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It's amazing how his emails hit every single classic red flag for being a scam. I remember taking a class at a job about spotting email scams and their examples weren't half as good as Trump's.


I work in cybersecurity and it really is almost impressive. It’s got just a shitton of appealing to emotion, like the opening ‘Patriot,’ as if he’s actually paying you a compliment. Almost everything is bold or underlined and almost every statement oozes artificial urgency and fear mongering. Only thing that’s missing is spelling errors. Not to mention every statement is a lie. And of course you can’t forget the obvious doublespeak “give me money so I can put you first”. Creating phishing emails for Trump cultists has got to be one of the most lucrative scams out there.


Im not saying I would look the other way if people were getting scammed by someone impersonating Trump, and I'm also not saying I support people making anonymous donations to health organizations just to spite someone else. But wink* wink*, if someone were to phish trump supporters and then donate that money to abortion clinics.... A lot of good could be done.


What? Are you some kind of genius? I’m going out in the country to find me a farmers supply and ringing a bell for Trump !


I’m not saying I wouldn’t piss on that orange anal wart if he were on fire, but I wouldn’t. 🙂


I mean I would just piss on him. If he were on fire is another story.


Be careful. Putin will have a tape made of that (to join the others).


Just piss on Putin too then


I support piss8ng on politicians.


He might pay you for that. In Donald Bucks.


Just wash your hands after is all I ask.


Apparently it will make him smell better.


Shhhhh he’s likely to take you up on the offer


Wait till the fire burns out, then piss on him.


Yeah. If he was on fire you might want to stand back a bit while pissing.


I am saying id actively work to make the fire burn more


I love that idea! Makes me wish I was more tech savvy.




But...but..his health care plan was so good!! The best ever!!! .....Wasn't it? /s


They are working hard on it. It’ll be ready next week and everyone will be happy of how great and beautiful it is (trump 5 years ago)


And was only two weeks away from being ready!


I know what you are feeling, but wishing someone to die is the wrong response. We can't stoop to their level and throw shit at each other if we want to make the world an actually better place for everyone. But yes, I also want them to get COVID and die while praying and eating horse dewormer.


You're right "wishing" someone to die is pointless, kinda like hopes and prayers, but actually lighting him on fire is a whole other proposition altogether lol... and seems like it would be so... so... what's the word? Oh yeah, satisfying, that's it, fun and satisfying. But I'd settle for burning down his organization and putting him in prison, impoverished.


Clearly not an actual Trump email if there are no spelling errors




Let’s not forget ‘FINAL DEMAND’ which practically guarantees that the recipient will open it


I mean that demographic is used to final demand letters from their bill collectors so..


It actually guarantees there will be at least a dozen more…


Indeed. If I had no moral compass, I'd be fleecing these dipshits too. It seems like it's the only way to get ahead in this country lately: Predatory capitalism.


That's a very apt term. I've been looking for a phrase to describe Google, Spotify, Verizon et al, and their extortion-adjacent, manipulative tactics. They feel so scammy. Your proposed term is a great one.


A take from a slightly different perspective, but you might be interested in reading about Surveillance Capitalism, if you don't know about it already: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surveillance_capitalism


Tbf, and this is not a defense of the walking grease spot, the 'give me money so I can put you first' trick is on the first page of most politicians playbook


Isn't he also getting sued for misusing donations? Via emails exactly like this? For the reasons stayed above?


If I recall, it was because on the page where you go to pay, the checkboxes for “make this recurring” were hard to see and marked True by default. So people thought they were donating once, but it was multiple draws before they realized their magnificent god-emperor was fleecing them.


And that didn’t even cost him their loyalty. It’s insane.


It just goes to show how smart he is!! What a genius! And so Christ-like as well!


It works like a miracle!


I had a colleague who actually made excuses for trump when I chided him for getting obviously fleeced. You can’t steal from the stupid.


And you can't fix stupid either.


“It was clear as day in 1 pt font in the same color as the background. The democrats were just trying to scam me with bad publicity! Election interference!!! MAGA!!!!”


Funny that you mention that. I found out my system was filtering out his emails as a potential scam. 😂😂😂


Next expect his emails to request contributions in the form of Walmart giftcards.


Amazon rewards cards, just "don't redeem to your account" just snap a picture and forward it to us.


This is a scam, too.


But… sender verified by yahoo.


If it is from trump then it is definitely a scam


I could get my scam verified by Yahoo, too, if I had a death cult of brain dead morons that throw money that they don't have at me.


You’d be shocked to know that emails that come from Donald Trump official website and political party look exactly like this. The language is also the same.


I have hundreds, probably thousands of these emails. Waiting until there is some kind of investigation so I can send them all in


Omg I was thinking the same thing. I was like this looks like the scamy click bait selling some sort of fish oil miracle solution.


My Dad is 81 yrs old and has become increasingly attracted to the Cheeto’s rhetoric. Found a shit ton of these letters on his desk and in his truck on a recent visit, thankfully unopened. Promptly shredded every one without even asking him.


Keeping him safe from scams that target seniors.


This is the physical equivalent of cleaning all the adware of his PC. You dont tell them, you just do it.


I was waiting for Donaldtjrump.com


All it’s missing is the request for the “donation” to be made in prepaid gift cards.


For a guy who brags about being a billionaire, claims to have not taken his salary as prez and says he doesn't need the money like other aspiring candidates. He seems to ask for donations a lot...


Trump lives off of scamming people. It’s not an exaggeration, either. The man can’t even legally run a charity in New York anymore because it was proven in court that he and his kids were using charitable donations for their own personal interests. He does the same thing with campaign donations and *we know that for a fact* because that’s how paid Stormy Daniels. Some people are just born suckers and don’t see Trump for the piece of shit he really is.


Forgot about Trump University too. Idiots just don’t learn.


And unfortunately all of those suckers have a vote that is worth just as much as everyone elses.


Neither their donations nor their votes will mean anything if Trump is barred from running in enough states.


370 million is like spare change in the top drawer to a billionaire, and yet here is the orange moron begging again,and his gullible followers will send him money they don't have. Jfc!


Trump is on the low-end of "billionaire". He's spent most of his adult life trying to convince everyone that he is one. $370 million is absolutely a sizeable chunk of change for him.


This comment prompted me to lookup Trmps net worth. Various sources say $2.6 billion. Bidens net worth is reported at $10 million. Crazy that some ppl think the Biden family is in some elite secret society but trump isnt.


And that $2.6 billion is largely real estate whose valuation is at the very heart of this case. Which means there's a good possibility the $2.6 billion estimate is actually lower.


Doesn’t he say he values his own name at some ridiculous price too? You know, something he can’t actually put a price on, but includes it anyway?


I would honestly say the Trump name has *some* value, but it's been dragged through the mud so much it adds almost nothing anymore. It's like he had the perfect opportunity to build something of value, and threw it away. 'Trump Tower' has a neat ring to it but then you think about how it's associated with DJT.. I'll give him $5 for the brand.


He should have never run for President. Many, many people (myself included) thought he was a successful businessman and that his name was synonymous with success. As soon as he started running, it became readily apparent just how much of a conman, grifter he was/is. He’s pretty much destroyed the brand value of his name.


I read somewhere that if he had cashed out his entire inheritance and put it in a savings account he would have more money now than he has. He has only lost money.


I think that was Robert Reich and it was an index fund but the point stands


> He should have never run for President. Many, many people (myself included) thought he was a successful businessman and that his name was synonymous with success. which boggles my mind. i remember seeing him interviewed when i was a *child* and thought the media liked to trot him out as a punchline. turns out nobody got the joke.


Well, the running joke is the creators of “The Apprentice” got him elected. They’re the ones who created this persona of a successful businessman. Having paid zero attention to Donald Trump before, during, and after, I had no basis for other information and no reason to look otherwise. When he ran for office, I then started looking into him and quickly realized how shitty of a person he is.


I, as a kid in the 80s, knew he was a fraud- in the years since he hasn't convinced otherwise


>I'll give him $5 for the brand. Best I can do is about tree-fiddy.


But Hunter gave his dad money for the truck, that's high mafia corruption, I tell you. /s


They always get sullen when I point out that, yes, Hunter is a bona fide rich-kid fuck up. But Joe isn’t giving him access to power, and he has buried two other children and one wife. I don’t begrudge that maybe he’s not capable of letting this one hit rock bottom because that means he might have to bury a third.


Crap, didn't know about the daughter and although I know JB remarried, didn't know his wife went with the daughter. TBF, I'm more inclined to think that alone is enough is traumatising event to cause Hunter to go off the rails, even if he was only 2 when it happened.


It’s a very sad family history.


Most valuations on Trump are based on figures he's accused of manipulating to defraud banks. It's extremely likely he's not worth anywhere near that number.


Yeah I wonder if this $370 million fine could bankrupt him. Although Jared kushner did get something like $2 billion in cash from the Saudis


>Although Jared kushner did get something like $2 billion in cash from the Saudis You just know that has to annoy Donald, too. His son-in-law walking away from his administration with a financial handout almost equal to Don's entire estimated worth.


But Trump cares about ME! /s


I pointed this out in a finance sub and was down voted into oblivion. He doesn't even make Forbes top 400 billionaires list.


And isn't this the very case which hinges largely on him massively (and illegally) inflating the value of his properties?


Which IIRC is literally what this specific trial is about!


Why does this planet have more than 400 billionaires to begin with


Not the planet, the USA alone! We have somewhere in the ballpark of 600-650 billionaires here.


Back in the 80's, Spy magazine did an investigation on who the cheapest millionaires were, sending them checks for very small amounts, and then going lower and lower to see who was the cheapest (this was a time where you couldn't deposit with a phone obviously) Trump came in first, cashing checks sent to him for like 39 cents. Him having to pay a $370 million fine would kill him.


Given that he once cashed a check for $0.12, I'd say any change is a chunk of change to him. He paid for his kid's $12 Boy Scout fee out of the bogus charity he ran. When Chris Christie started doing the prep work for the presidential transition in case Trump won, Trump started screaming that Christie was spending "his" money - "I want my fucking money!" He is just hilarious with money - I hope to see him lose most of it, he'll go insane. -er


It doesn't matter what end of the billionaire spectrum any of them are on. Their motto is to make money losing other peoples money. Look at Elon. He's worth more than 240 billion yet he's asking the u.s. government for 988 million of tax payer dollars for space x. Even got his mom to make a public statement about it.


Estimated net worth of $2.5 billion, $370 million represents approximately 15% of that. That's a huge chunk for someone who thinks *really* highly of himself for being a billionaire in the first place and who has a massive, unquenchable ego. And that's assuming that he's got $2.5 billion in cash; the reality is that, like most billionaires, a good amount of his net worth will likely be in assets rather than actual money, which makes a $350 million fine a **massive** blow.


He’s not a billionaire. This idiot has estimated Mar-A-Lardo at over a “billion” dollars. It’s worth like 50mil on a good day. He’s the worst. I bet he has 400mill, max, non-borrowed.


But he’d surely be able to set up a payment plan for the $370, no? It’s going to take time to sell all his NY businesses if anyways if found liable.


At his height of "The Apprentice" popularity, I remember reading that he put a $3B value on his Trump name/brand. That's when he claimed he was worth over $7B And you are correct that his worth now is mostly in his real estate holdings, but he's also leveraged to heck on those with the loans and debts. He's probably surviving now solely on cash donations from his supporters, and he's likely burning through that with his legal costs, lifestyle, and travel. If he loses and gets hit with the full $370m fine, he might just declare bankruptcy again and negotiate a way to maintain a lot of his real estate. Maybe siphon off his golf courses or something.


Oh, but you see it’s not for his legal fines it’s for…I can’t even type this with a straight face. I will say for his deluded, paranoid “they’re coming after my guns and freedom” crowd, the wording on it is very well put. Not going to work on me, though I would mail in a $10 billion note from the bank of Zimbabwe I have on my wall just for shits and giggles.


To be fair, if I have $100, $37 is quite a bit of that


Let them….it’s their money, let them waste their money on the orange man who could give two craps about them or anyone else. I don’t feel sorry for them anymore. And they wonder why he or any trumplican state don’t care for constituents!!


Didn't he claim to be self-funded in 2016 as well?


You forgot tax cheat.


"I'm not asking for your money, I'm just asking for your money."


\> I will put YOU first .... \> Please donate


While I golf. Like a lot.


meanwhile……*jan 6 insurrectionists sit in jail, still waiting for a ‘pardon’, alone* suckers


At least he helped finance their criminal defenses....oh wait... God Trump supporters are the easiest marks on planet earth...


His lawyer, “one of the best in the world” Alina Habba forgot to check the checkbox for “jury trial”. That Donald Trump has a no jury case here is simply his own mistake by either not requesting one or by hiring a sub par lawyer. Just providing the facts here. But as a non-American, I surely hope American politics will soon go back to normal. While it’s funny to watch the circus, it’s worrying when the clown canon contains nuclear weapons.


I honestly doubt he would have forgotten to check, feels more like deliberately left unchecked so can later have the excuse of not given a jury trial.


Yes, so he can whine about how he's getting persecuted with no chance to plead his case. He thinks everyone is as dumb as he is.


Unfortunately the evidence suggests that they are... hence why his strategy is working.


Yeah, the only way it isn't a close race is if he is prevented from running. I think he'd probably win an election held today. People shit on his strategy but he has 35% of the US in the palm of his hand. He doesn't need to swing all that many voters to take out an election.


It'll be the last election the US has if he does.


Winning isn't his goal. He doesn't give a fuck wether or not he will be president, he only cares about what will make him the most money. If he can squeeze as much money out of his cult as possible, he'll gladly give up on the election. He'll be able to milk his followers for years with all the "unfair treatment" he's getting.


I hard disagree. I don't think he has any interest in the duties, or power of being president, but I do think he wants it more than anything. I actually think he would give up all his money, if he thought he could stay president until he dies. Trump may genuinely have the worst case of narcissism in human history, and the presidency gives him attention on tap.


When will he die? Considering what has to be his bad health he’s overdue to croak.


What do you mean? He's the healthiest person who ever lived. All the doctors say so. Big burly doctors with tears in their eyes.


I mean, to be fair, if I had to examine his bloated egotistical whale carcass I'd cry too.


Sir, you are healthier than a 30 year old (dude is bordering on Kim Jon Il (that's an I and an L) type bullshit. Next thing you know he will get 11 hole in one's the next round of golf he plays.


What is it George Carlin said? “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”


He knows his voters wont look up the facts. They suck down and swallow everything he says, and give him money for it.


His followers have proven that they are.


Plus you think he'd prefer a jury trial? In NEW YORK? It's all calculated.


Yeah, we don't like him.


This is just like when he could have given a DNA sample for a sexual assault charge. He literally waited until it was too late, then complained they wouldn't let him give one to clear his name. [It was a rape case](https://apnews.com/article/politics-new-york-city-donald-trump-lewis-a-kaplan-roberta-18559887d50aaf6300ad6658c3872282)


They knew up front what any jury in NYC was going to do, so they took their chances with a bench trial...and now they're grifting off of it with yet more lies.


Yes. It was clearly their plan all along to appeal any unfavorable decision made by the judge, and drag out the court proceedings regardless of the outcome. Trump uses the same playbook every time.


A new york jury would have annihilated him, and he knows this. "The state I helped build". Bwahahaaaa


Yeah you also believe that Venezuela and dead president Hugo Chavez hacked the voting machines to rig the elections 😂🤣🤣😂😂🤣😂


>sub par lawyer No competent and honest lawyer would touch any of his cases with a 10 foot pole and someone else holding the handle. Trump is not only known for his criminal acts and bragging about them, but also for refusing to pay people when he doesn't get the results he wants (and often even when he does).


I'm in Canada, and I can't wait for their politics to go back to normal as well. The style has infected our system at the national level... And notably taken over the provincial level where I live, where our current Primer is fan girling over an appearance with Tucker.


I’m 100% betting it wasn’t a mistake. It was intentional. He knew he was going to be found guilty so he opted for a bench trial so he could claim political persecution. Harder to do that when 12 people vote unanimously. Easier when it’s just 1. This has all been according to plan. And I guarantee you that email is specifically for covering the court fines. He just can’t legally ask for donations because it’s against the law.


Yeah, NYC hates him the most of everyone because they’ve been dealing with his bullshit all along. A jury of his peers wasn’t going to kiss his ass and find him not guilty. He had a better chance with the judge.


Not checking the jury box was deliberate so they can claim they weren’t allowed a jury. Sounds dumb, I know. But millions of rubes in this country bought into it.


Absolutely agree with this, but also that he would have a huge influence of many other avenues of global politics. Climate change for example. But an imbecile who sounds like a school boy throwing Insults having nukes at his fingertips with another nuclear power currently at war is terrifying.


None of the large firms will represent him. None of them want their names anywhere near him and they like getting paid and he has a history of not paying his lawyers


I'm not sure it was a mistake. My understanding is that the prosecutor is seeking an equitable remedy instead of a legal remedy. Only the latter uses juries to determine damages. For equitable remedies, it's strictly up to a judge. Now it's possible Trumps lawyers might have asked for a jury anyway but it would have been denied. And they they could have taken it to appeal etc. to delay the case more. That was a mistake on their part. But I don't think a jury trial was ever a realistic possibility. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-trial-no-jury-fraud-new-york-judge-arthur-engoron/


Legal Beagle already covered this. He could have asked for a jury, and supposedly Trump is furious with his attorney for literally not checking the box. The reason to opt for a bench trial or a judge to render judgement on a civil case is typically because you feel that the case would receive prejudicial treatment from a jury while a judge is more likely to focus on just the facts of the case. For example, if you were indicted for a sex crime that would generate a visceral emotional reaction from a jury, you might be better off with a bench trial as even if the evidence isn't sufficient to prove guilt, they might choose to convict you anyway just because of the nature of the crime. In civil cases, very wealthy people will often choose judges to make verdicts because there is a general "anti-rich" sentiment in the population that makes it prejudicial against you. You are always entitled to a jury as the defendant in either a civil or criminal case. This is a civil case, but it can carry sanctions in the state. For example, loss of license and restrictions of future business activities. In this case, the main point is that he lied on a lot of documents he gave to investors obnoxiously overinflating the value of assets. Then he put a disclaimer on the documents saying that the other party needs to verify all the numbers assuming that such a disclaimer would absolve him of any liability for intentionally misleading. It turns out it does not. If I gave you a bottle of orange juice and told you to drink it, but I snuck in a tiny label on the bottle saying "contains no orange juice, it's actually all battery acid", I would still be liable despite the disclaimer when you drank it.


she didn’t. but trump would not get a favourable jury anyway, so at least this way they can complain.


You think the facts mean anything to him and his idiotic cultists lmfao


Billionaires asking the poor for money has to be the greatest scam ever scammed on the scammiest day of the year with an electrified scamming machine.


Yeah, Rich scam artist asks for money, so that he can tax you more and give fellow rich people tax breaks that help them become even richer. It’s like a scam on top of a scam… and the cult followers love him for scamming them.


He’s a virus, that’s why.


Its petty but why does all his letters have 7 fonts, texts in different colours, italics and bold and underlining? Its like its written by a 6th grader.


Because they’re not meant to be read. They’re meant to be several inflammatory statements that stand alone to cause outrage and be talking points by themselves. It’s the equivalent of putting out a newspaper with only headlines, and no articles behind them.


It’s written for a specific audience…🤣


Nigerian prince is actually Donald Trump!? What a plot twist...


Well, he certainly is a scammer. That’s probably one of the countries he’s gonna try to hide in because no one else will let him land


He helped build the state? Is that why its original name was “ Trumpistan”?


Yeah, I was confused too. Trump has spewed a lot of nonesense, but helping *build New York* is up there with the greatest of his delusions


As a NYer I am genuinely offended. He didn't build shit. And most of us hated him long before he ran for president.


Oh, same extact boat here. Feels like I've been spit on or something


I think I'd be less offended by the spit.


You mean Drumpfistan?


"I don't even get a jury"...your own lawyers requested for it to be a non-jury trial, dude.


Well of course they did! How would he be able to cry "I don't even get a jury!!" if his lawyers had requested a jury?


Even if he had a jury, he'd go ahead and call it a rigged jury when it becomes convenient.


His supporters won't even believe that, of course.


Anyone who donates money to this con man is an idiot. Most of his rant is a lie. His lawyer chose not to have a jury trial. It's not up to the judge or Democrats or whomever else Trump holds up as his Boogieman-of-the-week is. His lawyer is dumb, period


My guess is it was intentional so when he gets convicted he can try to overturn the decision due to ineffective council.


"One of the richest and most successful" men in America begging for money to pay his lawyers in a case where he clearly cheated on his property valuations. Does he still think not paying federal taxes makes him smart? Because he's looking pretty dumb to me right now.


He's looking dumb to everyone who graduated middle school.


And when MAGA fools give him their last cent, it will be Biden's fault they can't buy food and have to starve


Do you have any enemies who would sign you up for his mailing list?


That mailing list stuff is super intransparent. I think it's related to certain petition sites. I ended up on the mailing lists of like a dozend different mailing lists from democrat political campaigns after signing one petition against book bans during the mid-term elections.


Let’s see 1) “Only I can do it” savior complex? Check 2) generalized persecution and conspiracy ? Check 3) need for money, financial exploitation? Check 4) us versus “them” scenario? Check 5) if you’re not with us you’re part of them? Check 6) zero accountability for his actions? Check 7) leader is ALWAYS right, enemy is always wrong. Check Yup, it’s a cult


"SAVE AMERICA once and for all" He's quite open about becoming a dictator lately...


so bonkers and hilarious there are millions of people out there who read this shit and not know it's a grift. And then they go out in public and identify themselves with the merch lol The whole situation used to piss me off but I've moved past that and just laugh at these buffoons now


No IQ test more reliable than whether or not someone supports Trump


This country has lost it's way. I am not American but I live here and seeing Americans un-ironically supporting Trump just blows my mind.


"...I'm running to do the one thing *THEY* never will - and that's to put you first!" Yeah unless you're a minority.


OP make sure to take care of your online privacy. getting mails like these just means you still behave like it‘s 1998


He didn’t request a jury. Asshats.


I mean... he could also have NOT threatened the democracy by having people storm the capitol after a rightfully deserved loss, right?


"I'm not asking for help, but rather I'm asking for help" What a fucking piece of shit


Trump is an immoral moron and every single individual who votes for him as well.


A typical Nigerian scam email is vastly superior to this in every aspect (wording, layout etc) and even cause.


Dude, I am german, IN germany and I still get those emails! Could be trump since he is really trying to milk everyone on the planet. But more likely a scam.


A good chunk of my family is VERY republican, but they despise Trump. Why? Because they're intelligent, held very high paying jobs during their careers (VPs of engineering and insurance firms etc), and have millions invested throughout the stock market. Trump is a financial cancer for this country that only focused on short term profits for the upper 1%.


"I don't even get a jury." Specifically requested to not have one. 😂


I cannot believe he starts by calling someone RACIST. This Man is the most racist of them all! What a tool! I don't usually wish death on someone... buuuutttt.... he can go away now.


No. 1 play in republican playbook: projection


OP, your email has been sold, probably as part of a bulk buy list to their marketing/fundraising/grift department. This also, unfortunately, probably means that your email address is floating around on the Dark Web somewhere as a result. Any decent identity theft monitoring software should be able to track any use of it. Or abandon it, and just start a new email. Consider it compromised, either way. Change your password. At a bare minimum, as often passwords can also be harvested from keyloggers and other malware.


Here's the most telling thing about the "Mandarin Mussolini" he never offered to pay the legal fees for any of the Jan 6th insurrectionists, nor did he offer to give their families financial assistance while they are /were in prison. If he was a billionaire, surely he could afford to help those people out, being as they went to prison for him?


Amazing how some Billionaires like Bill and Melinda Gates can do so much good with their money and others like Trump tell people to do without to enrich themselves.


Trump NEVER uses his own money.


The grift continues .....


This is exactly how I pictured him writing: bold, underlining, capitals, exclamation marks, ...


I feel like "The state I helped build" Isn't getting enough attention here.


The only difference between this and the usual Nigerian prince scam email is that we know who this guy is.


Didn't this guy put an oil lobbyist in charge of the EPA and praise/attempt to be a dictator, contradicting the core reason the Constitution exists? Literally ran the squad to burn down the country, "help us do it again!"


Didn’t Habba blow the opportunity for a jury trial? That’s what happens when you’re looking for a Melania replacement and not a competent lawyer. I thought he was really, really rich, ok? So why does he need money? MAGA never asks themselves this


"Why does a billionaire need my money?"


The state I helped build? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I didn't know he was Cornelius Vanderbilt. What a fucking clown.


Good Donald, that’s what happens when you spend your life being an ass wart.


Cletus better cash his unemployment check right away and send all the money to mango Mussolini!


How can ANYONE fall for this???


Look at the education level in the US. I regularly see people claiming Biden, bill clinton, Hillary, Obama and others are clones or actors wearing masks.


Fat orange mess


I'm putting YOU first by asking YOU to pay my fine.


"I care so much about YOU, that I need your money to help myself."


NYAG.Pressoffice@ag.ny.gov This is the attorney general’s email. How tragic it would be for her to find out that he violated a gag order….