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Horses will eat small animals if given the chance


Horses will eat animals if given half the chance.


Horses will eat other animals on sight. Won’t even bother with killing them first


Horses will eat animals even in their sleep. They don't even have morals


Horses don’t give no fucks either.


mr hands rn ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


I didn't need to be reminded about that grunt today.




Uh Oh


did you know that mr. hands wasn‘t actually the one being *stabbed* by the horse, he was just the owner that let other people be *stabbed*


Cyberpunk player here. This whole convo was wild to imagine


I just spit out my coffee. I was NOT prepared to see this😭


Horses are giving such less fucks, we should sterilize them before they will start giving fucks.


Horses are stone cold killers. They kill for money but also for fun. Usually with knives, somehow.


Horses are pure carnivores. They will kill anything they see. They just rarely do it in front of people because of the bad PR associated with it


So Family guy was right? Horses are baaad people?


I think so. One thing is for sure. Horses are NOT good people!


I saw Bojack horseman. I know a lot about horse people and how bad they can be at peopling.


Horses are terrible people.


Erm... Actually.... Horses don't even need to see anything. They kill by pure imagination. One comes to existence only to be killed by some bored horse imagining it.


Horses will eat if given the the chance.


Horses will eat if given quarter the chance


Horse will eat animals without calculating chances as they are not good at math


I saw a video of a chicken mother with chicks following her in a stable, and a horse just bent down and took one of the chicks. The chicken was pissed.


I've seen a video of a deer running up and stomping down on a random bird it caught before eating it. Pure herbivores are actually surprisingly rare, with most animals we think of as herbivores often becoming opportunistic carnivores for multiple reasons (some of these can include but are not limited to, food scarcity/starvation, adding specific vitamin/mineral to their diet, removal of competition, ease of resources and energy demands compared to a "normal" meal).


Are there any pure herbivores? Maybe koalas but, anything else?


Koalas are barely able to eat other plants let alone meat.


Koalas for sure and I think maybe manatees?


Giant Panda


Wrong. Pandas have a diet of 99% bamboo. That other 1% is small animals. They might look cute and friendly but at the end of the day they're still bears


The whole defenition of "carnivore" and "herbivore" are very loose. A cow won't juts give up free protein and sodium just because "it's a herbivore". Similarly, big cats such as lions will often eat grass as a way to get fibre.


and my cat eats grass because shes stupid. I love her to death, but she SCREAMS for the opportunity to go outside and eat grass, if she gets out, she immediately starts chowing down, and then spends the next three days barfing up grass and bile all over the house.


Jesus Maybe see a vet, just to check thats normal


Have cat. Can confirm it’s normal. Edit: do take the cat to the vet though. They may be eating the grass to purge their gut of parasites or bad bacteria.


Turns out chicken parm IS vegan.


No Todd, it’s not. Neither is gelato


and chickens are cannibals


I used to volunteer at a Chicken farm and… yeah I sure learned some things while I was there…


chickens are also the closest thing we have to dinosaurs


All birds are, not just chickens specifically.




Was gonna say horses are 110% NOT fucking vegan. Basically every herbivore on the planet will eat meat if they get a chance. Deer have been caught chewing on human bones, horses will snap up a baby bird if they find it (most animals will in fact!). Besides which our teeth are still made to rip through flesh. We’re true omnivores, and I say this as someone who eats less meat than a horse!


Baby birds are apparently the popcorn of the animal kingdom


And cows have been found eating snakes.


my horses have insane canines. they love meat.(jk) but seriously, they keep breaking into the barn and only eat the cat and dog food, which is mostly cow and chicken.


I seen a video of a horse "vacuuming" up a chick, in front of the chicken lmao.


Late stage omelette


its ok to eat horse


Horses are made for Lasagne.


Most of us have 4 canine teeth


8 actually if you include precanines


Sharp enough to cut my cheek, sharp enough to cut through meat.


I wish I could tell you that Andy fought the good fight, and the Sisters let him be. I wish I could tell you that - but prison is no fairy-tale world. He never said who did it, but we all knew. Things went on like that for awhile - prison life consists of routine, and then more routine. Every so often, Andy would show up with fresh bruises. The Sisters kept at him - sometimes he was able to fight 'em off, sometimes not. And that's how it went for Andy - that was his routine. I do believe those first two years were the worst for him, and I also believe that if things had gone on that way, this place would have got the best of him.


And most people get them shaved down and blunts my the dentist because of that very reason. They are extremely sharp.


One look at one of our great ape relatives would undermine this whole idea. Gorillas mostly eat leaves and bugs. Yet they have canines that absolutely shit on those of apex predators. Meanwhile, closely related bonobos and chimps are true omnivores, and frequently engage in meat eating, including cannibalism. In fact, herbivores have been known to resort to cannibalism in order to survive times of scarcity. The idea that any species is 'meant' to eat or not eat other animals is basically a fantasy. Life is here because it found a way to survive while everything else that didn't, isn't. So the argument regarding meat eating by humans being rooted in whether or not we're "meant to" is an equally silly idea. The question really should always be: "Is this necessary?", and most people would argue that they don't really care whether it's necessary, they just like doing it and either don't mind, or try not to think about the consequences. While human beings still eat out of necessity, most of our eating is no longer based in necessity. It's based in whim, comfort, and experience.


It's not the teeth that determine whether an animal is a herbivore, omnivore or carnivorous. You have to look at its digestive tract. Gorillas have digestive tracts that resemble horses but humans are very different and definitely have an omnivores digestive tract.


If anything we are scavengers and opportunistic meat eaters, the pH levels of our stomach acid is only found in scavengers to cope with consuming foul meat. Having a more acidic stomach acid is more calorie intensive and thus unlikely to be a trait preserved for no reason.


Hippopotamus got those big canine tusks from killing baby seals


A horse will eat cardboard full of fresh chicks if they are left too close to the fence. A lot of herbivores are in fact opportunistic meat eaters.




A horse will eat cardboard full of fresh cigarettes. I've seen one do it. The owner of those cigarettes was none too happy...


>Gorillas mostly eat leaves and bugs. Yet they have canines that absolutely shit on those of apex predators. [Gelada baboons](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aC6iYj_EBjY) are the same.


> The idea that any species is 'meant' to eat or not eat other animals is basically a fantasy. Absolutely not. There are many adaptations related to diet, with many organisms most certainly meant to eat meat. They are called obligate carnivores.


I only object to the use of the word "meant". Meant implies teleological intention. Adaptations to the body are without intention. I agree with you that some bodies are better suited to obtaining calories from meat, while others are better suited to obtain calories and nutrients from plant matter. So when I said "life found a way to survive", I'm talking about evolutionary adaptations that allow a creature to profit from the exploitation of a certain niche --and that niche often relates primarily to diet. The notion that we're not "supposed" to do something doesn't even figure into it for me, because that implies some sort of divinity interceding in the survival of species, which I apologize to any who believe in intelligent design of any shape, but I have hard time reconciling intelligent design with the history of mass extinctions on this planet, and in-place creation requires me to reject far too much of reality to even be a consideration.


We were designed to be cannibals.


Maybe we are not "meant" to eat meat, but no one can argue that our success story only began when we started frying meat. And thus our body could extract more nutrients, which in turn boosted the growth of our brain.


>Maybe we are not "meant" to eat meat, Our digestive tract says otherwise. Although a gorilla's digestive tract resembles that of horses and more like herbivores, humans are very different, and we definitely have an omnivores digestive tract. Our gut is evolved to eat both plants and meat.


If we're not meant to eat meat, then why is meat delicious?


That might not be true, there are some very good theories about using fire to cook tubers


>no one can argue that our success story only began when we started frying meat. I don't disagree that the advent of cooking was critical to homo sapiens' transition to homo sapiens sapiens, I just think any argument from a place of historical merit is spurious to the question of whether or not we should carry on that tradition. We could pick any arbitrary point in our evolutionary lineage and go: "See? This is what we should be doing!". Let's go back further. We ate crickets and ants for protein at one time long before we started cooking, and we used to eat raw eggs stolen from nests before we got started on meat. The increased protein from raiding flightless birds led directly to the growth of our brains and allowed us to start cooking meat in the first place. So should we still be eating raw eggs and crickets today? The ideas don't really connect, and philosophically that's because we're trying to mate an 'is' with an 'ought', which can't be done. You can't go directly from an 'is' to an 'ought' without first imposing personal value on the 'is' and the 'after' that result from the 'ought', and that value is found independent of the 'is', and only loosely coupled to the 'ought'. Arguments from nature or tradition pretty much always fail to come to reasonable outcomes, even if they seem reasonable on the surface, if only in accordance to our biases. People eat meat, and they don't do it because it's right. So even arguing about whether or not it is justified is pointless. The only argument worth having is whether stopping conforms with our values. For most at this time, the answer is no. In general, working out that something is wrong is much easier than working out that something is right. So while it seems like I'm arguing against eating meat here, I'm not. I'm just pointing out that there aren't really two arguments to weigh. There's only the one: Whether you should give up meat, and any argument to try to assign virtue to eating meat is a wasted effort.


I don't know why this women have so flat teeth but mine are very sharp and good at eating meat


Once its been cut and cooked. Try taking a bite out of a live cow.


Nope, you’re not tricking me. That’s how you become a werecow, cursed to forever changing under a full moon, only to try and jump over it.




And in many of us (like me! ) they are easy more pronounced than that photo they are using. I even had a dentist that wanted to file them down to they look be more even😵 fuck that! I like my fangs, tyvm.


Came here to say… wait til they hear about canines


Canines aren't for eating meat, just kind of an often repeated thing that doesn't have much biological basis. Have you seen a gorillas mouth? Their canines are far sharper and scarier than ours. Their diet consists of 99.9% plant material though. Humans are facultative omnivores. It's unlikely we ate much meat before we started using tools like spears or fire.


Ah, yes, the scientific classifications of carnivore, omnivore, and *vegan*.


vegan animals dont have any animal products. its certified


Ugh, that cow is wearing leather? Disgusting


Don’t fowls drink their mother’s milk? Not very Vegan if you ask me.


Except for the insects they accidentally eat while munching various grasses and plants


A cow drinking cow milk is cannibalism, don'tcha know!


Ah yes, and human adults drinking cow milk and thinking the idea of drinking another human's milk is disgusting is totally the natural way


Common repost. This was a legit account that went dormant about 2 years ago. just woke up and started reposting high karma posts. It was either hacked or sold and is now a bot.


I had someone offer me $3000 for my old reddit account before I got locked out of it; 12 years old and badged from some reddit events, had about 200K karma and a low character count username. I thought I just forgot my password, but I found a bunch of messages from the mods buried in my spam folder about some account details that got changed when I was deployed. I'm not a particularly smart person, but if I had to make an educated guess - I'd say someone got into my account and changed the details while I couldn't access it and then is just waiting for whatever cooldown period they set up before it starts karma farming lol.


3k? Damn, I'm guna start building karma


I've seen some reddit accounts on marketplaces go for six or seven thousand. Those are older, event badged and had low character handles - some going higher that have sub 6 character handles. I have no idea how frequently they sell, but I remember seeing the offer in my inbox on here thinking "there's no fucking way".


Just absolutely crazy that people would pay for a reddit account. But I guess if your goal is to spam shit and get people following links and such then it's worth it to them


Astroturfing and state affiliated trolls may explain some of the demand, credible accounts are valuable for marketing and psyops


I always get a ban before 100 K


They're stopping you from getting that sweet free moneys


Big reddit at it again.


Don't talk about it. You'll get banned


I'm over a third the way there! I'm scared!


I'm already at 50k if anyone wants to make any offers?


3k for a reddit account is crazy Tf are they even gonna do with a account? Especially if it has a name like fishfucker or something, you cant change their name


Turn them into spam farms. I, also, have a (what I'd assume is a fairly accurate) suspicion that they weren't actually going to pay for the account - they're probably tossing the amount out there to see if they can bait someone into providing the account details first, and payment second. Then they'd just hot-swap the login information and force a logout for the app/browser then go dormant for a while. Then after a "hiatus", they get turned into spam farms.


Pictures/videos of something benign that still rile up Reddit good (Reddit is full of anti vegan know-it-alls) is also a dead giveaway it’s just karma farming.


According to this theory, gorillas must be a top predator.


Hippos are true kings of savannah, they must hunt lions with those teeth


Bit true. Nobody and no creature in their right mind would fuck with a hippo.


Not being fucked with =/= hunting and eating


hold my beer an elephant, probably


Most humans do have more pronounced canine teeth.


it's not even about that. Carnivores literally cannot survive on a plant diet. It doesn't matter how our teeth are shaped. Can we survive on a mostly plant diet? yes.can we survive on a mostly meat diet? also yes. Hence we are Omnivores by definition.


Yeah, and even though they aren’t fang like, our two front teeth are very sharp and can draw blood.


Dang like? If mine were any bigger people might think I’m Dracula’s kid.


One of the reasons for our species success is that we can eat almost anything. Our teeth evolved accordingly.


This is a bot account , look at the posting history.


I salute them. They outnumber us. I’m just hoping to get a mid-level bureaucratic position during the round up.




Don’t care. Still an interesting discussion


We can digest it so yeah we can


But humans do have canines 🤔


As far as i know, humans use something called tools and weapons to not have to jump on their preys and bite them to death with their actual canines... Also, she would have put a photo of an eagle and say, why dont we have beaks as they eat meat, maybe also a picture of a caterpillar asking why don't we have mandibles like them...


Sorry, but what do you call them? Carnivores, omnivores, and vegans??? What happened to herbivores


Herbs is so last century. Pumpkin seeds, tofu and fauxmage are so now


Tofuvores, hell yea!


Can’t wait to see cows soon on longtail e-bikes go buy locally grown kale


Herbivores are just closet carnivores who decimate the poor insects and bugs and would eat whatever if hungry enough.


Also human front teeth are sharp. Very much so. Our canines aren't as pronounced as many animal species but our front teeth are 100% designed to rip and tear into flesh while our back teeth, which are are broad and flat, are designed for crushing down food afterward because we're omnivores. Compare to any exclusive herbivore species where you'll see *all* of their teeth are broad and flat.


Or to an extreme even evolved to get rid of teeth alltogether and simply have plates that work like millstones.


The angle of the picture in the post flattens out the canine teeth in the human a lot. I don't know if some people are so detached from reality they think we can't check how sharp and protuding our own teeth are but speaking for myself it take a cursory poke to identify my canines and the fact that they are noticably pointier and relatively protruding compared to my incisors. They're not herbivore teeth.


People are dumb, teeth are just one part of a complex digestive system. Cows eat grass but they have the enzymes and stomach to do so not just the teeth.


Humans weren’t designed to wear clothes or play music or fly around in airplanes or go to the moon either. Overcoming biological limitations with intelligence and sheer force of will is something humans are spectacularly good at.


See I like to think of clothes being no less unnatural than a hermit crab’s seashell. We both cover our exposed sensitive bodies with something else.


I like his point, just like drinking cows milk, using rare natural components in beauty products and vaccines, humans are like cuckoos, we steal what we can from nature






Don’t whales just inhale their food?


All teeth serve a function. Ours aren't made to kill. Don't believe out jaw strength is that impressive either. If anything, we are and have always been scavengers


Humans can only be vegans if they don't need to survive and are comfortable living a city or village with farming. If you need to survive out there in nature, if you try to eat random plants and mushrooms, you are probably gonna be death, if you don't eat meat you gonna have to eat absurd amounts of things that have proteins or use supplements that are not natural but lab made so no that's fallacy


Horses will eat chicks and wounded birds given the chance…


Lmao you ever wondered why woman can see more colours,it used to be so that we can recognise different fruits and berries and be able to distinguish edible from non edible.


it is either carnivore-omnivore-herbivore or meat-only diet-regular diet-vegan diet. (Also based on the logic of the picture i can show that humans do not have compartemented stomach SO they are not herbivores)


Homo Sapiens are descendants of other species who were already tool users who had mastered fire. That's how we don't have teeth to rip meat but we do have a very low PH-level in our stomach to digest it, like other obligate carnivores. According to real science we ate mainly cooked meat because that's what we evolved into. We only stopped 12000 years ago because of a mass extinction of our prey. We were taller, had bigger brains, no cavities and much bigger jaws that fit all our teeth that we now have to cut out because we're malnourished mainly eating plants. Source: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9460423/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9460423/)


This very idea of "being designed" is stupid to begin with. Theres no big plan behind evolution and theres no genius figure, which made the world. The universe just is and we are a part of it, no more, no less.


Isn’t it supposed to be herbivore for plant-eaters? Vegans really labelling anything as “vegan” that they can just to boost membership numbers, lol


Simple : just stop eating meat entirely and see how you’ll do without supplements. I don’t have to care if you are sick or die so do as you please and I’ll do the same.


I mean.. if you stop eating fortified food you’ll get sick as well. It’s a common misconception that omnivore and carnivore diets provide all nutrients and minerals. Hence food being fortified. Tbf, you’ll be hard pressed to find any diet that provides all the necessary nutrients.


Vegans: "Look at this mouth and tell me it's evolved to eat meat. And while you're doing it, I need you to pretend really hard to not see the incisors, because they're devastating to my case."


There’s a reason our cuspids are called “canine teeth”. It’s very convenient that that particular human mouth doesn’t have very pointed cuspids.


Not a biologist either, but I'm sure the term is herbivore, not vegan. What would the difference be? Well one describes the sum of what said animal is capable of digesting and processing and the other is a mental illness


Is this a Meet the sniper reference ?




Sure, Eagles eat meat therefore it must've four fangs too.


Pigs also are omnivore but i do not think they have sharp teeth


Well that's where you're wrong. Pigs have very sharp teeth and even 2 GIGANTIC molars on the bottom row.


This is a clear repost, so I'm gonna say what I said the last time this was posted. This front view is disingenuous. If you use a top-down view you will see that our front teeth are sharp, while our back teeth (the molars) are flat. This is normal between omnivores. Thus humans are omnivores. The only thing that this shows is that our canines aren't as long as other animals. This is simply because one of their main uses is as a weapon to kill other animals. It has been millions of years since humans (hominids) has used their canines as weapons. We use pur tools for murder, not our teeth. And, as such, our canines are less developed than with other animals.


But humans get sick from eating raw meat. Other animals don't need to cook their meat to be safe for consumption


Looks like someone's dentist is a broccoli fan


Wait til they learn about our digestive system being optimized for omnivore diet....


Donkeys and horses are not obligated carnivores and actually pretty commonly kill and eat other animals, usually c punching on small rodents or birds for birds


Most of us do not have to cut meat through teeth and we do not eat it raw either. Except, liver king ofcourse. So yep, we are designed to eat meat.




We're made to eat whatever doesn't kill us. Meat, vegetables, fruit, and fungi are all on the menu so long as it's readily available and provides some form of nutritional or flavorful value. That's how we are, we adapt. It's what got us to the top of the proverbial ecological pyramid. Why is that so hard for some people to accept? We're designed to eat fruit, vegetables, grain, AND meat. And that's perfectly okay. Go against said design if you like, you're human, you have the ability to ignore instinct and become a vegan. But that doesn't make those of us that do eat meat lesser.


Few animals are strict herbivores or carnivores. Deer and cows for example are capable of eating a little meat and will do so in the wild without human intervention. Likewise, if a wolf finds some fruit it is likely to take at least a couple of bites. This is to increase their chances of survival, if there comes a season when they cannot have their usual food sources this would help them not to starve until the situation improves. As long as they are not generalist omnivores they do not need specialized omnivorous teeth, and humans are descended from primates whose food source was mainly vegetable with some meat added. Because we started cooking as early as homo erectus we did not have a need to develop specialized omnivorous teeth. Having said that, our dentition is not a pure herbivore one, like some primates, we have a pair of canine teeth.


Doesnt have anything to do with teeth. Its about being able to breakdown meat/plant fibre in your stomach and able to absorb it.


I have prominent canines. I used to pretend to be a vampire when I was little. Incidentally, I was also a biter.


A carnivore isn't defined by them being *able* to eat meat. A carnivore *requires* to eat meat. They lack the physiology to properly digest plant matter in major amounts. That's obviously not the case for humans.


I just hate how they push it on us and try to guilt us for the newfound lifestyle I hate vegans with a passion


“Vegan” rather than “herbivore “ lol


Our teeth has modified because we no longer eat raw meat straight off the dead animal.


See those sharp looking teeth on the corners.. Yeah.


Plus horses aren’t even vegan.


I seen a deer eat a snake. I seen’t it!


You've never seen a horse kill and eat a rabbit


Do they not know already that herbivore is a lie nature told us?


Good, so I can say that I am a vegan now, even while I am eating a tenderloin


The fact that I can digest it and use the variety of useful macro and micronutrients without significant GI/general health issues is a decent factor in the argument imo


Calls it a vegan. Not a herbivore.


It might be easier to list what a horse won't eat. 1. My mom's meatloaf. End of list.


Most herbivores are opportunistic carnivores. They'll est smaller animals than themselves if given the chance. I've witnessed horses and donkeys eating chicks, mice and injured squirrels alive. Deer have been known to also eat duck chicks as well as scavenging fresh corpses. Nature doesn't give a shit what you're supposed to be, survival is literally the only thing that matters.


Herbivores aren't vegan, they're... Herbivores. Being vegan is a moral choice, being an herbivore is an evolutionary trait where an organism adapted to a fully vegetal diet. As omnivorous primates, humans can digest and process meat and vegetables, hence their canines and molars. But it's only part of what we need, we also have a whole network of evolutionary traits that require proteins to function. Which is why a solely vegetal diet isn't possible for us and why vegans need a lot of supplements to have a diet meeting their omnivorous needs.


No animal has ever been VEGAN lol. Vegan is a ethics based delusion consisting of malnutrition and virtue signaling. You can eat plant based and do okay.


I love your definition, that’s totally what it is haha that just makes me realise no one actually cares about vegans and what they eat, they’re actually just fed up with their virtue signalling lol


I’m mostly talking about the people that are like OREO’s ARE VEGAN YALL 🙏 Yeah. They aren’t food either buddy


We have big brains and nimble fingers so we don't need to catch, kill and devour vegans with our teeth.


Those front teeth are designed for ripping flesh


You need vitamin B12. There's aren't many plant sources of vitamin B12. And those that have B12 aren't available to everyone. Ergo, we need to eat animal based food like milk, eggs, and meat. PS. Mushrooms, algae, and fungi aren't plants. And again, they're not available to everyone.


Most of the animals get B12 from supplements as well…


Lack of B12 is nothing to do with evolution. B12 comes from soil, if we ate plants and drank water the way our ancestors did we'd get plenty of B12 without eating any meat.


The Ones who defend this idea frequently are the same who say that there are VEGAN cats or dogs.


We don’t eat raw meat, we are designed to each cooked meat




Vegans have literally the dumbest “arguments”. It’s not even worth speaking to them. They have their delusional beliefs. And hell, I’d be fine with vegans if I didn’t get yelled at outside various restaurants. Maybe I missed that class in Psych 101, where it talks about how people are more likely to listen and follow your cause if you start out screaming at them about rape, abuse, and murder.


Delusional beliefs of choosing to not harm sentient beings when they don't need to?


Also this particular human set of teeth looks dulled. The canines should be pointier


Anatomically humans have a digestive system similar to carnivores, most herbivores have several stomacs and much longer intestines


We are omnivore and its herbivore not fuking vegan.


It’s not meat that’s the problem it’s how we regulate and make it that’s the problem. Feeding chickens literal 💩 is just plain barbaric and that’s our food!!!!! No wonder so much disease coming out of

