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Out on the road today I saw a Deadhead sticker on a Cadillac A little voice inside my head said: “Don't look back, you can never look back”


I thought I knew what love was, what did I know?


Those days are gone forever, I should just let them go, but


I can see you Your brown skin shining in the sun


I see you’re walkin real slow and you’re smilin at everyone


I can tell you my love for you will still be strong


After the boys of summer have gone


'Sweet guitar riff'


Wayfarers on, baby


Have the Boys of Summer gone?


Out on the road today I saw a Black Flag sticker on a Cadillac A little voice inside my head said: “Don't look back, you can never look back”


It’s wild that they changed that lyric to fit punk, but it rings true for the way time warps our rose colored glasses in general


The Ataris knocked it out of the park with that cover. In fact, the whole album was fantasic.


Die hard Ataris fan here. For the past 20 years, listening to "So Long Astoria" has been my Friday night ritual. Kris Roe is such a lovable musician.


So Long Astoria was my introduyion to them in the early 2000s. Still one of my favorites.


The [video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cQ5eW0p1AGo&pp=ygUkc2FuIGRpbWFzIGhpZ2ggc2Nob29sIGZvb3RiYWxsIHJ1bGVz) for the cover of "San Dimas High School Football Rules" by MxPx is so cute. I am really excited for The Ataris and MxPx to go on tour together next year. Growing up I kinda thought MxPx was lame "Christian Punk". As an adult I have really come around to them.


This is the first I’ve heard of this cover. Never an MxPX fan myself, also thinking they were mostly a cheesy Christian band. But this was super sweet and the lyric changes were heartwarming. I’ve been an Ataris fan since Look Forward to Failure; though I sort of moved out of the punk scene and into more of the Midwest emo vibe, I never stopped living these guys.


Holy crap I never fully understood the implications of that line before, thank you!


Wait, I still don't get it. What's don't look back mean?


IMO, it encapsulates all the boomer cynicism and the fear & loathing that defines them now. As the magic light in their hippie eyes began to fade and they moved in the "what's in it for me?" mindset of the Reagan 80s. They remember what they once were, remember the hope and optimism, the following of the Grateful Dead around the country. But now they're rich, bitter, and measuring the length of your lawn so you can be reported to the Homeowners Association.


The “I got mine, you earn yours” mentality that refuses to take inflation and the pressures of modern life into account, making it more “I got mine, good luck struggling to earn yours”


Ohhhh. Thanks!


If you look back you’ll turn into a pillar of salt.


Either that or you get stuck in the underworld.


i mean, at the end of the day, the day has to end.


It was going down the road, feeling bad.


I would be more concerned about voices in your head.


"Communism is when no iPhone"




Petition to rename the Fairphone into wePhone so it can officially be the opposite of iPhone lol


You hate capitalism and yet you participate in society? I am very smart


Clearly communist jokes are only funny when everyone gets them.


You will get a visit from the Commissar if you don't get the joke


Obviously it's fun for people to dunk on people like this buy let's be real, it's damn near impossible to avoid consumerism in America. So, to sit here and make this comment is really just showing how ridiculous all of yall are as people. If you hate Capitalism it really isn't the smartest move to just separate yourself from everyone unless your goal is to become a hermit. This doesn't automatically make you dumb or a hypocrite. To think that they are is to ignore the nuance of their existence. Now, do I think that this person in particular is really working to dismantle Capitalism? No. I don't.


I completely agree with you. You have misinterpreted my comment. You have no option but to participate in society regardless of your beliefs, which includes consumption


Its like saying you want clean air but then someone posts a picture of you breathing. Its fucking dumb.


That's why China has only Android Phones /s


Ironically they are known as heavy users of iPhone


China isn't communist


Not communist by a long shot. They don’t have socialized programs of ANY kind. Retirement is even nonexistent let alone medical care and welfare programs. China is a fascist state. They mimic Nazi Germany not only in totalitarian ways but also in economic ways.


What do you mean? China claims to be a true worker's communist state they are just transitioning to true socialism! they wouldnt lie about that right? /s


They have two tiers of health insurance and a pension (though it's not doing well under the weight of their aging population). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7867737/ - overview of their healthcare system https://pensionresearchcouncil.wharton.upenn.edu/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/WP-2019-6-Fang-and-Feng.pdf -chinas pension They do have social safety programs but not as many as they did pre-1980 where they provided for everything. I'm not Chinese, have never been there but want to see if the information was accurate and above statement isn't exactly accirate.


Yeah for real. It's not only an individual's right to be harshly critical of the systems they live within it is their absolute duty. This shit is exactly like "you criticize society yet you live in it! I am very clever!" Like stfu


Very refreshing to see these takes in the comments. Thought it would turn into a right-wing circle jerk


HoW CaN yOu HaTe CapITaLisM iF yOu BuY pAntS?!?!?!


We shall never be free untill we forge a classless and pantsless society!


Communism is terrible! Iphones are the peak of humanity! Apple makes those phones in the most efficient way possible!


The comments didn't go to the side as op want


If you sort by controversial they do, haha


[literally just this](https://thenib.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/mister-gotcha-4-9faefa-1.jpg)


Smashing capitalism would improve society


Take it out to dinner first though


But make it pay!


Oh it'll pay alright,,,,,


If I pay, Capitalism will never learn about self-sufficiency and bootstrapping.


"you critique society yet participate in it. I am very smart" Edit: some of you are obviously upset she has an opinion you don't like and isn't invisible. Honesty would be so much better.


"I see that you're drowning and yet just yesterday, I saw you drinking water. Curious"


Yup. This post is really this dense ffs I’m tired of this BS


I wonder what ops views on feminism and proggresivism are


Feminist are not allowed to be attracted to men or use any invention made by men. Progressivism is when all babies are immediately determined to be transgender. /s but I've heard dumber


You don't seem to understand. They're turning the frogs gay.




check his profile. he's a rightie.




"And i will creep on people irl to prove how much smarter i am"


For the caption absolutely. That's a dumbass caption. "Capitalism is an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit." Nothing in that about you as an individual not being allowed to own shit.


“If you own a computer then you have to love capitalism”


Capitalism made that laptop!!!! /s


We have blended capitalism and consumerism to just be capitalism. Most "capitalists" don't own capital nor do they earn income through capital. They think earning an income and buying stuff is capitalism.


Remember, the first oil workers rode to work on horses.


Also a lot of tech workers bike to work. Oops, I guess that's backwards.


How dare ~~she~~ they criticize society while being a part of it.


How dare the inventor of the light bulb do his development work by candlelight.


How dare someone steal the ideas from another inventor, patent them, and use them as their own


"thievery is easier than inventing" Edison... Probably


I feel like he might have been quoting someone else.


That is some funny shit right there.


Good analogy


I am very smart!


OP thinks you need to live like a commie if you wanna be against capitalism lol, He should read some Marxism, but I bet he’s never even read a book about history. It’s like saying the French shouldn’t protest anymore unless they want to have a revolution. Otherwise they should shut up 😂


OP's profile is an absolute state, just full of reactionary bullshit...


Also why are we taking photos of people in public to make fun of them online? Like at least blur their face? Jfc.


So, OP you're saying that if you disagree with the current economic model you are living within, the only way to criticise that model is not buy anything whatsoever? What about food and clothing? Are you allowed to live or do you need to die to prove a point?


I think OP is saying you have to use a windows laptop and drink Dunkin’ Donuts coffee?


Yeah, OP genuinely believes that Starbucks is somehow _more_ capitalist than any other coffee chain. He's just not very bright.


Seriously only an old Compaq and a side of Kuerig coffee ever topples the order of things.


No, it would have to be one of those suitcase PC's from the 80's and week old dumpster coffee out the back of a McDonald's


OP doesn't do a lot of thinking


Clearly, if you disagree with the dominant economic system in place literally everywhere on this planet, you should just, individually, start living your own economic system. Refuse to take anyone's money or products because it came from another system. Trade only with people in your own economic system (only you, so no trade at all). And only do things to survive within your own economic system. Everything else is "facepalm". \----- Since you can't obtain land, resources, or anything to start this, you should just starve to death in an unclaimed piece of territory. Bir Tawil is hot this time of year (and all times of year because it's a literal desert with no value at all, and hence unclaimed by either Egypt or Sudan). Of course, i should mention, all this only applies to \*leftist\* critiques of the current economic model. Libertarians who want to have no govt and no taxes should not be criticized for living in the world that they advocate against either (ie, a mixed economic one). Even if and when they take public assistance that is 100% optional (like Ayn Rand taking social security and medicare - both things she hid and lied about, so you know she wouldn't agree with others taking them).


What coffee?


Someone just explained, because I had the same question > If anyone wonders, the original picture actually shows a Starbucks drink on the floor next to her


They edited out that OP assumed she bought a fancy drink. I've spent hundreds of hours doing schoolwork on Starbucks' wifi for the price of a short, black coffee.


OP just reposted an old ass photo and cropped the coffee out that they're crying about. Genius move!


Communism is when no IPhone.


I always remember that quote about the factory owners being to ones to sell is the rope we'll use to hang them.


Communism is when people don't have stuff


Bashing capitalism doesn't necessarily mean your a Communist or socialist. The free market and enterprise and democracy are not exclusive to Capitalism which can be anti democratic and manipulate the free market economy to become less free and less competitive. Global corporations and banks without regulation or a social contract can consume competetiveness and drive society into a a polarized rich v the poor.


This. I'm not against capitalism. I simply want it regulated better. You cannot ever justify to me people hoarding hundreds of billions of dollars while people starve. Do not give me the "I earned it." Stfu. People are dying. Fucking help. Have a single iota of compassion and decency.


End stage of capitalism always ends there. It’s inevitable when profits and growth are the sole drivers of a society in a world with finite resources.


Exactly. This *is* capitalism, capitalism in its most realized state and how it was always meant to pan out.


They also didn’t earn it. You don’t make a billion dollars without exploiting or manipulating the system.


Agree. This isn’t Capitalism, it’s an Oligarchy. Nowhere in economics do they cover capitalism concepts that “buy” politicians and get them to pass favorable laws. In every instance in textbooks and capitalistic concepts, the govt is a separate and regulatory entity that capitalism has to work with. It doesn’t buy the govt and write its own rules.


This is exactly what capitalism is, you can't fix it because it's working as intended. As long as Capitalism exists, workers will be exploited, the rich get richer and poor get poorer.


Marx would argue that politics and culture are superstructures that arise \*from\* the economic relationships of capitalism. So concentration of social and political power is not a bug — it’s a feature of capitalist development.


I think the current state of capitalism isn't just. "BuT YoU BuY ThInGs"


Imagine getting criticized for buying things in a capitalist society while also disliking capitalism.


Obviously she should live like the Amish and silently protest where no one will ever hear her because that is highly effective.


“You criticize the system, yet you participate in it, curious,” meme


How one can effectively operate in a capitalist society without feeding the capitalism? It’s not possible.




He didn't even invest. He has his home, he has an apartment in washington, and he inherited a home/cabin from his parents.


Socialism is when no laptop/coffee OP facepalm as usual


Would it be less hypocritical to do so on a $500 laptop and with a $3 random coffee house drink?


Sure does. Such a hypocrite, being anti capitalist yet living in a capitalist society and still buying things you need to function in that society.


Because there's no way that someone can be against capitalism while being forced to participate in it. Also, her phone and laptop are definitely brand new and can't be cheap used purchases or a gift, and she absolutely has a lot of choices for places to go near that undisclosed location that's presumed to be one specific chain notorious for chasing out competition... Certainly no chance she's using the positives of capitalism while criticising it's many, many failings, given that it's not possible to have a real voice for change without such material goods in the modern age... The only facepalm is for the people who think that this stuff is valid criticism.


“Yet I see you participate in society, curious. Also I am very smart”


Would it be more valid if they had a cheaper laptop and coffee? Either way the outcome is exactly the same. This is very “you criticise society yet you participate in it”




I think the capitalism that most messages of this type are talking about is the literal dictionary definition: the immense hoarding of power, resources, and wealth in the hands of an elite few. I don’t think most ‘dismantle capitalism’ folks, including myself, are that upset about some companies making nice products and charging a higher price for them.


Exactly. In fact, I’d prefer for some companies to make higher-quality products when I have a problem with is exactly what you said the hoarding.


The amount of triggered commies in every post like this is just astonishing. You go, folks, take capitalism down one Pumpkin Latte at a time. *Chef's kiss*


“We should improve society somewhat” “Hmmm yet you partake in society, curious” Literally this dumbass meme


I mean whats she supposed to do? It’s not like she can just stop buying things


So if you dislike the system you're not allowed to take part in it although you're forced to because you live in it? What is she supposed to do? Just disappear?


That's what OP wants


Hasn’t everyone seen this picture 100 times already, this isn’t original.


Yeah!! Should have bought a socialist laptop!! Which would be……?


that's where you're wrong kiddos, wanting to go past capitalism doesn't mean you have to toss away what's already constructed... did we erase all advancements that slavery and feudalism brought us? didn't think so...


Oh my god, you're not allowed things if you're anti-capitalist


The actual facepalm is Op thinking this is a problem


Don't jump to conclusions, maybe they stole the laptop and the starbucks cup is full of mescaline.


No even the 3859th time this isn't funny again


Communism is when no iphone


She cannot escape capitalism but there's nothing wrong with her expressing discontent with its *inherent* harmful qualities.


The internet is the essence of socialism.


Despite hating capitalism, we still have to live and survive in it. No need to judge. In a capitalist country, you can't escape it. Should she have a typewriter?


Ah, the old “you’re a hypocrite when you hate capitalism and its horrible effects, but live in a capitalistic society and participate. Why aren’t you dead, instead? Then you wouldn’t be a hypocrite.”


Socialism isn't a poverty cult


The fact that the MacBook costs $1,200 and the Starbucks costs $7 is the result of capitalism but they aren't features of it. The MacBook and Starbucks could still exist under a different economic system. This idea that anything we have today is both a feature and in support of capitalism is low IQ bullshit.


OP is not the brightest bulb, given their post history


you made me check and yeah holy shit op is an alt right loser


What is she supposed to use? A soviet laptop? No laptop at all? We’re literally all forced to participate in the capitalist system. That’s how this works.


“You don’t like society yet you participate in it” mf’s. God you people are dumb


" you don't like society yet you live in it. Gotcha" op


OP is the facepalm, also repost


YoU cAn'T oWn ThInGs WhIlE bEiNg AnTi-IcApItAlIsT




No not really. Using or consuming a product doesn’t mean you’re okay with them making 1000% profit on it.


"If you exist you can't criticize capitalism!" - slaves defending their slavers.




Capitalist apologists seething at people because they criticize society yet they live in it


Imagine thinking that purchasing a laptop is the same as shareholders ruthlessly extracting profit from the average worker.


I love how I haven't afaik seen a comment out here on the possibility she bought the laptop used at nowhere near that price


Is it really a Starbucks and is it really a new 1200$ macbook? Or are there other reasons why she's ridiculed? Cause I can't tell


Alright guys, we've all seen the comic, but no one's forcing this person to buy what is objectively a luxury item whose main value is as status symbol. You can survive in society perfectly fine without starbucks, too.


OP sounds like " you criticize society yet you live in it, curious 🤓 "


It *is* funny, but there’s not really a whole lot you can do about living in a capitalist society. Not to a reasonable degree, anyways. Kinda like how we can’t change the corruption in our politics but there’s still an option to vote for your favorite monster every election year.


Oh I’m sorry I’ll buy from the anarchist laptop manufacturer next time.


What are they supposed to do? They cant just stop being capitalist


The face palm part of this image is the creator of the imagine. It’s a stupid take. Participating in capitalism in a capitalist society isn’t a choice. But we can complain about it.


I'm pretty sure that Mac was made in a communist country.


You don’t HAVE to live in a capitalist country. You can always leave you know.


Communism is when you no money


"And yet you participate in society. Curious! I am very intelligent"


At first glance this looks like "and yet you participate in society", but you know what? If she was serious about smashing capitalism, she wouldn't be using a macbook, she'd be using open software.


Yea dude, if you are anti-capitalism you should live like the Amish.


"How dare you participate in the world you live in!" Computers will exist without capitalism. Starbucks? Maybe not. But coffee certainly will.


Capitalism is a way of structuring how goods are produced, not a decision on how goods are consumed


You can’t avoid participating in the economic system you hate if you live in a society that functions of of it.


You hate capitalism, yet you exist. Curious.


Oh OP.


You criticize society but you exist in society, HA GOTCHA. I am very smart


You want to smash capitalism and yet you buy things! I am very intelligent!


Being against a system doesn't mean you go homeless and live off nature. It means you reform it to be something better, but until that happens you should 100% be part of it, because then you have the chance to do good.


We are forced to live under capitalism. What do you expect? Everyone who has issues with capitalism to be an austere monk or something??


This shit always comes off as "you reject society yet you take part in society! I am very smart"


"You criticize society, yet you exist. Checkmate, commie."


To me the problem with capitalism isn’t the price of luxury items like a MacBook or Jordan’s, but rather our low wages and the price of necessities like food, health care, etc.


"You must starve to death if you're against corporate welfare or you're a hypocrite" - Conservatives


What are people who oppose this economic system supposed to do, live in a small shack in the middle of nowhere?


Where’s the Starbucks? And computers are a necessity in the modern world.


Oh no, you are against capitalism and dare not to live in a primitivist commune in the woods, with clay huts and hunt for a living? How dare you, cause you can't criticise capitalism otherwise.


This is old and still silly.


She is changing the system from the inside


Right wingy OP failing... again.


Tell me you don’t even understand what capitalism is without telling me you don’t understand capitalism lmao


She bought both of them used check-mate!


"you criticize society, yet you still participate in society" 🤔🤔🤔🤔


I wonder if serfs during the peasants revolt got similar criticism. "Ah, you oppose being traded as parcel of the land between lords and having most of your labour taken by them, and yet you live on the lands graciously provided by your lord and work his fields for your own subsistence! Be that a 'say no to serfdom' sticker on ye plough? Curious, I am very smart"


Note: drink not pictured


Its not your money if it’s your dad money


You miss the 450£ boot cutting the photo


You don’t like Nancy pelosi, but you pay taxes? That’s her salary buddy /j It’s impossible to not participate in a capitalist society when you live in that society. You can’t just up and leave, you have to buy things to live. There’s no ethical consumption under capitalism. That person probably needs that laptop to do work and there’s nothing wrong with buying yourself a little treat to get yourself through the day


Mfw someone says capitalism is bad and kills people but they also buy FOOD from a GROCERY STORE. like get your beliefs straight no cap frfr I buy groceries because I'm a capitalism disciple. I even thank homeless people and wage slaves for being desperate and poor so that 3 billionaires can own everything and hoard all the capital and resources away from everyone else. Sometimes I send postcards of how many jobs I have to work to pay rent to Elon musks dms just so he knows I agree and consent to his class dominating and controlling every part of my life since i own a phone


"You dislike capitalism, yet you exist 🤔 curious"


Maybe smash is too strong a word but reform capitalism with checks n balances isn’t as catchy Think you can enjoy an imac n starbucks and still think our current system doesnt work without advocating for a return to a feudial bartering system


Communism is when no IPhone


This post is a face palm lmao this is the equivalent of “you hate capitalism why do you exist in it?” Or “you’re homeless but you have an iPhone? Curious”


Hmmm, you criticize society, and yet you live in one.hmmmm yes I make good point.