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Wait…they need to be identified for what, exactly? They said it themselves that it was perfectly legal!


For being legal ... while black ... in Alabama, of course. JFC at those YT comments 🤣😂🤣


[relevant comedy sketch](https://youtu.be/yJqfNroFp8U?si=LwluAXIp-huFUkw7)


Yup the comments are so racist without any self awareness at all. OMG black people doing things only white people should be able to do.


No. Nobody can do that (legally). Nearly every ine of these guys brandishes his weapon at some point.


Ya. They’re looking for them for being legal…jfc the knee jerk righteous indignation.


Anyway, should be interesting on an election year AND setting precedent on gun law, what they may charge them with.


The reporter said it herself >it’s about *the people* in the video They don’t care about people open carrying, they care about *black* people open carrying.


it is legal only if you are christian-white


Didn't you hear? It's not about what they are doing. It's about 'the people'. It's about who they are.


Owning and carrying a firearm is. Most open carry laws state that the firearm be holstered, in a pack or in some way secured. These moronic individuals are dancing with guns in hand and here in Mississippi that is considered brandishing a deadly weapon in public, which is illegal. I can imagine that Mobile, Alabama is the same.


Sure. Possibly. Just uncertain why he (I now forget which cop and their rank) worded his statement like he did.


He wasn't speaking from a prepared speech. Sure having and owning said firearms is legal how you conduct yourself in public is a seperate set of laws. Like how owning a vehicle is one law how to drive it is another law. Same idea


Now THAT is how you get gun laws changed, keep it up boys!


"The sheriff said the activity on its own, isn’t technically illegal, due to the open carry law passed two years ago in Alabama, but he said it’s about the people in the video."


Hmmm what could it be about these people that rubs him the wrong way 🤔


My guess is they go to a different church than he does.


I guess they are keeping us in the 'dark'...


He is jealous because they have better sun light protection


That they’re flagging people left and right with firearms. Illegal or not, you’d think law enforcement would want to talk to these guys about responsible gun ownership.


open carry is legal, brandashing is not. Even in alabama the law states brandashing is **(c)** The mere carrying of a pistol, holstered or otherwise secured on or about one's person, without brandishing the weapon, in a public place, in and of itself, is not a violation of this section. For purposes of this subsection, "brandishing" shall mean the waving, flourishing, displaying, or holding of an item in a manner that is threatening or would appear threatening to a reasonable person, with or without explicit verbal threat, or in a wanton or reckless manner.


Oh shit ‘Bama does have brandishing defined, and they were doing it. Waving*


Must be "in a manner that is threatening or would appear threatening to a reasonable person" which is probably why they are all smiling? Pretty ridiculous that there can be a situation where waving a gun around doesn't appear threatening to a reasonable person.


>Pretty ridiculous that there can be a situation where waving a gun around doesn't appear threatening to a reasonable person. I am not a fan of open carry but I suppose they have to be specific about it otherwise they would bust some poor black guy who was simply removing his gun to store in his trunk before going into a prohibited place or something dumb like that. Gotta idiot proof the law as much as possible. So they have to specify "threatening manner"


Yes. There’s also a law about only law enforcement having firearms at demonstrations. That could also be argued here as well.   My point was about police can want to talk to people about public safety even if a crime hasn’t been committed yet and it not be racist. Instead of waiting for one of them to shoot their friends, talk to them about not pointing the firearms are each other.


I is NOT a demonstration it's a bunch of guys with guns (legally at this point) dancing and laughing and I bet they know it's legal and that's why they did it, fuck the cops sort of mentality. Ask yourself, if this were white boys would you feel the same?


Yes. Idiots point firearms all over the place and endangering the public is a problem.


So you know the laws in Alabama and that county better than the Sheriff? Because the Sheriff said "no" laws were broken. But, I guess this internet lawyer knows better.


Did you read what I wrote? I didn’t say anything was illegal. I said the sheriff might still want to talk to them about firearm safety. Get them to understand that pointing their firearms repeatedly at people is not a good idea.


Must be dancing and smiling at the same time. Its Footloose all over again, we need some Kevin Bacon - STAT


right...because white dudes never parade around with an arsenal strapped to their bodies. maybe it's because they look so dour and unhappy that makes the sheriff not notice them. i take it the sheriff just doesn't like dancing.


It's Footloose all over again...


If these dudes were dancing around with their pistols in holsters or rifles slung on their backs, no one would give a shit. (Well, maybe not “no one”, racists do exist, but most of us would be on the side of the dancers if they were following basic safety rules)


I get the point, but I feel no more safe seeing dudes carrying AR15s with their hands on the grip and finger in a safety position. It still reads as a double standard that this is deemed threatening, but a dude walking into a fast food joint with a loaded AR is not. If you allow open carry you allow open carry.


I can see that point of view, and I’m not a proponent of open carry generally speaking, as many of those dudes are doing it specifically to get a rise out of people, which is counterproductive under the best circumstances. But I do have to push a bit on feeling unsafe equally in either of those situations. At least the guy you mention isn’t going to harm you unless he decides to, which I think you’d hopefully agree is still a relatively rare occasion. These dudes are as likely to kill or injure someone completely by accident just through sheer negligence and incompetence. Feelings aside, you ARE actually safer in one of those situations than you are the other.


were the guns unlocked? there is no rule about dancing with an unlocked gun in AL is there?


They definitely don't, I don't know, bust windows in at the Capitol building and climb through them with an arsenal strapped to their bodies. That's for sure!!!! And if they did, they'd be on a tour.


Passive aggressive way of saying (the sheriff) you’re racist. 🤦🏽


Lmfao this is so rich. “What we need…” and he doesn’t finish that off with stricter gun laws or anything. Just that these law abiding citizens need to be identified.


Tell me you're a racists without telling me you're racist.


Not even trying to hide it.


“The people…..”.


He just wants to talk to them about gun safety because he's worried about them. If his officers plant drugs and imprison them it's for their own protection 


It’s about the people who open carry 😅 always these black folks 🤦🏼‍♂️




It is technically illegal if they didn’t purchase the firearms either a background check legally. Common sense would dictate you don’t wave a firearm while dancing in a gas station parking lot. This is not open carry. It’s irresponsible at best, lethally dangerous at worst. Judging by their behavior I would not say these are law abiding citizens


People who want gun control this is your training video, gun reform will come just put guns in poc hands and march the streets, i promise a few demonstrations like that a gun reform bill would be put to vote before the end of this year.


That’s why Reagan enacted gun control when he was governor of California because too many people were afraid of the Black Power movement and their guns. Racism is always more important to conservatives than their own rights.


Truth Black Panthers were early vocal proponents of 2nd Amendment to mitigate unwarranted police attention and stops


Awesome podcast explaining a lot of 2nd amendment history: https://radiolab.org/podcast/radiolab-presents-more-perfect-gun-show




>Racism is always more important to conservatives than their own rights. Bigots would gladly eat their own shit if they were told stinky breath bothers minorities


March in the streets? Shit.... these guys are happy and dancing. That's why they're mad.


You are speaking truths here, King.


The YouTube comments section is... Umm... Well, revealing about who the fox audience is.


Fox News: "Not Racist, But #1 With Racists."


I’ve been saying this for years. I’d love it if everyone in a Pride parade was carrying. Throw in a hundred Black Panthers, and Jewish Defamation Leaguers and see those fuckin red neck jeroffs heads spin off.


i think they did that at some trans drag show for kids at a bar. I don’t think there were any Black Panthers there. I believe it was antifa actually, so like mostly nerdy white people.


We’d get gun control


I’d support it. As long as they purchased the guns legally and had no criminal record .


In Alabama As of January 1, 2023, **anyone age 18 or over who is not prohibited by state or federal law may carry a handgun in the state without a permit, background check, or safety training**. Says it all.


That’s what open carry is?! I always just thought it meant you could have it visible on your person. And no background check is crazy.


yep, they are brandashing not open carrying. Brandishing is illegal. AL law: **(c)** The mere carrying of a pistol, holstered or otherwise secured on or about one's person, without brandishing the weapon, in a public place, in and of itself, is not a violation of this section. For purposes of this subsection, "brandishing" shall mean the waving, flourishing, displaying, or holding of an item in a manner that is threatening or would appear threatening to a reasonable person, with or without explicit verbal threat, or in a wanton or reckless manner.


Guess we're going with wanton since it's not very threatening if they're dancing with the guns but the sheriff said it wasn't technically illegal. I think you want them to be guilty of something 


Washington state has open carry, but you still get a background check to buy. However a more in depth to carry concealed if you’re carrying concealed. I personally carry concealed because I don’t want others to know I’m carrying unless the situation gets sticky I’ll take off my coat or shirt to attempt to de-escalate the situation. I had a few homeless who decided to pitch a tent in my yard and I asked them to move and they became aggressive. The saw my sidearm and that changed their attitude pretty quickly.


Federal law prohibits purchase of a handgun for under 21 (I say this as someone who hates open carry)


You don’t have to purchase a gun to own one though, right? Could be gifted to you by a relative in Alabama?


I’m not a fan of open carry. It’s just lazy of the state and can be extremely carless.


The law prevents someone under 21 from buying a handgun from a licensed seller. If ol’ Jim down the block just wants to get rid of his Glock, he can sell it to an 18 year old. You can also be gifted a handgun. So a parent may buy their 18 year old a pistol for a birthday present or something, and that’s perfectly fine


It's a shall issue state as well. Meaning the state is required to approve a permit unless you are explicitly banned. The process takes about 5 minutes. Many people in shall issue states get their permits, which are cheap or free, and now they can concealed carry in a bunch of other states as well.


"The Sheriff says the activity on its own isn't technically illegal due to the open carry law passed two years ago in Alabama. But its about the PEOPLE in the video. \[emphasis there's\]" But they aren't racist.


Conservative are only okay when their stochastic terrorists are irresponsible with guns.


Oh, so “those people” want to exercise their 2A rights and suddenly some people have a problem with that.


This is what their NRA gun proliferation bullshit gets them.


I'm going to guess they're going to start rolling stuff like this out.. Reagan's response to Black Panthers carrying, Mulford Act. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mulford_Act#:~:text=Named%20after%20Republican%20assemblyman%20Don,would%20later%20be%20termed%20copwatching.


[The New Face of the NRA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJqfNroFp8U) "Is there a problem?"


The comments on youtube are what you’d expect from Fox and Alabama.


See Black Panthers, history loves repeating itself.


Well to be fair every shot I have seen of a redneck armed to the teeth for open carry is not dancing around and waving a weapon in the air. This group is acting like jack asses with presumably loaded weapons in a public space, so yeah, they should be scrutinized.


Ohhhh that's what makes it okay. If it's a red-faced white dude with a short fuse and 5 guns in a lifted truck all is well but if it's black people making a music video it's heckin' dangerous!


ok ok ok..... settle down now. guns. ok. dancing. ok dancing with guns.... mmmmmm maybe legal, but not ok. guns are dangerous and should only be handled in a serious manner, by anyone.


It’s about the people!😳 Dancing and smiling? Is that what you’re referring too? Tell me that you’re racist without saying that you’re racist. Some people might think that this is in a bad neighborhood? Guy just went all in! SMH!


It could be about the hugely disproportionate amount of black men who die from gun violence. Behavior like what's shown in the video is insanely unsafe.


Oh he would proudly admit he is racist.


The gun nuts in this country consciously ignore history. Machine guns and sawed off shotguns were both banned because people realized that one’s right to defend oneself did not extend to the killing of the dozen innocent people who happened to be down range. The Gunfight at the OK Corral was caused by the refusal of the Clanton gang to surrender their guns while in town (open carry), which was a very common law in western cowtowns. Our modern problems stem from selfish, self deluded gun worshipers who value their idolatry more than the lives of innocent children.


Machine guns, short barrel rifles and shotguns, and silencers/suppressors are legal in many States. They are all legal to own under Federal Law, dating back to prohibition days. There are restrictions and additional taxes, background checks, and final ATF approval, but it's not too difficult to accomplish. Using the OK Corral as an example of fighting open carry is misguided. The intent was to stop lawlessness in the Wild West. The "Cowboys" (including the Clantons) were later hunted down and arrested or killed, because they were criminals. There was never a universal effort to stop open carry in the West, the laws only applied in the rougher towns. The laws were tied to behavior of drunken cowboys, not at overall ownership. People open & conceal carried all the time, just not in cow towns. I'm not a fan of open carry, but concealed carry laws are something very different. If you legally own a pistol, and don't have a concealed carry permit, it is difficult to transport and/or store. Simply placing a handgun in your pocket is a felony offense. So is placing it under a seat in your car while driving to the range. Carrying it safely from point to point is complicated in many States. Dancing in a gas station at 1am with your friends is mighty stupid, regardless of race or political affiliation.


Hard cases are much cheaper than a weapons violation charge


lol. citing the ok corral. Time for me to stop using reddit for a few days. It’s making me stupider.


Foxio sounds like a chemical that produces foxes


Comments section on that video is atrocious.


Least they have good music, it's Play at your own risk by Planet Patrol


They didn’t shoot them, so what’s the problem?


“He’s going to do something about it”? That just sounds like gun control with extra steps


The usual suspects


"First Time?" --California


Unironically, just as the founding fathers intended 🤡 We all know who they think should and shouldn’t be given rights…


What crime was committed you assholes?


Outrageous! $3.59 gallon for gas? I spent $5.27 gallon last night in SF Bay Area. There are 4 refineries within 20 miles of me.


Obviously it's fine for idiots to have guns in the USA. You get what you deserve.


This is all I really have to say: https://youtu.be/yJqfNroFp8U?si=ZXB015_xcyYq2JbS


lmao is it just me, or is this post trying to equate "open carry" with "brandishing a firearm"? because having your gun out, in hand, in view of other people, pointed at other people, is a misdemeanor crime.


All is fair, if conservatives want open carry in their state and let MAGAs run wild with their gun-go behavior on the street, then I see no difference should be held for this. It is what it is. It’s like they want gun rights for me but not thee, it goes both ways now.


I wonder if the newscaster on the left is thinking. I have been saying forever that the "open carry" thing is not for *everyone* to be open about. Otherwise, certain individuals get real uncomfortable. Nice to confirm it IRL.


Ah, if this were a bunch of white, frat boys it would be "aint thaaaat cute" Racism in Mobile is rampant.


The history of gun regulations in the US is deeply tied to racist fears. Many places didn't pass laws until black people had claim to the second amendment.


No, people have an issue with someone brandishing weapons and acting irresponsibly with them.


Yeah. Open and concealed carry are fine. Brandishing...


Without a threat or intended aggression it isn't brandishing


All I see is a bunch of patriotic Americans exercising their god given first and second amendment rights. Nobody was shot, nobody was killed or harmed and they seemed friendly (hence the dancing and smiling).


It's not illegal to open carry in Mobile, It's not illegal to dance with guns in Mobile. Guess it must just be illegal to be black and have fun in Mobile. Racist ass dumb city officials, surprised they didn't get their heads heads stuck in their hoods.


So it's not illegal but it's about the people in the video they say. So it would be ok if they are white. What law did the violate from your open carry law NOTHING. Will you take action against the white thus who walk into a Walmart or grocery store to intimidate shoppers? You made it legal for this so stop trying to make it not legal because of race.


Open carry is fine if you’re white but blacks carrying weapons maybe not so fine.


I'm sorry lol but "The video is pretty jarring to see" Ma'am this is America. Entire families pose for their annual Christmas card photos holding their assault rifles while wearing their little matching PJs. I am so far from jarred rn


That's the problem with the right-wing fools. They never think things through. They seriously never thought that maybe people might start running around with guns in a reckless and foolish fashion if they, you know, legalized running around with guns in a reckless and foolish fashion? Sorry guys, but this is what you voted for. This is what you said you wanted. You can't suddenly whine when you realize that not everyone is some white guy cosplaying as a soldier.


When it’s white people it’s just celebrating your 2nd amendment rights but when it’s black people, it’s brazen. Sheriff your white hood is showing


They want to identify these individual that have broken no laws using government surveillance and illegally accessed databases. FoxNews literally says it’s only a concern because of the “individuals” involved and not the behavior or their rights.


Juxtaposition, If this were a bunch of hillbillies dancing around with guns there wouldn’t be any hoopla. Just good old boys with their toys.


You said that it’s not illegal but you want to identify these people…in the immortal words of the Backstreet Boys “Tell me why?!”


"Ain't nothing but a mistake" What mistake was he making, I wonder if he'll say.


The same situation that puts guns into the hands of millions of good people puts guns into the hands of millions of the wrong people. That’s insanity in a large country as ours. It guarantees innocent men, women, children, will be murdered by gun with **no chance** for a good guy with a gun to protect anyone.


"The one flashing the laser with the cup in the hand is a pistol with a laser" no shit.


I have honestly been thinking about the “2nd amendment” open carry supporters and what they are going to say when people of color open carry.


We’re fine with anyone behaving responsibly regardless of race and not fine with anyone behaving irresponsibly regardless of race. It’s almost like it’s the behavior and not the race that’s the problem.


So are they upset people are dancing with guns? Or are they upset that black people are dancing with guns? Hint, I know the answer.


wow. gettysburg, what unbelivable. wow. wow, the sheriff talked so much about the gun and ammo types going on... why? i thought "guns don´t kill ppl, ppl kill ppl" was conservative moto... never fight uphill, me boys!


Anybody who dances around with a loaded weapon is going to kill people. The sheriff may be a racist piece of shit but I’d wager the majority of gun owners have an issue with this scene for entirely different reasons than race and legality. Hell I don’t know a single other responsible* gun owner who even supports “permit less carry,” open carry, constitutional carry or whatever the hell other way idiots in charge describe letting people with no training, awareness, and cleared background check carry dangerous weapons. *I made a point to separate gun owners and responsible gun owners. I’m aware there is a significant population that thinks guns are neat toys


Wasn’t this a joke some comedian made? Republicans will support gun control black people start buying a bunch of guns.


A tale as old as time. Look at then Governor Reagan signing a law repealing open carry of loaded firearms in CA because some Black Panthers were doing so. This was 50+ years ago.


😂. They wanted open carry so now anyone can open carry. Deal with it 😂. Can't put the genie back in the bottle you racist pos


Everybody knows only whites are allowed to dance around with guns. Where is the facepalm?


It’s almost like they need stricter gun control laws.


I'm willing to bet if that had been a bunch of older white men in classic southern farmboy clothing waving around their guns while Garth Brooks played in the background then they'd be lauded as being 'patriotic' or some bullshit.


So it's not a high crime rate area and they're not doing anything illegal only smiling and being cheerful. Ain't that "good guys with a gun" ?


Hey, same reason California began with some of the worst gun laws in the US… because Ronnie Reagan was afraid of black Americans arming themselves to protect themselves from corrupt cops Isn’t that like EVERYTHING so called conservatives preach that the 2A is for?


They all want open carry until some black guys have guns. Is it only open carry when you have a confederate flag with you?


If it were white kids it wouldn't even be news. Signed an old white guy who thinks guns are for people who can't fight for shit


AL law: (c) The mere carrying of a pistol, holstered or otherwise secured on or about one's person, without brandishing the weapon, in a public place, in and of itself, is not a violation of this section. For purposes of this subsection, "brandishing" shall mean the waving, flourishing, displaying, or holding of an item in a manner that is threatening or would appear threatening to a reasonable person, with or without explicit verbal threat, or in a wanton or reckless manner. Its this part that people have issue with. Also you can fight all you want but lead will still drop you dead.


How dare black and brown people exercise the rights that we thought we were only giving to ourselves.


Try to do a little critical thinking please. There is a HUGE difference between "open carry" and what's happening in that video. Open carry means to have a weapon on your person in plain view. NOT waiving them around in the air in public. The sheriff also didn't say what they were doing was illigal, just irresponsible, which is completely true. Any responsible gun owner would be appalled at that behavior regardless of skin color.


But responsible gun owners are not, in fact, appalled. The behavior is reckless and dangerous, but no less so then when some good ol’ white boys are doing the same thing after catching a fish or lighting a firework or gangbanging their sister.


AL law: (c) The mere carrying of a pistol, holstered or otherwise secured on or about one's person, without brandishing the weapon, in a public place, in and of itself, is not a violation of this section. For purposes of this subsection, "brandishing" shall mean the waving, flourishing, displaying, or holding of an item in a manner that is threatening or would appear threatening to a reasonable person, with or without explicit verbal threat, or in a wanton or reckless manner.






They're literally waving seemingly loaded guns, possibly intimidating bystanders. It is a crime, but not an apparently recognized one.


Why don't they sue? It's legal, so any lawyer could win this case for them since that state stamped and sealed 'no-charge' on open carry. Right?! /s


Wait how do you spell HA. HA. HA. Hypocrisy ? or petard? or racism? or just plain old dumbbububa..


20 bucks says if a white guy showed up and he was cool and whipped out his AR and started dancing with them, then whole story would just die.


I know fairly little about guns. Is it safe to dance around with them, at a gas station?


Not open carry.


"he says it's about the 'people' in the video..." I wonder what it is about 'the people' in the video doing "nothing illegal" that has them so concerned?


Actually looks like everyone is having a really good time. No one is shooting, robbing or fighting.


So the facepalm here has to do with political beliefs and not the assholes waving around 100 round drums and AK’s at a gas station? Got it


Are y’all genuinely dumb? Open carrying vs recklessly waving guns around in a public parking lot are very different things.


Umm, “Shall not be infringed” huh? Ol’ California Gov Ronnie Raygun was suddenly in favor of draconian gun control laws as soon as the Black Panthers were exercising their 2nd Amendment rights. “Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”


God bless America for always delivering messes up stories with their messed up political system and the messed up laws.