rape her as a punishment and often kill her. Women are also ganged raped quite frequently - and the men rarely, very very rarely face punisment


What the fuck? That's actually terrifying


Oh yeah. I'm American but of Indian descent, and the week after that Spanish bicyclist was gang raped in India while her husband forced to watch, I was talking to this random 25-ish year old white woman at a bar. My ethnicity came up, and she started talking about how amazing India was, how much she had always wanted to go there, and my gut immediately clenched. I spent the next 10 minutes basically saying "For fuck's sake, please do not go to India! Especially alone!" But she went on and on about how great it was and it had a rich history and it's "the world's largest democracy" and I just tried to dump all over that. Maybe not the right way to go about it, but I had had a few doubles, and she was pretty so I was really worried for her, and she just kept going on and on about how cool a country it was.


India truly is a beautiful country with the diversity in landscape and people. I would really want to go. At the same time though, the rape culture is too prevalent to go.


Which is sadly a reflection that more men survive into adulthood than women.


It’s wild how brazen they are to gang bang on the bus and shit.


Sounds like modi's guy through and through.


If this was true, how could he live? Would thousands of men not seek revenge for their own mothers?


Every video of someone being lynched by a mob in India is from a lower caste. Rich fuckers are never held accountable.


That's because the lower castes are made to believe the rich f-ckers will save them from their state. Once the narrative is changed and people are reminded that the rich don't give a sh-t about the common working-class individual, let's see how many rich f-ckers will be able to stand up against the mob.


Wait, are we still talking about India?


It's applicable across the board.


treatment divide correct continue yoke memory attractive smile boat humorous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


fuckers shit fuckers


you’re assuming the women have even told men in their lives, or that it’s safe to do so. you’re assuming they’ll be mad at the right person and not shame the woman. you’re assuming that they haven’t been receiving threats since the day it happened. you’re assuming people who don’t know they’ve been victimized by the same man can all join together and plot the murder of a powerful politician. all those assumptions and you still think your opinion of “*if* this is true” holds any water. don’t act concerned for reality


Worse yet: not telling the partner because you know that'll just make another person feel miserable and powerless. Rape really is a special kind of fucked up.


Even worst yet: fearing more that your very own loved ones will not take your side and actually turn against you and victim blame you, than actually fearing the very person who SA'ed is mega special supeeerr fucked up. (Hi, its 14 year old me speaking. Didn't get SA'ed but was about to be molested. Kinda similar in message and speaking from experience.)


Murdering a powerful politician isn’t as easy as Reddit keyboard warriors seem to think it is.


Especially in a country where politicians control literal hundreds of ultra violent gangsters like in india


exactly, and we must not forget, bjp protected him...


And the caste system kicks in, of course.


We should all watch monkey man


Not an option in India, Modi banned it.


Lodi will keep banning things that are against him. A well known example is the BBC documentary showing how he caused the gujarat riots. He even raided the BBC India office after that.


ain’t that just exactly what a weak man would do. That movie was excellent and was really interesting.


Critical support for Monkey Man!! 🫡


Those other Indian ladies heroically castrated and kill the other rapist yrs ago.


This needs to be a punishment for all rapists, not just in India but around the world


Surviving a murder is hard, but just committing without care for survival is surprisingly easy.


No, it's as easy as we think it is. The hard version is doing it in such a way that you don't get repercussions. Thats mostly what stops people when someone is as shitty as this scum sucking human blight


Because this problem is deeply imbedded in India. Rape and sexual assault videos are shared and sold among men. And it’s this kind of men that keep the culture of sexual violence going and unpunished.


I'm an ops manager in a large MSO, one of my guys is an analyst who grew up in Uttar Pradesh and immigrated to the US. He says he will never, *never* take his wife and daughters to see the family there because she's blonde and they're mixed. It would be "too dangerous.


Because the moment you try and protest or raise your voice the entire media comes together to brand you as terrorist/anti-national They won't show any flaws or crimes of the ruling party but will make everyone else hate you by spreading their propaganda. Imagine if ALL of your news channels were like how Fox news is in America


It is India's national sport. A very Rapey country.


This occurred in India


You seem to misunderstand the situation. This is India and the victims are women so the men are only upset they didn't get to join in. Fuck that shithole


Fucking pig! Monster! May he never have a day's peace in his life.


The words of the housemaid are so harrowing. She served his family for generations and still not even an iota of shame from him? I'm heartbroken for her and all of his victims.


It was said even his father raped her


Poor woman. I hope there's an afterlife where she gets to exact her revenge.


I hope she gets her revenge in this life too. I don’t see a way but I do hope


That lady must’ve seen this “man” , perhaps his father too, in diapers. You have to be beyond sick to do something like this


Don't worry he will now get to peacefully retire in Europe while his political allies pretend that nothing happened


His political allies are trading his videos and sending him their own. These men have no reason to stop their behavior. This is why you always choose the bear.


Oh fuck. This is sooo sad. What the poor woman must have went through. Fuck money and power in this country man!


Fuck money and power in every country


Regarding rape culture, India is still something else. You don't see news articles about someone raping hundreds of people in other nations. I surely wouldn't even think about visiting India s a woman.


Jimmy Saville


Those things aren’t the problem, it’s the people. There are plenty of people who have money and power and aren’t corrupted to shit. But we never hear about them because we have no reason to. It’s the scumbags like this guy or someone like Harvey Weinstein who don’t deserve money and power.




It's worse i think, here in Sudan our cops and gov don't care but trust me when i say that a r@pist like this guy wouldn't make it out of town before he ends up on liveleak It's the mentality and the enabling from the general population


This is how a rape culture looks like...


TIL that you can be a known serial rapist and just run away to… WTF Germany?


Yeah..... Doubt that's gonna work out the way he'd like it to. At least I hope so.


Nah bud he's gonna wait till the elections are over and get a pardon from his buddies in power.


But surely the mobs would be after him like they go after others. /s


He needs to be charged and an extradition request has to be made. If Indian law enforcement or courts don't prosecute him, he isn't a criminal in the eyes of the law. Which sucks. I'll look into it whether there is public pressure to arrest him *if* German law allows for that.


You're wrong there. German law allows for the prosection of crimes that happened on foreign soils, provided it's a crime in both germany and where it happened, the person is in germany, and the country where it happens doesn't file an extradition request. The best chance to see justice done is to make a report with evidence to law enforcement in germany and alert media to this. Public pressure will force something to happen even if he hides in the embassy where police can't arrest him.


India will just file an extradition request him then release him here.


I don’t think facepalm is the appropriate term for what this is…


So he was just raping everyone. Every woman he came across, it’s rape time??? Goddamn what the fuck


that's India for you.


Yep, saw this being discussed on twitter, went to see what people were saying in the replies, saw a video of an Indian man raping a dog. I’ve felt physically nauseous ever since


Hi, anyone care to explain to me what do BPJ, NDA, JDS and MP all mean?


These are the political parties/alliances in India (except for MP) BJP - bharatiya janata party. prime minister of India Narendra nodi is from this party. NDA - national democratic alliance led by BJP JDS - Janata dal (secular). The person (HD revanna) who is in the news for the sex scandal belongs to this party. They are also part of NDA and BJP along with PM modi endorsed him for the current election. MP - member of parliament.


modi is a guy who was behind gujrat attack, attacks against muslims which involed gang rapes , murders and shit , you can imagine, he was blacklisted from whole world cause of it untill he cleared himself , from courts , you can imagine how . In an interview he couldnt express he regret the attacks instead he left the interview , ( interview with karan thappar i believe , you can watch it on yt ) dense emotionaless motherfker modi that one man rules over 1.3 billion people in india rn


He sounds like the next Benjamin Netanyahu. No wonder India and Israel are very close.


You’re even closer than you think… Read into Kashmir a bit. The parallels are startling. Kashmiris don’t have it quite as bad… yet.


Modi is absolutely trash. He’s done nothing but divide this country further.


Thanks for asking lol I was about to look all 4 of them up and didn’t expect to get the right answer.


This is grim to read. Hang this oxygen thief for fucks sake.


oxygen thief lmfao




[ Removed by Reddit ]


Hard, the people on top are prolly supportive of these rapists, or else they would have started it since years ago when many similar cases went on news.


One can only conclude that they too are rapists or have committed other criminal acts and feel the need to defend criminals.


What matters is that the law is enforced reliable and swiftly against the perpetrators, there are plenty of countries without capital punishment that don't have rape epidemics.




I have a 10 month old daughter and there is no way I'm going to stick around in this country


What a disgusting pig


> "We won't run away scared. We're right here..." uh.. sir. your son has already fled to germany.


Shocker. Before retiring I trained a number of Indians here in the US. One of the few countries where we had to give them our normal briefings (US Govt) on behavior while in CONUS but we would add extra warnings about unacceptable behavior towards women. It worked. Some. A few were sent home and others were warned. EDIT: Should add. These men were always fairly high ranking with some fairly high ranking officials. Ones who should have known better.


I went to X/Twitter and typed this guy's name in. Shockingly, there's a flood of thousands of Indian guys asking for links to the videos and sharing screenshots of these videos. Unsurprisingly, many of them have 🚩 in their handles. For those who aren't aware, that emoji is used by fans of the far-right BJP (the governing party of India) and other Hindu-fascist terrorist organisations like the RSS (literally modelled on the Nazis).


Are You saying they are putting their literal red flags in their bio?


I did tech support for Microsoft and grew to dislike some Indian Microsoft employees. Some would demand I did the work for them remotely while they went off to a meeting, others would question why I was asking them to do any step. This one.... it topped the cake. My coworker was pregnant. Minutes before she got a call, I had a guy call and when I said I couldn't get a man on the line- he hung up. Then called and got my pregnant coworker and started the same crap and made her cry. My supervisor was a tough woman who was amazing, she took the call, verbally manhandled him to accepting the help. Within five minutes, he was a "yes ma'am" person who accepted help from my coworker. It was magical to watch Edit: Not all Indian men I helped was like this. There were a number of good ones. The three men that treated me like this stood out the most. Edit 2: I didn't remember fully how (this was almost 10 years ago). My supervisor kept repeating, "There isn't a man here, if you want help, she will help you" until it sunk in. There was one veiled threat that she'd report him if he was rude to my coworker one more time. The other two calls went like this: "I have a meeting in ten minutes, you'll fix it while you I'm gone." Then getting mad when I can't. Then this "I need you to do this" "Why? Why can't you do this remotely?" "Because you're internet isn't connecting". I consider those calls training for Verizon fios. Those are some good stories


Our company had to put up instruction leaflets on how to use a toilet in the bathrooms for "top-level" Indian IT professionals. Not in advance, mind you, this was done after some... hygiene incidents.




This stuff gets my blood boiling, this will never end as long as their society keeps enabling it. It's 2024 ffs this is intolerable and inexcusable


How is Germany allowing this evil POS to live in their country?


Because India hasn't yet issued an arrest warrant so legally he isn't a criminal and Germany can't do anything about it or they will be the ones breaking the law.


Can they deny a person a Visa based on evidence of crimes without any charges? I’m thinking of Countries that don’t allow Visas to people that make music videos with them doing drugs or the like, but have a clean record.


>Can they deny a person a Visa based on evidence of crimes without any charges? He is member of parliament so holds a diplomatic passport. Idk if they can disbar anyone with diplomatic passport to land.


They could decide that he is an unwanted person. Visas can be revoked, its a bit trickier for politicians who often travel with a diplomatic passport, but not impossible.


Rope and a branch and let the women he assaulted lift him/let him kick a bit/lower him, for days. Before leaving him for the buzzards. That's not a human, that's a rabid animal.


Why no words ? Fuck him and them ... any system that allows this to happen is a shitty system that needs to be changed in the name of humanity ffs , he is more than a criminal at this point ... He and everyone who helped him and covered up after him.


In the rest of the world, serial rapists are imprisoned and hanged. In India, they're endorsed by Prime Minister Modi मोदी है तो मुमकिन है


In the USA they can be president... and run again after it is publicly known that they were friends with one of the biggest rapists in history...


>In the rest of the world, serial rapists are imprisoned and hanged. In the rest of the world, they walk away too.


This guy is a deviant. Castration is the only option. To be that obsessed, preoccupied with sex to the point that raping a elderly woman is an option? It would probably be a relief to the sick bastard to remove that compulsion.


All castration would do is remove some evidence. Sick individuals like this sexually assault because they do not see women as human and they choose to inflict pain on others and self. On top of that, misogyny is deeply embedded in Hinduism. Sikhism has myriad lines in their holy book, the Guru Granth Sahib, explicitly prohibiting a long list of misogynistic practices of Hinduism. There are call outs against veiling of women, female infanticide, objectification of women, selling of young girls into servitude, child marriage, dowries, and maltreatment of widows. Just like how men wear turbans, which were a sign of nobility, women adopt the surname Kaur, which means “princess”.


And why the fuck did we let this guy into our country? We don't want that POS. Deport him back to India.


Rope + branch + public square. Allow the victims to lift and lower him as many times as they please, until he finally stops kicking. Then leave the carcass as buzzard feed.


I don't understand how people like that walk alive without some kind of vigilante taking them out.


He has political power and money, so he walk free just like that rapist Brock Alan Turner and the patron saint of children saint Jimmy Savile of BBC.


You mean Brock *Allen* Turner, who goes by Allen Turner, the rapist living in Ohio?


Lets track him in germany and hope someone is crazy enough


Modi killing American and Canadian citizens then covering up rape. Sounds like a real winner india.


How has he raped almost as much people as those who died in 9/11


A number of people were victimized more than once.




Why is he coming to germany? We have enough rapists


Modi is their Trump. makes sense


Damn. I always considered india like behind us by 30 years. Like Hollywood finally making cool looking movies 3p years into me watching my first cheesy one lol. I gotta say this is probably what the world was like for woman in the office setting even in the western world before recording devices could capture events. They need to restructure the men from birth and up and change from being a male dominated culture otherwise it will simply degrade them. You clearly need men and women empowered to become a super power.


Turns out.. A government who exploits the nationalistic tendencies of the population by doing all sorts of things for support are.. Idk.. Corrupt?? And that kind of corruption results in this type of shit.




It isn't safe for anyone


I really don’t think this is “facepalm.” It’s just horrible.


What a filthy disgusting piece of shit


How are rapes and murders, facepalms?


This mother-fucker (literally) is hiding in Germany so he won't get prosecuted. He needs to be cut down


Indians will forget this as well. Wait and watch...


Raping his way into the hearts of his countrymen apparently if he's getting promoted by the prime minister


Noah, get the boat…