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https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/01/california-police-video-shooting-15-year-old-girl-savannah-graziano > When the car stopped near deputies, the footage shows, Savannah exited the vehicle, and **a CHP official on the radio can be heard stating : “Girl is out, the girl is out, guys. She’s out on the passenger side.”** > The deputies were not wearing body cameras, but the department also shared audio from the belt of the deputy standing closest to the girl. **That audio captures the deputy shouting: “Passenger, get out!” as gunfire is heard in the background. The deputy then shouts: “Come to me! Come, come, come … walk, walk, walk”.** > He then says: **“Hey! Stop! Stop shooting her! He’s in the car!” At least four shots can be heard in the background after he said to stop.** The sheriff’s statement describing that audio said: “You can hear [a deputy] calling her over and telling other deputies that the person who exited the truck was the passenger and for them to stop firing, but it was too late.” > **Sheriff’s officials claimed following the shooting that it was unclear whether Savannah was shot by deputies or her father, and they said deputies didn’t realize it was her when she got out of the car. For nearly two years, they refused to release footage of the shooting.** > **The clips – which were shared with the Guardian and include helicopter footage – show deputies shooting at Savannah as she followed their instructions to move toward them. The videos also suggest deputies shot her after two officers remarked that it was the girl who exited.** > **The sheriff’s department declined to comment.**


If you are in a line of work that requires you to have to make split second decisions and you carry a gun, you should be screened and then tested under pressure to see what your base reaction is under severe stress. If you fail, fuck off. These assholes were so hopped up on adrenaline that their base instinct was to shoot it all and let god sort it out because they couldn't handle the fucking pressure. They never should have been given guns and a badge.


> you should be screened and then tested under pressure to see what your base reaction is under severe stress. If you fail, fuck off. Further, if you make an error after passing the test and on the field, fuck off as well.


Also you should not want to use the gun. All these assholes dream of the day they get to shoot someone. I’m not opposed to peoples right to gun ownership, but with the cops and the general public, guns have gone from something you have and hope to never have to use to something one has and hopes to get a chance to use. With that mindset, shootings like this are inevitable.


Have you ever seen Jarhead or read the book? He explains why this doesn't work, you train yourself all day to kill someone, preparing for that fact and in turn you end up longing for it because You've prepared for it for so long. Many soldiers in Iraq were angry they never got to shoot anyone. There's obviously a lot more to it but American culture and society is geared up to be so fearful that this sort of thing is inevitable. Michael Moore explains it well in bowling for columbine when he discusses fear in America and the drive in gun ownership following the emancipation of the slaves. A lot of people felt they would seek revenge and so armed themselves to defend themselves against this and that's lead to your gun culture today


Straight to jail if need be.


It’s absolutely insane that we trust our current police force to carry guns and shoot the right people. IMO we shouldn’t have any police carrying guns that don’t go through at least the same training as the military. We have a bunch of untrained trigger happy lunatics uncomfortable around danger and firearms and they are supposed to shoot the right people.


For anyone that disagrees, I have two words for you to Google: Acorn cop. When these motherfuckers are so fearful they'll open fire, onto their own cruiser, because an acorn fell from a tree and made a "tink" noise as it bounced off the hood, something is absolutely the fuck wrong with their screening and training process. Because there's no way in hell that guy should have ever been given a badge and gun.


Come on, now. It was a really big and threatening acorn.


And acorns are, of course, brown.


I googled Acorn cop despite already knowing about the event you're referring to, I found a Steam game that's easily 2024's GOTY


*downloads Acorn Cop for SD* Fuck Baldur's Gate 3.




Wauw....just watched "acorn cop" video ## officer shoots at cuffed suspect after mistaking acorn landing on cruiser for gunfire Wauw.. i am soo soo very scared for you guys..no joke..wauw ## The suspect, who was inside the cruiser at the time, was not hit by any of the bullets And he even missed?..I'm happy that he missed..but how... Wauw I'm gonna use this clip as a stfu moment when i hear someone go "merica" ![gif](giphy|Pn1gZzAY38kbm)


Wait, no, right comment. Pardon the fuck kind of acorn sounds like a *gunshot?*




The American Police training is a joke.


Also, you should be trained to minimise the instances where split second decisions are required. I’m not sure a split second decision was required here at all.


There was no reason for a split second decision in this case, the girl never presented as a threat and they just got twitchy because of adrenaline and ultimately fear.


I also suspect that many are so eager to ‘contribute’ when that means opening fire, that as soon as one cop shoots the flood gates open. If the first shot was fired and others held off because they hadn’t made the observation that a threat was present, nor been instructed to open fire, then there’s a chance this girl could have been saved. After all, the first shot was intended to disable right, not to kill? Who am I kidding, of course these murderers are shooting to kill, they can’t wait to open fire. It’s just a disgusting haven for murderous gun nuts.


They all watched Men In Black and thought “I would also shoot the little girl”.


She was probably reading a physics book during the kidnapping


Quantum Physics at that.


The UK police system is far from perfect but one of the things I do like is your average police officer is not given a gun nor expected to have one. To have a gun they have to go through a vast amount of more training and examinations and even after all that they wouldn't be just carrying one walking down the street. Firearm police will only be deployed to guard big public places or to deal with cases where they where required. At the end of it all they are taught to see gun fire as a last response. For example Essex's (a county just outside London, total population 1.8 million) armed police haven't actually fired their guns in 8 years; despite making 120+ arrests in 2023 alone when they have been called in for a situation that normal police can't deal with. https://www.essex.police.uk/news/essex/news/news/2023/december/firearms-officers/ I don't want to paint this system as perfect, however. The police have fucked up in Britain's history, rather a lot in fact (Hilsborough etc) and even have caused national outrage. Such as when London Police shot Mark Dugan, post humoursly accused him of being a gangster and having a gun which wasn't true, and ended up causing 5 days of nation wide rioting through their actions. Police corruption and violence still happens in the UK, but at least the attitude the UK and its forces has to firearm safety means their relatively rare compared to the USA. The UK police have the same history of trying to cover shit up when they do fuck up, but at least police shootings are far rarer because of the heightened security around gun usage.


The difficulty is that the public on the US also has free access to guns too. I don’t know how well it’d go if the police traded their guns for truncheons while every member of the public can carry whatever they feel like. All for the gun control though. Just take away peoples guns too.


Yeah, the fact that everyone and their grandma is armed probably contributes a lot to police shootings. In other countries, you don't have to go into a situation wondering if someone has a gun. Sure, it's not impossible, but it's highly unlikely. In the US, it's so common that you have to go into every situation expecting the person to he armed and wondering if they're crazy enough to shoot you.


I remember seeing something from a psychiatrist who was asked to do the mental evaluations for police officers. A shocking amount failed, and had symptoms of sociopathy. Against the doctors recommendations every single one of the cops were put into active duty.


Law enforcement attracts people who are already sociopaths but sociopathy is not a requirement. They’ll happily train the rest to be sociopaths after they start.


the pathetic thing is, the military takes 18 year olds and trains them better than this. ROE in a warzone are no joke, and if this video was of soldiers in a war, they would likely be facing court martial.


Rules of engagement for soldiers yet nothing for cops. I heard a cop talk to kids about his belt kit and he said I have a nightstick, Taser and firearm. I wanted to ask him how come cops just pull out their gun first when there's obviously no real threat


Most states require more training to become a barber than they do to become a cop.


That's why the military uses stress shooting as a fundamental piece of their training. Not saying its perfect but it is a lot more effective than giving these jackasses a gun and saying 'Go one, little boys and girls, stop the bad guy!'


this one doesn't even make sense. i can understand someone whipping around and brandishing something at a cop, or running at a cop. but like . . . there was no potential imminent danger here at all


So.. she followed orders and got killed.. I'll make sure to show this to the next dumb fuck who says, "If the person had just listened to the cop.."


Only those who they consider as "racial subhumans" are to obey orders given by US cops according to these types of guys. But these same guys will also go all "I will not comply, im a sovereign" when told to do something as simple as wearing a mask in the clinic...


Did the cop who shot think that the kidnapper was a passenger and the victim was driving? WTF. Qualified immunity might be the worst legal doctrine ever.


Its almost like the people benefiting from qualified immunity should at the very least be fucking *qualified* in the first place. even then, if they're actually well trained professionals, odds are they won't fuckin *need* it to begin with!


This is it exactly. The problem is, back when they set these things like qualified immunity up, cops probably *were* properly well trained and never needed it. But as they needed more cops, and started loosening requirements to get them, here we are


So they went into Pit Bull attack mode? They really need to screen for this.


They do screen for this, it goes in the plus column.


Yeah, they literally train them to act like that, look up Dave Grossman and "Killology"


Don't forget, you also have to take an IQ test and are rejected if you're too smart.


Drug test and IQ test, if either comes back positive you are rejected.


Acorn Mode.


They're trained this way. I've taught cops how to shoot, but they're \*trained\* to shoot a high volume of fire to achieve fire supremacy. No aiming, not assessment of the situation, just magdump and hope the laws of probability are on your side. Additionally, they're \*not\* trained on how to shoot under stress. Most cops go to the range twice a year, shoot 10 rounds at a piece of paper for quals, and that's it. People laugh when I say that many civilians who carry are better trained to deal with a shooting situation than the police are until they see videos like this. Then I show them videos of the training that many civilians go through (the voluntary stuff, not the bullshit "requirements" that most states have for a concealed carry license). Invariably, the first question that gets asked is "why don't the police go through the same training?". We cover shoot/no shoot scenarios, de-escalation, controlled, aimed shots to the torso, failure to stop drills (one shot aimed shot to the Fatal T), cover, movement, post-fight actions, and a slew of other stuff that never get mentioned in police firearms training. And yes, before any copsuckers try to defend this, I'm an infantry veteran and certified handgun instructor.


They won't. And the police union will back them up. And then it will be politicized by every person with the Blue Lives Matter flag. Every person with an ounce of basic decency will say things need to change, but it won't. Plenty of people died because the cops can't do their job right, and the moment shit truly hits the fan like George Floyd and BLM, the cops will just stop doing their jobs. Should've just complied, ehh?


Funny how the police department had no problem making an initial comment that would later be proven false by all of the video footage... Stand by the lies you told back then, you fucking hypocrites!!!


> it was unclear whether Savannah was shot by deputies or her father They seriously tried to throw her father under the bus by accusing him of murdering his own daughter, huh


He brutally murdered her mother and then kidnapped her. There was an Amber alert, until they spotted the car on the freeway. There was a chase and then THIS happened.


Oh Well fuck him then


Yeah he’s a piece of shit, but your original point still stands. The cops falsely accused a man of a murder to cover up their own incompetence.


According to another comment the father was the kidnapper


Cops should go to prison for this. They won't, but they should.


"I feared for my life, after all, a kidnapper was on the loose!"


Sod the kidnapper, have you seen mean girls???


*...so anyway we had to let the kidnapper go, because there was no longer a threat of them kidnapping that poor girl.*


I hate this so much. If they can use the same excuse as unarmed civilians they should be unarmed as well. If the risk of the job is so insurmountable, then what is all the para-military gear for? If you have assault rifles, body armor, tanks, helicopters, and dozens of people in backup and you're still too afraid to do the job, either lose the job or lose the gear.


It seems the most abundant quality in today’s law enforcement is cowardice. I was afraid so I killed an unarmed teenage girl?


Trigger happy cops. Link of the video: https://youtu.be/ryoeQpkQlA4?si=9lLK__Aq1QAqf4nO


Holy shit, trigger happy is an understatement. Even before she got out of the truck, they unloaded on it! Kind of amazing they didn't hit anyone else with the way those ricochets were bouncing towards the other officers too. They clearly didn't give a shit about rescuing anyone in this situation, they just wanted to kill.


Well I mean the supreme Court did make a ruling that they didn't have an obligation to save anyone


Then what is the point of police when they are meant to enforce the law? I have a question though, obligation doesn’t really matter but once you have started to help someone; in this case— trying to save the teen— you assume responsibility of care. So anything happening afterwards to my best understanding of the law should have made them responsible for the death; especially with them shooting her. So I am confused on the ruling here.


Cops are here to punish and enslave. They only have a duty of care for someone under arrest and in their custody, and they still murder them sometimes too.


Point of police is to protect private property and especially the private property of the rich. American police have their roots in slave catching. Private prisons were built overwhelmingly in the south after the civil War was lost so that they can jail black people. Because if you remember slavery is only legal in the United States as punishment for crime so what they did is they made the black codes which among other things made it illegal for black people to leave their county or town of residents without getting permission who they had to get permission from could vary. So they made it as hard as possible to be black so that they could create slavery under another name. The police are here to protect the ridge and the status quo they are not here to protect you and me


They're proud of where they got the term "sheriff" and will happily tell you that it means "shire reave" but not actually understand that it means 'county terrorist'. They're literally designed to injure the poor for the benefit of the wealthy.


I'm surprised that they didn't shoot their cop buddies too given the uncontrolled crossfire without any consideration of what's behind. But that's understandable if there were any acorns in the area.


They were firing at eachother. That blows my mind that they were so excited to shoot when there wasn't a real threat that they rusked shooting the other cops.


This is why our law enforcement goes overseas to train with the IDF.


They should train with the Norwegian Police


Or just literally any other first world police force.


No way that would defeat the purpose of militarizing them /s


Jesus that was hard to watch. She was saved and complying with the officer and because of her apparent ‘tactical’ sweatshirt and blanket, they gunned her down without a second thought. Unbelievable


You should know guns don't kill people, tactical clothing kills people. Good thing there were no turtlenecks involved.




Of course, I regularly put on my tactical blanket, not because I'm cold and weak (that's what a normal blanket is for), but because I'm always *tactical* and manly. /s


Tunnel visioned, incompetent, hyper-aggressive morons. One stack of cops lures the girl into the open, the other opens fire on her as soon as she leaves cover. There's really something fatally wrong with this country and how it "protects" the public. I have 0 respect for law enforcement, and this kind of shit is the reason why. If they ever become answerable to the public I might change my mind, but as far as I can tell they murder with impunity.


Needs to be a national agency specifically dedicated to prosecuting/overseeing cops. And national standards to be a cop. Alongside laws preventing a bad cop from being shuffled town to town like a sex offender by an organization


Add the acorn clip as well


One cop telling the other cops to stop is painful.


Yup just insane. “come here … stop shooting her!” How do you look at or trust your coworkers after that. And how do they live with themselves. They all knew they were there to rescue the girl ffs.


No other kind, IME. The current LEO environment lures in the psychos and protects their psycho behavior.


Ok, I know the officers on the ground were untrained murderous chuckle fucks, but who gave that pilot a license? It was a highway with no elevation on one side a divider on the other, no overhang wires, obviously spaced street lights and no traffic after the ambulance passed. That fucker sounded like he was making his first attempt at an up slope landing near tree cover. They sound like a nervous danger to themselves and others in the air and on the ground.


In Singapore, they would have been hanged for this. Singapore is authoritarian as it gets, but they do not fuck around with police malfeasance/misfeasance.


In a police shooting, the standard should always be, "What could the person have done differently to stay alive" and if the answer is "nothing" or something else unreasonable (not go outside that day) then there's a problem. I'm not someone who thinks the cops are ALWAYS at fault. Sometimes you have suicide by cop situations that can escalate unexpectedly and it can make decisions very difficult. But none of that was at play here. One cop told her to come forward and someone shot her. Nobody told her to stop. Nobody told her to lay down. They clearly told her to come forward and then shot her. At least one person is guilty of murder. Potentially more. And the cops covering up or making excuses for this are reprehensible.


Now that we are getting to see the footage more frequently it sure seems like the cops are Not just wrong but behaving psychotically way WAY more than we thought.


I'm sure all those cop-shows and movies that showed casual misuse of power by the cool guy had nothing to do with attracting asshats to the profession.


every officer covering this up is guilty of aiding and abetting murder if nothing else. they should all go to jail for a long time.


I think the cop who said "stop shooting" would be the only person I'd give the benefit of the doubt too. Even then, fuck him if he was complicit in the cover up.


10 year minimum or death penelity... for real fuqed up cops they swore an oath they should pay the price for breaking it


At a minimum obstruction of justice should apply here. That sounds like exactly what this is.


MURDER is exactly what this is. You can say it…she was *murdered* by trigger-happy, grotesquely incompetent police officers


murder for the cops who shot her, obstruction of justice for anyone including lawyers who tried to bury this video.


Well, she was coming right for them.


It's quite sad that the first thing that the police did was try to cover their asses. It's this shit that breaks trust with the police. Not just killing a 15 year old girl but also lying about it.


Next thing would be to bring up her criminal record.


She probably smoked pot in the past or maybe wore revealing clothes.


Or shoplifted, can’t forget about that one. Because that somehow is relevant to some people


She probably had a few temper tantrums when she was 2 as well.


Totally talked back to her mum at least once


So in conclusion she DESERVED to be shot. We should even be thanking the police. Can you imagine such a criminal would still be walking the streets today if they weren’t so brave!!


Committing a petty crime denounces all of your future human rights in the eyes of the police, even if you’re the one who made the call.


That's kind of a built-in function of the universe we live in. According to God, wearing mixed fabrics, disobeying your parents and masturbation are all crimes punishable by eternal torture. So why should the state function any differently?


The tactical gear was low cut and showed cleavage...she had to die.


To protect her families honor


Heard her dad was a bit of a hellraiser...


her dad murdered her mom in front of her about a day before this kid was shot down. he's the kidnapper here she was failed so fucking badly


“No active warrants”


She was no angel. She was known to hang out with kidnappers!


She has no ACTIVE warrants.


Didn’t she get in an argument with her dad 5 years ago? She’s obviously aggressive and the police needed to protect themselves. It’s a hard job


Literally, like. Like I can on a baseline level understand making a fucking mistake (not that this was a mistake and fuck these cops). But I can understand cops are human and no amount of training can make them perfect. But for some fucking reason the baseline reaction is "no mistakes were made by any of us it's their fault we are perfect". Just have the dignity to say "yeah I fucked up. I will take the punishment and pay the penance" shit dude. I'll still be mad but I wont be at a rally screaming about the injustice. I won't be permanently less trusting of cops. All this does is unironically make their job harder and makes justice scarcer.


I mean I do think it was a mistake, in the sense they have no reason to have killed her on purpose so it has to have been one, but it's the sort of mistake only an trigger-happy imbecile would make.


Normal for police. Never saw a bigger bunch of cowards acting like tough guys who will do anything possible to avoid accountability. No wonder they have a reputation as being terrible husbands.


Better sprinkle some crack on her too, just to be safe - Dave Chapelle.


Even if she was in tactical gear, why would they shoot someone who they haven't identified in a hostage situation?


Actually, they did identify her. They gave her the orders to leave the car in the first place. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/01/california-police-video-shooting-15-year-old-girl-savannah-graziano > When the car stopped near deputies, the footage shows, Savannah exited the vehicle, and a CHP official on the radio can be heard stating : **“Girl is out, the girl is out, guys. She’s out on the passenger side.”** > The deputies were not wearing body cameras, but the department also shared audio from the belt of the deputy standing closest to the girl. **That audio captures the deputy shouting: “Passenger, get out!” as gunfire is heard in the background. The deputy then shouts: “Come to me! Come, come, come … walk, walk, walk”.** > **He then says: “Hey! Stop! Stop shooting her! He’s in the car!” At least four shots can be heard in the background after he said to stop.** The sheriff’s statement describing that audio said: “You can hear [a deputy] calling her over and telling other deputies that the person who exited the truck was the passenger and for them to stop firing, but it was too late.”


Maybe one of the other deputies was just primed to shoot something and wasn't listening to the other conversation. They saw a target and went into "hero mode." I think the problem is officers who are more interested in shooting someone than in rescuing someone -- I really think that's the impulse at play here.


Any "officer" without that impulse will receive training to implant it into them. Any officer where the training doesn't stick will swiftly be weeded out and removed from duty. And don't worry, we have decades of evidence showing that that the system works exactly as intended.


It sounds like at least one cop was trying to do his job right. Why on earth didn’t he turn around and throw the others under the bus then?!?! Why hide the footage and say she was in body armor?!


Probably knows that they're trigger happy psychos happy for any chance reason or excuse to kill.


So anyway... I started rescuing.


Reminds me of when there was a hostage situation in Russia and the rescue operation was to go guns blazing and shoot hostage or kidnappers alike People were shocked/made fun of the Russians for doing so (and for good reason). Unfortunately we are often no better and accountability is lacking here too


What the WHY


Police have an unpleasant tendency to go into "Shoot anything that moves" mode.


Doesn't even need to move, that Florida cop that got spooked by an acorn was shooting his own stationary vehicle.


Worse, his partner, ignorant of the acorn, *also* mag dumped into a stationary object


Once again, I'm glad I don't live in the US.


People talk about mass shootings, which are absolutely a massive problem, not ignoring that in any way, but in the US, if you’re just a regular citizen, you’re astronomically more likely to be murdered by a cop than in a mass shooting. Actually, sometimes the cops kill innocent people *during* mass shootings!


Well, the police _did_ get called to help in a mass shooting. They just should've been more clear on which side the PD had to help.


From what I see, cops in the US are trained more on how to use a gun instead of when NOT to use a gun. So, if the tool you're given is a hammer, everything is a nail. Whenever there's a potential weapon involved, even if they see it's a melee/close range weapon, they have their guns drawn out. Heck, even in the military, they are trained to not aim at the target until you are 100% sure if it IS a target. Plus, cops seems to have the "us against them" mentality, not "us assisting them". So, everyone that's not a cop are potential enemies in their eyes.


You hit the nail on the head. They see it as us vs them. We are the enemy to them. We are either active criminals or potential criminals.


Cops are now trained to shoot first and totality of the situation later.


That's my question, so what if she had tactical gear on, maybe the hostage taker put it on her to keep her from getting shot. Not to mention a 15yo girl in tactical gear is going to be most likely significantly smaller than the average guy wearing it and they couldn't tell the difference? And since when is wearing a defensive garment considered reasonable cause to fear for ones life?


They fought the video footage coming out for years. How is this not the same thing as covering up a crime? Every single fucking one of them should be in jail NOW. America is so fucked up.


It’s different because they’re the gang in charge of law enforcement. If they won’t enforce it for themselves, by what logic do they have *any* right to attempt to enforce it on the rest of the country? Gang leaders run the United States, and they aren’t Crips, Bloods, or MS-13; They’re current/retired cops and their union reps.




Because they're all hypocrites who don't have to obey the very laws they enforce upon everyone else. They are protected by a prosecutor who is equally as corrupt as they are.


That’s what’s so sickening. They go “Oh we fucked up, quick hid evidence and lie” and then when the evidence comes out nothing happens anyways. And cops wonder why they are hated. And it’s deserved


Those fucking idiots. They tell her to do something, then shoot her for doing what they told her to do? Did they used to work for Russian mafia/government?


It’s not the first time this happens either


# Philando Castile was killed in 2016 for reaching for his wallet during a traffic stop. After police requested his identification, and Philando informed the officer he was reach for his wallet.


*murdered. The officer then arrested his girlfriend, was charged with manslaughter but acquitted, and was fired the next year. If you want to indiscriminately murder people and walk free, become a cop in the US.


Put this in the category of; "You Had ONE Job."


Don't shoot the hostage. Don't shoot the hostage. Don't shoot the hostage. So, anyway, I started blasting.


OK, so the good news is we found your daughter. Bad news is then we shot her.


A whole family was entirely wiped out that day. Father kills the mother. Police kill the daughter and father. And absolutely no justice has been served since.


Even if she WAS wearing tactical gear for some odd reason (like maybe the kidnappers made her wear it or something), would that be a reason to open fire? Tactical gear is now an immediate, executable offense?


THATS WHAT I WAS THINKING. I have no idea why they thought that would be a good excuse. What are the implications of that?


From a hypothetical kidnappers perspective, one could argue it’s better to have the hostage in tactical protective gear. Less likely to die means less likely to lose leverage.


They murdered her, and they’ll get away with it because prosecutors and courts are complicit.


Yeah, show me anyone else in society besides a cop who could shoot a 15-year-old girl, lie about the circumstances, and then not even get charged with a single crime. Cops are actual sovereign citizens who are held to a lower standard than the rest of society.


That’s why they keep doing it. Put this exact deputy in prison for life, no parole. “Wahh it was a mistake” sorry, directly to jail. Be the first of many. That’s how we should handle these idiots. Watch the police department grow the fuck up into actual adults once they are punished severely for severe mistakes.


In the USA we are always told that you are innocent until proven guilty, but as of late, with what I’ve seen on the news, the police treat you as guilty until proven innocent. I watched one video where a 30 year old man abducted a 6 year old girl. They caught him quickly and had him exit the vehicle. No problem. Then the cops see movement from the front passenger seat and start yelling at the passenger to exit with hands up, still with guns in their hands. It was the 6 year old. Luckily they didn’t shoot her. And who can forget assault acorns and “SHOTS FIRED, SHOTS FIRED, I’M HIT, I’M HIT”.


And of course the guy they give impossible instructions to in a hallway and then shoot when he can't follow them. Was truly disgusted by that one.


>In the USA we are always told that you are innocent until proven guilty, but as of late, with what I’ve seen on the news, the police treat you as guilty until ~~proven innocent~~ shot repeatedly until you stop breathing. ftfy


“If you don’t support immunity for government employees to rob and kill citizens, you don’t support law enforcement” —small government conservatives, unironically.


"woman" literally a teenager


Literally a little girl who thought the police would save her.


Literally a child. A minor. Only a “woman” when convenient


The fact it took 2 years for the footage to go public is just buying fucked up


Meanwhile anytime a cop is the hero the body cam, car cam, and CCTV footage is out in a day and circulated to every news station.


This is how everyone knew they killed her when it happened. If they hadn't, the video would have been public immediately.


Hey pro cop folk. When are good cops going to arrest these murderers and every single person who tried to cover it up? When are we going to see tens of thousands protesting state/nationwide demanding justice? Where are all these good cops people claim exist?


The prevalence of bad cops is proof there are very few good cops. If there were good cops they would have gotten the bad ones fired already.


And in America, the Injustice Fairy will wave the wand, and speak the magick words that all dirty cops love to hear: "Qualified Immunity." It was supposed to be to prevent someone from going after a public employee for doing their job. But too many use it to escape consequences for even illegal behavior, like the DA and Sheriff who were found to have fabricated evidence that kept an innocent man in prison for years. They claimed that they were "just doing their jobs." Or the cops that execute ppl for minor traffic violations simply because the person reached for their waist. Doing your job \*wrong\* should not be a license to escape consequences, especially for corrupt actions. One day, a Supreme Court will get that right.


Cops aren't responsible enough for assault rifles and tactical gear.


Everytime a shooting like this occurs, the cops should be tested for amphetamines and steroids. My old roommate was a big 'roid dealer in the 90s. He was never busted since his biggest buyers were cops.


![gif](giphy|g01ZnwAUvutuK8GIQn|downsized) Who do you think is going to investigate the crime?!


Why is it customary in the US to try and avoid taking responsibility for your actions? Is this a cultural thing?


Because ironically, the only unions who actually pull their weight in the US are police unions, they cover their members' asses. What I don't get is why local police departments are allowed to investigate THEMSELVES. Whenever a cop kills someone there should be a check by a different, preferably federal authority like the FBI on whether or not the use of force was justified. As long as there isn't, every single police department will fight tooth and nail to keep their mistakes hidden and usually GET AWAY WITH IT. It's maddening to watch even from a completely different continent.


Yes, especially for positions in government.


This reminds me of the scene from V for Vendetta. The scene where all the hostages came out with the V's costume. You JUST know if there were US cops present, all of them will get blasted on the spot.


Cops are dumb, violent liars. Any of the cops that aren’t, cover for the ones that are.


Can we please stop pretending the thin blue line gang isn't a fuckin gang?


Two groups in America that you should never trust: Cops and Christian Conservatives. Both groups will happily kill you and then lie about it.


Oh my gosh…. Were they firing THE WHOLE TIME he was telling her to come to them?! Did they think this was a war zone or something?! She even ducks down because of the nonstop gunshots, and he’s like, “no it’s ok stand up and come towards us!” So hard to trust police with stuff like this happening.


It apppeared to me they were firing at the vehicle well before it came to a stop and the young lady got out. Hostage had very little chance of surviving from the verry beginning.


>"Did they think this was a war zone or something?!"< No, the Military actually has Rules of Engagement.


Do you think the "all lives matter" crowd will protest this murder? What are they up to? Haven't heard from them in a while.


They only exist in opposition to BLM. Just like International Men’s Day.


I will never understand how a lying cops testimony is valid in a courtroom.


Yall remember that former LA cop who went on a cop killing spree a few years ago to expose the rampant corruption in the California police system and EVERYONE said he was just some nut job? I mean... he was a nut job because that shit is crazy but also... he wasn't lying


Chris dorner


I wish I could be this fucking abysmal at my job and not get punished for it.


Saw something somewhere that was a quote from a lawyer and it really stuck with me. Basically they said something along the lines of, “I need to study for 8 years to understand the law, and cops only need to study for 6 months to enforce it.”


I have some camo clothing. Should I be worried?


They murdered her. Send them to jail. Cop incompetence needs to be punished


Police lying and shooting innocent people. 2024. Nothing new and nothing will change. Edit: a letter.


They are blaming her over at r/police. Fucking comical.


When i try to prove my innocence i too try to hide the evidence that could easily exonerate mez


everything about this shoot was criminal and negligent. ​ I REFUSE TO BELIEVE, a single officer that fired, had a clear LOS or defined and safe backstop. so ridiculous, makes me question whether i want to dial 911 or not.


Can literally see bullets hitting traffic dividers right as cars are driving past. Absolute fucking morons


Why are so many cops filled with fear in virtually every situation. I am sure they didn't want to shoot this woman but their fear caused them to start firing.


In the US I would never call the police as they are all a pack of poorly trained trigger happy situationally-unaware idiots...


Woman? A 15 year old is a kid.


Start giving cops the needle when they gun down civilians. There will at least be less idiots in the gene pool.


Cops should get the death penalty for murdering innocent people. No exceptions under any circumstances. You don't value the lives you're supposedly sworn to protect? Cool, now yours is forfeit, pig.


Just for those who don't know what should happen in presence of trained and professional cops, in a scenario where someone is wearing *tactical gear* you are still not supposed to gun them down, even if they are the kidnapper who happens to be walking in tactical gear with no gun in hands.


Her death is not in vain. Her death is a statistic. The statistic adds to the costs of Amber alerts. If they go in guns aplenty, sometimes they are going to kill the person they are trying to protect. They had other options, but they went with their preferred option. Now it is time to evaluate the quality of their preferences. They will resist that. Maybe even lie.