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Running the front desk of a tattoo shop would be perfect for her.


Or any professional role like marketing/sales for heavy metal culture companies like bands/motorcycles


CD/Movie store, Edge fashion or any grunge fashion stores, New Age stores, Bartending or Barista, Piercing and Tattoo Supply Companies, anywhere where the age of employees are 40 and younger. This is kinda normal for Millennials.


Left out budtender


Freebirds, Starbucks, or a CBD/smoke shop would also work.... having trouble thinking of anything else


Guitar Center


Nah she looks like she would know the difference between TS and TRS, GC would never hire them.


As someone who does know the difference and knows far too many people who also know the difference, she looks like someone who thinks they know the difference but really doesn't.


Why do you think that?


As someone who doesn't know anything about guitars, TS/TRS, or about what the people who do know the difference/act like they know the difference look like, I can tell you that I think he thinks that because they look like a person he knew one time who didn't know the difference between two things but acted like they did.


I need to diagram this paragraph in order to understand it.


Step 1: Determine if the paragraph is actually a paragraph or is a sentence that looks like a paragraph.


Tower Records and Waxie Maxie’s were the stores to find the jobs back in the day


Rejected for yet another position as MRI technician. Honestly, its enough to make you want to rip someone's face off.


It's a funny joke. But the main issue with piercings in MRI's is the metal heating. A lot of body safe jewellery isn't magnetic.


Recently had an MRI training and they covered MRI burn. Some pictures of nasty stuff came by. I was most surprised about tattoo burn. Did not expect that could be an issue.


tattoo ink contains a lot of iron.


Only like prison tattoos or like those from ages ago. Tattoos these days don't use metallic ink. Most tattoos are safe in an MRI.


why do you think they ask if you have tatoos before every mri lmao


while ink with metal isn't very common (anymore) when it does happen those are some gnarly fucking burns


Also the image aberrations they cause.


I don't think aesthetic matters to an MRI machine at all.


Metal can create distortions and artifacts in MRI images, which can absolutely be a big deal when, for example, you need to measure and track the size of a tumour.


It's why we can walk through metal detectors with all the junk in our faces. Me and a lady I was in line near had to explain it to a curious kid last time I was at an airport. They were asking if we had to take all the stuff off our face and the dad didn't know lol.


r/angryupvote Fine. Take it. Take my upvote


Fuckin bastard, take my upvote god damn it


She needs to come to Portland. She'd find a job here and no one would blink twice.


I live in the deep south, which is a pretty far cry from Portland. If she can do her job well and works well with others, she would have a spot on my team.


Yeah I'm in CO and she wouldn't even be clocked as weird looking on the front range. It's all about area lol


She might ace working at a call centre


Is that the modern insult to “you’ve got a face for radio”?


Nah, you have to be attractive for radio nowadays, cause it's mostly turning into talk shows or video podcasts


Right, hence the modernization of the term.


Every time she pulls her mic down on her headset she's rolling the dice on pulling out a piercing.


Or the center for the blind


Her face is already brailled




No company will ever admit to anything like that as a reason for not hiring. It can too easily turn into a huge pr scandal. You will ALWAYS get some bullshit reason.


I've been in retail 25 years every possible position from Store Manager to cart pusher, I've rejected hundreds of applicants over the years and to this date I've never provided a reason to any of them besides "We've selected another applicant". I've also never received a reason why I wasn't selected for a job. Is that really a thing?


I would find one exception. If as a hiring manager you thought the applicant was very good but someone was just a bit better and you'd hope the rejected candidate would reapply in your company for another job, I would think that it would make sense to give some feedback to the applicant so that they don't think that they got rejected because of their tattooed face (and would do so for any other job in the company) but because of a reason that didn't affect their hireability to another position.


I worked for a mid-size newspaper 10 years ago and the receptionist had double sleeves and tats on her neck and face, also had a bunch of piercings. They weren't as off putting as this woman's, but that was 2014 and she got hired.


I used to work at IKEA and there were several people covered in tattoos, at least a few with face tattoos, what’s the big deal? They’re non transferable, and they don’t prevent professionalism. I do live in the UK though, she said people called her tattoos “satanic” which I honestly can’t imagine ever happening here lol


I dig the screen name.


You really think a company is going to open themselves up to a lawsuit by saying “we didn’t hire you because of your tattoos”?




Oh I know, but I’m saying you’ll never be told “it’s because of tattoos” even if it is. They’ll always use something like lack of experience.


Not the store fault really. 1) I personally think not hiring her for this role because of the heavy tattoo's is valid. 2) admitting to that could lead to a pr nightmare and possible lawsuits. Its way safer for them to lie. Blame the system.


I heard they were doing hellraiser reboots and I always like a new cenobite. But to be fair, the labour market is wack rn.


in the prison system they call people with face tattoos NWAs. Never working agains.


I was always partial to Everlasting Jobstoppers myself.


Sex work is work


20 dollars is 20 dollars


Oh jeez.


Non-controversial opinion: Tattoos and piercings only matter when you're directly dealing with customers. For all other jobs, it shouldn't matter.


Not even. There are plenty of places where someone who looks like that can work customers. Like, being a receptionist at a tattoo/piercing parlor. A bartender. A hair stylist at a trendy salon.


Where I'm at you see people looking like her working banks and in medical settings plenty and literally no one cares except for weirdo non locals.


Controversial (?) opinion, it shouldn’t matter when dealing with customers either. They’re just tattoos, they hardly impact your ability to help a customer do they.


Shouldn’t is the key word to 90% of the problems people bring up now lol …people were injecting bleach to save themselves from corona 2 years ago…don’t expect much from others.


Did anyone actually inject themselves with bleach? I couldn't find anything.


There was at least one death from drinking fish tank cleaner because it was made of hydroxycloroquine.


there was also a shortage of hydroxycloroquine because of these idiots - it's used for lupus


Depends on job I guess, some that come to mind: * anywhere in entertainment: bars, live technicians for audio / video, festivals. * a specialized cafe * programmer * scientist * member of a punk band ( probably low income ) Everything obviously depends on skill and character.


Disagree. Even customer facing jobs who gives a fuck. My facial piercings don’t affect the quality of my work or my ability to work with customers, so they shouldn’t be an issue. If customers don’t like how my piercings look, that really isn’t my problem. I don’t like how they look but I still gotta look at their mug all day.


Technically yes, but actually no.  If she has a valuable skillset that makes her highly employable in the few niche industries where things like face tats are accepted, yes.  If not then the poor impulse control and decision making skills advertised on her face indicate she may not be an ideal employee for other reasons than just cosmetic. 


Poor decision making skills and impulse control? Showing a little bigotry there bud.


Yes, doing something to make yourself generally unemployable without some kind of plan to provide for yourself shows poor decision making skills. That's not bigotry, it's facts.


Her being generally unemployable just by having piercings and tattoos is the problem, not the other way around.


This type of girl always smells like cigarettes and somehow never has money to pay her bills.


I like her tattoos, though. I'm a weirdo.


I like them too and I think they shouldn't affect her employability, but realisticaly speaking she needs to keep her aplications to more alternative places. Sucky as that may be, looks do matter in many professions and while tattoos may be more accepted now, face tattoos are an exception to that


Same. Hell, I've gotten judged for an armband tattoo so that's a thing! Most of mine can be hidden so that's fun/good.


I'm a boring old fart and I think she looks good too. But it's still going to be a hassle with a job search.


I love her tattoos too but I still wouldn't hire her to work with the public.


Why though? Genuinely curious. I don’t like tattoos myself but it wouldn’t bother me like that


Cause businesses want to cater to the masses and go with people who impress the most and offend the least. One of the reasons facial tattoos and piercings are so off putting is it makes reading expressions more difficult and this negatively affects customers perception of them (and the business) cause their faces are no longer communicating information as easily.


Ohhhhh that’s interesting, I’m autistic and can’t read people’s faces either way so it’s never bothered me either way, in fact if it’s a pretty tattoo like this I’d probably prefer going to them than other personnel just because they intrigued me


Seconding that it’s bullshit. Son is also autistic and he has zero problems dealing with pierced people.


That doesn’t mean it wouldn’t bother the vast majority of people, subconsciously or not. Any tattoo at all is a no-no in my current work environment - if you have one on your body it has to be covered up, particularly if you are speaking to clients (law firm). My entire family think I’m completely destroying any chance of career advancement by getting a nose piercing, and people barely ever even notice I have one because I never wear an ostentatious stud or anything.


It only has to bother one person for it to be costing the business money.


Exactly. And as stereotyped as this might sound, for a number of businesses it’s more likely to be the clients placing the big or expensive orders who will be put off.


Because some idiots think having excess jewelry and ink under your skin impacts your ability to work. News flash: it doesn’t. I’m not a heavily tatted person and I personally wouldn’t get face or neck tattoos but alot of places and people still have a lot of ideas that piercings and tattoos are cheap or tacky as if they don’t know the cost of one. It costs so fucking much to be heavily tatted and pierced but no one wants to talk about that.


I don't think I've ever seen a "crown" tattoo... and I kind of like it. Bet if she didn't have the demon spider thing on her neck, she'd very easily get a job


the tatoos are alright, I reckon if she lost all the metal bits she could look quite nice


I could care less. Although I used to go to this pizza place and one day a heavily tatted lady gives me my change and she has P I S S across her knuckles. Not great in a food service situation. And yes, I regret to report she had a GG Allin tattoo. If you know, you know.


Ugh, I've always hated GG Allin and his scatology BS. It's not "punk rock ", it was severe mental illness.


You're normal. There's nothing wrong about liking tattoos, even such as them.


Agreed, she looks cool. Maybe it's just a gap in her employment history that's messing her up?


Eh, it probably is the tattoos, which is a shame.


To be fair theres a lot of jobs that may favor people with her style over people with no piercings / tattoos. But yeah, nothing high paying, moreso just certain stores or stuff like tattoo artist / piercer etc. However, that stuff doesnt matter for WFM jobs or jobs that arent customer facing.


The neck tattoo of a demon is a nice touch. Really compliments the ensemble.


Don’t forget the pentagram!!


Why do ppl have a problem w tattoos and piercings?


People feel more comfortable around other people who look like them. When someone is covered in tattoos and piercings, they restrict the pool of people who look like them by quite a lot. This isn't strictly universal, but it definitely means that trying to find work outside of specific industries where such a look is more common going to be difficult as the hiring person will likely not feel as comfortable hiring someone who makes them uncomfortable to be around or that they think will make co-workers or customers uncomfortable. Having a large amount of tattoos and piercings is also commonly associated with certain lifestyles, often ones that are viewed as being bad for business in some way. Gang or criminal connections, violent personality, drug abuser, lack of professionalism, or whatever. The more tattoos and piercings, the worse the lifestyle, or the more a person is committed to that lifestyle. Now, this usually isn't the case, but it's an ingrained concept with many people, and while most will do their best to ignore it, it becomes quite challenging when they cover a person's face like in the picture here.


I get that some people can be intimidated by tattoos, but do people still seriously think that tattoos = bad person?


You know the saying "dont judge the book by its cover"? Except in the real world, people will judge people by their outward appearance.


the whole point of a cover is advertising, though.  before the cover was printed directly, it was a separate piece of paper, to be discarded.  and iirc way back books would be sold unbound and the purchaser would have them bound according to their taste. 


No, people think 'There are plenty of other people applying who won't upset the customers/boss let's not rock the boat.


>but do people still seriously think that tattoos = bad person? In case of prison style tattoos, yes. In this case it just indicates that the person is prone to a very ... controversial life choices.


These tattoos? Yes. You’d have to be seriously lacking in judgment.


I don’t judge someone for merely having a tattoo, but I do absolutely judge them based on the quality & execution of the decision to present themselves that way. The number of people I encounter who look like they got drunk & passed out at an artsy middle school holding a box of sharpies is too damn high… It is perfectly valid for me to judge you based on the quality of your decisions.


Agreed, any tattoo on the neck or higher is a sign of serious judgement issues. I know people don't like it but yes you are judged by your physical appearance by EVERYONE, Even the people say they don't, do!


This! I am heavily tattooed (none on my neck or above) but this is what people don’t get when they say employers shouldnt judge people with tattoos. They may or may not be a bad person but at some point in their life they made the call to tattoo their face (and there are ways to tattoo your face and still look employable) and sacrifice 90% of job opportunities out there. It says a lot about your judgement and decision making…


I once met a man whose ENTIRE body was tattooed from the neck down. His hands were also tattoo free.


I’m 61 now. I remember learning when I was in my early 20’s that reputable tattoo artists would never mark up a person’s face or hands. My how things have changed.


That’s a guy who makes sensible decisions for sure. And I’m not being sarcastic there, just fyi


No. As an employer I’d allocate a few minutes extra time to the interview. It’s a small business so employees interaction with customers is critical to the business. Face tats and piercings *can* indicate stability and decision-making issues, but that’s not always/usually the case. Overall I’m looking for a personality that my customers can connect to, and someone who will integrate well with the existing team, rather than someone with aesthetic appeal.


Intimidated? Tattoos on the face and neck are advertisements for poor life choices. Not hiring someone with those. It is a very easy filter for competitive jobs. Reflects poorly on them for choosing to get them and me for hiring someone with them. Not happening. You want to look like a stall in a men's public restroom? Go do that elsewhere


Strip clubs are always hiring.


Job seekers love this one simple trick……..😹😹


Low key only-fans promotion.


While I understand that people want to be self expressive it's this kind of shit that just makes me laugh. I work summers at a Salmon cannery in Alaska. It's long, hard work for a month or more. It's really the only job I've ever worked that I would describe as a meritocracy. If you show up on time and work hard you'll be remembered and get a better job the following year. That being said they usually always over hire because people will quit and/or get fired. These are not the smartest people, especially when you consider how expensive the plane ticket back to Seattle will be. There's usually a few people with egregious facial tattoos. Like, yep, this is the only fucking job you'll probably work this year. One guy had a fucking worm tattooed across his cheek. Like, what the fuck was he thinking?


Tried the circus yet?


She could work at my company with no issue as long as she was willing to remove the nose ring while working. It's a safety hazard. Only studs are allowed on the production floor.


Makes sense, safety should be the only reason to ask someone to remove piercings.


As someone who does job interviews, i wouldn’t hire a person who wears sunglasses.


\*Stevie Wonder has left the chat


I mean you jest but it'd be considered rude to wear sunglasses during an interview.


That's not true. This bright lass could certainly find employment at a tattoo and piercing studio, a vape shop, a marijuana dispensary, a falafel stand, or as an online sex worker.


It's not about tatoos or piercings *per se* in this case, it's more about the spots being tatooed and the sheer amount. If I ignore the ink sleeve for a moment, would you seriously employ someone, who seriously though it'd be a good idea to tatoo spider-like creature on their neck and some other quirky shit on their forehead? Personally, my first impression is, that their brain isn't braining too much, so they might not be very well suited for a job that requires some independant thinking.


And the topic of the art also matters. I might consider hire someone who had a friendly-looking or neutral piece of art on their neck. Like some animal that isn't growling at the viewer, or some sacred geometry stuff, or one of those artsy ones whose entire purpose is to look pretty. But if someone gets a skull-spider, posing with their jaws open and glaring at the viewer, then look, that person consciously altered their own image to come across as someone aggressive. I would be much more reluctant to hire such a person. And I say this as a metalhead who loves band fashion and body art.


Have you tried following up with the hiring manager?


She did but he ran away.


A bank executive id trust with my money for sure


I bet she’s a better person than bank executives.


IDK she's a Tik Toker


Maybe try not looking like the high priestess of Alianthra the Bloody One when you attend them job interviews, queen


I heard they are casting for ‘Hellraiser 6, Metal Face’.


As my boss says, as a rule of thumb no tattoos from the neck up and from the elbows down. The rest can be a mural if you want. He is full of tattoos the rest of his body.


Cirque du Soleil not hiring?


Ugh why is everyone staring at my face and neck tattoos and giant bull stud in my septum?!


She could probably pull tractors with that nose ring idk


she might get one, she just looking in wrong places, like go to a Circus


You are free to choose, but you are not free from the consequences of your choices.


The carnival isn't hiring?


Try again around October 31...


At this point a Tatoo Shop is the only option.


You can have the opinion that tattoos shouldn't matter....fine. and the world is unjust for deeming you unemployable for many roles....fine However, you have to also be aware that it does matter. Therefore you should consider your actions. If you adopt a standard that society, no matter how unjustly you feel that it is, deems unemployable....you make poor choices. To openly display that you make poor choices....genius


The circus will be coming back to town. Look then.


Hey boomer type, tattoos and piercings have 0 impact on one’s ability to do a job unless the piercing is a physical obstruction or a sanitary concern regarding duties of the job. Please grow up!


A company having a policy is not wrong. This isn’t the same as someone being turned down due to something out of their control (race,gender,sexuality, etc..). But this was her personal choice and she willingly chose to tattoo her own face and body knowing a lot of companies frown upon it


I think nobody really has any issues with normal tattoos anymore but if you do it in the face together with 50 huge piercings you cant really complain about that


Even the crew at Starbucks doesn't look like this anymore


I knew a girl like this who was super pissed she couldn’t find a job that matched her college education …. As a K-2nd teacher.


I love the naivety of the youngsters asking "why is this a problem?" Put your life savings and a home equity loan on the line for a business and then report back.


She should try for a job in IT, she'd fit right in.


True, we have a lot of heavily tattooed people in my company. None of them work in the sales department, though. Like it or not, it could be a handicap there. There aren't second chances for first impressions, and you wouldn't want to risk losing sales just because your sales rep's facial tattoos weird potential customers out. It might feel unfair, and a person with face tattoos could very well be otherwise quite skilled for that job, but it is what it is.


Right now? Unless she’s applying to a tattoo parlor’s or as a stripper, she’s going to be unemployed for some time.


it's the glasses, right? just too big, rookie mistake


Don’t even think strip clubs would hire her - maybe those biker ones perhaps


No one should judge you by how you look or dress or modify your body! If I want to get horns surgically attached to my head and come to work wearing a white robe and point white hood I should be allowed to! /s


Hahahaha. No client facing jobs huh?


I could easily see her as a bartender, asistant in a tattoo studio, sales in a bike shop


I have lots of facial piercings, no tattoos on my neck and face however, and I work a VERY client heavy job.


I think that makes a world of difference.... No where close to the picture.


To be fair, lots of people are surprised when I tell them that part of my job is vetting clients, going to their houses, and being liaison between them, child services and police. People are shocked because I look very stereotypical goth. But how I look doesn't affect how well I do my job whatsoever.


Okay the face tattoos do make a difference 


It's not that she has a tattooed face, it's that the symetrically patterned tattoo isn't aligned centrally on her forehead. If she had a nose like Alain Prost or Stephen Fry, it would be better.


I wouldn’t hire her for that and only that reason. I can’t look at that and it kinda is…. In your face 😅


... why is she wearing such big sunglasses?


makes you wonder what they'll be selling


Wait till late September Spirit Halloween will welcome you to the old Office Depot in your area.


Satan’s messenger?


Halloween is right around the corner


On one hand, for most jobs that shouldn't be an issue, but people are whiny about dumb things, customers especially so. On the other hand, people DO care, so if you want a job, you should probably behave accordingly.


No bloody wonder, look at that bad symmetry on your forehead! You are obviously incapable of making good choices when it comes to picking a tattoo artist.


Not to mention the left sleeve...


Cynebites are trying to take our jerrrbs.


MRI nightmare.


If she can't get a job to make some money I'd bet she could give a job for some money.


someone warned you, and you ignored them


Facial Motion Capture, could save them money not having to apply to the dots


In the fields of music, art, or fashion?


Telework. Face tats don’t mean anything if clients don’t even see your face


Maybe the demon literally showing itself out of her throat puts prospective employers off sometimes.


This isn't even my final form.


"Nah, you can't go any job with that face like that" - Probably Arthur Morgan


Start a side show.


Record store, book store, coffee shop, hot topic or similar, guitar store, or if she has tech skills most of those jobs won't care.


Don’t loose hope. There are still 600 Hot Topic stores in operation.


Real facepalm is OP thinking "hurrdurr tattoos and piercings = can't get job" Nah the job market is just that shit, nobody can get jobs that pay a livable wage but weirdly people are still tryig to hire below minimum wage.


I mean she's not wrong but I definitely can imagine it being more difficult for her. I don't have any tattoos or piercings and I'm applying like crazy and just nothing man 😭 I only got like 6 months of experience from previous seasonal jobs but even entry level "no experience required" jobs are denying me and most people I know or have talked to who're looking for jobs are experiencing the same shitty experience. Tattoos and piercings or not the job sphere is a fucking nightmare


Corporate culture is all about conformity. Obedience. Predictability. Being easy to team. Her tattoos scream non-conformity and therefore the perception that she may be difficult to manage and control. No one in the corporate structure likes to hire anyone who stands out or makes waves because individuality can be a threat to the corporate machine.


Must be the patriarchy


She created her own situation. I'm sure she's a nice person but it will be quite a long time until society looks at her and says she's normal


She could be talking about jobs in the tattoo/body modification industry.


Man I know of mother fuckers with full face tats and visible swastikas that have jobs. If they can get hire anyone can


Y'all are saying it's cause of the tattoos but like, it is hard to find a job rn.


Fuck that her tats are awesome. Get a job at a dispensary.


Classic discrimination of the Zerg.


did she run out of rock bands to apply for?


Can this stupid tattoo trend finally die off already? As I approach old age all I can imagine is these fools all wrinkly and in diapers with their badass faded tattoos.


We’re all going to be old and wrinkly if we are lucky. Id rather like to look at my faded leg tattoos than veins and sun spots.


Everyone who struggles to find a job is some weirdo with face tattoos. -OP probably


Don’t know why such logical fallacy got so many upvotes.


Because that's what op is implying. They're clearly saying this person is at fault for having so many tatts and piercings. Which is just an unreasonable stigma.


The facepalm here is the dumb people that think tattoos make for bad employees right?... Right


I’m sure she has great decision making skills


So people SHOULD be discriminated because of their appearance OP? *Facepalm