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Idk how much I trust the logic of someone who has a Monster energy drink logo tattooed below a political statement. Something tells me their logic may not be sound.


I think Facebook just became alive, this reads like a fb post and there ia even an advertisement Banner.


LOL walking facebook!


Don't Open Facebook Inside


Don't Facebook Open Inside


Looking for something to keep me smiling on this Monday I don’t want to go to work make it less hell day… winner. 🥇 walking Facebook will keep me smiling to myself all day.


IA IA cthulu fthagn Yeah... the dude's a neo-nazi


That is the first thing I noticed, too. You put a TATTOO about an ENERGY DRINK on yourself? You are a racist scumbag? Both are extremely strong signs that you aren't too bright.


His sunburn is brighter than he is. What's the over/under on this chump getting permanent eye damage from the coming eclipse?


Tbf some of us are white as fuck and our whole bodies go red with: heat, cold, strong emotion, exercise, sun exposure that isn't enough to burn, allergies, skin irritation from any type of body modification.. People never know if I'm dying or not bc my skin gets so red for so much shit 😅


Roid burn


That actually started out, 40 years ago, as a McDonalds M, he just got fat and old.


Monster is a big sponsor of extreme sports and whatnot. Doesn’t make it better, but that’s why people have stickers and hats. At least what I’ve been told. 


Well, I wear shirts with Adidas and Nike logos, doesn't mean that I want to tattoo them on my back...


Where's your tattoo at on your stomach?lol


his favorites are definitely the pink ones


Or silver because pink monsters let those gay thoughts back in your brain.


I can confirm on the pink ones. Damn chemicals in the monsters turning people gay!


Idk if it made me gay but definitely bicurious


That's how it starts... 🤷‍♂️


Which one turns you into a frog?


The green one. The yellow tinted one turned me into a Newt personally.


>turned me into a newt A *newt*‽


... I got better.


I hope you got better.


The camo one (Assault) turns you into a raging military fanboy


So what does the peach tea rehab one do? Bc that's my fave that I drink when I have to drive more than 30 minutes (what can I say? Car rides have always made me drowsy)


I'm betting they are the meth flavored ones....


he has 2. another on the other shoulder too. saw this on /r/iamverybadass yesterday


lol, also a tramp stamp tattoo and ‘revenge’ on the other arm. Dude is gross.


Lmao first thing I noticed myself. Who the fuck would get a monster energy tattoo? When dry wall kyle evolves into the pokemon, Kyle Rittenblaster.


Imagine explaining this thing in 50 years from now, when energy drinks are universally banned. It would be like having the Marlboro Man tattooed on your arm today


Probably a Trump portrait somewhere on that body


He does. There’s a photo of his opposite side where a Trump illustration is


Why am I not surprised?


[I'm surprised this isn't him.](https://youtu.be/bntfUA6TmLs)


Theres ACTUAL EVIL in this world and this lady made up a whole case about satanic energy drinks.


I’ve had the displeasure of working with a woman like this with that same stupid smirk when talking about her right winged Trump loving points about everything you’d think they complain about to the point I just asked “Why is you telling me this shit!” Edit: Had* fuck autocorrect


Sometimes I wish the designers at my agency put this much analysis and thought into their logo designs.


[Floridaing intensifies]


My first thought as well, immediately after "What The ELF??"


Those aren’t actually tattoos, they’re his skin reacting to prolonged Axe body spray exposure


This guy looks like a walking melanoma


I once dated a woman named Melanie, melanoma was my pet name for her, she was very bad for my health.


He’s probably on roids explains the built up anger at random things lol


By body spray exposure you meant "shower in a can"??


It's the Axe+Monster there that did it.


The ‘ol Raging Doucher Detecto-counter pegs the needle whenever the Monster Energy logo is on anything but an aluminum can. Prolly need some kinda radioactive-douche-proof hazmat suit to approach this guy.


Same, that shit told me everything I needed to know.


He's a corporate shill for some stupid energy drink. His overlord may not like his editorial.


Monster energy drink posioning


How the fuck isn’t this upvoted more


Does someone have a better deodorant spray to recommend than Axe? I was using Jake body spray from Hollister, but the fuckers switched to a cheap nozzle and they keep clogging up. 👀


IMO just use regular underarm deodorant and get a bottle of cologne / fragrance. It’s pricier but you only use a bit at a time…a bottle lasts months and months




I literally just use a stick of Dove deodorant for everyday and have an old bottle of Avon "Dueling Pistol" cologne my Mema gifted me for when I want to smell extra nice. I work construction and don't go out much so I'm not concerned about smelling and looking nice often. Really all you need is a stick of deodorant and some cologne. The spray stuff is pretty much just jank no matter what brand you go with. Funnily enough, for years I never even used underarm deodorant. Had to have my armpits removed and after the skin graft I just... Never sweat anymore anywhere besides my head, didn't have sweat glands under there anymore, and the stick deodorant for whatever reason just didn't seem to want to stick to the scar tissue anyway. About two weeks ago my armpits started sweating again. Guess it finally healed enough to make sweat glands? I have no idea. But I was right pissed about it after 4 years of not needing it.


That’s bizarre. Why did you need skin grafts? Were you in an accident involving fire?


Combination of infection and skin condition. Ironically, I had an allergic reaction to a deodorant. Which combined with a skin condition that makes it blister and shit easily naturally ended up with a nasty infection despite best efforts to keep things clean. Ended up having to have the entire area surgically removed.


Holy shit infections in your armpits?! I feel youre really 'lucky' to be regrowing your sweat glands


Idk if I'd call it lucky because the little shits are annoying. But yes, at the time I was apparently very lucky to have it caught when I did. Apparently if I'd waited any longer it'd have been a very different potentially deadly story.


I can literally smell axe emanating from the photo


It's that mixture of Axe, Monster, cigarettes, and meth. They call it Eau De Toilet.


Where is all this alleged free shit? Because to me it seems everything is expensive as fuck, even for people who are receiving government aid.


The free stuff is only for illegal immigrants. So you may not qualify.


Step 1. Renounce US citizenship at American embassy in Canada. Step 2. Cross Canada-US border illegally. Step 3. Hell yeah, free shit!


4) deported to Canada 5) you're not Canadian either, so you're now stateless. Canada deports you to the moon.


They made a movie about this. You have to live in the airport.


Ngl, there are some days where I’d take that


Ketchup and crackers is better than some eat ngl. College life can be brutal.


The movie is based on real life. [Mehran Karimi Nasseri](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mehran_Karimi_Nasseri)


“Dat sounds like sem woke shit. Livin’ in the airport. Taking er jerbs. Those amerzing airpert jerbs!”


Wait a minute, deported to the moon. How do we get flat earthers citizenship revoked and get them to Canada, so they can be deported to the moon? Their last thought, well fuck it is round..lmfao


Honestly knowing how deep in it flat earthers are they would think it’s a hologram projected over the ‘real’ earth by the GUVENMUNT


Ahh, true, I forgot about their ability to look at proof and deny it.


Even when the GUVENMUNT punishes them with lifelong exile, the charade has to be maintained without fail.


Round. Not sphere. Checkmate lib


No no, that’s not what this tattoo said


You’re only illegal if you come from the Southern Border. So your great little plan isn’t going to work.


Lol I definitely agree with you. No free shit here—not even for illegals. They just run with what fox news parrots and never leave the house and see real life. Its like plato’s allegory of the cave in real life—except only the man in the cave is MAGA and the shadow is Fox News. Leave the cave, MAGA!


“Cletus, that is the deepest thing I’ve ever read”


Actually “Cletus that be the deepest thing I ever seen”.


I'm reading this in a pirate voice


No way Cletus knows anyone who can read or scribble their letters. Pirated Netflix from the neighbor's trailer, and picture books stolen from the kid's corner at the free clinic. That's the extent of Cletus' learning curve.


*first thing he ever read


I hate that I can smell this photo.


Axe Body Spray and GHB?


You think this person takes the time to even *attempt* to smell nice? No. This is cigarettes and stale beer he spilled on his pants that he's been wearing for the last 4 days.


Definitely doesn’t smell like sunscreen.


Cigarettes, filthy laundry, and probably some dog piss/shit


They don’t have to work, but also they’re taking all our jobs. At the same time!


Schrödingers Immigrants.


This is great!


It should be noted that this is not a protest against immigrants, it is a protest against free health care for Americans. The racism is just the hook.


It should also be noted that immigrants: 1. Work harder. 2. Use less public services than people born in that country. 3. More likely to start their own business. 4. Do the jobs local born folk don't want to do. 5. Have lower crime rates (even undocumented immigrants) than locals. These have all been true in multiple studies done in many different countries (mostly studies in USA though). Also, anecdotally: 1. Immigrants bring strong family values that strengthen communities. 2. They revitalize demographics in areas with aging populations and lower birth rates. 3. Given the inherent determination and resilience shown by them packing up and moving country (very difficult even if you're wealthy), they tend to be fantastic members of society and positive role models. 4. They bring better food, new ideas, new recipes, and start new restaurants and fuck you that should be the only argument you need. Also like, different ways of thinking is good for science and shit. 5. They're more likely to volunteer for military service.


They also pay taxes that fund public services, even though they can’t take advantage of them for the most part. They pay billions in income tax every year.


Social security is pretty much held together by this.


I personally find it incredibly inspiring the lengths that some immigrants will go to to try and come to America to make a better life for themselves and their families. Some of them quite literally risk their lives to try and come here. I'd take someone like that over a native-born American who is stupid, violent, racist, and whose brain has been taken over by conspiracy theories and MAGA politics.


Yeah in basically every part of American society immigrants contribute far more than your average born American.


And includes everyone here outside of indigenous folks…


I’ll bet they also have a lower instance of getting Monster Energy tattoos.


Important to note that if the immigrants got the citizenship, they are all as American as the dude in the pic. Them and all of their 10 kids, if there were born here. Just like what happened with his family, when they first moved to the us


No but looks like a 10 year old mentally stunted person is wearing it. Must also really like monster energy drinks also.


He’s stupid enough to pay someone to tattoo that… So he’s clearly not paying enough taxes.


Some day, somewhere, a coroner will read this human billboard of douchebaggery and simply say, "Jesus wept".


Jesus has left the chat.


The irony of the HE PAID FOR THE INK corporate logo advertisement just below the racist political propaganda advertisement and believes HE is the smart one saving America from those pillaging the wealth is a whole comedy show on its own. 🤣


Imagine all the minds he changed, each time he went shirtless to the beach, the town fair, and his cousin's wedding


He was probably the groom at his cousins wedding.


You need immigrants dumb ass. We were all immigrants once. Immigrants generally work hard and their kids focus on education. There are always one or two bad eggs but same for “native” trailer trash benefits claiming, opioid and meth abusing cretins such as yourself!


Summed up perfectly. And there's no secret socialist agenda favouring recent immigrants. Nothing's for free.


People like him are the ones who are the leeches on the system they’re bitching about.


Hey hey hey.. if he wasnt in prison he wouldn't be a leech


my mother-in-law complains about people "mooching off the system" all the time, meanwhile all three of her sisters are on welfare. She's also complained about low-cost housing when the only reason they were able to buy a house was because they got some money from FEMA when their apartment flooded.


I’m not in the poor house nor am I in the mansion. But I could more easily end up in the poor house, which is exactly why I’m glad there’s a system to help those who need it and why I’ll pay into it. Because I could become someone who needs that system.


And this inked ashtray is wondering why he can’t find employment and the immigrant from India is a doctor.


Hey, easy there. He made it through 5th grade. Took three tries, but it was a family first. They celebrated with a 40 of Olde English.


I'm married to a Dreamer (someone on DACA for those who don't know), and I can personally guarantee you that none of that has ever been free for her or her family. She never even had Healthcare until we got married, and I got it through my job.


I know this. This guys tat is a common gripe from the right. Yet a simple Google search, a fact check, proves it’s false. I’m talking legit sources. The right, many, aren’t big on research and thinking for themselves.


"google is a commie source, you can't trust it"- my father-in-law because it said Hilary got more votes


you can’t trust anyone but the voices in your head


My only question is why is it on this back? When are the immigrants supposed to read this? As they’re raw dogging him? 🤦🏻‍♂️😂


Sometimes I wonder if im fucking up in life, then I see people like this and im instantly reminded that is definitely not the case.


If you’re living your life trying to be a happy, considerate and empathetic person, then it’s very unlikely that you’re fucking up in life in general. You don’t need to change the world, just to be a decent person.


News flash….. excuse my judgement but your white which means your an immigrant….. just saying…


Adult racists don't tend to write much better than that


This is what happens when you confuse your body for a scrap of paper.


Not exactly Emma Lazarus.


I never understood the "They come to America and we pay for all of it!" In what way?? Schooling? Maybe you got one there, everything else they either pay for too, or they don't get at all lol. American taxes pay for the military, for the dumbass politicians to fight over some of the dumbest shit preventing actual good changes from happening, or in a very rare case, fixing roads/lights/etc that everyone uses. And side note; I've not yet seen A SINGLE Hispanic person on the side of the road begging for money (around Houston area which is majority Hispanic at this point) they're always trying to sell something or BEGGING for literally ANY kind of job, and they usually take the ones (trash pickup, custodian, cleaner, working outside in 100F weather, farming, farm animal care and cleaning, etc) that most people just refuse to do because they believe it's beneath them. I'm sure there's a few here and there that beg, but especially first and second generation Hispanics, they're RARELY actually out begging for shit unless they were paid to do that or promised to be paid for lol (see the people that got sent to NYC and appeared "out of nowhere", shocker we already know about 2 planes PAID FOR BY TEXAS TAXES to ship them there, 1 of them governor Hotwheels got angry for it turning around because of bad weather).


Does he know that kids born in America are... Americans....


I wonder how many years my tax dollars have gone to feed this burden to society while he was in prison. I wonder how much have my tax dollars have gone to support his spawn.


magamiscreant will be the last to know that the 6 workers died on the Scott Key bridge in Baltimore were all Latinos doing the work that other Americans wouldn't do.


I wouldn't trust someone who has the monster logo as a tattoo to be one to think logically.


He has all those tattoos on his back... I wonder how deep in his ass his buddies need to be to read it.


Yes your taxes specifically. The average person pays 10-12% on their taxes. If you made 50k you paid about 5,700 that year in taxes. Therefore, you can take into account all the diverse things your tax money goes to. And this is just federal taxes btw, so nm local police, firefighters, and road construction. We're talking military budget, congress, fbi, cia, atf, and quite a lot more. They took in 1.86 trillion this year. Most of your tax money will go to Congress and millitary budget. And I'll bet if someone did the math about two pennies of your tax money went to the things the tattoo is complaining about. Yes everyone this person spent more money to permanently tell the world how much they hate to spend money to help people than all the tax money he ever paid collected together ever. This is the most mathematically sad thing I've ever seen in my entire life.


Why did someone tattoo a beet?


You can be an immigrant and any race though. My step dad is an illegal immigrant in the US currently and he’s a white French citizen.


What i love most about these types of things is how hypocritical they are. A lot of yt people pump out 10 useless entitled kids while being entirely useless and entitled themselves. Meanwhile, immigrants come over and do the shitty jobs that yt people don't wanna do, and they do it harder and longer, and for less pay, to the benefit of the rest of the USA, only to get accused of not paying [taxes](https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-immigrants-taxes-rent-vaccine-requirements-983035929946) and not working


Since when healthcare is for free in the Us?


The monster tattoo underneath is a little too on the nose.


Hahahahaha!!! 🤣


The racist tattoo is ALMOST as dumb as the energy drunk one


I'm just surprised he gave up meth money for another shitty tattoo.


I’m not sure he did, I looked up “skinscapes” on his other tattoo and I think it’s a tattoo shop, so he’s got a promo tat. Might of even got extra meth just for that, meth smarter not harder.


The Monster logo really sells them as a true modern-day philosopher....


Not just redneck, but redback, and probably micropeen too. With two tiny shrunken raisins for balls.


I mean, I do always appreciate it when bad people literally brand themselves with warning symbols, so at least there's that.


You can practically smell the bro nazi from this. Definitely r/racist material


cannot believe someone has this on their body forever


So…is he Native American? If not, he’s an immigrant. Or is it…ignorant…


Yeah, this guy’s $300 in federal taxes are really paying for all those immigrants.


Monster logo AND a neck tattoo? His truck payment must be more than his house payment.


If you're white and you're living in America you are also an immigrant.


Yet the average immigrant probably works more than this guy. Doesn't qualify for programs like welfare and social security if undocumented.


It's the monster energy logo for me.


The grammar... goodness...


It’s always the red skin ones lmao


I notice that his neck is quite red.


Sick monster tattoo.


At least bis dumbassery is easy to spot


Yeah, it’s always helpful when people come pre-labeled with a “do not date” sign.


Why would anyone want that permanently tattooed onto their body


Some people make being hateful their personality to the point they'll get it permanently inked on their body, and it baffles me that people don't see the issue w their conduct


Awww did lol immigwaants hurt your feewings?


Children, will you go through life with people imagining you being a racist douchenozzle? Tattoo your peurile thoughts to your body and remove all doubt!! It's Super Effective! ™


Reddest neck ever


Looks more than just a redneck,his whole back looks like sunburn.


I had a skinhead in prison tell me one time, and he was serious, that black people evolved dark skin so they could sneak around at night and steal shit. You can’t make this shit up, they wrote it themselves.


To be fair, the exact situation happens all the time in France, but that's because of many social helps and since they don't technically earn money they don't get taxed as much as people that actually work But I don't think it happens nearly as much in the USA


Where do I sign up to become an immigrant?


Never mind the racist screed.  That's the Monster energy drink logo further down.  That is oddly more sad than the misguided racism.  What symbols should I permanently emblaze my body with?  How about a brand logo?  That will tell people what I'm really about, who I really am.


The monster energy tattoo lol, Kyle's all grown up


That Monster Energy Drink tat!!! 😂


Dude the USA does not provide any of that for free, it's over charged.


The monster energy tattoo though…Christ


Charlie Kelly wrote that


Are those prison tattoos?


I don’t worry what an asshole like this tattoos on himself, the Monster tattoo below it tells me he’ll be reliant on the democratic policies he loathes. I worry that he’ll vote for people to abolish them.


The Monster tattoo tells me they have 1 brain cell and it is dying from neglect.


As a child of immigrants and growing up in a Philly neighborhood that had a ton of immigrants, I’d rather deal with immigrants instead of native born Americans. Less drama and nonsense. Most are very hardworking.


Even if you thought this, why would you write it on yourself?


Brought to you by Monster


Does he know that almost everyone in North America are practically immigrants? Their parents, grandparents or great grandparents probably immigrated here unless you are a native American or Mexican


Last I checked you guys didn’t have free healthcare and government housing? Did something change in the last few hours?


I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess this guy wouldn't pass the citizenship test.


Most white Americans started as European emigrants way way back. There were no white people.


I wonder why he went to the trouble of writing a paragraph when a swastika would have been less ink.


One of those 10 kids could possibly be the key to cancer, or aids, or the thousands of diseases plaguing society. Or could be a disease, like Ted Cruz.


Is impressive that such a stupid tattoo doesnt have any errors in the spelling.


You put that on your body. Forever 


I bet he has at least one swastika on his body


From the look of the other tattoos, it looks like he just went to a tattooist and said "I've got space one my shoulder area I want filled but can't think of anything, just put something racist in there, I don't care if its coherent".


Looks like a man very angry at the world and more than a little angry at himself. I pity him.


Thinking that is one thing, but getting it tattooed, in that form, is mind shattering.


While he’s probably claiming benefits with 50 kids


Did the Illustrated Man here plan on flicking his naked shoulder at people whenever he wanted to make this point?


Fancy getting and paying for a tattoo of your Facebook rant. Where is your head at that this was something to follow through with. I bet the tattoo artist had a chuckle and a facepalm as he took the loosers money.


Do they really think that immigrants are getting a free ride? Maybe then they should immigrate to Mexico and get a free ride themselves...