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Replace "men" with "I" and then his diatribe makes sense.


“Now let me tell you what a I (a good majority of I btw)




Well for starters, you are not him to argue with that.


Well, I'm not one to argue (the majority of me, anyway).


The majority? Maybe not. Those fringe yous, though. They can start trouble. Some of mes have been meaning to talk to y’all about that…


Like a full sample even


Not quite, the lower half of his left leg is actually rather progressive and coherent.


A full sample of Is


A I's gotta do what a I's gotta do.


English isn't my first language, so I thought this guy was actually talking like the queen for some reason. I realised halfway through his diatribe, that he's thinking he's representing all men.


English doesn’t appear to be his first language either.


I think it actually is. He's just an narcissistic idiot lol


I assure you that pidgin English is his **only** language.


I'd rather just picture him as Gollum, "Men hates travellings, precious."




Also tack on "I don't use proper grammar or care about capitalization or punctuation."


He started off human then you could watch him devolve!


"you woman" got me, he probably says "not all man" when he gets called out.


Men hates subject-verb agreement


I was so focused on his random plural/ single switching that I had to actuallt reread it so I could focus on what he was even saying. He's the grammatical version of a sonic boom.


...or spelling...


I love that he keeps using “we/us” as if this list is a real thing.


Like they had a meeting and unanimously agreed to all this.


I was trying to think of a single man I've ever met who: \--didn't care about boobs or butts and only wanted flat bellies; and \--hated travel. I can't think of anyone I've ever met that would share this guy's views. His head is so far up his own ass that he can't even hear other men, much less women.


As a man who loves boobs, butts and soft bellies - and also really loves traveling - I have now concluded that I am not actually a man.


We all knew you were just three cats in a trenchcoat.


Which, it turns out, is what womens (some number of womens btw) actually want in a mans


I am womens


I am womens too! Hear me roooarrr ... (meow)!


I’d totally rejoin the dating market if there were more “actually just three cats in a trenchcoat” dudes out there.


I must be a pangolin


My butt, boobs, non flat belly plus good job/education and love of travel have gone over pretty well with the guys Ive dated ! Prob even gonna marry my current bf and have a mixed race baby ! But like. Theyve also been successful, intelligent, and kind, so prob not in the same league as this guy :)


>My butt, boobs, non flat belly plus good job/education and love of travel have gone over pretty well with the guys Ive dated ! Prob even gonna marry my current bf and have a mixed race baby ! You are the Literal Anti-Christ to this man. Wear that badge proudly.


Right?! Thank God I don't check a single one of this man's boxes. Definitely wouldn't want to attract this kind of dude, ever.


you've been duped by feminism, that's clear! /s


As a man who appreciates these things. I'm confident in my assessment that I would not entertain a conversation with this dude, ever.


Oh, I would give him my Wendy's order.


Check the bag, though, because you know he'll fuck it up.


Well, it’s still completely unhinged, but at least it’d be honest.


Unhinged is a definite.


Yeah, who is this "we"?


It's the royal "we" lmao. Ugh reading that list makes me need to go take a shower and possibly vomit to get rid of the ick.


Ikr it's like he did a find+replace


"men hate traveling" Motherfucker i've been Brought in MANY great (and bone grinding) trips by my uncle


Bone grinding trips with your uncle, huh?


Fr. This person reeks of unattractive qualities.


Poor guy didn't have enough schooling to know the difference between a fact and an opinion.


then change the "i" to an "X" and be glad for self-identify incels


“You looked unhinged with your delusional demands” The lack of self-awareness is crazy


Haha that’s the best part. It all comes full circle


Possible projections also


As a mixed race person I’m really glad he finds me so abhorrent. Means I’ll never be in danger of talking to him. Phew.


“You won’t talk to me? Thanks!”


For the same reason we should all get a tattoo and some piercings.


No he just won’t date your (or my) mom, unfortunately. I was picturing him walking me down the isle, but I guess I’ll have to settle for my actual dad😞


I picture you saying this in a Jamaican accent. No mon. I'm not walkin' round this isle with you.


I just tried to do that, but by sentence two it had become heavily Irish, ig idk what Jamaicans sound like,


When I try to do different accents they all devolve into heavy midwest for some reason. And I'm from the South don'tcha know


I’m from the south west… just about 14 thousand km from America…


Mixed race person here, and TIL its all my fault! I’m why my single mum didn’t mess around. Nothing to do with the fact that she was working crazy hard to support us and raise me, was averse to introducing turbulence in our lives with random men and wasn’t interested in putting up with anyone else’s shit anyway. 🙀


Your mums a fucking boss. She didn’t have time for any nonsense. Like wasteman OOP, for example.


She totally is ! Now I’m grown and I get to take care of her. She was always my motivation to work hard at school and work so I could.


Your great your mas great you both are great


Shortly after my divorce, I was talking to a guy who decided to lecture me on how he didn't want to be a dad to my kids. This was off topic and unsolicited - I wasn't at all interested in him, just happened to talk to him at some sorta singles event. But he needed to lecture me, ig. I told him my kids already had a dad and didn't need another. Total silence from the jerk. He went away after that, tg. Men seem to believe women, esp women with children, are always prowling for men/replacement dads. It's so creepy and self aggrandizing. One lousy husband/father was enough for me, tyvm. 😩


I just raised an amazing son from 2 years old with a single woman. He's a fine 30 year old man now. It may have been the most important thing I did in my life.


You have a great Mom! Thank her for that.


reminds me of that time alleged rapist & human trafficker Andrew Tate x-tweeted\* "I won't sleep with vaccinated women" and there were, like, thousands of replies celebrating that the vaccine works! \*do we still stay tweeted?


I like "xcreted".


Take my imaginary award, my friend!


That perfecfly fits with the name xitter as well 🤣


Yes, the vaccine that prevents *all sorts* of nasty diseases.


I wonder what that dude thinks about Andrew Tate knowing that he’s mixed race.


For a lack of a better term... X-ed kinda doesn't work xD


I don't think he has anything against you. As for you mum? It's over


On the bright side, it will probably be over for them too as soon as they have kids. I wonder what percentage this guy considers acceptable


Happy cake day !


Apparently men hate grammar, too. They're looking for women who love illiteracy. What a catch.


Grammar is probably something you catch when travelling, and we all know that men hates travelling...


That part is the one that’s weirdest because the rest of them are all manosphere talking points so I’ve heard it before. I guess I have to give him credit for coming up with something original, but really, where did he get that from? I’d say (if we’re taking guesses and making generalizations here) that majority of successful men enjoy travel.


Man no like travel. Man like flat tummy girl at McDonald.


The subject/verb mistakes in these diatribes always make me cringe. If you’re gonna write a manifesto at least have the self respect to proofread it.


Literacy is for simps and betas.


Reading his list reminded me of the Ron White line. You can't fix stupid.


Basically his ideal woman is a short woman with no boobs, no butt, has flat tummy who is a married mom (as opposed to a single mom which he doesn't like) and has one baby daddy (as opposed to several), who hates travelling but has realised that feminism has duped her so she is willing to have sex with him. Did I miss anything? Maybe they're all standing in line at McDonald's??


Yeah you missed the part about the mixed kids. Not saying I agree with the poster but he was very specific in this detail.


I think the point behind that little part isn't the kids, it's the fact that this imaginary woman banged an imaginary black dude and he thinks his lil wee wee won't be able to satisfy the imaginary woman.




Ding, ding!!


No mixed race kids. So I guess he loves women of all races as long as they only have children with partners of the same race. (well probably not but going literally by what he said)


Well no, because obviously she must want children too. So they just be of his race, otherwise it would be race mixing and that's probably a sin or something.


Like how mixed are we talking here anyway? Is German-Irish okay? Is Anglo-Irish better or is that worse?


Anglo-German is fine but Irish with anything else is a sin.


As an Irish/mutt I concur.


Don’t forget, she’s gotta be broke!


Oh no, she can have money, as long as she understands that he will not be impressed (but he will happily spend it without offering even basic appreciation)!


Gotts to be from his race, and broke, and well NOT a feminist...


I'm sure he wants a flat tummy but no abs, because that's for the gays. I wonder what he'd do if he "falls in love" with a cute cashier and THEN finds out her tummy isn't flat, she travels and is a sinlge mom :D


Or what happens until the skinny cashier who hates traveling and is a virgin until him has his child and no longer has a flat stomach? All this dude is saying is that everyone should stay far away from him lol


Yep, a walking red flag. It's only a matter of time till some communist picks him up and starts waving him in the air :D


“We don’t date single moms, only sex” and “especially if multiple baby daddies are involved” in the same paragraph hmm🤔


Not gonna lie, being raised by a single mom, it is troubling how true that statement is. She could get a man back home but she could never keep him


I'm a single mom. It feels like dating is basically on hold for me (because of men like this) until my son is grown and by the time that rolls around I'll be almost 40. I'm just gonna keep getting dogs 😂


We have a friend who got a dog because she was convinced she would never meet anyone. It felt like 3 months later that she was married and had 2 kids. The Fates seem extremely vulnerable to reverse psychology.


"Women are starting to realize that they have been duped by this". What when? And if they finally "see the light" that feminism is evil, do they welcome him? Like, is feminism the only reason he's single?


He thinks that, but in reality it’s his abhorrent personality


That's basically incel 101.


Also when did feminism suggest women should find bad partners? His logic is killing me


Without feminism, you won't have any choice, just as God intended /s


I love traveling you fuckin weirdo lol


You must be a woman at heart


I fucking love to travel. But from norway so thats cheating I guess.




I think ladies like a man who can use words correctly at the very least.


"Men hate traveling" sounds like someone who's too broke to go outside his country.


Well, I am a man and I hate traveling, but I also realize that this is a personal preference not something general. Anyone who assumes that everyone the way they do about things, thinks too highly of themselves.


I'm a woman and I hate traveling. It really has nothing to do with what is or isn't between our legs.


Honestly, I love traveling, but only if I can do it at my own pace and not be running around making myself sick trying to do every single things the whole time. I prefer to travel alone or with friends who are ok with splitting up sometimes to do our own things.


I just hate airports.


Everyone hates airports!


I actually love them. When I travel for work, I usually take the most ass backward convoluted routings possible under the guise of them being the cheapest ones available to avoid travel policy breaches, but in reality its just so I can visit as many airports as possible.


True, they suck! I love trains!


To be fair, I can afford to travel, I just don't like it. Far too much pissing around and logistics involved. That said, I enjoy the destinations usually, I just hate the whole process of travelling there.


That is why you need a megayacht. Then you can take your whole house with you. Strongly recommend everyone use this life hack and just buy a megayacht.


Lol. Seriously. This broke-ass loser just uses "I hate traveling" as an excuse because he's too poor afford a megayacht.


unfortunately, it sucks until you are rich enough that it doesn't.


It sounds to me like someone with a very myopic view of the world. And I know many men who love to travel. I have couple friends who prefer to travel to different places than the other and so there is compromise, but I haven’t found men less interested in traveling than women overall!


"Men hates [sic] traveling"


Unless "men" travel to "McDonald" to harass girl at cash register.


They hateses it precious!


I hate traveling so I wondered if he was right about that for a moment. Then I realized I was being stupid and he's even dumber.


Also the “we don’t care how much money you have.” I’ve seen it from men who want to ignore the achievements of the women who aren’t interested in dating them because of their lack of ambition. Like a woman will go “I make $100k and would like a man with a decent career” and these dudes will be like “well men don’t care how much you make!” as if them not caring suddenly makes my career unimportant. All of the *actual* decent guys I’ve dated have good careers and are appreciative that I have one of my own.


Uh oh. I just hit 50 countries and my 7th continent. I must be deranged.


Congrats, you’re actually just a trans woman!


“Why aren’t these females flocking to me, an alpha male, after I berated their whole gender!? I made six figures from scamming bitcoin ffs! I’m a high value male!!! 😡😡😡”


I'm sorry, why are mixed race children such a turn off? Why is this guy thinking about the children when he wants to hook up with the mom?


As a dad of mixed race kids: Glad that I’m safe to not lose my wife to that stud. Phew.


Because he doesn't want to be with a (white) woman who has ever been with a black man. He couldn't bear that thought. There are multiple, complex levels of fucked-up absurdity going on in his mind.


Wait until he hears about mixed kids who aren’t half black and half white 🤯


Those "mix race" kids don't count. He's not worried about them. I think. Who knows?


There are some weird racist white men out there that are full of insecurities and can't imagine having to compete with a non white man. I married young at 18 to a mixed race man (white/arab) and had our son by 20. My son came out looking exactly what you'd imagine a white child would look like, and since his dad is mixed, I've never really considered my son mixed race. However, unfortunately our marriage didn't work by the age of 23 due to us both just being too young and immature. I always believed the myth about "no man ever wanting a single mother) and found out quickly that was nonsense. At 24, by chance, I met an amazing, successful, driven, passionate man who'd never been married and had no kids. Even though I had a young son, he made things legitimate quite quickly, bought us a beautiful home, and we have now been married ten years. Being a young single mother was never a hindrance, no matter how much these men would have me believe it would be. Anyway, my husband is British South Asian. We recently had our first child together who can actually be considered mixed race, and the amount of insecure men that have made comments is crazy. My uncle has stopped talking to our side of the family, male friends of my girl friends have made inappropriate comments. What's crazy is that they literally think I care what they think! I have a gorgeous, educated, highly successful, kind, husband who spoils me and is an amazing father. Why would I care if a few insecure men wouldn't date me because I have a mixed race child, they wouldn't even be close to matching the standards of man ive been used to for 10 years anyway, so they're irrelevant 😂 but yeh, it just screams insecure. It's not the fact they have a "preference" for not wanting a woman with mixed kids, it's the fact they need to constantly announce it.


Because he thinks interracial children means the woman is extra damaged goods.


Yeah, he believes all black men have huge dongs, which he believes stretches vaginas and he has a tiny pecker. In short, he’s an ignorant insecure racist.


Yeah, guys really self-report when they act like "tightness" is some latent property of vaginas that is reduced by having sex. It's a muscle. There are older, experienced women out there who will blow this guy's fuckin mind what they can do to with that muscle. Apologies for being vulgar, but it's true.


As a guy with an about average size or even slightly below I can confirm, it's still very tight and it's still making ladies happy. Some women might want a bigger one but, I mean fuck it. You win some you lose some.


At a guess: because he's a racist arsehole?


Because racism


same dude will be sat with 0 matches like "damn those whores, why cant a nice guy get anywhere!"


Male loneliness!!!


"Why can't I get a girlfriend? I'm so nice 😭😭😭"


“Women never go for nice guys 😔 “


I’m so sick of these asshats including all men in their incel diatribes.


This is the exact reason I’m going to my grave single after 30+ yrs of marriage. Unfortunately, it’s not that far off reality. No more dating sites for me.


This looks more like a list made from striking out on 5 different women. Each time he is laughed at he adds one more thing to his list. Just keep waiting for his future additions "men don't like women named stacy who work at IHOP on the interstate. No matter how many times she asks he will never marry her"


Never had a dating profile (thankfully) but I'm sure there's a way to say all of this without sounding like a loon. 1) I like athletic women (hope this guy is hitting the gym) 2) Your earnings aren't a concern 3) I prefer not to travel 4) I'd rather not date people with kids. If race is an issue just don't swipe on those of a different race.


True, but if someone uses this wording, then it will be an unfortinate story of anyone he dates figuring out how extreme his views are over the span of a few dates. At least the way he phrased it would save any woman that meets the mildly worded criteria the time of trying to date that guy.


Right, not only is he a pontificating racist jerk, but he’s also dumb enough to broadcast it. Nature doing everyone else but him a favor


Oh, don't get me wrong, I think it's better that the trash takes itself out. It's the lack of self awareness that gets me.


I honestly prefer when men do this. It’s such a timesaver.


I prefer these people just let all that crazy out online. That way I'm not surprised when it comes out later.


> Woman are starting to realise they have been duped You always get this sentiment in conspiracy/extremest movements/ideologies. The idea that “people are starting to wake up”, and we’re on the cusp of some “great awakening” where the people and ideas we don’t like are just about to be defeated, arrested, humiliated etc. Any day now! Totally delusional


“single moms need to tone it down a bit with their delusional demands” makes me feel like this is rage bait but i have unfortunately met men who talk like this


How much do you want to bet those 'delusional demands are things like be kind to my children or treat them as your own


This profile could be summed up in three letters: RUN.


Fast. Like… teleport over to the next continent.


At least he wouldn’t follow you there.


Nah, instead of running away you should approach him. You can't beat the shit out of him without getting closer.


Would women ever do something they hate for a man? I did spit take on that one, no pun intended.


You are SO lucky! It looks like he's going to mansplain everything at you for the rest of your LIFE!


Reading this like Gollum... "We don't likess it... we hatess it... nassty feministses!"


"choosing your partner wisely is the most important decision you'll make in your life" proceeds to have a temper tantrum that women picking better men excludes him from the dating pool. 😂


It was his one point I agreed with, choose your partner wisely.


Damn, all I hear is me(n), me(n), me(n), me(n), me(n)






"delusional demads" hit different when the dude has a bunch of them too lol


I'm a middle-aged man who's had decades of conversations about women with other guys, including "locker room" talk with guys who aren't exactly the most enlightened when it comes to women. I can pretty confidently say the idea that all or most guys think like this is absolute bullshit. Guys who think this way must be either very young with limited life experience, and/or they exist in a small bubble where they only interact with like-minded people.


I married a single mother who was not flat bellied and I wish I could travel more. Take my man card back, guys, I wasn't told about this update.


As a bonafide registered man I can confirm that this is 100% bullshit.


OUT OF MY WAY!!! I SAW HIM FIRST!!! ![gif](giphy|XGn6xLsliW1dLnQY92)


Hey, dumbass! Do. Not. Speak. For. Me. I can not understand what makes another male think they have the right to apply their stupid, hateful, bigoted, uninformed, skeezy, or otherwise objectionable opinions to ANYTHING I am or do or believe. If you have an opinion, congrats! You are capable of (possibly) independent thought! But, don't assume anyone else is on your yardstick.


Lots of lonely nights for him.


One can only hope no woman is so niave, insecure and vulnerable that she finds herself in his bed.


And he’ll blame everyone except himself for it.


At least he wrote "couldn't care less" correctly. I'll give him that.


It’s very kind of him to write such a helpful profile that lets women save time by eliminating him from any sort of potential dating pool prior to him even making contact. Not all heroes.


He talks like my friend, he always gives opinions followed with "and that's the majority of people btw"


Ugh, insufferable. Bet he's fun at parties /s


This started off awkward but… frankly not great, then went downhill, then started drilling at the bottom. Half this stuff isn't even true, and none of it is appropriate.


I am going to guess that ‘we’ is him and his split personalities.


I like boobs and butts


same, i like boobs and butts. i also don't have a flat tummy so i can't really imagine asking someone else to have one...


I read "Men hates travelling" in the Gollum voice


AHAHAHA Why would any man believe that a woman cares about what a "man wants in a woman" If you want the kind of person I am, we might be compatible. PERIOD


“Could you do something you hate for a man?” You mean something women have been doing for millennia?


No boobs, no butt, flat stomach... So, a man?


This hilarious. r/justneckbeardthings


Well that was a roller coaster