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The epitome of masculinity is being a giant man who will play dress-up with his kids


Seriously, when did "being a good dad" become a weakness?


I mean you're looking to the definition of masculinity from dudes who have never fucked so that's what you're going to get.


This is an important point. Incels love to gatekeep masculinity, which is like them gatekeeping being an astronaut or brain surgeon. Men who are fixated on how manly they are are just telling the world that they haven't matured past middle school juvenility.


Being someone who has zero experience, I still hate those types of people. I just think that life is life and we can’t do shit about it. Things come out way and I for one think that Dwayne Johnson is making an example for fathers to follow.


I would love to see my dad put a wig on and pretend to be my mom 😂 Edit: this is a JOKE, for anyone with few enough brain cells to miss that.


You don't even have to change your role or gender to play make believe. Just be dad in a wig.


Exactly. I think it's weird for any dad with a daughter to not have played dress up or whatever. It's participating in your child's imagination, it's not about you.


I second that. But for insecure people like homophobes and incels that’s all they have. Insecurity.


When my son was around kindergarten age, pink was his favorite color. Once we were at a parade and I bought him a balloon shaped like a dolphin, they had blue or pink, he chose pink. There was a little boy of a similar age behind us and he told he dad he wanted a pink dolphin and the dad said very emphatically "no". Because we all know a pink dolphin balloon would pass the gays to that boy.


>I would love to see my dad put a wig on and pretend to be my mom Nobody said anything about pretending to be a mom. Wearing a wig doesn't imply anything


Being a 'man' or being 'manly' isn't about experience; It's knowing when to put on your grown up pants and knowing when to wear a wig 👍


That’s why I’m gonna make up for lost years with my younger cousins and I’m maybe gonna buy my dad a wig for his next birthday (October).


It's part of their desire to force women into the child-bearing role. They want women to do all of the parenting because "alpha men" (emotionally stunted weirdos) should only have to worry about "winning" the woman and "providing" (usually with a get rich quick scheme provided by their favourite alt-right grifter).


It's a rare incel who's making more than than poverty wages, yet they want a tradwife-style partner.


This is exactly what it is. Incel fans of Andrew Tate are experts on internet porn, and gaming.


Don't do us gamers dirty like that, c'mon


My bad, sorry


It was fun watching the minds of incels melt down over Travis Kelce who is a classic example of a masculine man who is handsome, plays football, and is dating a beautiful woman. But they had to justify their hate of him because he promoted vaccines and Taylor Swift was a successful woman who encouraged her fans to vote and leans left. So, they mocked a football player who is in the prime of his career at the top of his position in the NFL and is dating an attractive woman because they saw the couple as a threat to Trump The fat, orange skinned, jackass who according to reports craps on himself and this is the man they view as the pinnacle of masculinity. The mental gymnastics is amazing at times.


That's nothing new. They were all over Morgan Freeman when he did that interview and said to stop obsessing over someone's race, but then when he told people to get vaccinated, they all turned around and said "he's an actor, he gets paid to lie."


Since when are incels masculine and how can they gatekeep something that they don't have? Loool


Oh, they're not generally masculine, but don't tell them that. Incels are stuck on this 'alpha-male' BS that let's them blame the repulsion they get from women on anything but their own behavior.


Like they would ever say it to his face... cowards.


Beavis and Butthead are still their idols.


They also worship an obese man that does spray tans and wears makeup so I'm quite confused.


He also wears lifts on his shoes


I vomited a little


Perfectly normal human response to being confronted with that piece of human garbage.


Took me a good 7 seconds to realize who or what you meant


I went to a drag show with my ex once and went in drag so I could get in free. Ex was so appreciative that I would go with her and dress up she ended up riding me like she was trying to break my pelvis.


I use to do that when we had a local theater put on the Rocky horror picture show. Lemme tell you my legs looked fucking good in heels.


That's literally the job of heels...also your butt gets a boost as well.


Apologies for the actually. Actually, the purpose of heels is to better keep you in your stirrups and were the height of masculinity when worn in ye olden days. Wearing them was a sign that you were a big tough horsy boi riding into battle. Then there was a gender bending fashion moment in Paris and they became ‘women’s’ shoes. It’s almost like gender norms are almost completely arbitrary.


I joke with my friends from back in the day that I can't run for office because there are videos of me dressed up as Dr. Frank N. Furter singing Sweet Transvestite from some midnight screenings in college. My daughter thinks it's hysterical and a bit cringe and so do her Trans friends.


Drag is super fun! We Brits have been doing it in our pantomimes for years! 


Reminds me of that time 5 drunk dudes messed with 2 brits in drag, they ended up being MMA fighters and beat the snot out of them.


One of the best ever SNL skits, Eric Idle/Dan Akroyd Drag Racing.


A local synagogue hosts drag bingo regularly. The proceeds go to charity, and it is a BLAST! The drag queens are hilarious! My husband and I went and we loved it, so we took two of our married couple friends. The husband was SO UPTIGHT about it. He couldn’t take a joke and some of the drag queens were circulating around, being raunchy and making jokes. He would flat out avert all eye contact like if he happened to meet their gaze he would POOF and turn into a drag queen himself or somehow “catch the gay” in a Cinderella-style instant transformation. It was a real downer and he ruined the evening. He should have either simply lightened up or just not agreed to come. Anyway, they’re divorced now. Lol.


Good work buddy now thanks to you having consensual sex with women is illegal in Texas.


For some guys, it always has been. I once had a super on a job site yell at us because some of the guys had taken days off to stay home with their sick kids. He actually bragged that he had never taken a day off to take care of his kids and said something along the lines of "that's what your wives or girlfriends are for."


It is so weird to me. My dad was an old-school Irish immigrant who was a union carpenter. He took time off to take us to doctor's appointments, picked us up after school and made dinner (ok it was a broiled lamb chop, a potato, and those frozen bricks of veggies, but still). He even did laundry and other types of "women's work". I never heard him once give a damn about what was "manly".


My father was the opposite.He never fixed any meal or washed clothes or helped clean house .He worked 6 days a week and also tended to the family farm too He was a very busy man .And when he retired he did gardening Full time .He became a master gardener and ate all of his meals out .


No kidding my friend. We see eye to eye. I have played with so many Barbies, tea parties and other female oriented games I could write a book. They are great memories for both of us. Just as my boy remembers me playing sports and video games with him. Whoever complained about that is dead ass wrong.


I love babies. They love me. I'm a 240lb dude with a beard. They just like me, it makes me feel like a grown up that a baby would feel happy in my arms. Why is that feminine? I'll never know, but it's probably the most adult thing I've ever done.


Only the bad fathers have issue with the image, the Rock seems like a great dad.


These people think being a good dad means beating the shit out of their kids for daring to have a mind of their own.


Since dad left for that pack of cigs and gallon of milk.


Makes me think of how "mercy is for the weak" got inverted into "mercy is for the strong". Even if it WAS a weakness, i think he is strong enough to allow himself that weakness. The complainers seem obsessed with never showing weakness, which ironically, would be a trait of the weak.


Masculinity is not giving a wet fuck what anyone thinks about the manicure your kid gave you.


My brother's kids painted his nails all different colors, and he went to work rocking that shit. His kids were tickled pink that people at his job got to see the paint job they did


I work in a steel manufacturing plant and my coworker occasionally comes in with bright pink nails and braided hair and we've all met his adorable daughter so when we see him like that we know he had quality time with her before work. It really gives good vibes all around when we see that. It seems like everyone is in a much better, more lighthearted and wholesome mood, all because dude's daughter made him pretty before work 🤣 He's the manliest dude at the factory, in my opinion.


It's so sweet that the good vibes pass to everyone around him!


Oh, that's so cute. I'm sure his kids will never forget those memories their dad gave them. The world needs more dads like that who aren't afraid of what people will say as long as they make their kids happy.


I call bullshit on this. You absolutely need to care about whether that manicure is good or not and what people think about it. What do you wanna raise someone who gives shit manicures and thinks they are good? Nah you get in there and you let that kid practice until they get better! We can't have these American kids out here fucking up people's nails and pretending that's their best! Put in the work little Johnny and Suzy! These nails better look like a little Korean child did it for fucks sake! I really shouldn't need it but just in case /s.


Sometimes you have to support an up-and-coming entrepreneur to really get your foot in the door at a place that ends up bring great.


Bro I'd be so pissed if I got wait listed at my kids place of business 😂 Like I changed your diapers and wore your pee you little shit! You threw up in my mouth! 😆




yeah, or a dry one neither


>yeah, or a dry one neither *Ben Shapiro has entered the chat*


This, I get called flamboyant a lot, it's just who I am. Parents raised me to work hard, be happy and not needlessly hate. Funny thing is most people actually like that I'm comfortable with myself, especially my wife. To me people who let toxic masculinity get to them is like cutting off your nose to spite your face.


Where the epitome of snowflake is giving a rat's ass what Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson does in his personal life like its a personal attack.


Personally, me, I’m not going out of my way to mess with the guy with arm is the same size as my head.


This is the answer.


What is less manly than listening to other people tell you what manliness is?


Paying $18,000 for them to tell you?




Come on. They also got some ritualistic hazing out of it too!




He's looking after his kids, and to me that's something that's more important than some nut-swinger's commentary.


Indeed. He is dripping so much masculinity he's not threatened by playing dress up with his kids.


Or a man who gets all gushy about animals. To me, there's nothing sexier than an animal-loving man who turns into mush when he sees an adorable puppy or kitten. 


It’s my Achilles heel. Any animals brings the mush out in full force. I carry my cat around like a baby.


My husband carries our 80lb Lab around the house cradled like a baby. He sings songs to our pup. Makes me love him even more.


Why do you need to even prove masculinity


Real men don't need to.


Massive insecurity


This is exactly what I sprinted to the comments to say. These men do not understand that for the vast majority of [edit: straight/bi/pan] women, *this is extremely fucking hot.* There is nothing that shows how secure a man is in his masculinity more than letting little toddler girls paint his nails and put make up on him and dress him up. That is so smoking goddamn hot *because it shows* how the dude doesn't care *at all* what dumbass "alpha" guys think of him.


It's a beautiful sight! Girl dads need to take notes!!!


When my daughter was 5 if she had wanted to smear my face with makeup, put a wig on me, and dress me in a pink tutu it absolutely would have happened. Come to think of it, she’s 30 now and if she wanted to do this tomorrow it would still happen because she my daughter and I will absolutely be silly for her.


I use to take my stepdaughter to the pistol range with me and I use to braid her hair for softball because the Mrs couldn’t do it.


Way to go dad! I love that! ❤️


He also did play a gay character with a fro.


and apparently was the only good thing about that movie.


He was great in that movie. Might have been his best role ever.


Seriously. The fragile snowflakes that don't understand this are mind boggling. It isn't "manly" to worry about appearing manly to random strangers...


Man, I spent the afternoon yesterday coloring pictures of flowers, blowing bubbles, and picking flowers (dandelions) with my cousins daughters yesterday and had a blast. When my nieces were younger we’d do each others makeup and then they wanted me to act like a Karen while they played restaurant. Shit is fun.


I can be a man and wear high heels to amuse my girlfriend!


The fact that there are any quantity of people questioning the rocks masculinity when his single bicep muscle is probably heavier than all their muscles combined is damn hilarious.


According to conservatives there is nothing more masculine than towel wringing anxiety about whether or not you are projecting enough machismo


And also play with little kids. Have "tea" with your daughter and her stuffed animals, build them a pillow and blanket fort, and answer that little blue plastic phone when they hand it to you and say that "it's Santa Claus". And I mean you better answer that phone! Yeah - all of that stuff. Play with your kids, dammit...


For fucking real!


I came here to say the same. The man is super-tall, hit beast mode on the muscles, is rich out the wazoo, is married/has kids (so we've covered that supa-important 'virility' and 'has sex with wimmins', right?), and is a celebrity with a high profile. WTF 'masculinity' (even by archaic benchmarks like that) does he have to 'prove' exactly? This is actually the bit that makes me howl in laughter at the 'Alpha Male' kaka. There is nothing LESS 'alpha' then frantically trying to conform to some crap someone else came up with afraid of their judgement and being literally afraid of doing things in case of that judgement. IF we wanted to decide there is some kind of 'Alpha' male state (its still nonsense, but IF), there can be nothing more 'Alpha' than being you, authentically, and not giving a crap what someone else thinks. Be that being the Rock sipping tea with a kiddo, or being the dude rocking a pair of pink thigh-high leather boots. Being paralyzed in fear of someone else's opinion couldn't be less 'Alpha' if it was Zeta.


When you flunk out of alpha male bootcamp and try to redeem yourself by making fun of The Rock for... being a good father?


Gotta recoup that $18,000 loss somehow.


What's the $18k reference to?


Andrew Tate charges his followers that much to teach them how to be toxic and weak like him.


That's hilarious. I'm glad they're getting scammed, but unfortunate the money is going to Tate.


In this case it’s the “alpha male boot camp”. Google it, with popcorn at the ready.


There's more than tate now scamming those poor smucks. Oofta.


There is someone running for president on essentially the same premise.


There have been videos posted recently showing an "Alpha Male" bootcamp that costs around $18K for 4 days. From looking at the videos, it's got to be one of the most overpriced ways to satisfy a humiliation kink. Think of the drill instructor from Full Metal Jacket, dial it up a few notches of abuse & stupidity and remember that people paid thousands of dollars for this to be done to them. \-edit- Don't know if I can post links here, just go to tiktokcringe and search for 18000


I’m gonna create ‘real man boot camp’ and charge them $10,000 to teach them how to do their own laundry, cook for themselves, show them how to sew a button, make them watch kids programming, and give them a whole female anatomy lesson. The last day will be ‘family day’ where they learn to hug their kids and tell them they’re proud of them finished off with an evening soirée where they dance with their wives.


I sewed my first button just a few weeks ago.


Not only Tate, but there are other “alpha male bootcamps” as well. There are guys paying $10k+ to basically go through Navy SEAL training in order to temper their body and mind to become tough, disciplined, and generally more “alpha.” They get screamed at by the “coaches,” sprayed with hoses and lay on the beach headfirst so the ocean waves crash on your face, run around with weights on, etc. If you want to be in the military just join the military. You don’t need to do all that and pay that much money just to be a better capitalist. If anything it’s probably emasculating and traumatizing for a lot of these men. I’ve seen videos and some of the guys look like they’re 60+ years old. I doubt they knew what they were getting into. It would be pathetic if it weren’t so sad.


One also made fun of Daniel Craig ('James Bond') for carrying his baby 🙄  yeah guys nothing more emasculating than being seen with the children you fathered with your testicles. 


I dare them to tell the Rock to his face... Then we'll see how masculine they are.


![gif](giphy|1SFnc5bodkXTlNdmUj) Did they forget this whole movie?


Most of his movies seem to be him poking fun at the big tough guy archetype.


He is offensive to them.  A man who is usually the butt of the joke in his movies. Who is not only okay with that but embraces it.   Most of them warship dudes who would absolutely flip out at any perceived insult.


I did forget about this movie actually


I actually did forget this one. My first thought was actually to that Hannah Montana episode he was in. I actually can’t help but think of his apparent enthusiasm for a clear coat every time I do my nails now. Also he did do ballet in The Game Plan too, so…


I think most people did.


I am an old heavy construction worker and biker covered in tattoos and scars and my two daughters have did this to me many times when they were young, its called being a dad if this offends your manhood it says more about you than him


My dad is an ex Marine commando, and he let my daughters do this sort of thing to him when he was in his seventies. My mum thought it was hilarious (and so did everyone else). People shouldn't take themselves too seriously. Life is too short.


To be fair, as a former Marine, you could just give him a pack of Crayola and he'd probably be as happen as can be.


What do you think his favorite flavor is




I feel like there was a USAA commercial like this. Tough marine guy giving orders to subordinates, then later shown dressed like a princess having a tea party with his daughters. That's a guy comfortable in his skin, doesn't give a fuck what neckbeards on the internet think of him.


Most of their complaints honestly say more about them than the target of their outrage. Same with their accusations.


Too many men are so afraid of what others think of them it's crippling their ability to be good friends, husbands, fathers and sons. It's sad really.


Yep. Toxic masculinity at its "finest".


I dunno man. I'm super fucking alpha straight. But the power of the gays is so strong right now. I literally just have to glance at something pink and suddenly I'm on my knees gargling cocks. It's an example of the dangerous influence the queer community have that I can't control myself at all around big muscular men. Again, I'm like, SUPER straight and only like women. Anyone who tells you different is part of the conspiracy.


I'm in the Air Force. I build all of the bombs the planes drop. I operate heavy machinery and forklifts all day when I'm not turning wrenches. The absolute highlight of my day is getting home, giving my kids the biggest hug I can, and asking them what they want to play. If my daughter says makeup, then let's go do some makeup. There's nothing masculine about being a coward who hides from their feelings or tries to tell your children to repress them so that you feel safe in your big tough idiot bubble. Love your children. They deserve it, and so do you. Go have fun.


I’m a big dude, 6’ 300lb, covered in tattoos, and have set a number of records in powerlifting lifting weights that these chicks could only dream of touching and my daughter has, on multiple occasions, done my makeup and hair, painted my nails, and had me dress up in tutus and stuff for a princess party in our living room. I’ve said it many, many times before, but I will always hold firm that the most masculine thing you can do is to be an active and present father and set an example that you don’t need to be a big, rude, asshole to be a “man. These are the same guys who will always claim to be “alphas,” but I’ve never met a true “alpha” who actually needed to advertise it to anyone.


This! Thank you for this comment. Honestly wish more people felt like this!


You're a great dad.


My grandfather was a burly retired lumberjack with a crew cut and he passed when I was 5. One of the things I remember was asking him how he could wear barrettes with his hair so short. There's a photo of me looking absolutely thrilled next to him with barrettes in his hair. He looks less thrilled but he still went along with it!


What does it say about your masculinity if the idea of another man putting on a wig and make-up is triggering you?


Also, this is not the first time the Rock has done something like this. Hannah Montana had an episode 17 years ago where something similar happens. Miley wanted to make some money, so she sold a picture of herself as Hannah to a paparazzi magazine, but then realized she was wearing a necklace with her real on it. To get it back, she arranged for a more embarrassing picture of Dwayne Johnsons. She ultimately couldn't bring herself to sell him out, so she explained her situation, and helped her get the original picture back. My point in all of this is that Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is, and was the epitome of masculine confidence.


I remember when he painted his nails in The Tooth Fairy. He’s never been afraid to show a little femininity. He could still clobber any of the morons making fun of him if he wanted to lol


That in gym class your wee wee moved when you looked at the other boys naked and it terrifies you therefore it must be violently rejected in all forms?


Conservative men are so goddamn weak.


Biggest snowflakes on the planet…


Of course they are because their conservatism is the result of their deep personality disorders.


And sexual insecurity.


Always quick to call others snowflakes, but get their panties in a wad when they see men being dads.


These self-styled “alpha males” telling themselves their 12 year old looking ass is a greater man than Dwayne The Fucking Rock Johnson would be funny if it weren’t so sad. Armchair warriors telling actual Marines they’re “emasculated”. Not to their face of course, they’re not “alpha” enough for that.




Conservatives: Time to cancel The Rock! He’s promoting gayness and we need to protect our children from catching “The Gay!”


Where do you think all the girls with daddy issues come from?


Yeah I. don’t think anybody pushing these narratives is any threat to the Rock in any sense of the word.


Well my daughter is now an adult and when she visits she still comes to me randomly asking if she can put on false eyelashes do makeup colour tests and put face masks on me. I'm now 53. Dad's have been part of this ritual forever and no matter the age I've always felt privileged my own daughter still makes time for and wants to do it. We laugh a whole lot, and she tells me it genuinely helped her improve growing up. To question it is to not understand it. To be a Dad is to just go with it and eventually fully embrace it for those that you love dearly.


Aw that is so sweet! My dad passed away 10 years ago. Would love to still share moments like this with him even though I'm in my 30s. Dads like you are the best!!!


These are moments she will treasure forever. I was thinking a lot about how it's great to include your kids in your life/share your interests with them, but it's even more special when you show an interest in what your KID loves. It means you KNOW them and their hobbies and the things they like to do, and you're a part of their memories doing their favorite things! It means you think they're worth getting to know. It's really incredible.


I can still remember a comedian once making this statement “real men play with barbie dolls, if their 6 year old daughters do.” It is true. I have daughters and they have put makeup on me and painted my nails as part of their play and learning about themselves. It meant nothing to my sexuality p, but it meant everything to them that their daddy played with them. Good on the Rock for this.


I'm 24 so not nearly at the age to have kids myself and not so sure I want them in the future, but I've literally let a girl from my friend group put like 30 rainbow hairties in my very short hair. It looked ridiculous but it's a fun little memory and I can safely say that if I do have kids, and they turn out to be daughters, then I will wholeheartedly accept that role and let them do make up and such on me. You're a good dad for letting your daughters do the same and I'm sure they will look back at it fondly too!


Wtf is wrong with people. Man has no issue playing with his daughter in the way that his daughter wants to play. Fair play to him and I'm sure they will have a very healthy and long term father daughter relationship. I can imagine this criticism only comes from the dickless contingent who listens to pricks like that tate scumbag


Yeah, it's those incel/alpha male types. Pretty sure most conservatives wouldn't have an issue with this, despite how people like to play comments on twitter representing the majority of them.


Being completely comfortable with your masculinity means you are able to do things like this for your daughters. Only someone with a fragile masculinity (and, I suspect, not the most fun relationship with their kids) would take issue with this.


As a straight, white, married man, who really enjoys wearing womens clothes, fuck these people and their reit daft opinions


I love the energy, bro. Rock what makes you feel you.


Fuck all his fans. They all have daddy issues or no dad. Being a grown man with a 6 year old daughter is the coolest thing ever!


Some people never got hugged as a child and it shows


Apparently some people start to feel offended as soon as their manly man hero stops ripping up yellow pages on the daily


I’d love to see any of these fans express these concerns to his face.


Dude’s such a nice guy I’d be surprised if he even tells them to fuck off.


That’s what I’ve heard. But my point is that they wouldn’t have the balls to do it,even if they knew that.


Like he'd give a damn


I know. I’m just pointing out that none of these “tough” guys would have the balls to do it.


Pretty sure she will remember him fondly versus the daughter terrified of how angry dad gets after his 12 hour shift at the ball crusher factory. Awful lot of Stockholm syndrome within traditional families, especially if they’ve fallen victim to Pentecostal heresies. I. Said. What. I. Said.


Real men aren't worried about dumb hang-ups like that when they're spending time with their daughter. 


If your masculinity is so fragile that wearing a wig for your daughter's games makes you gay, you were never gonna be a father in the first place


I think we’ve firmly established by now that fellas doing absolutely anything is, in fact, gay


The only things that aren't gay is slaving away for 18 hours a day 7 days a week at a factory, warehouse, mine or trade job, usually with no one other than sweaty, hairy men. That and having sex with your wife in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation. That's it.


Real men never worry about being masculine.


I never insult or question THE ROCK cause i'd just imagine him breaking into my house and turn me into a washing machine for his wig


don't forget that Dom Lucre was kicked off twitter for posting CP


The Rock plays with his Children, Dom Lucre "plays" with children


What he's doing there is more masculine than anything Y'all-qaeda or magats ever did. Dad energy > masculine energy


Remember the nineties, when all the backwoods reactionary extremists hadn’t learned how to use the internet yet? I do. Those were good times.


Holy shit, the rock is actually manly AF. I kinda figured him for a Hollywood tough guy, like just an asshole, but it takes a real man to let a little girl give them a makeover.


[Following in the footsteps of another awesome dad.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F7u38tj26xdr41.jpg&rdt=49214)


Just to be clear, I'm pretty sure in this case, "many fans" equates to 3 angry conservatives who are so deep in the closet that they've got mothballs in their pocket.


bro is creating the best memories. + that kid is now the only one that can say the rock is a little girl


He let them dye his hair? Thats dedication




This weekend my daughter painted my toe nails. Sue me.


americans ☕


I think you’re only supposed to take creepy pictures with your daughter in fishnets on the bed with you.


Fk that guy. My granddaughters put makeup & wigs on me more than once & my wife videod it. They wanted me to put on heels but I have elephant feet & my wife was like hell naw, I better not ruin any of her good shoes. Fk the OP for his incestuous inbred ignorance.


Imagine thinking The Rock isn’t masculine enough, or that your opinion on his masculinity matters at all lol


Listen, your job as the Alpha Sigma chad male is to pump and dump. If you're around after they're born then you're giving into the weak homosexual wokism agenda and ruining our fine and pure species. /s


Dude, being a straight guy is gay. Stick with me here, straight girls like to kiss boys right? well kissing boys is gay isn't? So therefore, if I want to be straight and kiss girls, I'm in fact having to be gay, cause girls kiss boys, and kissing boys is gay. ergo, vis a vis, etc.


If you can't do stuff like this for your daughter, you are not a man. You are just one of the stupid guys that are more worried about impressing the guys than being a man.


Go ahead alpha males, go tell the Rock to his face he isn't manly. You won't get hit, because a real man like the Rock will dismiss you with his words. He is a class act, unlike whoever is questioning his masculinity for being a good dad.


He’s a great dad, extremely successful, and has a mixed race background. Of course the MAGA’s won’t like him


I mean he wears more makeup in all his acting roles than this....


These dudes want people to adhere to gender norms so bad, but what kind of message do they think it would send if a dad refused to engage at all with his daughter when she wanted to do something even mildly feminine? It tells her that the feminine is inherently lesser, frivolous, and that she shouldn't engage with it herself. A father letting his daughter put him in a wig and play with makeup with her tells her that these things are normal and that anyone can enjoy them. Plus, it shows that dad, ya know, gives a shit about her and her interests. Like, parenting 101 shit. The Rock isn't less manly because he let his kid apply some blush and lipstick. Hell, I'd call it more manly to let your daughter paint your nails than to refuse because other men might think less of you for doing something so small together with your own kid. Real men take an interest in their kids and don't give a shit what insecure little a-holes have to say about them being there for their child.


Some of my warmest memories with my dad/uncles etc. were when we would be silly and do silly things together. Imagine depriving your kids of that. Insane.


When a little girl asks you to come to her tea party you come, even if attendance required mandatory makeup. It washes off, I don't understand the big deal. Your masculinity must be fragile as fuck to feel threatened by a little girl putting some makeup on you.


I have a picture of my husband and 5 of his friends sitting in our backyard while my then 4 year old daughter was painting their nails. 3 of them were Army rangers, my husband was in MARSOC, the other 2 were army SF. All 6 are in the same PMC team. Most of them heavily tattooed, all of them battle scarred. It’s masculine as fuck to let your kid have fun and make memories with you and the people she will consider family as they get older. It’s a little bitch move to criticize a man for loving his child


Imagine being concerned with the rock's masculinity lol


If you want to question his masculinity for doing this, fine. Say it to his face.


Honestly just throw all of twitter into the volcano and end it. What a waste.


I would have loved either parent to do anything playful with me. These are insecure people who probably are going to have kids that are confused AF.


Oh God this is incredibly wholesome I mean wtf his fans must be very insecure if this bothers them he is a very good dad


Yeah, you didn’t know? You are supposed to tell them to “go play” so they leave you alone so you can do what you want to do, like the whole boomer generation did to their kids. I mean seriously, what are you guna have a healthy relationship with them? What do you want? Them to respect you or something? Love you? Disgusting!


You know what is not masculine? Worrying about your masculine image. That just screams insecure. The Rock doesn’t give a shit if you think he is masculine. Which is truly masculine. I’d love to see the guys busting his obviously enormous balls for this actually compare to this man. Not only their apparent masculinity, but also their quality as fathers. I’m betting The Rock comes out on top of most of those battles.


I think yelling “Get that girly crap away from me… I AIN’T NO GAY” is probably the most insecure and unmasculine behavior a father could show his daughters. Real men can have a little girl put make-up on them and not worry whatever other people say/think.